1,545 Liberman Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 1,545 Liberman Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Rados1.9zyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

American Joint Distribution Committee Archives; see details (and search for other surnames) at https://search.archives.jdc.org/search.asp [H]

-Sort-TownPersonSurname(s) from previous column
10481ZarkiRoza LibermanLIBERMAN

Belgium: List of persons deported from Malines [Melechen, Belgium], 20 Jun 1945 - 12 Jul 1945, repatriated on 13 Jul 1945; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-Complete original page headingPage numberPersonSurname from previous columnConvoyPlace and date of birthNationalityCurrent addressNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10003Aide aux Israélites victimes de la guerre; État nominatif des personnes déportées par Malines [Melechen, Belgium] (20.6.1945 - 12.7.1945) repatriées à la date du 13 juillet 19455Abraham LibermanLIBERMANXXV13 Jan 1904, Rodomsk / Radomskoapatr. [apatride / stateless]105 av. de la ReineRadomsko added because it seems more likely
10045Aide aux Israélites victimes de la guerre; État nominatif des personnes déportées par Malines [Melechen, Belgium] (20.6.1945 - 12.7.1945) repatriées à la date du 13 juillet 19455David LiebermannLIEBERMANNXIV16 Jan 12, Sosnovice [Sosnowice]Poland105 rue d'Ostende  

Białystok: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Białystok Voivodship; Register of employees working in the Jewish Committee, together with families, in Białystok (50 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Birth yearCurrent address
10022Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00064.JPG22IzraelLIBERMAN1900Krakowska 19

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Bodzentyn in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 173-185 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Bodzentynie za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489

-Sort-PageSerial numberName of payer [Nazwisko i imię płatnika]Surname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Contribution for 1939 [Składka na rok 1939]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10123179119Mordka LibermanLIBERMANSuchedniów5.00 

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Bodzentyn in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 189-201 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Bodzentynie za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489

-Sort-PageSerial numberName of payer [Nazwisko i imię płatnika]Surname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Contribution for 1939 [Składka na rok 1939]Comments [Uwagi]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10123195119Mordka LibermanLIBERMANSuchedniów5.00  

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to the Jewish community in Bodzentyn for 1939, syg 3374, pages 174-185; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]ResidenceContribution for 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1012321_100_0_6.3_3374_183_61122893.jpg179119Mordka LibermanLIBERMANSuchedniów5.00   

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to the Jewish community in Bodzentyn for the year 1939, syg 3374, pages 189-201 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]ResidenceContribution for 1939Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1012321_100_0_6.3_3374_199_6122911.jpg195119Mordka LibermanLIBERMANSuchedniów5.00 

Buchenwald Totenbuch (Buchenwald Death Book); http://totenbuch.buchenwald.de/recherche/ [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birth [Geburtsdatum]Date of death [Todesdatum]Place of death [Sterbeort]
10161MoszekLIEBERMANN25 Dec 1895 in Radomsko, Poland18 Feb 1945Buchenwald

Bydgoszcz: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Voivodship Jewish Committee/Board in Bydgoszcz (101 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurnameAgeParents' given namesCurrent address
10073Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00075.JPGWykaz Chorych i Niezdolnych do Pracy36RajzlaLIBERMAN43 yearsTeof, Magdz. 4

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
11283Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LFajga LefermanLEFERMAN1 Jan 1943555 
11329Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMaria LibermanLIBERMANLipa p. BolechowPoland66 
11330Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMusia LibermanLIBERMAN19 May 1936LipcePoland439 
11331Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMusia LibermanLIBERMAN1 Jan 19371556 
11343Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMusia LiebermanLIEBERMANLipa /Bolechow/Poland730 
11344Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMusia LiebermanLIEBERMAN1 Jan 19381041 

Częstochowa 1947 Yizkor Book, pages 117-132: U.S. soldiers born in Częstochowa (or parents born in Częstochowa) who fought in WWII for the U.S. (178 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Year (of birth?)Page
10099Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eHyman LiebermanLIEBERMAN125 [CXXV]
10100Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eAbraham LiebermanLIEBERMAN125 [CXXV]
10101Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eDave LiebermanLIEBERMAN125 [CXXV]

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
10116456309Szmul HerszlikAJLENBERGLewek & Estera HercHERC15 Aug 1825, CzestochowaShoemakerAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
10117456309Itta WiktoriaLIBERMANAJLENBERGHerszlik & Rywka BlaumanBLAUMAN-- --- 1855, ----AJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
10118456309BlimaAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN17 Sep 1873, CzestochowaAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
10119456309MachaAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN23 Jun 1875, CzestochowaAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
10120456309Hercko LewekAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN30 Dec 1886, CzestochowaAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
10121456309MosiekAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN21 Nov 1888, CzestochowaAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
1039097860LewekBURSZTYNJankiel & Chaja RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN21 Jul 1866, CzestochowaMerchantBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
1039297860Josef MordkaBURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN9 May 1895, CzestochowaBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
1039397860JonasBURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN24 Aug 1898, CzestochowaBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
1039497860ChajaBURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN28 May 1906, CzestochowaBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
10488357098SzmulBIRNHOLCIcek Mendel & Dwojra ZylbergoldZYLBERGOLD7 Sep 1872, LelowMerchantBIRNHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
10490357098Chaja SuraBIRNHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA6 Dec 1896, CzestochowaBIRNHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
10491357098ChanaBIRNHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA7 Aug 1899, CzestochowaBIRNHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
10492357098DawidBIRNHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA9 Sep 1902, CzestochowaBIRNHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
10493357098AronBIRNHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA4 Feb 1905, CzestochowaBIRNHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
110345275044Simeon----LIBERMANMendel Fajbus & Sura Perla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ16 Jul 1894, LeczycaMerchantDAWIDOWICZ, FREJMAN, LIBERMAN
110355275044Janina----LIBERMANMieczyslaw Mendel Fajwel & Sura Perla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ23 Jan 1896, KutnoMarried with Chemia Frejman; CatholicFREJMANDAWIDOWICZ, FREJMAN, LIBERMAN
110365275044Mina----LIBERMANMieczyslaw Mendel Fajwel & Sura Perla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ5 Dec 1897, KutnoWorkerDAWIDOWICZ, FREJMAN, LIBERMAN
12104697860Lewek----BURSZTYNJankiel & Chaja RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN21 Jul 1866, CzestochowaMerchantBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
12105697860FrymetaEBERSMANBURSZTYNJosel & Ruda LibermanLIBERMAN28 Oct 1874, CzestochowaWith husbandBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
12106697860Jozef Mordka----BURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN9 May 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
12107697860Janas----BURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN24 Aug 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
12108697860Chaja----BURSZTYNLewek & Frymeta EbersmanEBERSMAN28 May 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, EBERSMAN, LIBERMAN, RYBSZTAJN
122448169468Mosek Josek----WROBLEWSKIAbram & Gitla GoldsztejnGOLDSZTEJN4 Jul 1864, OpocznoTraderFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122458169468LipcjaFISZMANWROBLEWSKIDawid & Laja LibermanLIBERMAN-- --- 1865, CzestochowaWith husbandFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122468169468Michal----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN29 Jan 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122478169468Abram----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN16 Oct 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122488169468Majer Hersz----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN30 Jan 1893, RadomskoWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122498169468Kajla----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN22 Aug 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122508169468Lajzer----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN12 Apr 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122518169468Lewek----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN2 Apr 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122528169468Szmul----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN23 Aug 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
122538169468Rywa Laja----WROBLEWSKIMosek Icyk & Lipcja FiszmanFISZMAN17 May 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GOLDSZTEJN, LIBERMAN, WROBLEWSKI
125279290683Fiszel----WINDHAJMMajer & Laja GranekGRANEK-- --- 1865, CzestochowaMerchantEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
125289290683HenkaEBERMANWINDHAJMJozef & Roda LibermanLIBERMAN26 Dec 1871, CzestochowaWith husbandEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
125299290683Icyk----WINDHAJMFiszel & Henka EbermanEBERMAN25 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
1321810357098Szmul----BIRENHOLCIcek Mendel & Dwojra ZylbergoldZYLBERGOLD7 Sep 1872, LelowMerchantBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1321910357098KendlaWARSZAWSKABIRENHOLCAbram Icek & Estera LibermanLIBERMAN11 Feb 1870, KoniecpolWith husbandBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1322010357098Chaja Sura----BIRENHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA6 Dec 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1322110357098Chana----BIRENHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA7 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1322210357098Dawid----BIRENHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA9 Sep 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1322310357098Aron----BIRENHOLCSzmul & Kendla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA4 Feb 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRENHOLC, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKA, ZYLBERGOLD
1402911703112NaftuliDERESSzymon Jozef & Chana WajskopWAJSKOP19 Sep 1894, Czestochowa----DERES, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, WAJSKOP
1403011703112Estera IttaLIBERMANDERESIzrael Dawid & Alta LaskowskaLASKOWSKA13 Mar 1894, KruszynaWith husbandDERES, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, WAJSKOP
1403111703112Izrael DawidDERESNaftuli & Estera Itta LibermanLIBERMAN13 Dec 1922, CzestochowaWith parentsDERES, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, WAJSKOP
15266132293143Jozef----KREMSKINatan & Cypra RotnerROTNER1 Jun 1876, CzestochowaWatchmakerEBERSMAN, KREMSKI, LIBERMAN, ROTNER
15267132293143ItaEBERSMANKREMSKIJozef & Ruda LibermanLIBERMAN25 Jan 1877, CzestochowaWith husbandEBERSMAN, KREMSKI, LIBERMAN, ROTNER
15268132293143Mordka----KREMSKIJozef & Etta EbersmanEBERSMAN30 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KREMSKI, LIBERMAN, ROTNER
15269132293143Helena----KREMSKIJozef & Etta EbersmanEBERSMAN30 Jan 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KREMSKI, LIBERMAN, ROTNER
15270132293143Jakub----KREMSKIJozef & Etta EbersmanEBERSMAN20 Oct 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KREMSKI, LIBERMAN, ROTNER
15493132593147Chaim----HELFGOTZelek & Chana ---------- --- 1862, KamykMerchantGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15494132593147Pesla RuchlaLIBERMANHELFGOTAbram Icyk & Hana GotlibGOTLIB16 May 1871, PrzyrowWith husbandGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15495132593147Jakub Dawid----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN31 Dec 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15496132593147Fajgla----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN9 May 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15497132593147Szmul Zelik----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN20 Dec 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15498132593147Chawula----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN-- Sep 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15499132593147Sura----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN26 May 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15500132593147Dwojra----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN-- Jan 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15501132593147ChajaHELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN13 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15502132593147Itta Rajzla----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN27 Feb 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15503132593147Malka Maria----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN19 Nov 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsGOTLIB, HELFGOT, LIBERMAN
15504132595147Jakub Dawid----HELFGOTChaim & Pessa Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN31 Dec 1893, Czestochowa----HELFGOT, JANKIELEWICZ, KONARSKA, LIBERMAN
15505132595147EsteraKONARSKAHELFGOTAron Beer & Ajdla JankielewiczJANKIELEWICZ3 Mar 1900, PlawnoWith husbandHELFGOT, JANKIELEWICZ, KONARSKA, LIBERMAN
15970162107173Symcha DawidKONSENSIcek Majer & Poria JoskowiczJOSKOWICZ-- --- 1891, DzialoszynMerchantJOSKOWICZ, KONSENS, LIBERMAN
15971162107173ElkaLIBERMANKONSENSMordka Dawid & ---- JoskowiczJOSKOWICZ20 Jul 1892, ----With husbandJOSKOWICZ, KONSENS, LIBERMAN
16247172439175Pinkus SzulemBRONIATOWSKIJakub & Chaja RussRUSS13 Jul 1872, Czestochowa----BRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16248172439175FrymetaLIBERMANBRONIATOWSKIMendel & Hana ZilbersztajnZILBERSZTAJN22 Nov 1884, CzestochowaWith husbandBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16249172439175LudomirBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN4 Jun 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16250172439175HelenaBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN14 Apr 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16251172439175JadwigaBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN8 Mar 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16252172439175Artur MieczyslawBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN5 Apr 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16253172439175IrenaBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN26 Sep 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16254172439175BronislawaBRONIATOWSKIPinkus Szulem & Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN26 Sep 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKI, LIBERMAN, RUSS, ZILBERSZTAJN
16694172916181Chaim WolfDZIALOSZYNSKILajzer & Nacha GlikiermanGLIKIERMAN6 Dec 1854, CzestochowaTraderDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16695172916181MachlaFISZMANDZIALOSZYNSKIDawid & Rywka LibermanLIBERMAN-- --- 1854, CzestochowaWith husbandDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16696172916181HerszlikDZIALOSZYNSKIChaim Wolf & Machla FiszmanFISZMAN22 Apr 1887, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16697172916181KalmaDZIALOSZYNSKIChaim Wolf & Machla FiszmanFISZMAN31 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16698172916181ChanaDZIALOSZYNSKIChaim Wolf & Machla FiszmanFISZMAN14 Jan 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16699172916181RuchlaDZIALOSZYNSKIChaim Wolf & Machla FiszmanFISZMAN19 May 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
16700172916181EwaDZIALOSZYNSKIChaim Wolf & Machla FiszmanFISZMAN15 May 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, FISZMAN, GLIKIERMAN, LIBERMAN
1785820848223BajnusWOZNICASzymon & Estera FrajewrmauerFRAJEWRMAUER2 Sep 1871, MstowWorker at the factoryFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1785920848223LibaZAJDMANWOZNICAAbram & Chana LibermanLIBERMAN-- --- 1873, KamykWith husbandFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1786020848223Cejmach SylemWOZNICABajnus & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN8 Apr 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1786120848223Juda LejbWOZNICABajnus & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN28 Oct 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1786220848223Fajgla RuchlaWOZNICABajnus & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN27 May 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1786320848223EsteraWOZNICABajnus & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN6 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1786420848223Abram JakubWOZNICABajnus & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN22 Oct 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJEWRMAUER, LIBERMAN, WOZNICA, ZAJDMAN
1787420876224Sura GitlaEBERSMANMordka & Rudla LibermanLIBERMAN6 Nov 1864, CzestochowaMaidEBERSMAN, LIBERMAN
1787520876224IttaEBERSMANJozef & Ruda LibermanLIBERMAN25 Jan 1877, CzestochowaMaid; Jozef is probable the second given name of Mordka; it means that parents were the sameEBERSMAN, LIBERMAN
1787620876224HindaEBERSMANJozef & Ruda LibermanLIBERMAN4 Apr 1886, CzestochowaMaidEBERSMAN, LIBERMAN
1787720880224JudaEBERSMANJozef & Ruda LibermanLIBERMAN16 May 1880, Czestochowa----BRANDYS, EBERSMAN, IMICH, LIBERMAN
1787820880224RywkaBRANDYSEBERSMANBerek & Mariem ImichIMICH----With husbandBRANDYS, EBERSMAN, IMICH, LIBERMAN
1792220950224SzlamaEBERSMANJosek & Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN9 Jun 1868, CzestochowaFactory ownerEBERSMAN, KAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MESSER
1792320950224SuraKAUFMANEBERSMANLejbus & Malka MesserMESSER-- --- 1869, CzestochowaWith husbandEBERSMAN, KAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MESSER
1792420950224JachetaEBERSMANSzlama & Sura KaufmanKAUFMAN15 May 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MESSER
1792520950224IcykEBERSMANSzlama & Sura KaufmanKAUFMAN15 May 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MESSER
1792620950224BrandlaEBERSMANSzlama & Sura KaufmanKAUFMAN20 Aug 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERSMAN, KAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MESSER
18107201160229Abram BerekLIBERMANSzaja & Ruda BermanBERMAN20 Sep 1864, Krzepice----BLUM, GLIKSMAN, HELMAN
18108201160229SuraKORPIELLIBERMANIzrael & Frajdla ZajgermanZAJGERMAN1 Dec 1864, RedzinyWith husbandBLUM, GLIKSMAN, HELMAN
18200201230230Aron AbramLIBERMANLejbus & Estera SzlezyngierSZLEZYNGIER28 Apr 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, ROZE, SZLEZYNGIER, SZTORCHAN
18201201230230Estera RuchlaROZELIBERMANJosek & Rajzla SztorchanSZTORCHAN20 Jan 1897, ZarnowiceWith husbandBRONIATOWSKA, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, ROZE, SZLEZYNGIER, SZTORCHAN
18202201230230EjzykLIBERMANLejbus & Estera SzlezyngierSZLEZYNGIER5 Jan 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, ROZE, SZLEZYNGIER, SZTORCHAN
18203201230230MaszaLIBERMANLejbus & Estera SzlezyngierSZLEZYNGIER16 Mar 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, ROZE, SZLEZYNGIER, SZTORCHAN
18204201230230BrandlaLIBERMANLejbus & Estera SzlezyngierSZLEZYNGIER16 Mar 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LASKOWSKA, LIBERMAN, ROZE, SZLEZYNGIER, SZTORCHAN
189802230251Majer KalmaKAMINSKIZajwel Berek & Zelda LibermanLIBERMAN2 Aug 1866, KaminskTraderFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189812230251Chaja SuraFRIDMANKAMINSKIHerszlik & Marianna SzlamkowiczSZLAMKOWICZ5 Feb 1869, CzestochowaWith husbandFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189822230251JudaKAMINSKIMajer & Chaja Sura FridmanFRIDMAN23 Feb 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189832230251Abram, IsacharKAMINSKIMajer & Chaja Sura FridmanFRIDMAN27 Mar 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189842230251MordkaKAMINSKIMajer & Chaja Sura FridmanFRIDMAN6 Sep 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189852230251DanielKAMINSKIMajer & Chaja Sura FridmanFRIDMAN7 Nov 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
189862230251MariemKAMINSKIMajer & Chaja Sura FridmanFRIDMAN7 Jul 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsFRIDMAN, KAMINSKI, LIBERMAN, SZLAMKOWICZ
1927322308262FroimPEDRAKWolf & Sura UtmanUTMAN-- --- 1845, RedzinyWorkerLIBERMAN, PEDRAK, UTMAN
1927422308262RuchlaLIBERMANPEDRAKHerszlik & Rywka ---------- --- 1846, RedzinyWith husbandLIBERMAN, PEDRAK, UTMAN
1934122382267SzlamaDAWIDOWICZSzyja Dawid & Dosia SzancerSZANCER25 Jul 1873, Czestochowa----DAWIDOWICZ, LIBERMAN, SZANCER
1934222382267MalkaLIBERMANDAWIDOWICZSzymon & Sura --------8 Jan 1873, LeczycaWith husbandDAWIDOWICZ, LIBERMAN, SZANCER
1967523936278JankielWAJSBARTJakub & Ita LibermanLIBERMAN-- --- 1848, MykanowMerchantLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1967623936278RozaliaWAJSKOPFWAJSBARTJakub & Estera ZajgermanZAJGERMAN15 May 1846, MykanowWith husbandLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1967723936278MalgorzataWAJSBARTJankiel & Rozalia WajskopWAJSKOP17 May 1871, MstowWith parentsLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1967823936278SuraWAJSBARTJankiel & Rozalia WajskopWAJSKOP13 Apr 1874, MstowWith parentsLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1967923936278ItaWAJSBARTJankiel & Rozalia WajskopWAJSKOP13 Sep 1877, MstowWith parentsLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1968023936278RuchlaWAJSBARTJankiel & Rozalia WajskopWAJSKOP13 Jul 1883, MstowWith parentsLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
1968123936278HelenaWAJSBARTJankiel & Rozalia WajskopWAJSKOP17 Jan 1886, MstowWith parentsLIBERMAN, WAJSBART, WAJSKOP, WAJSKOPF, ZAJGERMAN
19757231024281IdessaLIBERMANLEWENBERG---------- --- 1865, ----WidowLEWENBERG, LIBERMAN
19758231024281Nada GuldaLEWENBERGMoryc & Gulda --------23 Jul 1887, KaligorkaMaidLEWENBERG, LIBERMAN
19759231024281WlodzimierzLEWENBERGMojzesz & Idessa LibermanLIBERMAN17 Feb 1893, BerdyczowWith mother; bachelorLEWENBERG, LIBERMAN
19760231024281IzaakLEWENBERGMojzesz & Idessa LibermanLIBERMAN12 Jan 1897, CzerkasyWith mother; bachelorLEWENBERG, LIBERMAN
19845231138283MojzeszMOKRAUERSalomon & Malka KonKON13 Nov 1869, CzestochowaBookkeeperFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19846231138283ChanaALTMANMOKRAUERJoachim & Laja LibermanLIBERMAN13 Jul 1875, WarszawaWith husbandFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19847231138283EsteraMOKRAUERMojzesz & Chana AltmanALTMAN27 Nov 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19848231138283RachelaMOKRAUERMojzesz & Chana AltmanALTMAN4 Apr 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19947231228284MendelLIBERMANSzymon & Frajdla KaufmanKAUFMAN13 Jan 1854, CzestochowaMerchantKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, OKSENHENDLER, RAJZ, ROZENSZTROCH, ZILBERSZTAJN
19951231228284EmanuelLIBERMANLeon & Estera OksenhendlerOKSENHENDLER31 Aug 1920, DrezdnoWith parentsKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, OKSENHENDLER, RAJZ, ROZENSZTROCH, ZILBERSZTAJN
19953231236284LejbusLIBERMANSzymon & Frajdla KaufmanKAUFMAN15 Mar 1856, CzestochowaBachelorKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN
19954231238284AbramROZENWALDFroim & Szyfra LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ1 Feb 1863, PiotrkowMerchantKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19955231238284MachaLIBERMANROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN20 Feb 1868, CzestochowaWith husbandKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19956231238284Zryl MendelROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN7 Nov 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19957231238284AnnaROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN6 Jan 1892, LodzWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19958231238284EfroimROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN4 Jul 1893, LodzWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19959231238284RafaelROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN22 Dec 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19960231238284SzajndlaROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN19 Dec 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19961231238284SzymonROZENWALDSzymon & Frajdla KochmanKOCHMAN25 Aug 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsKOCHMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENWALD
19965231242284JakubROZENWALDAbram & Macha LibermanLIBERMAN12 Dec 1890, Lodz----LIBERMAN, MIODOWA, ROZENWALD, SENDEROWICZ
19966231242284ItaSENDEROWICZROZENWALDMajer Jozef & Ruchla MiodowaMIODOWA-- --- 1893, SzczekocinyWith husbandLIBERMAN, MIODOWA, ROZENWALD, SENDEROWICZ
19967231242284Estera ChanaROZENWALDJakub & Ita SenderowiczSENDEROWICZ15 Apr 1923, SzczekocinyWith parentsLIBERMAN, MIODOWA, ROZENWALD, SENDEROWICZ
19968231242284Frajdla TachaROZENWALDJakub & Ita SenderowiczSENDEROWICZ26 May 1921, SzczekocinyWith parentsLIBERMAN, MIODOWA, ROZENWALD, SENDEROWICZ
19978231250284SzlamaLIBERMANSzymon & Frajdla KaufmanKAUFMAN6 Jul 1869, CzestochowaHouse ownerKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MOSKOWICZ, WAJNREB
19979231250284ChajaMOSKOWICZLIBERMANJozef & Dorota WajnrebWAJNREB6 Sep 1872, WielunWith husbandKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MOSKOWICZ, WAJNREB
19980231250284NataliaLIBERMANSzlama & Chaja MoskowiczMOSKOWICZ12 Sep 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsKAUFMAN, LIBERMAN, MOSKOWICZ, WAJNREB
19986231270284ChajaHERSZBERGLIBERMANJozef & Dwojra Gitla PacanowskaPACANOWSKA7 Aug 1865, TomaszowWidowHERSZBERG, HIRSZBERG, LIBERMAN, PACANOWSKA
19987231270284MalkaLIBERMANAbram & Chaja HirszbergHIRSZBERG21 May 1890, CzestochowaWith motherHERSZBERG, HIRSZBERG, LIBERMAN, PACANOWSKA
19988231270284FrymetaLIBERMANAbram & Chaja HirszbergHIRSZBERG15 Aug 1891, CzestochowaWith motherHERSZBERG, HIRSZBERG, LIBERMAN, PACANOWSKA
2088125204305Icyk MendelTENENBAUMNaftul & Chana KrakauerKRAKAUER1 Nov 1873, ZarkiShoemakerKRAKAUER, LIBERMAN, ROTMAN, TENENBAUM
2088225204305CyrlaROTMANTENENBAUMMoszek & Maria LibermanLIBERMAN26 Feb 1881, WancerzowWith husbandKRAKAUER, LIBERMAN, ROTMAN, TENENBAUM
2088325204305Szandla RywkaTENENBAUMIcyk Mendel & Cyrla RotmanROTMAN27 Apr 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsKRAKAUER, LIBERMAN, ROTMAN, TENENBAUM
2111425456309Szmul HerszlikAJLENBERGLewek & Estera HercHERC15 Aug 1825, CzestochowaShoemakerAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
2111525456309Itta WiktoriaLIBERMANAJLENBERGHerszlik & Rywka BlaumanBLAUMAN-- --- 1855, ----With husbandAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
2111625456309BlimaAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN17 Sep 1873, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
2111725456309MachaAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN23 Jun 1875, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
2111825456309Hercko LewekAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN30 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
2111925456309MosiekAJLENBERGSzmul & Itta LibermanLIBERMAN21 Nov 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, BLAUMAN, HERC, LIBERMAN
22051271340331Huna AbramKOLCHORYMosiek & Chaja FrankFRANK26 Dec 1886, CzestochowaCarpenterFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22052271340331ChawaLIBERMANKOLCHORYJakub & Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN1 Dec 1890, BorownoWith husbandFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22053271340331LejbusKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN8 Jan 1921, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22054271340331ChajaKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN2 Apr 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22055271340331PinkusKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN20 Dec 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22056271340331Bajla RachelaLENCZNERKOLCHORYAbram Jankiel & Chaja Pesla LedermanLEDERMAN-- --- 1899, SzczekocinyWith husband Huna AbramFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22405271638339MendelWARSZAWSKIAbram & Estera LibermanLIBERMAN5 Nov 1865, Koniecpol----BLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22406271638339CywiaBLEJWASWARSZAWSKIHerszlik & Cyrla RotnerROTNER----With husbandBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22407271638339AronWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS-- --- 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22408271638339RubinWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS8 Oct 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22409271638339Izrael DawidWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS28 Feb 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22410271638339HerckoWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS1 Dec 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22411271638339MajerWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS20 May 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22412271638339Abram IcekWARSZAWSKIMendel & Cywia BlejwasBLEJWAS23 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsBLEJWAS, LIBERMAN, ROTNER, WARSZAWSKI
22438271670339/340Dawid LejzorWARSZAWSKIAbram & Estera LibermanLIBERMAN13 Jun 1876, CzestochowaWorkerIZRAELOWICZ, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKI, ZAJDMAN
22439271670339/340LibaZAJDMANWARSZAWSKIZyskind & Perla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ3 Aug 1884, ----With husbandIZRAELOWICZ, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKI, ZAJDMAN
22440271670339/340PerlaWARSZAWSKIDawid Lejzor & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN19 Jul 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKI, ZAJDMAN
22441271670339/340Abram IcekWARSZAWSKIDawid Lejzor & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN14 Feb 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKI, ZAJDMAN
22442271670339/340JachetaWARSZAWSKIDawid Lejzor & Liba ZajdmanZAJDMAN17 Sep 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LIBERMAN, WARSZAWSKI, ZAJDMAN
22627271916350SzajaLIBERMANZelek & Jacheta BuchmanBUCHMAN25 Oct 1842, BrzeznicaMerchantBERMAN, BUCHMAN, LIBERMAN, MARZECKA
22628271916350RudlaBERMANLIBERMANMosiek & Rajzla MarzeckaMARZECKA-- --- 1842, CzestochowaWith husbandBERMAN, BUCHMAN, LIBERMAN, MARZECKA
22629271916350Rywka CyrlaLIBERMANSzaja & Rudla BermanBERMAN15 Jan 1887, BrzeznicaWith parentsBERMAN, BUCHMAN, LIBERMAN, MARZECKA
22630271918350JosekLIBERMANSzaja & Rudla BermanBERMAN11 Aug 1877, Brzeznica----BERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22632271918350JakubLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG11 Dec 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22633271918350Chaim PinkusLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG21 Aug 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22634271918350SuraLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG28 Oct 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22635271918350Ruchla LajaLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG30 Dec 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22636271918350RajzlaLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG12 Sep 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22637271918350MalkaLIBERMANJosek & Mirla FajertagFAJERTAG16 Sep 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, FAJERTAG, LIBERMAN, PREZEROWICZ
22641271926350JankielLIBERMANSzaja & Rudla BermanBERMAN2 Feb 1875, BrzeznicaFactory ownerBERMAN, FRENKIEL, HERMAN, LIBERMAN, ROCHWERGER, WOLMAN
22642271926350GitlaHERMANLIBERMANBerek & Tekla FrenkielFRENKIEL14 Feb 1881, CzestochowaWith husbandBERMAN, FRENKIEL, HERMAN, LIBERMAN, ROCHWERGER, WOLMAN
22643271926350BronislawLIBERMANJankiel & Gitla HermanHERMAN6 Feb 1906, ZawiercieWith parentsBERMAN, FRENKIEL, HERMAN, LIBERMAN, ROCHWERGER, WOLMAN
22644271926350KajlaROCHWERGERLIBERMANMoszek Eliasz & Laja WolmanWOLMAN15 Jul 1907, LowiczWith husband BronislawBERMAN, FRENKIEL, HERMAN, LIBERMAN, ROCHWERGER, WOLMAN
22650284351Mosiek WolfGELBERLejbus & Nacha FlakFLAK11 Apr 1845, CzestochowaMerchantFLAK, GELBER, LIBERMAN, MIZIA
22651284351GitlaLIBERMANGELBERMichal & Kajla MiziaMIZIA-- --- 1844, CzestochowaWith husbandFLAK, GELBER, LIBERMAN, MIZIA
226802826351Chaim HerszGELBERMosek & Gitla LibermanLIBERMAN16 Oct 1865, CzestochowaButcherBIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
226812826351RozaBIALEKGELBERNuchim & Marianna HerszHERSZ3 Nov 1863, PajecznoWith husbandBIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
226822826351GerszonGELBERChaim Hersz & Roza BialekBIALEK13 Apr 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsBIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
226832826351KalmaGELBERChaim Hersz & Roza BialekBIALEK1 Aug 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
226842826351NuchimGELBERChaim Hersz & Roza BialekBIALEK22 Jul 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsBIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
226852826351NachaGELBERChaim Hersz & Roza BialekBIALEK29 Mar 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsRegarding "29 Mar 1899": must be mistake in year of birth!BIALEK, GELBER, HERSZ, LIBERMAN
227402871352HerszlikZELCERSalomon & Estera JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ17 Apr 1889, Czestochowa----JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ZELCER
227412871352Alta NachaJAKUBOWICZZELCERJankiel Dawid & Bajla LibermanLIBERMAN4 Oct 1895, PrzyrowWith husbandJAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ZELCER
227422871352RwykaZELCERHerszlik & Alta Nacha JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ2 Oct 1921, CzestochowaWith parentsJAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ZELCER
227432871352SalomonZELCERHerszlik & Alta Nacha JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ19 Jun 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsJAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ZELCER
2290328244355NachumLIBERMANLejbus & Cypra BeserglikBESERGLIK1 Jan 1863, CzestochowaBachelorCYBULSKI, HALBORN
2330629738365HerszlikLIBERMANSzaja & Ruchla BergmanBERGMAN25 Mar 1868, BrzeznicaMerchantBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2330729738365Chaja SuraSZTYBELLIBERMANHercko & Mindla LibickaLIBICKA2 Nov 1873, CzestochowaWith husbandBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2330829738365KreslaLIBERMANHerszlik & Chaja Sura SztybelSZTYBEL23 Nov 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2330929738365Moszek LajbLIBERMANHerszlik & Chaja Sura SztybelSZTYBEL31 Aug 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2331029738365BerekLIBERMANHerszlik & Chaja Sura SztybelSZTYBEL29 May 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2331129738365MajerLIBERMANHerszlik & Chaja Sura SztybelSZTYBEL15 Nov 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LIBERMAN, LIBICKA, SZTYBEL
2331229739365ZeligLIBERMANHerszlik & Chaja SztybelSZTYBEL1 Mar 1900, Czestochowa----CHAIMOWICZ, LIBERMAN, SZTYBEL, ZALCBERG
2331329739365EsteraZALCBERGLIBERMANChaim Wolf & Perla ChaimowiczCHAIMOWICZ10 Jan 1898, JedrzejowWith husbandCHAIMOWICZ, LIBERMAN, SZTYBEL, ZALCBERG
2331429739365MinaLIBERMANZelig & Estera ZalcbergZALCBERG1 Nov 1926, LodzWith parentsCHAIMOWICZ, LIBERMAN, SZTYBEL, ZALCBERG
2339129828369Sura RuchlaFISZMANCHLOPAKDawid & Laja Rywka LibermanLIBERMAN5 Sep 1860, CzestochowaWidow; own meansCHLOPAK, FISZMAN, LIBERMAN
2339229828369MajerCHLOPAKLewek Lejb & Sura Ruchla FiszmanFISZMAN30 Dec 1891, CzestochowaWith motherCHLOPAK, FISZMAN, LIBERMAN
2339329828369Icek MosiekCHLOPAKLewek Lejb & Sura Ruchla FiszmanFISZMAN26 May 1897, CzestochowaWith motherCHLOPAK, FISZMAN, LIBERMAN
2339429828369ZalmanCHLOPAKLewek Lejb & Sura Ruchla FiszmanFISZMAN7 Jul 1900, CzestochowaWith motherCHLOPAK, FISZMAN, LIBERMAN
2420431356408ManelLIBERMANWolf & Mindla RozenfarbROZENFARB19 Jul 1869, RadoszyceMerchantKOPEL, LIBERMAN, ROZENFARB, TENENBLAT, WAJS
2420531356408Hana RuchlaLIBERMANLIBERMANEliasz Aron & Blima KopelKOPEL29 Sep 1862, PrzedborzDied 6 Dec 1922KOPEL, LIBERMAN, ROZENFARB, TENENBLAT, WAJS
2420631356408Hana FajglaTENENBLATLIBERMANChaim & Rywka WajsWAJS18 Oct 1898, PabianiceWith husbandKOPEL, LIBERMAN, ROZENFARB, TENENBLAT, WAJS
2420731356408ChajaPLACHTAMoszek Lajb & Rajzla Flaszer, primo voto KanarekFLASZER, KANAREK16 Mar 1901, CzestochowaMaidFLASZER, KANAREK, PLACHTA
2420831356408Icek LejbPLACHTAMoszek Lajb & Chaja KanarekKANAREK19 Jan 1928, Dabrowa GorniczaWith motherFLASZER, KANAREK, PLACHTA
2420931356408Gitla LajaPLACHTAMoszek Lajb & Chaja KanarekKANAREK15 Feb 1922, Dabrowa GorniczaWith motherFLASZER, KANAREK, PLACHTA
2421031356408PeslaPLACHTAMoszek Lajb & Chaja KanarekKANAREK10 Mar 1925, Dabrowa GorniczaWith motherFLASZER, KANAREK, PLACHTA
2421131356408HerszPLACHTAMoszek Lajb & Chaja KanarekKANAREK8 Jul 1930, Dabrowa GorniczaWith motherFLASZER, KANAREK, PLACHTA
24788321282424Beniamin MordkaSLOWIKJankiel & Malka SzwarcSZWARC28 Dec 1886, Czestochowa----LIBERMAN, SALOMONOWICZ, SLOWIK, SZWARC
24789321282424TraszaSALOMONOWICZSLOWIKSzlama Kalma & Alta Zlota LibermanLIBERMAN1 Nov 1886, TomaszowWith husbandLIBERMAN, SALOMONOWICZ, SLOWIK, SZWARC
24809321330424AronSLOWIKJankiel & Malka SzwarcSZWARC7 Jun 1875, CzestochowaMerchantLIBERMAN, SALOMONOWICZ, SLOWIK, SZWARC
24810321330424Hinda FajglaSALOMONOWICZSLOWIKSzlama & Alta LibermanLIBERMAN-- --- 1875, TomaszowWith husbandLIBERMAN, SALOMONOWICZ, SLOWIK, SZWARC
24820321344425MosiekKENIGSBERGHerszlik & Fajgla WajsmanWAJSMAN27 Apr 1853, RzeczyceAssistant surgeonKENIGSBERG, LIBERMAN, TENENBAUM, WAJSMAN
24821321344425Gitla BasjaLIBERMANKENIGSBERGDawid & Fajgla TenenbaumTENENBAUM-- --- 1850, PrzyrowWith husbandKENIGSBERG, LIBERMAN, TENENBAUM, WAJSMAN
24822321346425Chaim WolfKENIGSBERGMosiek & Gitla LibermanLIBERMAN5 Apr 1886, Czestochowa----FISZEL, KENIGSBERG, LIBERMAN, SIWEK
24823321346425RyklaSIWEKKENIGSBERGMoszek & Gitla FiszelFISZEL25 Feb 1883, SiewierzWith husbandFISZEL, KENIGSBERG, LIBERMAN, SIWEK
24824321346425Maria RachelaKENIGSBERGChaim Wolf & Rykla SiwekSIWEK19 Feb 1909, LodzWith parentsFISZEL, KENIGSBERG, LIBERMAN, SIWEK
25031331796432Icyk MojzeszFISZMANDawid & Rywka Laja LibermanLIBERMAN10 Aug 1865, CzestochowaTraderFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25032331796432Chana SuraZELKOWICZFISZMANIcyk & Estera GlazerGLAZER25 May 1869, CzestochowaWith husbandFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25033331796432KajlaFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ20 Dec 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25034331796432Szyja DawidFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ20 Dec 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25035331796432ChajaFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ15 Feb 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25036331796432DwojraFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ15 Feb 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25037331796432Rywa LajaFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ22 Aug 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25038331796432FrajdlaFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ1 Oct 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25039331796432Bajla Maria AlicjaFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ16 Oct 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25040331797432EsteraFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ30 Apr 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25041331797432Jakub LejbFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ17 Apr 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25042331798432LajzerFISZMANIcyk Mojzesz & Chana Sura ZelkowiczZELKOWICZ7 Sep 1896, Czestochowa----FISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25043331798432Hildegarda PaulinaKERNMAJERFISZMANRobert & Krystyna WajsWAJS15 Dec 1901, KlagenfurtWith husbandFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25044331798432SoniaFISZMANLajzer & Hildegarda Paulina KernmajerKERNMAJER25 Nov 1921, Wieden, AustriaWith parentsFISZMAN, GLAZER, KERNMAJER, LIBERMAN, WAJS, ZELKOWICZ
25087331838432Juda LejbFISZMANDawid & Laja LibermanLIBERMAN5 Sep 1872, CzestochowaMerchantFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25088331838432DworaSZWARCFISZMANZysel & Ruchla LangLANG4 Nov 1877, CzestochowaWith husbandFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25089331838432Abram IcekFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC14 Jan 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25090331838432Rywka LajaFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC15 Aug 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25091331838432MajerFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC13 Jul 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25092331838432Jakub DawidFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC2 Jul 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25093331838432KajlaFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC13 Jul 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25094331838432SymiaFISZMANJuda Lejb & Dwora SzwarcSZWARC27 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, LANG, LIBERMAN, SZWARC
25134331926432Majer HerszFISZMANDawid & Laja LibermanLIBERMAN7 Aug 1857, CzestochowaMerchantFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25135331926432Chaja GitlaMAJEROWICZFISZMANMordka Majer & Szajndla GrosinGROSIN19 Dec 1862, LodzWith husbandFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25136331926432MichalFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ13 Feb 1883, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25137331926432Tauba MindlaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ28 Apr 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25138331926432Sura FrymetaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ16 Feb 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25139331926432KajlaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ19 Jun 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25140331926432ChanaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ18 Mar 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25141331926432LibaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ24 Jan 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25142331926432Rywa LajaFISZMANMajer Hersz & Chaja Gitla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ8 Nov 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsFISZMAN, GROSIN, LIBERMAN, MAJEROWICZ
25635391663535HerszWAJSJoael & Malka LibermanLIBERMAN22 Jun 1865, LublinTraderCYPRYS, LIBERMAN, LUBELSKA, LUBLINSKA, WAJS
25636391663535MatlaLUBELSKAWAJSFiszel & Chana Laja CyprysCYPRYS27 May 1867, LublinWith husbandCYPRYS, LIBERMAN, LUBELSKA, LUBLINSKA, WAJS
25637391663535Izaak WadiaWAJSHersz & Matla LublinskaLUBLINSKA22 Dec 1893, LublinWith parentsCYPRYS, LIBERMAN, LUBELSKA, LUBLINSKA, WAJS
25638391663535Malka RywkaWAJSHersz & Matla LublinskaLUBLINSKA13 Nov 1895, LublinWith parentsCYPRYS, LIBERMAN, LUBELSKA, LUBLINSKA, WAJS
25639391663535JoelWAJSHersz & Matla LublinskaLUBLINSKA31 Jun 1900, LublinWith parentsCYPRYS, LIBERMAN, LUBELSKA, LUBLINSKA, WAJS

