1,722 Landau Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 1,722 Landau Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

Bergen Belsen: Polish Women at Bergen Belsen, List 1079 c; Relatives Information, 14 194[6?] [H]

-Sort-Page numberLfd.Person [Vorname / Name]Surname from previous columnDate of birth [Geburstadt]Place of last residence [Letzter Wohnort]Notes (not by typist)
102445197Tauba LandauLANDAU4 Dec 1920Tomaszow / TomaszówTomaszów added because it seems more likely

Buchenwald: List of children arriving in (transferred to) France on 8 Jun 1945 from Buchenwald and other deportation camps in Germany and who live in OSE Children's Home in Ecouis (Eure); UNION O.S.E., Direction Centrale, 11, rue du Mont-Blanc, Geneva; Relatives Information Service, 7 Jan 1946?; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Orignal French headerOriginal German headerPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthCountryNotes (not by typist)
10111Liste des enfants arrives en France le 8 Juin 1945 de Buchenwald et autres camps de deportation en Allemagne et heberges dans le Home d'enfants de l'OSE a Ecouis (Eure)Liste der Kinder, die am 8 Juni 1945 aus Buchenwalde und anderen Deportationslagern nach Frankreich Uberfuhrt werden konnten und sich im OSE-HEIM Ecouis (Eure) befindind[4]215Bejnisz LandauLANDAU6 Aug 1928Bszesko / BrzeskoPolandBrzesko added because it seems more likely

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
11263Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LAleksandra LandauLANDAU1033 
11264Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LMatylda LandauLANDAU1 Jan 1937WarszawaPoland1470 
11265Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LUlek LandauLANDAU21 Apr 19452265 
11348Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- LAleksander LindeLINDE1 Jan 1945539 

Częstochowa: Articles in American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies collection "Jews of Częstochowa" [H]

-Sort-URL of the articleTitle of the articleAuthor of the articlePersonSurname from previous column
10020http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=54Remembrance Days Opening AddressTadeusz Wrona (Mayor of Częstochowa)LandauLANDAU
10121http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=225The Jews of Częstochowa [Forward / Introduction]Jerzy MizgalskiLandausLANDAU
10131http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=225The Jews of Częstochowa [Forward / Introduction]Jerzy MizgalskiLandauLANDAU
10182http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiRabbi Yehuda LandauLANDAU
10206http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiMrs. Daniel LandauLANDAU
10225http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiIzrael LandauLANDAU
10240http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiLandauLANDAU
10260http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiLandauLANDAU
10309http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiIcek LandauLANDAU
10312http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiLejbus LandauLANDAU
10317http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiI. LandauLANDAU
10369http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiSeweryn LandauLANDAU
10370http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiLeopold LandauLANDAU
10570http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMosiek Józefowicz LandauJÓZEFOWICZ LANDAU
10591http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMojzesz LandauLANDAU
10598http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMojzesz LandauLANDAU
10600http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMosiek Jozefowicz LandauJOZEFOWICZ LANDAU
10602http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiLandauLANDAU
10603http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiRachla, daughter of LandauLANDAU
10606http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiSzayndla (Landau's daughter)LANDAU
10607http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiAron (wife Szayndla nee Landau)LANDAU
10608http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMark Landau (son of Mosiek)LANDAU
10609http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiRachla (Mosiek's 2nd wife)LANDAU
10610http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiRachla [Landau?]LANDAU?
10611http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiHayzyk [Landau?]LANDAU?
10612http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiLandauLANDAU
10795http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMosiek Jozefowicz LandauJOZEFOWICZ LANDAU
10897http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=65Jewish Wills from Częstochowa and the Vicinity as Historical Sources for a Study of the Jewish Life in the First Half of the Nineteenth CenturyDariusz ZłotkowskiMojzesz LandauLANDAU
10987http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=67Częstochoviana in Daniel Neufeld’s JutrzenkaJanusz FałowskiCh. Mojzesz LandauLANDAU
11324http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=70Jewish Education in Częstochowa Between the WarsZbigniew GrządzielskiLejbus LandauLANDAU

