443 Lenczner / Leczner Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 443 Lenczner / Leczner Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

Buchenwald Totenbuch (Buchenwald Death Book); http://totenbuch.buchenwald.de/recherche/ [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birth [Geburtsdatum]Date of death [Todesdatum]Place of death [Sterbeort]
10127SrulLENCZNER16 Jul 1916 in Lelow, Poland12 Oct 1944Schlieben

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
10194934418JudkaARONOWICZAron Dawid & Gitla RotszyldROTSZYLD26 Jul 1867, DzialoszynTraderARONOWICZ, LENCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYFER
10195934418CyrlaSZYFERARONOWICZHerszlik & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER13 Aug 1865, CzestochowaARONOWICZ, LENCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYFER
10196934418HerszlikARONOWICZJudka & Cyrla SzyferSZYFER24 Mar 1898, CzestochowaARONOWICZ, LENCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYFER
1387511552109Mendel Szymcha----JASKIELDawid & Fajgla DiamentDIAMENT-- --- 1870, Ksiaz WielkiTraderDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1387611552109NuchaSZYFERJASKIELHersz & Ruchla LecznerLECZNER8 Jul 1873, CzestochowaWith husbandDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1387711552109Estera Chaja----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyferSZYFER13 Apr 1896, SzczekocinyWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1387811552109Dawid Hersz----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyferSZYFER3 Aug 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1387911552109Munysz----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyferSZYFER23 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1388011552109Jakub Jozef----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyfSZYF31 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1388111552109Juda----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyfSZYF23 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1388211552109Mordka----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyfSZYF28 Aug 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
1388311552109Moszek Icyk----JASKIELMendel Szymcha & Nucha SzyfSZYF19 Apr 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, JASKIEL, LECZNER, SZYF, SZYFER
16382172607177JudkaKREMSDORFSzmul & Hendla KijakKIJAK20 Nov 1850, RadomskoServantKIJAK, KREMSDORF, LENCZNER, SZYF
16383172607177EwaSZYFKREMSDORFJudka & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER21 Dec 1853, CzestochowaWith husbandKIJAK, KREMSDORF, LENCZNER, SZYF
16384172607177EsteraKREMSDORFJudka & Hana SzyfSZYF13 Aug 1872, CzestochowaWith parentsKIJAK, KREMSDORF, LENCZNER, SZYF
16385172607177Mariem JettaKREMSDORFJudka & Hana SzyfSZYF16 Nov 1881, CzestochowaWith parentsKIJAK, KREMSDORF, LENCZNER, SZYF
16386172607177SuraKREMSDORFJudka & Hana SzyfSZYF16 Nov 1881, CzestochowaWith parentsKIJAK, KREMSDORF, LENCZNER, SZYF
170501944202RuchlaLENCZNERBALZAMSzaja Ber & Hinda BernesBERNES5 Sep 1872, OzorkowWidowBALZAM, BERNES, LENCZNER
170511944202SzajaBALZAMWolf & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER28 Aug 1901, CzestochowaWith motherBALZAM, BERNES, LENCZNER
170521944202ChajaBALZAMWolf & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER25 Mar 1903, CzestochowaWith motherBALZAM, BERNES, LENCZNER
170531944202MoszekBALZAMWolf & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER16 Feb 1905, CzestochowaWith motherBALZAM, BERNES, LENCZNER
170541944202PessaBALZAMWolf & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER26 Oct 1906, CzestochowaWith motherBALZAM, BERNES, LENCZNER
21818261136327EsteraSZYFFHerszlik & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER-- --- 1862, CzestochowaMaidLENCZNER, SZYFF
21819261136327CyrlaSZYFFHerszlik & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER12 Jul 1865, CzestochowaMaidLENCZNER, SZYFF
21820261138327MalkaSZYFFSZWARCBAUMHerszlik & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER23 Dec 1845, CzestochowaShop owner; widowLENCZNER, SZWARCBAUM, SZYFF
21845261170327MajerSZYFFHerszlik & Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER15 Dec 1858, CzestochowaTraderFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21846261170327BlimaWROCLAWSKASZYFFMichal & Fajgla FajersztajnFAJERSZTAJN1 Nov 1879, OlsztynWith husbandFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21847261170327Chil HerszSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA15 Jan 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21848261170327JudaSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA30 Nov 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21849261170327Moszek LejbSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA14 Mar 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21850261170327RubinSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA9 Jun 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21851261170327Fajgla RuchlaSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA28 Nov 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21852261170327AbramSZYFFMajer & Blima WroclawskaWROCLAWSKA17 Dec 1921, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERSZTAJN, LENCZNER, SZYFF, WROCLAWSKA
21896261209327Jakub JozefSZWARCBAUMMichal & Hena RozynaROZYNA5 Jul 1906, Czestochowa----LECZNER, RAJZNER, ROZYNA, SZWARCBAUM
21897261209327EsteraRAJZNERSZWARCBAUMDawid Majlech & Hana Mindla LecznerLECZNER1 Jun 1905, PilicaWith husbandLECZNER, RAJZNER, ROZYNA, SZWARCBAUM
21898261209327Chana MindlaSZWARCBAUMJakub Jozef & Estera RajznerRAJZNER12 Mar 1929, PilicaWith parentsLECZNER, RAJZNER, ROZYNA, SZWARCBAUM
21899261209327Moszek RubinSZWARCBAUMJakub Jozef & Estera RajznerRAJZNER6 Jul 1930, PilicaWith parentsLECZNER, RAJZNER, ROZYNA, SZWARCBAUM
22051271340331Huna AbramKOLCHORYMosiek & Chaja FrankFRANK26 Dec 1886, CzestochowaCarpenterFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22052271340331ChawaLIBERMANKOLCHORYJakub & Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN1 Dec 1890, BorownoWith husbandFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22053271340331LejbusKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN8 Jan 1921, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22054271340331ChajaKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN2 Apr 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22055271340331PinkusKOLCHORYHuna & Chawa LibermanLIBERMAN20 Dec 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
22056271340331Bajla RachelaLENCZNERKOLCHORYAbram Jankiel & Chaja Pesla LedermanLEDERMAN-- --- 1899, SzczekocinyWith husband Huna AbramFRANK, KAUFMAN, KOLCHORY, LEDERMAN, LENCZNER, LIBERMAN
2455432934418JudkaARONOWICZAron Dawid & Gitla RotszyldROTSZYLD26 Jul 1867, DzialoszynTraderARONOWICZ, LEMCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYF
2455532934418CyrlaSZYFARONOWICZHerszlik & Ruchla LemcznerLEMCZNER13 Aug 1865, CzestochowaWith husbandARONOWICZ, LEMCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYF
2455632934418HerszlikARONOWICZJudka & Cyrla SzyfSZYF24 Mar 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsARONOWICZ, LEMCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYF
2455732934418RyklaARONOWICZJudka & Cyrla SzyfSZYF24 Mar 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsARONOWICZ, LEMCZNER, ROTSZYLD, SZYF

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of ill persons (142 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAddress
10089Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00108.JPG89TaubaLENCZNER1921Jakub, ChawaAleja 7

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
10520CharlieLENCZNER270, 286, 287, 303, 326, 333, 334 
10523YettaLENCZNER271, 286, 287, 288, 319, 320, 326, 337, 400 