Częstochowa: Częstochower Cajtung [Częstochowa Gazette], weekly Yiddish newspaper, published from 1922 to 1939; names index [H]

-Sort-See further information on this project hereSurnameGiven nameCzęstochower Cajtung: yearCzęstochower Cajtung: issue numberCzęstochower Cajtung: issue dateCzęstochower Cajtung: page numberCommentsLink to this material on the web
10102https://www.cze…hower-cajtung/LibermanEdzia19393Friday, 20 January 19391https://www.cze…ish-scaled.jpg

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10536Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERLaja HirszHIRSZConfirmation that Hirsz is in Czestochowa prison.
10537Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERBluma DrewnianaDREWNIANAConfirmation that Drewniana is in Czestochowa prison.
10538Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIER[no given name] FlajszerFLAJSZERConfirmation that Flajszer is in Czestochowa prison.
10539Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERChana FlikierFLIKIERConfirmation that Flikier is in Czestochowa prison.
10540Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERHinda TenenbaumTENENBAUMConfirmation that Tenenbaum is in Czestochowa prison.
10541Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERRywka LewkowiczLEWKOWICZConfirmation that Lewkowicz is in Czestochowa prison.
10542Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIER[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANHusband of Liberman, Kalma.Confirmation that Liberman is in Czestochowa prison.
10543Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIEREstera RossaROSSAConfirmation that Estera is in Czestochowa prison.
10544Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERBluma WiniarzWINIARZConfirmation that Winiarz is in Czestochowa prison.
10545Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERFrejda or Fajga ChajtonCHAJTONConfirmation that Chajton is in Czestochowa prison.
10546Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERHalina OrzechORZECHConfirmation that Orzech is in Czestochowa prison.
10547Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERKajla TurekTUREKConfirmation that Turek is in Czestochowa prison.
10548Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10911www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfHIRSZ, DREWNIANA, FLAJSZER, FLIKIER, TENENBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROSSA, WINIARZ, CHAJTON, ORZECH, TUREK, BEKIERChaja BekierBEKIERConfirmation that Bekier is in Czestochowa prison.
10630Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMANJosek KrzepickiKRZEPICKIIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StKrezepicki has been allotted half the premises
10631Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] NowakNOWAKIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StNowak was the previous occupant of the half premises
10632Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StLiberman occupies the other half of the premises
10633Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StAltman is to take over the other half of the premises
14546Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTMajer KlajnmanKLAJNMANStary Rynek 9Klajnman was taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0857)
14547Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTJakub KlajnerKLAJNERNadrzeczna 10A order was given to take Klajner to the Detention Centre (see also image 0857)
14548Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTIzrael Aron KaufmanKAUFMANDreszera 10Kaufman could not be taken to Detention as he was not at home (see also image 0857)
14549Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTChaim LewkowiczLEWKOWICZAleja 10Lewkowicz was taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0857)
14550Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTMojzesz LibermanLIBERMANAleja 10Liberman was at work so could not be taken to Detention (see also image 0857)
14551Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELIST[no given name] ThornTHORNThorn was sent to bring people to the Detention Centre (see also image 0857)
14552Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELIST[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist was sent to bring people to the Detention Centre (see also image 0857)
14554Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTMajer KlajnmanKLAJNMANStary Rynek 9Klajnman was taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0856)
14555Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTJakub KlajnerKLAJNERNadrzeczna 10A order was given to take Klajner to the Detention Centre (see also image 0856)
14556Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTIzrael Aron KaufmanKAUFMANDreszera 10Kaufman could not be taken to Detention as he was not at home (see also image 0856)
14557Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTChaim LewkowiczLEWKOWICZAleja 10Lewkowicz was taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0856)
14558Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELISTMojzesz LibermanLIBERMANAleja 10Liberman was at work so could not be taken to Detention (see also image 0856)
14559Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELIST[no given name] ThornTHORNThorn was sent to bring people to the Detention Centre (see also image 0856)
14560Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfKLAJNMAN, KLAJNER, KAUFMAN, LEWKOWICZ, LIBERMAN, THORN, EDELIST[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist was sent to bring people to the Detention Centre (see also image 0856)
14585Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20859www.crarg.org/i…859-iAvZNO.pdfLIBERMAN, KAUFFMANMojzesz LibermanLIBERMANAleja 10Lieberman contacted the Financial Division
14586Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20859www.crarg.org/i…859-iAvZNO.pdfLIBERMAN, KAUFFMANIzrael Aron KauffmanKAUFFMANDreszera 10Kauffman contacted the Financial Division
19432Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40724www.crarg.org/i…724-5hPDty.pdfLIBERMAN, LIPSZYC[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGaribaldiego 21Family of 2; no namesLiberman was to be taken the refuge
19433Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40724www.crarg.org/i…724-5hPDty.pdfLIBERMAN, LIPSZYC[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCLipszyc was given the job of taking the people to the refuge
19815Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40761www.crarg.org/i…761-PAMjJz.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JaskrowiczJASKROWICZGarncarska 28Jaskrowicz was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0762]
19816Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40761www.crarg.org/i…761-PAMjJz.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] FryszmanFRYSZMANNadrzeczna 28Fryszman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0762]
19817Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40761www.crarg.org/i…761-PAMjJz.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGarncarska 23Liberman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0762]
19818Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40761www.crarg.org/i…761-PAMjJz.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] HermanHERMANNadrzeczna 28Herman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0762]
19819Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40761www.crarg.org/i…761-PAMjJz.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] OwieczkoOWIECZKOGarncarska 23Owieczko was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0762]
19821Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JaskrowiczJASKROWICZGarncarska 28Jaskrowicz was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0761]
19822Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] FryszmanFRYSZMANNadrzeczna 28Fryszman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0761]
19823Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGarncarska 23Liberman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0761]
19824Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] HermanHERMANTargowa 13Herman was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0761]
19825Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] OwieczkoOWIECZKOOrlicz-Dreszera 4Owieczko was taken to Police Station 2 [see also image 0761]
19854Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JaskrowiczJASKROWICZGarncarska 28Jaskrowicz the baker is to be brought to Police Station no II
19855Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] FryszmanFRYSZMANNadrzeczna 28Fryszman the baker is to be brought to Police Station no II
19856Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGarncarska 28Liberman the baker is to be brought to Police Station no II
19857Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] HermanHERMANTargowa 13Herman the baker is to be brought to Police Station no II
19858Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] OwieczkoOWIECZKODreszera 4Owieczko the baker is to be brought to Police Station no II
19859Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40764www.crarg.org/i…764-WiD9Iu.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JasnyJASNYOfficer Jasny, id no 121, brought the bakers Jaskrowicz, Fryszman, Liberman, Herman, and Owieczko to Police Station no II
19861Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JaskrowiczJASKROWICZGarncarska 28Jaskrowicz the baker was brought to Police Station no II
19862Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] FryszmanFRYSZMANNadrzeczna 28Fryszman the baker was brought to Police Station no II
19863Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGarncarska 28Liberman the baker was brought to Police Station no II
19864Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] HermanHERMANTargowa 13Herman the baker was brought to Police Station no II
19865Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] OwieczkoOWIECZKODreszera 4Owieczko the baker was brought to Police Station no II
19866Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfJASKROWICZ, FRYSZMAN, LIBERMAN, JASNY, HERMAN, OWIECZKO[no given name] JasnyJASNYOfficer Jasny, id no 121, brought the bakers named Jaskrowicz, Fryszman, Liberman, Herman, and Owieczko to Police Station no II
19922Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40771www.crarg.org/i…771-iYX6zO.pdfRAJCH, GUTMAN, LIBERMAN[no given name] RajchRAJCHOfficer Rajch, id no 134, reported that according to the director’s order, they have brought Liberman family (3 persons), to the delousing station
19923Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40771www.crarg.org/i…771-iYX6zO.pdfRAJCH, GUTMAN, LIBERMAN[no given name] GutmanGUTMANOfficer Gutman, id no 80, reported that according to the director’s order, they have brought Liberman family (3 persons), to the delousing station
19924Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40771www.crarg.org/i…771-iYX6zO.pdfRAJCH, GUTMAN, LIBERMAN[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANGaribaldiego 21The Liberman family was brought to the delousing station

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Office in Częstochowa [1940-1945] [Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie. Wydział Zamiejscowy w Częstochowie], RG-15.333, zesp. 722 [H]

-Sort-syg.Image file nameCase number [r#]Date commencedPlaintiff's NameSurname(s) from previous columnPlaintiff's addressDefendant's nameSurname(s) from previous columnDefendant's AddressDetails of this caseSurname(s) from previous columnDate ConcludedVerdict of this caseNotes by translator / typistSurname(s) from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10065syg 2138_722_0_0_213.pdfC 45/4517 Sep 1945Częstochowa City CouncilTown HallAniela LibermanLIBERMAN[only c/- lawyer]The Plaintiff was suing the Defendants for 900,000 zł. [The documents do not contain information regarding why.] On 5 Oct 1945, the Mayor wrote to the Court asking not to proceed with the case.28 Oct 1945Court ceased proceedings   
10066syg 2138_722_0_0_213.pdfC 45/4517 Sep 1945Liliana LibermanLIBERMAN[only c/- lawyer]The Plaintiff was suing the Defendants for 900,000 zł. [The documents do not contain information regarding why.] On 5 Oct 1945, the Mayor wrote to the Court asking not to proceed with the case.28 Oct 1945Court ceased proceedings   

