1,204 Granek Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 1,204 Granek Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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What is CRARG’s area of Poland?

We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

American Joint Distribution Committee Archives; see details (and search for other surnames) at https://search.archives.jdc.org/search.asp [H]

-Sort-TownPersonSurname(s) from previous column
10087CzestochowaBoleslaw GranekGRANEK

Buchenwald Totenbuch (Buchenwald Death Book); http://totenbuch.buchenwald.de/recherche/ [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birth [Geburtsdatum]Date of death [Todesdatum]Place of death [Sterbeort]
10071DavidGRANEK13 Feb 1910 in Czestochowa, Poland07 Mar 1940Buchenwald
10122MoszekGRANEK15 Jul 1900 in Krzepice, Poland06 Mar 1945Buchenwald
10126HeinrichGRANEK08 Oct 1890 in Lelow, Poland18 Feb 1945Buchenwald

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
10751Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GMaria GraniecGRANIEC276 

Częstochowa 1947 Yizkor Book, pages 117-132: U.S. soldiers born in Częstochowa (or parents born in Częstochowa) who fought in WWII for the U.S. (178 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Year (of birth?)Page
10037Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eHerbert GraneckGRANECK120 [CXX]
10039Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eHerbert GraneckGRANECK1923120 [CXX]
10040Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eJerry GraneckGRANECK120 [CXX]
10041Translation: https://www.jew…1/czea008.html, images: https://digital…2-00505686d14eRobert GraneckGRANECK1925120 [CXX]

Częstochowa: Articles in American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies collection "Jews of Częstochowa" [H]

-Sort-URL of the articleTitle of the articleAuthor of the articlePersonSurname from previous column
10203http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiDr. GrejniecGREJNIEC
10532http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=63Archival Sources on the History of Częstochowa JewsElżbieta Surma-JończykZofia GrynieckaGRYNIECKA
11228http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedSzaja GranekGRANEK
11691http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=71The Jews of Częstochowa in the Cultural Life of Their TownMarta MeduckaAleksander GranachGRANACH