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10247Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10810www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfWOLBERG, LENCZNERLipa WolbergWOLBERGWarszawska 36Instruction to arrest Wolberg
10248Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10810www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfWOLBERG, LENCZNERAbram LencznerLENCZNERAleja 6Instruction to arrest Lenczner
10250Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZSzymon KonigKONIGReport that Konig has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10251Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZAbram LencznerLENCZNERReport that Lenczner has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10252Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZMoszek Dawid LewkowiczLEWKOWICZReport that Lewkowicz has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10253Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZNuta BrandesBRANDESReport that Brandes has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10254Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZChaim PacanowskiPACANOWSKIReport that Pacanowski has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10255Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZMajer SzynkarskiSZYNKARSKIReport that Szynkarski has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10256Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZLipa WolbergWOLBERGReport that Wolberg has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10257Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZHendla LipszycLIPSZYCReport that Lipszyc has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10258Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10812www.crarg.org/i…813-1rTe9M.pdfKONIG, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, TOBIASZChaim TobiaszTOBIASZReport that Tobiasz has been arrested and taken to Wilsona 20/22
10262Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKSzymon KonigKONIGDreszera 11Order to bring Konig to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10263Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKChaim TobiaszTOBIASZJoselewicza 11, Kiedrzyńska 7Order to bring Tobiasz to Wilsona 20/22. Report that Lipszyc was taken in his place.
10264Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKAbram LencznerLENCZNERAleja 6Order to bring Lenczner to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10265Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKMoszek Dawid LewkowiczLEWKOWICZNarutowicza 7Order to bring Lewkowicz to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10266Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKNuta BrandesBRANDESJoselewicza 7Order to bring Brandes to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10267Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKChaim PacanowskiPACANOWSKITargowa 9Order to bring Pacanowski to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10268Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKMajer SzynkarskiSZYNKARSKINowy Rynek 1Order to bring Szynkarski to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10269Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKLipa WolbergWOLBERGWarszawska 36Order to bring Wolberg to Wilsona 20/22. Confirmation that order has been carried out.
10270Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKHindla LipszycLIPSZYCReport that Lipszyc was taken to Wilsona 20/22 in place of Tobiasz.
10271Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10814www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKONIG, TOBIASZ, LENCZNER, LEWKOWICZ, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKARSKI, WOLBERG, LIPSZYC, KLIMCZAKZ KlimczakKLIMCZAKSignatory of the report confirming which people had been taken to Wilsona 20/22.
15949Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] KapinskiKAPINSKI4 men are to be taken to the Detention Centre for Kapinski (see also image 0976)
15950Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] ZalcmanZALCMANThe order to taken the 4 men to the Detention Centre was transferred to Zalcman in District 2 (see also image 0976)
15951Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERAron GelberGELBERTargowa 23Gelber is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0976)
15952Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERSzyja ChlopskiCHLOPSKITargowa 12Chlopski is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0976)
15953Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERHenoch SukonnikSUKONNIKNadrzeczna 32Sukonnik is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0976)
15954Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERBoruch LencznerLENCZNERSenatorska 14Lenczner is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0976)
15956Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] KapinskiKAPINSKI4 men are to be taken to the Detention Centre for Kapinski (see also image 0975)
15957Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] ZalcmanZALCMANThe order to take the 4 men to the Detention Centre was transferred to Zalcman in District 2 (see also image 0975)
15958Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERAron GelberGELBERTargowa 23Gelber is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15959Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERSzyja ChlopskiCHLOPSKITargowa 12Chlopski is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15960Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERHenoch SukonnikSUKONNIKNadrzeczna 32Sukonnik is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15961Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERBoruch LencznerLENCZNERSenatorska 14Lenczner is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15973Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] KapinskiKAPINSKI4 men are to be taken to the Detention Centre for Kapinski (see also image 0975)
15974Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] ZalcmanZALCMANThe order to take the 4 men to the Detention Centre was transferred to Zalcman in District 2 (see also image 0975)
15975Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERAron GelberGELBERTargowa 23Gelber is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15976Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERSzyja ChlopskiCHLOPSKITargowa 12Chlopski is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15977Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERHenoch SukonnikSUKONNIKNadrzeczna 32Sukonnik is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
15978Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20976www.crarg.org/i…976-L9IFJW.pdfKAPINSKI, ZALCMAN, GELBER, CHLOPSKI, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERBoruch LencznerLENCZNERSenatorska 14Lenczner is to be taken to the Detention Centre (see also image 0975)
16014Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20979www.crarg.org/i…979-IEwGGH.pdfKOPINSKI, GELBER, CHLOPAK, SUKONNIK, LENCZNER[no given name] KopinskiKOPINSKIFour people are to be taken to Kopinski
16015Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20979www.crarg.org/i…979-IEwGGH.pdfKOPINSKI, GELBER, CHLOPAK, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERAron GelberGELBERTargowa 23Gelber is to be taken to the man
16016Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20979www.crarg.org/i…979-IEwGGH.pdfKOPINSKI, GELBER, CHLOPAK, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERSzyja ChlopakCHLOPAKTargowa 12Chlopak is to be taken to the man
16017Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20979www.crarg.org/i…979-IEwGGH.pdfKOPINSKI, GELBER, CHLOPAK, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERHendler SukonnikSUKONNIKNadrzeczna 32Sukonnik is to be taken to the man
16018Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20979www.crarg.org/i…979-IEwGGH.pdfKOPINSKI, GELBER, CHLOPAK, SUKONNIK, LENCZNERBoruch LencznerLENCZNERSenatorska 14Lenczner is to be taken to the man
17422Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI, WOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNY[no given name] GriskamerGRISKAMEREight people were to be brought to Inspector Griskamer
17423Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,Szymon KenigKENIGKenig was to be brought to the Inspector
17425Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,Abram LencznerLENCZNERLenczer was to be brought to the Inspector
17427Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,Chaim PacanowskiPACANOWSKIPananowski was to be brought to the Inspector
17429Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,Lipa WolbergWOLBERGWolberg was to be brought to the Inspector
17431Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldfarb was sent to fetch the people for the inspector
17432Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,[no given name] SzlamaSZLAMASzlama was sent to fetch the people for the inspector
17434Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,[no given name] JasnyJASNYJasny was sent to fetch the people for the inspector

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Department in Częstochowa 1940-1944, RG-15.332, syg 626 [H]

-Sort-File No.Case No.Date case commencedPlaintiff(s)Surname from previous columnPlaintiff(s) addressDefendant(s)Surname from previous columnDefendant(s) AddressCase DetailsSurname from previous columnDate Case ConcludedCourt VerdictNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100488_626_0_0_3_143.pdfC 310/417 Aug 1941Dawid LencznerLENCZNERRynek 2, MstówGerszon LencznerLENCZNERRynek 2, MstówPlaintiff, though mediation, had been awarded 600 zł being for supply of three timber bedframes. Plaintiff is suing as Defendant had not complied with the terms of mediation.No document in file to determine further proceedings  

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
101113477D 12487Chaim LencznerLENCZNERSchuelerPupilSenatorska 1422 Apr 19404107? 
101123478D 12488Szmul LencznerLENCZNERSchuelerPupilSenatorska 1422 Apr 19404107? 
106133906D 12916Judka LencznerLENCZNERHaendlerDealer, trader, storekeeperMostowa 1722 Apr 194027  
107843745D 12755Syzmon LencznerLENCZNERSchuelerPupilTargowa 2522 Apr 194032  
109722360H 96409Ide LencznerLENCZNERSchneiderTailorN.M.P. 422 Apr 194040  
111202243H 96292Aron LencznerLENCZNERSchusterShoemakerNarutow. 622 Apr 194044  
121953906D 12916Judka LencznerLENCZNERHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperMostowa 1722 Apr 194077120 
123663745D 12755Szymon LencznerLENCZNERSchulerPupilTargowa 2522 Apr 194082115 
124843552D 12562Mordcha LencznerLENCZNERSchulerPupilN.M. Panny 622 Apr 194087109 
125393537D 12547Mordka LencznerLENCZNERSchulerPupilN.M. Panny 422 Apr 194088108 
126403402D 12412Lajzer LencznerLENCZNERArbeiterWorkerMostowa 1722 Apr 194091104 
128023229D 12239Herszlik LencznerLENCZNERBerufslosWithout professionN.M. Panny 522 Apr 19409699 
13708213/7126F 5561Boruch LencznerLENCZNERKlempnerges. arbeitslosPlumber journeyman, unemployedSenatorska 1422 Apr 19401265 
13788213/71761D 10771Kalma LencznerLENCZNERBerufslos arbeitslosWithout profession, unemployedMostowa 1722 Apr 19409  
14317D 324Pinkus LencznerLENCZNERKatedralna 117  
14668213/2266H 97144Pinkus LencznerLENCZNERLackieremeisterMaster varnisherKatedralna 118 Jul 194037  
14737213/2266H 97144Pinkus LencznerLENCZNERLackieremeisterMaster varnisherKatedralna 118 Jul 194042  
14741213/221761D 10771Kalma LencznerLENCZNERBerufslos arbeitslosWithout profession, unemployedMostowa 1722 Apr 1940122  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
101368218 Feb 1941Joachim LencznerLENCZNER23 Aug 1892KurzelówGaribaldiego No. 15HerszlikSura née LecznerLECZNERMerchantPoliticalReleased 13 Feb 1941   
10171100216 May 1941Chaja JoskowiczJOSKOWICZ16 Oct 1914MstówGarncarska No. 8, MstówSrulBajla née LencznerLENCZNERTraderNo armband26 May 1941200 złoty fine or 20 days in prisonReleased 27 May 1941   
10355162326 Jan 1942Chaim LencznerLENCZNER1925CzęstochowaSenatorska No. 14BerekMachela née RosenbergROSENBERGWith parentsTheftTransported 20 Feb 1942   
10362167427 Feb 1942Boruch ZyskowiczZYSKOWICZ18 Jan 1916SzczekocinyStrazacka, SzczekocinyZysmanChana née LencznerLENCZNERWagonerLeaving GhettoReleased 5 Mar 1942; husband of Dora née GoldschmidtGOLDSCHMIDT 
10597320417 Jun 1943Rywka Dąb née LencznerDĄB NÉE LENCZNER23 Apr 1923CzęstochowaAleja No. 6 (Ghetto)AbramMariem née JarzombekJARZOMBEKWith husbandJewessResettled 8 Jul 1943; wife of SamuelPhysical description included  
10656344217 Feb 1941Chaim LencznerLENCZNER13 Mar 1925CzęstochowaSenatorska No. 14BoruchMachela née RozenbergROZENBERGWith parentsNo armband11 Feb 1941100 złoty fine or 10 days prisonReleased 27 Feb 1941Letter from father to prison authorities requesting permission to provide two meals per day  