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-dolny-slask.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous columnNames of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
102121148.pdf205Chaskiel LibermanLIBERMANMajer and EsteraPiotrkow 1911U.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.]tailor [krawiec]Wroclaw    
102131148.pdf206Tatjama LibermanLIBERMANAfanasijU.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.] 1922U.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.]Wroclaw    
102141148.pdf207Walery LibermanLIBERMANChaskiel and TazjamaU.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.] 1944Wroclaw    
102151148.pdf208Anna LibermanLIBERMANChaskiel and TazjamaU.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.] 1946Wroclaw    

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
113951891H 83940Manel LibermanLIBERMANKuerschner u. MuetzenmacherFurrier and cap makerMarienstr22 Apr 194053  
114761842H 83891Lajbus LibermanLIBERMANZuckerbaeckerConfectionerKrotka 822 Apr 194055  
115081842H 83891Lajbus LibermanLIBERMANZuckerbaeckerConfectionerKrotka 822 Apr 19405544 
117281613H 83662Chaim LibermanLIBERMANGoldszmid [Goldschmied]GoldsmithKatedralna 922 Apr 19406237 
117931546H 83595Izrael LibermanLIBERMANSchaeftemacherOne who makes the legs of bootsAl. Woln. 1022 Apr 19406435 
128402617D 11627Icyk LibermanLIBERMANUng. ArbeiterUnskilled workerKrotka 822 Apr 19409880 
130132458D 11468Jankiel LibermanLIBERMANFuhrmannCart driver, truck driverGaribaldi 1422 Apr 194010375 
130302409D 11419Icek LibermanLIBERMANLagerist arbeitslosStorehouse clerk (warehouseman), unemployedTargowa 2122 Apr 194010474 
13555213/71822D 10832Moszek LibermanLIBERMANHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperN.M. Panny 1022 Apr 194012056 

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1015191113 Mar 1941Henoch Dawid KohnKOHN20 Jul 1903MstówLegionów No. 22, RadomskoBerekRywka née LibermanLIBERMANWorker (carpenter)Secret slaughter2 Apr 19413 years hard labourMarried to Gitla née Rabinowicz; father deceased; mother living at Ogrodowa No. 13, Częstochowa; released 9 Aug 1941; illiterate; was in hospital from from 23 Jun to 1 Aug suffering from spotted typhus; arrested and tried with Jakob Fichtenzweig a butcher living at Legionów No. 7, Radomsko and born there 15 Dec 1909Fichtenzweig sentenced to 4 years hard labourRABINOWICZ, FICHTENZWEIG 
1016698129 Apr 1941Moszek LibermanLIBERMAN1901Baby, Radomsko countyPławnoZelekChiel née HabermanHABERMANWorkerTheft29 Jul 19411 year prisonMarried to Sura née Haberman; parents deceased; illiterate; released 29 Jul 1942Physical description included; missing 5 teeth  
10174101627 May 1941Abracham GangGANG20 May 1914Czarnolica, Horodenka countyWarszawska No. 41AlterHutel née LibermanLIBERMANClerkForgery of documentsTransported probably on 29 Apr 1942; on 3 Jul 1941 put at the disposal of the prosecutor by the Sicherheitspolizei and held in prison; arrest warrant issued on 17 Feb 1942 for him and Ludwika Benensohn née Ehrenhalt living at Warszawska No. 19 born 5 May 1913 in Kraków, Andrzej-Henryk Kamerman dental technician living at Garibaldiego No. 19 born 30 Oct 1896 in Borysław, Josef Uffner office worker from Włodzimierzów born 26 Jul 1917 in Częstochowa, and Machel Uffner painter living at Warszawska No. 44 born 8 Dec 1895 in CzęstochowaBenensohn, Kamerman, and the Uffners all Jewish; possibly husband of Sura reference 3673 (41) No. 733BENENSOHN, EHRENHALT, KAMERMAN, UFFNER 
111863763 (41)202924 Dec 1941Icek Majer LibermanLIBERMAN1881Krótka No. 8WorkerPreventive detentionReleased 26 Jan 1942   

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10231Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.15Eliasz LibermanLIBERMANLodz 
10235Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.15Majer LibermanLIBERMANLodz 
10480Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.32Jakub LibermanLIBERMANLodz 
10589Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.45Sura LibermanLIBERMANLodz 

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993, Yiddish portion (421 entries) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Other surnameYearCity or townField of interestOther informationAdditional surname
10383115JaimLIBERMANThe blood of the fallen cries from the bottom of the earth in Waga's work.  

Częstochowa: lists of abandoned properties in Częstochowa, syg 29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071873 (part of: District Liquidation Office in Kielce - tinyurl.com/3awprebr) [H]

-Sort-DetailsDetails in PolishImage file nameOrder numberStreetHouse numberProperty typePersonSurname from previous columnGroupRe-privatizedDelivered to the City Council.RemarksNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
10032LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_4_56153424.jpg32.Aleja N.M.Panny43house [Polish: dom]Zygmunt Liberman and others [Polish: i in]LIBERMANP[blank][blank]   

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat; Często Arch, syg 5 (890 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageNumber(s) at top of page (if any)NumberPersonSurname from previous columnWhen and where bornProfessionAddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromWhere and when moved inRemarksOther text on the pageNotes (not by researcher)
10279www.crarg.org/i…-4a-lDdnHH.jpg903.Krajndla LibermanLIBERMAN[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Kawia 232Kamyk[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Top: Council of Elders, Division of Internal Affairs, Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application 
10424www.crarg.org/i…-5b-j1abj8.jpg9296.Brandla LibermanLIBERMAN[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Wilsona 34-Klobuck[Column not included on this page][blank]Top: none; bottom: Czestochowa, 27 Jul 1942; chairman of the Jewish Council [Judenrat], Kopinski 
10538www.crarg.org/i…-8a-eMmNFt.jpg215.Nacha LibermanLIBERMAN4 May 1919 KamykOhne Beruf [Unemployed? no previous profession? unskilled?]Senatorskastr. 10-[Column not included on this page]Kamyk 20 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10706www.crarg.org/i…10a-LVCvVA.jpg11220.Nacha LibermanLIBERMAN15 Jan 1892 PajecznoWirkerin [Textile worker (working with felt?) (female)]Senatorska 265[Column not included on this page]Pajeczno 20 Aug 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10773www.crarg.org/i…10b-6YbdwM.jpg286.Samuel Wolf LibermanLIBERMAN9 May 1904 RadomskBurstenarbeiter [Brush maker]Joselew. 2-[Column not included on this page]Gefangniss 17 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal AffairsGefangniss clearly ends with ss

Częstochowa: Permission for Jews to Register; Często Arch, syg 9060 (150 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageFamily notes (not written by researcher)PersonSurname [r#]Came fromOther informationNotes (not written by researcher)
1005782Estera LibermanLIBERMAN   
10131158Eliasz LibermanLIBERMANLodz  
10132158Golda LibermanLIBERMANLodz  

Częstochowa: permits for Jews to register in Częstochowa 1940; place listed at the top of each page: Tschenstochau [Częstochowa]; total number of pages: 278; USHMM, RG-15.301; syg 13796 [H]

-Sort-Page in PDFDate at topIf letter, addressed to whomSurname(s) from previous columnIf letter, from whomSurname(s) from previous columnTextSurname from previous columnNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
101221224 Mar 1940City CaptainEstera Rebeka Liebermann of Garibaldi Street is to be de-registered.LIEBERMANNContext unclear. Where is she to be de-registered from? Is this connected to document 123?  
101231234 Mar 1940City CaptainResidence permit to be granted on the basis of this document.LIEBERMANN?Puzzling - connected to document 122?  
1023323318 Mar 1940Mr & Mrs. Eljasz Liberman, Aleja Wolnosci Av 62LIBERMANCity CaptainResidence permit herewith granted. Please present this letter at the Registry Office.    
1023423419 Feb 1940City CaptainMr Eljasz & Mrs. Golda Liberman, Aleja Wolnosci Av 62LIBERMANRespectfully request permission to reside in Częstochowa. After our apartment in Łódź was appropriated, we had no other option than to come to Częstochowa to stay with our daughter Sura Wajman, resident at Aleja Wolnosci 62. We are registered with the Council of Elders no. 235. / I.) Copy of Letter 233 to applicants.; II.) Copy of same to Registry Office.LIBERMAN, WAJMANApplication submitted by the correspondence office of the Council of Elders  
1023523511 Mar 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersEljasz Lieberman [sic] made the following statement: I used to live at Srodmiejska St. 52 in Łódź at the home of my son-in-law Jozef Gliksman. When he moved to Częstochowa, I accompanied him./ 2 Mr 1940: City Captain to Council of Elders: Ask the applicant to explain who forced him to leave his former apartment.LIBERMAN, GLIKSMANCity Captain to Council of Elders at bottom of page actually came first, the top is in reply to this demand . The two accounts in 234 & 235 do not tally (different family members mentioned).  

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
12585Hasag-A3/0391.tifHasag-B3/0387.tif2584.DawidLIBERMAN192218 Feb 1922WarszawaWarszawaSkarzysko-Kamslusarzlocksmith4800 
12586Hasag-A3/0392.tifHasag-B3/0388.tif2585.DoraLIBERMAN19209 Dec 1920OzorkowOzorkowLodzkrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)3521 
12587Hasag-A3/0393.tifHasag-B3/0389.tif2586.JosekLIBERMAN19169 Jul 1916ZwolenZwolenSkarzysko-Kamkrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)3887 
12588Hasag-A3/0394.tifHasag-B3/0390.tif2587.JozefLIBERMAN192014 Jul 1920KrakowKrakowCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)5301 
12589Hasag-A3/0395.tifHasag-B3/0391.tif2588.LolaLIBERMAN192015 Jul 1920Skarzysko-KamSkarzysko-KamSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)5605 
12590Hasag-A3/0396.tifHasag-B3/0392.tif2589.MarylaLIBERMAN19255 Jan 1925KrakowKrakowSkarzysko-Kamkrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)5549 
12591Hasag-A3/0397.tifHasag-B3/0393.tif2590.MojzeszLIBERMAN192410 Oct 1924CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)2318 
12592Hasag-A3/0398.tifHasag-B3/0394.tif2591.SamuelLIBERMAN19234 Apr 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowasiodlarzsaddler1835 
12593Hasag-A3/0399.tifHasag-B3/0395.tif2592.SzajndlaLIBERMAN192315 Mar 1923ChmielnikChmielnikSkarzysko-Kamkrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)4340 
12616Hasag-A3/0422.tifHasag-B3/0418.tif2515.HankaLIEBERMAN192421 May 1924CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowabez zawoduwith no profession442 
12617Hasag-A3/0423.tifHasag-B3/0419.tif2616.HidesaLIEBERMAN191728 Aug 1917ZwolenZwolenSkarzysko-Kam3885 
12618Hasag-A3/0424.tifHasag-B3/0420.tif2617.IdelLIEBERMAN190519 Jan 1905BelchatowBelchatowPiotrkowkupiectradesman/merchant6181 
12619Hasag-A3/0425.tifHasag-B3/0421.tif2618.JosefLIEBERMAN190823 Apr 1908KozieglowyKozieglowyCzestochowa2480 
12620Hasag-A3/0426.tifHasag-B3/0422.tif2619.MajerLIEBERMAN19178 Apr 1917KozieglowyKozieglowyCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith1891 

Częstochowa: questionnaires of Jews from Częstochowa, 25 Sep 1940, National Archives in Kraków, syg 55; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14603000 [H]

-Sort-Page headerImage filePage number (in upper corner)Order numberPersonSurname [r#]Date of birthAddress- a/ previousAddress - b/ currentType of pension to which entitledInstitution disbursing pensionAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement plus business numberOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10008List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_4_56782089.jpg52Eljasz LibermanLIBERMAN18 Jan 1863Zawiercie Narutowicza13Tsch. Al. Wolnosci 62Old-age pensionZaklad .....zl 50.0044/Ch Pensions no.152 & 1375243   
10012List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_5_56782088.jpg72Eljasz LibermanLIBERMAN18 Jan 1863Zawiercie Narutowicza13Tsch. Al. Wolnosci 62Old-age pensionZaklad .....zl 50.0044/Ch Pensions no.152 & 1375243   
10236List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_22_56782106.jpg412Jakub LibermanLIBERMAN14 Feb 1875Lodz 6/8/10 ZaciszePilsudskiego 29Old-age pensionNot yet fixedHas all requirements for old-age pension  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
11253Rada1/0911.tif7LIBERMANWife of Liberman Kalma, PinczowDocument in German, dated 14 Sep 1942  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
16453Rada2/0857.tif4395 - 5MojzieszLIBERMANAleja 10   
16465Rada2/0859.tif4407MojzieszLIBERMANAleja 10   

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
173170857.tif.pdfMojżesz [Mojzesz]LIBERMANResides on Aleja 10;  
173350859.tif.pdfMojzeszLIBERMANResides on Aleja 10; following a request of the Elders' Council/department of finances was escorted there at the night between 31 Jul 1942 and 1 Aug 1942;  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
158190724.tifLIBERMANReside on Garibaldi st. 21; following an order of the quarantine director, two members of this family were to be moved to the shelter on Mirowska St. 9/11.  
160410762.tifLIBERMANResides on Garncarska St. 23  
160550764.tifJakobLIBERMANResides on Senatorska St. 8; following an order of the police supervisor, was escorted home after an interrogation. [Szymon Kohn signature item 1562]KOHNContinues on the next page
160610764.tifLIBERMANResides on Garnczrska St.26; following an order of the Polish police supervisor, was escorted there.  
160950770.tifLIBERMANFollowing an order of the police supervisor, 2 members of the family were escorted to the shelter on Mirowska St. 9/11. The key of their apartment on Garibaldi St. was to be returned.  
161010771.tifGUTMANGhetto policeman (No. 80); reported that following an order he had escorted 3 members of the Liberman family, residing on Garibaldi St. 21 to delousing.LIBERMAN 
163380824.tifPerlaLIBERMANResides on Dawna Aleja 40 or on Danszynski Sq. 5; following an order of the Schutzpolizei, her address was confirmed.  

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1007913380.Marienalle 6WeckslerWECKSLER59willy LibermannLIBERMANN“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  
10101133102.Marienallee 43 u. [und] Schlesische 1/5LiebermanLIEBERMAN37Sowinski Waszygtona 24SOWINSKI“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 31 pages 1-4 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2DetailsPageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10008Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)Simple list of names and addresses; likely were persons who survived the war and were active in post-war Poland236Tadeusz LibermanLIBERMANBerka Joselewicza 9 
10024Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)Simple list of names and addresses; likely were persons who survived the war and were active in post-war Poland434[given name not listed] LibermanLIBERMANBerka-Joselewicza 9 

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10088Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 62Single-story 15-room house ul. Częstochowska, PrzyrówOutbuilding 3x5Jewish Sura-Hena AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictPart of the house unusableSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 480 złotyProperty schedule from Mar 1945  
10089Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 6, 82, 833Single-story 7-room house ul. Cmentarna, PrzyrówOutbuilding 2x3Jewish Michel AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictHouse being used as police stationSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; house being used as police station; court decision of 15 Nov 1945 transferred ownership to his son Dawid Altman; in 1947 Jan Kowalski claimed to have purchased the property but failed to produce purchase documentationProperty schedule from Mar 1945; documentation concerning request of transfer of the property to Dawid Altman to transfer of the property to him granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 8 Nov 1945 (transfer of property 15 Nov 1945) in Syg.178 pp.209-213 available on request; Dawid son of Michał & Itta née LibermanALTMAN, LIBERMAN 
10090Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 64Single-story 8-room house ul. Częstochowska, PrzyrówJewish Gnendla AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 1200 złotyProperty schedules from Mar 1945; possibly the building on ul. Rynek No.23 in other schedules and documents  
10107Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District7, 8, 41, 43, 4421Plot & ruins of partly destroyed house 3-rooms ul. Częstochowska, Przyrów19ar.Jewish Kaminski & LibermanKAMINSKI, LIBERMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; 1939 annual rent of 360 złotyProperty schedules from Mar 1945 & Mar 1946; 1ar.= 100 sq.m.  
10109Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District9, 1023Plot after ruined building ul. Szkolna, PrzyrówJewish Liberman & FinkielLIBERMAN, FINKIELAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in RadomskoProperty schedule from Mar 1945  
10117Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District9, 1031Single-story 6-room house ul. Częstochowska, PrzyrówOutbuildingJewish Rychter & LibermanRYCHTER, LIBERMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; 1939 annual rent of 480 złotyProperty schedule from Mar 1945  
10127Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District11, 1241Single-story 5-room house ul. Rynek, PrzyrówStorehouseJewish Chaim LibermanLIBERMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in RadomskoProperty schedule from Mar 1945  
10128Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District18-21ul. Rynek, PrzyrówBinem LibermanLIBERMANCorrespondence relating to claim for return of half-share in the property to Sura-Rajzla LibermanLIBERMAN 
10132Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District41, 43, 445Wooden house plot ul. Częstochowska, Przyrów10ar. plotHeirs of Dawid LibermanLIBERMANProperty schedule from Mar 1946; 1ar. = 100 sq.m.  
10150Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District45, 5924Single-story 6-room brick house ul. Rynek, Przyrów600 sq.m.Kamiński & LibermanKAMIŃSKI, LIBERMANTransferred to Przyrów District 6 Aug 1946   
10471Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 39Register of properties [Abandoned and post-Germans] Przyrów district, Częstochowa county [property descriptions] (1947) 194940-42ul. Śzkolna No.11, Przyrów surface area 256 sq.metersEstera Liberman Jew PoleLIBERMANValue in 1939 256 złoty current indicated value 51,500 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District administration 1 Aug 1946Document dated 14 Mar 1949; no buildings  
10486Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 39Register of properties [Abandoned and post-Germans] Przyrów district, Częstochowa county [property descriptions] (1947) 194985-87ul.Częstochowska No.13, Przyrów single storey wooden house 320 cu.meters surface area 200 sq.metersDawid Liberman Jew PoleLIBERMANValue in 1939 1,000 złoty current indicated value 200,000 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District administration 1 Aug 1946Document dated 14 Mar 1949  
10779Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county50, 5188Kamyk, Kamyk district 2-room brick houseUszer LibermanLIBERMANTransfer protocol to District Administration 11 Oct 1946; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
10861Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county106, 107175ul. Staszica No.4, Kłobuck houseBrandla LibermanLIBERMAN100% 28 Feb 1946; "p"No explanation for other information but possibly reprivatized; "p" possibly means abandoned  
11085Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county282, 283464Rynek, Przyrów brick houseKaminski & LibermanKAMINSKI, LIBERMANDistrict Administration 6 Aug 1946; "p"; 100%No explanation for other information but possibly reprivatized; "p" possibly means abandoned  

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10246154516 FebEliasz LibermanLIBERMAN18 Jan 18631emerytpensionerŁódźWolnoś. 62 [Wolności 62]19 Feb 1940  
10250154916 FebMajer LibermanLIBERMAN15 Nov 1912-rzeźnikbutcherŁódźNadrzecz. 52 [Nadrzeczna 52]19 Feb 1940  
10685344030 MarJakub LibermanLIBERMAN14 Feb 18751majster apreturymaster finishingŁódźNarutowicza 71 Apr 1940  
1080045718 AprSura LibermanLIBERMANlat [age] 681bez zawoduno professionŁódźNadrzeczna 5222 Apr 1940  

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10136520.1209194224 Aug 1942Nacha LibermanLIBERMAN15 Jan 1892Ajzyk 1916, Frania 1918, Abram 1919, Majer 1925, Szmul 1926trykociarkaknitting machine operator (female)PajęcznoSenat. 2614 Sep 1942   
10203686.1275194227 Aug 1942Samuel-Wolf LibermanLIBERMAN9 May 1904--szczotkarzbroom makerWięzienieJoselew. 231 Aug 1942   
103641415.964 / 42194227 Jul 1942Nacha LibermanLIBERMAN4 May 1919---KamykSenatorska 103 Aug 1942   
105641896.935 / 42194224 Jul 1942Brandla LiebermanLIEBERMAN1873KłobuckWilsona 3427 Jul 1942   
10582203.793 / 42194213 Jul 1942Frajndla LibermanLIBERMAN20 Mar 1912Moniek 10 Nov 1937, Icek 10 Jul 1940[not listed]KamykKawia 2320 Jul 1942   

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes

Częstochowa: State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa 1945-1950 (questionnaires) [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage header (Polish)Page header (translated)Date of arrivalPage numberSerial numberFamily group number?PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Father's name [after s. (son of) and c. (daughter of)]Surname from previous columnMaleFemaleEvacuation card number or ID card.Date of birthOccupationNationalityWhere coming fromArrival dateDeparture dateWhere goingSignature of the reporting clerkCommentsNotes by typist / translatorNotes (not by typist / translator)
100488_5_0_0_23.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1945-1946Registration book of the repatriates 1945-194629 Dec 19451460245640Dawid LibermanLIBERMANChersz & [not listed]Male23971917DriverJewishLwow [Lviv, Ukraine]29 Dec 194529 Dec 1945Czestochowa, Garibaldiego street 28    
100498_5_0_0_23.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1945-1946Registration book of the repatriates 1945-194629 Dec 19451460255640Augusta LibermanLIBERMANJakob & [not listed]Female23971912Living with husbandJewishLwow [Lviv, Ukraine]29 Dec 194529 Dec 1945Czestochowa, Garibaldiego street 28    
102408_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 19463169816909Uszer LibermanLIBERMANBerek & [not listed]Male282621909PainterJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102418_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316982[not listed]Alza? LibermanLIBERMANJankiel & [not listed]Female282621912Living with husbandJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102428_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316983[not listed]Jenta LibermanLIBERMANUszer & [not listed]Female282621937Living with parentsJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102438_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316984[not listed]Roza LibermanLIBERMANUszer & [not listed]Female282621939Living with parentsJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102448_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 19463169856910Nachman LibermanLIBERMANBerek & [not listed]Male282741917PainterJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102458_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316986[not listed]Pesa LibermanLIBERMANMotel & [not listed]Female282741920Living with husbandJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102468_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316987[not listed]Alta LibermanLIBERMANNachman & [not listed]Female282741942Living with parentsJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Wroclaw    
102478_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946316988[not listed]Gitla LibermanLIBERMANMoszek & [not listed]Female282741875Living with parentsJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946WroclawMother of Nachman 
108338_5_0_0_33.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194613 Sep 194612136389304Lena LibermanLIBERMANIzaak & [not listed]Female238891908TeacherPolishRussia13 Sep 194613 Sep 1946Czestochowa    
108348_5_0_0_33.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194613 Sep 194612136399304Stanislawa LibermanLIBERMANAntoni & [not listed]Male238891934Living with motherPolishRussia13 Sep 194613 Sep 1946Czestochowa    

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments
11387251399Izrael DawidLIBERMAN1914Czestochowa 
11428261440Rajzla IdesLIBERMAN1915Przyrow 

Częstochowa [Witnesses of Nazi Atrocities], assorted letters and short lists; American Jewish Archives, Box 203, File 6, Correspondence 1960-1978 [H]

-Sort-Sequence numberGiven NameSurname [r#]Other SurnameNumbersPresent AddressOther InfoCommentsImage file
10108(Moses) MartinLIEBERMANN2119 East 64th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y., USATel: 241-0741DSC00035.JPG

Częstochowa / Wrocław Region: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Wrocław Region, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images at www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-in-wroclaw-region.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Marital statusYear of birthPlace of birthNames of parentsSurname from previous columnPlace staying during war?Occupation and place of workPresent addressStreet?Other information on the pageNotes by typist
100951157.pdf94Kolchory PinchasKOLCHORYmarried [żonat]1915Czestochowa [Częstoch]Chune and Chawa nee LibermanLIBERMANUSSR [ZSRR]carpenter [stolarz]ZiembiceZamkowa 7  
100961157.pdf95Kolchory DobraKOLCHORYmarried [mężat]1919Czestochowa [Częstoch]Chune and Chawa nee LibermanLIBERMANUSSR [ZSRR]saleswoman [expedientka]ZiembiceZamkowa 7  
100971157.pdf96Kolchory SoniaKOLCHORY[BLANK]1940USSR [ZSRR]Pinkus and Regina LewkowiczLEWKOWICZUSSR [ZSRR][BLANK]ZiembiceZamkowa 7  

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
11185https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMasha (née Liberman) NidjinskiLIBERMAN, NIDJINSKI
11186https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLeib and Miryam LibermanLIBERMAN
12289https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHyman LiebermanLIEBERMAN
12290https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eAbraham LiebermanLIEBERMAN
12291https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHarry and Miriam LiebermanLIEBERMAN
12292https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eDave LiebermanLIEBERMAN
12406https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHarry and Miriam LibermanLIBERMAN

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
10785LIBERMAN162330 - 4
10786LIBERMANY.255330 - 4

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
10301PeselLIBERMANHELFGOTPszeriwCzestochowa Ghetto, July 1943274.jpg
10302AniaHELFGOTJecheil MajerHELPGOTGranddaughter of Pesa Helpgot274.jpg
10303Jechiel MajerHELFGOTCzestochowaWarszawa Ghetto, 1943With his wife and son274.jpg
10304DawidHELFGOTCzestochowaWith his wife and daughter274.jpg
10305MalkaHELFGOTCzestochowaTransport from Paris, 16 Jul 1942274.jpg
10550Chaja JenteLIBESKINDJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10551LibaLIBESKINDJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMANDaughter-in-law of Chaja Jenta Liberman280.jpg
10552SzlomoLIBESKINDLibaJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10553IzakLIBESKINDChaja Jenta1944Josef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10554AbramLIBESKINDChaja JentaTreblinka, 1944Josef and Ela LibermanLIBERMANWith his wife and child280.jpg
10555JakobLIBESKINDChaja JentaTreblinkaJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10556MendelLIBESKINDChaja JentaTreblinkaJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10557EsterLIBESKINDChaja JentaAuszwitz, 1942Josef and Ela LibermanLIBERMANWith her husband and child280.jpg
10558TojbaFREIMAUR?Treblinka, 1942Josef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10559Baruch (Balek)FREIMAUR?TojbaGermany, 1945Josef and Ela LibermanLIBERMAN280.jpg
10560MendelFREIMAUR?TojbaAuszwitzJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMANWith his wife and child280.jpg
10561LibaFREIMAUR?TojbaAuszwitzJosef and Ela LibermanLIBERMANWith her husband and child280.jpg
10596LejbLIBESKINDMasza Nizinski nee LibermanNIZINSKI NEE LIBERMAN281.jpg
10597MiriamGOLDMANLIBESKINDMasza Nizinski nee LibermanNIZINSKI NEE LIBERMAN281.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
1122774GerszonLIBERMAN20 Aug 1898GlownoLodz2 Dec 1944  
1122874KiwaLIBERMAN2 Aug 1901WidawaPabianice31 Dec 1944  
1122974ManelLIBERMAN3 Aug 1907ZelowLodz6 Feb 1945  
1123874BenjaminLIEBERMANN20 Jun 1916AltenburgLodz6 Nov 1944  
1123974TowioLIEBERMANN20 May 1908TartaLodz30 Dec 1944  

Ebensee, Austria: Paris list no 1060 - Deportees liberated from Ebensee [concentration] camp (Austria); Relatives Information Service on 27 Dec 1945; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnTown [of birth? of last residence?]Age in yearsNationalityNotes (not by typist)
10015[1]Josel LiebermanLIEBERMANWarsaw35Polish 

France: Concentration Camp at Vernet d'Ariège, France, 1939-1944: Jews from CRARG area of Poland {H}

-Sort-SourcePersonSurname from previous columnDate of entryDate of birthPlace of birthParentsSurname from previous columnOccupationCommentsSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by researcher)
10122Archives Départementales, Foix, FranceAbraham MularskyMULARSKY24 Feb 19435 May 1899BezernyMordka & Zelda née GoldGOLDTailorLeft the camp 9 Sep 1943, married Fanny Libermann in 1928, 2 childrenLIBERMANN 

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
14705Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"83941994FHailaGROBLIAS, NÉE LIBERMANPolognePologneGroblias, née Liberman (Haila) en 1874 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 7 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maïdaneck (Pologne)
23419Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"83941994FHailaGROBLIAS, NÉE LIBERMANPolognePologneGroblias, née Liberman (Haila) en 1874 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 7 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maïdaneck (Pologne)
23421Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1151951998MIsaacLIBERMANNPolognePologneLibermann (Isaac), né le 2 février 1879 à Tarzine (Pologne), décédé le 11 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) ;

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
1064112Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Laja LibermanLIBERMAN43Zelow 
1064613Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Rachela LibermanLIBERMAN21Pabianice**"The starred survivors announced relatives abroad. Those interested in them should contact the Joint office at POB 640 Jerusalem. In brackets are the names of relatives in Israel."