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
1037296460Juda LejbBIRNBAUMFiszel & Pessa CymblerCYMBLER31 Jul 1863, PiotrkowTailorBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037396460LibaROZENBERGBIRNBAUMLajzer Lejb & Perla LandauLANDAU24 Mar 1866, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037496460IcekBIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG24 May 1891, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037596460Jakub RafaelBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Apr 1894, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037696460BlimaBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Apr 1894, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037796460AbramBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG29 Aug 1896, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037896460JosefBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Oct 1900, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1037996460NachaBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG24 May 1891, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
1038096460HilelBIRNBAUMJuda Lajb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG31 Dec 1902, CzestochowaBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
10688299817Jonas----LANDAUSzaja & Anna SudowiczSUDOWICZ16 Aug 1875, CzestochowaAccountantLANDAU, PIEKARSKA, SUDOWICZ, TUREK
10689299817DynaPIEKARSKALANDAUHersz & Cecylia TurekTUREK26 Mar 1882, SlupiaWith husbandLANDAU, PIEKARSKA, SUDOWICZ, TUREK
108353182832Haskiel----KONAbram & Haja Pessa TraubTRAUB7 Mar 1868, SieradzGONSZER, KON, LIBEK, TRAUB
108363182832MalkaLIBEKKONDawid & Curtla GonszerGONSZER3 Feb 1880, WarszawaWith husbandGONSZER, KON, LIBEK, TRAUB
108373182832Jerzy----KONHenryk Haskiel & Malka Maria LibekLIBEK13 Mar 1904, WarszawaWith parentsGONSZER, KON, LIBEK, TRAUB
108383182832Edward----KONHenryk Haskiel & Malka Maria LibekLIBEK9 Mar 1909, LodzWith parentsGONSZER, KON, LIBEK, TRAUB
108393182832Begin vol. 4 
108404182832Karol----ROZKOWSKIHenryk & Ludwika PloskaPLOSKA28 Jan 1872, WarszawaDoctor; surname of family changed from ROZENFELD according to document of Ministry of Interior Affaires, 24 Oct 1921ROZENFELDFirst entry of vol. 4KATLUBEJ, LINDA, PLOSKA, ROZENFELD, ROZKOWSKI
108414182832MariaLINDAROZKOWSKIKazimierz & Maria KatlubejKATLUBEJ20 May 1878, WarszawaWith husbandKATLUBEJ, LINDA, PLOSKA, ROZENFELD, ROZKOWSKI
108424182832Maria Danuta----ROZKOWSKIKarol & Maria LindaLINDA9 May 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsKATLUBEJ, LINDA, PLOSKA, ROZENFELD, ROZKOWSKI
109364239428Lewek----BLUMENTALMendel & Laja BorzykowskaBORZYKOWSKA13 Feb 1854, BedzinTraderBLUMENTAL, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU
109374239428ChanaLANDAUBLUMENTALWolf & Gitla LandauLANDAU-- --- 1849, KonstantynowoWith husbandBLUMENTAL, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU
109384239428Laja----BLUMENTALLewek & Gena LandauLANDAU11 Dec 1882, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUMENTAL, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU
109785261443Zysman----SZTILLERJosif & Elka MaslowskaMASLOWSKA11 Jan 1876, PraszkaMerchantKAMINER, LANDAU, MASLOWSKA, SZTILLER
109795261443Szejna TaubaKAMINERSZTILLERSalomon & Laja LandauLANDAU-- --- 1876, WarszawaWith husbandKAMINER, LANDAU, MASLOWSKA, SZTILLER
109805261443Halina----SZTILLERZysman & Szejna Tauba KaminerKAMINER27 Apr 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsKAMINER, LANDAU, MASLOWSKA, SZTILLER
109815261443Renia----SZTILLERZysman & Szejna Tauba KaminerKAMINER14 Feb 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsKAMINER, LANDAU, MASLOWSKA, SZTILLER
109825261443Stanislaw----SZTILLERZysman & Szejna Tauba KaminerKAMINER17 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsKAMINER, LANDAU, MASLOWSKA, SZTILLER
111785311849/50Aleksander----IMICHJozef Rubin & Laja KwasnerKWASNER4 Feb 1903, Czestochowa----IMICH, KWASNER, LANDAU, MENDELSON
111795311849/50GustawaMENDELSONIMICHZygmunt & Rozalia LandauLANDAU9 Mar 1904, CzestochowaWith husbandIMICH, KWASNER, LANDAU, MENDELSON
1119261051Augusta----LANDAU------ --- 1839, CzestochowaWidowFirst row of vol. 6LANDAU
1121263451Herman----WIERNIKSamuel & Helena BursztynskaBURSZTYNSKA13 Jan 1875, Siewierz----BURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
1121363451EleonoraKAWAWIERNIKWincenty & Ewa LandauLANDAU8 Jan 1882, CzestochowaWith husbandBURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
1121463451Maria----WIERNIKHerman & Eleonora KawaKAWA23 Feb 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
1121563451Izabela----WIERNIKHerman & Eleonora KawaKAWA30 Aug 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
1121663451Irena----WIERNIKHerman & Eleonora KawaKAWA27 Apr 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
1121763451Samuel----WIERNIKHerman & Eleonora KawaKAWA20 Oct 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYNSKA, KAWA, LANDAU, WIERNIK
11312613453Izaak vel Icek----BRAUNJankiel & Chinda LandauLANDAU10 Dec 1862, Lodz----BRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11313613453EsteraMARKOWICZBRAUNSzaja & Laja --------16 Oct 1864, CzestochowaWith husbandBRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11314613453Chaja Raca----BRAUNIzaak & Estera MarkowiczMARKOWICZ2 Mar 1885, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11315613453Frajdla Rywka----BRAUNIzaak & Estera MarkowiczMARKOWICZ12 Jun 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11316613453Gitla----BRAUNIzaak & Estera MarkowiczMARKOWICZ2 Nov 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11317613453Golda----BRAUNIzaak & Estera MarkowiczMARKOWICZ25 Jun 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAUN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ
11347614553Mojzesz----WEKSLERHerszlik & Chana LipskaLIPSKA22 Jul 1888, Czestochowa----LANDAU, LIPSKA, WAJNRAJCH, WEJNRAJCH, WEKSLER
11348614553RywkaWAJNRAJCHWEKSLERNachum & Chuna LandauLANDAU18 Sep 1892, DzialoszynWith husbandLANDAU, LIPSKA, WAJNRAJCH, WEJNRAJCH, WEKSLER
11349614553Golda----WEKSLERMojzesz & Rywka WejnrajchWEJNRAJCH12 Jul 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LIPSKA, WAJNRAJCH, WEJNRAJCH, WEKSLER
11350614553Herman----WEKSLERMojzesz & Rywka WejnrajchWEJNRAJCH25 Jun 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LIPSKA, WAJNRAJCH, WEJNRAJCH, WEKSLER
11495627255Nacha----LANDAUDawid & Estera RozenROZEN2 Aug 1867, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, ROZEN
11496627255Sura----LANDAUDawid & Estera RozenROZEN20 Jun 1883, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, ROZEN
11497627455Bernard----LANDAUSzaja Wolf & Anna SudowiczSUDOWICZ30 Oct 1877, CzestochowaEngineerGIL, LANDAU, PERL, SUDOWICZ
11498627455DorotaPERLLANDAULudwik & Helena GilGIL16 Feb 1884, WarszawaWith husbandGIL, LANDAU, PERL, SUDOWICZ
11510628055Nachemiasz----LANDAUDawid & Estera RozenROZEN22 Mar 1885, CzestochowaTraderLANDAU, LIPSKA, PIOTROWSKA, ROZEN
11511628055Tauba GoldaPIOTROWSKALANDAUSzaja Wolf & Rajzla LipskaLIPSKA13 Jan 1885, LodzWith husbandLANDAU, LIPSKA, PIOTROWSKA, ROZEN
11512628055Dawid----LANDAUNachemiasz & Tauba Golda PiotrowskaPIOTROWSKA1 Oct 1921, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LIPSKA, PIOTROWSKA, ROZEN
11513628455Abram----LIKERMANJoel & Liwia GrajzlinGRAJZLIN10 Oct 1869, MiedzyrzecTraderGRAJZLIN, LANDO, LIKERMAN, ROZENBERG
11514628455GoldaROZENBERGLIKERMANFalek & Frajdla LandoLANDO26 Jun 1867, CzestochowaWith husbandGRAJZLIN, LANDO, LIKERMAN, ROZENBERG
11515628455Henryk----LIKERMANAbram & Golda RozenbergROZENBERG15 Jun 1896, WarszawaWith parentsGRAJZLIN, LANDO, LIKERMAN, ROZENBERG
11516628455Chaja Sura----LIKERMANAbram & Golda RozenbergROZENBERG26 May 1900, WarszawaWith parentsGRAJZLIN, LANDO, LIKERMAN, ROZENBERG
11569633455Lewek----FRYDRYCHJankiel & Maria LewentalLEWENTAL4 Jun 1873, PilicaMerchantFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11570633455Blima SzajndlaKAUFMANFRYDRYCHAba & Entla Laja LandauLANDAU6 Feb 1876, CzestochowaWith husbandFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11571633455Izrael Aron----FRYDRYCHLejbus & Blima Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN25 May 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11572633455Chaja Sura----FRYDRYCHLewek & Blima Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN-- --- 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11573633455Tauba----FRYDRYCHLejbus & Blima Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN28 Jan 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11574633455Zyskind----FRYDRYCHLejbus & Blima Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN10 Sep 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11575633455Estera----FRYDRYCHLejbus & Blima Szajndla KaufmanKAUFMAN3 Oct 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, LEWENTAL
11621638656aChaskel----ZANDSzaja & Estera LandauLANDAU6 Jan 1867, CzestochowaBachelorLANDAU, MAJ, OPPENHEJM, ZAND
11622638656aChaja Sura----ZANDSzaja & Estera LandauLANDAU21 May 1869, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, MAJ, OPPENHEJM, ZAND
11623638656aMariem----ZANDSzaja & Estera LandauLANDAU19 Jun 1884, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, MAJ, OPPENHEJM, ZAND
11637640256aJozef Wolf----ZANDSzaja & Estera LandauLANDAU19 Oct 1875, Czestochowa----BERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11638640256aRozaliaMARKOWICZZANDJakub & Florentyna BergmanBERGMAN18 Feb 1878, CzestochowaWith husbandBERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11639640256aJakub----ZANDJozef Wolf & Rozalia MarkowiczMARKOWICZ3 May 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11640640256aFlorentyna----ZANDJozef Wolf & Rozalia MarkowiczMARKOWICZ3 May 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11641640256aKalman----ZANDJozef Wolf & Rozalia MarkowiczMARKOWICZ14 Jul 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11642640256aKazimiera----ZANDJozef Wolf & Rozalia MarkowiczMARKOWICZ16 Jul 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, ZAND
11646641456aSzlama----BATAWIAMoszek & Zysla PulferfoterPULFERFOTER10 Dec 1835, OpocznoMerchantBATAWIA, LANDAU, PULFERFOTER
11647641456aRozaLANDAUBATAWIASzymon & Laja LandauLANDAU15 Apr 1841, CzestochowaWith husbandBATAWIA, LANDAU, PULFERFOTER
11648641656aMojzesz Maksymilian----BATAWIASzlama & Raca LandauLANDAU2 Dec 1869, Opoczno----BATAWIA, LANDAU, NAJMARK, PAPIERCZYK
11649641656aGnendlaNAJMARKBATAWIARywen & Szyfra PapierczykPAPIERCZYK27 Jan 1871, WarszawaWith husbandBATAWIA, LANDAU, NAJMARK, PAPIERCZYK
11650641656aRoza Janina----BATAWIAMojzesz & Gnendla NajmarkNAJMARK7 Jul 1900, LodzWith parentsBATAWIA, LANDAU, NAJMARK, PAPIERCZYK
11651641656aStanislaw----BATAWIAMojzesz & Gnendla NajmarkNAJMARK24 May 1898, LodzWith parentsBATAWIA, LANDAU, NAJMARK, PAPIERCZYK
11652642056aLejbus Ludwik----BATAWIASzlama & Roza LandauLANDAU22 Jun 1872, Opoczno----BATAWIA, BEM, LANDAU, LEWENSZTAJN
11653642056aJadwigaLEWENSZTAJNBATAWIAHejman & Regina BemBEM27 May 1879, TorunWith husbandBATAWIA, BEM, LANDAU, LEWENSZTAJN
11654642056aHenryk Bronislaw----BATAWIALejbus Ludwik & Jadwiga LewensztajnLEWENSZTAJN23 Sep 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsBATAWIA, BEM, LANDAU, LEWENSZTAJN
11655642056aRegina Rozalia----BATAWIALejbus Ludwik & Jadwiga LewensztajnLEWENSZTAJN14 May 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsBATAWIA, BEM, LANDAU, LEWENSZTAJN
12073696460Juda Lejb----BIRNBAUMFiszel & Pessa CymblerCYMBLER31 Jul 1863, PiotrkowTailorBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12074696460LibaROZENBERGBIRNBAUMLajzer Lejb & Perla LandauLANDAU24 Mar 1866, CzestochowaWith husbandBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12075696460Icek----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG24 May 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12076696460Jakub Rafael----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Apr 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12077696460Blima----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Apr 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12078696460Abram----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG29 Aug 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12079696460Jozef----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG17 Oct 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12080696460Nacha----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG24 May 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
12081696460Hilel----BIRNBAUMJuda Lejb & Liba RozenbergROZENBERG31 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBIRNBAUM, CYMBLER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
121876121264BertaLANDAUMAJERANSzaja Wolf & Anna SudowiczSUDOWICZ15 Dec 1864, CzestochowaWidowLANDAU, MAJERAN, SUDOWICZ
121886121264Fajga----MAJERANAbram Jakub & Bajla LandauLANDAU26 May 1888, Piotrkow----LANDAU, MAJERAN, SUDOWICZ
121896122264Daniel----LANDAUSzaja Wolf & Anna SudowiczSUDOWICZ15 Dec 1864, CzestochowaHouse ownerHELMAN, LANDAU, SUDOWICZ, ZIMNOWODA
121906122264GustawaHELMANLANDAUChil & Chaja ZimnowodaZIMNOWODA12 Apr 1880, CzestochowaWith husbandHELMAN, LANDAU, SUDOWICZ, ZIMNOWODA
121916122264Wladyslaw----LANDAUDaniel & Gustawa HelmanHELMAN14 Aug 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsHELMAN, LANDAU, SUDOWICZ, ZIMNOWODA
121926122264Hipolit----LANDAUDaniel & Gustawa HelmanHELMAN30 Dec 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsHELMAN, LANDAU, SUDOWICZ, ZIMNOWODA
121966125864MariaLANDAUPRZEDBORSKAAbram & Chana AronowiczARONOWICZ-- --- 1850, DzialoszynWidowARONOWICZ, LANDAU, PRZEDBORSKA
123188188069aIde Lejb----MAJOREK (VEL HERSZLIKOWICZ)Benjamin & Rywka ---------- --- 1860, WielunHouse ownerHERSZLIKOWICZ, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
123198188069aRuchlaROZENBERGMAJOREK (VEL HERSZLIKOWICZ)Falek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU20 Jun 1859, CzestochowaWith husbandHERSZLIKOWICZ, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
123328197272Herman----GINSBERGKarol & Rozalia KonKON14 Apr 1868, Czestochowa----GINSBERG, KON, LANDAU
123338197272Leja LeoniaGINSBERGGINSBERGWilhelm & Estera LandauLANDAU6 Apr 1875, LodzWith husbandGINSBERG, KON, LANDAU
123348197272Roza----GINSBERGHerman & Laja Leonia GinsbergGINSBERG17 Jun 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsGINSBERG, KON, LANDAU
123358197272Ernest Jan----GINSBERGHerman & Laja Leonia GinsbergGINSBERG20 Apr 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsGINSBERG, KON, LANDAU
123518204272Chaja SuraZANDLEWISzaja & Estera LandauLANDAU2 Jun 1869, CzestochowaWidow, with own fundsLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123528204272Maria----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND29 Nov 1893, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123538204272Frajdla----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND13 Apr 1895, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123548204272Roza----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND3 Aug 1896, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123558204272Judessa----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND16 Jan 1898, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123568204272Dwojra----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND22 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123578204272Jakub Szlama----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND11 Oct 1900, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
123588204272Josef----LEWIIzrael Icyk & Chaja Sura ZandZAND29 Mar 1902, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, LEWI, ZAND
124219239676Wolf----ZAKSLajb & Laja RozencwaigROZENCWAIG30 Nov 1870, Lodz----BRAT, LANDAU, ROZENCWAIG, ZAKS
124229239676MariaLANDAUZAKSStanislaw & Fajga BratBRAT14 May 1877, LodzWith husbandBRAT, LANDAU, ROZENCWAIG, ZAKS
124239239676Felicja Leontyna----ZAKSWolf & Maria LandauLANDAU31 Dec 1897, CzestochowaMaster of lawBRAT, LANDAU, ROZENCWAIG, ZAKS
124459255177Herszlik----KRAUSKOPFSzlama & Liba PoltawskaPOLTAWSKA12 Apr 1897, Czestochowa----KRAUSKOPF, LENT, NUTKIEWICZ, POLTAWSKA
124469255177Estera LibaNUTKIEWICZKRAUSKOPFMichal & Dwojra LentLENT16 Nov 1907, LodzWith husbandKRAUSKOPF, LENT, NUTKIEWICZ, POLTAWSKA
124479255177Jerzy----KRAUSKOPFHerszlik & Estera Liba NutkiewiczNUTKIEWICZ2 Sep 1929, LodzWith parentsKRAUSKOPF, LENT, NUTKIEWICZ, POLTAWSKA
124489258677Zygmunt----MENDELSONSamuel & Frymeta FelzenhartFELZENHART-- --- 1864, ZawiercieOwner of propertyFELZENHART, LANDAU, LANDAU, PRIMO VOTO LICHTENBAUM, LICHTENBAUM, MENDELSON, WAJNBERG
124519258677Paulina Maryla----MENDELSONZygmunt & Rozalia LandauLANDAU12 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFELZENHART, LANDAU, LANDAU, PRIMO VOTO LICHTENBAUM, LICHTENBAUM, MENDELSON, WAJNBERG
124539260077RuchlaLANDAULICHTENBAUMJozef Herszon & Hinda WajnbergWAJNBERG11 Aug 1868, CzestochowaDivorcedLANDAU, LICHTENBAUM, WAJNBERG
125519295085Gitla----LANDAUChaskiel & Kaza WolmanWOLMAN4 Nov 1855, Czestochowa----LANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125529295285Abram----LANDAUWolf Jakub & Jacheta OppenhajmOPPENHAJM14 Sep 1858, CzestochowaWith daughterLANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125539295285Sura RywkaSZPILBERGLANDAUSzaja & Dwora PalkaPALKA14 Nov 1860, ZarkiWith husbandLANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125549295285Szyja----LANDAUAbram & Sura Rywka SzpilbergSZPILBERG4 Jun 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125559295285Rajzla----LANDAUAbram & Sura Rywka SzpilbergSZPILBERG27 May 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125569295285Dobra----LANDAUAbram & Sura Rywka SzpilbergSZPILBERG8 Apr 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, OPPENHAJM, PALKA, SZPILBERG, WOLMAN
125809297485Jakub----LANDAUWolf & Jacheta OpenhejmOPENHEJM21 Dec 1853, CzestochowaMerchantHERMAN, LANDAU, OPENHEJM, WAJNGARTEN
125819297485Dwojra ZlotaHERMANLANDAUAbram & Mindla WajngartenWAJNGARTEN6 Jul 1858, PilicaWith husbandHERMAN, LANDAU, OPENHEJM, WAJNGARTEN
125829297485Chaja Brandla----LANDAUJakub & Dwojra Zlota HermanHERMAN23 May 1877, BedzinWith parentsHERMAN, LANDAU, OPENHEJM, WAJNGARTEN
125839297685Estera MariaMORENSZTAJNMAMLOKJosek Aron & Itta Frajdla LandLAND18 Nov 1862, DuninowWidowLAND, MAMLOK, MORENSZTAJN
125849297685Jakub----MAMLOKLajzer & Estera Maria MorensztajnMORENSZTAJN3 Sep 1885, PlockWith motherLAND, MAMLOK, MORENSZTAJN
125859297685Zofia----MAMLOKLajzer & Estera Maria MorensztajnMORENSZTAJN30 Jan 1888, PlockWith motherLAND, MAMLOK, MORENSZTAJN
125869297685Felicja----MAMLOKLajzer & Estera Maria MorensztajnMORENSZTAJN18 Oct 1890, PlockWith motherLAND, MAMLOK, MORENSZTAJN
125879298085Chaim Izrael----LANDAUChaskiel & Roza WeltmanWELTMAN25 Jan 1864, CzestochowaFactory masterBLUM, LANDAU, WELTMAN
125889298085ChajaBLUMLANDAUManes & Judka --------24 Apr 1872, CzestochowaWith husbandBLUM, LANDAU, WELTMAN
125899298485Wolf----LANDAUAbram & Sura Rywka SzpilbergSZPILBERG25 Dec 1886, CzestochowaTraderFRENKEL, LANDAU, LIPSZYC, SZPILBERG
125909298485ZyslaLIPSZYCLANDAUIcek & Ruchla FrenkelFRENKEL11 Jun 1889, PiotrkowWith husbandFRENKEL, LANDAU, LIPSZYC, SZPILBERG
125919298485Gitla----LANDAUWolf & Zysla LipszycLIPSZYC11 Jun 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, LANDAU, LIPSZYC, SZPILBERG
125929298485Jacheta----LANDAUWolf & Zysla LipszycLIPSZYC17 Aug 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, LANDAU, LIPSZYC, SZPILBERG
125939298485Rajzla----LANDAUWolf & Zysla LipszycLIPSZYC13 Apr 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, LANDAU, LIPSZYC, SZPILBERG
1259410298485Beginning of vol. X 
1266310303287Bajla----GOTLIBLewi & Laja LandLAND2 May 1853, CzestochowaMaidGOTLIB, LAND
1287410323890Jozef----LANDAUWolf Jakub & Jacheta OpenheimOPENHEIM4 Oct 1842, CzestochowaMerchantHAJSZERKA, LANDAU, OPENHEIM, WELGRIN
1287510323890Fajgla SuraWELGRINLANDAUSaul & Maria HajszerkaHAJSZERKA10 May 1844, PilicaDied 12 Nov 1919HAJSZERKA, LANDAU, OPENHEIM, WELGRIN
1287610324090Icek Majer----LANDAUJozef & Fajgla Sura WelgrinWELGRIN3 Feb 1867, Czestochowa----GROSMAN, LANDAU, LANGMAS, WELGRIN
1287710324090Sura RachelaLANGMASLANDAUFajwusz & Jenta Golda GrosmanGROSMAN10 Feb 1870, RadomskoWith husbandGROSMAN, LANDAU, LANGMAS, WELGRIN
1287810324090Abram----LANDAUIcek Majer & Sura Rachela LangmasLANGMAS-- --- 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsGROSMAN, LANDAU, LANGMAS, WELGRIN
1287910324090Gryna----LANDAUIcek Majer & Sura Rachela LangmasLANGMAS16 Jan 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsGROSMAN, LANDAU, LANGMAS, WELGRIN
1288010324090Dawid----LANDAUIcek Majer & Sura Rachela LangmasLANGMAS15 Jul 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsGROSMAN, LANDAU, LANGMAS, WELGRIN
1291510328490Aron Alter----OKLADEKIzrael Dawid & Ruchla RawiczRAWICZ23 Jul 1874, Czestochowa----GRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1291610328490ChawaLANDAUOKLADEKMosiek & Frymeta UrbachURBACH23 Jun 1875, PrzyrowWith husbandGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1291710328490Jakub Majer----OKLADEKAron Alter & Ruchla GrinmerGRINMER13 Dec 1895, ZloczowWith parentsGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1291810328490Dwojra----OKLADEKAron Alter & Chawa LandauLANDAU23 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1291910328490Izrael Dawid----OKLADEKAron Alter & Chawa LandauLANDAU28 Apr 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1292010328490Henoch----OKLADEKAron Alter & Chawa LandauLANDAU9 May 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1292110328490Mordka----OKLADEKAron Alter & Chawa LandauLANDAU14 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGRINMER, LANDAU, OKLADEK, RAWICZ, URBACH
1292410329090Hendel----LANDAUJozef & Sura Fajga WelgrinWELGRIN3 Jul 1865, CzestochowaOwn meansBAUMAC, LANDAU, TAZBIR, WELGRIN
1292510329090MajtlaBAUMACLANDAUChaim & Estera TazbirTAZBIR3 Jul 1867, KrzepiceWith husbandBAUMAC, LANDAU, TAZBIR, WELGRIN
1292610329090Szoel----LANDAUHendel & Majta BaumacBAUMAC21 Dec 1894, KrzepiceWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, TAZBIR, WELGRIN
1292710329090Mariem----LANDAUHendel & Majta BaumacBAUMAC9 Jul 1897, KrzepiceWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, TAZBIR, WELGRIN
1292810329090Nacha----LANDAUHendel & Majta BaumacBAUMAC-- --- 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, TAZBIR, WELGRIN
1292910329190Wolf----LANDAUHendel & Majta BaumacBAUMAC2 Jan 1890, KrzepiceTraderBAUMAC, LANDAU, OCAL, TARNOWSKA
1293010329190Sura RyfkaTARNOWSKALANDAUJankiel Emanuel & Fajgla Chana OcalOCAL18 Mar 1889, PrzedborzWith husbandBAUMAC, LANDAU, OCAL, TARNOWSKA
1293110329190Chaim Hirsz----LANDAUWolf & Sura Rywka TarnowskaTARNOWSKA29 Mar 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, OCAL, TARNOWSKA
1293210329190Mania----LANDAUWolf & Sura Rywka TarnowskaTARNOWSKA16 Jun 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, OCAL, TARNOWSKA
1293310329190Nacha----LANDAUWolf & Sura Rywka TarnowskaTARNOWSKA16 Jun 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsBAUMAC, LANDAU, OCAL, TARNOWSKA
1293410329690SuraLANDAUGERSZONOWICZAbram & Chana AronowiczARONOWICZ-- --- 1845, DzialoszynWidowARONOWICZ, GERSZONOWICZ, LANDAU
1293610329890Abram----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER30 Oct 1902, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1293710329890Aron----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER30 Oct 1902, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1293810329890Lajzer Icyk----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER19 Dec 1904, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1293910329890Mojzesz Michal----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER19 Oct 1906, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1294010329890Hil----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER28 Oct 1908, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1294110329890Machela----GERSZONOWICZMordka & Ita ItalianerITALIANER22 Nov 1910, CzestochowaWith motherARONOWICZ, GERSZON, GERSZONOWICZ, ITALIANER, LANDAU
1298510335292Cyrla----SZTYBELJochym & Chaja LandauLANDAU3 Apr 1866, ZarkiMaidLANDAU, SZTYBEL
1298610335292Mosiek----SZTYBELJochym & Chaja LandauLANDAU30 Jan 1870, ZarkiBachelorLANDAU, SZTYBEL
1302110338793/94Mejlich----SZLEZYNGERAbram Lejb & Chaja WolnickaWOLNICKA19 Nov 1896, Czestochowa----JURKIEWICZ, LANDAU, SZLEZYNGER, WOLNICKA
1302210338793/94BronaJURKIEWICZSZLEZYNGERMendel & Dobra LandauLANDAU28 Sep 1891, CzestochowaWith husbandJURKIEWICZ, LANDAU, SZLEZYNGER, WOLNICKA
1302310338793/94Ruchla----SZLEZYNGERMejlich & Brona JurkiewiczJURKIEWICZ1 Oct 1924, PiotrkowWith parentsJURKIEWICZ, LANDAU, SZLEZYNGER, WOLNICKA
1302410338793/94Dawid Mendel----SZLEZYNGERMejlich & Brona JurkiewiczJURKIEWICZ15 Jan 1926, PiotrkowWith parentsJURKIEWICZ, LANDAU, SZLEZYNGER, WOLNICKA
133831178102Jentla----PANKOWSKAIcyk & Frajdla LandLAND21 Apr 1872, CzestochowaMaidLAND, PANKOWSKA
133841180102PerlaREJCHERLANDAUSalomon & Gitla KonKON5 Dec 1829, CzestochowaWidowKON, LANDAU, REJCHER
133851184102Henoch----PANKOWSKIIcek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU14 Nov 1870, CzestochowaBachelorLANDAU, PANKOWSKI
133861184102Cyrla----PANKOWSKIIcek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU-- --- 1886, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, PANKOWSKI
133871188102Dawid----PANKOWSKIIcek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU7 Dec 1881, Czestochowa----BIDERMAN, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, PLOCKA, PLOCKER, ROZENCWAJG, SZMUL
133881188102Hinda BlimaROZENCWAJGPANKOWSKIHerszlik & Estera BidermanBIDERMAN23 May 1884, CzestochowaWith husbandBIDERMAN, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, PLOCKA, PLOCKER, ROZENCWAJG, SZMUL
133911188102Icek----PANKOWSKIDawid & Cylka PlockerPLOCKER2 Jan 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsBIDERMAN, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, PLOCKA, PLOCKER, ROZENCWAJG, SZMUL
133921188102Frajdla----PANKOWSKIDawid & Cylka PlockerPLOCKER18 Nov 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsBIDERMAN, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, PLOCKA, PLOCKER, ROZENCWAJG, SZMUL
133971196102Salomon----LANDAUWolf & Maria RajcherRAJCHER24 Apr 1849, CzestochowaTraderBRESLAUER, LANDAU, RAJCHER, WAWENBERG
133981196102AnnaBRESLAUERLANDAUJan & Karolina WawenbergWAWENBERG27 Apr 1861, WarszawaWith husbandBRESLAUER, LANDAU, RAJCHER, WAWENBERG
133991196102Boleslaw----LANDAUSalomon & Anna BreslauerBRESLAUER6 Mar 1882, LodzWith parentsBRESLAUER, LANDAU, RAJCHER, WAWENBERG
1341011112102Wolf----PANKOWSKIIcek & Frajda LandauLANDAU14 Nov 1879, CzestochowaTraderGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1341111112102Hinda LajaWAJSPANKOWSKIIzrael & Maria Dwojra GrynbaumGRYNBAUM20 Feb 1877, RozprzaWith husbandGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1341211112102Lejb Hersz----PANKOWSKIWolf & Hinda Laja WajsWAJS6 Nov 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1341311112102Hana Sura----PANKOWSKIWolf & Hinda Laja WajsWAJS6 Nov 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1341411112102Fajgla----PANKOWSKIWolf & Hinda Laja WajsWAJS8 Feb 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1341511112102Blima----PANKOWSKIWolf & Hinda Laja WajsWAJS15 Jan 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNBAUM, LANDAU, PANKOWSKI, WAJS
1355811242105Jozef Salomon----PANKOWSKIIcyk & Frajdla LandauLANDAU17 May 1861, CzestochowaTraderLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1355911242105Estera LajaTRAUBEPANKOWSKIMojzesz Wolf & Hana SzrajberSZRAJBER-- --- 1864, ----With husbandLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1356011242105Pesla----PANKOWSKIJozef & Estera Laja TraubeTRAUBE16 Jan 1889, ZawiercieWith parentsLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1356111242105Tauba----PANKOWSKIJozef & Estera Laja TraubeTRAUBE26 Jan 1890, ZawiercieWith parentsLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1356211242105Lejzer----PANKOWSKIJozef & Estera Laja TraubeTRAUBE22 Nov 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1356311242105Ruchla----PANKOWSKIJozef & Estera Laja TraubeTRAUBE15 Dec 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1356411242105Jacheta----PANKOWSKIJozef & Estera Laja TraubeTRAUBE29 Nov 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANKOWSKI, SZRAJBER, TRAUBE
1359011266105EwelinaLASKALANDAU KRONENBERGTobiasz & Blima --------14 Jul 1878, SielceWith husband Landau KronenbergKRONENBERGGLIKSON, KRONENBERG, LANDAU KRONENBERG, LASKA, LORIA, NISENSON
1359111266105Tadeusz----LANDAU KRONENBERGRafal & Ewelina LaskaLASKA7 Aug 1902, LodzWith mother LandauGLIKSON, KRONENBERG, LANDAU KRONENBERG, LASKA, LORIA, NISENSON
1359211266105Helena StanislawaLORIALANDAU KRONENBERGSzymon & Balbina NisensonNISENSON8 May 1896, KrakowWith husband TadeuszGLIKSON, KRONENBERG, LANDAU KRONENBERG, LASKA, LORIA, NISENSON
1361311286106Izydor----SAKSSamuel & Rozalia LandLAND8 Jan 1854, CzestochowaBachelorLAND, SAKS
1361411286106Rywka vel Regina----SAKSSamuel & Rozalia LandLAND7 Apr 1857, CzestochowaMaidLAND, SAKS
1369911392107MirlaROZENBERGLANDAUWolf & Chaja KrakowskaKRAKOWSKA-- --- 1866, BedzinWidowKRAKOWSKA, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SAGAL
1370011392107Aleksander----LANDAULejb & Mirla RozenbergROZENBERG13 Jan 1893, CzestochowaWith motherKRAKOWSKA, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SAGAL
1370111392107Gutman----LANDAULejb & Mirla RozenbergROZENBERG16 Oct 1895, CzestochowaWith motherKRAKOWSKA, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SAGAL
1370211392107Malka RychlaSAGALLANDAUAbram & Chana Lipa LandauLANDAU18 Nov 1894, WolaWith husbandKRAKOWSKA, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SAGAL
1370311392107Hamia----LANDAUGustaw & Mania SagalSAGAL19 Sep 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsKRAKOWSKA, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SAGAL
1402411698112BernardLANDAUWolf & Hinda ZandZAND17 Jun 1854, CzestochowaMerchant; died 7 Sep 1915; in GermanyBERGMAN, KENIGSBERG, LANDAU, ZAND
1402511698112RozaliaKENIGSBERGLANDAUSalomon & Eleonora BergmanBERGMAN13 Jan 1863, KatowiceWith husbandBERGMAN, KENIGSBERG, LANDAU, ZAND
1410211750113IcekSZTAJNICChail & Chaja KozusznikKOZUSZNIK17 May 1883, CzestochowaTraderKOZUSZNIK, LANDAU, NOWYTARGER, SZTAJNIC
1410311750113JachetaLANDAUSZTAJNICRubin & Dwojra NowytargerNOWYTARGER10 Aug 1888, SosnowiecWith husbandKOZUSZNIK, LANDAU, NOWYTARGER, SZTAJNIC
1410411750113EsteraSZTAJNICIcek & Jacheta LandauLANDAU4 Oct 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsKOZUSZNIK, LANDAU, NOWYTARGER, SZTAJNIC
1410511750113MordkaSZTAJNICIcek & Jacheta LandauLANDAU16 Dec 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsKOZUSZNIK, LANDAU, NOWYTARGER, SZTAJNIC
1410611750113MariemaSZTAJNICIcek & Jacheta LandauLANDAU5 Nov 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsKOZUSZNIK, LANDAU, NOWYTARGER, SZTAJNIC
1422512900116JoelLANDAUBernard & Eleonora FerszterFERSZTER1 Aug 1866, Piotrkow----FERSZTER, GROS, LANDAU, PRENTKA
1422612900116HelenaPRENTKALANDAUJoachim Mojzesz & Rozalia GrosGROS10 Dec 1871, WielunWith husbandFERSZTER, GROS, LANDAU, PRENTKA
15081131945134BertaLANDAULASKAJozef & Augusta KonKON11 Sep 1859, LodzWidow; own meansKON, LANDAU, LASKA
15082131945134Marcin----LASKAJozef & Berta LandauLANDAU16 Apr 1882, CzestochowaWith motherKON, LANDAU, LASKA
15083131945134Jadwiga----LASKAJozef & Berta LandauLANDAU16 Dec 1890, CzestochowaWith motherKON, LANDAU, LASKA
15084131945134Irena----LASKAJozef & Berta LandauLANDAU12 Nov 1893, CzestochowaWith motherKON, LANDAU, LASKA
15085131961137Izaak----LANDAURafael & Rywka PacanowskaPACANOWSKA20 Apr 1881, Czestochowa----EJZENBERG, GOLAB, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
15086131961137FrymetaGOLABLANDAUJonasz & Chena EjzenbergEJZENBERG1 Mar 1876, PlonskWith husbandEJZENBERG, GOLAB, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
15087131973137Jonas Bernard----LANDAURafael & Rywka PacanowskaPACANOWSKA23 Apr 1872, CzestochowaDoctorEINBILD, LANDAU, MACHONBAUM, PACANOWSKA
15088131973137JadwigaEINBILDLANDAUSzymcha Zygmunt & Gitla Aleksandra MachonbaumMACHONBAUM8 Feb 1883, WarszawaWith husbandEINBILD, LANDAU, MACHONBAUM, PACANOWSKA
15189132096139Mordka Jankiel----BERLINERIzrael Szyja & Raszka BemBEM4 Mar 1902, Czestochowa----BEM, BERLINER, FRAJMAN, LANDAU
15190132096139MalkaFRAJMANBERLINERHersz Mordka & Nacha LandauLANDAU30 Jun 1896, CzestochowaWith husbandBEM, BERLINER, FRAJMAN, LANDAU
15235132263143Gitla----WEICHSELFISZNachman & Estera LandauLANDAU11 Dec 1855, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, WEICHSELFISZ
15239132269143Daniel----WAJCHSELFISZNachman & Estera LandauLANDAU18 May 1866, Czestochowa----HIRSZHORN, LANDAU, SOFER, WAJCHSELFISZ
15240132269143AnnaHIRSZHORNWAJCHSELFISZIzrael & Ewa SoferSOFER11 Mar 1878, WarszawaWith husbandHIRSZHORN, LANDAU, SOFER, WAJCHSELFISZ
15241132269143Herman----WAJCHSELFISZDaniel & Anna HirszhornHIRSZHORN27 Jun 1904, TomaszowWith parentsHIRSZHORN, LANDAU, SOFER, WAJCHSELFISZ
15242132269143Stanislaw----WAJCHSELFISZDaniel & Anna HirszhornHIRSZHORN16 Aug 1907, TomaszowWith parentsHIRSZHORN, LANDAU, SOFER, WAJCHSELFISZ
15631151235162RachelaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU1 --- 1902, CzestochowaMaidLANDAU, MARKOWICZ
15887161947171GustawaLANDAUNAJFELDWolf & Ernestyna GutenhagerGUTENHAGER23 Nov 1859, CzestochowaWidow; merchantGUTENHAGER, LANDAU, NAJFELD
15888161947171JadwigaNAJFELDAdolf & Gustawa LandauLANDAU13 Feb 1887, WarszawaWith motherGUTENHAGER, LANDAU, NAJFELD
16076162215173Dawid FajwelBERLINERBLAUMordka & Chaja PacanowskaPACANOWSKA22 Sep 1880, CzestochowaTraderBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16077162215173PessaLANDAUBERLINERBLAUWolf & Chana KohenKOHEN30 Sep 1879, KrasnikWith husbandBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16078162215173ChajaBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU26 Sep 1899, KrasnikWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16079162215173Abram SymchaBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU19 Aug 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16080162215173MariemBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU31 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16081162215173Gitla RuchlaBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU15 Nov 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16082162215173Nusen WolfBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU1 Jan 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16083162215173SenderBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU14 Sep 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16084162215173Chaim PinkusBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU11 Jul 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16085162215173Rojza AdelaBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU22 Oct 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16086162216173JozefBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU26 Oct 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16087162216173Szlama EliezerBERLINERBLAUDawid Fajwel & Pessa LandauLANDAU12 Jul 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINERBLAU, KOHEN, LANDAU, PACANOWSKA
16161172327175SzajaLANDAUJozef & Helena WajnbergWAJNBERG30 Aug 1866, Czestochowa----BOSAK, LANDAU, ORZECH, SZAC, WAJNBERG, WAJS
16162172327175RachelaWAJSLANDAUAbram & Laja BosakBOSAK28 Dec 1880, KaminskWith husbandBOSAK, LANDAU, ORZECH, SZAC, WAJNBERG, WAJS
16163172327175EugeniuszLANDAUSzaja vel Seweryn & Rachela WajsWAJS13 Mar 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsBOSAK, LANDAU, ORZECH, SZAC, WAJNBERG, WAJS
16164172327175AnnaORZECHLANDAUJozef Ber & Fajga Blima SzacSZAC--------BOSAK, LANDAU, ORZECH, SZAC, WAJNBERG, WAJS
16165172331175BernardROZENBERGFalek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU31 Jan 1861, Czestochowa----LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16166172335175JozefROZENBERGFalek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU6 Apr 1863, Czestochowa----LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16167172339175DawidROZENBERGFalek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU15 Oct 1876, Czestochowa----LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16168172343175ChaskielROZENBERGFalek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU31 May 1869, CzestochowaTraderABRAMSON, EJZER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16169172343175NachaABRAMSONROZENBERGMoszek & Brandla EjzerEJZER-- --- 1874, ParzniewiceWith husbandABRAMSON, EJZER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16170172343175BronislawaROZENBERGChaskiel & Nacha AbramsonABRAMSON28 Apr 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsABRAMSON, EJZER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16171172343175KazaROZENBERGChaskiel & Nacha AbramsonABRAMSON6 Mar 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsABRAMSON, EJZER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16172172343175JozefROZENBERGChaskiel & Nacha AbramsonABRAMSON4 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsABRAMSON, EJZER, LANDAU, ROZENBERG
16259172447175Hersz FiszelROZENBERGFalek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU27 Aug 1873, CzestochowaMerchantLANDAU, PANSKA, ROZENBERG, ZAND
16260172447175EmiliaPANSKAROZENBERGJozef & Maria ZandZAND1 Aug 1883, PiotrkowWith husbandLANDAU, PANSKA, ROZENBERG, ZAND
16261172447175TeresaROZENBERGHersz Fiszel & Emilia PanskaPANSKA19 Jul 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANSKA, ROZENBERG, ZAND
16262172447175KazimieraROZENBERGHersz Fiszel & Emilia PanskaPANSKA22 Jan 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANSKA, ROZENBERG, ZAND
16263172447175Stanislaw FeliksROZENBERGHersz Fiszel & Emilia PanskaPANSKA12 Oct 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, PANSKA, ROZENBERG, ZAND
16456172672178Chaim WolfZIMNOWODASalomon Zalma & Liba CiolekCIOLEK17 Jan 1896, Lodz----CIOLEK, HERSZON, LANDAU, WOLMAN, ZIMNOWODA
16457172672178StefaniaHERSZONZIMNOWODAIzydor & Dasza LandauLANDAU25 Oct 1884, LodzWith husband; primo voto WolmanWOLMANCIOLEK, HERSZON, LANDAU, WOLMAN, ZIMNOWODA
1692918339719Haja SuraLANDAUSADOKIERSKAWolf & Gitla LandauLANDAU4 Apr 1845, CzestochowaOwn meansLANDAU, SADOKIERSKA
1693018339719RachelaSADOKIERSKAJakub & Sura Haja LandauLANDAU11 Jun 1873, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, SADOKIERSKA
1693118339719NachaSADOKIERSKAJakub & Sura Haja LandauLANDAU15 Jun 1879, CzestochowaWith motherLANDAU, SADOKIERSKA
171211990205Szaja IzraelZALCBERGIcek Mendel & Chana Krandla BorzykowskaBORZYKOWSKA15 Aug 1889, KoniecpolTraderBERMAN, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU, MALKARYNSKA, MYDLARZ, ZALCBERG
171221990205ItlaBERMANZALCBERGAron & Hana Rajzla MydlarzMYDLARZ15 Sep 1895, SzczekocinyWith husbandBERMAN, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU, MALKARYNSKA, MYDLARZ, ZALCBERG
171231990205Gitla EsteraLANDAUZALCBERGIcyk Jakub & Maria MalkaRynskaMALKARYNSKA5 Apr 1905, BedzinWith husbandBERMAN, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU, MALKARYNSKA, MYDLARZ, ZALCBERG
171241990205Mariem MalkaZALCBERGSzaja Izrael & Gitla Estera LandauLANDAU27 May 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU, MALKARYNSKA, MYDLARZ, ZALCBERG
171251990205Icek JakubZALCBERGSzaja Izrael & Gitla Estera LandauLANDAU3 Jul 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsBERMAN, BORZYKOWSKA, LANDAU, MALKARYNSKA, MYDLARZ, ZALCBERG
18297201328234Abram MordkaLUBLINGJosek & Sura Laja SzyndlerSZYNDLER28 Nov 1866, WolbromTraderLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18298201328234MariaPANKOWSKALUBLINGIcyk & Frajdla LandauLANDAU15 Nov 1864, CzestochowaWith husbandLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18299201328234DobraLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA15 May 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18300201328234EsteraLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA16 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18301201328234EliaszLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA7 Dec 1897, CzestochowaWith parents; died 25 mar 1917LANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18302201328234BrajndlaLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA11 Dec 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18303201328234ChawaLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA17 Nov 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18304201328234RywkaLUBLINGAbram Mordka & Maria PankowskaPANKOWSKA31 May 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, LUBLING, PANKOWSKA, SZYNDLER
18342201358234HenochJOSKOWICZJosek & Estera Fajgla ZylberszacZYLBERSZAC21 Sep 1876, BelchatowMerchantJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18343201358234FrajdlaLANDAUJOSKOWICZJozef & Fajgla WelgrynWELGRYN-- --- 1881, CzestochowaWith husbandJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18344201358234JachetaJOSKOWICZHenoch & Frajdla LandauLANDAU30 Sep 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18345201358234ElkaJOSKOWICZHenoch & Frajdla LandauLANDAU27 Jul 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18346201358234MariaJOSKOWICZHenoch & Frajdla LandauLANDAU27 Jul 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18347201358234ChajaJOSKOWICZHenoch & Frajdla LandauLANDAU4 Jun 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsJOSKOWICZ, LANDAU, WELGRYN, ZYLBERSZAC
18348211370235LejbusSZTAJNFELDAbram & Laja GewercmanGEWERCMAN17 May 1877, PilicaMerchantGEWERCMAN, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, SZTAJNFELD
18349211370235Dwojra GitlaKAUFMANSZTAJNFELDAbram & Jentla Laja LandauLANDAU25 Nov 1881, CzestochowaWith husbandGEWERCMAN, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, SZTAJNFELD
18350211370235LajaSZTAJNFELDLejbus & Dwojra Gitla KaufmanKAUFMAN30 Apr 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsGEWERCMAN, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, SZTAJNFELD
18351211370235Mojzesz MordkaSZTAJNFELDLejbus & Dwojra Gitla KaufmanKAUFMAN13 Jun 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsGEWERCMAN, KAUFMAN, LANDAU, SZTAJNFELD
190442272252Jonasz GabrielKOLINMendel & Hana Ruda RozenbergROZENBERG3 Oct 1888, Czestochowa----KOLIN, LANDAU, OKLADEK, ROZENBERG
190452272252ChajaOKLADEKKOLINAron Alter & Hana LandauLANDAU22 Sep 1897, CzestochowaWith husbandKOLIN, LANDAU, OKLADEK, ROZENBERG
190462272252Estera IttaKOLINJonasz Gabriel & Chaja OkladekOKLADEK15 Jun 1922, CzestochowaWith parentsKOLIN, LANDAU, OKLADEK, ROZENBERG
190472272252CywiaKOLINJonasz Gabriel & Chaja OkladekOKLADEK1 Oct 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsKOLIN, LANDAU, OKLADEK, ROZENBERG
190482272252RuchlaKOLINJonasz Gabriel & Chaja OkladekOKLADEK15 Sep 1929, CzestochowaWith parentsKOLIN, LANDAU, OKLADEK, ROZENBERG
1926722302262SzyjaWINMoszek & Ruchla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ16 Jan 1872, Czestochowa----IZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1926822302262NachaSADOKIERSKAWINJakub & Chaja LandauLANDAU15 Jun 1879, CzestochowaWith husbandIZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1926922302262ResznaWINSzyja & Nacha SadokierskaSADOKIERSKA14 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1927022302262GustawaWINSzyja & Nacha SadokierskaSADOKIERSKA25 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1927122302262WladyslawWINSzyja & Nacha SadokierskaSADOKIERSKA23 Feb 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1927222302262DawidWINSzyja & Nacha SadokierskaSADOKIERSKA3 Aug 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsIZRAELOWICZ, LANDAU, SADOKIERSKA, WIN
1929422332263MajerWILCZYNSKIMarkus & Frajdla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ7 Aug 1880, CzestochowaTraderLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1929522332263Ryfka LibaLANDAUWILCZYNSKIDawid & Estera OrnerORNER27 Dec 1880, TomaszowWith husbandLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1929622332263Szewa MariemWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU20 May 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1929722332263Chaim ChilWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU6 May 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1929822332263SzyjaWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU8 Jul 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1929922332263Icyk HenochWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU10 Mar 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1930022332263FrymetaWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU21 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1930122332263FrajdlaWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU27 Nov 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, SAMSONOWICZ, WILCZYNSKI
1930222333263Chaim ChilWILCZYNSKIMajer & Rywka Liba LandauLANDAU6 May 1903, Czestochowa----LANDAU, PRZYGORSKA, RUBIN, WILCZYNSKI
1930322333263RajzlaPRZYGORSKAWILCZYNSKISzymon & Mindla RubinRUBIN11 Jul 1898, TomaszowWith husbandLANDAU, PRZYGORSKA, RUBIN, WILCZYNSKI
19803231098282SzlamaFAJGENBAUMMoszek & Gitla SztencelSZTENCEL30 Apr 1871, CzestochowaTraderFAJGENBAUM, LANDAU, ROZEN, SZTENCEL
19804231098282FajgaLANDAUFAJGENBAUMDawid & Estera RozenROZEN2 Mar 1871, CzestochowaWith husbandFAJGENBAUM, LANDAU, ROZEN, SZTENCEL
19805231098282SuraFAJGENBAUMSzlama & Fajga LandauLANDAU14 Jan 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGENBAUM, LANDAU, ROZEN, SZTENCEL
19806231098282BlimaFAJGENBAUMSzlama & Fajga LandauLANDAU20 Oct 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGENBAUM, LANDAU, ROZEN, SZTENCEL
20016231294285Berek GerszonKERNERIcek Binem & Maria AlterwajnALTERWAJN1 Mar 1866, OlkuszMerchantALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20017231294285GitlaSZTYBELKERNERJoachim & Chaja LandauLANDAU6 Apr 1867, ZarkiWith husbandALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20018231294285JakubKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL23 Jun 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20019231294285RajzlaKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL23 Jun 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20020231294285ChilelKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL30 Aug 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20021231294285Icek BinemKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL7 Nov 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20022231294285JozefKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL18 Jun 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20023231294285MordkaKERNERBerek Gerszon & Gitla SztybelSZTYBEL2 Jun 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsALTERWAJN, KERNER, LANDAU, SZTYBEL
20066231337286ChilPELCDawid & Pessa Zelda SzylitSZYLIT20 Feb 1903, Dzialoszyn----LANDAU, OKLADEK, PELC, SZYLIT
20067231337286DwojraOKLADEKPELCAron Alter & Ewa LandauLANDAU23 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith husbandLANDAU, OKLADEK, PELC, SZYLIT
20116231386286IzraelPELCBerek & Chaja Sura SzlezyngerSZLEZYNGER4 Jan 1887, CzestochowaMerchantLANDAU, ORNER, PELC, SZLEZYNGER
20117231386286JentaLANDAUPELCDawid & Estera OrnerORNER15 May 1889, TomaszowWith husbandLANDAU, ORNER, PELC, SZLEZYNGER
20118231386286HendelPELCIzrael & Jenta LandauLANDAU25 Jan 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, ORNER, PELC, SZLEZYNGER
20119231386286MoszekPELCIzrael & Jenta LandauLANDAU13 May 1919, CzestochowaWith parents; died 16 Feb 1926LANDAU, ORNER, PELC, SZLEZYNGER
20120231386286DawidPELCIzrael & Jenta LandauLANDAU14 Jul 1923, CzestochowaWith parents; died 22 Aug 1923LANDAU, ORNER, PELC, SZLEZYNGER
2148426822317HercGOTLIBMajer & Dobra DymantDYMANT17 Jul 1854, CzestochowaTeacherDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2148526822317LajaLANDAUGOTLIBDawid & Brandla HorowiczHOROWICZ----With husbandDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2148626822317Mosiek MordkaGOTLIBHerc & Laja LandauLANDAU26 Sep 1877, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2148726822317PinkusGOTLIBHerc & Laja LandauLANDAU18 Jun 1879, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2148826822317DawidGOTLIBHerc & Laja LandauLANDAU30 Nov 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2148926822317DobraGOTLIBHerc & Laja LandauLANDAU30 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
2149026822317RuchlaGOTLIBHerc & Laja LandauLANDAU30 Apr 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, GOTLIB, HOROWICZ, LANDAU
21834261162327Mendel MajerWEKSLERAbram & Chaja HaftkaHAFTKA25 Dec 1872, Czestochowa----HAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21835261162327EsteraPANKOWSKAWEKSLERIcek & Frajdla LandauLANDAU-- --- 1873, CzestochowaWith husbandHAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21836261162327JachetaWEKSLERMendel Majer & Estera PankowskaPANKOWSKA14 Dec 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsHAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21837261162327JochwetaWEKSLERMendel Majer & Estera PankowskaPANKOWSKA31 Oct 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsHAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21838261162327FajglaWEKSLERMendel Majer & Estera PankowskaPANKOWSKA28 Feb 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsHAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21839261162327LejbWEKSLERMendel Majer & Estera PankowskaPANKOWSKA24 May 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsHAFTKA, LANDAU, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
22327271574338Bluma SzajndlaKAUFMANAba & Jentla LandauLANDAU6 Feb 1876, CzestochowaMaidKAUFMAN, LANDAU
22328271576338Symcha BinemKAUFMANHerszlik & Laja LandauLANDAU20 Nov 1873, CzestochowaTraderBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22329271576338GitlaBOCIANKAUFMANSzymon & Chaja Sura DanilowiczDANILOWICZ-- --- 1877, CzestochowaWith husbandBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22330271576338Jentla LajaKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN10 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22331271576338Mordka JakubKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN2 Jun 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22332271576338Izrael AronKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN7 Nov 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22333271576338GoldaKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN18 May 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22334271576338MoszekKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN20 Dec 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22335271576338Chaja SuraKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN1 Oct 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCIAN, DANILOWICZ, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22354271600338Jozef MajerKAUFMANHerszel Aba & Jetta LandauLANDAU14 Oct 1865, CzestochowaMerchantEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22355271600338SuraEFROIMKAUFMANDawid & Rudla GoldGOLD-- --- 1866, CzestochowaWith husbandEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22356271600338Mendel MordkaKAUFMANJozef Majer & Sura EfroimEFROIM25 Oct 1887, CzestochowaWith parentsEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22357271600338ZyskindKAUFMANJozef Majer & Sura EfroimEFROIM31 Oct 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22358271600338JentlaKAUFMANJozef Majer & Sura EfroimEFROIM18 May 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22359271600338Blima SzajndlaKAUFMANJozef Majer & Sura EfroimEFROIM28 Aug 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22360271600338HindaKAUFMANJozef Majer & Sura EfroimEFROIM27 Nov 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsEFROIM, GOLD, KAUFMAN, LANDAU
22361271600338EliaszBRONIATOWSKIunknown & Jentla KaufmanKAUFMAN26 Oct 1924, LipokWith mother JentlaBRONIATOWSKI, KAUFMAN
2301928428360JozefROZENBERGLajzer Lejb & Perla LandauLANDAU24 Aug 1878, CzestochowaFactory ownerAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302028428360Frajda FrymetaGOLDRATROZENBERGLejb & Malka SzamaSZAMA15 Mar 1873, PraszkaDied 15 Jun 1921, akt 142AMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302128428360SzamaROZENBERGJozef & Frajda Frymeta GoldratGOLDRAT16 Mar 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302228428360RajzlaROZENBERGJozef & Frajda Frymeta GoldratGOLDRAT26 Dec 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302328428360LajzerROZENBERGJozef & Frajda Frymeta GoldratGOLDRAT11 Sep 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302428428360BlimaROZENBERGJozef & Frajda Frymeta GoldratGOLDRAT25 May 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302528428360MajerROZENBERGJozef & Frajda Frymeta GoldratGOLDRAT24 May 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2302628428360FrajdlaAMSTERDAMERROZENBERGLewek & Ruchla ZyserZYSER8 Aug 1878, WancerzowWith husband Jozef; primo voto GlazerGLAZERAMSTERDAMER, GLAZER, GOLDRAT, LANDAU, ROZENBERG, SZAMA, ZYSER
2303628438360MachelROZENBERGLajzer & perla LandauLANDAU31 May 1862, CzestochowaServant at the synagogueEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2303728438360JustynaPFEFERROZENBERGPawel & Gitla EjznerEJZNER-- --- 1863, TruskolasyWith husbandEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2303828438360IdessaROZENBERGMachel & Iska PfeferPFEFER23 Oct 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2303928438360IzraelROZENBERGMachel & Iska PfeferPFEFER19 Feb 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2304028438360Lejzor FajwelROZENBERGMachel & Iska PfeferPFEFER6 Jun 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2304128438360GitlaROZENBERGMachel & Iska PfeferPFEFER19 Apr 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsEJZNER, LANDAU, PFEFER, ROZENBERG
2323028668364JechielREBENSZTOKJoachim & Chaja EksztajnEKSZTAJN25 May 1863, CzestochowaMerchantEKSZTAJN, LANDAU, REBENSZTOK, SZTYBEL
2323128668364RajzlaSZTYBELREBENSZTOKJoachim & Chaja LandauLANDAU27 Dec 1858, ZarkiWith husbandEKSZTAJN, LANDAU, REBENSZTOK, SZTYBEL
2427531482411LejbusLANDAUSzoel Mendel & Ita Rachela GoldbandGOLDBAND13 Aug 1861, OpocznoMerchantALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427631482411Hana NiselALTMANLANDAUFajwusz & Laja OderbergODERBERG18 Jan 1869, RadomskoWith husbandALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427731482411Abram IcekLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN6 Apr 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427831482411RejlaLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN13 Aug 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427931482411Chana GrynaLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2428031482411ChaimLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN13 Jun 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2428131486411Saul MendelLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN25 Dec 1890, CzestochowaTraderALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428231486411CyrlaFRIDELANDAUAbram Luzer & Estera Hendla SzwarcbordSZWARCBORD26 Feb 1883, LeczycaDivorced from Saul 22 Dec 1917ALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428331486411Laja BajlaKRAKLANDAUHersz & Tyla BykowskaBYKOWSKA29 Jul 1892, TurekWith husband Saul; second wifeALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428431486411HenrykLANDAUSaule Mendel & Laja Bajla KrakKRAK9 Mar 1927, KrakowWith parentsALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
24658321140420Moszek ChaimRABINOWICZMajer Hersz & Estera LandauLANDAU30 Jan 1866, RadomskoMerchantLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
24659321140420FrymetaRABINOWICZRABINOWICZPinkus & Estera WekslerWEKSLER17 Apr 1871, KlobuckWith husbandLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
24660321140420HanaRABINOWICZMoszek Chaim & Frymeta RabinowiczRABINOWICZ1 Mar 1890, Zloty PotokWith parentsLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
24661321140420Szyja GerszonRABINOWICZMoszek Chaim & Frymeta RabinowiczRABINOWICZ8 Sep 1898, JanowWith parentsLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
24662321140420GitlaRABINOWICZMoszek Chaim & Frymeta RabinowiczRABINOWICZ27 Apr 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
24663321140420Hersz MajerRABINOWICZMoszek Chaim & Frymeta RabinowiczRABINOWICZ4 Feb 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsLANDAU, RABINOWICZ, WEKSLER
2533635208461WolfSZAJNWEKSLERIzrael & Hendla LandLAND12 Apr 1860, BedzinMerchantALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533735208461MalkaALTMANSZAJNWEKSLERJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1863, PlawnoWith husbandALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533835208461NataliaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN17 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533935208461EugeniaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN15 Feb 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
25365361170480BoruchMAMELOKMajer & Ewa LindLIND12 Oct 1836, PraszkaWidowerLIND, MAMELOK
2550838136461WolfSZAJNWEKSLERIzrael & Hendla LandLAND12 Apr 1860, Bedzin----; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2550938136461MalkaALTMANSZAJNWEKSLERJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1863, PlawnoWith husband; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551038136461SabinaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN8 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551138136461ZdzislawaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551238136461HananiaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN17 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551338136461ChajaREJDERSZAJNWEKSLERAbram Icek & Ewa WajntraubWAJNTRAUB23 Dec 1885, PiotrkowWith husband Dawid; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551438136461Henryk AlfredSZAJNWEKSLERDawid & Chaja RejderREJDER6 Feb 1911, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2553138450480BoruchMAMELOKMajer & Ewa LindLIND12 Oct 1836, PraszkaOwner of a mill; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredLIND, MAMELOK
25568391541532LipmanMARKOWICZJoachim & Ruda BroniatowskaBRONIATOWSKA23 Mar 1870, SlawkowTraderBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25569391541532Gitla PeslaLANDAUMARKOWICZEliasz Jakub & Chana SwiatlowskaSWIATLOWSKA23 Feb 1870, SzczekocinyWith husbandBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25570391541532SzyjaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU23 Jan 1892, SzczekocinyWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25571391541532RuchlaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU19 Mar 1894, SzczekocinyWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25572391541532Sura RywkaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU15 Jan 1900, SzczekocinyWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25573391541532RajzlaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU14 Feb 1901, SzczekocinyWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25574391541532Chaim LejbMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU27 Apr 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25575391541532Alta JachetaMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU27 Apr 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsBRONIATOWSKA, LANDAU, MARKOWICZ, SWIATLOWSKA
25576391542532Abram GerszonMARKOWICZLipman & Gitla Pesla LandauLANDAU27 Jun 1896, Szczekociny----LANDAU, LEWARTOWSKA, MARKOWICZ, PILCEWICZ
25577391542532GitlaPILCEWICZMARKOWICZHerszlik & Maria Rajzla LewartowskaLEWARTOWSKA20 Feb 1894, ZawiercieWith husbandLANDAU, LEWARTOWSKA, MARKOWICZ, PILCEWICZ
25578391542532Eliasz JakubMARKOWICZAbram Gerszon & Gitla PilcewiczPILCEWICZ27 May 1924, ZawiercieWith parentsLANDAU, LEWARTOWSKA, MARKOWICZ, PILCEWICZ
25579391542532Sara ChanaMARKOWICZAbram Gerszon & Gitla PilcewiczPILCEWICZ24 Mar 1926, ZawiercieWith parentsLANDAU, LEWARTOWSKA, MARKOWICZ, PILCEWICZ
25580391542532Estera RudaMARKOWICZAbram Gerszon & Gitla PilcewiczPILCEWICZ24 Feb 1928, ZawiercieWith parentsLANDAU, LEWARTOWSKA, MARKOWICZ, PILCEWICZ
2596245202660JosefLANDAULewek & Ruchla WaksmanWAKSMAN15 Jan 1874, RadomskoTraderGRUCA, GRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2596345202660SuraGRYNFELDLANDAUJakub Fajwel & Chana Hinda RozentalROZENTAL---- 1876, CzestochowaWith husbandGRUCA, GRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2596445202660JakubLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD8 Jan 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsGRUCA, GRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2596545202660MirlaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD22 Dec 1902, CzestochowaGRUCA, GRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2596645202660Aniela WeronikaLANDAUBaruch & Hendla GrucaGRUCA20 Jun 1883, CzestochowaMaidGRUCA, GRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2597545202660JosefLANDAULewek & Ruchla WaksmanWAKSMAN15 Jan 1874, RadomskoTraderGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2597645202660SuraGRYNFELDLANDAUJakub Fajwel & Chana Hinda RozentalROZENTAL---- 1876, CzestochowaWith husbandGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2597745202660JakubLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD8 Jan 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2597845202660MirlaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD22 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2597945202660JudaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD8 Apr 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2598045202660Chana RuchlaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD9 Aug 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2598145202660ChajaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD19 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2598245202660Wolf HirszLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD20 Apr 1916, RadomskoWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2598345202660FajglaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD7 Jul 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN
2598445202660PerlaLANDAUJosef & Sura GrynfeldGRYNFELD30 Jul 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsGRYNFELD, LANDAU, ROZENTAL, WAKSMAN