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10974Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.80Cyrla LencznerLENCZNERSosnowiec 

Częstochowa: Index to Khurbn Czenstochow, 1949; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Czestochowa2/Czestochowa2.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/4de5b690-6928-0133-6348-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Page number

Częstochowa: Les Amis de Czenstochow, deported from France (Union des Societes Juives de France, 1948; 151 persons/families) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]Other family membersSurname from previous paragraph

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
10453990H 96549HendelLENCZNERSchusterwerkstattWorkshop of a shoemaker22 Apr 194019213/6 
105331070H 96686LejbusLENCZNER1 Naehmaschine1 sewing machine22 Apr 194022213/6 

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
12504Hasag-A3/0310.tifHasag-B3/0306.tif2503.DadekLENCZNER192919 Jul 1929CzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)2862 
12505Hasag-A3/0311.tifHasag-B3/0307.tif2504.DawidLENCZNER192115 Sep 1921CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)939 
12506Hasag-A3/0312.tifHasag-B3/0308.tif2505.HerszLENCZNER190525 MAr 1905ZawiercieZawiercieCzestochowa2449 
12507Hasag-A3/0313.tifHasag-B3/0309.tif2506.HerszlikLENCZNER192121 Jan 1921CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowa1837 
12508Hasag-A3/0314.tifHasag-B3/0310.tif2507.IcekLENCZNER190817 MAr 1908CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)2063 
12509Hasag-A3/0315.tifHasag-B3/0311.tif2508.IzraelLENCZNER190110 Feb 1901SzczekocinySzczekocinySkarzysko-Kamszklarzglazier4754 
12510Hasag-A3/0316.tifHasag-B3/0312.tif2509.LajaLENCZNER190820 Feb 1908LelowCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)3309 
12511Hasag-A3/0317.tifHasag-B3/0313.tif2510.PerlaLENCZNER192317 Sep 1923LodzLodzSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)1860 
12512Hasag-A3/0318.tifHasag-B3/0314.tif2511.ReniaLENCZNER192422 DEc 1924CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)441 
12513Hasag-A3/0319.tifHasag-B3/0315.tif2512.RywanLENCZNER192026 Jul 1920CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowamalarzpainter, house-painter, wall-painter (male)1984 
12514Hasag-A3/0320.tifHasag-B3/0316.tif2513.SzajaLENCZNER19147 Oct 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1735 
12515Hasag-A3/0321.tifHasag-B3/0317.tif2514.WigdorLENCZNER19143 Mar 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1736 

Częstochowa: questionnaires of Jews from Częstochowa, 25 Sep 1940, National Archives in Kraków, syg 55; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14603000 [H]

-Sort-Page headerImage filePage number (in upper corner)Order numberPersonSurname [r#]Date of birthAddress- a/ previousAddress - b/ currentType of pension to which entitledInstitution disbursing pensionAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement plus business numberOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10069List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_9_56782093.jpg1552Jentla Lenczner daughter of BerekLENCZNER4 Apr 1910Nadrzeczna 88ditto [Dabrowskiego 12]Accident insuranceZaklad .....zl 6.67    

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
17229Rada2/0976.tif4774 - 4BoruchLENCNER?Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17253Rada2/0979.tif4788 - 4BoruchLENCZNERSenatorska 14Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
147930544.tifAbramLANCZNERFollowing an order of the Eldres' Council was brought to Wilson St. 22 for inspector Griskman's disposal.GRISKMAN 

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
11223851111647 AugCyrla-Jacheta LencznerLENCZNER5 Jan 18961bez zawoduno professionSosnowiecSt. Rynek 1112 Aug 1940  
1131591[a]Ruchla Lenczner, son Lenczner LencznerLENCZNERHandwritten letter: Hereby I do confirm that Ruchla Lenczner lives in our house No 15 Garibaldiego with Jadzia Lenczner from 2 Jun 1940 / [...?...] / [round stamp: Garibaldiego 15 street in Częstochowa, Jan Sosnowski] 
1131691[b]Ruchla Lenczner, son Lenczner LencznerLENCZNERHandwritten letter: Hereby I do confirm / that Ms Ruchla Lenczner came from Włoszczowa to her son, Mr Lenczner, 26 Jul 1940 / bailiff N. Heldn...? / [round stamp: Garibaldiego 15 street in Częstochowa, Jan Sosnowski] 
113319410126020 AugRuchla LencznerLENCZNERlat [age] 69-bez zawoduno professionWłoszczowaGaribaldiego 1526 Aug 1940  

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes
10605https://www.jew…a4/cze005.html118Reni [Renya]LENCZNER     

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
10708https://www.jew…1/czea003.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eIta LencznerLENCZNER

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name

France, deportations/deaths during WWII; also see https://tinyurl.com/yyctv3ve = http://web.archive.org/web/20051114071156/http://perso.wanadoo.fr:80/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-SurnameGiven NameMaiden NameBirth dateBirth TownDeath DateDeportationComments
10038LENCZNERFiszel4 Jun 1904Szczekociny, Poland22 Jul 1942AuschwitzAnd not on 17 Jul 1942 in the original; "And not at Pithiviers (Loiret-France)" in the original
10039LENCZNERJudka18 Aug 1895Szerckociny, Poland3 Jul 1942Auschwitz 
10040LENCZNERLipa, Szmul15 Oct 1892Szczekocin, Poland11 Mar 1943Lublin-MaidanekRussia in the original; "And not on 06 Mar 1943" in the original; "And not at Drancy (Seine-France)" in the original

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
10426Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FDynaLENCZNER NÉE BELZYCKIPolognePologneLenczner née Belzycki (Dyna) le 18 septembre 1906 à Grojec (Pologne), décédée le 16 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
22119Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FChanaLENCZNER, NÉE SIERADSKAPolognePologneLenczner, née Sieradska (Chana) le 8 février 1888 à Radowsko (Pologne), décédée le 19 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 14 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
22120Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FDynaLENCZNER NÉE BELZYCKIPolognePologneLenczner née Belzycki (Dyna) le 18 septembre 1906 à Grojec (Pologne), décédée le 16 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
22121Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FFiszelLENCZNERPolognePologneLenczner (Fiszel), née le 4 juin 1904 à Szczekociny (Pologne), décédée le 22 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 juillet 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
22122Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994MGeorgesLENCZNERPolognePologneLenczner (Georges), né le 16 mars 1910 à Bender (Pologne), décédé le 11 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maidanek (Pologne) et non le 6 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
22123Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994MIsaacLENCZNERPolognePologneLenczner (Isaac, Meyer), né le 14 juin 1895 à Olztin (Pologne), décédé le 28 juin 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 23 juin 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
22125Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994MJudkaLENCZNERPolognePologneLenczner (Judka), né le 18 août 1895 à Szezekociny (Pologne), décédé le 3 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
37005Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FChanaLENCZNER, NÉE SIERADSKAPolognePologneLenczner, née Sieradska (Chana) le 8 février 1888 à Radowsko (Pologne), décédée le 19 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 14 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
10851District 2, ward 1, syg 2376, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628985821_122_0_-_2376_20_56023392.jpg19690Bajla LejzorowiczLEJZOROWICZSienkiewicza6823 Oct 19081931    
10852District 2, ward 1, syg 2376, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628985821_122_0_-_2376_20_56023392.jpg19691Kalma Lejb LencznerLENCZNERSienkiewicza682 Mar 19151937    
11644District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_8_56023501.jpg5149Abram Jankiel LecznerLECZNERKrzywa718821932    
11645District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_8_56023501.jpg5150Ruchla LecznerLECZNERKrzywa718801932    
18890District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321369Perla GotfrydGOTFRYDWesoła9[day and month not listed] 18981922    
18891District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321370Pesla GotfrydGOTFRYDWesoła9[day and month not listed] 18901922    
18892District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321371Chaim GotfrydGOTFRYDWesoła9[day and month not listed] 18921922    
18893District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321375Moszek IwańskiIWAŃSKIWesoła91 Apr 18991924    
18894District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321384Cieska LecznerLECZNERWesoła91 Mar 19111937    
18895District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321386Chaja MarmantMARMANTWesoła9[day and month not listed] 18771927    
18896District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321387Estera MarmantMARMANTWesoła9[day and month not listed] 19081927    
18897District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321388Rojza MarmantMARMANTWesoła9[day and month not listed] 19031927    
18898District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321389Hinda MarmantMARMANTWesoła9[day and month not listed] 19011927    