Jewish Colonial Trust; now at web archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20100606103341/http://www.jct.co.il:80/shareholders.asp; original source: www.jct.co.il/index.html (347 persons) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnCity
10144M. LiebermannLIEBERMANNCzestokov
10145Schloma LiebermannLIEBERMANNCzestokov
10306i.t. LeibermanLEIBERMANNowo Radomsk

Kielce 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Kielce in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 119-157 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Kielcach za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressAmountNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10572138554Szmul LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska25.-- 
10608139589Chaim LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska 750.-- 
10609139590Zelman LibermanLIBERMANKozia 250.-- 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): 1935 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnamePermanent resident of...OccupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10394https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_819_56035326.jpg9 May 19353961 May 1926Kielceulica Kozia No. 1Alter-Szmul LibermanLIBERMANMaleZelman Liberman, 37LIBERMANGitla née Rozenblum, 37ROZENBLUMBodzentynMerchantChaim Liberman, 50, Piotrk. No. 8, merchantLIBERMANChaim-Majer-Chil Wajnsztat, 38, Warszawska No. 6, no occupationWAJNSZTATFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10395https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_824_56035330.jpg9 May 193539711 Dec 1932Kielceulica Warszawska No. 6Frajda WajnsztatWAJNSZTATFemaleChaim-Majer-Chil Wajnsztat, 38WAJNSZTATRajzla née Wajnsztat, 40WAJNSZTATDaleszyceAdministrator in sawmillZelman Liberman, 37, Kozia No. 1, merchantLIBERMANSzabsa Tenenbaum, about 37, Warszawska No. 6, merchantTENENBAUMFather is literate; father is registered in Daleszyce book of residents as married house No;80, p. 483, vol. IIFather's birth registration included 
10894https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_168_56036497.jpg21 May 193589510 Feb 1935Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 2Jermja SmolarskiSMOLARSKIMaleLejbus Smolarski, 29SMOLARSKIElka née Liberman, 27LIBERMANChęcinyTraderJankiel Wajnberg, 51, Wąska No. 3, melamedWAJNBERGZelman Liberman, 37, Kozia No. 1, merchantLIBERMANFather is literate and acknowledges child in marriage akt No. 48/1935  
11157https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_902_56037229.jpg22 Jul 1935115712 Jul 1935Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 11Dawid TroppeTROPPEMaleMajer-Chil Troppe, 31TROPPECywja née Rozenberg, 30ROZENBERGIłzaTraderChaim Icek Zielony, 38, clerk in district administrationZIELONYTobjasz Ber Liberman, 35, Bodzent. No. 62, traderLIBERMANFather is literateMarriage certificate included; father & witness 2 were summoned twice to sign register of births 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): marriage certificates (no witnesses)

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationSurname from previous columnDate of marriageAktTownGroomSurnameGroom's fatherGroom's father's surnameGroom's motherGroom's mother's maiden nameBrideSurnameBride's father's given name, ageBride's father's surnameBride's mother's given name, ageBride's mother's maiden nameOther informationSurname from previous or next columnNotes by typist, translator, or proofer
10036https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_241_56034748.jpgDoba Tyszler, Aron-Lejbuś TyszlerTYSZLER21 Dec 192147KielceMoszek Tyszler, 32TYSZLERChaimŁaja née ObaranekOBARANEKChaja-Ruchla Tyszler, 25TYSZLERJankielEstera née LibermanLIBERMAN   
10057https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_823_56035331.jpgAlter-Szmul LibermanLIBERMAN5 Dec 192024BodzentynZelman Liberman, 22LIBERMANEremji-LejbusChaja née SzyfSZYFItla Rozenblum, 24ROZENBLUMChil-UszerSura née CukierCUKIER   

Kielce district: "Surviving Jews in the Kielce District"; World Jewish Congress, no date (2179 persons) [H]

-Sort-TownSequence number in city listPersonSurname from previous columnPresent address [city after war]Year of birthPage of bookComments
10029Bodzentyn29 of 40Bajla LibermanLIBERMAN2 
10030Bodzentyn30 of 40Natan LibermanLIBERMAN2 
10566Kielce102 of 239Josef LibermanLIBERMANKielce19267 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
15895District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15660Lejbus LewenrajchLEWENRAJCHPiotrkowska719071924    
15896District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15661Mirla LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska718861922    
15897District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15662Szmul LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska719091922    
15898District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15663Chaim Jankiel LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska722 Jun 18821922    
15899District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15664Szmul LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska1827 Aug 19081929    
15900District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_19_56023805.jpg15665Bronia LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkowska1820 Nov 19141936    
18092District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_12_56023878.jpg9360Szymon Luzer LibermanLIBERMANBodzentyńska11[day and month not listed] 19111937    
18756District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_31_56023897.jpg281197Zelman LibermanLIBERMANPlac Piłsudskiego2[day and month not listed] 18981927    
18757District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_31_56023897.jpg281198Gitla LibermanLIBERMANPlac Piłsudskiego2[day and month not listed] 18971927    
19917District 8, ward 1, syg 2391, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628974821_122_0_-_2391_13_56023998.jpg10364Tobiasz Berek LibermanLIBERMANBodzentyńska6219001923    
19918District 8, ward 1, syg 2391, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628974821_122_0_-_2391_13_56023998.jpg10365Dwojra Ruchla LibermanLIBERMANBodzentyńska6218911933    
20358District 9, ward 2, syg 2393, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982421_122_0_-_2393_19_56024091.jpg16691Pinkus LibermanLIBERMANCzwartaków819121932    
20359District 9, ward 2, syg 2393, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982421_122_0_-_2393_19_56024091.jpg16692Brucha LibermanLIBERMANCzwartaków919081933    
20360District 9, ward 2, syg 2393, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982421_122_0_-_2393_19_56024091.jpg16693Icek LuftLUFTCzwartaków925 May 19011924    
20361District 9, ward 2, syg 2393, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982421_122_0_-_2393_19_56024091.jpg16694Dwojra LuftLUFTCzwartaków919071935    
20362District 9, ward 2, syg 2393, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982421_122_0_-_2393_19_56024091.jpg16713Chaim MonetaMONETACzwartaków918 [missing] 18811937    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
11290https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_541_56026763.jpg191718321 Jul 1917Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 8Szmul ZalcerZALCERMaleChęciny1Moszek-ChaimHendla née LibermanLIBERMANDysenteryBr. LaskowskiFather is a trader      
11759https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_12_56027340.jpg1919508 Jan 1919Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 52Aron TyszlerTYSZLERMaleDziałoszyce15JankielEstera née LibermanLIBERMANConsumption / pulmonary tuberculosisRytelWith parents      
11930https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_373_56027702.jpg191917624 Jun 1919Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 3Wólf WaldsztajnWALDSZTAJNMaleVillage & district of Łopuszno1 year 4 monthsChil-AronRuchla née LibermanLIBERMANMeaslesP. JankowskiFather is a trader; alternative street name Borzecka      
12345https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_1295_56028624.jpg19202543 Dec 1920KielceDistrict army hospitalSzaja LibermanLIBERMANMalePiotrków23IzraelPeritonitisKomendaArmy private; unknown motherJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12431https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_135_56028801.jpg19216612 Apr 1921Kielceulica Hypoteczna No. 10Rajzla LibermanLIBERMANFemaleKielce62Izrail LibermanLIBERMANBajla née GociołekGOCIOŁEKLejbus Jankiel LibermanLIBERMANPneumoniaKomendaWith husbandOn death certificate cause of death is cancer of the esophagusJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12480https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_230_56028895.jpg192111530 Jul 1921Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 8Josek-Mordka ZelcerZELCERMaleChęciny11Moszek-ChaimHendla née LibermanLIBERMANScrofulaKomendaNo death certificate; brother of Szmul who died 21 Jul 1917Jankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12618https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_102_56029106.jpg19226926 May 1922Kielceulica Czysta No. 1Majlech OrzechORZECHMaleRadoszyce23Moszek-AronHudesa Rojza née CzaplickaCZAPLICKATemera née LibermanLIBERMANPulmonary tuberculosisKomendaNo death certificateJosek Szymon Chmielewski 42Szmul Trembacki 23 
12717https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_320_56029322.jpg192216821 Nov 1922Kielceulica Kolejowa No. 35Szlama LibermanLIBERMANMaleWłoszczowa10 monthsNuta LejbusChaja Dwojra née ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNCroupKomendaSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 27 
12789https://www.szu…ostka/1629144321_122_0_-_2913_137_56029487.jpg19235911 May 1923Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 1Chaja LibermanLIBERMANFemaleBodzentyn district60Chaim SzyfSZYFPeslaJermiaPneumoniaKomendaSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
12914https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_40_56029757.jpg19241914 Feb 1924Kielceulica Rynek No. 16Szlama BrukBRUKMaleWłoszczowa62Kałma ChaskielChawa née LibermanLIBERMANHeart defectGąsiorowskiWidowerSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
13358https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_213_56030678.jpg192610111 Jul 1926Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 1Marja LibermanLIBERMANFemaleBodzentyn district40Jermje LejbusChaja née SzyfSZYFPostpartum infectionKomendaSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13439https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_378_56030842.jpg192618228 Dec 1926Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 1Jeremja LibermanLIBERMANMaleBodzentyn district68Josek-BenjaminKajla PesaBronchial angina (asthma)KomendaSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
14029https://www.szu…ostka/1629144921_122_0_-_2920_197_56032127.jpg19308718 Jun 1930Kielceulica Hipoteczna No. 10Hana HagiermanHAGIERMANFemaleZarnowice district45Lejbus LibermanLIBERMANRajzla née Goczał?GOCZAŁSzmulPulmonary tuberculosisKomendaSzmul Trembacki 30Chil Goldberg 41 
14038https://www.szu…ostka/1629144921_122_0_-_2920_215_56032146.jpg19309628 Jun 1930Kielceulica Kozia No. 2Jeremia LibermanLIBERMANMaleChęciny1ZelmanItla née RozenblumROZENBLUMPneumoniaKomendaSzmul Trembacki 30Chil Goldberg 41 
14261https://www.szu…ostka/1629145021_122_0_-_2921_230_56032683.jpg193110320 Jun 1931Kielceulica Hipoteczna No. 10Lejb LibermanLIBERMANMaleKoniecpol district73Josek-EliChana-MirlaSenile decayJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 31Chil Goldberg 42 

Kłobuck Yizkor book (Sefer Klobutsk, 1960), all except necrology [H]

-Sort-Section of bookSubsection of bookStart page for this subsectionWeb addressName of personSurname from previous columnPage on which this name appearsNotesSurname from previous column
10912Types and ImagesHinde Miriam179https://www.jew…ck/klo170.htmlBeindel LibermanLIBERMAN180Women community activist 
11228Klobucker Jews in Extermination CampsThe Zagórz Concentration Camp250https://www.jew…ck/klo250.htmlAvraham LibermanLIBERMAN252Escaped 
11367Attempts at Resistance in the CampsWe wanted to fight against the murderers, but did not have any weapons303https://www.jew…ck/klo285.htmlAvraham LibermanLIBERMAN305Member of resistance group from Pienczne 
11372Attempts at Resistance in the CampsWe wanted to fight against the murderers, but did not have any weapons303https://www.jew…ck/klo285.htmlAvraham LibermanLIBERMAN306Member of resistance group from Pienczne 

Końskie: list of real estate in the city of Końskie 1936, syg 290; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15091029 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberCityStreetReal estate numberDesignated (assigned) numberProperty ownersSurname from previous columnPerson responsible for the performance of registration obligationsSurname from previous columnNumber of houses inhabitedNumber of separate apartmentsRemarks [see image for Polish abbreviated remarks regarding brick (mur), wooden (dr), etc.]Other informationNotes by typist / translatorSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by typist / translator)
1009121_519_0_-_290_6_56187083.jpg5KońskieAnnotarg77Ela LibermanLIBERMAN11sklep. [store]    
1033221_519_0_-_290_24_56187101.jpg39KońskieBerka Joselewicza2525Icek LibermanLIBERMAN         
1061421_519_0_-_290_58_56187137.jpg98KonskieWica Marszalka Pilsudskiego?88Brandla LibermanLIBERMAN         

Końskie: lists of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises 1941-1942, syg 425, 21_519_0_0_425.pdf; some translations created with https://translate.google.com [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageText at top of page before list of namesHeader immediately before listOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 2Order numberOwner of the storeSurnameAddressType of company [if in this table]CommentsOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 2Other column, if any -- 3Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1001921_519_0_0_4251Komisarz miasta Końskie. / Końskie, dnia 29.IV.1940. / Nr. Ew/H/40. / Do Pana Starosty Powiatowego / w sprawie handlu materiałami włókienniczymi. / W wykonaniu polecenia z ania 24 Im.Nr.205., donoszę, że na tere nie tut. miasta w dniu 1.9.1939. były czynne następujące sklepy wzgl. handle materiałemi włókienniezymi lub ich przetworami, a mianowicie: [Commissioner of the city of Końskie. / Końskie, 29 Apr 1940. / No. Ew/H/40. / To the District Mayor / regarding trade in textile materials. / In compliance with the order from ania 24 Im.Nr.205., I report that on 1 Sep 1939 The following stores were open: trade in textile materials or their products, namely:]I. sprzedaż towarów włókienniczych / łokciówka /. [sale of textiles / by yard.]19.Ela LibermanLIBERMANul. Joselewicza 5      
1006121_519_0_0_4253Komisarz miasta Końskie. / Końskie, dnia 29.IV.1940. / Nr. Ew/H/40. / Do Pana Starosty Powiatowego / w sprawie handlu materiałami włókienniczymi. / W wykonaniu polecenia z ania 24 Im.Nr.205., donoszę, że na tere nie tut. miasta w dniu 1.9.1939. były czynne następujące sklepy wzgl. handle materiałemi włókienniezymi lub ich przetworami, a mianowicie: [Commissioner of the city of Końskie. / Końskie, 29 Apr 1940. / No. Ew/H/40. / To the District Mayor / regarding trade in textile materials. / In compliance with the order from ania 24 Im.Nr.205., I report that on 1 Sep 1939 The following stores were open: trade in textile materials or their products, namely:]III. Sprzedaż gotowej bielizny: [III. Sales of ready-made underwear:]12.Etla LibermanLIBERMANul. Joselewicza 7      
1006221_519_0_0_4253Komisarz miasta Końskie. / Końskie, dnia 29.IV.1940. / Nr. Ew/H/40. / Do Pana Starosty Powiatowego / w sprawie handlu materiałami włókienniczymi. / W wykonaniu polecenia z ania 24 Im.Nr.205., donoszę, że na tere nie tut. miasta w dniu 1.9.1939. były czynne następujące sklepy wzgl. handle materiałemi włókienniezymi lub ich przetworami, a mianowicie: [Commissioner of the city of Końskie. / Końskie, 29 Apr 1940. / No. Ew/H/40. / To the District Mayor / regarding trade in textile materials. / In compliance with the order from ania 24 Im.Nr.205., I report that on 1 Sep 1939 The following stores were open: trade in textile materials or their products, namely:]III. Sprzedaż gotowej bielizny: [III. Sales of ready-made underwear:]13.Złata LibermanLIBERMANul. Joselewicza 7      
1014021_519_0_0_42512Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw handlowych ze sprzedażą żelaza, wyrobów żelaznych wyrobów zelazno-galenterjnych, galenterii, zabawek, naczyn kuchen-nych. / Stan na dzień 10.8.1940. / m. Końskie. [List: commercial enterprises selling iron, iron products, accessories, haberdashery, toys, kitchen utensils. / As of 10 Aug 1940. / town of Końskie.]47.Ela LibermanLIBERMANJoselewicza 4sprzedaż galanterii i bielizny     

Końskie: lists of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises 1941-1942, syg 426, 21_519_0_0_426.pdf; some translations created with https://translate.google.com [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageText at top of page before list of namesHeader immediately before listOrder number, if anyPersonSurname copied from previous columnAddressAddress, adjusted to match correct spellingOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 1, ROUGHLY translatedOther column, if any -- 2Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1004721_519_0_0_426.pdf8Wykaz przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieslniczych na terenie miasta Końskich [List of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie]89.Sura LibermanLIBERMANJoselewicza 25piekarniabakerytak 20/L 
1006121_519_0_0_426.pdf9Wykaz przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieslniczych na terenie miasta Końskich [List of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie]14.Brandla LibermanLIBERMANPiłsudskiego 8piekarniabakerytak 19/L 
1027121_519_0_0_426.pdf129Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieślniczych na terenie miasta Końskich. [List of: industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie.]89.Sura LibermanLIBERMANJoselewicza 25piekarniabakery20/L 
1028521_519_0_0_426.pdf130Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieślniczych na terenie miasta Końskich. [List of: industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie.]14.Brandla LibermanLIBERMANul. Piłsudskiego 8piekarniabakerytak 19/L 

Końskie: registers of business registration cards / taxable businesses, 1940, syg 430, 21_519_0_0_430

-Sort-YearImage file namePageOrder number[Date of receipt and number of registration card]Surname[Business: Name or surname and given name of owner (co-owner)]Handwritten number after name, if anySection part III appendix to article 7Unknown meaning[Date checked][Type of business][Business: Place of operation][Cost of registration card]h [handel? = trade], pr [produkcja? = production / manufacture], or rz [rzemieślnik? = artisan]Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
101201940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43033-34113 Jun 1940LibermanSzulim & Brandla[blank]I.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie Annotarg 2940.00h  
101221940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43033-34133 Jun 1940LibermanEla[blank]I.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie Joselewicza 440.00h  
101271940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43033-34199 Jul 1940LibermanBrandla[blank]II.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940piekarnia [bakery]Końskie Pilsudskiego 830.00[blank]  

Końskie: registers of business registration cards / taxable businesses, 1941, syg 431, 21_519_0_0_431

-Sort-YearImage file namePageOrder number[Date of receipt and number of registration card][Business: Name or surname and given name of owner (co-owner)]SurnameHandwritten number after name, if anySection part III appendix to article 7Unknown meaning[Date checked][Type of business][Business: Place of operation][Cost of registration card]h [handel? = trade], pr [produkcja? = production / manufacture], or rz [rzemieślnik? = artisan]Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
101011941 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43129-30192 May 1941Brandla LibermanLIBERMAN2e1.I31 Dec 1941[POLISH TEXT]Końskie, ul. Krakowska 830rz.  
101021941 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43129-30202 May 1941Sura LibermanLIBERMAN2e1.I31 Dec 1941[POLISH TEXT]Końskie, ul. Joselewicza 2530rz.  