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Religious Association, Register of members of the board (26 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupation
10006Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5surv 11-D55N5/DSC00093.JPGRegister of members of the board6Chil-MachelLANDAU15 May 1905Dawid-Herszliklocksmith, key makerlocksmith, key maker

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
10450LANDA36, 117 
10452LANDAU4, 83, 84, 160, 335, 357, 377 
10455BernardLANDAU19, 30 
10458HaimLANDAUiii, 152 
10459JosefLANDAU107, 108 
10461Segal GershonLANDAU104 
10464Shmuel-RaphaelLANDAU24, 50, 86 
10466Wolf and HindeLANDAU108 
10467YehielLANDAU185, 252 
10468YerzshiLANDAU47, 48, 54, 59 

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10569Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10928www.crarg.org/i…928-BU0jTn.pdfWINER, LANDAUE WinerWINERN.P Marii 28Medical certificate issued by Winer
10570Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10928www.crarg.org/i…928-BU0jTn.pdfWINER, LANDAUMendel LandauLANDAUOrlicz-Dreszera 5 St.Son Henryk plus two others not namedCertificate states that the Landau family deserve support and care.
11809Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20639www.crarg.org/i…639-mKoPpm.pdfKOZMINSKA, WAJSMAN, LANDAU[no given name] KozminskaKOZMINSKAKozminska issued an order
11810Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20639www.crarg.org/i…639-mKoPpm.pdfKOZMINSKA, WAJSMAN, LANDAUUszer WajsmanWAJSMANWajsman is to be released
11811Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20639www.crarg.org/i…639-mKoPpm.pdfKOZMINSKA, WAJSMAN, LANDAU[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau is the name of a company
12413Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKIFajgla HelbergHELBERGShop: Warszawska 5Helberg’s shop was sealed
12414Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKIMoszek PukaczPUKACZShop: Warszawska 35Pukacz’ shop was sealed
12415Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKIWolf LandauLANDAUShop: Warszawska 37Landau’s shop was sealed
12416Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKIJankiel GilterGILTERShop: Daszynskiego 13Gilter’s shop is to be sealed
12417Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKI[no given name] KacKACKac was sent to seal shop 4
12418Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKI[no given name] BratmanBRATMANBratman was sent to seal shop 4
12419Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKI[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist sealed shops 1, 2 and 3
12420Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKI[no given name] OpatowskiOPATOWSKIOpatowski sealed shops 1, 2 and 3
12421Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20691www.crarg.org/i…691-Qs6eoN.pdfHELBERG, PUKACZ, LANDAU, GILTER, KAC, BRATMAN, EDELIST, OPATOWSKI, OPTOWSKI[no given name] OptowskiOPTOWSKIOptowski sealed shops 1, 2 and 3
13257Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] KurlandKURLANDKurland was sent to carry out the order
13258Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] BodzechowskiBODZECHOWSKIBodzechowski was sent to carry out the order
13259Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] RajcherRAJCHERRajcher was sent to carry out the order
13260Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERZysman MendlewiczMENDLEWICZDreszera 9Mendlewicz was brought to work (see image 0766)
13261Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERWolf LandauLANDAUWarszawska 37Landau was brought to work (see image 0766)
13262Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERHerszlik SztulSZTULKatedralna 13Sztul was absent so could not be brought to work (see image 0766)
13263Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERJakub SzwarcSZWARCWarszawska 34Szwarc was brought to work (see image 0766)
13264Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERJakub WajnrybWAJNRYBKatedralna 12It is unclear if Wajnryb was brought to work or not (see image 0766)
13265Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERGerszon GotainerGOTAINERWilsona 34Gotainer was absent so could not be brought to work (see image 0766)
13266Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERIzrael SzajnwekslerSZAJNWEKSLERGaribalgiego 21It is unclear if Szajnweksler was brought to work or not (see image 0766)
13267Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERAbram SztulSZTULPrzemysłowa 2Sztul a was brought and then released (see image 0766)
13269Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] KurlandKURLANDKurland was sent to carry out the order (see image 0765)
13270Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] BodzechowskiBODZECHOWSKIBodzechowski was sent to carry out the order (see image 0765)
13271Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLER[no given name] RajcherRAJCHERRajcher was sent to carry out the order (see image 0765)
13272Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERZysman MendlewiczMENDLEWICZDreszera 9Mendlewicz was brought to work (see image 0766)
13273Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERWolf LandauLANDAUWarszawska 37Landau was brought to work (see image 0766)
13274Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERHerszlik SztulSZTULKatedralna 13Sztul was absent so could not be brought to work (see image 0766)
13275Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERJakub SzwarcSZWARCWarszawska 34Szwarc was brought to work (see image 0766)
13276Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERJakub WajnrybWAJNRYBKatedralna 12It is unclear if Wajnryb was brought to work or not (see image 0766)
13277Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERGerszon GotainerGOTAINERWilsona 34Gotainer was absent so could not be brought to work (see image 0766)
13278Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERIzrael SzajnwekslerSZAJNWEKSLERGaribalgiego 21It is unclear if Szajnweksler was brought to work or not (see image 0766)
13279Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20766www.crarg.org/i…766-nh8d0l.pdfKURLAND, BODZECHOWSKI, RAJCHER, MENDLEWICZ, LANDAU, SZTUL, SZWARC, WAJNRYB, GOTAINER, SZAJNWEKSLERAbram SztulSZTULPrzemysłowa 2Sztul a was brought and then released (see image 0766)
13305Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfLANDAU, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau was released from prison
13306Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfLANDAU, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz (see image 0769) signed the report
13308Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20769www.crarg.org/i…769-gnZ69Y.pdfLANDAU, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau was released from prison (see image 0768)
13309Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20769www.crarg.org/i…769-gnZ69Y.pdfLANDAU, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz signed the report
14532Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECKJoachim WajzmanWAJZMANWork: Kosciuszki 12Wajzman works at the address
14533Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] TranwelbTRANWELBAn order was issued to bring Tranwelb to District 1
14534Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] KongreckiKONGRECKIPrzemysłowa 9Kongrecki was not at home
14535Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] LandauLANDAUKrotka 14Landau was taken to “Wulkan”
14536Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] HeinhandelHEINHANDELHeinhandel was sent to bring some people to District 1
14537Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] KaufmanKAUFMANKaufman was sent to bring some people to District 1
14538Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] BorowieckiBOROWIECKIBorowiecki was sent to bring some people to District 1
14539Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJZMAN, TRANWELB, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, HEINHANDEL, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, KONGRECK[no given name] KongreckKONGRECKPrzemysłowa 9Kongreck was not at home
14540Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] WajmanWAJMANWajman will report to the company on his own
14541Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] KongreckiKONGRECKIKongrecki will report to the company on his own
14542Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau was taken to the “Wulkan” company
14543Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20856www.crarg.org/i…856-SQgdgi.pdfWAJMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] KacKACKac brought one of the men to the “Wulkan” company
14562Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfWAJZMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] WajzmanWAJZMANWajzman will report to his worksite
14563Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfWAJZMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] KongreckiKONGRECKIKongrecki will report to his workstie
14564Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfWAJZMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau was taken to his worksite
14565Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20857www.crarg.org/i…857-l3BOQv.pdfWAJZMAN, KONGRECKI, LANDAU, KAC[no given name] KacKACKac took the man to his worksite
14766Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKILeon LandauLANDAU13 forced laborers were delivered to Landau
14767Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] GrittmanGRITTMANGrittman was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14768Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] SwifeldSWIFELDSwifield was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14769Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] ElfertELFERTElfert was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14770Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14771Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] LetmanLETMANLetman was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14772Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20878www.crarg.org/i…878-4XowK1.pdfLANDAU, GRITTMAN, SWIFELD, ELFERT, RAFALOWICZ, LETMAN, TREMBACKI[no given name] TrembackiTREMBACKITrembacki was sent to bring some people for forced labor
14815Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKIS SzyferblatSZYFERBLATWarszawska 21Szyferblat’s apartment was sealed
14816Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKIM LandauLANDAUWarszawska 21Landau’s apartment was sealed
14817Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKIB HauptmanHAUPTMANJoselewicza 7Hauptman’s apartment was sealed
14818Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKIA KrymanKRYMANJoselewicza 7Kryman’s apartment was sealed
14819Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKI[no given name] SzyffSZYFFSzyff sealed an apartment
14820Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKI[no given name] PrzyrowskiPRZYROWSKIPrzyrowski sealed an apartment
14821Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20883www.crarg.org/i…883-9OYLPu.pdfSZYFERBLAT, LANDAU, HAUPTMAN, KRYMAN, SZYFF, PRZYROWSKI, BUKOWSKI[no given name] BukowskiBUKOWSKIBukowski sealed two apartments
14860Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20888www.crarg.org/i…888-DJcAsg.pdfLANDAU[no given name] LandauLANDAU5 forced laborers were delivered to Landau
14936Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20894www.crarg.org/i…894-ClTFN3.pdfLANDAU, SZTAJER, DAB, FRYDMAN[no given name] LandauLANDAU6 forced labourers were taken to Landau
14937Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20894www.crarg.org/i…894-ClTFN3.pdfLANDAU, SZTAJER, DAB, FRYDMAN[no given name] SztajerSZTAJER5 forced labourers were taken to Sztajer
14938Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20894www.crarg.org/i…894-ClTFN3.pdfLANDAU, SZTAJER, DAB, FRYDMAN[no given name] DabDABDab took some forced workers to Hasag-Rakow
14939Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20894www.crarg.org/i…894-ClTFN3.pdfLANDAU, SZTAJER, DAB, FRYDMAN[no given name] FrydmanFRYDMANFrydman took some forced workers to Hasag-Rakow
15043Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20903www.crarg.org/i…903-W0ip0e.pdfPOHORILLE, LANDAU, KOHN[no given name] PohorillePOHORILLEA person was taken to Dt Pohorille’s office
15044Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20903www.crarg.org/i…903-W0ip0e.pdfPOHORILLE, LANDAU, KOHNSura LandauLANDAUWarszawska 21Landau was taken to the doctor’s
15045Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20903www.crarg.org/i…903-W0ip0e.pdfPOHORILLE, LANDAU, KOHN[no given name] KohnKOHNKohn took the person to the doctor’s
15667Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfKUZMINSKA, WYGODZKI, LANDAU, POLEC[no given name] KuzminskaKUZMINSKAKuzminska ordered that 3 people be assigned to the group of workers going to Cracow
15668Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfKUZMINSKA, WYGODZKI, LANDAU, POLECSzmul WygodzkiWYGODZKIB. Joselewicza 10,Wygodski was assigned to the group of workers going to Cracow
15669Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfKUZMINSKA, WYGODZKI, LANDAU, POLECJakub LandauLANDAUGarncarska 10Landau was assigned to the group of workers going to Cracow
15670Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfKUZMINSKA, WYGODZKI, LANDAU, POLECRafal PolecPOLECJoselewicza 1Polec was assigned to the group of workers going to Cracow
15842Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAUHersz DrachmanDRACHMANDrachman is to be handed over to the foreman
15843Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAUAbram GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg is to be handed over to the foreman
15844Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] GelbardGELBARDGelbard is crossed out
15845Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] GliklichGLIKLICHGliklich is to be handed over to the foreman
15846Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAULewek KuraKURAKura is to be handed over to the foreman
15847Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau is the foreman to whom the people are to be passed
16572Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40473www.crarg.org/i…473-ZGC8es.pdfLANDAUJonas LandauLANDAU16 Aug 1875Najświętszej Marii Panny 11 StLandau reported the theft of some sheets (see also image 0474)
16574Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40474www.crarg.org/i…474-rBZ4uP.pdfLANDAUJonas LandauLANDAU16 Aug 1875Najświętszej Marii Panny 11 StLandau reported the theft of some sheets (see also image 0473)
16689Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40484www.crarg.org/i…484-OjD4Tn.pdfKON, FISPAN, NEUFELD, LANDAUSzymon KonKONKon was sent to move a man out of an apartment
16690Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40484www.crarg.org/i…484-OjD4Tn.pdfKON, FISPAN, NEUFELD, LANDAUAbram FispanFISPANFisban was sent to move a man out of an apartment
16691Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40484www.crarg.org/i…484-OjD4Tn.pdfKON, FISPAN, NEUFELD, LANDAU[no given name] NeufeldNEUFELDPrzemysłowa 13/15Neufeld was moved out of the apartment at the address
16692Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40484www.crarg.org/i…484-OjD4Tn.pdfKON, FISPAN, NEUFELD, LANDAU[no given name] LandauLANDAUPrzemysłowa 13/15The apartment at the address was Landau’s
17601Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40557www.crarg.org/i…557-1fBiEq.pdfLANDAU, SAMSONOWICZSzaja LandauLANDAUGaribaldiego 21 St.Landau reported that a man had taken money in payment for coke but not supplied the coke
17602Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40557www.crarg.org/i…557-1fBiEq.pdfLANDAU, SAMSONOWICZJosek SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZWarszawska 13Samsonowicz was accused of taking the woman’s money and not supplying the coke
18580Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40645www.crarg.org/i…645-bJfcRB.pdfLANDAUIrene LandauLANDAUWilsona 34 St.Landau reported the disappearance of a child
19005Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40681www.crarg.org/i…681-vEOBgG.pdfLANDAU, ZYSKINDArje Machel LandauLANDAUAleja 6Landau was to pay a fine of 5zł for wearing a beard [see also image 0682]
19006Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40681www.crarg.org/i…681-vEOBgG.pdfLANDAU, ZYSKINDNusem ZyskindZYSKINDNarutowicza 11Zyzkind paid a fine of 5zł for wearing a beard [see also image 0682]
19008Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40682www.crarg.org/i…682-yfEVzK.pdfLANDAU, ZYSKINDArje Machel LandauLANDAUAleja 6Landau was to pay a fine of 5zł for wearing a beard [see also image 0681]
19009Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40682www.crarg.org/i…682-yfEVzK.pdfLANDAU, ZYSKINDNusem ZyskindZYSKINDNarutowicza 11Zyzkind paid a fine of 5zł for wearing a beard [see also image 0681]
19037Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40685www.crarg.org/i…685-ZI9sl7.pdfLANDAUArie LandauLANDAUAleja 6Landau was fined for having a beard
19244Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40707www.crarg.org/i…707-rmelJa.pdfZAJDMAN, GAWRON, LANDAUHersz ZajdmanZAJDMANZajdman found some documents
19245Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40707www.crarg.org/i…707-rmelJa.pdfZAJDMAN, GAWRON, LANDAUGenowefa GawronGAWRONRędzinyThe documents belonged to Gawron
19246Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40707www.crarg.org/i…707-rmelJa.pdfZAJDMAN, GAWRON, LANDAUS LandauLANDAUThe documents included a work pass for Landau’s company
20061Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40785www.crarg.org/i…785-UMsRbS.pdfLANDAUChaim Landau[?]LANDAU[?]Chaim Landau[?] was delivered