Kraków: Registration Forms for Jewish Inhabitants of Kraków, Poland; only listings for CRARG towns [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous columnBirth dateBirth place
10187United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database; for complete data search here: https://www.ush…SourceId=45188Josek LentschnerLENTSCHNER13 Jun 1913Szeszekociny

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
1147110Stanislaw LencznerLENCZNER1916JanSaraNarutow 18 

Palestine: Immigrants, 1945; origin of list: Jewish War Appeal; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-SubheaderPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnAgeRelationship [if listed]Name of fatherName of motherCitizenshipPlace of birthPlace of birth: inferred country (or city and country)Notes
10642Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"22415.David LencznerLENCZNER17MosheMalkaPolandShekoshinSzczekociny, Poland 

Piotrków Trybunalski: In the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto Oct 15 Sep 1940 - Aug 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Piotrków Trybunalski, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (140 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10059647Goldminc FrajndlaGoldminc FrajndlaGOLDMINC4 Oct 1876 r. c. Jankla-Majera i Blimy4 Oct 1876, daughter of Jankel-Majer and BlimaPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Nov 1942Lenczner Majer, Lodz ul. Prochnika 23LENCZNERArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkowie Zg. 121/47  
10060648Goldminc AlterGoldminc AlterGOLDMINC8 May 1876 r. s. Brajricha i Chai-Itty z Kozuszkow8 May 1876, son of Brajrich and Chaja-Itta nee KozuszkKOZUSZEKPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Nov 1942Lenczner Majer, Lodz ul. Prochnika 23LENCZNERArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkowie Zg. 121/47  

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1224272Dawid LencznerLENCZNERPoland1920Moshe-ShmuelMalka 

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1026115Ro a LencznerLENCZNER5 Jan 1923Sosnowitz2641  

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
11293M194610902030110921 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w CzestochwieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepwania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com15) Chanie Skornickiej, oraz Abramie i Chanie z Lencznerow malz. Warszawskich, wspolwlascicielach nieruch. w Myszkowie Nr hip 4,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSKORNICKA, LENCZNER, WARSZAWSKI  
12210M1947016000001167 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com75) Szajndli - Dwojrze z Lecznerow vel Lencznerow Narych, wlascicielce czesci nieruchomosci w CzestochowieNr 342/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLECZNER VEL LENCZNER NARYCH  
12819M1947061000001619 Maja19479Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com75) Szandli - Dwoirze z Lecznerow vel Lencznerow Narych, wlascicielce czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 342/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLECZNER VEL LENCZNER NARYCH  
13136M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1. Na wniosek Fiszla Lencznera, zam. w Sosnowcu, ul. Modrzejowska 26, do Zg. 47/47Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLENCZNER, ESTRAJCH, LENCZNER-ZYLBERSZTAJN, WOJEHENDLER  
13137M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.coma) Szmula-Lejbe Estrajchera, syna Abrama-Hersza i Ruchli z Lencznerow, urodzanego 13 stycznia 1890 r. w Szczekocinach i tamze zamioszkalego,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLENCZNER, ESTRAJCH, LENCZNER-ZYLBERSZTAJN, WOJEHENDLER  
13138M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comb) do Zg. 43/47. Libe z Lencznerow-Zylbersztajn, corke Berka-Zelika i Entli z Wojehendlerow, urodzona 21 lipca 1975 r. w Szczekocinach i tamze zamieszkala,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLENCZNER, ESTRAJCH, LENCZNER-ZYLBERSZTAJN, WOJEHENDLER  
13139M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comc) do Zg. 45/47, Chane Krzcszewer, corke Lejzora i Richli z Groumanow, urodzona 17 kwietnia 1927 r. w Szczekocinach i tamze zamieszkala.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLENCZNER, ESTRAJCH, LENCZNER-ZYLBERSZTAJN, WOJEHENDLER  
13144M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com3. Na wniosek Lejzora Ejzensztajna, zamieszkalego w Dzierzonowie, ul. Limanowskiego 33. do Zg. 44/47,'Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comEJZENSZTAJN, JAKUBOWICZ, LENCZNER  
13145M194712600000112620 Pazdziernika19476Sad Grodzki w SzczekocinachSad Grodzki w Szczekocinach wdraza postepowanie o uznanie za zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comIdla Jakubowicza, syna Jakuba i Zeldy z Lencznerow, urodzonego 24 grudnia 1866 roku w Szczekocinach i tamze zamieszkalego.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comJAKUBOWICZ, LENCZNER  
13358M19480560000015620 Czerwca19487, 9Obwieszczenia sadowe / Postepowanie SpadkoweXXXI. Sad Grodzki w Szczekocinach podaje, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com2) Szmulu Lejbie Estrajcher, ur. 13.I. 1890, s. Moszka Hersza i Rochli z Lencznerow, ost. zam. w Szczekocinach, zm. 31.XII. 1946, wlascicielu nieruchomosci w Szczekocinach w miejscowosci "Pezowki". Sp. 15/48.ESTRAJCHER, LENCZNER  

Poland: Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Jerusalem 1946-1947 [H]

-Sort-ImagePage number in cornerPage number at topPage header, part 1Page header, part 2Serial No.NameNumber after name (if any)Surname from previous columnsAddressStandardPriceSenderSurname from previous columnStamp at bottom (if any)Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
106454747[none]List No. 76/P.2469/P.Icko Kaufman[none]KAUFMANKladzko d/Slask / ul. Niska 28 m. 11CARE15.00Sara Lancner, House Gutgold, Herzelia.LANCNER[none]  

Poland: Partisans Site (http://partisans.org.il/Site/site.advsearch.en.aspx) [H]

-Sort-Born inArea of combatSurnameFirst nameCountry of CcombatWar organizationUnit
10068Czestochowa----LENTSHNERReniaPolandZydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Z 

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
4099309-DSC00118.jpg162Szaja JakubLENCZNERCzestochowa 

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10191Set 3DSC00084.JPGList of Jewish Men from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York CityLENCZNERAbraham4 Feb 1921Czenstochowa    
10422Set 6DSC0097.JPGList of Polish Jews in Konstanz, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, NYLENCZNERChaim18 Dec 1920Sosnowiec    

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10688Szczekociny (images: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/525)525.jpg475[none]3Fiszel LencznerLENCZNER[not listed]Strażacka 6   

Radomsko: In the Radomsko Ghetto 10 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Radomsko Ghetto; ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (453 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1015414139.HELLER Chaja-Estera z KorzuchowHELLER Chaja-Estera nee KorzuchowHELLER, KORZUCH27 Jun 1890 r. c. Majera i Alty-Szyfry z Lencznerow27 Jun 1890 daughter of Majer and Alta-Szyfra nee LencznerLENCZNERRadomskoSep 1942 r.Mrowka Josek, Czestochowa, Al. Wolnosci Nr 37MROWKAArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsk Zg. 102/48  

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
147402. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List B31LENCZNERIcek1923Sosnowiec 

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1424702-DSC00119.JPG7Cywia NachaJOSKOWICZ27 Dec 1927ZawiercieZawiercieLojwelLENCZNERTel Aviv  
1510002-DSC00147.JPGCywia NachaJOSKOWICZ27 Mar 1927ZawierceZajwelLENCZNERTel Aviv, Hakischon 55  

Szczekociny 1939: letter of Szmul Rozenbaum to the Office for Political and Social Matters in Kielce regarding his appointment as a rabbi in Szczekociny. The petition signed by the citizens of Szczekociny on the same. Letter to the same Office regarding contributions by Szyja Cukierman in Szczekociny, 1939, syg 3387, document pages 18-21; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
100111811Jochet? LencznerLENCZNERNames are reversed
100131813M Sz LencznerLENCZNER 
100231922A J LencznerLENCZNER 
100271926M LencznerLENCZNER 
100281927Fiszel LencznerLENCZNER 
100391938Jakob LencznerLENCZNER 
100481947M Lenczner syn Dawida [son of Dawid]LENCZNER SYN DAWIDA [SON OF DAWID] 
100562055Wolf LencznerLENCZNER 
100572056Szmul Leib LencznerLENCZNER 
100712070A LencznerLENCZNER 
100932191Abram LencznerLENCZNERNames are reversed
100972195Mendel LencznerLENCZNER 
1010421102Wolf LencznerLENCZNER 
1011121109Leiposz? LencznerLENCZNER 
1013021128Haim LencznerLENCZNER 