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
1011218239ZOMBEKChaimHerszlik & Hana RozenROZEN1901Krzepiceoil-house ownerLIBERMAN, ROZEN, ZOMBEK
1011418239ZOMBEKLajaChaim & Hendla1912KrzepiceLIBERMAN, ROZEN, ZOMBEK
1011518239ZOMBEKBerekChaim & Hendla1928KrzepiceLIBERMAN, ROZEN, ZOMBEK
11160Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKHanaROZYNSzmul & Haja BanetBANET1872Krzepicehouse ownerBANET, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11161Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKPantelHerszlik & Hana1908KrzepiceBANET, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11162Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKMalkaHerszlik & Hana----KrzepiceBANET, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11163Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKMirlaHerszlik & Hana1913KrzepiceBANET, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11164Syg. 23, Solna Street1469FRANK / TRAUBEHerszMoszek & Malka ZombekZOMBEK1937KrzepiceFRANK, ROZYN, TRAUBE, UNGIER, ZOMBEK
11165Syg. 23, Solna Street1469TRAUBEMosiekIcek & Sura UngierUNGIER1908WielunmerchantFRANK, ROZYN, TRAUBE, UNGIER, ZOMBEK
11166Syg. 23, Solna Street1469TRAUBEMalkaZOMBEKHerszlik & Hana RozynROZYN1901KrzepiceFRANK, ROZYN, TRAUBE, UNGIER, ZOMBEK
11167Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKChaimHerszlik & Hana RozynROZYN1901Krzepicemilk house ownerELWET, LIBERMAN, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11168Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKHendlaLIBERMANRywen & Sura ElwetELWET36 yearsRadomskoELWET, LIBERMAN, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11169Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKLajaChaim & Hendla1925KrzepiceELWET, LIBERMAN, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11170Syg. 23, Solna Street1469ZOMBEKBerekChaim & Hendla1928KrzepiceELWET, LIBERMAN, ROZYN, ZOMBEK
11281Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICMendel/ BendykIcek & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ1894KrzepiceworkerAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11282Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICMachelaAJZNERDawid & Roza RozencweigROZENCWEIG1888KlobuckAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11283Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICFajglaMendel & Machela1919KrzepiceAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11284Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICRojzlaMendel & Machela1927KrzepiceAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11285Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICEsteraMendel & Machela1928KrzepiceAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11286Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICIcekMendel & Machela1932KrzepiceAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11287Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICSucherMendel & Machela1932KrzepiceAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG
11288Syg. 23, Solna Street17623BLICSuraJAKUBOWICZLewek & Fajgla LibermanLIBERMAN1858OpatowAJZNER, BLIC, JAKUBOWICZ, LIBERMAN, ROZENCWEIG

Łódź: In the Łódź Ghetto Oct 1939 - 16 Aug 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Łódź Ghetto, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (99 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10077762.LIBERMAN EsteraLIBERMAN EsteraLIBERMAN10 Jan 1898 r. , c. Chaima i Perli10 Jan 1898, daughter of Chaim and PerlaLodzMar 1940Laskier Mieczyslaw, Lodz Pilsudskiego 57LASKIERS Zg.20/46  

Lublin-Majdanek; Institute of Jewish Affairs, Archives; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D56/4 (911 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberGiven name(s)SurnameNumber (if any)Birth date (year)Other informationSurname from previous column
10491DSC00086.JPGW. EliasLIEBERMANN1907  

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
1151710Ber LibermanLIBERMAN1908LublinAbramFelaCyruln. 2 
1151810Abram LibermanLIBERMAN1903ChilChawaCzwartek 4 
1151910Icek LibermanLIBERMAN1903LodzMendelDwojraWyszynskiego 3 
1152010Jakub LibermanLIBERMAN1907KrakowAbramJochwetaCzwartek 4 
1152110Chaim LibermanLIBERMAN1918WarsawFroimMirlaCzwartek 4 
1152210Aron LibermanLIBERMAN1905NusynLajaCzwartek 4 
1152610Stanislaw LibermanLIBERMAN1901LwowSalomonRojzaTargowa 4 
1152710Barbara LiebermanLIEBERMAN1910LwowAbramKlaraTargowa 4 

Palestine: Immigrants, 1945; origin of list: Jewish War Appeal; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-SubheaderPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnAgeRelationship [if listed]Name of fatherName of motherCitizenshipPlace of birthPlace of birth: inferred country (or city and country)Notes
10625Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"21399.Shifra LiebermanLIEBERMAN55LeibaSheinaPolandWilnaWilna, Poland / Vilnius, Lithuania 
10861Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"27783.Yakov LiebermanLIEBERMAN15son of Sifrah Lie[blank][blank]PolandWilnaWilna, Poland / Vilnius, Lithuania 
10862Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"27784.Yosef LiebermanLIEBERMAN12son of Sifrah Lie[blank][blank]PolandWilnaWilna, Poland / Vilnius, Lithuania 

Palestine: List of emigrants to Palestine (Elenco dei Partenti), departed on 5 Nov 1945; Relatives Information Service on 27 Feb 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnSexAgeCitizenshipNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
102777439Schifra LiebermannLIEBERMANNF55Polacca  
102787440Jechiel LiebermannLIEBERMANNM15Polacca  
102797441Josef LiebermannLIEBERMANNM12Polacca  

Piotrków: List of Jews found in Piotrkowskich (near Łódź) on 20 Mar 1945; The Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem, P.O.B. 92, Relatives Information Service, 4 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnNotes (not by typist)
101411Symcha Tenehum LibermanTENEHUM / TENEBUM LIBERMANTenebum added because it seems more likely

Piotrków Trybunalski: In the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto Oct 15 Sep 1940 - Aug 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Piotrków Trybunalski, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (140 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1014914128Rubinsztajn Szaja-JankielRubinsztajn Szaja-JankielRUBINSZTAJN16 Jul 1934 r. s. Nasyna i Blimy-Bajli z d. Kaczka16 Jul 1934, son of Nasyn and Blima-Bajla nee KaczkaKACZKAPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]30 Nov 1942Liberman Celina, Piotrkow, ul. Pilsudskiego 55/16LIBERMANArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz. w Piotrkowie Zg 251/47  

Pławno census, 12 Oct 1939, including Pławno, Kolonia Wesola, Wies Stanislawice, Kolonia Mekwa, Kolonia Strzala, Kolonia Pławno-Lasek; all Jewish entries (see statistics); Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 119 (448 persons) [H]

-Sort-Document notes 1Document notes 2Chronological numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AgeYear of birth (calculated)Address (street)RemarksComments
10272Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)334Uszer LibermanLIBERMAN341905Gidelska4 . 120 
10273Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)335Haja LibermanLIBERMAN321907Gidelska  
10274Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)336Masza LibermanLIBERMAN81931Gidelska  
10275Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)337Wita LibermanLIBERMAN21937Gidelska  
10276Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)626Moszek LibermanLIBERMAN401899Koscielna5 
10277Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)627Sura LibermanLIBERMAN401899Koscielna  
10278Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)628Dora LibermanLIBERMAN101929Koscielna  
10279Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)629Zelek LibermanLIBERMAN81931Koscielna  
10280Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)630Klara LibermanLIBERMAN21937Koscielna  

Pławno, Jewish craftsmen; regarding resettlement of Pławno Jews; bridge construction (for bridge building at Warthe river); craftsmen: woodworkers, painters, and the like [H]

-Sort-Document details 2Document details 3Given name(s)SurnameOccupationDate of birthComments
10002(for police of Zytno, for repairing building in Gidle to be used by police station) 22 Sep 1942; Plawno Akta Miasta zesp. 691 sygn. 121, different files, 3 letters (17 persons)See separate file for text of the three letters, dated 22 Jan 1942, 19 Sep 1942, and 23 Sep 1942UszerLIBERMANSchoemaker14 Aug 905Research incomplete?; name crossed out?

Pławno, loose sheets of paper, written with pencil, all Jewish entries copied; Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 121 (77 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]probably family membersStreetHouse numberComments
10058Estera LibermanLIBERMAN2Sobieskiego948 persons on Sobieskiego

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1231074Abraham LibermannLIBERMANNLodz / Łódź, Poland1908JechielChanaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1231174Awiwa LiebermanLIEBERMANSosnowic, Poland1924ZwiParcha 
1231274Beti LibermannLIBERMANNLwow / Lwów, Poland1914AbrahamLeaLwów added because it seems more likely
1231374Chaim LibermannLIBERMANNLodz / Łódź, Poland1914ZachariaGitelŁódź added because it seems more likely
1231474Dow LibermannLIBERMANNPoland1920MordchaiEtka 
1231574Josef LibermannLIBERMANNPjotrokow / Piotrków, Poland1914ShmuelSaraPiotrków added because it seems more likely
1231674Liba LibermannLIBERMANNWilna, Poland1928AbrahamShifra 
1231774Majer LibermannLIBERMANNWilna, Poland1917AbrahamShifra 
1231874Majer LibermannLIBERMANNLodz / Łódź, Poland1906IsraelSuslaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1231974Moses LibermannLIBERMANNLodz / Łódź, Poland1920PinchasToraŁódź added because it seems more likely
1232074Sami LibermannLIBERMANNLwow / Lwów, Poland1905ShlomaSofiaLwów added because it seems more likely
1232174Selig LibermannLIBERMANNPoland1920JakobJenta 
1232374Jakob LibfermanLIBFERMANKozeince, Poland1922ShimonJehudith 

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
1172264Chaim LiebermanLIEBERMANRzeszow, Poland1925AronRosa  
1172364Chanoch LiebermanLIEBERMANKrakow, Poland1927SzmuelHelena  
1172464Dow LiebermanLIEBERMANPiotrkow, Poland1925MeirHenia  
1172564Henie LiebermanLIEBERMANJasinowka, Poland[blank]IcchakMichla  
1172664Israel LibermanLIBERMANGrondo, Poland1912LejbDwora  

Poland: List no. 7 of Jewish refugees (Polish Jews), only Poland entries; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 12? Dec 1945 [H]

-Sort-PageNo.PersonSurname from previous columnAgeTownCampNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10094294Henryk LiebermanLIEBERMAN18Krakow, Poland   

Poland: List of persons receiving individual gift packages, 1941, American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage number of complete set (unnumbered)Page number at top, centered (if any)Page header (including running header)[List number?]NameSurname from previous or following column[Address]Column without header [regarding delivery]Notes (not by typist)
10260German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[7][none]List No. 1, Receipts, May 1943[63?]Marianne LiebermannLIEBERMANNLitzmannstadt  
10261German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[7][none]List No. 1, Receipts, May 1943[64?]Sophie LiebermannLIEBERMANNLitzmannstadt  
10262German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[7][none]List No. 1, Receipts, May 1943[65?]Susi LiebermannLIEBERMANNLitzmannstadt  
10581German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[14]6List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[272?]Rubin Liberman?LIBERMAN?Litzmannstadt  
11278German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[28]4Returned Parcels, List. nr. 2[none?]Estera LibermanLIBERMANChelmJude unbekannt [Jew, unknown] 
11535German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[34]10[Returned Parcels,] List. no. 3[none?]Mowssa LibermanLIBERMANBudslawunsulyessig [inadmissible] 

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1026515Bela LibermannLIBERMANN23 Sep 1902Sosnowietz3793  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
10510DSC00048.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 138284Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Nov 1942497Abram LibermanLIBERMANPiotrkow Tryb.ul. Pilsudskiego 33   
10895DSC00058.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140638Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 1942911Dora LibermanLIBERMANBransk, pow. Bielsk-Podlaski    
10897DSC00058.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140638Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 1942913Zalman LibermanLIBERMANBiala-Podl., w. Lubelskie    
11883DSC00084.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 145390Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV10 Nov 194266Dr. [give name not listed] LiebermanLIEBERMANSosnowiec, Judenrat    
12919DSC00110.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106186Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 194222Ruwen LibermanLIBERMANLodzZgierska 43/45   
13063DSC00114.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106178Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 19423Laja LibermanLIBERMANWarsawPrzebieg? 1   
13066DSC00114.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106178Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 19426Jakob LibermanLIBERMANWarsawProsta 17/19   
13068DSC00114.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106178Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 19428Rachel Laja LibermanLIBERMANWarsawMuranowska 17/19   

Poland: "Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland" (Exposition Press, 1963; 2584 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)SurnameBirthDeathPage number
11432Henryk (Hersh)LIBERMAN1896Holocaust405
11450Henryk (Hersz)LIEBERMAN1898Holocaust407

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10006M194600200020125 Stycznia19463Sad Grodzki w RadomskuOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsku oglasza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlychTranslations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com2) Liberman Chai, Mirli, Esterze i Rywce oraz Jojnie_Berze i Chanie, malz, Szmulewicz, Szmulu i Blimie malz, Zeligman, Gitli Wargon, Dwoirze Szklarczyk i Frajdli Blogier - wspolwlascicielach nieruchomosce w Radomsku, N. hip. 197.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ, ZELIGMAN, SZKLARCZYK, BLOGIER  
10316M19460290054012927 Marca19465Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none]Sad Grodzkj w Piotrkowie. zgodnie z art. 5 i 6 Dekretn z dnia 29.VIII1945 r. (D. U. 46/45 ) Pedaje do wiadomosci, ze dnia 18.I. 1946 r do Sadu Grozkiego w Piotrkowie wplynal wnlosek Mendla Tuszynera, zam, w Piotrkowie przy ul. Aleje 3 Maja 27 o[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comTUSZYNER, RAJTBERGER, LIBERMAN  
10317M19460290054012927 Marca19465Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]stwierdzenie zgonu zony jego Ity Tuszyner z domu Rajtberger, urodzonej w Piotrkowie Tryb. dnia 4 lutego 1812 r., corki Pinikusa Rajtbergera i Chawy z Libermanow. lta Tuszyner do pazdziernika 1942 r. zamieszkiwala w Piotrkowie przy[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comTUSZYNER, RAJTBERGER, LIBERMAN  
10318M19460290054012927 Marca19465Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]ul Plac Trybunalski 4. w pazdziemiku 942 r. Ita Tuszyer wywieziona zostala przez Niemcow do Treblinki i dolychczas nie powrocila. Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie wzywa: a) wymienina wyzej lta Tuszyuer aby w termie 3 miesiecy od ukazania sie[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comTUSZYNER, RAJTBERGER, LIBERMAN  
10319M19460290054012927 Marca19465Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]ogloszenia zglosila sie do Sadu wzywajacego, gdyz w przeciwnym razie moze byc uznana za zmarla, b) wszysikie osoby, ktore moga udzielie wiadomosci o zaginionej, aby w lerminie powyzszym domosly o nich sadowi (N,r. Zg. 3/46). KA-l988Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comTUSZYNER, RAJTBERGER, LIBERMAN  
10347M1946031005901313 Kwietnia19463Sad Grodzki w Radomsku Ogloszenie IIOddzial Hipoteczny sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsko oglacza ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlyhTranslations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com2) Liberman Chai, Mirli, Esterze i Rywce, oraz Jojnie Berze i Chanie, malz. Szmulewicz, Szmulu i Blimie malz. Zeligman, Gitli Wargon, Dwoirze Szklarczyk i Frajdli Blogier - swpolwlascicielach nieruchomosci w Radomsku, Nr hip. 197,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ, ZELIGMAN, WARGON, SZKLARCZYK, BLOGIER  
10996M1946083015401833 Wrzesnia19463Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na dzien 6 marca 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com5) Rajzli-Laji vel Rajzla-Laja Liberman, wlascicielce 16 ha 5571 metrow kw. Gruntu w dobrach Wancerzow, pow. Czestochowskego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN  
11349M194611202070111225 Pazdziernika19462Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / na dzien 13 maja 1947 rokuSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obsieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych jak nizej, celem zgloszenia prw do tych spadcow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com33. Michelu vel Michale i Icie z Libermanow malz. Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, oznaczonej Nr 516/III hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, ALTMAN  
11535M194613100000113125 Listopada19465Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4) Lai-Frymecie z Libermanow Landau, wlasc. nieruchomosci w Zawierciu Nr 40(83),Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN LANDAU  
11677M19461370000011376 Grudnia19463Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego W Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na dzien 6 marca 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com5) Rajzli-Lai vel Rajzla-Laja Liberman, wlascicielce 16 ha 5571 metrow kw. gruntu w dobrach Wancerzow, pow. czestochowskiego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN  
11751M19461380000011388 grudnia19463Sad Grodzki W CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com48) Naftalim i Esterze-Itcie z Libermanow malzonkadu Deres vel Deresz, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr. 1461/II hip. Oraz wlascicielach polowy nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr. 959/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, DERES VEL DERESZ  
12097M19470120000011231 Stycznia19475Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none]Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie, zgonie z art. 5 i 6 Dekretu z dnia 29 sierpnia 1945 r. (Dz. Ust. 40/45 r.), podaje do wiadomosci, ze dnia 27 sierpnia 1946 roku wplynal do Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie wniosek Rajzli z Grynszpanow Meisel, o uznanie za zmarla[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGRYNSZPAN MEISEL, LIBERMAN GRYNSZPAN, DZIALOWSKA  
12098M19470120000011231 Stycznia19475Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]Bajli Libermanow Grynszpan, corki Jozefa i Sury Blimy z Dzialowskich, urodzonej dnia i sierpnia 1874 r. w Piotrkowie, stale tam zamieszkalej, ktora w dniu 21 pazdziernika 1942 roku wywieziona zostala z Piotrkowa w kierunku Treblinki i do tej pory nie wrocila.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGRYNSZPAN MEISEL, LIBERMAN GRYNSZPAN, DZIALOWSKA  
12099M19470120000011231 Stycznia19475Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none]Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie wzywa. a) wymieniona Bajle z Libermanow Grynszpan, aby w terminie 3 miesiecy od ukazania sie ogloszenia, zglosila sie do Sadu wzywajacego, gdyz w przeciwnym razie moze byc uzana za zmarla, b) wszystkie osoby, ktore moga udzielic wiadomosci o zaginionej, aby w terminie powyzszym doniosly o nich Sadowi. (Nr Zg.120/46.). KB--9126Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN GRYNSZPAN  
12259M19470180000011812 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych, jak nizej, celem zgloszenia praw do tych spadkow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach: / na dzien 13 maja 1947 roku.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com33. Michelu vel Michale i lcie z Libermanow malz. Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, oznaczonej Nr 516/lII hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, ALTMAN  
12525M19470350000013510 Mar 194719473Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com48) Naftalim i Esterze-Itcie z Libermanow malzonkach Deres vel Deresz, wlaSCICIELACH NIERUCHOMOSCI W Czestochowie Nr 1461/II hip., oraz wlascicielach polowy nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 959/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, DERES VEL DERESZ  
12584M1947045000001453 kwietnia 194719471Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4) Lai-Frymecie z Libermanow Landau, wlasc., nieruchomosci w Zawierciu Nr 4085,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN LANDAUIn 4085 the 85 is superscript 
12722M1947061000001619 Maja19476Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com13) Moszku-Dawidzie Libermanie, wlasc. Nieruchomosci w Zawierciu Nr 40,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMANIE  
12741M1947061000001619 Maja19476Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com32) Jozefie Libermanie, oraz Joachimie i Chai-Nojmie z Zandbergow malz. Haberman, wlasc. nieruch. w Zawierciu Nr 40-85,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, ZANDBERG, HABERMAN  
13323M19480430000014329 Kwietnia194810Obwieszczenia sadowe / Postepowanie SpadkoweXXIV. Sad Grodzki w Zarkach oglasza, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) Joachimie-Josku Szwimerze, zm. 10.IV. 1940, Lejbusiuvel Leonie Szwimerze, zm. 18.VI. 1942, Cwetli z Libermanow Szwimer, zm. 2.IX. 1939 i Nucie Szwimerze, zm. 30.X. 1943 r., wlascicielach nieruchomosci, pol. w Myszkowie.SZWIMER, LIBERMAN SZWIMER  

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
2945209-DSC00055.jpg101BlumaGROSS LIBERMANHillersleben 
4185709-DSC00123.jpg167AdelaLIBERMANDabrowa Gorn. 
4186409-DSC00123.jpg167Aron AbramLIBERMANRzeszow 
4188809-DSC00123.jpg167DeboraLIBERMANDabrowa G. 
4192109-DSC00123.jpg167Izrael Dawid?LIBERMANCzestochowa 
4196409-DSC00123.jpg167Mozes Markus?LIBERMANSanok 
4197609-DSC00124.jpg168Rajzla IdesLIBERMANCzestochowa 
4199109-DSC00124.jpg168SzanaLIBERMANDabrowa G. 
4199209-DSC00124.jpg168SzamaLIBERMANDabrowa G. 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
10005Set 01, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00121.JPGNatanLIEBERMANWife & daughtersWants to establish contact with their parents from Vienna who lived in Nice, France19-24 Mar 1945 
10091Set 03, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00136.jpgEllaLUBERMANSends greetings to Rubenstein in New YorkLublinRUBENSTEINPage 6
10296PSRM Set 09, folder 12-H277n2, image DSC00008.JPGAwnerLEBERMANWants to contact Moshko in Buenos AiresMOSHKO24 Feb 1945, 21 Mar 1945Page 3
11090PSRM Set 27, folder 12-H277n2, image DSC00115.JPGNaumLIBERMANWarszawa, Centralny Komitet ZydowskiSochaczewAsks for assistance: Liberman, Israel-Tel-AvivWarszawa, Centralny Komitet ZydowskiLIBERMAN19 May 1945Page 6
11259PSRM Set 31, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00139.JPG & DSC00140.JPGSaraLIBERMANLeibWarsaw Jewish Committee Szeroka 31LwowSend greetings to Goldberg A. Mendel in Palestine and ask for helpGOLDBERG24 May 1945Page 6
11679PSRM Set 39, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00037.JPGDavidLIEBERMANCzestochowGreets grandson in GuatemalaCzestochow, ul. B. Joselewicz18 Feb 1945Page 5
11680PSRM Set 39, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00037.JPGSamuelLIEBERMANInforms son that is alive8 Mar 1945Page 5
11865PSRM Set 41, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00051.JPGKiwa or KubaLIEBERMAN12 Mar 1945List of Radio Messages Broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, N.Y., 1 Aug 1945, page 2
11866PSRM Set 41, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00051.JPGSzodlovicLIEBERMAN11 Mar 1945List of Radio Messages Broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, N.Y., 1 Aug 1945, page 2
12148PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00076.JPGLIEBERMANSzedlovic11 Mar 1945Page 7
12149PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00076.JPGDavidLIEBERMANCzestochow ul.B JoselewiczSends greetings to grandson in Guatemala.18 Feb 1945Page 7
12150PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00076.JPGKiwa or KubaLIEBERMAN12 Mar 1945Page 7
12151PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00076.JPGSamuelLIEBERMANInforms son that he is alive.8 Mar 1945Page 7
12623PSRM Set 52, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00113.JPGAdelaLUBERMANHusband and childReichenbach, Lower SilesiaSends greeting to sister7 Jul 1945 
12945PSRM Set 60, folder 14-H277n2, Image DSC00007.JPG & DSC00008.JPGAdelaLUBERMANHusband, childReichenbach, Lower SilesiaWishes to contact sister.07 Jul 1945Page 4

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10640Set 8DSC00104.JPGList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-NeuenbergLIBERMANSzyjaWarsaw    

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10223Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]16 05Bracia [Brothers] LibermanLIBERMANwyroy skórzane i metaloweFabryczna 1   
10650Przyrów (images: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/517)517.jpg467[none]5Moszek LibermanLIBERMAN[not listed][not listed]   

Przedbórz 1939: list of payers of contributions to the Jewish community in Przedbórz of the Końskie district of the Kielce voivodeship for 1939, syg 3375, pages 26-37; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981490 [H]

-Sort-Image filePageOrder numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddressOccupation, in PolishOccupation, translatedContribution (Zł.)CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1015021_100_0_6.3_3375_35_61122967.jpg32139Ałter-Josek LibermanLIBERMANCzęstochows.handlarztrader5  

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 14-23 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]The location of the house or landOwnerSurname(s) from the previous columnOwner's addressValue (złc)Notes by translator / typist
10033https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491422, 23ul. Częstochowska 7Berek PrzedborskiPRZEDBORSKIUl. Częstochowska3000Entry is crossed out
10034https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491422, 23ul. Częstochowska 7sp. [heirs of] Chawa LewkowiczLEWKOWICZUl. Częstochowska3000Entry is crossed out
10035https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491422, 23ul. Częstochowska 7Chaim GingierGINGIERUl. Częstochowska3000Entry is crossed out
10036https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491422, 23ul. Częstochowska 7Berek TrokmanTROKMANUl. Częstochowska3000Entry is crossed out
10037https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491422, 23ul. Częstochowska 7Alter-Josek LibermanLIBERMANUl. Częstochowska3000Entry is crossed out

Przedbórz: management over real estate, syg 373, 1947; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071966 [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberTown (from header before entries)1 Register number (in sequence)2 Town and street3 House numberPersonSurname from previous column5 Number of floors6 Number of rooms7 Monthly rent [including extras]8 Insurance (amount)9 Nominal value of property fixed by tax authorities10 Average of most recent selling price or similar11 What is the mortgage owed (if known)?Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1017021_336_0_-_373_22_56162310.jpg20Konskie303Joselewicza25Sura LibermanLIBERMAN         
1022521_336_0_-_373_24_56162311.jpg22Konskie327Pilsudski8Brandla LibermanLIBERMAN         

Przyrów 1939: list of contribution payers to the Jewish community in Przyrów, powiat Częstochowa, province Kielecki for 1939, syg 3371, pages 291-293; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981486 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AddressAmount of contributionOccupationOccupation, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1003621_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29236Chaim LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów30--kupiecmerchant 
1003721_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29237Szlama LibermanLIBERMANMstów15--kupiecmerchant 
1003821_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29238Estera LibermanLIBERMANRzeki10--kupiecmerchant 
1003921_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29239Abram LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów5--kupiecmerchant 
1004021_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29240Herszlik LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów15--kupiecmerchant 
1004121_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29241Izrael LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów10--kupiecmerchant 
1004221_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29242Dawid LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów6--kupiecmerchant 
1004321_100_0_6.3_3371_300_61122375.jpg29243Chaskiel LibermanLIBERMANPrzyrów5--kupiecmerchant 

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów [1932-1949] EXPANDED WORK; Często Arch, syg 529 (397 persons), sample images: www.crarg.org/przyrow-emigration-1932-1949.php [H]

-Sort-Prev sort numberPageNumeralGiven nameSurnameNext place of residence: powiatNext place of residence: communityNext place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence type BDeleted from resident list: DateDeleted from resident list: Volume / PageRemarks about deleting... [blank for all listings]Other informationNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
100561004011121FrajndlaLIBERMANCzestochowaMorowska 1016 Aug 1933[Not listed]18 Aug 193328 Aug 1933[Not listed][Not listed]    
101351012540795HerszlikLIBERMANCzestochowaSenatorska 23[Not listed]14 Mar 193617 Mar 193621 Apr 193621 Apr 19369/181    
1022610207611282Estera JentlaLIBERMANPabianice[Not listed]10 Dec 193710 Jan 193813 Jan 1938[Not listed][Not listed]8/143    
1025210208651369Moszek LejbLIBERMANCzestochowa[Not listed]15 Apr 19386 May 19387 May 1938[Not listed][Not listed]8/143    
10304711542AjgaLIBERMAN[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8 Nov 19388/115died 23 Sep 1935  
10396141Rajzla IdesLIBERMANCzestochowa[Not listed]20 Mar 1947Temporary residence        

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 529 (311 persons) [H]

-Sort-YearGiven nameSurnameMoved toNew addressPageNotes (not by researcher)
101251936HerszlikLIBERMANCzestochowaSenatorska 2340 
102071938Estera LajaLIBERMANPabianice61 