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Department in Częstochowa 1940-1944, RG-15.332, syg 626 [H]

-Sort-File No.Case No.Date case commencedPlaintiff(s)Surname from previous columnPlaintiff(s) addressDefendant(s)Surname from previous columnDefendant(s) AddressCase DetailsSurname from previous columnDate Case ConcludedCourt VerdictNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100388_626_0_0_3_127.pdfC 282/4123 Jul 1941Pinkus BraunBRAUNul Garibaldiego 24, CzęstochowaMoszek LandauLANDAUul Garibaldiego 13, CzęstochowaConfirmation of mediation. Plaintiff was claiming 970 zł, plus interest and costs, for as non payment for time worked.3 May 1941Court approves mediation which awarded 970 zł, plus 8% interest to Defendant.  
100628_626_0_0_3_176.pdfC 403/418 Oct 1941Regina ZysserZYSSERul Garibaldiego 15, CzęstochowaChaja LandauLANDAUal. NMP 6, CzęstochowaConfirmation of mediation. Plaintiff was awarded 60 zł, plus interest and costs, as compensation for damage to a felt hat.No document in file to determine further proceedings  

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
10461430D 9440Gierszon LandauLANDAUBuchbindergeselle arbeitslosBookbinder journeyman, unemployedGaribaldiego 1623 Ma? ????  
107383768D 12778Icek Szlama LandauLANDAUFabrikantManufacturerAl. Wolnosci 1922 Apr 194031  
107393769D 12779Chil-Machel LandauLANDAUFabrikantManufacturerN.M. Panny 622 Apr 194031  
110542308H 96357Wolf LandauLANDAUSuesswarenarb.Confectionery workerWarszawska 3722 Apr 194042?  
113871951H 84000Chaim LandauLANDAUUhrmacherWatchmakerWarszawska 2122 Apr 194052  
120321312H 83351Szymon LandauLANDAUSchaftemacher arbeitslosOne who makes the legs of boots; unemployedWarszawska 5022 Apr 19407127 
120921248H 83287Izak LandauLANDAUSchaeftemacherOne who makes the legs of bootsN.M.P. 2122 Apr 19407325 
123203768D 12778Icek Szlama LandauLANDAUFabrikantManufacturerAl. Wolnosci 1922 Apr 194081116 
123213769D 12779Chil-Machel LandauLANDAUFabrikantManufacturerN.M. Panny 622 Apr 194081116 
124613599D 12609Moszek LandauLANDAUFabrikantManufacturerGaribaldi 1322 Apr 194086110 
125553450D 12460Dawid LandauLANDAUSchulerPupilN.M. Panny 2122 Apr 194089106 
127083336D 12346Abram LandauLANDAUSchulerPupilKatedralna 922 Apr 194093102 
127983225D 12235Henryk LandauLANDAUSchulerPupilPilsudskiego 13/1522 Apr 19409699 
130242403D 11413Wolf LandauLANDAUHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperN.M. Panny 1622 Apr 194010474 
131662279D 11289Pinkus LandauLANDAUKleinindustriellerOwner of a small industrial production businessNarutowicza 19/2322 Apr 194010870 
131792292D 11302Nachemiasz LandauLANDAUKaufmannMerchantGaribaldi 2822 Apr 194010870 
132722172D 11182Saul LandauLANDAUHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperPilsudskiego 13/1522 Apr 194011167Handwritten entry
133522093D 11103Gutman LandauLANDAUAngestellterEmployeeKilinski 1622 Apr 194011364 
134421992D 11002Jakob LandoLANDOAngestellter arbeitslosEmployee, unemployedGaribaldi 1422 Apr 194011661 
135291858D 10868Leon LandauLANDAULicealschulerHigh school pupilKilinskiego 1622 Apr 194011957 
13926213/73450D 12460Dawid LandauLANDAUSchulerPupilN.M. Panny 2146 
14040213/233450D 12460Dawid LandauLANDAUSchulerPupilN.M. Panny 2189  
14398D 401Szaja-Mordka LandauLANDAUGaribaldi 219  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10349159817 Jan 1942Szmul-Mordka LandauLANDAU25 Jan 1924PrzyrówPrzemysłowa No. 2JakubChawa née UrbachURBACHWith motherLeaving place of work26 Apr 19426 months prisonReleased 17 Jul 1942; sent to hospital 4 Apr 1942 with several broken bones (lower left leg, right shoulder)   
1036516889 Mar 1942Mordka-Chajm NajfeldNAJFELD6 Oct 1911PiotrkówPrzemysłowa No. 13/15SzmulPessa née MargulewskaMARGULEWSKAWorkerTheft3 months prisonReleased 9 Jun 1942; husband of Chinda née LandauLANDAU 
10445205927 Jun 1942Isaak LandauLANDAU15 Aug 1905RadomskoPrzemysłowa No. 2AbeHinda Estera née KrakowskaKRAKOWSKAMaker of shoe uppersPolitical activityReleased 9 July 1942; husband of Pesa Gołda SzlamkowiczSZLAMKOWICZ 
109893763 (41)43419 Mar 1941Herszlik Lajb LandauLANDAU12 Dec 1919Piłsudskiego No. 23LocksmithNo armband, breach of curfewReleased 7 Apr 1941   

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10003Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.2Itta LandoLANDOLodz 
10098Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.6Szoel LandauLANDAUBlachownia 
10215Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.14Jakub LandauLANDAUPabianice 
10324Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.28Frymeta LandauLANDAURadomsko 
11189Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.101Rena LandauLANDAUKrakow 

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993 (947 surnames) [H]

-Sort-Surname or maiden name (of any person, Jewish or not Jewish)Page numberNotes (photo noted by indexer of pages i-176)

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993, Yiddish portion (421 entries) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Other surnameYearCity or townField of interestOther informationAdditional surname
1010440Rabi YehudaLANDOI / LANDAURabbi; ancestor of Rabbi N. Asz on mother's sideASZ
1012345I.LANDAUReligious board of Tchentochov (in photograph)  

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, various pages (395 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthAgeFatherMotherOccupationOccupation (translated)Current jobCurrent job (translated)AddressRegional page headerRegional page header (translated)L.p. (seq # on left)Comments
10069("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5Chil - MachelLANDAU15 May 1905DawidHerszlikSlusarzLocksmithSlusarzLocksmithWykaz Czlonkow ZarzaduRegistry of members of management6 

Częstochowa: Index to Khurbn Czenstochow, 1949; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Czestochowa2/Czestochowa2.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/4de5b690-6928-0133-6348-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Page number
10055Itshe LandauLANDAU117

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa EXPANDED [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsPagePersonSurname(s) from previous column [r#]Persons listed in complete articleSurname(s) from previous columnSurname(s) from previous column, without diacritical marksNotes (not written by researcher)
10048For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf170Abram FryszerFRYSZERParents Jakub & Fajga z Moszkowiczów; wife Gitla Wasserman (her parents Arie Lajb & Zosia z Landau); daughter Halina FryszerMOSZKOWICZÓW / MOSZKOWICZ, WASSERMAN, LANDAU, FRYSZERMOSZKOWICZOW / MOSZKOWICZ, WASSERMAN, LANDAU, FRYSZER 
10049For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf170Mordka FryszerFRYSZERParents Jakub & Fajga   
10082For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf174Izrael KaufmanKAUFMAN    
10083For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf174Moszek KaufmanKAUFMANParents Symcha Binem (his parents Herszlik & Laia z Landau) & Gitla z Bocianów (her parents Szymon & Chaia Sura z Daniłowiczów); siblings Szymon (his wife Laja z Weksztajnów (her parents Icka & Dwojra Jacheta z Granek vel Środa), Jentla Laja, Mordka Jakub, Izrael Aron, Golda, Chaja SuraLANDAU, BOCIANÓW / BOCIAN, DANIŁOWICZÓW / DANIŁOWICZ, WEKSZTAJNÓW / WEKSZTAJN, GRANEK, ŚRODALANDAU, BOCIANOW / BOCIAN, DANILOWICZOW / DANILOWICZ, WEKSZTAJNOW / WEKSZTAJN, GRANEK, SRODA 
10097For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf176Jakub Hersz LandoLANDOParents Aszer & Rajzla z Hammerów (her parents Abram Mordka & Chaia Sura z Hochermanów); son Jehoszua LandoHAMMERÓW / HAMMER, HOCHERMANÓW / HOCHERMAN, LANDOHAMMEROW / HAMMER, HOCHERMANOW / HOCHERMAN, LANDO 
10127For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf179Jakub RajcherRAJCHERParents Dawid & Perla; wife Jacheta Landau (her parents Moszka Landaua & Ruchla); siblings: Mordka, Karolina, Jadwiga FalkLANDAU, FALKLANDAU, FALK 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsSurname from previous column [r#]
10223For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfLANDAU
10224For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfLANDAU
10225For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfLANDAU
10226For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfLANDO
10227For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfLANDO

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
10146119D 11289PinkusLANDAUFabrikeinrichtungEquipment of a factory22 Apr 19406213/6 
10363901H 96357WolfLANDAUEinrichtung einer SuesswarenwerkstattEquipment of workshop of sweets22 Apr 194016213/6 
104791016H 96594WolfLANDAUWerkzeug eines Hutmachers u. 1 NaehmaschineTools of hat maker and 1 sewing machine22 Apr 194020213/6 

Częstochowa: lists of abandoned properties in Częstochowa, syg 29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071873 (part of: District Liquidation Office in Kielce - tinyurl.com/3awprebr) [H]

-Sort-DetailsDetails in PolishImage file nameOrder numberStreetHouse numberProperty typePersonSurname from previous columnGroupRe-privatizedDelivered to the City Council.RemarksNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
10009LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_4_56153424.jpg9.Aleja N.M.Panny11house [Polish: dom]Jakub Landau and others [Polish: i inni]LANDAUP100%[blank]   
10115LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_6_56153422.jpg113.Garibaldiego13house [Polish: dom]Moszek Landau and others [Polish: i inni]LANDAUP[blank]29 Mar 1946   
10167LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_7_56153425.jpg164.Gersona[blank]place [Polish: plac]LandauLANDAUP[blank]4 Jul 1946   
10262LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_9_56153427.jpg257.Koscielna65/71place [Polish: plac]Herman and LandauHERMAN, LANDAUP[blank]10 May 1946   
10330LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_10_56153428.jpg324.Mehofera[blank]place [Polish: plac]Wolfowicz and LandauWOLFOWICZ, LANDAUP[blank]10 May 1946   
10392LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_11_56153430.jpg385.Narutowicza19/23house [Polish: dom]Daniel Landau and others [Polish: i inni]LANDAUP100%[blank]   
10448LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_12_56153431.jpg440.Piastowska119place [Polish: plac]Chaja-Sura LandauLANDAUP[blank]2 Apr 1946   
10735LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_18_56153437.jpg721.Wilsona44/52place [Polish: plac]Rozalia Landau and others [Polish: i inni]LANDAUP[blank][blank]   

Częstochowa: Permission for Jews to Register; Często Arch, syg 9060 (150 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageFamily notes (not written by researcher)PersonSurname [r#]Came fromOther informationNotes (not written by researcher)
1003453Szoel LandauLANDAUBlachownia  
1003553Laja LandauLANDAUBlachownia  

Częstochowa: permits for Jews to register in Częstochowa 1940; place listed at the top of each page: Tschenstochau [Częstochowa]; total number of pages: 278; USHMM, RG-15.301; syg 13796 [H]

-Sort-Page in PDFDate at topIf letter, addressed to whomSurname(s) from previous columnIf letter, from whomSurname(s) from previous columnTextSurname from previous columnNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10064647 / 12 Feb 1940I. Bejrys Szwarchar; II. Registry officeSZWARCHARCity CaptainContinuation of letter 63 (further family details): Jacheta Szwarchar, née Landau, born 7 Sep 1915 in Bendzin [Będzin]. Anna Szwarchar, born 25 Jan 1940 in Częstochowa. I. Copy of letter 63; II. Copy to Registry officeSZWARCHAR, NÉE LANDAU   
100777719 Feb 1940City CaptainCouncil of Elders on behalf of family Landau, Pilsudski 13/15, case number 27LANDAURequest permission to reside in Częstochowa: After our apartment in Blachownia near Częstochowa was appropriated, we were forced to come to Częstochowa. We are registered with the Council of Elders No.101. Szoel-Mandel and Laja-Bajla Landau together with 13 year-old son Henryk and 11 year-old daughter Rachela. Addendum addressed to Council of Elders: You should question the applicant to find out who appropriated his previous apartment.LANDAU   
10078787 Mar 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersResponse to addendum in Letter 77. Laja-Bajla Landau explains: until the outbreak of war I lived in Blachownia near Częstochowa in the house of Jan Matuszewski. After a brief absence occasioned by the war, I returned and found my apartment empty. This forced me to leave for Częstochowa. Addendum to City Captain: Re Case No. 27: Resubmitted after questioning. Signed, Chairman of Council of Elders. I.) To Szoel-Mandel Landau, Request for residence in Częstochowa granted. Present this letter to the Registry office.; II.) Copy to Registry officeMATUSZEWSKI, LANDAU   

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
12439Hasag-A3/0245.tifHasag-B3/0241.tif2438.AbramLANDAU191516 Feb 1915LodzLodzCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)944 
12440Hasag-A3/0246.tifHasag-B3/0242.tif2439.BasiaLANDAU192425 May 1924SandomierzSandomierzSkarzysko-Kambez zawoduwith no profession4423 
12441Hasag-A3/0247.tifHasag-B3/0243.tif2440.CwilLANDAU190515 May 1905PrzyrowCzestochowaCzestochowagalwanizatorgalvanizer2339 
12442Hasag-A3/0248.tifHasag-B3/0244.tif2441.DoraLANDAU191729 Dec 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)184 
12443Hasag-A3/0249.tifHasag-B3/0245.tif2442.FelaLANDAU19155 Oct 1915CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)1349 
12444Hasag-A3/0250.tifHasag-B3/0246.tif2443.FraniaLANDAU191115 Jun 1911PrzyrowPrzyrowCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1369 
12445Hasag-A3/0251.tifHasag-B3/0247.tif2444.GerszonLANDAU190727 Dec 1907CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith177 
12446Hasag-A3/0252.tifHasag-B3/0248.tif2445.HankaLANDAU191015 Nov 1910Nowy KorczynNowy KorczynSkarzysko-Kamkrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)4048 
12447Hasag-A3/0253.tifHasag-B3/0249.tif2446.JakubLANDAU190722 Nov 1907KonskieKonskieCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1422 
12448Hasag-A3/0254.tifHasag-B3/0250.tif2447.JozefLANDAU192112 Dec 1921CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)105 
12449Hasag-A3/0255.tifHasag-B3/0251.tif2448.KiwaLANDAU192310 Jan 1923LodzLodzLodzdziewiarzknitter (maker of table-cloths and other things with a crochet needle) (male)3299 
12450Hasag-A3/0256.tifHasag-B3/0252.tif2449.LubaLANDAU191620 Jan 1916Skarzysko-KamSkarzysko-KamSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)5493 
12451Hasag-A3/0257.tifHasag-B3/0253.tif2450.MordkaLANDAU19241 Sep 1924Czestochowarobotnikworker (male)2450 
12452Hasag-A3/0258.tifHasag-B3/0254.tif2451.ReniaLANDAU19237 Dec 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2585 
12453Hasag-A3/0259.tifHasag-B3/0255.tif2452.WolfLANDAU191322 Apr 1913CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith1893 

Częstochowa: questionnaires of Jews from Częstochowa, 25 Sep 1940, National Archives in Kraków, syg 55; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14603000 [H]

-Sort-Page headerImage filePage number (in upper corner)Order numberPersonSurname [r#]Date of birthAddress- a/ previousAddress - b/ currentType of pension to which entitledInstitution disbursing pensionAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement plus business numberOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10039List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_7_56782091.jpg1123Mordka Dawid LandeLANDE13 Jan 1867Nadrzeczna 90Senatorska 16Retirement fundZaklad .....zl 60.00    

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM film 5 (images 0001-0840); see original images for more information; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberSyg.Date "Daty skrajne"PersonSurname from previous column [r#]ParentsMother's maiden nameNumber(s) on title pageGroupDate of birthSpouse given nameSpouse surnameSpouse birth dateSpouse's parentsMaiden name of spouse's motherMarriage date of person and spousePlace, date on document with tabular family infoChild(ren) of person and spouseAddress of person and spouseTypist: comments and other infoTypist: additional other infoSurname or maiden name from previous column
10039Rada5/0368.tif-Rada5/0380.tif213/641 Aug 1942Jakob-Hersz LandoLANDOAszer & Chana-RajzlaHAMMERAkta Osobiste Nr. ew. 208; K88P; 25----28 Dec 1901Ita / IttaHEJMAN3 Nov 1902Abram-Mordka & Chaja-SuraHOCHERMANCzestochowa, 29 Mar 1936; marrige akt 94Czestochowa, 1 Mar 1942Jehoszua, born 26 Oct 1938 in Lodz, akt 1128 for year 1939Garibaldiego 14, Czestochowa   
10057Rada5/0549.tif-Rada5/0558.tif213/801 Aug 1942Jakob / Jakub RajcherRAJCHERDavid & Perla----Akta Osobiste Nr. ew. 202; 5; 25----2 Aug 1914JachetaLANDAU24 Apr 1919Moszek & Ruchla--------Czestochowa, 1 Aug 1942NoneGaribaldiego 13, Czestochowa   

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10134Rada1/0047.tifIcekLANDAUPolish text contains a list of 6 namesMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
10361Rada1/0281.tifIcekLANDAU16 names appear in Polish textMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11278Rada1/0928.tifLANDAUDocument in PolishPerhaps a medical certificate 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
15322Rada2/0691.tif3928 - 3WolfLANDAUWarszawska 37Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15777Rada2/0766.tif4137 - 2WolfLANDAUWarszawska 37Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16445Rada2/0856.tif4392 - 3LANDAUKrotka 14   
16551Rada2/0877.tif4457 - 2M.LANDAUWarszawska 21   
16591Rada2/0883.tif4476 - 2MLANDAUWarszawska 21   
16727Rada2/0903.tif4535Sura?LANDAUWarszawska 21Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
155520654.tif.pdfJudaKLEINMANResides on Warszawska St. 1; a Ghetto policeman was dispatched to his home to revoke his pass; he advised the policeman that he had already turned his pass over to Landau (on Aleja 1)LANDAUcontinues on the next page (0656.tif.pdf);
158530691.tif.pdfWolfLANDAUFollowing an order of the Elders' Council and the supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district, on 7 Jul 1942 his store located on Warszawska St. 37 was sealed  
164460766.tif.pdfWolfLANDAUResides on Warszawska St. 37; on 17 Jul 1942, following a request of the Elders’ Council, dept. of forced labor and an order of the supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district, was escorted to his place of labor  
173080856.tif.pdfLANDAUResides on Krótka St. 14; following an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct, on 31 Jul 1942 was escorted labor at Wulkan firm, located on Tartakowa St. 14;  
174760877.tif.pdfM.LANDAUResides on Warszawska St. 21;  
174930878.tif.pdfLeonLANDAUBrigadier [foreman];  
175290883.tif.pdfM.LANDAUResides on Warszawska St. 21; on 4 Aug 1942 following an order of the Truehandschaft fuer den Juden u. herrenlosen...Long entry, split into two cells
175300883.tif.pdfM.LANDAU...Haus u. Grundbesitz [the trusteeship of abandoned property and real estate] located on Aleja 41, his apartment was sealed by a Ghetto policeman;Long entry, split into two cells
175730888.tif.pdfLANDAUBrigadier [work detail supervisor]; following a request of the Jewish Council and an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of the Ghetto police, 13 policemen were...Long entry, split into two cells
175740888.tif.pdfLANDAU...dispatched on the night between 4 and 5 Aug 1942 to round up 17 laborers who did not report for work in Rakow (Hasag) and deliver them to his disposition at the corner of Fabryczna and Dreszer Streets;;Long entry, split into two cells
176340894.tif.pdfLANDAUBrigadier [detail supervisor] in Hasag-Rakow;  
177070903.tif.pdfSuraLANDAUResides on Warszawska St. 21; following a request of the Jewish Council and an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct was escorted to the Council's office;  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
143940473.tifJonasLANDAUBorn on 16 Aug 1875; resides on Maria St. 11; reported that between 1-3 pm his laundry that was hanging to dry was stolen from his attic.Part of the information on the following page
148830557.tifSzajaLANDAUResides on Garibaldi St. 21; reported that he has bought 10 meters of ... [?] and gave 200zl a payment of account, but has never received the merchandise and the seller kept his money.  
148840557.tifJoselSAMSONOWICZResides on Warszawska St. 13; was accused by a customer of cheating him out of 200zl.LANDAU 
150110577.tifWolfLANDEFollowing an order received by phone from the Bezirks Wache to deliver 2 Jews, having their hair cut and shaven. On 30 Aug 1941, at noon, patroller Bankier escorted him to the Bezirks Wache.BANKIER 
153680645.tifFrena? / Irena?LANDAUResides on Wilson St. 34; reported that her child, 3 years old, named Teresa, disappeared from near Aleja 12. The girl is blond dressed in a dark blue coat and a red cap. Later, the mother reported that the child had been found.  
155980682.tifArje MachelLANDAUResides on Aleja 6; following an order of a German police officer, was fined for wearing a beard; his identification card was confiscated.  
156130685.tifArjeLANDAUResides on Aleja 6; was find 25.50 zl for wearing a beard.  
157150707.tifHerszZAJDMANGhetto policeman; reported that on 22 Oct 1941 he had found lost documents belonging to Genowefa Gawron. [Kohn P.P]GAWRON; KOHN, LANDAU 

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1008313384.Marienallee 11Landau u. [and] ZylbersteinLANDAU, ZYLBERSTEIN32HoschowskiHOSCHOWSKI“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10749Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county10, 1115Ostrowy, Dźbów district single storey brick building 8-rooms surface area c.1075 sq.m.Dawid BerlinerblauBERLINERBLAUProperty sold to Janina Koyk by the heirs of Wolf Osser Landau & Gitla vel Guta vel Gustawa Markowicz; "p"Property sale may have occurred in 1957; "p" possibly means abandoned; further documents concerning this property can be found in Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 144 available on requestLANDAU, MARKOWICZ 
11215Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 178Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Przyrów District 1945-50229-235ul. Krakowska, Przyrów hip No.499/III formerly No.21 Przyrów part-built plotBoruch Zeligman, Sura-Rywka Zeligman née Markowicz vel MarkiewiczZELIGMAN, MARKOWICZ, MARKIEWICZRequest for 1/2 share of property by Ałta-Jacheta Markowicz sister of Sura-Rywka granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 3 Sep 1946; owners died during WWII; Ałta-Jacheta daughter of Litman Markowicz & Gitla-Pessa née Landau born 27 Apr 1908 Częstochowa; Boruch Zeligman son of Josek & Blejwa née Altman born 5 Mar 1898 married Sura-Rywka daughter of Litman & Gitla-Pessa née Landau born 15 Jan 1900 on 9 Jul 1930 CzęstochowaMARKOWICZ, LANDAU, ZELIGMAN, ALTMAN 

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100032315 JanItta LandoLANDO3 Nov 19021przy mężuwith husbandŁódźGaribaldiego 1421 Jan 1940  
1010564324 JanSzoel-Mendel LandauLANDAU24 Dec 18903urzędnikclerkBlachowniaPiłsudskieg 13/15 [Piłsudskiego 13/15]29 Jan 1940  
10229142915 FebJakub LandauLANDAU31 May 18992tkaczweaverPabianiceGarnc. 10 [Garncarska 10]19 Feb 1940  
10520283914 MarFrymeta LandauLANDAUlat [age] 436przy mężuwith husbandRadomskoWarszawska 5018 Mar 1940  
114551013138010 SepRena LandauLANDAU19031przy mężuwith husbandPrzemyślAleja 2314 Sep 1940  

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
111084030.[not listed]1942[not listed]Fanny LandauLANDAU[not listed][not listed][not listed]KrakauDreszera 38 Jun 1942   
111474230.424/4219424 Jun 1942Fanny LandauLANDAU2 Aug 1888-[not listed]bezwithoutKrakówDreszera 38 Jun 1942   
11187455.[not listed]1942[not listed]Abram LandauLANDAU[not listed]1[not listed]WarschauStary Rynek 1425 May 1942   
11244495.344/42194219 May 1942Abram Awigdor LandauLANDAU10 Sep 1924Aron 15 Nov 1925[not listed]bez zawoduwithout professionWarszawaStary Rynek 1425 May 1942   
11351557.[not listed]1942[not listed]Perla LandauLANDAU[not listed][not listed]-[not listed]LęczycaDreszera 1011 May 1942   
11365577.297 / 4219426 May 1942Perla LandauLANDAU28 Dec 1919-[not listed]bezwithoutŁęczycaDreszera 1011 May 1942   
113875915.267 / 42194223 Apr 1942Krajndla LandauLANDAU16 Jun 1905-[not listed]bezwithoutCmielówSt. Rynek 14[not listed]   
114456034.[not listed]1942[not listed]Chil-Dawid LandauLANDAU[not listed][not listed]3[not listed]WarschauNadrzeczna 9030 Apr 1942   
114616050.[not listed]1942[not listed]Krajndla LandauLANDAU[not listed][not listed]-[not listed]CmielówStary Rynek 1430 Apr 1942   
115566434.251 / 42194221 Apr 1942Chil Dawid LandauLANDAU16 Sept 1901Sura 21 Jun 1901, Gołda-Laja 7 May 1923, Perla-Blima 20 Jan 1928tkaczweaverWarszawaNadrzeczna 90    
116927412.[not listed]194217 Mar 1942Jakub LandoLANDO28 Dec 1901Uszer & Chana[not listed][not listed]Garibaldiego 1427 Mar 194230 Dec 1939  
11873112161611194117 May 1941Lena LandauLANDAU10 Nov 1915-biuralistkaclerk (female)KrakówN.M. Panny 6[no date at bottom of page]   

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments
11330241340Abram AbeLANDAU1910Lodz 
11340241351Chil MechelLANDAU1905Przyrow 
11368251380Josek DawidLANDAU1921Przyrow 