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
125109289483Bendet----WINDHAJMMajer & Laja GranekGRANEK-- --- 1868, Czestochowa----GRANEK, WINDHAJM
125279290683Fiszel----WINDHAJMMajer & Laja GranekGRANEK-- --- 1865, CzestochowaMerchantEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
125289290683HenkaEBERMANWINDHAJMJozef & Roda LibermanLIBERMAN26 Dec 1871, CzestochowaWith husbandEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
125299290683Icyk----WINDHAJMFiszel & Henka EbermanEBERMAN25 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsEBERMAN, GRANEK, LIBERMAN, WINDHAJM
1307810344295SalkaSZENWALDPOLITANSKALajb & Fajgla GranekGRANEK18 May 1833, CzestochowaWidowGRANEK, POLITANSKA, SZENWALD
1307910344295Chaja----POLITANSKASzlama Zelig & Salka Sura Rywka SzenwaldSZENWALD22 Nov 1857, PlawnoWith motherGRANEK, POLITANSKA, SZENWALD
1308010344295Mordka----POLITANSKASzlama Zelig & Salka Sura Rywka SzenwaldSZENWALD10 Nov 1859, PlawnoWith motherGRANEK, POLITANSKA, SZENWALD
1308110344295Szulem----POLITANSKASzlama Zelig & Salka Sura Rywka SzenwaldSZENWALD7 Nov 1861, PlawnoWith motherGRANEK, POLITANSKA, SZENWALD
133461132101Michal----KASZTANSzlama & Ruchla AbramABRAM6 Jan 1845, DzialoszynTraderABRAM, GRANEK, KASZTAN
133471132101EsteraGRANEKKASZTANMoszek & Bajla10 Dec 1840, KrzepiceWith husbandABRAM, GRANEK, KASZTAN
133481132101Rywka----KASZTANMichal & Estera GranekGRANEK24 May 1869, KrzepiceWith parentsABRAM, GRANEK, KASZTAN
1351811210104FrajdlaGRANEKRAJMANMichal & Hajtla DanilewiczDANILEWICZ18 Aug 1875, KrzepiceWidowDANILEWICZ, GRANEK, RAJMAN
1351911210104Bajla----RAJMANIzrael Ajzyk & Frajdla GranekGRANEK22 May 1907, CzestochowaWith motherDANILEWICZ, GRANEK, RAJMAN
1352011210104Lejb----RAJMANIzrael Ajzyk & Frajdla GranekGRANEK10 Mar 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsDANILEWICZ, GRANEK, RAJMAN
1352111210104Mariema----RAJMANIzrael Ajzyk & Frajdla GranekGRANEK8 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsDANILEWICZ, GRANEK, RAJMAN
14999131740132JozefKRAKAUERLejb & Chana GelberGELBER28 Dec 1896, Czestochowa----GELBER, GRANEK, KRAKAUER, TENENBERG
15000131740132Sara NachaTENENBERGKRAKAUERPinkus & Gitla Laja GranekGRANEK25 Jan 1900, ZarkiWith husbandGELBER, GRANEK, KRAKAUER, TENENBERG
15123132013138Jankiel----FAJERTAGAria & Bajla JochimowiczJOCHIMOWICZ18 May 1895, CzestochowaTraderFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15124132013138Fajga----FAJERTAGJankiel & Chana SzymkowiczSZYMKOWICZ19 Dec 1886, KrzepiceWith husbandFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15125132013138Fiszel----FAJERTAGJankiel & Fajga GranekGRANEK3 Apr 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15126132013138Jentla----FAJERTAGJankiel & Fajga GranekGRANEK3 Jun 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15127132013138Chana Sura----FAJERTAGJankiel & Fajga GranekGRANEK10 Jan 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15128132013138Pejsach----FAJERTAGJankiel & Fajga GranekGRANEK9 Feb 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15129132013138Wolf----FAJERTAGJankiel & Fajga GranekGRANEK6 May 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERTAG, GRANEK, JOCHIMOWICZ, SZYMKOWICZ
15302132335144Mosiek----LEWKOWICZIcyk & Estera GranekGRANEK-- --- 1859, CzestochowaBachelorGRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15303132335144Rajzla----LEWKOWICZIcyk & Estera GranekGRANEK-- --- 1866, CzestochowaMaidGRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15442132503145Kopel----LEWKOWICZIcek & Estera GranekGRANEK20 Jul 1858, CzestochowaMerchantERLICH, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15443132503145HajaERLICHLEWKOWICZ------------With husbandERLICH, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15444132503145Icek----LEWKOWICZKopel & Haja ErlichERLICH2 Nov 1879, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15445132503145Szaja----LEWKOWICZKopel & Haja ErlichERLICH22 Dec 1882, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
15802161789170Icek MajerERLICHLejbus & Brandla --------23 Dec 1866, Strychowiec----ERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15803161789170GitlaGRANEKERLICHJosek & Ita SznadelSZNADEL9 Feb 1867, BrzeznicaWith husbandERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15804161789170Chaim IzraelERLICHIcek Majer & Gitla GranekGRANEK1 Jan 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15805161789170SzlamaERLICHIcek Majer & Gitla GranekGRANEK30 Jul 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15806161789170BrandlaERLICHIcek Majer & Gitla GranekGRANEK9 Mar 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15807161789170ChanaERLICHIcek Majer & Gitla GranekGRANEK9 Feb 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
15808161789170ReginaERLICHIcek Majer & Gitla GranekGRANEK14 Mar 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsERLICH, GRANEK, SZNADEL
16823183217188AbramGRANEKHerszlik & Hana SzpiroSZPIRO25 Jan 1852, KrzepiceTraderBRAT, BROKMAN, GRANEK, SZPIRO
16824183217188SuraBROKMANGRANEKJakub Hersz & Chaja BratBRAT22 Jul 1851, CzestochowaWith husbandBRAT, BROKMAN, GRANEK, SZPIRO