Szczekociny 1939: List of contribution for support of Jewish Community in Szczekociny in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 108-131 [Lista składek na utrzymanie Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Szczekocinach.]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-Header immediately before this listPageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Kwota]: ZłNotes [Uwaga]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10149[no header]115144Wolf, s. Chaima [son of Chaim] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinygarb.tanner5  
10150[no header]115145Majer LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyszewcshoemaker5  
10151[no header]115146Mendel LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinycholew.shoe/boot maker (making shoe/boot uppers)5  
10152[no header]115147Chaim, s. Joska [son of Josek] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant200  
10154[no header]115149Abram Szaja LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant35  
10155[no header]115150Izrael, s. Moszka [son of Moszek] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant10  
10158[no header]116152Symcha LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10160[no header]116154Wigdor LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinygarbarztanner5  
10161[no header]116155Abram, s. Majera [son of Majer] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10162[no header]116156Fiszel, s. Moszka [son of Moszek] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyrzeznikbutcher5  
10163[no header]116157Josek LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10164[no header]116158Dawid LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10166[no header]116160Wolf, s. Mnila [son of Mnil] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10167[no header]116161Mordka LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10168[no header]116162Chaim, s. Mordki [son of Mordka] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10169[no header]116163Majer, s. Mnila [son of Mnil] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant10  
10170[no header]116164Abram, s. Izraela [son of Izrael] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant15  
10171[no header]116165Wolf, s. Abrama [son of Abram] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10172[no header]116166Herszlik, s. Abrama [son of Abram] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant15  
10173[no header]116167Abram, s. Berka [son of Berek] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant18  
10174[no header]116168Jankiel, s. Arona [son of Aron] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10175[no header]116169Jakub Hersz LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyrzeznikbutcher5  
10178[no header]116172Lejbuś LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyfurmancarter / cart driver / waggoner10  
10179[no header]116173Fiszel, s. Lejbusia [son of Lejbus] LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinysamoch.auto [samochodowy]20  
10184[no header]117177Sura LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10188[no header]117181Alter Lejb LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant60  
10189[no header]117182Judka LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10190[no header]117183Gdale LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant60  
10191[no header]117184Izrael Dawid LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinykup.merchant5  
10420List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12687Fiszel, s. Chaima [son of Chaim] LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10421List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12688Moszek, s. Lejbusia [son of Lejbus] LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10422List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12689Brucha LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10424List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12691Alter LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10425List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12692Abram Moszek LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10426List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12693Moszek, s. Majera [son of Majer] LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10427List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12694Moszek, s. Dawida [son of Dawid] LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10428List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12695Zajnwel LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10429List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12696Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10432List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]12699Ruchla LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10433List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]126100Szmul Lejb LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10435List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]126102Lejbus Mendel LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10437List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]126104Chana LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     
10439List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz:uwolnionychod składek]126106Herszlik LencznerLENCZNER[Szczekociny]     

Szczekociny: letter (18 Feb 1965) regarding sale of property, RG-15.760, syg 309, pages 19-22, 34, and 45; also see pages 2-14 [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberSerial numberName of previous ownerSurname from previous columnLocation of the propertyNumber of land registration, collection, etc.Type of real estate, plot, buildingsReal estate areaCommentsSurname from previous three columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1000821_1808_0_5_309.pdf198Moszek & Moszek Szmul LencznerLENCZNERul. Lelowska 6. /currently ul. Slaska/Transferred to State Treasury; decision of District Court in Włoszczowa of 4 Dec 1961 No. 400/61; Rep. Zd. 3327Undeveloped plot Undeveloped plotapprox. 158 square meters; approx. 81 square metersIn use by District Cooperative for lumber warehouse "PAGET"  
1002021_1808_0_5_309.pdf2019Luzer & Bałakarz LencznerLENCZNERul. Bóżniczna 10 ul. Waska 4 /formerly/Transferred to State Treasury; decision of District Court in Włoszczowa of 9 Dec 1961 Nr. 541/61 Zd. 3353Undeveloped plotapprox. 95 square meters   
1002521_1808_0_5_309.pdf2024SS. [successors of?] Hinda Cukierman & Rywka LencznerCUKIERMAN, LENCZNERul. Rzeżniana 18?Transferred to State Treasury; decision of District Court in Włoszczowa of 13 Dec 1961 Nr. Rep.Zd. 3386Construction siteapprox. 560 square meters   
1002621_1808_0_5_309.pdf2025Jewish Community CenterLENCZNERul. Rzeżniana 22[blank]Presently there is a building built by Edward Orlińskiplot approx. 380 square metersORLIŃSKI 
1004521_1808_0_5_309.pdf344Moszek & Moszek Szmul LencznerLENCZNERul. Lelowska 6. /obecnie [currently] Slaska/[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 158 square meters approx. 81 square meters   
1004621_1808_0_5_309.pdf345SS. Machła Lencznera [successors? of Macheł Lenczner]LENCZNERAul. Lelowska 8[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 492 square meters   
1005521_1808_0_5_309.pdf3414Luzer & Bałakarz LencznerLENCZNERul. Waska [formerly)[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 95 square meters   
1007121_1808_0_5_309.pdf454Moszek LencznerLENCZNERul. Lelowska 6. /currently Ślaska/[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 158 square meters approx. 81 square meters   
1007221_1808_0_5_309.pdf455SS. Machła LenczneraLENCZNERul. Lelowska 8[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 492 square meters   
1008121_1808_0_5_309.pdf4514Luzer & Bałakarz LencznerLENCZNERul. Węska / dawniej [formerly]/[this column is not on the page]Undeveloped plotapprox. 95 square meters   

Szczekociny: List of Jewish victims in Szczekociny, Poland, 1940; Yad Vashem; (188 persons); images: www.crarg.org/jewish-victims-in-szczekociny-1940.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsImageNumbering [L.p.]PersonSurname from previous columnTown [Miejscowosc]Number of persons [Ilosc osob]Number of Kg [Ilosc Kg]Comments [Uwagi]; top of each column: Potatoes [Kartofle]Note regarding unitsNotes (not written by typist)
10003Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1048.pdf3Lenczner Ryfka MindlaLENCZNERSzczekociny581/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10012Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1048.pdf12Lenczner ChanaLENCZNERSzczekociny691/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10017Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1048.pdf17Lenczner ZajnwelLENCZNERSzczekociny691/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10031Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1049.pdf30Lenczner MendelLENCZNERSzczekociny7101/2 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10032Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1049.pdf31Lenczner RuchlaLENCZNERSzczekociny351/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10033Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1049.pdf32Lenczner AbramLENCZNERSzczekociny812[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10035Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1049.pdf34Lenczner MajerLENCZNERBngdal [Bógdal?] wies35[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10041Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1049.pdf40Lenczner RuchlaLENCZNERSzczekociny691/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10061Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1050.pdf59Lenczner WigdorLENCZNERSzczekociny8121/2 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10095Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1051.pdf92Lenczner Majer S. A. M.LENCZNERSzczekociny581/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10103Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1051.pdf100Lenczner Abram MoszekLENCZNERSzczekociny461/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10106Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1051.pdf103Lenczner MoszkeLENCZNERSzczekociny461/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10107Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1051.pdf104Lenczner ChemieLENCZNERSzczekociny461/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10109Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1052.pdf / 1053.pdf105Lenczner MordkaLENCZNERSzczekociny351/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10129Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1052.pdf / 1053.pdf125Lenczner Lejbus MendelLENCZNERwies Psary710[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10142Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1054.pdf137Lenczner AlterLENCZNERSzczekociny231/4 mtr.Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10153Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1054.pdf148Lenczner MajerLENCZNERSzczekociny23[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10158Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1054.pdf153Lenczner Jakob HerszLENCZNERKoniecpol23[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 
10190Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1056.pdf183Lenczner NichaLENCZNERwies Grabiec35[blank]Unit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 

Szczekociny: Municipal Court [1929-1950], zespol 1846, syg 6-1465 (various); includes more than 100 requests for issuance of death certificates for persons who died during the Holocaust [H]