Czestochowa Telegrams before or during World War II, American Jewish Archives, folder 277/4 (112 records) [H]

-Sort-Digital fileTownSequential numberSurnameGiven nameOther given nameSurname from previous columnAddressOther informationSurname from previous column
10084DSC00097.jpg-DSC000100.jpgCzestochowa3095LANDAUWolfWarszawska 373096 missing 

Częstochowa: "The Daily Record Sheet of the Jewish Police (District I) in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942," William Glicksman, Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance, VI; see jpg images [H]

-Sort-Page numberDate [r#]Given name(s)SurnameAgeAddressOther identifying personal informationAll surnames in this entry
1002833620 Aug 1941YeshayahuLANDAU21 Garibaldi St.LANDAU, SAMSONOWICZ
1002933620 Aug 1941JosephSAMSONOWICZ13 Warsaw St.LANDAU, SAMSONOWICZ

Częstochowa: two lists of Jews from the 1940s, RG-15.304, syg 12, pages 12 and 17 [H]

-Sort-Letter before this listPage numberSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddress to right of person's nameNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100573 Dec 1940: At present there are 11 Jewish pastry cooks providing the community with sweet pastries. The Council of Elders respectfully requests that the necessary raw materials [i.e. sugar] be supplied to the council, which will then distribute this to the bakeries: 250 kg sugar per month for each bakery, totaling 2750 kg per month177.Wolf LandauLANDAUWarschauerstr. 37 

Częstochowa: ul. Garibaldiego 28 — report to "Citizen Mayor of the City" from the Municipal Department of Administration, executing orders dated 21 Aug 1945, No. 0-4826/I/45, I submit the following report from the inspection of the property at ul. Garibaldiego 28, Municipal Board and Municipal National Council in Częstochowa 1945-1950, RG-15.302, syg 45 [H]

-Sort-Heading before this listPage numberLokal numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons [osoby]Lived for how longLived for how long, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10138List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Wilsona 1864Lokal nr. 13.Renia LandauLANDAU[blank][blank][blank] 

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
10953https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eYosef and Feigl (née Landau) YellenLANDAU, YELLEN
10987https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eYehuda Leib LandauLANDAU
11071https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLeibl LandauLANDAU
11072https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eChana Gitl LandauLANDAU
11659https://www.jew…1/czea006.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLeibl LandoyLANDOY
11764https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eShaul LandaLANDA

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
10755LANDAU139330 - 4
10758LANDAUJ [LANDAU]R' Gerszon14330 - 4
10759LANDAUJ [LANDAU]R' Yehuda113330 - 4
10760LANDAUJ [LANDAU]R' Lejbele15330 - 4
10761LANDAUJ [LANDAU]Severine6330 - 4
10764LANDE154, 158330 - 4

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
10449RozaLANDAUL. JochimekJOCHIMEK279.jpg
10510GustawLANDAULea LandauLANDAU280.jpg
10511MalkaLANDAUGustawLea LandauLANDAU280.jpg
10512JurekLANDAUGostaw and MalkaLea LandauLANDAU280.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name
1160508-tes 1XLVIIILANDAUFeig 
1165008-tes 1LLANDAUYehuda Leib 
1171410-yudXLVIIIJOSKOWICZEliezer Lipman 
1174411-kofLLANDAUYehuda Leib 
1182812-lamedLVLANDAUChana Gitl 

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
1112868BeniaminLANDAU1 May 1893Lipica-GornaHamburg31 Jan 1941  
1112968EljaschLANDAU3 Mar 1910Lodz10 Jan 1945  
1113068HerschLANDAU16 Feb 1908Litzmannstadt28 Mar 1945  
1113168KalmannLANDAU14 Jun 1922Dombrowagrube7 May 1945  
1113268MosesLANDAU18 Mar 1822Lodz10 Jan 1945  
1113368MosesLANDAU24 Feb 1911Litzmannstadt3 Jan 1945  
1113468SamuelLANDAU1 Jun 1905WarschauKauen15 Feb 1945  
1113568SchlamaLANDAU22 Jun 1923Litzmannstadt17 Jan 1945  
1113668Benjamin WolfLANDO16 Dec 1918Lodz14 Oct 1944  
1113768JoszaLANDO28 Apr 1922Lodz21 Feb 1945  

Daleszyce and nearby: Questionnaires of Jews from Daleszyce near Kielce, 19 Nov 1940; Opatów, Opoczno, Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski, Połaniec, Przedbórz, 30 Nov 1940; Radom, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rawa Mazowiecka, 26 Nov 1940, syg 56 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImagePage numberPage headerSection headerOrder numberPersonSurname copied from previous columnDate of birthAddress - previousAddress - presentType of benefitInstitution disbursing benefitAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement, together with business numberNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10102https://www.szu…ostka/1460300129_2125_0_4_56_18_56782128.jpg29RadomGeneral Government [General gouvernement]20Cutla LandauLANDAU1868[blank]Radom, Staromiejska 6Disabled Care [Inwaliden-Versorgung]Main Social Insurance Institute in Warsaw [Hauptanstalt für Sozial Versicherungs Warschau]Zl. 20 monthlyResolution of the main institute for social insurance in Warschau 432-29281 1926/Z [Beschluss der Hauptanstalt für Sozial-Versicherung Warschau 432-29281 1926/Z]  

Eichbordamm, Germany: List no. 2519 from J.D.C Berlin - List of Jews now in the transit home at Berlin-Wittenau, Eichbordamm [Germany], 138/40; American Joint Distribution Committee, 19 rue de Teheran, Paris 8e; Relatives Information Service, 26 Mar 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnBornPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100652Berek LandauLANDAU1 Aug 1901Mlawa / MławaMława added because it seems more likely

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
20733Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"671931995FMinaMAYER, NÉE LANDAUPolognePologneMayer, née Landau (Mina) le 24 septembre 1896 à Bukla (Pologne), décédée le 20 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 15 septembre 1942 à Malines (Belgique)
20736Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1631671994FFajgaLEJZOROWICZ, NÉE LANDEPolognePologneLejzorowicz, née Lande (Fajga) en 1875 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 7 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maidanek (Pologne)
21945Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1631671994FFajgaLEJZOROWICZ, NÉE LANDEPolognePologneLejzorowicz, née Lande (Fajga) en 1875 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 7 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maidanek (Pologne)
25316Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"671931995FMinaMAYER, NÉE LANDAUPolognePologneMayer, née Landau (Mina) le 24 septembre 1896 à Bukla (Pologne), décédée le 20 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 15 septembre 1942 à Malines (Belgique)

France: List of children arriving in France on 8 June 1945 from Buchenwald and other camps and hosted in the Ecouis Children's Home by the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage numberNo.PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10111Only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: 7 Jan 1946, Relatives Information Service4215Bejnisz LandauLANDAU6 Aug 1928Bszezko, Poland  

France: Paris list no. 1162A - Orphan children from Buchenwald now in Paris; only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 24 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberIf x before No.No.PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
101104x214Bejniez LandauLANDAU6 Aug 1928Bezesko / Brzesko, PolandBrzesko added because it seems more likely

Hannover, Germany: Paris list no. 1110, List of Jewish men in Hannover (Part of them in Schützenhaus, Krankenhaus Ricklingen and Josefstift), MLB 26 June 1945; Relatives Information Service, 7 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace [of birth?]Last place of residenceNotes (not by typist)
100883114Bencion/Laibl LandauLANDAU6 Feb 1918LodzLodz 

Hillersleben: Messages from Survivors in Hillersleben, sumitted by World Jewish Congr, 1834 Broadway, NY (102 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberSourceMessage for:Surname(s) from previous columnMessage:Surname(s) from previous columnTypist notes
10034DSC00342.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LINDENBAUM, Abram, Balfourstr. 34 Tel Aviv, Pal.LINDENBAUMRebekka Lindenbaum-Landau at Hillersleben w. her husband Landau Michael-JeremiaszLINDENBAUM-LANDAU 
10091DSC00350.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LINDENBAUM, Abraham, Balfour Str. 34 Tel Aviv, PalestineLINDENBAUMSister Rebeke & husband are together (Michael Landau)LANDAU 

Insurance Policies in Generali (Company) before WWII, Jews in Częstochowa and Radomsko (Alon Goldman, Assoc of Często District Jews in Israel; Adv Erez Berenshtein) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameLast known residenceInsurance company
10017Antoni LeonLANDAUCzęstochowieGenerali

Iran [Persia]: "Polish Refugees in Tehran, 1943," American Jewish Archives, D56, 8 (1675 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageListPage numberGiven name(s)SurnameDate [of birth]Place [of birth]Other informationTypist notes
1034303-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112AdamLANDAU16 Oct 1917Warszawa  
1034403-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112HercLANDAU4 Apr 1936Lezansk  
1034503-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112JoelLANDAU27 Jun 1886Lezansk  
1034603-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112RachelaLANDAU17 May 1932Lezansk  
1034703-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112TaubaLANDAU25 Dec 1896Lezesk  
1034803-DSC00041.JPGLista No. 112ReginaLANDAU29 Mar 1866Krakow  
1082903-DSC00052.JPGLista No. 223EmilLANDAU1927Jaroslaw  

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
103805Jews in Gartelegen [Gardelegen; town in Germany]Benjamin LandauLANDAU[blank][blank]Lodz 
104085Jews in GartelegenBenjamin LandauLANDAULodzDate fo Birth/Age not listed 
1069114Jews in HagenauDavid LandauLANDAU15 Dec 1922Kielce 
1079116Regards from AbroadLanda Ala [survivor]LANDANojech Hirschgal [sends regards "from abroad" to the survivor listed]HIRSCHGALJerusalem 

Jewish Colonial Trust; now at web archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20100606103341/http://www.jct.co.il:80/shareholders.asp; original source: www.jct.co.il/index.html (347 persons) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnCity
10135Bernhard LandauLANDAUCzestokov
10305i.h. Landau,LANDAU,Przyrow

Kielce 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Kielce in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 119-157 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Kielcach za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressAmountNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10576138558Lipman LandauLANDAUSt. Warsz. Przedm. 1875.-- 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): 1935 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnamePermanent resident of...OccupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
11243https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1167_56037493.jpg5 Sep 193512431 Jan 1933Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 2Margula-Mirjam DjamentDJAMENTFemaleChil-Dawid Djament, 32DJAMENTDyna née Landau, 27LANDAUZwoleńMerchantNachma Djament, 54, Bodzent. No. 2, traderDJAMENTLipman Landau, 49, St. W. Przedm. No. 20, traderLANDAUFather is literate; child acknowledged in marriage akt No. 90/1935Marriage certificate included 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): marriage certificates (no witnesses)

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationSurname from previous columnDate of marriageAktTownGroomSurnameGroom's fatherGroom's father's surnameGroom's motherGroom's mother's maiden nameBrideSurnameBride's father's given name, ageBride's father's surnameBride's mother's given name, ageBride's mother's maiden nameOther informationSurname from previous or next columnNotes by typist, translator, or proofer
10050https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_462_56034969.jpgIta-Rajca TaumanTAUMAN15 Dec 1932117KielceIzrael-Hendel TaumanTAUMANJakub-JosekRuchla née LandauLANDAUHudesa RechtRECHTIcek-MajerRajzla née WajnbergWAJNBERG   
10229https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1169_56037496.jpgMargula-Mirjam DjamentDJAMENT3 Sep 193590KielceChil Dawid DjamentDJAMENTNachmanBlima Perla Hercyk née TrajmanHERCYK NÉE TRAJMANDyna LandauLANDAUAbram HerszMargula née ZyskindZYSKINDGroom & bride living in Kielce  

Kielce district: "Surviving Jews in the Kielce District"; World Jewish Congress, no date (2179 persons) [H]

-Sort-TownSequence number in city listPersonSurname from previous columnPresent address [city after war]Year of birthPage of bookComments
10960Ostrowiec99 of 215Jakub LandauLANDAU190811 
11400Radom160 of 309R. LandauLANDAU15 
11401Radom161 of 309A. LandauLANDAU15 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
10848District 2, ward 1, syg 2376, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628985821_122_0_-_2376_20_56023392.jpg19687Chaja LandauLANDAUSienkiewicza6018921930    
10849District 2, ward 1, syg 2376, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628985821_122_0_-_2376_20_56023392.jpg19688Gerszon Fiszel LandauLANDAUSienkiewicza606 Mar 19141934    
12785District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_36_56023570.jpg321433Abram LadowskiLADOWSKIOkrzei230 May 18811922    
12786District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_36_56023570.jpg321434Szlama LandauLANDAUOkrzei210 Jan 18791922    
12787District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_36_56023570.jpg321435Bajla LandauLANDAUOkrzei27 May 18931936    
13305District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_25_56023605.jpg21934Litman Ber LandauLANDAUWarszawska131 Aug 18961932    
13306District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_25_56023605.jpg21935Ruchla LandauLANDAUWarszawska117 Jan 19005 Apr 1938    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
10065https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_74_56025491.jpg1905184/6419 Jun / 2 Jul 1905KielceKielceChinda LandauLANDAUfemaleKielce19 yearsMordka LandauLANDAUEstera Idesa nee RubinRUBIN[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10281https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_308_56025724.jpg1906312/11522 Nov / 1 Dec 1906KielceKielceGersz Majer LandauLANDAUmaleKielce2 yearsSzlama Icek LandauLANDAUCyrla nee KonKON[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10288https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_315_56025731.jpg1906335/12213 / 26 Dec 1906KielceKielceIzrael LandauLANDAUmaleCheciny51Didia LandauLANDAUSura [maiden name not listed]Dwojra [maiden name not listed][not listed][not listed]       
10309https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_20_56025756.jpg191055/161 / 14 Feb 1910KielceKielceJosek LaskaLASKAmaleKielce67Izrael LaskaLASKALibka nee LandauLANDAUwidower[not listed][not listed]       
10457https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_16_56025914.jpg19131122 Jan / 4 Feb 1913KielceKielceMoszek Motel Lando vel LandauLANDO VEL LANDAUmaleKielce50Icek Lando nee LandauLANDAUAjdla [maiden name not listed]Estera nee RubinRUBIN[not listed][not listed]       
10564https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_125_56026023.jpg191311926 Sep / 9 Oct 1913KielceKielceZalma SzternfeldSZTERNFELDmalePrzonslaw55Abram Szyja SzternfeldSZTERNFELDTrajndla / Frajndla nee LandauLANDAUFrajndla [maiden name not listed][not listed][not listed]Frajndla added because it seems more likely     
11250https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_501_56026722.jpg191714321 May 1917Kielceulica Pocztowa No. 16Fajga LandauLANDAUFemaleKielce9 monthsLejzorChaia-Gitla née LublinerLUBLINERRicketsP. Jankowski       
11258https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_509_56026732.jpg19171518 Jun 1917Kielceulica Staro-Warszawska No. 36Cyrla LandauLANDAUFemaleChęciny38Abram-MoszekChana-Chawa née FrydmanFRYDMANSzlama LandauLANDAUStrokeP. Jankowski       
11677https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_954_56027176.jpg191824520 Oct 1918Kielceulica Fr. Joz. [Franciszka Jozefa] No. 36Helena LandauLANDAUFemaleBędzin, Piotrkow Gubernia29Abram PinczenskiPINCZENSKIEtka née MincMINCScarlet feverKomendaMarried; husband is a traderBurial authorization & death certificate     
12011https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_542_56027870.jpg191925712 Sep 1919Kielceulica Staro-Warszawska No. 16Ruchla LametLAMETFemaleChmielnik20EfraimFajgla née ZonszajnZONSZAJNTuberculosisNowakowskiSingle; no occupationBurial authorization damaged so no age of witnesses visibleSzyja ZonszajnZONSZAJNChaim FinkielsztajnFINKIELSZTAJN
12123https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_773_56028102.jpg19203223 Jan 1920Kielceulica Seminaryjska No. 13Izrael ZającskowskiZAJĄCSKOWSKIMaleChęciny7 monthsJosekIdesa née BuchbinderBUCHBINDERPneumoniaKomendaFather is a tailorOccupation of father written on back of burial authorizationSzlama Landau 41LANDAUChaim Wajnsztat 22WAJNSZTAT
12124https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_776_56028105.jpg19203324 Jan 1920Kielceulica Czysta No. 1Mindla ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNFemaleJędrzejów19JankielRywka-Cyrla née WajsblumWAJSBLUMKidney inflammationKomendaFather is a traderSzlama Landau 41LANDAUChaim Wajnsztat 22WAJNSZTAT
12666https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_208_56029210.jpg192211725 Aug 1922Kielceulica Silniczna No. 5Rywka LandauLANDAUFemalePrzedbórz district1 1/2Litman BeerRuchla née GorlickaGORLICKAMeaslesGąsiorowskiJosek Szymon Chmielewski 42Bajnech Sokoławski 27 
12757https://www.szu…ostka/1629144321_122_0_-_2913_61_56029411.jpg19232718 Feb 1923Kielceulica Kolejowa No. 67Salomea MoszkowskaMOSZKOWSKAFemaleSancygnów district, village of Stępocice, Pinczów county62JózefRóza Estera née LandauLANDAUParalysed heart muscleGąsiorowskiSzmul Trembacki 25Bajnech Sokoławski 29 
13345https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_187_56030652.jpg19268817 Jun 1926Kielceulica Kilinskiego No. 3Fajgla LandauLANDAUFemaleKielce35Abram ChaimGitlaSzlamaStomach cancerKomendaWith husbandSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13697https://www.szu…ostka/1629144721_122_0_-_2918_213_56031387.jpg1928963 Jul 1928Kielceulica Wesoła No. 23Chaja-Gitla LandauLANDAUFemaleKielce43Izrael-FajwelŁaja née GrynfeldGRYNFELDUterine cancerGierowskiSzmul Trembacki 28Bajnech Sokoławski 33 
13821https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_47_56031661.jpg1929226 Feb 1929Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 36Szlama-Jecheskel LandauLANDAUMale1 1/2ChaimAlta née FuksFUKSPneumonia after measlesJanowskiSzmul-Zelik Trembacki 29Janas Dziadek 37 
14755https://www.szu…ostka/1629145321_122_0_-_2924_101_56033714.jpg1934482 Apr 1934Kielceulica Słowackiego No. 8Raca DajtelcwajgDAJTELCWAJGFemaleStaszów63IcekChaja née LandauLANDAUBlood infectionJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 35Chil Goldberg 53 
14828https://www.szu…ostka/1629145321_122_0_-_2924_268_56033881.jpg193412122 Sep 1934Kielceulica St. Warsz. Przed. No. 20Abram Hersz LandauLANDAUMalePrzedbórz district76ChilRywka née RabinowiczRABINOWICZPneumoniaJanowskiWidowerSzmul Trembacki 35Chil Goldberg 52 

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
100391895BAUMACDawidWolf & Malka BezlachBEZLACH1877BoleslawiecrabbiBAUMAC, BEZLACH, LANDAU, WAJNGOLD
100411895BAUMACMajlechDawid & Hinda1913KrzepiceBAUMAC, BEZLACH, LANDAU, WAJNGOLD
100421895BAUMACRajzlaDawid & HindaKrzepiceBAUMAC, BEZLACH, LANDAU, WAJNGOLD
100431895BAUMACSucherDawid & Hinda WajngoldWAJNGOLD1905KrzepiceBAUMAC, BEZLACH, LANDAU, WAJNGOLD
1020419188KURLANDZajnwelLajzer & Ruchla LandauLANDAU1885servantCZARNYLAS, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZCZUPAK
1020619188KURLANDIdelZajnwel & Laja1913KrzepiceCZARNYLAS, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZCZUPAK
1020719188KURLANDRachelaZajnwel & Laja1923KrzepiceCZARNYLAS, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZCZUPAK
1020819188KURLANDJosefZajnwel & Laja1930KrzepiceCZARNYLAS, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZCZUPAK
10576Syg. 22, Rynek4510DUDEKIcekChaim & Hana KlajnbergKLAJNBERG1867KlobuckmerchantDUDEK, KLAJNBERG, LANDO, ROZEN
10577Syg. 22, Rynek4510DUDEKNachaROZENZyskind & Laja LandoLANDO1868DUDEK, KLAJNBERG, LANDO, ROZEN
10578Syg. 22, Rynek4510DUDEKGitlaMajer & Nacha1910DUDEK, KLAJNBERG, LANDO, ROZEN
10579Syg. 22, Rynek4510DUDEKChemiaMajer & Nacha1902DUDEK, KLAJNBERG, LANDO, ROZEN
10601Syg. 22, Rynek5012ROZYN VEL ROZENChemiaZyskind & Laja LandeLANDE1872KrzepicemerchantLANDE, RABINOWICZ, ROZEN, ROZYN VEL ROZEN, RUBINOWICZ
10631Syg. 22, Rynek5514RUBINSZTAJNChunaJakub & Szyfra Ulsztajn?ULSZTAJN?1881CzestochowamerchantLANDAU, ROZEN, RUBINSZTAJN, ULSZTAJN?
10632Syg. 22, Rynek5514RUBINSZTAJNRachlaROZENZyskind & Laja LandauLANDAU1878KrzepiceLANDAU, ROZEN, RUBINSZTAJN, ULSZTAJN?
10633Syg. 22, Rynek5514RUBINSZTAJNZeldaChuna & Rachla1914KrzepiceLANDAU, ROZEN, RUBINSZTAJN, ULSZTAJN?
10634Syg. 22, Rynek5514RUBINSZTAJNSzlomoChuna & Rachla1916KrzepiceLANDAU, ROZEN, RUBINSZTAJN, ULSZTAJN?
10644Syg. 22, Rynek5814KURLANDChemiaLajzer & Rachla LandauLANDAU1883shoemakerBERNARD, BESSER, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZYLIT
10645Syg. 22, Rynek5814KURLANDFrajdaSZYLITKalma & Fajga BesserBESSER1900DzialoszynBERNARD, BESSER, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZYLIT
10646Syg. 22, Rynek5814KURLANDChaimChemia & Fajgla1910KrzepiceBERNARD, BESSER, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZYLIT
10647Syg. 22, Rynek5814KURLANDEsteraChemia & Gitla BernardBERNARD1909KrzepiceBERNARD, BESSER, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZYLIT
10648Syg. 22, Rynek5814KURLANDMojszeChemia & Gitla BernardBERNARD1917KrzepiceBERNARD, BESSER, KURLAND, LANDAU, SZYLIT

List no. 14 of liberated areas, covering 425 names of survivors; Relatives Information Service, 27 Mar 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnTown [of origin? of birth?]Address [most recent address?; address before war?Surname from previous columnNotes (not by typist)
1004131221Eugenia LandaLANDAKrakowul. Podzamcze 10  

List of immigrants arrived in Palestine on 16 Jul 1945 from France on board S.S. "Mantru"; Relatives Information Service, 31 Dec 1945

-Sort-Page numberNo.NameSurname from previous columnAgeFather's nameMother's nameCitizenshipPlace of birthComments by typistComments (not by typist)
102069567Simon LandauLANDAU59SmuelRachel[blank]Cracow / Kraków, PolandKraków, Poland added because it seems more likely
102079569David LandauLANDAU24ShimonIdale[blank]Czenstocow / Częstochowa, PolandCzęstochowa, Poland added because it seems more likely
102089570Beresh LandauLANDAU16BenjaminSabina[blank]Brezesko / Brzesko, PolandBrzesko, Poland added because it seems more likely

Lublin-Majdanek; Institute of Jewish Affairs, Archives; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D56/4 (911 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberGiven name(s)SurnameNumber (if any)Birth date (year)Other informationSurname from previous column
10457DSC00083.JPGMarkusLANDAUc/o Vogel LeopoldVOGEL

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
1143710Alicja LandauLANDAU1944AronIrenaNarutow. 22 
1143810Adolf Kazim. LandauLANDAU1907WarsawArturCecyliaLipowa 25 
1143910Aron LandauLANDAU1904AronMalaNarutow. 22 
1144010Awner LandauLANDAU1926TarnowSaraCzwartek 
1144110Cesia Malka LandauLANDAU1910SzlamaLajaKr. Przedm. 
1144210Dawid LandauLANDAU1906WarsawJankiel ChaimCzwart. 4 
1144310Tauba LandauLANDAU1914OstrolekaBoruchLeaWyszynskiego 3 
1144410Izaak LandauLANDAU1912TarnowSaraCzwart. 4 
1144510Jakub LandauLANDAU1936IcekCesiaKr. Przedm. 
1144610Irena Jankielewicz LandauJANKIELEWICZ LANDAU1912ZygmuntIrenaNaurtow 22 
1144710Szymon LandauLANDAU1928AronChanaNarutow 22 
1144810Wolf LandeLANDE1902RozyszczeMordkaSaraZielona 5 

Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 (selected towns; complete material: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/introduction/) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)Maiden nameSurnameBorn onResident ofEmigration // Expulsion // ImprisonmentDeportationDate of deathPlace of death“Destiny”
10061ChajaLANDAU* in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / RusslandBeuthen O. S.EXPULSION: 00.00.1938/1939 Poland    
10220Izak Isyk IcykLANDAU15 Mar 1863 in Przyrow / Piotrkow / RusslandBerlin (Mitte)Deportation: from Berlin [to] 3 Oct 1942, Theresienstadt, ghettoDate of death: 17 May 1943Theresienstadt, ghetto 

Neunburg [vorm Wald], Germany: List of survivors in Neunburg, Wald Bayern, Germany, liberated from various concentration camps; Relatives Information Service, Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthLiberated fromNotes (not by typist)
101504Leon LandauLANDAU1917Rzeszow, PolandFlossenbuerg 

Palestine: Displaced persons arriving in Palestine, 29 May 1945, only entries for persons born in Poland [H]

-Sort-Page numberSubheadingNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate birthPlace of birthPassportNotes (not by typist)
10041[4]First List: Switzerland-Palestine; Geneva, 29 May 1945202.Sida LandauLANDAU10 Sep 1918KaliszIdent. S, 

Palestine: Immigrants, 1945; origin of list: Jewish War Appeal; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-SubheaderPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnAgeRelationship [if listed]Name of fatherName of motherCitizenshipPlace of birthPlace of birth: inferred country (or city and country)Notes
10169List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8499.Zaisia LandauLANDAU32ShlomoLeahPolandZenstochovCzęstochowa, Poland 
10170List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8500.Yakov LandauLANDAU9son[blank][blank]PolandZenstochovCzęstochowa, Poland 
10171List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8501.Dvora LandauLANDAU49Josef[blank]PolandNovisonzNowy Sącz 
10172List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8502.Lida LandauLANDAU20BerishDvoraPolandKrinizaKrenitz [Yiddish], Krynica-Zdrój, Poland 
10173List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8503.Sara LandauLANDAU15MeierRginaPolandBielizVielizh [Yiddish] / Velizh, Russia 
10174List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"8506.Sara LandauLANDAU70LoiserGitelPolandWarsaWarszawa, Poland 