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 EXPANDED; Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (1020 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/przyrow-newcomers-1932-1950.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.; YearsPageNumeralGiven nameSurname from previous columnPrevious place of residence: powiatPrevious place of residence: communityPrevious place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence standard BDelated from residence register: DateDelated from residence register: Volume/pageRemarks about... [blank for nearly all listings]CommentSurname from previous 2 columnsNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1000710021syg. 527 (1939-1950)694Eliasz LibermanLIBERMANfrom birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]5 Jun 19398/150     
1003710011syg. 527 (1939-1950)1422Rachela LibermanLIBERMANLodz22 Jan 1940[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary residentWith family   
1005610042syg. 527 (1939-1950)21179Ruchla LibermanLIBERMANRzeki26 Sep 1940[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
1007710059syg. 527 (1939-1950)3087Moszek Josek LibermanLIBERMANOlbrachcice10 May 1941[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
1007910060syg. 527 (1939-1950)32149Szlama Josek LibermanLIBERMANLodz15 Aug 1941[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
10213syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242788Binem LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/38     
10214syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242789Sura LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/38     
10215syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242790Laja LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/38     
1034410305syg. 526 (1932-1939)1312954Haskiel LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/127     
1034510306syg. 526 (1932-1939)1312955Chawa Hinda LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/127     
1034610307syg. 526 (1932-1939)1312956Abram Lajb LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/127     
1034710308syg. 526 (1932-1939)1312957Dobra LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/127     
1034810309syg. 526 (1932-1939)1312958Janina LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/127     
1040710363syg. 526 (1932-1939)1343035Abram LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1040810364syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353036Fajgla Laja LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1040910365syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353037Moszek Lajb LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1041010366syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353038Estera Jentla LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1041110367syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353039Herszlik Aron LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1041210368syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353040Mendel LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1041310369syg. 526 (1932-1939)1353041Rajzla Ides LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/143     
1042510381syg. 526 (1932-1939)1363075Abram Henia LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/150     
1042610382syg. 526 (1932-1939)1363076Chaja Rywka LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/150     
1050610461syg. 526 (1932-1939)1663760Mendel LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]9/169     
1050710462syg. 526 (1932-1939)1663761Idesa LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]9/169     
1050810463syg. 526 (1932-1939)1663762Izrael LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]9/169     
1050910464syg. 526 (1932-1939)1663763Dawid Josek LibermanLIBERMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]9/169     
1087510813syg. 526 (1932-1939)2425494Liba LibermanLIBERMANZarkiKozieglowska 3118 Jul 19337 Jul 19337 Jul 193318 Aug 193318 Aug 19338/38     
1091710839syg. 526 (1932-1939)2746223Ruchla LibermanLIBERMANKoniecpol31 May 193517 Jun 193517 Jun 19358/124     
10926syg. 526 (1932-1939)2776291Herszlik LibermanLIBERMANKamykKamyk[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]12 Jul 19359/181     
1102810903syg. 526 (1932-1939)3177619Pinkus LibermanLIBERMANLelowLelow20 Dec 193826 Apr 193917 May 193919 May 19399/216     

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (903 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.; YearsPageFamily comments (not written by researcher)Given nameSurnameDate of arrivalFrom whereOther informationComments (not by researcher)
10011Syg. 527; 1939-195014RachelaLIBERMAN22 Jan 1940Lodzwith family 
10021Syg. 527; 1939-19506EliaszLIBERMANfrom birth   
10042Syg. 527; 1939-195021RuchlaLIBERMAN26 Sep 1940Rzeki  
10059Syg. 527; 1939-195030Moszek JosekLIBERMAN10 May 1941Olbrachcice  
10060Syg. 527; 1939-195032Szloma JosekLIBERMAN15 Aug 1941Lodz  
10305Syg. 526; 1932-1939131HaskielLIBERMANfrom birth   
10306Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveChawa HindaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10307Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveAbram LajbLIBERMANfrom birth   
10308Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDobraLIBERMANfrom birth   
10309Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveJaninaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10363Syg. 526; 1932-1939134AbramLIBERMANfrom birth   
10364Syg. 526; 1932-1939135Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFajgla LajaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10365Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveMoszek LajbLIBERMANfrom birth   
10366Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveEstera JentlaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10367Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveHerszlik AronLIBERMANfrom birth   
10368Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveMendelLIBERMANfrom birth   
10369Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRajzla IdesLIBERMANfrom birth   
10381Syg. 526; 1932-1939136Abram HeniaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10382Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveChaja RywkaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10461Syg. 526; 1932-1939166MendelLIBERMANfrom birth   
10462Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIdesaLIBERMANfrom birth   
10463Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIzraelLIBERMANfrom birth   
10464Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawid JosekLIBERMANfrom birth   
10813Syg. 526; 1932-1939242LibaLIBERMAN18 Jul 1933Zarki  
10839Syg. 526; 1932-1939274RuchlaLIBERMAN26 Apr 1935Koniecpol  
10840Syg. 526; 1932-1939274AbeLIBERMAN26 Apr 1935Pilica  
10903Syg. 526; 1932-1939317PinkusLIBERMAN20 Dec 1938Lelow  

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
10127Donor was living at the time the necrology.420-421IsraelBelaBAUM-SZEIH / SHEIH?YehoshuaLIBERMANRelative of Bela Baum-Szeih / Sheih?BAUM-SZEIH / SHEIH?And wife and children
10784Donor was living at the time the necrology.423-424IsraelYeheilWAJNTRAUBGitlLIBERMANRelative of Yeheil WajntraubWAJNTRAUB 
11057Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANYakov-YosefTENENBAUMRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11058Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANYissakharTENENBAUMRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11059Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANYakovSZMULEWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11060Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANNekhaSZMULEWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11061Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANYehezkeilSZMULEWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11062Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANRachel-LeahSZMULEWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11063Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANLeahRUBINSZTAJNRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd husband and children
11064Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANMarianYELIN?Relative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd husband and children
11065Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANMenhakhem-MendelLANDAURelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11066Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANRachelLANDAUWife of Menhakhem-Mendel LandauLANDAUAnd children
11067Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANYitzhakBUGAJSKIRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11068Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANHershelFAKTORRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11069Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANHershelPELMANRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11070Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANZalman-DovidPELMANRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11071Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANPinkhasGOLDBERGRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11072Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANIzraelKOZOLEKRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11073Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANAhronDUDKEWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11074Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANEliezerZANDBERGRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11075Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANElimelekhYAKUBOWICZRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11076Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANAbraham-MikhalDAJCHRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11078Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANReuvenLIBERMANFather of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11079Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANSarahLIBERMANMother of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11080Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANYakovLIBERMANBrother of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11081Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANYosefLIBERMANBrother of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11082Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANMoisheLIBERMANBrother of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11083Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANBerlLIBERMANBrother of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11084Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANRachelLIBERMANSister of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11085Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANMindlLIBERMANSister of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11086Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANHindlLIBERMANSister of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11087Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANHaimZOMBEKHusband of Hindl LibermanLIBERMAN 
11088Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANHayaWIDOSLAWSKIRelative of Yehudah LibermanLIBERMAN 
11089Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelYehudahLIBERMANShmuelWIDOSLAWSKIHusband of Haya WidoslawskiWIDOSLAWSKIAnd their families
11098Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelZalmanLINDENEfraimLIBERMANBrother-in-law of Zalman LindenLINDEN 
11099Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelZalmanLINDENShulzinger?LIBERMANBrother-in-law of Zalman LindenLINDEN 
11555Donor was living at the time the necrology.425IsraelShimon & ZalmanCYMERMANDubaLIBERMANRelative of Shimon & Zalman CykermanCYKERMAN 

Radomsko, 1939, Die nachweisung der Judishe Geschafte in der Stadt Radomsko / Wykaz sklepow zydowskich na terenie miasta Radomska (List of Jewish shops in Radomsko); preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NumberingType of shopPersonSurname from previous columnAdressCommentNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1005353GroceryChawa LibermanLIBERMANLimanowskiego 36   

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
10636105651991930922072Abram LibermanLIBERMAN12Radomsko       
107991068819919301312970Zysla LibermanLIBERMAN21Plawno       
108781076619919301353069Rubin LibermanLIBERMAN63Lelow       
109411082619919301383144Liba LibermanLIBERMAN---2Konary       
110221090419919301433244Szyja LibermanLIBERMAN35Piotrkow       
111091098619919301483374Jakub LibermanLIBERMAN15Radomsko       
111351101219919301503402Dawid LibermanLIBERMAN23Radomsko       
112831114319919301733943Abram Lajb LibermanLIBERMAN35Radomsko       
113561121019919301774028Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN25Radomsko       
117151151719919302215042Abram LibermanLIBERMAN13Radomsko       
118171161719919302295207Jakub Majer LibermanLIBERMAN13Przyrow       
124441214719919303307745Jozef Lajzer LibermanLIBERMAN1---RadomskoPrzedborska 25Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
124451214819919303307746Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN1---RadomskoPrzedborska 25Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
124461214919919303317747Pinkus LibermanLIBERMAN1---RadomskoPrzedborska 5Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
124471215019919303317748Rajzla LibermanLIBERMAN---1RadomskoReymonta 37Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
124481215119919303317749Sura Bajla LibermanLIBERMAN---1RadomskoDluga 12Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
1270612386200193212234Liba LibermanLIBERMAN2Dworszowice    
1271412391200193212251Liba Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN1Lodz    
12780200193220430Golda Mindla LibermanLIBERMAN1Died 22 Jun 1932    
12815200193227581Abram LibermanLIBERMAN1Died 6 Jan 1932    
129571255120019335494Pinkus LibermanLIBERMAN1Wielgomlyny    
13034200193365358Judka LibermanLIBERMAN1Palestine    
132101270520019349536Estera Malka LibermanLIBERMAN1Wielgomlyny    
13257127372001934103222Blima LibermanLIBERMAN1Przyrow    
13448128442001934135944Abram LibermanLIBERMAN13Palestine    
1348112863200193513963Izrael Izaak LibermanLIBERMAN1Piotrkow    
1348912868200193514082Jozef Lejzer LibermanLIBERMAN1Piotrkow: Zamkowy Sq. 2    
13509128802001935143143Rachma LibermanLIBERMAN1Lodz: Limanowskiego 39    
13730130082001935172812Brandla LibermanLIBERMAN1Lodz    
14026131742001937224112Rubin LibermanLIBERMAN31Lodz: Mickiewicza 4/6    
140312001937225124Jakob LibermanLIBERMAN1Died 3 Feb 1937 in Radomsko    
14040131792001937225138Sura LibermanLIBERMAN22Lodz: Lagiewnicka 4    
14177132512001937247635Mojsze LibermanLIBERMAN1Lodz: Nowomiejska 15    
145311340620219399188Chaja LibermanLIBERMAN1Czestochowa: Garibaldiego 14    
1456513422202193914322Masza LibermanLIBERMAN1Belchatow: Daszynskiego    
1472013482202193934780Icek LibermanLIBERMAN1Piotrkow    
1504813595202194076703Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN1Czestochowa    
152412021941129284Mordechaj LibermanLIBERMAN1Died 18 May 1940    
15327136542021941138496Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN14Przerab    
16124137142011939225Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN1SosnowiecBrzeznicka 2     
1627413803201193930669Rywka LibermanLIBERMAN1Radomsko since birthPlac 3 Maja 18     
167131402820119401411674Frymeta LibermanLIBERMAN1LodzPolna 22     
167601406520119401642193Masza LibermanLIBERMAN11Radomsko since birthRolna 22     
167671407120119401652232Rachmil LibermanLIBERMAN1LodzPolna 22     
16859141412011942245185Malka LibermanLIBERMAN1Radomsko since birthRolna 27     

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) EXPANDED WORK 1934-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 185-192 (about 2000 persons); sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-identity-cards-1934-1940.php [H]

-Sort-Syg.Year [of ID Card]Serial numberGiven nameSurnameDate and place of birthNumber and date of issue of passportAddress of passport ownerCommentSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
10132185193423Hinda Dwojra LibermanLIBERMAN28 Jul 1915 Przedborz19 Nov 1934Plac 3 Maja 7Signature of owner   
10133185193424Chana LibermanLIBERMAN18 Jul 1913 Radomsko19 Nov 1934Plac 3 Maja 12Signature of owner   
1059918719364Ila Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN3 Jan 1915 Radomsko15 Feb 1936 784008Plac 3 Maja 12Signature of owner   
1060018719365Dawid LibermanLIBERMAN21 Feb 1878 Janow25 Feb 1936 784028Limanowskiego 9Signature of owner   
10607187193613Izrael Izaak LibermanLIBERMAN20 Aug 1915 Radomsko13 May 1936 863081Plac 3 Maja 15Signature of owner   
10608187193614Majlech LibermanLIBERMAN19 Jan 1918 Radomsko14 May 1936 863079Limanowskiego 10Signature of owner   
10610187193619Rubin LibermanLIBERMAN8 Dec 1877 Lelow22 Jun 1936 862928Limanowskiego 10Signature of owner   
1087718819372Liba Ruchla LibermanLIBERMAN15 Jan 1914 Radomsko20 Jan 1937 223797Limanowskiego 10Signature of owner   
10884188193712Laja LibermanLIBERMAN20 Aug 1881 Radomsko22 Jun 1937 328143Plac 3 Maja 12Signature of owner   
115411911939148Itta Ruchla Liberman HerszbergLIBERMAN HERSZBERG10 Apr 1902 Radomsko29 Dec 1939 L148/39Reymonta 37Signature of owner   
115541911940188Pinches LibermanLIBERMAN2 Feb 1909 Plawno5 Jan 1940 L188/40POW 9Signature of owner   
115581911940195Jakub Szmul LibermanLIBERMAN13 Feb 1910 Plawno9 Jan 1940 L195/40POW 9Signature of owner   
115591911940196Zysla Liberman MydlarskaLIBERMAN MYDLARSKA28 Apr 1875 Przedborz9 Jan 1940 L196/40POW 9Signature of owner   
118391921940213Dawid LibermanLIBERMAN21 Feb 1878 Janow29 Jan 1940 L213/40Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118491921940249Hendla LibermanLIBERMAN3 May 1903 Janow12 Feb 1940 L249/40Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118511921940260Ajdla LibermanLIBERMAN3 Aug 1909 Janow20 Feb 1940 L260/40Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118601921940279Josek Lajzor LibermanLIBERMAN11 Feb 1914 Radomsko20 Jul 1940 L279/40Limanowskieo 2Signature of owner   
118611921940280Masza LibermanLIBERMAN17 Jul 1914 Radomsko20 Jul 1940 L280/40Limanowskieo 2Signature of owner   
118631921940285Froim Chana LibermanLIBERMAN10 Aug 1917 Przedborz23 Aug 1940 L285/40POW 7Signature of owner   
118651921940286Bajla Rywka LibermanLIBERMAN22 Sep 1917 Zgierz12 Sep 1940 L286/40POW 7Signature of owner   
118681921940292Abram LibermanLIBERMAN20 Mar 1900 Belchatow29 Oct 1940 L292/40Limanowskiego 26Signature of owner   
118691921940293Chaja Frajdla LibermanLIBERMAN15 Dec 1918 Radomsko4 Nov 1940 L293/40Limanowskiego 2Signature of owner   
118721921940300Golda Liberman DzieciarskaLIBERMAN DZIECIARSKA15 Apr 1894 Radomsko17 Dec 1940 L300/40Limanowskiego 2Signature of owner   
120281921940492Mirla Jakubowicz LibermanJAKUBOWICZ LIBERMAN18 Jan 1911 Radomsko6 Nov 1940 J492/40Limanowskiego 36Signature of owner   

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) INITIAL WORK 1936-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Trybunalski Arch, syg 185-192 (about 1200 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year [of ID Card]SurnameGiven nameDate of birthPlace of birthAddressPageNotes (not by researcher)
101041936LIBERMANIta3 Jan 1915Radomsko3 Maja 1253 
101051936LIBERMANDawid21 Feb 1878JanowLimanowskiego 953 
101121936LIBERMANIzrael20 Aug 1915Radomsko3 Maja 1553 
101131936LIBERMANMojzesz19 Jan 1918RadomskoLimanowskiego 1053 
101151936LIBERMANRubin8 Oct 1877LelowLimanowskiego 1053 
102941937LIBERMANLiba Ruchla1914RadomskoLimanowskiego 10  
103001937LIBERMANLaja1881Radomsko3 Maja 12  
106381939/1940; Syg. 190LIBERMAN-HERSZBERGItta Ruchla10 Apr 1902RadomskoReymonta 37  
106471939/1940; Syg. 190LIBERMANPinches2 Feb 1909PlawnoPOW 9  
106491939/1940; Syg. 190LIBERMANJakub Szmul13 Feb 1910PlawnoPOW 9  
106501939/1940; Syg. 190LIBERMAN-MYDLARSKAZysla28 Apr 1875PrzedborzPOW 9  
109871940; Syg. 192LIBERMANDawid21 Feb 1878JanowLimanowskiego 20  
109971940; Syg. 192LIBERMANHendla3 May 1903JanowLimanowskiego 20  
109991940; Syg. 192LIBERMANAjdla3 Aug 1909JanowLimanowskiego 20  
110061940; Syg. 192LIBERMANJosef11 Feb 1911RadomskoLimanowskiego 2  
110071940; Syg. 192LIBERMANMasza17 Jul 1914RadomskoLimanowskiego 2  
110091940; Syg. 192LIBERMANFroim10 Aug 1917PrzedborzPOW 7  
110101940; Syg. 192LIBERMAN LINDEBajla22 Sep 1917ZgierzPOW 7  
110131940; Syg. 192LIBERMANAbram20 Mar 1900BelchatowLimanowskiego 26  
110141940; Syg. 192LIBERMANChaja15 Dec 1918RadomskoLimanowskiego 2  
110171940; Syg. 192LIBERMAN DZIECIARSKAGolda15 Apr 1894RadomskoLimanowskiego 2  
111521940; Syg. 192JAKUBOWICZ LIBERMANMirla18 Jan 1911RadomskoLimanowskiego 36  

Radomsko: In the Radomsko Ghetto 10 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Radomsko Ghetto; ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (453 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1022420207.LIBERMAN Hendla z GinsbergowLIBERMAN Hendla nee GinsbergowLIBERMAN, GINSBERG15 Feb 1897 r., c. Brama-Jakuba i Masi z Laskow15 Feb 1897, daughter of Brama-Jakub and Masa nee LaskaLASKARadomskoOct 1942 r.Poringer Zelik Czestochowa, Al. P Nr 22PORINGERArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radom. Zg. 18/48  
1022520208.LIBERMAN SuraLIBERMAN SuraLIBERMAN4 Jul 1898 r.4 Jul 1898Radomsko6 Jan 1943 rGrajpner Joel, Lodz Zachodnia 68GRAJPNERArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radom. Zg. 47/50  
1022620209.LIBERMAN CypaLIBERMAN CypaLIBERMAN10 Feb 1926 r.10 Feb 1926Radomsko6 Jan 1943 rGrajpner Joel, Lodz Zachodnia 68GRAJPNERArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radom. Zg. 47/50  
1022720210.LIBERMAN GitlaLIBERMAN GitlaLIBERMAN19 Mar 1932 r.19 Mar 1932Radomsko6 Jan 1943 rGrajpner Joel, Lodz Zachodnia 68GRAJPNERArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radom. Zg. 47/50  
1030027281ROZENBERG Chaja z d.SieradzkaROZENBERG Chaja nee SieradzkaROZENBERG, SIERADZKA2 Nov 1903 r. c. Joska i Fajgi z d. Liberman2 Nov 1903 daughter of Josek and Fajga nee LibermanLIBERMANRadomsko6 Jan 1943Zylbersztajn Chemia Radomsko, Brzeznicka nr 3ZYLBERSZTAJNArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radoms Co. 36/46  
1033230312.RYKMAN Sura-Ruchla z LibermanowRYKMAN Sura-Ruchla nee LibermanowRYKMAN, LIBERMAN22 Apr 1919 r. c. Dawida i Hendli z Gizenbergow22 Apr 1919 daughter of Dawid and Hendla nee GizenbergGIZENBERGRadomskoJan 1943Poringer Zelik, Czestochowa, Aleje NMP.nr 22PORINGERArch.b.Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Zg. 16/48  

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1022010217List 1, Part 1 of 2Puches LibermanLIBERMAN30ShoemakerPOW 9Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1909 
1022210219List 1, Part 1 of 2Jakub Szmul LibermanLIBERMAN29ShoemakerPOW 9Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1910 
1136711309List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Szyja LibermanLIBERMAN46MerchantLimanowskiego 21893 
1136811310List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Jozef LibermanLIBERMAN26MerchantLimanowskiego 21913 
1136911311List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN25Without professionLimanowskiego 21914 
1137111312List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Fiszel LibermanLIBERMAN19Without professionLimanowskiego 21920 
1138111322List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN19Shoemakerpl. Plac 3 Maja 191920 
1139911340List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Jakub LibermanLIBERMAN38MerchantReymonta 371901 
1141911360List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN60TailorLimanowskiego 241879 
1142411365List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Froim LibermanLIBERMAN22ConfectionerPlac Plac 3 Maja 71917 
1142511366List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Rachmil LibermanLIBERMAN20TailorPlac Plac 3 Maja 71919 
1142611367List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Izrael LibermanLIBERMAN19ConfectionerPlac Plac 3 Maja 71920 
1143911380List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Abram LibermanLIBERMAN39WorkerPOW 411900 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10217List 1, Part 1 of 2LIBERMANPinkus301909ShoemakerPOW 9
10219List 1, Part 1 of 2LIBERMANJakub291910ShoemakerPOW 9
11309List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANSzyja461893TraderLimanowskiego 2
11310List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANJosef261913TraderLimanowskiego 2
11311List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANIzrael251914Limanowskiego 2
11312List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANFiszel191920TraderLimanowskiego 2
11322List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANIzrael191920Shoemakerpl. 3 Maja 19
11340List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANJakub381901TraderReymonta 37
11360List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANIzrael601879TailorLimanowskiego 24
11365List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANFroim221917Confectionerpl.3 Maja 7
11366List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANRachmil201919Tailorpl. 3 Maja 7
11367List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANIzrael191920Confectionerpl. 3 Maja 7
11380List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LIBERMANAbram391900WorkerPOW 41

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
11351Yehoshua LibermanLIBERMANand family1351Column 21
11361Gitl LibermanLIBERMAN1361Column 21
11369Ruwin LibermanLIBERMAN1369Column 21
11370Sarah LibermanLIBERMAN1370Column 21
11371Yakov LibermanLIBERMAN1371Column 21
11372Yosef LibermanLIBERMAN1372Column 21
11373Moishe LibermanLIBERMAN1373Column 21
11374Berl LibermanLIBERMAN1374Column 21
11375Rachel LibermanLIBERMAN1375Column 21
11376Mindel LibermanLIBERMAN1376Column 21
11413Doba LibermanLIBERMAN1413Column 22

Radomsko Memorial Stone at the Cimetière parisien de Bagneux (Bagneux Cemetery in Paris), France [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname (and nee if any) from previous columnBornDiedAge and other informationNotes (not written by researcher)
10041Clara (née Worobioff) LibermanWOROBIOFF, LIBERMANborn 1910died 1985Digital image: Noworadomsk Memorial 2

Radomsko Yizkor Book index, page 585-600: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Radomsko/rad585.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-Index page numberLetterGiven namesSurname(s) [r#]Page(s) in Yizkor book
11508593LAMEDReb AbrahamLIBERMAN198
11510593LAMEDHilelLIBERMAN530, 533
11511593LAMEDH.LIBERMAN215, 216, 482
11512593LAMEDYehudaLIBERMAN143, 170. 175. 180.181, 182, 183, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 211, 212, 213, 214, 219, 221, 246, 247, 266, 440, 528, 530, 532, 534, 535, 542, 546, 548, 549
11513593LAMEDYosefLIBERMAN220, 221
11514593LAMEDYakovLIBERMAN181, 182, 189, 190, 191, 219, 220, 221, 476, 477, 479
11517593LAMEDMoisheLIBERMAN190, 221, 533
11518593LAMEDthe familyLIBERMAN440, 441
11519593LAMEDPinchusLIBERMAN190, 221
11520593LAMEDRuwinLIBERMAN167, 173, 184, 196, 252
11521593LAMEDRuchlLIBERMAN181,219, 220, 221
11522593LAMEDShimeonLIBERMAN179, 269

Radomsko Yizkor Book, Necrology; translations at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad420.html, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (83 surnames, for over 300 persons) [H]


Radomsko Yizkor Book, Photo Index; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad578.html#Page581, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (about 336 photographs) [H]

-Sort-Page of indexPage of photographPhotographSurname(s)
10088582214A farewell party of JNF activists for Yehudah Liberman on his making aliyah May 1933LIBERMAN
10206583440The Reuven Liberman FamilyLIBERMAN
10208583441The Dovid-Meir Liberman FamilyLIBERMAN
10265583476Yakov LibermanLIBERMAN

Radoszyce: list of abandoned immovable (Jewish) property located in the Radoszyce commune, powiat Końskie; date at end of list: 14 Oct 1946 [Wykaz: majątku opuszczonego nieruchomego (żydowskiego) znajdującego się na terenie gminy Radoszyce pow. Koneckiego], syg 375, pages 20-25 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberOwner prior to 1939Surname of property ownerlocation of the estate [name of town]Size of land in hektars [= 100 ares = 10,000 square meters = 2.471 acres]CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1006121_336_0_-_375_25_56162498.jpg2359/3445Ślama LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyce0.10 ha.  
1006321_336_0_-_375_25_56162498.jpg2361/3447Szyja-Berek LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyce0.10 ha.  
1006421_336_0_-_375_25_56162498.jpg2362/3448Rejla LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyce0.16 ha.  