-Sort-Image file namesyg [r#]Case numberDate case commencedPlaintiff nameSurname from previous columnPlaintiff addressDefendant nameSurname from previous columnDefendant addressCase detailsSurname from previous columnDate case concludedVerdictNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous two columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1003321_1846_0_0_88.pdf88C 563/2919 Aug 1929Estera Rajzla LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyLemel SzlezyngerSZLEZYNGERul. Silnierza 2, KielcePlaintiff claims that Court bailiff confiscated her goods (valued at 370 zł) to settle debt of Josek Borensztein owed to Lemel Szlezynger. Because the confiscated items belonged to her and not to debtor, she is suing both Defendants for 370 zł.BORENSZTEIN, SZLEZYNGER9 Oct 1929Because neither parties presented themselves in Court on the summonsed date, case was dismissed.   
1003421_1846_0_0_88.pdf88C 563/2919 Aug 1929Josek BorenszteinBORENSZTEINSzczekocinyPlaintiff claims that Court bailiff confiscated her goods (valued at 370 zł) to settle debt of Josek Borensztein owed to Lemel Szlezynger. Because the confiscated items belonged to her and not to debtor, she is suing both Defendants for 370 zł.BORENSZTEIN, SZLEZYNGER9 Oct 1929Because neither parties presented themselves in Court on the summonsed date, case was dismissed.Plaintiff is Defendant's son-in-law  
1004721_1846_0_0_199.pdf199C 411/3030 Jun 1930Moszek LencznerLENCZNERLelówPlaintiff requests Court to decide on the distribution of the estate of his late parents who died leaving a complicated will and left a complicated list of possible beneficiaries.8 Jan 1931[Court hands down a decision which is too complicated to understand/explain.]His father, Izrael Jakub, died on 5 Oct 1915. His mother, Estera nee Kocioł, died on 12 Aug 1916.RAFAŁOWICZ NEE SZWARCBAUM 
1005721_1846_0_0_250.pdf250Kg 834/3016 Jul 1930Gdale LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyMendel GoldszmidGOLDSZMIDSzczekocinyPlaintiff claims that, in the Szczekociny market square, the Defendant loudly abused him by calling a "cham" [a loud, a rude person] and other insults.30 Sep 1930Court finds Defendant guilty and fines him 20 zł or four weeks jail.   
1006621_1846_0_0_293.pdf293C 193/3116 Mar 1931Złata Goldszer nee LencznerGOLDSZER NEE LENCZNERSzczekocinySzyfra Goldszer nee JaronowskaGOLDSZER NEE JARONOWSKA[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for her share of the estate (land and buildings) of her late father Moszek Szmul Goldszer, who died 14 Sept 1899. The dispute dragging on for years.GOLDSZER1 May 1933Court adjourns pending requiring the Plaintiff to submit further documentation. No further docs in file to indicate ultimate result.Plaintiff also acting on behalf of her brother Mordka Nusyn Goldszer living in LondonGOLDSZER 
1006721_1846_0_0_293.pdf293C 193/3116 Mar 1931Herszlik Icek GoldszerGOLDSZER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for her share of the estate (land and buildings) of her late father Moszek Szmul Goldszer, who died 14 Sept 1899. The dispute dragging on for years.GOLDSZER1 May 1933Court adjourns pending requiring the Plaintiff to submit further documentation. No further docs in file to indicate ultimate result.   
1006821_1846_0_0_293.pdf293C 193/3116 Mar 1931Jdesa Goldszer nee Goldszer?GOLDSZER NEE GOLDSZER?[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for her share of the estate (land and buildings) of her late father Moszek Szmul Goldszer, who died 14 Sept 1899. The dispute dragging on for years.GOLDSZER1 May 1933Court adjourns pending requiring the Plaintiff to submit further documentation. No further docs in file to indicate ultimate result.   
1006921_1846_0_0_293.pdf293C 193/3116 Mar 1931Gitla Ajzen nee GoldszerAJZEN NEE GOLDSZER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for her share of the estate (land and buildings) of her late father Moszek Szmul Goldszer, who died 14 Sept 1899. The dispute dragging on for years.GOLDSZER1 May 1933Court adjourns pending requiring the Plaintiff to submit further documentation. No further docs in file to indicate ultimate result.   
1007021_1846_0_0_293.pdf293C 193/3116 Mar 1931Rachla GoldszerGOLDSZER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for her share of the estate (land and buildings) of her late father Moszek Szmul Goldszer, who died 14 Sept 1899. The dispute dragging on for years.GOLDSZER1 May 1933Court adjourns pending requiring the Plaintiff to submit further documentation. No further docs in file to indicate ultimate result.   
1007221_1846_0_0_294.pdf294C 194/3117 Mar 1931Moszek Szmul LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyBrucha RygerRYGER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for his share of the estate of his late mother Małka Pesla Lenczner nee Chainfried, who died 15 Apr 1927.LENCZNER NEE CHAINFRIED6 Oct 1931[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1007321_1846_0_0_294.pdf294C 194/3117 Mar 1931Maryja NiskiNISKI[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for his share of the estate of his late mother Małka Pesla Lenczner nee Chainfried, who died 15 Apr 1927.LENCZNER NEE CHAINFRIED6 Oct 1931[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1007421_1846_0_0_294.pdf294C 194/3117 Mar 1931Chawa LencznerLENCZNER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for his share of the estate of his late mother Małka Pesla Lenczner nee Chainfried, who died 15 Apr 1927.LENCZNER NEE CHAINFRIED6 Oct 1931[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1007521_1846_0_0_294.pdf294C 194/3117 Mar 1931Zysla LencznerLENCZNER[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for his share of the estate of his late mother Małka Pesla Lenczner nee Chainfried, who died 15 Apr 1927.LENCZNER NEE CHAINFRIED6 Oct 1931[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1007621_1846_0_0_294.pdf294C 194/3117 Mar 1931Moszek ChajnfrydCHAJNFRYD[no details provided]Plaintiff is suing for his share of the estate of his late mother Małka Pesla Lenczner nee Chainfried, who died 15 Apr 1927.LENCZNER NEE CHAINFRIED6 Oct 1931[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1009521_1846_0_0_374.pdf374C 1/324 Jan 1932Abram LencznerLENCZNERul. Strażacka, SzczekocinySzmul Hersz AjzykowiczAJZYKOWICZul. Strażacka, SzczekocinyPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 300 zł being for unpaid rent of a room and kitchen in his building.7 Mar 1932As neither party presented themselves at Court on the designated date, the Court dismissed the case.   
1009721_1846_0_0_376.pdf376C 3/324 Jan 1932Icyk DanzygierDANZYGIERSzczekocinyWolf LencznerLENCZNER[none shown]Plaintiff is suing Defendants for 25 zł, being for skins which he gave them to tan and which they did not return and sold to someone else.7 Mar 1932Court finds in favor of Plaintiff   
1009821_1846_0_0_376.pdf376C 3/324 Jan 1932Szmul LencznerLENCZNER[none shown]Plaintiff is suing Defendants for 25 zł, being for skins which he gave them to tan and which they did not return and sold to someone else.7 Mar 1932Court finds in favor of Plaintiff   
1012921_1846_0_0_430.pdf430C 59/3226 Jan 1932Moszek RafałowiczRAFAŁOWICZul. 3-ego Maja, SzczekocinyGdalie LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 30 zł, being what he paid for grain which turned out to be unfit for use.15 Apr 1932Court finds in favor of Plaintiff   
1015121_1846_0_0_484.pdf484C 803/3219 Dec 1932Abram Mordka LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyMoszek Josek LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyDispute over the distribution of the estate of the late Majer and Sura Rywka LencznerLENCZNER16-20 Mar 1933[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]Sura Rywka died 20 Dec 1912. Plaintiff born 13 Jan 1897. Defendant born 10 Jan 1905  
1015221_1846_0_0_484.pdf484C 803/3219 Dec 1932Icyk LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyDispute over the distribution of the estate of the late Majer and Sura Rywka LencznerLENCZNER16-20 Mar 1933[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]Defendant born 28 Feb 1908  
1015321_1846_0_0_484.pdf484C 803/3219 Dec 1932Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyDispute over the distribution of the estate of the late Majer and Sura Rywka LencznerLENCZNER16-20 Mar 1933[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]Defendant born 10 May 1910  
1015421_1846_0_0_484.pdf484C 803/3219 Dec 1932Sura Lenczner nee WajsmanLENCZNER NEE WAJSMANLelówDispute over the distribution of the estate of the late Majer and Sura Rywka LencznerLENCZNER16-20 Mar 1933[Court decision is too complicated to understand/explain.]   
1015821_1846_0_0_504.pdf504Kg 1693/3214 Sep 1932Zysla KanałKANAŁSzczekocinySzczekociny police accuse Defendant that, on 15 May 1932, he stole goods from the burning home of Wolf LencznerLENCZNERFile contains no documents regarding any court proceedings.Defendant aged 30  
1022121_1846_0_0_661.pdf661N 211/3516 Nov 1935Berek HorowiczHOROWICZul. Sw.Jana 6, BędzinSura LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 65 zł for the payment of an overdue and unpaid Promissory Note.23 Nov 1935Court finds in favor of Plaintiff for the amount, plus 10% interest and costs.   
1025021_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Franciszek NiwińskiNIWIŃSKISzczekocinyRiwka Mindla LencznerLENCZNERSzczekocinyDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.Plaintiff not Jewish  
1025121_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Anna NiwińskaNIWIŃSKASzczekocinySura Szwajcer nee KoplewiczSZWAJCER NEE KOPLEWICZul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.Plaintiff not Jewish  