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1217769Abraham LandauLANDAUPoland1921LipmanHana 
1217869Arje LandauLANDAUKrakow/ Kraków, Poland1927MosheFredelKraków added because it seems more likely
1217969Franja LandauLANDAUCzenstochow / Częstochowa, Poland1914Jakob-ShimonMinaCzęstochowa added because it seems more likely
1218069Jakob LandauLANDAUKonski / Końskie, Poland1907DawidBljumaKońskie added because it seems more likely
1218169Josef LandauLANDAUCzenstochow / Częstochowa, Poland1921Jakob-ShimonChoraCzęstochowa added because it seems more likely
1218370Isak LandauLANDAUKrakow/ Kraków, Poland1925SofronGitlKraków added because it seems more likely
1218470Marie LandauLANDAURadom, Poland1912MeirHenia 
1218570Mejer LandauLANDAURowno / Równa, Poland1920BenjaminChaja-SaraRówna added because it seems more likely
1218670Melech LandauLANDAUKrakow/ Kraków, Poland1925ShmuelSaraKraków added because it seems more likely
1218770Motek LandauLANDAUCzenstochow / Częstochowa, Poland1925Jakob-ShimonChajaCzęstochowa added because it seems more likely
1218870Rachmiel LandauLANDAUCzenstochow / Częstochowa, Poland1915Jakob-ShimonMindelCzęstochowa added because it seems more likely

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
1160760Ester LandauLANDAUKalwarja, Poland1903JoachimSara  
1160860Hersz LandauLANDAUBrzesko, Poland1903MoszeMiriam  
1160960Jehoszua LandauLANDAUBrzesko, Poland1930HerszEster  
1161060Szejndl LandauLANDAUTyczyn, Poland1940HerszEster  
1161160Tamara LandauLANDAULwow, Poland1929MoszeWanda  

Poland: List of persons receiving individual gift packages, 1941, American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage number of complete set (unnumbered)Page number at top, centered (if any)Page header (including running header)[List number?]NameSurname from previous or following column[Address]Column without header [regarding delivery]Notes (not by typist)
10559German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[14]6List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943250[given name illegible] Landau?LANDAU?Sosnowitz?  
10560German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[14]6List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[251?][given name illegible] LandauLANDAULitzmannstadt  
10952German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[22]4List No. 3, Continued[189?]Brajndla LandauLANDAUBendsburg  
11261German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[28]4Returned Parcels, List. nr. 2[none?]Malka LandauLANDAUWarschauunbekannt [unknown] 

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1025315Ewa LandauLANDAU5 Jun 1912Lodz2840  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
10206DSC00040.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 136887Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV3 Nov 1942162Arja LandaLANDAKowalul. Magistracka 7a   
11011DSC00061.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140671Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 19421024Nachum LendLENDHenyrkow Warszawski    
11426DSC00073.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143707Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421422Lajb LandauLANDAUWarszawaNowolipki 47   
11612DSC00077.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143716Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421602Mendel LandauLANDAUSiedlcePiakna? 9   
11985DSC00086.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 145395Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV10 Nov 1942166Wilhelm LandauLANDAUWarszawaNowogrodzka 18a   
12224DSC00093.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97518Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194249Aleksandra LandauLANDAUWarsawSliska 35/6   
12371DSC00097.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97526Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194236Rywka Landau?LANDAU?WarsawRunifratarska? 27   
12477DSC00100.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101270Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 19421Pola-Perla LandauLANDAUWarsawGrzybowska 26/17   
12558DSC00102.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101267Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194226Engineer Naftali LandauLANDAULwowJudenrat   
12596DSC00102.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101266Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194216Jakob LandauLANDAULwowAloneczna? 39   
12601DSC00103.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101265Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194220Nachman LandauLANDAULwowSniezna 6   
12605DSC00103.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101265Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194224Samuel Leib LandauLANDAULwowPilnikarska 4   
12771DSC00106.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 103165Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV30 Sep 194240Binem LandauLANDAUWarsawZelazna 65   
12960DSC00111.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106184Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 194210Jerzy LandauLANDAUWarsawZelaszna 64/45   
13280DSC00120.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107076Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194214[given name not listed] Jaglomb for Ala LandauJAGLOMB, LANDAUWarsawSienna 22   
13643DSC00129.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 110019Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV7 Oct 194279Paulina LandauLANDAUNowy-SaczAsserstrasse 5   
13687DSC00131.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 114721Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV13 Oct 194236Karolina LandauLANDAULwowKoscielna 5   
13734DSC00132.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 114718Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV13 Oct 194282Doktor Leib LandauLANDAULwowJudenrat   

Poland: "Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland" (Exposition Press, 1963; 2584 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)SurnameBirthDeathPage number
11328Abram AdamLANDAU1891Holocaust397
11335Henryk JakubLANDAU1898Holocaust398
11344Jakub MajerLANDE1905Holocaust399
11351Bronislaw (Boruch)LANDO1907Holocaust399

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10005M194600200020125 Stycznia19463Sad Grodzki w RadomskuOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsku oglasza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlychTranslations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) Berku i Chai, malz. Landau, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Radomsku Nr. hjip. 192;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU  
10032M1946006000801617 Stycznia19466Sad Okregowy w Piotrkowie / Wydzial Zamiejscowy w CzestochowieDo Rejestru Handlowego wpisano co nastepuje:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comA. 737. Dn. 17. 9. 1945 r. Fabryka Narzedzi Przemyslowych "Braland" B.cia Landau w Czestochowie. Wlascicielami firmy sa: Chil.Machel Landau i Cesia vel Malka Landau.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU  
10034M1946006000801617 Stycznia19466Sad Okregowy w Piotrkowie / Wydzial Zamiejscowy w CzestochowieDo Rejestru Handlowego wpisano co nastepuje:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comA. 1245. Dn. 17. 9. 1945 r. Fabryka Lyzek i Klodek "Iszabe" Spadkobiercy I. Sz. Landaua i S.ka w Czestochowie. Wspolwlascicielami[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comKOZAK, LANDAU  
10035M1946006000801617 Stycznia19466Sad Okregowy w Piotrkowie / Wydzial Zamiejscowy w CzestochowieDo Rejestru Handlowego wpisano co nastepuje:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com[...]firmy sa: Brucha Kozakowa, Frajda Landau, Josek Dawid Landau na zasadzie postanowienia Starosty Grodzkiego w Czestochowie z dnia 20. 3. 1945 r. Nr p. 2304/1./45.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comKOZAK, LANDAU  
10235M19460270044012721 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / Ogloszenie IISad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly nastepujace spadki po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com28) Chawie z Birmanow Landau, wlascicielce 36/100 niepodzielnych ozesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznaczonej Nr. 1720/II rep. hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comBIRMAN LANDAU  
10271M19460270044012721 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / Ogloszenie IISad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly nastepujace spadki po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com67) i 68) Szlomie i Fajci z Landauow malz. Fajgenbaum, wlascicielach 4/8 niepodzielnych czesci nierucho mosci w Czestochowie, oznaczonej Nr. 228 rep. hip. i na[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU, FAJGENBAUM  
10272M19460270044012721 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / Ogloszenie IISad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly nastepujace spadki po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com[...]podstawie artykulu 127 prawa hipotecznego wyznacza termin na dzien 9 lipca 1946 r. celem zgloszenia praw do tychze spadkow w mysl art. 128 tegoz prawa. 2-K-3309Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU, FAJGENBAUM  
10346M1946031005901313 Kwietnia19463Sad Grodzki w Radomsku Ogloszenie IIOddzial Hipoteczny sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsko oglacza ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlyhTranslations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) Berku i Chai, malz Landau, wiascicielach nieuruchomosci w Radomsku Nr hip. 192Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU  
10981M1946082015201822 Wrzesnia19465Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com25) Majlichu-Dawidzie Faktorze i Szajndli vel Szandli z Landauow Faktor, wlascicielach po 1.3 czesci nieruch. w Czestochowie, oznaczonej Nr 2321 hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFAKTOR, LANDAU FAKTOR  
11535M194613100000113125 Listopada19465Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4) Lai-Frymecie z Libermanow Landau, wlasc. nieruchomosci w Zawierciu Nr 40(83),Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN LANDAU  
11721M19461380000011388 grudnia19463Sad Grodzki W CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com18) Eugeniuszu Landau, wlascicielu 14/20 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr. 1048 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU  
12181M1947016000001167 Lutego19474Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com47) Bercie vel Bajli z Landauow Majeran, wlascicielce 4/12 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 227 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU MAJERAN  
12495M19470350000013510 Mar 194719473Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com18) Eugeniuszu Landau. Wlascicielu 14/20 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 1043 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU  
12584M1947045000001453 kwietnia 194719471Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4) Lai-Frymecie z Libermanow Landau, wlasc., nieruchomosci w Zawierciu Nr 4085,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN LANDAUIn 4085 the 85 is superscript 
12791M1947061000001619 Maja19478Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com47) Bercie vel Bajli z Landauow Majeran, wlascicielce 4/12 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 227 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLANDAU MAJERAN  

Poland: Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Jerusalem 1946-1947 [H]

-Sort-ImagePage number in cornerPage number at topPage header, part 1Page header, part 2Serial No.NameNumber after name (if any)Surname from previous columnsAddressStandardPriceSenderSurname from previous columnStamp at bottom (if any)Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1024721219List No. 74/P2325/P.Regina Linette[none]LINETTEul. Kopernica 7/12 / PoznanT/237.8Jósef Linette, P.O.B. 1010, JerusalemLINETTE[none]  
10495373710List No. 74/P.2325/P.Regina LinnetteNo.152LINNETTEPoznan / ul. Kopernika / Nr.7/12T/237.80Jozef Linette, P.O.B. 1010, JerusalemLINETTE   
106044444[none]List No. 75/P.; includes orders made by our cable No. 607 / marked under resp. name2431/P.Eugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamcze 10T/CARE15.00W. Birenbaum, 16 Mendele Mochersf., Sfarim, Tel AvivBIRENBAUM[none]  
106384747[none]List No. 76/P.2462/P.Eugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamoze 10CARE15.00the same [W. Birenbaum, 16, Mendele str., Tel Aviv]BIRENBAUM[none]  
106815050[none]List No. 78/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through AJJDC, JerusalemIncludes orders made by cable No. 614 / marked under respective name / All parcels to be sent c/o AJJDC M. Pokorny, Gdynia, Kilinskiego 8/62502/PLaja Landau[none]LANDAUJawor / woj. Wroclawskie / P.U.R. / ul. Kolejowa 4ST/CARE15.00Rachel Lachowicz, 5, Frankfurt St., Tel AvivLACHOWICZ[none]  
112861005[none]List No. 65/P; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jersulalem1890/PEugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamcze 10T 247.00W. Birnbaum, Mendele 16., Tel AvivBIRNBAUM28 Apr 1946 / To/1551  
112871005[none]List No. 65/P; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jersulalem1901/Pthe same [Eugenia Landa][none]LANDAthe same [Krakow / ul. Michalowskiego 10]T 216.60the same [W. Birnbaum, Mendele 16., Tel Aviv]BIRNBAUM28 Apr 1946 / To/1551  
114911141911List No. 68/P.2090/P.Eugenia LandaLANDAKrakow/ Podzamcze 10T 247.00the same [W. Birnbaum, 16, Mendele St., Tel Aviv.]BIRNBAUM8 May 1946 / To/1597  
114921141911List No. 68/P.2091/P.the same [Euginia Landa]LANDAthe same [Krakow/ Podzamcze 10]T 227.60the same [W. Birnbaum, 16, Mendele St., Tel Aviv.]BIRNBAUM8 May 1946 / To/1597  
1153011722[none]List No. 70/P.; Parcels to be sent to POLAND from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C Jerusalem2124/P.Jan Slencak[none]SLENCAKCzenstochowa / ul. Lokietka 31T/205.75Sz. Landau, 8, Merkaz Baalei, Mlacha St., Tel-AviaLANDAU15 May 1946 / To/1618  
1178313843[none]List No. 63/.P.; Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jerusalem1860/P.Eugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamcze 10T 247.00the same [W. Birnbaum, 16, Mendele St., Tel-Aviv]BIRNBAUM8 Apr 1946 / To/ 1517  
1195715257[none]List No. 53/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem1626/PEugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamcze 10T 45.80W. Birnbaum, 16 Mendele Street, Tel AvivBIRNBAUM12 Mar 1946 / To/1429  
1195815257[none]List No. 53/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem1627/PSame [Eugenia Landa][none]LANDASame [Krakow / Podzamcze 10]T 86.40Same [W. Birnbaum, 16 Mendele Street, Tel Aviv]BIRNBAUM12 Mar 1946 / To/1429  
13407259159[none]List No. 2/P; Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem38/PRachela Frydman[none]FRYDMANLodz / Kilinskiego 16/18T 57.65Miriam Landau, 48 Usishkin, JerusalemLANDAU2 Nov 1945 / To/949?  
134402611613List No. 2P69/PEugenia Landa[none]LANDAKrakow / Podzamoze 10T 67.25Same [W. Birnbaum, Mendely? Mocher, Sfarim 16, Tel Aviv]BIRNBAUM2 Nov 1945 / To/949  
135382671676List No. 3/P161/PGustawa Szmerlowska[none]SZMERLOWSKALodz / Piotrkowska 46T 57.65Ewa Landau, Sirkin 35, Tel-AvivLANDAU7 Nov 1945 / To/969  

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
4028209-DSC00115.jpg159Cesia MalkaLANDAULublin 
4028309-DSC00115.jpg159Chil MecherLANDAUCzestochowa 
4031009-DSC00115.jpg159IrenaLANDAU JANKIELEWICZLublin 
4031409-DSC00115.jpg159Jadwiga Wikt.LANDAUWarszawa 
4032309-DSC00115.jpg159Josek DawidLANDAUCzestochowa 
4034609-DSC00115.jpg159Mojzesz, Dr.LANDAURzeszow 
4035109-DSC00115.jpg159RachelaLANDAU KAPLINSKALodz 
4040809-DSC00115.jpg159Szejna MiriamLANDOLodz 
4089009-DSC00118.jpg162SaraLEJWAND LANDAULodz 
4226309-DSC00125.jpg169RabkaLINDNowy Targ 
4226609-DSC00125.jpg169MozesLINDDabrowa pow. Tarnow 
5006810-DSC00021.jpg210StefaniaREICHENSTEIN LANDYKrakow 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
11257PSRM Set 31, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00139.JPG & DSC00140.JPGLANDAUKrakowTarnopolInforms brother Landau Josef in Tel-Aviv father in U.S. that he is aliveLANDAU24 May 1945Page 6
11668PSRM Set 39, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00037.JPGCesiaLANDAUIn Czestochau17 Feb 1945Page 5
11856PSRM Set 41, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00051.JPGLANDAUGreets Szwarcbaum, Malka or Mark, HaifaSZWARCBAUM14 Mar 1945List of Radio Messages Broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, N.Y., 1 Aug 1945, page 2
11857PSRM Set 41, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00051.JPGLANDAUFr. OstrolenkaGreets brother Abraham, Isak & Rachel Sacharin, Tel-AvivSACHARIN14 Mar 1945List of Radio Messages Broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, N.Y., 1 Aug 1945, page 2
12129PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00074.JPGLANDAUSends greetings to Szwarcbaum Malka or Mark, HaifaSZWARCBAUM14 Mar 1945Page 7
12130PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00074.JPGLANDAUOstrolekaSends greetings to brother Abraham, Isak and Rachel Sacharin, Tel-AvivSACHARIN14 Mar 1945Page 7
12131PSRM Set 45, folder 13-H277n2, images DSC00074.JPGCesiaLANDAUCzestochow17 Feb 1945Page 7
12474PSRM set 49, folder 13-H277n2 folder 13 image DSC00097.JPGManjaLANDAUwith sonWarsaw Jew. Comm.Greets WAKS and FARBER in Tel-Aviv and Dr. ARNOLD in New YorkWAKS, FARBER, ARNOLD07 Jun 1945 
12565PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2Henrik-JosefFUKSWarsawIs looking for TUCH, Aplonja Pola and LANDAU, Ludwok age 12Warsaw-Pharmacy Hibner, U1. MarszalkowskaTUCH, LANDAU5 Jul 1945Page 2
12619PSRM Set 52, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00113.JPGIrenaLANDAUSonSends greetings to Stanislaw Cygelnik in PalestineCYGELNIK5 Jul 1945 
12761PSRM Set 55, folder 13-H277n2, Image DSC00130.JPGHelaNOVIKnow in WarsawSends greetings to Landau, Alexander, & relatives in New YorkLANDAU16 Jun 1945 
12941PSRM Set 59, folder 14-H277n2 image DSC00006.JPGIrenaLANDAUWith sonWarsaw, ZoliborzNow in Warsaw, Zoliborz. Is looking for Stanislaw Cygelnik in Palestine.CYGELNIK5 Jul 1945date:5 Jul 1945, page: 3

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10420Set 6DSC0097.JPGList of Polish Jews in Konstanz, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, NYLENTAlisa15 Apr 1878Welstein    
10421Set 6DSC0097.JPGList of Polish Jews in Konstanz, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, NYLENTMargarete8 Oct 1904Owelenburg    

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10083Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)391.jpg341[none]10 06Sz. Landau i Sp.LANDAUFabryka Łyżek i Kłódek, spadk. I.Krótka 10   
10196Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]18 91B-cia [Brothers] LandauLANDAUBraland, fabryka wyżymaczek, maszynek do mięsa i łyżewKrótka 12   
10197Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]25 72Ch. LandauLANDAUm.N. P. Marii 6   
10198Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]25 71I. LandauLANDAUal. Wolności 19   
10199Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]14 74Ignacy LandauLANDAUN. P. Marii 11   
10200Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]11 37Jakub LandauLANDAUsprzed. paszy i ziemiopt.Kilińskiego 5 m. 9   
10201Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]12 67Lejbuś LandauLANDAUhandel papieru i tekturypl. Daszyńskiego 5   
10202Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]23 07Pinkus LandauLANDAUprzemysłowiecNarutowicza 19/23   
10203Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]13 42Seweryn LandauLANDAUfabryka lalek i zabawek celuloid.Waszyngtona 14   
10204Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)394.jpg344[none]10 06LandauLANDAUSpadek. I. Sz. i Ska, fabryka łyżek i kłódek.Krótka 10   
10599Piotrków Trybunalski (images begin: https://genealo…/1939Ptel/1114)1115.jpg1043[none]14 23M. LandauLANDAUsrzed. farb I przetw. chem.St. Warszawska 2   
10719Włoszczowa (images: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/535)535.jpg485[none]55Jakub LandauLANDAURynek 22   
10720Włoszczowa (images: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/535)535.jpg485[none]54Szmul LandauLANDAUKilińskiego 90   

Przedbórz 1939: list of payers of contributions to the Jewish community in Przedbórz of the Końskie district of the Kielce voivodeship for 1939, syg 3375, pages 26-37; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981490 [H]

-Sort-Image filePageOrder numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddressOccupation, in PolishOccupation, translatedContribution (Zł.)CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1016321_100_0_6.3_3375_35_61122967.jpg32152Litman LandauLANDAUKielcewł.domuhouse owner50  

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 25-40 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]Name or company of the owners from 1 Sep 1939 with nationalitySurname(s) from the previous columnProperty type, building, garden square, land.Number of rooms, garden square on the groundProperty location, Street No., Police No., mortgageNotes by translator / typist
10044https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList: Abandoned and post-German buildings and land properties within the city of Przedbórz / 24 Oct 1949; and see detailed pages following this list3139.LandauLANDAUliveable, brick, single-storey house2 roomsRynek 28, Przedbórz 

Przedbórz: management over real estate, syg 373, 1947; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071966 [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberTown (from header before entries)1 Register number (in sequence)2 Town and street3 House numberPersonSurname from previous column5 Number of floors6 Number of rooms7 Monthly rent [including extras]8 Insurance (amount)9 Nominal value of property fixed by tax authorities10 Average of most recent selling price or similar11 What is the mortgage owed (if known)?Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1000821_336_0_-_373_15_56162301.jpg13Przedborz237Kielecka28Litman LandauLANDAU22120.00      

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów [1932-1949] EXPANDED WORK; Często Arch, syg 529 (397 persons), sample images: www.crarg.org/przyrow-emigration-1932-1949.php [H]

-Sort-Prev sort numberPageNumeralGiven nameSurnameNext place of residence: powiatNext place of residence: communityNext place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence type BDeleted from resident list: DateDeleted from resident list: Volume / PageRemarks about deleting... [blank for all listings]Other informationNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1002410031767Jankiel SzymsiaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1002510032767ChawaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1002610033767FrajdlaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1002710034767RachmilLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1002810035767Herszlik LajbLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1002910036767Josek DawidLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1003010037767Rywka IdaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1003110038767Szmul MordkaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
1003210039767Liba RajzlaLANDAUCzestochowaCzestochowaPilsudskiego 2324 Jan 1933[Not listed]27 Jan 1933[Not listed][Not listed]8/16All family have one number (67) 
101531012442856WolfLANDAUCzestochowaAleje Panny Marri 21[Not listed]28 Jul 193629 Jul 19366 Aug 193629 Jul 193613/19    

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 529 (311 persons) [H]

-Sort-YearGiven nameSurnameMoved toNew addressPageNotes (not by researcher)
100311933JankielLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100321933ChawaLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100331933FrajdlaLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100341933RachmilLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100351933HerszlikLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100361933JosekLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100371933RywkaLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100381933SzmulLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
100391933LibaLANDAUCzestochowaPilsudskiego 237 
101241936WolfLANDAUCzestochowaAleje 2142 

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 EXPANDED; Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (1020 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/przyrow-newcomers-1932-1950.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.; YearsPageNumeralGiven nameSurname from previous columnPrevious place of residence: powiatPrevious place of residence: communityPrevious place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence standard BDelated from residence register: DateDelated from residence register: Volume/pageRemarks about... [blank for nearly all listings]CommentSurname from previous 2 columnsNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1013210103syg. 526 (1932-1939)1182665Jankiel LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013310104syg. 526 (1932-1939)1182666Chawa LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013410105syg. 526 (1932-1939)1182667Icek Szlama LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013510106syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192668Fajgla LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013610107syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192669Rachmil LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013710108syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192670Chawa Fajgla LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013810109syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192671Herszlik Lejb LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1013910110syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192672Josek Dawid LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1014010111syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192673Rywka Ida LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1014110112syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192674Szmul Mordka LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1014210113syg. 526 (1932-1939)1192675Liba Rajzla LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/13     
1083710783syg. 526 (1932-1939)2255127Wolf LandauLANDAUCzestochowa[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     
1083810784syg. 526 (1932-1939)2265128Ruchla LandauLANDAUOpoczno[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     
1083910785syg. 526 (1932-1939)2265129Fajgla LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     
1084010786syg. 526 (1932-1939)2265130Dawid Fajtel LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     
1084110787syg. 526 (1932-1939)2265131Icyk Majer LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     
10959syg. 526 (1932-1939)2866496Rywka LandauLANDAUsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/19     

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (903 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.; YearsPageFamily comments (not written by researcher)Given nameSurnameDate of arrivalFrom whereOther informationComments (not by researcher)
10103Syg. 526; 1932-1939JankielLANDAUfrom birth   
10104Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveChawaLANDAUfrom birth   
10105Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIcek SzlomoLANDAUfrom birth   
10106Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFajglaLANDAUfrom birth   
10107Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRachmilLANDAUfrom birth   
10108Syg. 526; 1932-1939119Chawa FajglaLANDAUfrom birth   
10109Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveHerszlik LejbLANDAUfrom birth   
10110Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveJosek DawidLANDAUfrom birth   
10111Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRywka IdaLANDAUfrom birth   
10112Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveSzmul MordkaLANDAUfrom birth   
10113Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLiba RajzlaLANDAUfrom birth   
10783Syg. 526; 1932-1939225WolfLANDAUCzestochowa  
10784Syg. 526; 1932-1939226Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRuchlaLANDAUOpoczno  
10785Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFajglaLANDAUfrom birth   
10786Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawid FajtelLANDAUfrom birth   
10787Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIcek MajerLANDAUfrom birth   

Radom: List of Jewish survivors born and registered in Radom; received by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 425 Lafayette Street, New York 3, New York; from Komitet Zydowski Radom, ul. Traugutta 45, Radom, Poland; Relatives Information Service; 18 Mar 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthStreet address in RadomNotes (not by typist)
102274Rachela LandeLANDE29 Feb 1907Zeromskiego, Radom 
102364Klara LandauLANDAU1913Stewska 17, Radom 

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
10136Donor was living at the time the necrology.420-421IsraelAbraham / YadziaBUCHMAN / OFMANMatilLANDAUSister of Abraham BuchmanBUCHMAN 
10137Donor was living at the time the necrology.420-421IsraelAbraham / YadziaBUCHMAN / OFMANHaimLANDAUHuband of Matil LandauLANDAU 
10138Donor was living at the time the necrology.420-421IsraelAbraham / YadziaBUCHMAN / OFMANYehudahLANDAUSon of Matil & Yehudah LandauLANDAU 
10139Donor was living at the time the necrology.420-421IsraelAbraham / YadziaBUCHMAN / OFMANSarahLANDAUDaughter of Matil & Yehudah LandauLANDAU 
11065Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANMenhakhem-MendelLANDAURelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMAN 
11066Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANRachelLANDAUWife of Menhakhem-Mendel LandauLANDAUAnd children
11276Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelZevSABATOWSKIAhron-YehudahLANDAURelative of Zev SabatowskiSABATOWSKI 
11277Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelZevSABATOWSKIBaylaLANDAURelative of Zev SabatowskiSABATOWSKI 

Radomsko, 1939, Die nachweisung der Judishe Geschafte in der Stadt Radomsko / Wykaz sklepow zydowskich na terenie miasta Radomska (List of Jewish shops in Radomsko); preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NumberingType of shopPersonSurname from previous columnAdressCommentNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1002525Vodka shopMendel LandauLANDAUPlac 3 Maja 13Burnt [Polish: spalony; that is, building or shop was burnt (likely means destroyed)]  
1007373Paint shopAron LandauLANDAUReymonta 18   
1007979Paint shopK. LandauLANDAUReymonta 6Burnt [Polish: spalony; that is, building or shop was burnt (likely means destroyed)]  
10104104DairyIcek LandauLANDAUPOW 2Burnt [Polish: spalony; that is, building or shop was burnt (likely means destroyed)]  
10128128GroceryJosek LandauLANDAUReymonta 17   
10159159Soda waterSzyja LandauLANDAUMineralna 2Burnt [Polish: spalony; that is, building or shop was burnt (likely means destroyed)]  

Radomsko (and other towns): Stefania Heilbrunn and Miriam Chaszczewacki, Children of Dust and Heaven: A Diary from Nazi Occupation through the Holocaust [A Collective Memoir] (Cape Town, South Africa, 1978; and republished later) [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname repeated from previous column
1005513Mr LandauLANDAU
1005613Riva LandauLANDAU
11445242 (15)Mrs. LandauLANDAU
11497244 (20)Chaim LandauLANDAU