Radoszyce: List of Jewish houses and lands located in the Radoszyce commune, 1 Jul 1941 [Wykaz domów i gruntów żydowskich znajdującąyc się na terenie gminy Radoszyce, 1 lipca 1941], syg 375, pages 2-4 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberLocation of the land: houseOwner(s)Surname from previous columnIncome from rent / zł. per year[Meaning unclear; encumbrance?]Ground condition of the building: good conditionGround condition of the building: [needs repairs?]Condition of the building's land: poor conditionNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column [r#]
1000121_336_0_-_375_4_56162478.jpg21.Radoszyce; ul. KrakowskaSzlama LibermanLIBERMAN----st. dobry [= stan dobry = good condition]    
1004921_336_0_-_375_4_56162478.jpg248.Radoszyce; ul. ŻydowskaRejla LibermanLIBERMAN330.---st. dobry [= stan dobry = good condition]    
1007521_336_0_-_375_5_56162479.jpg373.Radoszyce; ul. ŻydowskaKałma LibermanLIBERMAN----st. dobry [= stan dobry = good condition]    
1009121_336_0_-_375_5_56162479.jpg388.Radoszyce; ul. RynekFradla LibermanLIBERMAN360.---st. dobry [= stan dobry = good condition]    

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in Radoszyce [Wykaz: domów żydowskich w Radoszycach], syg 375, pages 26-48 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageHouse owner [given name]Surname of house ownerStreet and (house) numberNumber of roomsType of buildingAnnual returnTenant [given name]Surname of tenantRent[See image for additional columns (apparently with rent per month)]Notes (written by translator / typist)Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1002721_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27Fradla.- [crossed out and changed to:] Rajla.-LiebermanRynek 152Gm. Haus [?? house]156JózefJozfiak13   
1002821_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27Fradla.- [crossed out and changed to:] Rajla.-LiebermanRynek 152Gm. Haus [?? house]156JanBogulak13   
1002921_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27Fradla.- [crossed out and changed to:] Rajla.-LiebermanRynek 153Gm. Haus [?? house]300JzazimDiabielecki25   
1003021_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27Fradla.- [crossed out and changed to:] Rajla.-LiebermanRynek 153Gm. Haus [?? house]300MalgonakaChwaścińska25   
1003121_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27Fradla.- [crossed out and changed to:] Rajla.-LiebermanRynek 152Gm. Haus [?? house]120JanZawrzykraj10.- [crossed out and changed to:] 15.-   
1004621_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27SzajaAleksandrowiczRynek 213Gm. Haus [?? house]180FradlaLiberman15   
1021721_336_0_-_375_35_56162509.jpg33SzlamaLiebermanKrakowska 42Wohnhaus120SzlamaLieberman10   
1021821_336_0_-_375_35_56162509.jpg33SzlamaLiebermanKrakowska 41WohnhausPerlaRozenblum5   
1021921_336_0_-_375_35_56162509.jpg33SzlamaLiebermanKrakowska 41WohnhausAmbulatorium5   
1022021_336_0_-_375_35_56162509.jpg33SzlamaLiebermanKrakowska 2WohnhausIzraelHervyger20   
1030321_336_0_-_375_39_56162513.jpg37ManelMichlewiczKrakowska 302Wohnhaus144SzlamaLiberman12.- [crossed out and changed to:] 15.-   

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 2-25; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Date(s) on documentImage file name [r#]PageGiven name(s)Surname[Address] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]Surname from previous column[Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]... contruction [Part of top of page missing][Number of floors?] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]See image for numbers listed in many additional columnsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10013Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Dobra LandauLANDAURynek 15mieszk. Nuzow. [meaning unknown]1dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10014Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Frajdla LibermanLIBERMANRynek 15         
10015Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Berek MachtygerMACHTYGERRynek 15         
10016Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Icek GlajtGLAJTRynek 15         
10141Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_16_56162703.jpg14-15Szlama LibermanLIBERMANKrakowska 21870-dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10142Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_16_56162703.jpg14-15Chaja RozenblumROZENBLUMKrakowska 21870-dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10280Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_24_56162711.jpg22-23Brucha LibermanLIBERMANZydowska 14[written vertically, in pencil:] 41, 10dom drewn. [wooden house]1939.1dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10291Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_24_56162711.jpg22-23Rejla LibermanLIBERMANZydowska 24dom drewn. [wooden house]1890dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 34-57; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Year on documentImage file namePageOrder numberAddress of house or landProprietor / OwnerSurname from previous columnOwner's addressAmiccable agreement of tenancy or leaseSurname from previous columnSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the rightmortgage chargeTax burdenObject value: zł. gr.Whether a trustee is appointedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10033Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_36_56162723.jpg36-3730Pisząca [likely is a district of (a small town nearby) Radoszyce], gm. Radoszyce 4Szlama LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     
10149Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_44_56162731.jpg42-43138Radoszyce, ul. Zydowska 14Kałma LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     
10164Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_46_56162733.jpg44-45152Radoszyce, ul. Zydowska 24Rejla LibermanLIBERMANRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     

Radoszyce: List of left [opuszczonych] and abandoned [porzuconych] property in the Radoszyce commune, Końskie powiat according to the account book; [Spis nieruchomości opuszczonych i porzuconych na terenie gminy Radoszyce powiatu Koneckiego według księgi kontowej], syg 375, pages 15-19 [H]

-Sort-Date in preceding letteropuszczonych vs. "porzuconych"Image file namePageOrder numberStreet nameHouse numberProperty ownerSurname from previous columnDescription of the propertyPurpose / Use of the propertynumber of roomsMortgage listCommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100785 Mar 1947https://www.cra…orzuconych.php21_336_0_-_375_21_56162495.jpg1965Krakowska4Szlama LibermanLIBERMANdom mieszkal. [= dom mieszkalny = residential house]mieszkanie [residential]3[blank][blank] 
100855 Mar 1947https://www.cra…orzuconych.php21_336_0_-_375_21_56162495.jpg1972Ogrodowa1Dwojra LibermanLIBERMANdom mieszkal. [= dom mieszkalny = residential house]mieszkanie [residential]2[blank][blank] 

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 09-11; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Date on letter before this listHeader just before listImage file namePage number (top / left)Order numberPersonSurname from previous columnAdressArea in [square meters?; Polish: Pow. w m/2]Estimated priceRemarksNotes (not written by typist)
1006618 Dec 1948List of names of plots with no development and vacated in settlement Radoszyce, District Końskie, administration of Community21_336_0_-_374_13_56162414.jpg3 / 1164.Rejla LibermanLIBERMANos. Radoszyce0,510127.500.-  

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 12-17; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberHeaderConsecutive numberStreetProperty owner: given nameProperty owner: surnamePerson renting (leaseholder / tenant): given namePerson renting (leaseholder / tenant): surnameDescription of real estatePurpose of real estateNumber of roomsSet monthly rent: złotySet monthly rent: groszyRemarks / NotesNotes (by typistNotes (not written by typist)
1009221_336_0_-_374_18_56162419.jpg16Listing of real estate belonging to Jews in Radoszyce [at end of list: 9 Dec 1943]89.Krakowska Nr. 4Szlama LibermanLIBERMANJózef PolakPOLAKDom mieszkalny [Residential house]Mieszkanie [Apartment]320-   
1010021_336_0_-_374_18_56162419.jpg16Listing of real estate belonging to Jews in Radoszyce [at end of list: 9 Dec 1943]97.Ogrodowa Nr. 1Dwojra LibermanLIBERMANJan KamisarskiKAMISARSKIDom mieszkalny [Residential house]Mieszkanie [Apartment]215-   

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 30-65; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberPage header before this materialStreetHouse numberType of houseOwnersSurname(s) copied from previous columnTenantsSurname(s) copied from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rent, in złotyAnnual income/revenue, in złotyNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1000221_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANPolskiej Posternnek?POSTERNNEK?213156.-   
1000321_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANJózef Jóźwiak?JÓŹWIAK?213156.-   
1000421_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANKazimierz DubieleckiDUBIELECKI325280.-   
1000521_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANJan ZawrzykrajZAWRZYKRAJ110120.   
1011421_336_0_-_374_46_56162447.jpg44Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedKrakowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Szlama Liberman, Chaja RozenblumLIBERMAN, ROZENBLUMSzlama LibermanLIBERMAN2--   
1011521_336_0_-_374_46_56162447.jpg44Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedKrakowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Szlama Liberman, Chaja RozenblumLIBERMAN, ROZENBLUMAmbulatorium1--   
1011621_336_0_-_374_46_56162447.jpg44Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedKrakowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Szlama Liberman, Chaja RozenblumLIBERMAN, ROZENBLUMChaja RozenblumROZENBLUM1--   
1020821_336_0_-_374_54_56162455.jpg52Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedKoscielna-mieszkalny i piekazmie [residential and bakery]Icek Tenenbaum, Moszek DabekTENENBAUM, DABEKFradla LibermanLIBERMAN212144.-   
1021921_336_0_-_374_56_56162457.jpg54Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedKoscielna-mieszkalny [residential brick]Chil Gurfinkel, Moszek Gurfinkel, Chaja Gurfinkel, Hilel SzejerGURFINKEL, SZEJERMotel LibermanLIBERMAN1--   
1023921_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIRejla LibermanLIBERMAN2--   
1024021_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIFajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiMIODECKI2--   
1024121_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIBerek HirszHIRSZ1560.-   
1024221_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIMajer Ordynans (sublok.)ORDYNANS15    
1024321_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIJosef SpirytusSPIRYTUS2784.-Entry crossed out  
1024421_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska24mieszkalny [residential brick]Rejla Liberman, Fajweł-Nuchym MiodeckiLIBERMAN, MIODECKIRaja RapadowiczRAPADOWICZ2784.-Entry crossed out  
1025721_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Beniamin GociałGOCIAŁHilel LibermanLIBERMAN1560;-   
1028621_336_0_-_374_62_56162463.jpg60Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska14mieszkalny [residential brick]Brucha LibermanLIBERMANJud? GoldmanGOLDMAN210120.-   
1028721_336_0_-_374_62_56162463.jpg60Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska14mieszkalny [residential brick]Brucha LibermanLIBERMAN[in blue, in different handwriting, underneath:] ? LiebermanLIEBERMAN1--mieszka ud wresnia 

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 66-67; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberPage header before this materialConsecutive numberPrevious ownerSurname from previous column[Unknown meaning: leased plot? own plot?]Surface / Area of plotReal estatePurpose of real estateNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1006521_336_0_-_374_69_56162470.jpg67Listing of vacated possessions by Jews in settlement Radoszyce64.Rejla LibermanLIBERMANplac0,510-pod remize Strazy Poz  

Radoszyce: [title unclear; might be part of:] List of Jewish houses and lands located in the Radoszyce commune, 1 Jul 1941 [Wykaz domów i gruntów żydowskich znajdującąyc się na terenie gminy Radoszyce, 1 lipca 1941], syg 375, pages 5-12 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPlace and streetHouse number [r#]OwnerSurname of ownerNumber of stories / floorsNumber of roomsMonthly gross rent [including charges for heating etc?]Cost of building insuranceTax value of propertyAverage of most recent sale price or similarWhat mortgage on the property is known?Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1002221_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Dobra LandauLANDAU188612.26093015.000  
1002321_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Fradla LibermanLIBERMAN188612.26093015.000  
1002421_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Icek GlajtGLAJT[blank]4[blank]27502353500  
1002521_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Berek MachtygerMACHTYGER[blank]4[blank]27502353500  
1011121_336_0_-_375_10_56162484.jpg838Krakowska4Szlama LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]41513802402500  
1011221_336_0_-_375_10_56162484.jpg838Krakowska4Chaja RozenblumROZENBLUM[blank]41513802402500  
1021521_336_0_-_375_13_56162488.jpg1179Żydowska14Fiszel CukierCUKIER[blank]4151490[blank]2000  
1021621_336_0_-_375_13_56162488.jpg1179Żydowska14Brucha LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]4151490[blank]2000  
1023121_336_0_-_375_13_56162488.jpg1186Żydowska24Rejla LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]1667[blank][blank][blank]  
1023221_336_0_-_375_13_56162488.jpg1186Żydowska24Fajwel-Nuchym MiodeckiMIODECKI[blank]1667[blank][blank][blank]  

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
12515Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNIdesa1915Sosnowiec 
12518Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNRozsi1916Kiswalcze 
12519Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNSary18 yearsBeregszasz 
12521Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNMargit19 yearsBeregszasz 
12522Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNElsa33 yearsBeregszasz 
12523Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNFani27 YearsBeregszasz 
12524Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNoda1922Szydlowiec 
12526Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNBlanka1922Norman Strojer 
12527Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNJolan1923Chust 
12528Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNSzajndla1924Chmielnik 
12529Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNSara1920Widawa 
12530Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNRosi1919Lodz 
12531Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIEBERMANNHanka1915Lodz 
12552Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNMaria1926Bereg 
12553Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LIBERMANNSari1918Bereg 
147422. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List B31LIEBERMANDawid1922Warszawa 
15863List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 1945- 6 Aug 194539LIBERMANNUltan1930Sevljus 
15869List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 1945- 6 Aug 194539LIEBERMANNFelin1908Pimono 
15870List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 1945- 6 Aug 194539LIEBERMANNLeib1927Sat. Sugalag 
15871List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 1945- 6 Aug 194539LIEBERMANNLeib1927Sat. Sugalag 
16638List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List D 6 Nov 194544LIBERMANNLaib1919Krakow 
16639List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List D 6 Nov 194544LIEBERMANNMendel1929Lodz 
18482List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LIBERMANHersz1907Widawa, Pabianice 
18487List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LIEBERMANNPinkus1918Belchatow 
18488List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LIEBERMANNZukin1916Belchatow 
19871List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945116LIEBERMANNMaria1914  
19872List of Jews of Polis Polish nationality who a who arrived in Swede Sweden Submitted by the W the World Jewish Congr CongressList A, 30 May 1945116LIBERMANNSara1921Warszawa 
20170List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LIEBERMANNCela1924Piotrkow 
20171List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LIEBERMANNSara1920Piotrkow 
20500List of Surviving Polish Jews Submitted by the Representatives of the Polish Jews in London121LIBERMANDawid    
20507List of Surviving Polish Jews Submitted by the Representatives of the Polish Jews in London121LIBERMANMaria    
21080List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland125LIEBERMANNMoses & wife & brotherSanok 
21115List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland125LIBERMANFrydaPinsk 
22809List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LIEBERMANBernard1907Krakow 
22815List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LIEBERMANAbraham1908Krakow 
22829List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LIEBERMANLipa1914Krakow 
22838List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LIEBERMANJakub1909Wydne 
22881List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANFelicja1924Krakow 
22885List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANEstera1892Stryj 
22891List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANMaryla1925Krakow 
22909List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIBERMANDawid1892Zurawno 
22913List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANJoachim1914Krakow 
22921List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANJakub1910Krakow 
22926List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANJozef1918Krakow 
22934List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANCelina1906Drohobycz 
22951List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LIEBERMANRebeka1884Dzwinsk 
27471List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST B166LIBERMANAbramKrasnik 
27474List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST B166LIBERMANWolfLwow 
28028List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169LIBERMANSymcha-Tanchum    

Rentzmuhler, Germany: Additional list of Polish Jewish Women liberated from the campus Rentzmuhler, 11 Jun 1945; Relatives Information Service, 28 Dec 1945

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthLast residenceNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10026[1 of 1]26Henka LibermanLIBERMAN1920Lodz  

Stockholm: August 9, 1945, List of Messages Broadcast by Radio Stockholm submitted by The World Jewish Congress, N.Y. (244 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberSourceNameSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnAge (of person listed under "Name")Date of BroadcastMessageSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnTypist notes
10164DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LIBERMAN, RivkaLIBERMAN33May 28, 1945To LIBERMAN Shmul, LodzLIBERMAN 
10165DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LIBERMAN, Sura fr. WarsawLIBERMAN24May 28, 1945To FREJMAN, ChaimFREJMAN 
10167DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LIEBERMAN Ele fr. ZamoscieLIEBERMAN--May 28, 1945-----  
10168DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LIEBERMAN, MarjaLIEBERMAN31May 28, 1945To NOWACKA, Buenos AiresNOWACKA 
10169DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LIEBERMAN, RyvkaLIEBERMAN33May 28, 1945To KOHN, M. New YorkKOHN 

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1039701-DSC00123.JPG9CelaLIEBERMANN24 Jun 1924PiotrkowPiotrkowRywkaLIEBERMANNPalestine  
1039801-DSC00123.JPG9CelaLIEBERMANN24 Jun 1924PiotrkowPiotrkowNisanGABEMeszek Jagur Ab. Jowt, P.V. 403  
1039901-DSC00125.JPG9SaraLIEBERMANN19 Feb 1920PiotrkowPiotrkowRywkaLIEBERMANNPalestine  
1040001-DSC00125.JPG9SaraLIEBERMANN19 Feb 1920PiotrkowPiotrkowNisanGABEJagur Ab. Jad Haifa P.K. 403  
1119202-DSC00011.JPG8RosaSZYJEWICZLUFT-SZYJEWICZ1 Jul 1918ZamoseElaLIBERMANLamosc, Lwow Pol.  
1122602-DSC00012.JPG8MariaLIEBERMANN15 Sep 1914PolenEvaBROWAZNIKBuenos Aires  
1122702-DSC00012.JPG8MariaLIEBERMANN15 Sep 1914PolenCesiaNOWARSKABuenos Aires  
1122802-DSC00012.JPG8SaraLIBERMANN5 Sep 1921WarschauChaimKROJEMANRosja  
1140002-DSC00019.JPG12AdaRYBSTEINSZWED10 Jan 1917LitzmannstadtGittaLIEBERMANNBrussel  
1217302-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922LawrescieMoszek WolfKLEINERTel Aviv  
1217402-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922LawrescieBlumaLACHMANNTel Aviv  
1217502-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922Lawrescie -PinkusLANDAUTel Aviv  
1217602-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922Lawrescie -MoszekLIEBERMANZawiercie  
1217702-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922Lawrescie -Dr.LYSNIEKIZawiercie  
1217802-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922Lawrescie -ChaskielLIEBERMANNZawiercie  
1311302-DSC00079.JPG9CelaLIEBERMAN24 Jun 1924PiotrkowRywkaLIEBERMANMeszek Jagur Al Jad Haifa  
1311402-DSC00079.JPG9SaraLIEBERMANN18 Feb 1920PiotrkowRywkaLIEBERMANPalestine Meszek Jaguv Al Jad, Haifa  
1444102-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzMirjamGRZYWACZ-SZYNFINKIELToulouse  
1444202-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzSzulamitSZYNFINKIELPalestine  
1444302-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzSaharSZYNFINKIELNew York  
1444402-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzMildredSZYNFINKIELNew York  
1444502-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzAlexanderBLUMENFELDNew York  
1444602-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzGeorgLIBERMANAuschwitz  
1444702-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzEstera-ChanaSZEINFINKIELAuschwitz  
1444802-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzHilelSZEINFINKIELWarschau, Ogrodowa 26  
1444902-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzLeaCHMIELMICKAAuschwitz  
1445002-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzFam.BLUMENFELDRiga  
1445102-DSC00126.JPG11Helina nee SzeinfinkielSZEINFINKIELLIBERMAN9 Nov 1920LodzFam.SCHECHTERMoskau  
1534602-DSC00159.JPG16?EmmaSIEDNERGROSS-SIEDNER20 May 1905BendzinSosnoviceIsiforLIEBERMANNLondon  
1576703-DSC00114.JPG218CiwiaLIEBERMANAUSTRIEN-LIEBERMAN15 Jun 1900RewaizkaLublinLeiserAUSTRIENRadom-Deutschland,Lager  
1576803-DSC00114.JPG218CiwiaLIEBERMANAUSTRIEN-LIEBERMAN15 Jun 1900RewaizkaLublinEmanuelAUSTRIENNew York  
1654903-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomLolaAuschwitzChildren 
1655003-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomFreda Losel35 Bei Komotovi, SudetenlandChildren 
1655103-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomAronJAKUBOWICZAlexandria, 26 Cherif-Pacha  
1655203-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomAbramGELBARDTucuman, Argentina, Street Septiembre  
1655303-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomMichelGELBARDGranada, Spanien  
1655403-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadom?GELBARDKibbuc Tel-Jechak, Palestine? in original document
1655503-DSC00151.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadom?GELBARDKibuc-Szoraszim, Palestine? in original document
1655603-DSC00152.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomGutaBUGAJSKARadomsko, Czenstochowa  
1655703-DSC00152.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomFelekBUGAJSKARadomsko, Czenstochowa  
1655803-DSC00152.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomAdelaPOZNANSKANizza??? in original document
1655903-DSC00152.JPG178BalaLIEBERMANGELBARD-LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902RadomRadomAnnaWOHLHANDLERNizza??? in original document
1707104-DSC00027.JPG24304ReginaKOHLDressmaker29 Apr 1916KrakauKrakauStefaLIEBERMANKrakau - Ravensbruck  
1738504-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaRosaRUSIECKALondon  
1738604-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaLeaLIEBERMANNTel Aviv(girl name) 
1738704-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaMajerLIEBERMANWidawa?? in original document
1738804-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaNoachLIEBERMANBelchatzow?? in original document
1738904-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaAaronLIEBERMANWidawa?? in original document
1739004-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaHirschLIEBERMANPabianice-Auschwitz  
1739104-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaHenochLIEBERMANLeitutow  
1739204-DSC00041.JPG29354SaraLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920WidawaWidawaLIEBERMANPabianice  
1760504-DSC00052.JPG32394Amalia (Mania)KOHLMORTKO-KOHL3 Dec 1919KrakowTarnowWolfLIEBERMANKrakow?  
1765004-DSC0005433408RosaNEISSDressmaker22 Feb 1922KrakauZygmu t?LIEBERMANAuschwitz  
1765104-DSC0005433408RosaNEISSDressmaker22 Feb 1922KrakauMarysiaLIEBERMANKrakau-Gefangnis Montelnipi  
1979105-DSC00016.JPG70993SaraHERSZKOWICZSZYMKIEWICZ HERSZKOWICZbookkeeper16 Apr 1916PabianiceLodzEdziaLIEBERMANNLodz - Bergen Belsen  
2043605-DSC00053.JPG821173KlaraWOLPIAN10 Jul 1917WilnaWilnaZilla & IzraelLIEBERMANNWilna?  
2133705-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzDavidLIBERMANNew York  
2133805-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzChaimBORENSZTAJNRadom, Slowackiego 61  
2133905-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzMaksSZYFMANParis, Rue 105, Pantefroi  
2134005-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzChaja, SaraLIBERMANLodz-Auschwitz  
2134105-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzLajbLIBERMANLodz-Auschwitz  
2134205-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzCyporaLIBERMANLodz-Auschwitz  
2134305-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzPerlaZYLBERMANLitzmannstadt  
2134405-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzIzraelZYLBERMANLodz  
2134505-DSC0010111148EdziaLIBERMANPupil30 Apr 1924LodzJakobZYLBERMANLodz-Auschwitz  
2134605-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzLibaURBACHLodz, Berezinska 9Wife 
2134705-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzRywka MindlaURBACHLodzChild, born 1942 
2134805-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzSzoszanaLIBERMANLapestine, Nes -Zijona, Kibbuc, "Bamsila"  
2134905-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzSzlomaLIBERMANLondon  
2135005-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzSzyjaCYTRYNPalestine, Tel Aviv, Achad Haam 112  
2135105-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzChaim & IsakLIBERMANLodz, Berezinska 9/6  
2135205-DSC0010111149WolfLIBERMAN6 Sep 1915LodzCyrla & Hersch & Isaak & Chaim AbramLIBERMANLodz  
2135305-DSC0010111150ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaJoe & StellaLIZIZBRUMCape Town, Kapstadt POB 2493, South Afrika  
2135405-DSC0010111150ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaAnnaFINDERLuderutzbucht, POB 28, S.W. Afrika, Manufakture  
2177905-DSC00125.JPG557SzlamaBLUM18 Dec 1922WielunBedzinZosiaLIEBERMANMexkko, D.F. Kalle Dr. Oliviera 205  
2319306-DSC00045.JPG29420GeniaJOSEFOWICZdressmaker15 Sep 1915PabianicePabianiceSaraLIEBERMANBergen Belsen  
2391506-DSC00080.JPG41586JosefLIBERMANClerk10 Dec 1918KaminskLodzPantelLIBERMANUSA  
2391606-DSC00080.JPG41586JosefLIBERMANClerk10 Dec 1918KaminskLodzReginaLIBERMANLodz- Auschwitz  
2391706-DSC00080.JPG41586JosefLIBERMANClerk10 Dec 1918KaminskLodzPantelLIBERMANPosen-Birnbaum  
2391806-DSC00080.JPG41587ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaCieszynJoe & StellaLIZERBRUMCape Town S. AfrikaPOB 2493 
2391906-DSC00080.JPG41587ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaCieszynAnnaFINDERLuderietzbucht, S.W. Afrika, POB 28?  
2392006-DSC00080.JPG41587ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaCieszynJAKUBOWICZ-OFTENBochnia, Kowalska 15 Polen?  
2392106-DSC00080.JPG41587ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaCieszynJuliuszLIEBERMANZawada-Cieszyn-Omskajo?Oblasc, Sibirien, Z.S.S.R. Departm? Omsk? 
2392206-DSC00080.JPG41587ZygmuntLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922BochniaCieszynBubi & Laja & GeniaNEUMANBielitz-Bochni?-Budapest  
2569907 DSC00014.JPG993SaraHERSZKOWICZSZYMKIEWICZ HERSZKOWICZBookkeeper16 Apr 1916PabianiceLodzEdziaLIEBERMANNLodz Bergen Belsen  
2653107-DSC00050.JPG821173KlaraWOLPIAN10 Jul 1917WilnaWilnaZilla & IzraelLIEBERMANNWilna?  