1025221_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Marjem Szpigiel nee KoplewiczSZPIGIEL NEE KOPLEWICZSzczekocinyDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.   
1025321_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Ruchla Laudon nee KoplewiczLAUDON NEE KOPLEWICZSzczekocinyDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.   
1025421_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Bajla Drezner nee KoplewiczDREZNER NEE KOPLEWICZSzczekocinyDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.   
1025521_1846_0_0_870.pdf870C 253/3815 Oct 1938Taube Laja Grosfeld nee KoplewiczGROSFELD NEE KOPLEWICZul. Kołłątaja 6, SosnowiecDefendants, as the result of an estate, are co-owners of a property "up-river" from the Plaintiffs' property which is a water-driven mill. Plaintiffs are suing against any right Defendants may have to restrict water flow to their mill.13 Apr 1939On 29 Nov 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendants. Plaintiffs lodge an appeal, which they win.   
1025921_1846_0_0_889.pdf889C 288/3812 Nov 1938Sura Lubelska nee GrunfeldLUBELSKA NEE GRUNFELDSzczekocinyMordka Josek LencznerLENCZNERul. Strażacka, SzczekocinyPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 600 zł, being part of an ongoing dispute over the estate of the late Jakub Grynfeld, who died on 9 Oct 1913.GRYNFELD1 Sep 1939On 22 Dec 1938, Court finds in favor of Defendant and awards him costs of 50 zł. Plaintiff files an appeal, the proceedings of which are suspended, probably due to the outbreak of war.   
1029321_1846_0_0_1076.pdf1076Ns 14/4712 Aug 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecLipa Kanał was born in Szczekociny on 4 Sep 1873 and died on 3 Dec 1935 in Kraków. His death certificate do not show his parents and Plaintiff requests that his death certificate be amended accordingly.KANAŁ16 Oct 1947Court agrees to Plaintiff's request.   
1032321_1846_0_0_1119.pdf1119Sp 48/475 Nov 1947Ita Giela LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to acknowledge her as the rightful heir to the estate of her late great-uncle Pinkus Josek Kanał, who died on 30 Jan 1937 in Szczekociny. He owned a black of land on the Rynek in Szczekociny. All other relatives either died before the war or during the Holocaust.KANAŁ13 Apr 1948As Plaintiff had withdrawn her application to the Court, the Court has closed the case.   
1034021_1846_0_0_1136.pdf1136Sp 16/482 Mar 1948Ita Giela LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiffs are requesting Court to acknowledge them as the sole surviving heirs of Moszek Lubiński (died 30 Nov 1942 in Radomsko) and Icyk Goldsztajn (died 31 Oct 1942).LUBIŃSKI18 Feb 1949Courts grants Plaintiffs' application after very long proceedings.   
1034121_1846_0_0_1136.pdf1136Sp 16/482 Mar 1948Sura ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Jaracza 10, ŁódźPlaintiffs are requesting Court to acknowledge them as the sole surviving heirs of Moszek Lubiński (died 30 Nov 1942 in Radomsko) and Icyk Goldsztajn (died 31 Oct 1942).LUBIŃSKI18 Feb 1949Courts grants Plaintiffs' application after very long proceedings.   
1035621_1846_0_0_1171.pdf1171Sp 21/4916 Apr 1949Laja LencznerLENCZNERul. Fabryczna 6, GliwicePlaintiff is requesting Court to acknowledge her as the rightful heir to the estate of Abram Szai and Mira Laja Lenczner.LENCZNER3 May 1950Court adjourns case, requiring further documentation. No further documents in file.   
1036221_1846_0_0_1174.pdf1174Documents from various cases inter-mixedDocuments from various cases inter-mixedIta Giela LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecImpossible to determine what and when.   
1037221_1846_0_0_1206.pdf1206Sp 64/4921 Nov 1949Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to acknowledge him as the rightful heir to the estate of Wigdor and Bajla Zylbersztajn, who owned property in Szczekociny, on ul Strażacka.ZYLBERSZTAJN5 Apr 1950Court denied Plaintiff's application stating that the estate passed to deceaseds' brother Zachariasz Zylbersztajn and sister Fajgla Szwajcer.ZYLBERSZTAJN, SZWAJCER 
1039621_1846_0_0_1283.pdf1283Zg 2/4613 Jun 1946Lejbuś RusinRUSINul. Modrzejewska 22, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for family members of his uncle, Nusyn Rusin, who died on 20 Nov 1940. In 1942, these family members were transported from Szczekociny to Auschwitz, where they all perished. They were his wife, Brucha nee Lenczner (born 21 May 1872), his son, Moszek Szmul Rusin (born 23 Apr 1896), his brother Moszek Szmul Rusin (born 22 Jan 1865)RUSIN, LENCZNER31 Jul 1946Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1040621_1846_0_0_1298.pdf1298Zg 4/4720 Mar 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his relatives who, in 1942, were deported from Szczekociny to Radomsko, where they were shot by the Germans, They were Dawid Majlich Warszawski (born 12 Jun 1866, Szczekociny), Dawid Lejb Goldfinger (born 13 Jul 1909, Lelów) and Josek Hersz Goldfinger (born 3 Dec 1881, Lelów).WARSZAWSKI, GOLDFINGER25 Mar 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1041021_1846_0_0_1300.pdf1300Zg 6/4720 Mar 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his uncles who both died of natural causes. They were Moszek Wolf Goldszmid (born 4 Dec 1876, Szczekociny, died early 30 Sep 1939, Szczekociny) and Szlama Froim Goldszmid (21 Dec 1866, Szczekociny, died 31 Dec 1940, Szczekociny).GOLDSZMID24 Sep 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1041421_1846_0_0_1302.pdf1302Zg 8/4720 Mar 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his cousin, Izrael Lenczner, born in Szczekociny on 21 Feb 1901. In 1942, he was deported to the camp in Skarzysko, where he died in 1944.LENCZNER26 Jan 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application, after clarifying the exact date of deceased's death.   
1043421_1846_0_0_1313.pdf1313Zg 21/4718 Apr 1947Józef ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Wschodnia 53, ŁódźPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his relatives Bajla Zylbersztajn nee Lenczner (aged 36, born in Szczekociny, died in Jul 1944 from typhus in Częstochowa labour camp) and Wigdor Zylbersztajn (aged 34, born in Szczekociny, died in Jan 1945 in Częstochowa, when caught stealing soap to trade for bread).ZYLBERSZTAJN NEE LENCZNER, ZYLBERSZTAJN18 Apr 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1046621_1846_0_0_1331.pdf1331Zg 43/4716 Jul 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his father's sister Liba Zylbersztajn nee Lenczner, born 21 Jul 1875 in Szczekociny. In Sep 1942, the Germans deported her from Szczekociny, after which there was no trace of her.ZYLBERSZTAJN NEE LENCZNER28 Apr 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1047021_1846_0_0_1333.pdf1333Zg 45/4716 Jul 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his cousin Chana Krzeszewer born in Szczekociny on 17 Apr 1927. In Sep 1942, she was transported from Szczekociny, after which there was no trace of her.KRZESZEWER28 Apr 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1047221_1846_0_0_1335.pdf1335Zg 47/477 Aug 1947Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his cousin Szmul Lejb Estrajcher born in Szczekociny on 13 Jan 1890. In Sep 1942, she was transported from Szczekociny, after which there was no trace of him.ESTRAJCHER21 Feb 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1048421_1846_0_0_1350.pdf1350Zg 63/4718 Nov 1947Ita Giela LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for her relative Icyk Goldsztajn (born in Działoszyce, 17 Jul 1902), a resident of Szczekociny, who was transported by the Germans to Radomsko and died their in a selection.GOLDSZTAJN14 Dec 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1050221_1846_0_0_1360.pdf1360Zg 7/488 Jan 1948Jakub Hersz KuperbergKUPERBERGul. Modrzejewska 23, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for Rywka Lenczner.LENCZNERThe file lacks documents from which to determine further information about the case.   
1051421_1846_0_0_1373.pdf1373Zg 20/482 Mar 1948Ita Giela LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his cousin, Abram Hirsz Lubinski (born 18 May 1929, Szczekociny). In Sep 1942, the Germans transported him from Szczekociny. Since then, there has been no trace of him.LUBINSKI6 Oct 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.Abram's parents were Moszek and Gitla Rywka nee GoldsztajnGOLDSZTAJN 
1051621_1846_0_0_1374.pdf1374Zg 21/482 Mar 1948Fiszel LencznerLENCZNERul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his aunt, Rochla Estrajcher nee Lenczner (born 2 Jan 1868, Szczekociny). In Sep 1942, the Germans transported her from Szczekociny. Since then, there has been no trace of her.ESTRAJCHER NEE LENCZNER1 Dec 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1053621_1846_0_0_1410.pdf1410Zg 62/4816 Nov 1948Abram Jankel LencznerLENCZNERul. Warszawska 10, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his father Lejbuś Mendel Lenczner (born 16 Aug 1898, Szczekociny), who was transported from Szczekociny in Sep 1942.LENCZNER6 Jul 1949Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1055021_1846_0_0_1422.pdf1422Zg 75/4829 Dec 1948Ita Giela Lenczner nee WarszawskaLENCZNER NEE WARSZAWSKAul. Modrzejewska 26, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for her relatives Szaja Cukierman (born 9 Mar 1899, Działoszyce), Sura Cukierman (born 14 Nov 1904, Szczekociny) and Szmul Nachman Cukierman (born in Szczekociny). Through unknown circumstances, all three ended up in the Nuen-Brandenburg labour camp, where they perished.CUKIERMAN20 Jan 1949As Plaintiff did not appear in court nor did she provide documents that all three were residents of Szczekociny, the case was adjourned indefinitely.   