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
100061000519919306106Izrael Aron LandauLANDAU12Radomsko       
1010210092199193012238Chaim LandauLANDAU22Radomsko       
1014310130199193014295Kalman LandauLANDAU21Przyrow       
10254199193037817Alfreda Alicja LandauLANDAU---1Radomsko       
10488104281991930791778Abe LandauLANDAU21Radomsko       
10633105621991930902029Chana Ryfka LandauLANDAU---1Radomsko       
106991061219919301082452Szyja LandauLANDAU11Koniecpol       
107311062919919301232796Dwojra LandauLANDAU13Radomsko       
108171070519919301322996Abram LandauLANDAU11Radomsko       
108331072119919301333018Aron Juda LandauLANDAU13Radomsko       
110241090619919301433246Sura Dwojra LandauLANDAU---1LodzThe number 3246 appears twice 
110281091019919301433257Dawid Berek LandauLANDAU24Przyrow       
113691122319919301784045Mendel LandauLANDAU51Radomsko       
113731122719919301784049Samuel Jozef LandauLANDAU12Radomsko       
114591130919919301834159Szymon LandauLANDAU43Radomsko       
114701132019919301834163Mariem LandauLANDAU---1Radomsko       
116801148519919302204998Izaak LandauLANDAU22Radomsko       
13068200193370481Mariem LandoLANDO1Died 12 May 1932    
1307812624200193372510Salomon LandauLANDAU1Ksiaz Wielki    
1318012687200193388892Abe LandauLANDAU13Lodz: Zeromskiego 31    
132141270920019349653Salomon LandauLANDAU1Lodz: Poludniowa 40    
13246127312001934102191Estera Fajgla LandauLANDAU1Lodz    
13259127392001934103228Aron LandauLANDAU1Lodz    
13542129022001935147235Blima LandauLANDAU1Palestine    
1399413150200193722012Dwojra LandauLANDAU2Piotrkow: Starowarszawska 24    
144102001938282604Tauba LandauLANDAU1Died 28 Mar 1938    
15067202194082824Mendel LandauLANDAU1Died 28 Jul 1940    
152962021941135429Dwojra LandauLANDAU1Died 10 Feb 1941    
167241403920119401421699Dwojra LandauLANDAU1PiotrkowWilsona 22     

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) EXPANDED WORK 1934-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 185-192 (about 2000 persons); sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-identity-cards-1934-1940.php [H]

-Sort-Syg.Year [of ID Card]Serial numberGiven nameSurnameDate and place of birthNumber and date of issue of passportAddress of passport ownerCommentSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
10883188193711Szymon LandauLANDAU12 Sep 1896 Radomsko31 May 1937 328094Plac 3 Maja 18Signature of owner   
115351911939139Izaak LandauLANDAU15 Jan 1883 Radomsko21 Dec 1939 L 139/39POW 47Signature of owner   
115451911940161Hinda Estera LandauLANDAU11 Sep 1921 Radomsko2 Jan 1940 L161/40Plac 3 Maja 5Signature of owner   
115471911940165Mojzesz LandauLANDAU24 Dec 1917 Radomsko2 Jan 1940 L165/40Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
115481911940166Michal Eryl LandauLANDAU12 Jul 1915 Radomsko2 Jan 1940 L166/40Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
115511911940169Chaskiel LandauLANDAU6 Jan 1912 Radomsko2 Jan 1940 L169/40Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
115521911940175Mendel LandauLANDAU24 Nov 1886 Bedzin3 Jan 1940 L175/40Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
115601911940197Szyja LandauLANDAU1 Oct 1891 Radomsko9 Jan 1940 L197/40Limanowskiego 28Signature of owner   
1173619219401343Dwojra Krakowska LandauKRAKOWSKA LANDAU29 Jan 1883 Radomsko4 Jan 1940 K1343/40Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
118361921940204Laja Landau MoszkowiczLANDAU MOSZKOWICZ5 Mar 1891 Radomsko25 Jan 1940 L204/40Limanowskiego 28Signature of owner   
118401921940214Rywka LandauLANDAU15 Jun 1920 Radomsko29 Jan 1940 L214/40POW 47Signature of owner   
118411921940215Kalman LandauLANDAU11 Sep 1902 Radomsko29 Jan 1940 L215/40Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118441921940228Chaim Salomon LandauLANDAU9 Apr 1920 Radomsko1 Feb 1940 L228/40Plac 3 Maja 5Signature of owner   
118451921940234Frymeta Landau JudkiewiczLANDAU JUDKIEWICZ7 May 1896 Radomsko1 Feb 1940 L234/40Plac 3 Maja 5Signature of owner   
118461921940235Szymon LandauLANDAU12 Jun 1896 Radomsko1 Feb 1940 L235/40Plac 3 Maja 5Signature of owner   
118471921940236Netla Landau DombrowerLANDAU DOMBROWER1887 Plawno5 Feb 1940 L236/40POW 47Signature of owner   
118481921940242Perla Landau HamerLANDAU HAMER15 Apr 1898 Bedzin6 Feb 1940 L242/40Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118521921940264Izrael Aron LandauLANDAU24 Dec 1880 Przyrow22 Feb 1940Limanowskiego 20Signature of owner   
118571921940273Jozef LandauLANDAU23 Dec 1905 Radomsko11 Apr 1940 L273/40Narutowicza 62Signature of owner   
118661921940290Dawid Berek LandauLANDAU2 May 1873 Przyrow23 Oct 1940 L290/40Limanowskiego 28Signature of owner   
118821921940693Blima Brauner LandauBRAUNER LANDAU5 Mar 1899 Radomsko1 Feb 1940 B693/40Limanowskiego 28Signature of owner   

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) INITIAL WORK 1936-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Trybunalski Arch, syg 185-192 (about 1200 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year [of ID Card]SurnameGiven nameDate of birthPlace of birthAddressPageNotes (not by researcher)
101061936LANDAUDwojra20 Dec 1879PiotrkowNarutowicza 6253 
101111936LANDAUMichal12 Jul 1915Radomsko3 Maja 1353 
101141936LANDAUIzrael29 Jul 1880PrzyrowBrzeznicka 153 
102991937LANDAUSzymon1896Radomsko3 Maja 18  
106351939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUIzaak15 Jan 1883RadomskoPOW 47  
106401939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUHinda Estera11 Sep 1921Radomsko3 Maja 5  
106411939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUMojzesz24 Dec 1917RadomskoLimanowskiego 1  
106421939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUMichal12 Jul 1915RadomskoLimanowskiego 1  
106441939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUChaskiel6 Jan 1912RadomskoLimanowskiego 1  
106451939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUMendel24 Nov 1886BedzinLimanowksiego 1  
106511939/1940; Syg. 190LANDAUSzyja1 Oct 1891RadomskoLimanowskiego 28  
109011940; Syg. 192KRAKOWSKA LANDAUDwojra29 Jan 1883RadomskoLimanowskiego 1  
109841940; Syg. 192LANDAU MOSZKOWICZLaja5 Mar 1891RadomskoLimanowskiego 28  
109881940; Syg. 192LANDAURyfka5 Jun 1920RadomskoPOW 47  
109891940; Syg. 192LANDAUKalman11 Sep 1902RadomskoLimanowskiego 20  
109921940; Syg. 192LANDAUChaim Salomon9 Apr 1920Radomsko3 Maja 5  
109931940; Syg. 192LANDAU JUDKIEWICZFrymeta7 Oct 1896Radomsko3 Maja 5  
109941940; Syg. 192LANDAUSzymon12 Jun 1896Radomsko3 Maja 5  
109951940; Syg. 192LANDAU DOMBROWERNetla1887PlawnoPOW 47  
109961940; Syg. 192LANDAU HAMERPesla5 Apr 1898BedzinLimanowskiego 20  
110001940; Syg. 192LANDAUIzrael24 Dec 1880PrzyrowLimanowskiego 20  
110051940; Syg. 192LANDAUJosef23 Dec 1905RadomskoNarutowicza 62  
110101940; Syg. 192LIBERMAN LINDEBajla22 Sep 1917ZgierzPOW 7  
110111940; Syg. 192LANDAUDawid Berek2 May 1873PrzyrowLimanowksiego 28  
110231940; Syg. 192BRAUNER LANDAUBlima5 Mar 1899RadomskoLimanowskiego 29  

Radomsko: In the Radomsko Ghetto 10 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Radomsko Ghetto; ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (453 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1021920202.LANDAU Sura z d. TarnowskaLANDAU Sura nee TarnowskaLANDAU, TARNOWSKA30 Mar 1889 r. s. Jankla i Hany z d. Ocel30 Mar 1889 son of Jankel and Hany nee OcelOCELRadomsko15 Jul 42Lewkowicz Mordka Czestochowa, Al. Wol-nosci 11LEWKOWICZArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radom. Co. 216/47  
1028826269.R O P JankielR O P JankielROP / RYS15 Apr 1905 r. s. Abrama i Frajdli z d. Landau15 Apr 1905 son of Abram and Frajdla nee LandauLANDAURadomsko24 Oct 1942Rubinsztajn Mojzesz Radomsko, Reymonta Nr 15RUBINSZTAJNArch. b Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 20/46RYS added because it appears in other Radomsko records

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1021210209List 1, Part 1 of 2Mendel LandauLANDAU56MerchantRynek 15Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1883 
1021310210List 1, Part 1 of 2Haskiel LandauLANDAU28AdministratorRynek 15Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1911 
1021410211List 1, Part 1 of 2Michal LandauLANDAU24AccountantRynek 15Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1915 
1021510212List 1, Part 1 of 2Mojzesz LandauLANDAU21Shop assistantRynek 15Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1918 
1022410221List 1, Part 1 of 2Salomon LandauLANDAU17WorkerLimanowskiego 28Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1922 
1022810225List 1, Part 1 of 2Berek LandauLANDAU62Property ownerLimanowskiego 28Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1877 
1139511336List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Szmul LandauLANDAU37TailorReymonta 81902 
1140411345List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Fiszel LandauLANDAU46Without professionReymonta 371893 
1140611347List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Abram LandauLANDAU44PainterLimanowskiego 71895 
1141511356List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Icek LandauLANDAU56WorkerPOW 471883 
1141811359List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Josek LandauLANDAU34MerchantNarutowicza 621905 
1142211363List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Chaim LandauLANDAU17Without professionPlac Plac 3 Maja 51922 
1142311364List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Rafal LandauLANDAU16Without professionPlac Plac 3 Maja 51923 
1142711368List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Szymon LandauLANDAU43TraderPlac Plac 3 Maja 51896 
1142811369List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Szyja LandauLANDAU49WorkerPilsudskiego 61890 
1143811379List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Chaim LandauLANDAU41WorkerBrzeznicka 61898 
1144011381List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Izrael LandauLANDAU60MerchantBrzeznicka 11879 
1144111382List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7Kalma LandauLANDAU27MerchantBrzeznicka 11912 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10209List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUMendel561883TraderRynek 15
10210List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUHaskiel281911AdministratorRynek 15
10211List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUMichal241915ButcherRynek 15
10212List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUMojzesz211918Shop assistantRynek 15
10221List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUSalomon171922WorkerLimanowskiego 28
10225List 1, Part 1 of 2LANDAUBerek621877Property ownerLimanowskiego 28
11336List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUSzmul371902TailorReymonta 8
11345List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUFiszel461893Reymonta 37
11356List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUIcek561883WorkerPOW 47
11359List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUJosek341905TraderNarutowicza 62
11363List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUChaim171922pl. 3 Maja 5
11364List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAURafal161923pl. 3 Maja 5
11368List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUSzymon431896Traderpl. 3 Maja 5
11369List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUSzyja491890WorkerPilsudskiego 6
11379List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUChaim411898WorkerBrzeznicka 6
11381List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUIzrael601879TraderBrzeznicka 1
11382List 2, Parts 4-5 of 7LANDAUKalma271912TraderBrzeznicka 1

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
11352Matil? LandauLANDAU1352Column 21
11353Haim LandauLANDAU1353Column 21
11354Yehuda LandauLANDAU1354Column 21
11355Sarah LandauLANDAU1355Column 21
11367Menakhem-Mendel LandauLANDAU1367Column 21
11368Rachel LandauLANDAUand their children1368Column 21
11403Aron-Yehuda LandauLANDAU1403Column 22
11440Aba LandauLANDAU1440Column 22
11441Shimon LandauLANDAU1441Column 22
11442Sholom LandauLANDAU1442Column 22
11443Shmuel-Yosef LandauLANDAU1443Column 22
11444Yehezkeil LandauLANDAU1444Column 22
11445Yisroel-Yitzhak LandauLANDAU1445Column 22
11446Hinda-Rachel LandauLANDAU1446Column 22
11447Yitzhak LandauLANDAU1447Column 22
11448Mordekhai LandauLANDAU1448Column 22
11449Hinda-Rachel LandauLANDAU1449Column 22
11450Haim LandauLANDAU1450Column 22
11451Manya LandauLANDAU1451Column 22

Radomsko Yizkor Book index, page 585-600: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Radomsko/rad585.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-Index page numberLetterGiven namesSurname(s) [r#]Page(s) in Yizkor book
11463593LAMEDAhron EidlLANDAU108, 125
11466593LAMEDReb Yeheil the RabbiLANDAU30, 56, 58, 173, 528, 529, 537, 538, 539
11467593LAMEDYoskeLANDAU31, 60
11469593LAMEDYakovLANDAU174, 375, 529, 542
11471593LAMEDYitzhakLANDAU108, 125, 240
11474593LAMEDReb MendeleLANDAU61, 117, 123
11475593LAMEDNaftli-Hertz the RabbiLANDAU489
11476593LAMEDRywkaLANDAU216, 316, 526, 528, 539
11477593LAMEDLANDAU216, 316

Radomsko Yizkor Book, Necrology; translations at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad420.html, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (83 surnames, for over 300 persons) [H]


Radomsko Yizkor Book, Photo Index; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad578.html#Page581, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (about 336 photographs) [H]

-Sort-Page of indexPage of photographPhotographSurname(s)
10317584529The Rabbi Yekheill Landau Synagogue in Zfat/SafedLANDAU

Radoszyce: list of abandoned immovable (Jewish) property located in the Radoszyce commune, powiat Końskie; date at end of list: 14 Oct 1946 [Wykaz: majątku opuszczonego nieruchomego (żydowskiego) znajdującego się na terenie gminy Radoszyce pow. Koneckiego], syg 375, pages 20-25 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberOwner prior to 1939Surname of property ownerlocation of the estate [name of town]Size of land in hektars [= 100 ares = 10,000 square meters = 2.471 acres]CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1005821_336_0_-_375_25_56162498.jpg2356/3442Dora LandauLANDAURadoszyce0.10 ha.  

Radoszyce: List of Jewish houses and lands located in the Radoszyce commune, 1 Jul 1941 [Wykaz domów i gruntów żydowskich znajdującąyc się na terenie gminy Radoszyce, 1 lipca 1941], syg 375, pages 2-4 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberLocation of the land: houseOwner(s)Surname from previous columnIncome from rent / zł. per year[Meaning unclear; encumbrance?]Ground condition of the building: good conditionGround condition of the building: [needs repairs?]Condition of the building's land: poor conditionNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column [r#]
1009021_336_0_-_375_5_56162479.jpg387.Radoszyce; ul. RynekDobra LandauLANDAU456--st. dobry [= stan dobry = good condition]    

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in Radoszyce [Wykaz: domów żydowskich w Radoszycach], syg 375, pages 26-48 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageHouse owner [given name]Surname of house ownerStreet and (house) numberNumber of roomsType of buildingAnnual returnTenant [given name]Surname of tenantRent[See image for additional columns (apparently with rent per month)]Notes (written by translator / typist)Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1001221_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27MoszekGancarskiRynek 42Holzhaus [Wooden house]240DoraLandau20.- [crossed out and changed to:] 25.-   
1002521_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27DoraLandauRynek 152Gm. Haus [?? house]156Posterunek Pol. Pols. [Police station]13   
1002621_336_0_-_375_29_56162503.jpg27DoraLandauRynek 152Gm. Haus [?? house]156RomanBarański13   

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 2-25; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Date(s) on documentImage file name [r#]PageGiven name(s)Surname[Address] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]Surname from previous column[Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]... contruction [Part of top of page missing][Number of floors?] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]See image for numbers listed in many additional columnsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10013Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Dobra LandauLANDAURynek 15mieszk. Nuzow. [meaning unknown]1dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10014Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Frajdla LibermanLIBERMANRynek 15         
10015Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Berek MachtygerMACHTYGERRynek 15         
10016Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_4_56162691.jpg2-3Icek GlajtGLAJTRynek 15         

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 34-57; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Year on documentImage file namePageOrder numberAddress of house or landProprietor / OwnerSurname from previous columnOwner's addressAmiccable agreement of tenancy or leaseSurname from previous columnSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the rightmortgage chargeTax burdenObject value: zł. gr.Whether a trustee is appointedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10088Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_40_56162727.jpg38-3982Radoszyce, Rynek 15Wólf Marmur, sp. [presumably = spadkobiercy = heirs of]MARMUR; LANDAUSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     
10089Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_40_56162727.jpg38-3982Radoszyce, Rynek 15Dora Landau odp. [likely = odpowiedzialny = accountable / responsible]LANDAU; MARMURRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     

Radoszyce: List of left [opuszczonych] and abandoned [porzuconych] property in the Radoszyce commune, Końskie powiat according to the account book; [Spis nieruchomości opuszczonych i porzuconych na terenie gminy Radoszyce powiatu Koneckiego według księgi kontowej], syg 375, pages 15-19 [H]

-Sort-Date in preceding letteropuszczonych vs. "porzuconych"Image file namePageOrder numberStreet nameHouse numberProperty ownerSurname from previous columnDescription of the propertyPurpose / Use of the propertynumber of roomsMortgage listCommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100275 Mar 1947https://www.cra…orzuconych.php21_336_0_-_375_18_56162492.jpg1622Rynek15Dora LandauLANDAUdom mieszkalny [residential house]mieszkanie [residential]7[blank][blank] 

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 12-17; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberHeaderConsecutive numberStreetProperty owner: given nameProperty owner: surnamePerson renting (leaseholder / tenant): given namePerson renting (leaseholder / tenant): surnameDescription of real estatePurpose of real estateNumber of roomsSet monthly rent: złotySet monthly rent: groszyRemarks / NotesNotes (by typistNotes (not written by typist)
1003721_336_0_-_374_16_56162417.jpg14Listing of real estate belonging to Jews in Radoszyce [at end of list: 9 Dec 1943]36.Rynek Nr. 15Dora LandauLANDAUFeliks JarzębowskiJARZĘBOWSKIDom mieszkalny [Residential house]Mieszkanie [Apartment]215-   
1003821_336_0_-_374_16_56162417.jpg14Listing of real estate belonging to Jews in Radoszyce [at end of list: 9 Dec 1943]37.Rynek Nr. 15Dora LandauLANDAUPosterunek Policji PolskiejDom mieszkalny [Residential house]Mieszkanie [Apartment]21357   
1003921_336_0_-_374_16_56162417.jpg14Listing of real estate belonging to Jews in Radoszyce [at end of list: 9 Dec 1943]38.Rynek Nr. 15Dora LandauLANDAUJózef JózwiakJÓZWIAKDom mieszkalny [Residential house]Mieszkanie [Apartment]315-   

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 30-65; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberPage header before this materialStreetHouse numberType of houseOwnersSurname(s) copied from previous columnTenantsSurname(s) copied from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rent, in złotyAnnual income/revenue, in złotyNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1000221_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANPolskiej Posternnek?POSTERNNEK?213156.-   
1000321_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANJózef Jóźwiak?JÓŹWIAK?213156.-   
1000421_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANKazimierz DubieleckiDUBIELECKI325280.-   
1000521_336_0_-_374_34_56162434.jpg32Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek15.mieszkalny murowany [residential brick]Dobra Landau, Fradla LibermanLANDAU, LIBERMANJan ZawrzykrajZAWRZYKRAJ110120.   

Radoszyce: [title unclear; might be part of:] List of Jewish houses and lands located in the Radoszyce commune, 1 Jul 1941 [Wykaz domów i gruntów żydowskich znajdującąyc się na terenie gminy Radoszyce, 1 lipca 1941], syg 375, pages 5-12 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPlace and streetHouse number [r#]OwnerSurname of ownerNumber of stories / floorsNumber of roomsMonthly gross rent [including charges for heating etc?]Cost of building insuranceTax value of propertyAverage of most recent sale price or similarWhat mortgage on the property is known?Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1002221_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Dobra LandauLANDAU188612.26093015.000  
1002321_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Fradla LibermanLIBERMAN188612.26093015.000  
1002421_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Icek GlajtGLAJT[blank]4[blank]27502353500  
1002521_336_0_-_375_7_56162483.jpg56Rynek15Berek MachtygerMACHTYGER[blank]4[blank]27502353500  

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
12289Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAUAnina1912Bedzin 
12290Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAUAnina1912Bedzin 
12291Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAUBellaRadom 
12292Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAUHanka1924Piotrkow 
12295Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAUJanina1924Krakow 
12296Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LAUNDAU-KINDAJCHLada1918Chrzanow 
12297Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 194515LANDAURiwka1926Blazkow 
12563Jewish Women Liberated In the Bergen-Belsen Camp16LINDIlona1914Budapest 
145932. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29LANDAUJakub1907Czestochowa 
145942. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29LANDAUMozes1909Oswiecim 
145952. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29LANDAUMotek1924Czestochowa 
149062. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List C32LANDAUChaim1925Zagrow 
15813List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 194538LANDAUAbraham1929Uhla 
15814List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 194538LANDAUJonas1905Hust 
15815List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 194538LANDAUJozsef1929Uhla 
15816List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A; 8 Jun 194538LANDAULaszlo1928Miskolc 
16255List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541LANDAUBesis1928Brzesko 
16256List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541LANDAUKolman1928Niwko 
16435List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List C; 6 Oct 194542LANDAULaszlo1928Miskolc 
17368List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampA97LANDAUTauba1920Tomaszow 
17826List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampC100LANDAUKiwe1925Lodz 
18463List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LANDAUAron1920Lodz 
18464List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LANDAUEdward1915Krakow 
18465List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp105LANDOHenryk1924Lwow 
19877List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945116LANDAUHelena1909Lodz 
20154List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LANDAUAntoni-Marceli1919Warszawa, Riga 
20155List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LANDAUBronislaw1907Lodz,Riga 
20156List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LANDAUFela1920Kielce 
20186List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945118LANDAUChana nee MincMINC1912Lodz 
20488List of Surviving Polish Jews Submitted by the Representatives of the Polish Jews in London120LANDAU-SCHWARCBAUMStefa    
20508List of Surviving Polish Jews Submitted by the Representatives of the Polish Jews in London121LANDAUMieczyslawWarszawaNo given name
21086List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland125LANDAUOzjaszRzeszow 
21087List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland125LANDAUJozefRzeszow 
22810List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUJozef1912Kalisz 
22818List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUMojzesz1891Kopyczynce 
22840List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAULazar1910Gdynia 
22842List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUAleksander1909Krakow 
22863List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUCzarna1921Jaworow 
22864List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUSala1918Czestochowa 
22865List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow136LANDAUAnna1906Krakow 
22892List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LANDAUFelicja1886Lublin 
22956List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LINDHelena1886Lwow 
22975List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LANDAUEstera1917Sadowa Wisznia 
22977List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow137LANDAUMaria1900Lodz 
27018List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLIST B KOWNO163LANDAUHildegard (August)    
27019List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLIST B KOWNO163LANDAUMarijona (Salomon)    
27020List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLIST B KOWNO163LANDAUSalomon (Isak)    

Rozprza, Identity Cards, 1940-1943 ("Rozprza ewidencja 1940"); last Jewish record is from 7 August 1942; Piotrków Tryb. Archives, Akta Gminy Rozprza, zespol 32, syg 166 (250 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birthPlace of birthNumberYearNotesNotes (not by researcher)
10006Abram LandauLANDAU1910Lodz2071940  

Rozprza: List of Jewish children from Rozprza who received sugar from the Jewish Social Help in Radom [Radomsko?], Poland, May 13, 1941; presumably refers to rationing of sugar during the war; Yad Vashem [H]

-Sort-Image numberNumbering [L.p.]PersonSurname from previous columnAge (Wiek)dkg of sugar [1dkg (dag) = 10g = 0.35oz = 2tsp; Polish: dkg cukru]Other information on pageNotes (not written by typists)
10048415.pdf46Jakob LandauLANDAU2.50  

Stockholm: August 9, 1945, List of Messages Broadcast by Radio Stockholm submitted by The World Jewish Congress, N.Y. (244 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberSourceNameSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnAge (of person listed under "Name")Date of BroadcastMessageSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnTypist notes
10029DSC00353.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5FELDMAN, Manja fr. MyszkowFELDMAN22June 10, 1945Greets FELDMAN, Jakub and LANDAU, Manja, BedzinFELDMAN, LANDAU 
10045DSC00356.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5FRYDMAN, Fela fr. RadomFRYDMAN21June 10, 1945Greets LANDAU, Hen, and AJZMAN in Tel-AvivLANDAU, AJZMAN 
10160DSC00364.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5LANDE, Helena fr. LodzLANDE35May 28, 1945To PERLE Alexander, PalestinePERLE 
10216DSC00368.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5SZYMKEVICZ, Sheindla fr. LodzSZYMKEVICZ22June 1, 1945Greets LANDAU Fil, Buenos Aires and relatives in HaifaLANDAU 