Sweden: Jewish refugees finding safe haven in Sweden 1946-1947; American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-Page number at cornerPage number at topRegional page headerSubheaderNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1010033Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 Apr 1948Poles176Alek LiebermanLIEBERMAN22 Jun 1922[blank]  
1026583Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 15 Apr 1948Poles176Alek LiebermanLIEBERMAN22 Jun 1922[blank]  
1071024[1]Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jun, Jul 1946; stamped at the top: received 26 Sep 1947Poles20Fela LiebermannLIEBERMANN10 Oct 1925Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
1081930[2]Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Aug 1946; stamped at the top: received 18 Nov 1946Poles46Mala LiebermanLIEBERMAN25 Jan 1922Zelow / Zelów, PolandZelów, Poland added because it seems more likely

Sweden: List no. 7 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after June 26th (Group 2); printed red at top of page 1: 8 Feb 1946? [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1014711Bela Gelbart LiebermanGELBART LIEBERMAN23 Sep 1902Radom, Poland[not listed]  
1033614Chaja Lieberman LiebermannLIEBERMAN LIEBERMANN16 Sep 1907Grembof, Poland[not listed]  
1033714Zygmunt LiebermanLIEBERMAN16 Jun 1922Bochnia, Poland[not listed]  

Sweden: "List of Survivors: Stockholm, 1946," Mosaiska forsamlingens i Stockholm (807 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNationalityIdentity card numberSequential number (on left)Arrival dateGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthLast domicilePlace of birthComments
10714[17?]PolishAfter Jul 1946FelaLIEBERMANN10 Oct 1925Lodz 
10778[19?]Polish46After Aug 1946MalaLIEBERMAN25 Jan 1922ZelowMosaiska Forsamlingen; Registreringsavdelningen; Wahrendorffsgatan 3 Stockholm

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
1099017HelenLIEBERMANNLaza15 Jun 1921Czechoslovakia 
1099117JolanLIEBERMANBereg Rosztok12 Jan 1923Czechoslovakia 
1099217TerezLIEBERMANIlnica18 Mar 1926Czechoslovakia 
1393166CiwiaAUSTRIENLIEBERMANRawa Ruzka15 Jun 1900Poland 
1593898BalaLIEBERMANGELBARDRadom23 Sep 1902Poland 
1593998CelaLIEBERMANNPiotrkow24 Jun 1924Poland 
1594098EdziaLIBERMANLodz30 Apr 1924Poland 
1594198JosefLIBERMANKaminsk10 Dec 1918Poland 
1594298MariaLIEBERMANNDzialoszyce15 Sep 1914Poland 
1594398PinkusLIEBERMANLodz03 Jun 1910Poland 
1594498ReginaLIEBERMANZawiercie22 Nov 1922Poland 
1594598SaraLIEBERMANNPiotrkow19 Feb 1920Poland 
1594698SaraLIBERMANWarszawa05 Sep 1921Poland 
1594798SaraLIEBERMANWidawa01 Jun 1920Poland 
1594898WolfLIBERMANLodz06 Jul 1915Poland 
1594998ZygmuntLIEBERMANBochnia16 Jun 1922Poland 
17199119HalinaSZEINFINKELLIBERMANLodz09 Nov 1920Poland 
18522140Anna HannaLIEBERMANNSighet01 Jan 1924Roumania 
18523140EsterLIEBERMANNTargumures13 Mar 1923Roumania 
18524140HedwigLIEBERMANNTargumures20 Oct 1919Roumania 
18525140LilliLIEBERMANNCrasna30 Jan 1921Roumania 
18526140RosiLIEBERMANNCrasna08 Apr 1925Roumania 
18817144RosaSEBORLIEBERMANNSighet14 Sep 1893Roumania 
19429156EtaLIEBERMANN29 Jun 1914Turjaremete-TiszapolgarMalmoe06.08.1945Hungary 

Sweden: Survivors 2 (1375 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameGiven name 2Given name 3SurnameSurname 2SexPlace of birthDate of birthResidencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityNotes
100534RosaLIEBERMANNFKosice17 Jun 1923Czechoslovakia 
1048411ChajaHAUSERMANLIEBERMANNF16 Sep 1907Poland 
1067114FelaLIEBERMANFLodz10 Oct 1925Poland 
1067214JacobLIEBERMANMLodz19 Aug 1921Poland 
1067314MalaLIEBERMANJAKUBOWICZFLodz25 Jan 1922Poland 
1113420RosaSZABOLIBERMANFM. Sighet15 Sep 1903Roumania 

Sweden: "Sweden 5 - First list of deceased Jewish refugees buried in the Jewish cemeteries of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Norrköping, up until 31 Aug 1945"; at top in red: 22 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberCountryPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1027316PolandSara LiebermannLIEBERMANN1 Jun 1920Widawa2286  

Szczekociny 1939: List of contribution for support of Jewish Community in Szczekociny in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 108-131 [Lista składek na utrzymanie Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Szczekocinach.]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-Header immediately before this listPageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Kwota]: ZłNotes [Uwaga]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10182[no header]116176Izrael LibermanLIBERMANSzczekocinykraw.tailor5  
10185[no header]117178Mordka LibermanLIBERMANSzczekocinykraw.tailor5  
10187[no header]117180Moszek LibermanLIBERMANSzczekocinykraw.tailor5  

Szczekociny: List of Jewish victims in Szczekociny, Poland, 1940; Yad Vashem; (188 persons); images: www.crarg.org/jewish-victims-in-szczekociny-1940.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsImageNumbering [L.p.]PersonSurname from previous columnTown [Miejscowosc]Number of persons [Ilosc osob]Number of Kg [Ilosc Kg]Comments [Uwagi]; top of each column: Potatoes [Kartofle]Note regarding unitsNotes (not written by typist)
10171Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1055.pdf165Liberman MoszekLIBERMANwies Psary711[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 

Szczekociny: Municipal Court [1929-1950], zespol 1846, syg 6-1465 (various); includes more than 100 requests for issuance of death certificates for persons who died during the Holocaust [H]

-Sort-Image file namesyg [r#]Case numberDate case commencedPlaintiff nameSurname from previous columnPlaintiff addressDefendant nameSurname from previous columnDefendant addressCase detailsSurname from previous columnDate case concludedVerdictNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous two columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1004221_1846_0_0_130.pdf130K 1782/2915 Nov 1929Sura BlajerBLAJERLelówWłoszczowski Police claim that, on 5 Nov 1929, Defendants had accused gmina officials (incl. the Wójt) of accepting a bribe from Berek Nudelman.NUDELMAN7 Apr 1930Court acquits DefendantsDefendant aged 26, a trader  
1004321_1846_0_0_130.pdf130K 1782/2915 Nov 1929Liba LibermanLIBERMANLelówWłoszczowski Police claim that, on 5 Nov 1929, Defendants had accused gmina officials (incl. the Wójt) of accepting a bribe from Berek Nudelman.NUDELMAN7 Apr 1930Court acquits DefendantsDefendant aged 30, with two children  
1025721_1846_0_0_885.pdf885Kg 276/383 May 1938Idessa LibermanLIBERMANpl. Marii Panii, SzczekocinyBajla Rywka Gotlib nee RozenbaumGOTLIB NEE ROZENBAUMpl. Marii Panii, SzczekocinyPlaintiff accuses Defendant that, on 2 May 1938, she entered the flat of her neighbor, Hinda Zylbersztajn, the Defendant, with some tool, hit her on head and shoulder causing her to faint and collapse on the floor. Her injuries which required medical attention.ZYLBERSZTAJN10 Jun 1938Court decides to hear the case, however no further document in the file to determine the outcome of the case.Defendant born 19 Sep 1913.  
1027821_1846_0_0_988.pdf988C 217/398 Jul 1939Lipa LibermanLIBERMANLelówLaja Gnendla LibermanLIBERMANLelówParties are co-owners of a real estate property. Plaintiffs wish to dissolve co-ownership, to which Defendants do not agree. Plaintiffs request Court to order a public auction of the property and the distribution of the proceeds.1 Sep 1939Court decides to suspend proceedings due to the outbreak of war.   
1027921_1846_0_0_988.pdf988C 217/398 Jul 1939Liba Małka LibermanLIBERMANLelówMoszek Icyk LibermanLIBERMANLelówParties are co-owners of a real estate property. Plaintiffs wish to dissolve co-ownership, to which Defendants do not agree. Plaintiffs request Court to order a public auction of the property and the distribution of the proceeds.1 Sep 1939Court decides to suspend proceedings due to the outbreak of war.Defendant is a minor.  
1028021_1846_0_0_988.pdf988C 217/398 Jul 1939Sura Bajla LibermanLIBERMANLelówParties are co-owners of a real estate property. Plaintiffs wish to dissolve co-ownership, to which Defendants do not agree. Plaintiffs request Court to order a public auction of the property and the distribution of the proceeds.1 Sep 1939Court decides to suspend proceedings due to the outbreak of war.Defendant is a minor.  
1028121_1846_0_0_988.pdf988C 217/398 Jul 1939Frajdla LibermanLIBERMANLelówParties are co-owners of a real estate property. Plaintiffs wish to dissolve co-ownership, to which Defendants do not agree. Plaintiffs request Court to order a public auction of the property and the distribution of the proceeds.1 Sep 1939Court decides to suspend proceedings due to the outbreak of war.Defendant is a minor.  
1045821_1846_0_0_1326.pdf1326Zg 38/473 Jun 1947Icyk Berek LibermanLIBERMANul. Zamkowa 37, PiotrkówPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his parents Lipa Liberman (born Lelów 1901) and Liba Małka nee Blajer (born Lelów 1897). Both were murdered by the Germans in May 1942 in Kielce.LIBERMAN, BLAJER18 Jun 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1047421_1846_0_0_1342.pdf1342Zg 55/4720 Oct 1947Ruchla RozencwajgROZENCWAJGul. Zachodnia 68/48, ŁódźPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for her relative Sura Liberman nee Wajngarten, born in Koniecpol on 24 Jul 1869, who was transported from Szczekociny, after which there was no trace of her.LIBERMAN NEE WAJNGARTEN17 Dec 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   

Szczekociny Yizkor book: Israel Shwaicer, Pinkas Shts'kots', 1959; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Szczekociny/Szczekociny.html; no images at https://libguides.nypl.org/yizkorbooks [H]

-Sort-DetailsNumber of pageLetter of Hebrew alphabet or serial numberPersonSurname(s) from previous columnPerson, with names converted to Polish spellingSurname(s) from previous columnFamily informationMore informationNotes
10246God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]268LamedLiberman MashkaLIBERMANLiberman MaszkaLIBERMANWife and two children  

Theresienstadt: List of children who arrived in Great Britain from Theresienstadt, 20 Aug 1945; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 17? Feb 1946; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10140Simche LiebermannLIEBERMANN10 Dec 1930Warzawa / Warszawa, PolandWarszawa added because it seems more likely

Treblinka: persons listed at Memory of Treblinka Foundation from any CRARG town [H]

-Sort-More informationPersonSurname from previous columnTownTreblinka victim?
10401For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Abraham LibermanLIBERMANCzęstochowaYes
10402For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Jacob LibermanLIBERMANCzęstochowaYes
10736For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Bila LubermanLUBERMANJanówYes
10737For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Dawid Luberman LibermanLUBERMAN LIBERMANJanówYes
11225For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rosa LibermanLIBERMANPiotrków TrybunalskiYes

USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImagePage numberGiven name(s)Surname(s)AgeOccupationFather's nameFamily groupLast residence in PolandLast address in the USSROther information
1071115/DSC00047.JPG4Erna (Nechama)LIBERMANPavlodar ul. Sovietow 222 

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
13372543250Chawa Loberman?LOBERMAN?[blank][blank]TomeszόwXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13423543301Nudrym LibermanLIBERMANWarszawa1917PłockXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13449553326Leopold LiebermannLIEBERMANNC.S.R.1897Hraniec C.S.R.Stamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13498563374Mejir LibermanLIBERMANMatele1907BialystokX  
13528563404Abram LibermanLIBERMANSuwalki1938Suwalki   
13529563405Szapiro Genia Liberman zdomuLIBERMAN, SZAPIROKleck1898Jeleniew   
13530563406Szulamit LibermanLIBERMANStolpce1932Jeleniew   
13531563407Mejer LibermanLIBERMANStolpce1894Jeleniew   
13561563437Uszer-Lejb LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]1912Kleck   
13588573463Chil Jakob LibermanLIBERMANLodz1919LodzX  
13723593596Sara LibermanLIBERMANMiedzeszyn1920SiedlceStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13727593600Judes LibermanLIBERMANMiedzeszyn1918SiedlceStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
167671116588Icek Noach LibermanLIBERMANChmielniki1913LodzXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
170701166886Hejnach LibermanLIBERMANStoczek1911StoczekStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
177551277559Szlomo LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]1920Mir   
181571347954Nosek LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]1920WarszawaStamp at bottom: 1 Mar 1940 
188441458630Lajba LoubermanLOUBERMANPinsk1919Lodz   

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Register of old and disabled persons receiving pension at Social Welfare by the Jewish Committee (410 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceL.p. numberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeAddress
10240Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5234Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00021.jpgLIBERMANJozefKOZALIEWICZ14Wilcza 73/8
10241Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5235Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00022.jpgLIBERMANGienia14Targowa 44 Kom. Zyd.

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Registry of children receiving assistance (443 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceNumberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeMaleFemaleAddress
10240Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5234Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00021.jpgLIBERMANJozefKOZALIEWICZ14Wilcza 73/8
10241Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5235Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00022.jpgLIBERMANGienia14XTargowa 44 Kom.Zyd.

Warsaw: "Listing of the Surviving Warsaw Jews in the US Zone in Germany," Centrale fun di Warszewer Landsmanszaftn in der US Zone in Dajczland, 1948 (5859 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameBirth dateResidence in Warsaw until 1 Sep 1939Father's given nameMother's given nameMother's maiden nameCurrent addressComments
101584PesaLIBERMANBALSAM6 Aug 1910Smocza 55LejbBejlaLIBERMANWasseralfingen 
101594SonjaBALSAM15 Jan 1941ChaimPesiaLIBERMANWasseralfingen 
1061611IcekBursztyn18 Oct 1916Dzielna 50PejsachSaraLibermanLandsberg L. 
1072813IcchokCUKIER1885Zelazna 43MordkaRuchlaLIBERMANEichstatt 
1204335JakobHANDELSMAN8 Jul 1912Zlota 45SroelChawaLIBERMANLandsberg/L. 
1296951AbrahamLIBERMAN5 Jun 1912ZabkowskaBenjaminPesaFRYDZiegenhain 
1297051ReginaMINSKALIBERMAN5 Jun 1912ElaEsteraKUPERMANZiegenhain 
1297151IzraelLIBERMAN14 Nov 1942AbramReginaZiegenhain 
1297251AbramLIBERMAN10 Jan 1914Rynkowa 11JosefBasiaCUKIERMANFeldafing 
1297351BenjaminLIBERMAN10 Aug 1921SzyjaSymaHeidenheim 
1297451PaulaLIBERMAN2 May 1925MordchaRuchlaHeidenheim 
1297551JosefLIBERMAN10 Feb 1922Gesia 83MordchaMindlaLIBERMANBad Reichenhall 
1297651MurdchajLIBERMAN2 Sep 1947Bad Reichenhall 
1297751NamiLIBERMAN28 Jan 1917LewTereniaRegensburg 
1297851SabinaLIBERMAN1 Mar 1920ChaskielRuchlaRegensburg 
1297951NusenLIBERMAN28 Feb 1928Pawia 48LejbuszTaubaALIBARDAFeldafing 
1298051SzyjaLIBERMAN5 Sep 1890Panska 59BenjaminSuraKRAJKERStuttgart 
1298151WolfLIBERMAN15 Jul 1906Nowolipie 55SzlomaSura BajlaKANTORWetzlar 
1298251SonjaWULFMANLIBERMAN4 Feb 1916ChaimDrezlaWULFMANWetzlar 
1301352MajerLIEBERMAN1 Jun 1906BoruchJochaWOLNYFeldafing 
1323355SaulMIGDAL24 Jan 1917Walicow 6MoszekChajaLIBERMANWetzlar 
1463278BronislawaSCHOLL1910Franciszkanska 11JosefLisaLIBERMANGeretsried 
1489782EsterLIBERMANTERECHTER1 Nov 1891Stawki 20TojwaMarjemFRENKELBad Reichenhall 
1541490GitlaLIBERMANZILBERBERG29 Dec 1922Koszykowa 65SzmulMariaHERCHof 

Warsaw: "Surviving Jews in Warsaw as of June 5th, 1945," World Jewish Archives (2523 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameYear of birthAddress in 1939Present address in WarsawComments
113148MichelLIBERMAN1902LodzTargowa 7 

Wieluń Yizkor book: Sefer zikaron li-ḳehilat Veyelun, 1971, pages 407-487 [H]

-Sort-Page [r#]Information on pageSurname (or maiden name) copied from previous columnNotes by transliterator / translatorNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10617441In memory of our family members who perished in the Holocaust   
10618441Grandfather: Szlomo TochTOCH  
10619441Grandmother: Breindle   
10620441Father: Szmuel LandsbergerLANDSBERGER  
10621441My mother: Roja   
10622441My brother: Dawid and Henik (Zvi)   
10623441J. Wisefelner, his wife Golda (née Toch) and their childrenWISEFELNER, TOCH  
10624441Hirsch Toch, his wife and their childrenTOCH  
10625441Godel Toch and his wifeTOCH  
10626441Doctor Asher Toch and his wifeTOCH  
10627441Rickel Lieberman [Liberman] (née Toch) her husband and their childrenLIBERMAN (NÉE TOCH)  
10629441Commemorator: Haim Landsberger and his familyLANDSBERGER  
11306468[Yiddish:]In Yiddish 
11307468An eternal memorialIn Yiddish 
11308468For my parents and brotherIn Yiddish 
11309468Brother: Haim PakulaPAKULAIn Yiddish 
11310468Mother: Mindel PakulaPAKULAIn Yiddish 
11311468Father: Avrahram PakulaPAKULAIn Yiddish 
11312468who were killed by the Nazi murderersIn Yiddish 
11313468Perpetuated by: Ruth Schell-PakulaSCHELL-PAKULAIn Yiddish 
11314468Sydney AustraliaIn Yiddish 
11315468In Yiddish 
11316468To the eternal memoryIn Yiddish 
11317468From our tragicIn Yiddish 
11318468Deceased familyIn Yiddish 
11319468by the Nazi murderersIn Yiddish 
11320468In Yiddish 
11321468Our brotherIn Yiddish 
11322468Avraham Litmanovich and his wifeLITMANOVICHIn Yiddish 
11323468In Yiddish 
11324468Forever:In Yiddish 
11325468Zashe Liberman-LitmanovichLIBERMAN-LITMANOVICHIn Yiddish 
11326468Dora Eichner-LitmanovichEICHNER-LITMANOVICHIn Yiddish 
11327468MexicoIn Yiddish 

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons paying contributions to Jewish community of Włoszczowa District Włoszczowa Voivedoship Kielce in 1939 [date after list: 20 Dec 1938], syg 3387, pages 152-176 [Lista płatników składki gminy wyznaniowej żydowskiej we Włoszczowie powiatu Włoszczowskiego województwa Kieleckiego na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddress [only town is listed]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishOccupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Ilość składek]: ZłNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10229164219Moszek LibermanLIBERMANWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant60  
10230164220Wólf LibermanLIBERMANWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant40  
10232165221Fiszel LibermanLIBERMANWłoszczowamalarzpainter? / artisan?painter15  

Wodzisław: records of registration cards, 1940 (with 1941 added) [Roku 1940 Ewidencja kart rejestracyjnych], RG-15.756, syg 1670 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberBusiness: Name of owner (co-owner)SurnameRelationship informationPlace of businessType of businessWhere owner (co-owner) livesDate of acquisition and No. of registration cardPrice of registration card [column not typed; see original document]Chapter section 3 attached to article 7 [column not typed; see original document]CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1011121_1670_0_3_9.pdf34-35Ryfka Laja LibermanLIBERMAN[blank]WodzisławSale of sweets, ?, and tobacco productsWodzisław30 Jan 137, 28 Apr 41 189Type of business partly illegible 
1021421_1670_0_3_9.pdf68-69Ruchla LibermanLIBERMANdaughter of Jakub-EliaszWodzisławManufacture of apronsWodzisław5 Mar 3473395 wpł?  

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 226-268 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesRegional header (year)Page numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnFather's nameNumber of days of detentionDay of detention (hour, day, month and year)Date of release from custodyReleased (driven home)CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10086Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]194126563Icek Mendel LibermanLIBERMANMoszekin custody of Polish police8 Feb 19419 Feb 1941to home   

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 271-332 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesPage numberOrder numberDateFirst and last name of the person guardingSurname from previous columnFor whom is guardingSurname from previous columnHow long?CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10130Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]293 [mis-numbered as 193]1)18 / 19 Nov 1940Luzer EpsztajnEPSZTAJNIcek Medel LibermanLIBERMAN    
10355Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]330 [mis-numbered as 230]1)18 / 19 Jun 1940Stanislaw WozniakWOZNIAKIcek Mendel LiebermanLIEBERMAN    

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
11625Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385LIBERMANRywka1840  
11626Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANMejtla1862  
11627Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANChudessa1863  
11628Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANMendel1866  
11629Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANJankiel1871  
11630Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282385Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANTelca1874  
11650Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282388LIBERMANJankiel1871  
11651Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282388Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANLiba1878  
11652Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282388Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANBrucha1899  
11653Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282388Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANMalka1872  
11654Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282388Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLIBERMANMordka1906  

Żarki: lists of persons obliged to pay levy 1940-1941, syg 304 [H]

-Sort-Header before this listPage numberOrder numberSurname [r#]Given name(s)Name of father or year [of birth], if includedResidenceOccupationQuota / established income for the tax year 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10335[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 194011535/35LibermanJakubŻarki2288?50 zł.; [illegible]  
10407[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 1940118117/117LibermanIcek MendelŻarki ?hand ?200024 zł.  
11135[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940161[none]Liberman? SzlamaMendelCzęstochowska 85416 -35Crossed out 
11136[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940161[none]LibermanChana Rywka (żona) [wife]DawidCzęstochowska 85417 żona [wife]  
11240[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanIcyk MendelMoesekKościelna 55683 -117Crossed out 
11241[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanEstera (żona) [wife]HerszlikKościelna 55684 żona [wife]  
11242[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanDobra-ItkaIcyk MendelKościelna 55685 [illegible] 347  
11243[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanChana LibaIcyk MendelKościelna 55686 [illegible] 346  
11244[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanRubinIcyk MendelKościelna 55687 [illegible] 345  
11245[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanSzmulIcyk MendelKościelna 55688 [illegible] 344  
11246[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanMarjem LajaIcyk MendelKościelna 55689 [illegible] 343  
11247[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanSymchaIcyk MendelKościelna 55690 [illegible] 342  
11248[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940169[none]LibermanMałkaIcyk MendelKościelna 55691 [illegible] 348  

Żarki: Persons who perished in the Holocaust; source: Yad Vashem (329 persons), images: www.crarg.org/zarki-perished-in-the-holocaust.php [H]

-Sort-Image file nameConsecutive number in documentPersonSurname from previous column [#]Date of birth (or age)Polish textPolish text, translatedTypist notes
10185705.pdf183Icek LibermanLIBERMANborn 18 Feb 1882zginal w obozie w Radomsku 27 Feb 1942he perished in a camp in Radomsko on 27 Feb 1942 
10186705.pdf184Estera LibermanLIBERMANborn 18 Dec 1878zginela w obozie w Radomsku 27 Feb 1942she perished in a camp in Radomsko on 27 Feb 1942 

Żarki Yizkor Book; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/1694da30-272f-0133-c254-58d385a7b928 (540 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameComments
10241321Itskhok MandlLIBERMAN 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of persons, actually in Zbąszyń, having relatives in U.S.A., Canada, or South America; addresses not exact or unknown; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumber [on page]PersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativesSurname from previous or next columnDegree of relationshipNotes (not by typist)
10176List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[8]169Elias WeissWEISS24 Sep 1880DolinamerchantRemscheidPl. Reytana 3Isydor Liberman, 200 Hickorry Str. Buffalo N.Y.LIBERMANbrother in law 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of Refugees who have relatives in America; numbered 187-598; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumberPersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativeSurname from previous columnDegree of relationNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10196List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[10]372Josef Hersch KoppelKOPPEL11 Aug. 1909KosόwShop-assistantRemscheidPl. Rejtana 3Isidore Lieberman, 200 Hickorry St., Buffalo / J.Graff, 1046 Teller Ave., N.Y.LIEBERMAN, GRAFFuncle / cousin