Szczekociny Yizkor book: Israel Shwaicer, Pinkas Shts'kots', 1959; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Szczekociny/Szczekociny.html; no images at https://libguides.nypl.org/yizkorbooks [H]

-Sort-DetailsNumber of pageLetter of Hebrew alphabet or serial numberPersonSurname(s) from previous columnPerson, with names converted to Polish spellingSurname(s) from previous columnFamily informationMore informationNotes
10254God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Jacob HirshLENZNERLenczner Jakub HirszLENCZNERWife and three children  
10255God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Avigdor (son of Alter)LENZNERLenczner Awigdor (son of Alter)LENCZNER[No other information listed]  
10256God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner AaronLENZNERLenczner AronLENCZNERWife and two children  
10257God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner BerishLENZNERLenczner BeriszLENCZNERWife and one boy  
10258God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Shmuel LeibLENZNERLenczner Szmul LejbLENCZNERWife and four children  
10259God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner OrishLENZNERLenczner OriszLENCZNERWife and two children  
10260God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Avraham (Jasenz)LENZNERLenczner Abram (Jasenz)LENCZNERWife and three children  
10261God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Avraham MosheLENZNERLenczner Abram MoszeLENCZNERWife and one boy  
10262God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner LeibishLENZNERLenczner LejbiszLENCZNERWife and five children  
10263God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Leibish MendelLENZNERLenczner Lejbisz MendelLENCZNERWife and two children  
10264God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Alter LeibLENZNERLenczner Alter LejbLENCZNERWife and two children  
10265God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner YidelLENZNERLenczner JidelLENCZNERWife and five children  
10266God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner SaraLENZNERLenczner SuraLENCZNER[No other information listed]  
10267God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner AvrahamLENZNERLenczner AbramLENCZNERWife and two children  
10268God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner EstherLENZNERLenczner EsterLENCZNERHusband and one boy  
10269God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner WolfLENZNERLenczner WolfLENCZNERWife and one boy  
10270God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner MordechaiLENZNERLenczner MordechaiLENCZNERWife and two children  
10271God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner ChaimLENZNERLenczner ChaimLENCZNERWife and one boy  
10272God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner AvrahamLENZNERLenczner AbramLENCZNERWife and three children  
10273God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Mendel (Mordechai's son)LENZNERLenczner Mendel (Mordechai's son)LENCZNERWife and four children  
10274God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Wolf (Imanuel's son)LENZNERLenczner Wolf (Imanuel's son)LENCZNERWife and three children  
10275God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner MeirLENZNERLenczner MajerLENCZNERWife and three children  
10276God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner RachelLENZNERLenczner RachelLENCZNERMoshe Zvi's wife  
10277God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Yisrael (Moshe Zvi's son)LENZNERLenczner Izrael (Mosze Zwi's son)LENCZNER[No other information listed]  
10278God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Hava (Moshe Zvi's daughter)LENZNERLenczner Hawa (Mosze Zwi's daughter)LENCZNER[No other information listed]  
10279God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Avraham (Aaron's son)LENZNERLenczner Abram (Aron's son)LENCZNERWife and two children  
10280God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Jacob (Aaron's son)LENZNERLenczner Jakub (Aron's son)LENCZNERWife and one boy  
10281God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner David (Aaron's son)LENZNERLenczner Dawid (Aron's son)LENCZNER[No other information listed]  
10282God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner LeibishLENZNERLenczner LejbiszLENCZNEROne boy  
10283God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner JehudaLENZNERLenczner JehudaLENCZNERWife and one boy  
10284God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Rivka MindelLENZNERLenczner Riwka MindelLENCZNERTwo children  
10285God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner ChaimLENZNERLenczner ChaimLENCZNERWife and three children  
10286God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Avraham YeshayaLENZNERLenczner Abram JeszajaLENCZNERWife and four children  
10287God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Moshe (Arye's son)LENZNERLenczner Mosze (Arye's son)LENCZNERWife  
10288God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Jacob Hirsh (Moshe's son)LENZNERLenczner Jakub Hirsz (Mosze's son)LENCZNERWife and four children  
10289God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Simch (Moshe's son)LENZNERLenczner Simcha (Mosze's son)LENCZNERWife and three children  
10290God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Fishel (Moshe's son)LENZNERLenczner Fiszel (Mosze's son)LENCZNERWife and three children  
10291God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Rachel (Moshe's daughter)LENZNERLenczner Rachel (Mosze's daughter)LENCZNERWife and two children  
10292God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]269LamedLenzner Moshe Shmuel (Meir's son)LENZNERLenczner Mosze Szmul (Majer's son)LENCZNER[No other information listed]  

Theresienstadt: List of children who arrived in Great Britain from Theresienstadt, 20 Aug 1945; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 17? Feb 1946; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10135Dadek LenschnerLENSCHNER19 Jul 1931Czenstrechowa / Czestochowa, PolandCzestochowa added because it seems more likely

Theresienstadt: List of Polish Children at Theresienstadt; part of "Survivor Lists: Poland, Children, Mar 1946"; World Jewish Congress, D56, 10 (197 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthPlace of birthOther informationTypist notes

Tomaszów Mazowiecki: In the ghetto and city area of Tomaszów Mazowiecki 5 Jan 1940 - 6 May 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the ghetto and city Tomaszów Mazowiecki, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (678 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1041437369Minski Izrael-IcekMinski Izrael-IcekMINSKIlat 41age 41Tomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Tasma Ryfka, Tomaszow Leczner Chaskiel, Tomaszow ul. Wojska Polsk. 16TASMA, LECZNERArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 427/46  
1041537370Minskia NochaMinskia NochaMINSKAlat 48age 48Tomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Tasma Ryfka, Tomaszow Leczner Chaskiel, Tomaszow ul. Wojska Polsk. 16TASMA, LECZNERArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 426/46  

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
184261398218Jakob LencznerLENCZNERLodz1920LodzX  

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons exempted from paying community contribution to the Jewish community of Włoszczowa in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 135-151 [WYKAZ osób uwolnionych od składki gminy w Gminie Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej we WŁOSZCZOWIE na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberAddress [only town is listed]PersonSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10193144186WłoszczowaJosek LencznerLENCZNER 
10194144187WłoszczowaNusyn LencznerLENCZNER 
10195144188WłoszczowaSzaja LencznerLENCZNER 
10196144189WłoszczowaIcyk LencznerLENCZNER 
10207144200gm. WłoszczowaAbram-Icyk LencznerLENCZNER 
10209144202KluczewskoDawid-Josek LencznerLENCZNER 

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons paying contributions to Jewish community of Włoszczowa District Włoszczowa Voivedoship Kielce in 1939 [date after list: 20 Dec 1938], syg 3387, pages 152-176 [Lista płatników składki gminy wyznaniowej żydowskiej we Włoszczowie powiatu Włoszczowskiego województwa Kieleckiego na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddress [only town is listed]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishOccupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Ilość składek]: ZłNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10226164216Icyk LencznerLENCZNERWłoszczowarzeżnikbutcherbutcher5  
10227164217Herszlik LencznerLENCZNERWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant5  
10228164218Abram LencznerLENCZNERWłoszczowahandlarztradertrader5  
10239165228Dawid LencznerLENCZNERRadkówhandlarztradertrader5  

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 271-332 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesPage numberOrder numberDateFirst and last name of the person guardingSurname from previous columnFor whom is guardingSurname from previous columnHow long?CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10060Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]282 [mis-numbered as 182]1)19 / 20 Sep 1940Kopel LencznerLENCZNERFor himself     
10085Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]288 [mis-numbered as 188]2)20 / 21 Oct 1940Icek LencznerLENCZNERFor himself     
10087Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]288 [mis-numbered as 188]2)21 / 22 Oct 1940Icek LencznerLENCZNERLejbusz RozencwajgROZENCWAJG    
10240Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]314 [mis-numbered as 214]1)18 / 19 May 1940Icek LencznerLENCZNERFor himself     

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
13050Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283724LENCZERLENCZNER?Abram1887  
13051Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283724Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Fajgla?  
13052Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283724Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Moszek1914  
13053Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283724Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Icek1918  
13054Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283724Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Zacharia1920  
13073Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283729LENCZERLENCZNER?Mordka1857  
13074Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283729Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Rywka1852  
13075Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283729Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Liba1879  
13076Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283729Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Hendla1884  
13077Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2283729Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLENCZERLENCZNER?Gitla1891