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1034301- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaIng, JohnLANDAUParis, Rue de London 5-7, "La Concorde"  
1034401- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaGauthierLANDAUParis, Rue de London 5-7, "La Concorde"  
1034501- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaLidja a StanislawLANDAUGhetto Warschau  
1034601- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaWaldyslawGLOCERNew York  
1034701- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaTheodorHARTGLASEdinbourgh  
1034801- DSC00120.JPG8Antoni MarceliLANDAU24 Aug 1919WarschauRigaJuliaSTILLERWarschau, Smocz  
1034901- DSC00120.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaJohnLANDAUParis, Rue Landres 5-7, "La Concorde"  
1035001- DSC00120.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaGauthierLANDAUParis, Rue Landres 5-7, "La Concorde"  
1035101- DSC00120.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaAlfredKATZTokio, United Arstisto Films Comp,  
1035201- DSC00121.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaPawel a EvaTRUSKIERGhetto Warschau  
1035301- DSC00121.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaJosephRUSSINEKGhetto Warschau  
1035401- DSC00121.JPG8BronislawLANDAU22 May 1907LodzRigaMUHLMANNNew York  
1035501- DSC00121.JPG8FelaLANDAU1 Jan 1920KielceMinaLANDAUKielce Nowy-Swiat 46  
1035601- DSC00121.JPG8FelaLANDAU1 Jan 1920KielceAbramSZMOJSZNew York  
1035701- DSC00121.JPG8FelaLANDAU1 Jan 1920KielceElaSZMOJSZNew York  
1045001-DSC00126.JPG10ChanaMINELANDAU NEE MINE20 Feb 1912LodzLodzWolfLANDAUTel Aviv  
1045101-DSC00126.JPG10ChanaMINELANDAU NEE MINE20 Feb 1912LodzLodzPaulaLANDAUTel Aviv  
1045201-DSC00126.JPG10ChanaMINELANDAU NEE MINE20 Feb 1912LodzLodzMajerSZULMANChicago USA  
1045301-DSC00126.JPG10ChanaMINELANDAU NEE MINE20 Feb 1912LodzLodzNachaSZULMANChicago USA  
1125002-DSC00013.JPG9HelenaLANDAU?15 Sep 1909LodzPerleALEKSANDERPalestine  
1152002-DSC00024.JPG14FrajdlaSZYMKIEWICZ14 Dec 1914BetchatowFradlaLANDAUPhiladelphia  
1188402-DSC00038.JPG2ManiaFELDBAUM16 Dec 1923MyszkowManiaLANDAUBedzin, Polen  
1193202-DSC00040.JPG3FelaFRYDMANSchoolgirl16 Jun 1926RadomHerzLANDAUTel-Aviv  
1198202-DSC00042.JPG4ZofiaGLASNER26 Mar 1919KrakauHeinrich and AndriaLANDAUBuenos Aires, Hutfabrik  
1217502-DSC00049.JPG8ReginaLIEBERMAN22 Nov 1922Lawrescie -PinkusLANDAUTel Aviv  
1344202-DSC00090.JPGRegina RivkaLANDAUBRAUNER LANDAUGorliceSiggaBARTKOWSKYRio de Janeiro  
1344302-DSC00090.JPGRegina RivkaLANDAUBRAUNER LANDAUGorliceJosuaLANDAU?  
1344402-DSC00090.JPGRegina RivkaLANDAUBRAUNER LANDAUGorliceLolaLANDAUGorlice  
1360402-DSC00097.JPG4FrajdlaTELLNER-GLEITMAN25 Jun 1908BedzinWolfLANDAUTel Aviv  
1485302-DSC00139.JPG17FrajdlaGLAJTMANTELNER NEE GLAJTMAN25 Jun 1908BedzinWolfLANDAUTel Aviv  
1504702-DSC00145.JPFEvaEJLENBERGZYNGER-EJLENBERG18 Oct 1918LodzSrulLANDAUMelbourne, Australia  
1510502-DSC00148.JPGHelenaMAKLANDAU-MAKdressmaker15 Sep 1909LodzMax RometLANDAULustige 13, Lodzchild 
1545703-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?CelaWOLFOWICZRue Gambey 4, Paris XI  
1545803-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDUA NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?MoryeWOLFOWICZRue Gambey 4, Paris XI  
1545903-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?M. M.HOPPESamara, Russl.  
1546003-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?DawidLANDONBuchenwald  
1546103-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?SzmulHOPPEBuchenwald  
1546203-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?SzulinHOPPEKielce  
1546303-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?MotekGOLINSKIKrakau  
1546403-DSC00007.JPG2LolaHOPPELANDAU NEE HOPPENurce4 Jul 1918Kielce?SalaOBARZANEKPionki.  
1673304-DSC00006.JPG17212AnnieGRONNERSeamstress03 Sep? 1921KrakauHelenaLANDAU??Orig. Qu. Mrk
1687004-DSC00013.JPG20247ZygmuntHILLMAN28 Aug 1923KrakauEdwardLANDAU?  
1718104-DSC00032.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzAbramLANDAUMexico  
1718404-DSC00032.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzIsakLANDAUKalisz-London  
1719704-DSC00033.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzAbramLANDAUMexicoRepeated
1720004-DSC00033.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzIsakLANDAUKalisz-LondonRepeated
1721904-DSC00034.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzAbramLANDAUMexicoRepeated
1722204-DSC00034.JPG26327SaraKUJAWSKI23 May 1924KalischLodzIsakLANDAUKalisz-LondonRepeated
1726104-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtChil IsraelLANDAULodz?? in original document
1726204-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtSipetlaFISCHERLodz?? in original document
1726304-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtIzik JakobFISCHERLodz?? in original document
1726404-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtEsteraFISCHERLodz?? in original document
1726504-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtHelaNOIFELDLodz?? in original document
1726604-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtRosaRAJCHMANLodz?? in original document
1726704-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtJakobRAJCHMANLodz?? in original document
1726804-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtDanielNEUFELDLodz?? in original document
1726904-DSC00035.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtHerschDANZIGERPalestine  
1727004-DSC00035.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceAjlaLANDAUZavierce  
1727104-DSC00035.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceSarahLANDAUZavierce  
1727204-DSC00035.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceRosaKNOBLERZavierce  
1727304-DSC00035.JPG27337RiwkaLANDAU9 Oct 1926ScharkowDavidLANDAUMarkt Tirnau 1942  
1727404-DSC00035.JPG27337RiwkaLANDAU9 Oct 1926ScharkowMosesKAUFMANNLondon  
1728004-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtChil IsraelLANDAULodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728104-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtSipetlaFISCHERLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728204-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtIzik JakobFISCHERLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728304-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtEsteraFISCHERLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728404-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtHelaNOIFELDLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728504-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtRosaRAJCHMANLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728604-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtJakobRAJCHMANLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728704-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtDanielNEUFELDLodz?Repeated,? in original document
1728804-DSC00036.JPG27335EbaLANDAU5 Jun 1912RadomLitzmannstadtHerschDANZIGERPalestineRepeated
1728904-DSC00036.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceAjlaLANDAUZavierceRepeated
1729004-DSC00036.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceSarahLANDAUZavierceRepeated
1729104-DSC00036.JPG27336JadzaLANDAUHousehold27 Aug 1927ZavierceZavierceRosaKNOBLERZavierceRepeated
1729204-DSC00036.JPG27337RiwkaLANDAU9 Oct 1926ScharkowDavidLANDAUMarkt Tirnau 1942Repeated
1729304-DSC00036.JPG27337RiwkaLANDAU9 Oct 1926ScharkowMosesKAUFMANNLondonrepeated
1730804-DSC00037.JPG27337RiwkaLANDAU9 Oct 1926ScharkowMosesKAUFMANNLondonrepeated
1784804-DSC00067.JPG37470Abram JojneROSENBERGTaylor21 Dec 1908SlawkowSlawkowAlbergLANDAU1892 Bendrin, New York  
1942405-DSC00001.JPG65915Erna-FelaSPAGATNERseamstress16 May 1924KrakauJakobLANDAURussland  
1996504-DSC00026.JPG731038IsakURBACH11 Dec 1913ChrzanowChrzanowMoisesLANDAUValencia, Calle-Boda, Venezuela  
2046705-DSC00055.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12-Dec-1920PabianiceLodzMenachemWROCLAWSKIJerusalem or Tel Aviv  
2046805-DSC00055.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12-Dec-1920PabianiceLodzScharjaWROCLAWSKITel Aviv  
2046905-DSC00055.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12-Dec-1920PabianiceLodzAbrahamLANDAULodz -?  
2047005-DSC00055.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12-Dec-1920PabianiceLodzPerla & Lola & Maryla & Josek DavidWROCLAWSKAPabianice -?  
2047905-DSC00056.JPG831181ChanaWULKANWULKANdressmaker21 Oct 1921AuschwitzAuschwitzLeoLANDAU?  
2050805-DSC00058.JPG841189GustawaZABRAMNA-LANDAUZABRAMNA-LANDAU31-Dec-1913ZavierceSosnowitzMoizeszZABRAMNYSosnowitz-Gross Rosen?Husband 
2050905-DSC00058.JPG841189GustawaZABRAMNA-LANDAUZABRAMNA-LANDAU31-Dec-1913ZavierceSosnowitzHeinrichLANDAUPeoria, Illinois, USA  
2051005-DSC00058.JPG841189GustawaZABRAMNA-LANDAUZABRAMNA-LANDAU31-Dec-1913ZavierceSosnowitzIsidor & AnnaLANDAUNew York, Brooklyn  
2051105-DSC00058.JPG841189GustawaZABRAMNA-LANDAUZABRAMNA-LANDAU31-Dec-1913ZavierceSosnowitzJehuda & GitlaLANDAULondon, Jewish Community  
2135705-DSC0010211151RitaLICHENSTEINNurse1 Oct 1918TomaszowMazowieckiSzajaLANDAUCzenstochowa-Librose  
2143705-DSC0010613168MalaOKLADEK14 Jan 1921WartaWartaWolfLANDAULodz?? in original document
2178305-DSC00125.JPG558ChawaBLUMBERG15 Sep 1926LodzLodzNathanLANDAUTel Aviv  
2179105-DSC00125.JPG559GutaBLUMBERGClerk15 Mar 1926LodzLodzRafaelLANDAUTel Aviv  
2264806-DSC00017.JPG20291Betty BertaROGOZINSKAGOLDNER-ROGOZINSKA10 Feb 1920BarkschimLodzBoruchLANDAULublin-Graudenz?  
2301606-DSC00035.JPG375BerekHERC24 Dec 1936LodzFredaHERC-LANDAULodz-SwedenMother 
2377506-DSC00073.JPG39555HankaLANDAU18 Oct 1918TomaszowTomaszowRozaSZLATERTomaszow, Maromiecki Loschodnia 11, Polen  
2377606-DSC00073.JPG39556MosesLANDAUCarpenter07 Nov 1909?LajbLANDAUNew York  
2377706-DSC00073.JPG39556MosesLANDAUCarpenter07 Nov 1909?LejzerLANDAUNew York  
2377806-DSC00073.JPG39556MosesLANDAUCarpenter07 Nov 1909?CilaLANDAUAuschwitz-Sosnowitz?  
2377906-DSC00073.JPG39556MosesLANDAUCarpenter07 Nov 1909?SzyjaLANDAUAuschwitz-Sybir.Russland  
2378006-DSC00073.JPG39556MosesLANDAUCarpenter07 Nov 1909?LejzerLANDAUAuschwitz-Sosnowitz?  
2378606-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowIzrael SalomonLANGIER?ChrzanowHusband 
2378706-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowHindaMAUERKrakow?  
2378806-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowSalaMAUERKrakow?  
2378906-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowTaubaROSENBLUMKrakow?  
2379006-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowBlimaROSENBLUMKrakow?  
2379106-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowMojzeszROSENBLUMKrakow?  
2379206-DSC00074.JPG39558RachmaLANDAU?LANGIER-LANDAU01 Apr 1910TochowChrzanowAbrahamROSENBLUMKrakow?  
2521706-DSC00156.JPG65915Erna-FelaSPAGATNERSeamstress16 May 1924KrakauJakobLANDAURussland  
2587307-DSC00023.JPG731038IsakURBACH11 Dec 1913ChrzanowChrzanowMoisesLANDAUValencia, Calle-Boda, Venezuela  
2655807-DSC00053.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12 Dec 1920PabianiceLodzMenachemWROCLAWSKIJerusalem or Tel Aviv  
2655907-DSC00053.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12 Dec 1920PabianiceLodzScharjaWROCLAWSKITel Aviv  
2656007-DSC00053.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12 Dec 1920PabianiceLodzAbrahamLANDAULodz -?  
2656107-DSC00053.JPG831178DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKA LANDAU12 Dec 1920PabianiceLodzPerla & Lola & Meryla & Josek DavidWROCLAWSKAPabianice -?  
2657007-DSC00054.JPG831181ChanaWULKANDressmaker21 Oct 1921AuschwitzAuschwitzLeoLANDAU?  
2660607-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzSalezyZABRAMNYWolbrom-Sosnowitz?Child? in original document
2660707-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzMoizeszZABRAMNYSosnowitz-Gross Rosen?Husband? in original document
2660807-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzHeinrichLANDAUPeoria, Illinois, USA  
2660907-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzIsidorLANDAUNew York, Brooklyn  
2661007-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzAnnaLANDAUNew York, Brooklyn  
2661107-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzJehudaLANDAULondon, Jewish Community  
2661207-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzGitlaLANDAULondon, Jewish Community  
2661307-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzRachilaZABRAMNASosnowitz-Grunberg?? in original document
2661407-DSC00056.JPG841189GustawaLANDAU?ZABRAMNA-LANDAU31 Dec 1913ZavierceSosnowitzEsteraGUTOWSKAWloctawek-Sosnowitz-Auschwitz-Union?? in original document

Sweden: List no. 7 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after June 26th (Group 2); printed red at top of page 1: 8 Feb 1946? [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1031914Lola LandauLANDAU4 Jul 1919Kielce, Poland[not listed]  

Sweden: "List of Survivors: Stockholm, 1946," Mosaiska forsamlingens i Stockholm (807 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNationalityIdentity card numberSequential number (on left)Arrival dateGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthLast domicilePlace of birthComments
1059614Uncertain nationalityAfter 26 Jun [1946]LolaLANDAU-HOPPEList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
1092816AmalieLANDAUPoljava05 May 1913Czechoslovakia 
1092916FriedaLANDAUTeresva16 May 1927Czechoslovakia 
1093016GisellaLANDAUTecsoe15 Jul 1928Czechoslovakia 
1093116IlonaLANDAUTascana23 May 1928Czechoslovakia 
1093216MargitLANDAGRUENZWIEGLipse03 May 1913Czechoslovakia 
1093316ReginaLANDAUUgla14 May 1927Czechoslovakia 
1303751AnnaLANDAUNyiregyhaza13 Jun 1918Hungary 
1303851NelliLANDAUGLATTERKerecsend01 Aug 1914Hungary 
1417970Regina RivkaBRAUNERLANDAUGorlice01 Sep 1914Poland 
1422271Wlievlek Gustava AnnusBUDYNSKIBANDATOWSKYLANDAUBialy Kamien05 Apr 1923Poland 
1445475LubaEHRLICHMANNLANDAULodz12 May 1911Poland 
1522287FredaHERTZLANDAUPiotrkow08 Jan 1914Poland 
1581496Antoni MarceliLANDAUWarszawa24 Aug 1919Poland 
1581596BronislawLANDAULodz22 May 1907Poland 
1581696ChanaLANDAUMINELodz20 Feb 1912Poland 
1581796DinaLANDAUWROCLAWSKAPabianice12 Dec 1920Poland 
1581896EwaLANDAURadom05 Jun 1912Poland 
1581996FelaLANDAUKielce01 Jan 1920Poland 
1582096HankaLANDAUTomaszow18 Oct 1918Poland 
1582196HelenaLANDAUMAKLodz15 Sep 1909Poland 
1582296JadzaLANDAUZawiercie27 Aug 1927Poland 
1582396LolaLANDAUHOPPEKielce04 Jul 1918Poland 
1582496MosesLANDAUOlpin07 Nov 1916Poland 
1582596RiwkaLANDAUChrzanow09 Oct 1926Poland 
1582997RachmaLANGIERLANDAUTuchow01 Apr 1910Poland 
16051100HelenaMAKLANDAULodz15 Sep 1909Poland 
17705127GustawaZABRAMNALANDAUZaureocie31 Dec 1913Poland 
18486139HildaLANDAUSanislau18 May 1923Roumania 

Sweden: Survivors 2 (1375 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameGiven name 2Given name 3SurnameSurname 2SexPlace of birthDate of birthResidencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityNotes
1103519DinaWROCLAWSKALANDAUFLodz12 Dec 1920Poland 

Sweden: "Sweden 5 - First list of deceased Jewish refugees buried in the Jewish cemeteries of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Norrköping, up until 31 Aug 1945"; at top in red: 22 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberCountryPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1025416PolandJadzia LandauLANDAU27 Aug 1927Zawiercie4518  
1025516PolandRyfka LandauLANDAU10 Sep 1926Chrzanow2946  

Szczekociny: Municipal Court [1929-1950], zespol 1846, syg 6-1465 (various); includes more than 100 requests for issuance of death certificates for persons who died during the Holocaust [H]

-Sort-Image file namesyg [r#]Case numberDate case commencedPlaintiff nameSurname from previous columnPlaintiff addressDefendant nameSurname from previous columnDefendant addressCase detailsSurname from previous columnDate case concludedVerdictNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous two columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1005321_1846_0_0_234.pdf234C 678/307 Nov 1930Kelman LandauLANDAUul. Padarewskiego 11, ZawiercieHerszko ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNSzczekocinyPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 400 zł, plus interest and costs, for two unpaid and due Promissory Notes. He also asks Court to sequester two cars, one truck and one bus belonging to the Defendant as surety against payment of the debt.4 Dec 1930On 7 Nov 1930, Court orders sequestration of vehicles as requested. Court then finds in favor of Plaintiff and orders Bailiff to execute verdict.   
1040021_1846_0_0_1288.pdf1288Zg 7/4627 Aug 1946Abram Icyk ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Dekerta 4, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue a death certificate for his mother Szyfra Rajzla Zylbersztajn nee Landau, born on 14 Oct 1887 in Szczekociny. She was shot by the Germans on 1 Aug 1943.ZYLBERSZTAJN NEE LANDAU17 Sep 1946Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1046221_1846_0_0_1329.pdf1329Zg 41/471 Jul 1947Wolf ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Modrzejewska 36, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his mother's brother Jakób Szmul Landau (born 12 Oct 1902, Lelów; died 1944, Czestochowa ) and his wife Ruchla nee Szwarc (born 1905, Lelów; died Mar 1943, Częstochowa).LANDAU, SZWARC30 Jul 1947Court grants Plaintiff's application.   
1050821_1846_0_0_1367.pdf1367Zg 14/4828 Jan 1948Wolf ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Dekerta 4, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his cousins Sura Landau (born 21 Jul 1934, Lelów) and Abram Landau (born 11 Apr 1938, Lelów), who were removed from their parents by the Germans when the Jews were transported out of Lelów. Since the, there has been no trace of them.LANDAU8 Nov 1948Court requests further evidence; no further documents in file to determine ultimate result of the case.Sura and Abram were the children of Jakób Szmul and Ruchla nee Szwarc.SZWARC 
1054421_1846_0_0_1418.pdf1418Zg 71/4818 Dec 1942Abram ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNul. Bieruta 35, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his relatives Eliasz Lipiński and his wife Tołba Gitla nee Landau were residents of Lelów, from where they were deported in September 1942 to Częstochowa where they worked in a HASAG labour camp. At the beginning of 1944, weakened and starving, hence unfit for work, they were killed by the Germans.LIPIŃSKI, LANDAU29 Dec 1948Court grants Plaintiff's application.Eliasz and Tołba were married on 16 Mar 1928 in Lelów.  
1055221_1846_0_0_1423.pdf1423Zg 76/4830 Dec 1948Nachman Dawid ZycherZYCHERul. Modrzejewska 3, SosnowiecPlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for his relatives Izrael Icyk Mangiel (born 18 Feb 1889, Chęciny) and his wife Chaja nee Landau (born 15 Jan 1887, Szczekociny). Both were residents of Szczekociny, from where they were deported to the camp in Kędzierzyn, where they perished in 1943.MANGIEL, LANDAU16 Oct 1949Court grants Plaintiff's application.Izrael and Chaja were married 25 Aug 1911 in Szczekociny  

Tomaszów Mazowiecki: In the ghetto and city area of Tomaszów Mazowiecki 5 Jan 1940 - 6 May 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the ghetto and city Tomaszów Mazowiecki, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (678 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1036733326Landau JakubLandau JakubLANDAUur. W 1882 r. w Tomasz. s. Dawida I Estery z Ornerowborn in 1882 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki son of Dawid and Estera nee OrnerORNERTomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Kartus Romana, Tomasz. ul. Sw. Antoniego 12 Wilczynska Regina, Lodz ul.Piotrkowska 33KARTUS, WILCZYNSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.187/47  
1036833327Landau Moszek-AronLandau Moszek-AronLANDAUTomaszow Mazow.10 Jun 1942Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow Amzel Moszek, Tomaszow ul. Polna 3JELEN, AMZELArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.633/46  
1036933328Landau LajaLandau LajaLANDAUTomaszow Mazow.3 Jan 1942Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow Rotblat Chana Tomaszow ul. Jerozolimska 5JELEN, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.646/46  
1037033329Landau SzymchaLandau SzymchaLANDAUTomaszow Mazow.18 Aug 1942Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow Amzel Moszek, Tomaszow ul. Polna 3JELEN, AMZELArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.632/46  
1070962639.Wilczynska Rywka-Liba z d. LandauWilczynska Rywka-Liba nee d. LandauWILCZYNSKA, LANDAU15 Dec 1881 r.w Tomaszowie c. Dawida i Estery z Ornerow15 Dec 1881 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki daughter of Dawid and Estera nee OrnerORNERTomaszow Mazow.30 Oct 1942Cukierman Rafal, Lodz Wilczynska Regina, Lodz ul.Tuwima 16 m.4 ul.Piotrkowska 33CUKIERMAN, WILCZYNSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 18/47  

Treblinka: persons listed at Memory of Treblinka Foundation from any CRARG town [H]

-Sort-More informationPersonSurname from previous columnTownTreblinka victim?
10390For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Liba Roza LandauLANDAUCzęstochowaYes
10391For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Miriam Chaja LandauLANDAUCzęstochowaYes
10392For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Pinkus Aron LandauLANDAUCzęstochowaYes
10393For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rywka Gela LandauLANDAUCzęstochowaYes
10394For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Szajndla LandauLANDAUCzęstochowaYes
11300For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Dwora LandauLANDAURadomskoYes
11301For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rywka LandauLANDAURadomskoYes
11385For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Daniel LandauLANDAUWarszawaYes

USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImagePage numberGiven name(s)Surname(s)AgeOccupationFather's nameFamily groupLast residence in PolandLast address in the USSROther information
1210616/DSC00006.JPG5AjzykLANDAU50MerchantKrakowSamarkand Ulitza Kozhhaus Dom 1 
1248416/DSC00048.JPG4SenderLANDAU45RozwadowSamarkand, Staryj Gorod, Ulitza Kaganskaya 79 
1259116/DSC00061.JPG2ChajaLANDAU30ShmuelBobroiskBashkir ASSR. Zilair 9 ul. D. 17 
1300916/DSC00048.JPG4SenderLANDAU45RozwadowSamarkand, Staryj Gorod, Ulitza Kaganskaya 79 

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
13430543308Witold LandauLANDAUWarszawa1915LόdźStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13460553337Elja LandoLANDO[blank][blank]WarszawaStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13464553341Judyta LandoLANDOWarszawa1900WarszawaStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13493553370Symcha LandauLANDAU[blank]1915WarszawaStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13494553371Miriam LandauLANDAU[blank]1914WarszawaStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
13595573470Moszek LandauLANDAULodz1888Warszawa   
13657583531Josek-Tauchum LandauLANDAUOstrleka1920Pultusk   
13699593572Marcelli LandauLANDAU-1918LodzXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
170631166879Edmund LandauLANDAUWarszawa1882WarszawaStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
171401176955Samuel LandauLANDAUWarszawa1903Warszawa   
173481207160Ignacy LandauLANDAUPrzemysl1898LodzX  
173491207161Gitla Miriam LandauLANDAULodz[blank]LodzX  
174191227229Abram LandauLANDAU[blank]1921Suwalki   
178401297642Abram Wigdor LandauLANDAU[blank]1917Zgierz   
188741468659Kelman Jakob LandauLANDAUWarszawa1901Warszawa   

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Register of old and disabled persons receiving pension at Social Welfare by the Jewish Committee (410 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceL.p. numberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeAddress
10367Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5358Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00028.jpgSCHRAJERRomanaLOMAJDA10Inzynierska 7/12

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Registry of children receiving assistance (443 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceNumberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeMaleFemaleAddress
10227Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5221Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00019.jpgLANDAUWladyslaw12XKrasickiego 18/234
10228Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5222Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00019.jpgLANDAUJadwiga1XCzapelska 32/7
10367Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5358Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00028.jpgSCHRAJERRomanaLOMAJDA10XInzynierska 7/12

Warsaw: "Listing of the Surviving Warsaw Jews in the US Zone in Germany," Centrale fun di Warszewer Landsmanszaftn in der US Zone in Dajczland, 1948 (5859 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameBirth dateResidence in Warsaw until 1 Sep 1939Father's given nameMother's given nameMother's maiden nameCurrent addressComments
102325EugeniaRYCZYWOLBEKER5 Jul 1918HerszBrajndlaLANDAUZeigenhein 
1229240SzepelJUDZIK3 Aug 1908Pawia 30ZelmanPerlaLANDAULandsberg/L. 
1253244JehudaKLIGER4 Apr 1914Zamenhofa 38MendelRozaLANDAUUlm 
1282348WandaLANDAU24 Apr 1927BoleslawJaninaZEJDENMANHeidenheim 
1282448JonasLANDAU16 Jan 1925HenrykCylaNEUFELDHeidenheim 
1282548ReginaLANDE28 Mar 1907Gesia 22Stuttgart 
1316654SzulimMARGULEWSKA4 Oct 1918MotelNochaLANDAFahrenwald 
1437974ChaimSOLEWICZ21 Jul 1900Kupiecka 18EnzelSura LajaLINDE LANDSBERGL. 
1497283JerzyTYRMAND15 Nov 1905ZygmuntZeldaLINDEWeiden 
1523688HelenaLANDAUWITKOWSKI15 May 1909Zamenhofa 1MoszekRywkaFRYDLENDERFeldafing 

Warsaw: "Surviving Jews in Warsaw as of June 5th, 1945," World Jewish Archives (2523 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameYear of birthAddress in 1939Present address in WarsawComments
112227EsteraLAMET1920Warsaw, Dzielna 43Sliska 56-8 
112257Adolf Ka.LANDAU1907Warsaw, Przejazd 5Czapelska 32-7 
112267EliaszLANDAU1876Lwow11-go Listopada 26 
112277HeddaLANDAU1919Lwow11-go Listopada 26 
112287Jadwiga WiktoriaLANDAU1945Czanelska 32-7 
112297JerzyLANDAU1895WarsawStalowa 29 
112307IrenaLANDAU1905Warsaw, Krasinskiego 10Krasinskiego 18-24 
112317LubaLANDAU1920Warsaw, Sto-Jerska 34Grochowska 279-18 
112328RomanaLANDAU1898Warsaw, Pulawska 24Stalowa 29-12 
112338WladyslawLANDAU1933Warsaw, Krasinsk. 10Krasinsk. 18-234 

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons exempted from paying community contribution to the Jewish community of Włoszczowa in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 135-151 [WYKAZ osób uwolnionych od składki gminy w Gminie Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej we WŁOSZCZOWIE na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberAddress [only town is listed]PersonSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10189143183WłoszczowaSzymon LandauLANDAU 

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons paying contributions to Jewish community of Włoszczowa District Włoszczowa Voivedoship Kielce in 1939 [date after list: 20 Dec 1938], syg 3387, pages 152-176 [Lista płatników składki gminy wyznaniowej żydowskiej we Włoszczowie powiatu Włoszczowskiego województwa Kieleckiego na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddress [only town is listed]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishOccupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Ilość składek]: ZłNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10223164213Szmul LandauLANDAUWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant35  
10224164214Jankiel LandauLANDAUWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant25  

Włoszczowa: list of persons (with signatures) at first general meeting regarding organizing "Jewish Religious[?] Association" in Włoszczowa, Sunday, 20 Jan 1946, at home of Jakub Benclowicz [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1001421_1804_0_4_264.pdf114)Szmul LandauLANDAU 
1001521_1804_0_4_264.pdf115)Marja LandauLANDAU 
1001621_1804_0_4_264.pdf116)Ruchla LandauLANDAU 

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 271-332 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesPage numberOrder numberDateFirst and last name of the person guardingSurname from previous columnFor whom is guardingSurname from previous columnHow long?CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10194Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]307 [mis-numbered as 207]2525 / 26 Apr 1940Jan KoziolKOZIOLAbram LandauLANDAU    

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
12065Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282567LANDAUGitla1891  
13300Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2293885LANDAUSaul1854  
13301Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2293885Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLANDAUFajgla1859  
13302Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2293885Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLANDAUGitla1891  
13303Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2293885Listed with family of person shown on line aboveLANDAUPinkus1896  

Zawiercie BMD 1943 deaths [H]

-Sort-AktGiven name(s)SurnameBirthDeathNotes (not written by researcher)
10036309Sura SaraLANDAU18842 Jun 1943See jpg image of this index page

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of Refugees who have relatives in America; numbered 187-598; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumberPersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativeSurname from previous columnDegree of relationNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10020List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[2]204Lemel LandauLANDAU26 Feb 1883Sanok, Pol.[blank]Hamburg, AltonaWigury 9K. Stenzel, 34-36 W. Houston Stra., NY [and] Minnie Bernstein, 461 Park Str., ?NY?STENZEL, BERNSTEINbrother-in-law and cousin