16825183221188Dawid MajerGRANEKAbram & Salusa BrokmanBROKMAN-- --- 1847, CzestochowaTraderBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16826183221188ZyslaSAMSONOWICZGRANEKIcyk & Malka BroniatowskaBRONIATOWSKA-- --- 1874, CzestochowaWith husbandBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16827183221188HirszGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ16 Mar 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16828183221188HajaGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ22 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16829183221188IttaGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ18 Aug 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16830183221188HanaGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ5 Nov 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16831183221188FrymetaGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ14 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16832183221188HindaGRANEKDawid Majer & Zysla SamsonowiczSAMSONOWICZ30 Jun 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, BRONIATOWSKA, GRANEK, SAMSONOWICZ
16884183293189HerszlikMILSZTEINDaniel & Hawa SztibelSZTIBEL15 Oct 1860, MstowTinsmithGRANEK, MILSZTEIN, SZTIBEL, WINDHEIM
16885183293189SuraWINDHEIMMILSZTEINMajer & Laja GranekGRANEK-- --- 1860, CzestochowaWith husbandGRANEK, MILSZTEIN, SZTIBEL, WINDHEIM
16886183293189RywkaMILSZTEINHerszlik & Sura WindheimWINDHEIM26 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, MILSZTEIN, SZTIBEL, WINDHEIM
16887183293189KopelMILSZTEINHerszlik & Sura WindheimWINDHEIM26 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, MILSZTEIN, SZTIBEL, WINDHEIM
16920183371190JentlaGRANEKSimsia & Tauba KurlandKURLAND31 Jul 1902, CzestochowaMaidGRANEK, KURLAND
1721919200206MordkaNUDELMANDawid & Nacha WinerWINER26 Nov 1859, LelowTailorBERLINER, GRANEK, NUDELMAN, WINER
1722019200206SzandlaBERLINERNUDELMANMajer & Dwojra GranekGRANEK2 Nov 1857, LelowWith husbandBERLINER, GRANEK, NUDELMAN, WINER
1722119200206MajerNUDELMANMordka Icyk & Szandla Dyna BerlinerBERLINER1 Jun 1893, LelowWith parentsBERLINER, GRANEK, NUDELMAN, WINER
1722219200206SuraNUDELMANMordka Icyk & Szandla Dyna BerlinerBERLINER1 Apr 1904, LelowWith parentsBERLINER, GRANEK, NUDELMAN, WINER
1742019362211RajzlaGRANEKNISBERGIcek & Brandla MontagMONTAG-- --- 1888, KrzepiceWidowGRANEK, MONTAG, NISBERG
1794120998226NachaKANAREKGRANEKMosek & Rajzla ---------- --- 1851, PrzyrowWidowGRANEK, KANAREK
1794220998226GitlaGRANEKSzymsia & Nacha KanarekKANAREK27 Jun 1888, CzestochowaWith motherGRANEK, KANAREK
1794320998226LajaGRANEKSzymsia & Nacha KanarekKANAREK-- --- 1891, CzestochowaWith motherGRANEK, KANAREK
17944201002226MosiekGRANEKSzymsia & Nacha KanarekKANAREK2 Sep 1879, CzestochowaMerchantBIBER, GRANEK, KANAREK, KUCZBART
17945201002226ChajaKUCZBARTGRANEKDawid & Rajzla BiberBIBER-- --- 1885, KlobuckWith husbandBIBER, GRANEK, KANAREK, KUCZBART
17946201002226Majer SzulimGRANEKMosiek & Chaja KuczbartKUCZBART26 Dec 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBIBER, GRANEK, KANAREK, KUCZBART
17947201002226TaubaSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC26 Oct 1862, CzestochowaMaidMERC, SZWARC
17948201002226MalkaSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC29 Nov 1867, CzestochowaMaidMERC, SZWARC
17949201002226ArieSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC16 Jun 1870, CzestochowaBachelorMERC, SZWARC
17950201002226HerszlikSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC26 Jan 1873, CzestochowaBachelorMERC, SZWARC
17951201002226FajglaSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC13 Jul 1876, CzestochowaMaidMERC, SZWARC
17952201002226SzajdlaSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC-- --- 1884, CzestochowaMaidMERC, SZWARC
17953201002226LibaSZWARCSzmul & Maria MercMERC-- --- 1885, CzestochowaMaidMERC, SZWARC
18482211550240SzlamaFRYDLANDERJankiel & Masza OderbergODERBERG15 Jun 1870, CzestochowaFactory ownerFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18483211550240RajzlaGRANEKFRYDLANDERMoszek & Hana FajgaFAJGA4 Sep 1875, KlobuckWith husbandFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18484211550240Jakub NoechFRYDLANDERSzlama & Rajzla GranekGRANEK28 Dec 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18485211550240RuchlaFRYDLANDERSzlama & Rajzla GranekGRANEK18 Apr 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18486211550240WolfFRYDLANDERSzlama & Rajzla GranekGRANEK9 Jun 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18487211550240MendelFRYDLANDERSzlama & Rajzla GranekGRANEK13 Mar 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGA, FRYDLANDER, GRANEK, ODERBERG
18538211680242AbramGRANEKJankiel & Estera KasztanKASZTAN-- --- 1876, KrzepiceMerchantGRANEK, KASZTAN
18539211680242ChajaKASZTANGRANEKMichal & Estera GranekGRANEK2 Dec 1876, CzestochowaWith husbandGRANEK, KASZTAN
18540211680242IcykGRANEKAbram & Chaja KasztanKASZTAN31 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, KASZTAN
18541211680242PessaGRANEKAbram & Chaja KasztanKASZTAN15 Dec 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, KASZTAN
189712226251Rywka SuraKASZTANDAUMANMichal & Estera Maria GranekGRANEK24 May 1869, KrzepiceWidow; own meansDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
189722226251PerlaDAUMANHerszlik & Sura Rywka KasztanKASZTAN11 Dec 1895, CzestochowaWith motherDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
189732226251FrymetaDAUMANHerszlik & Sura Rywka KasztanKASZTAN11 Dec 1895, CzestochowaWith motherDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
189742226251HindaDAUMANHerszlik & Sura Rywka KasztanKASZTAN11 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith motherDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
189752226251MejlichDAUMANHerszlik & Sura Rywka KasztanKASZTAN13 Oct 1907, CzestochowaWith motherDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
189762226251MalkaDAUMANHerszlik & Sura Rywka KasztanKASZTAN8 Nov 1910, CzestochowaWith motherDAUMAN, GRANEK, KASZTAN
19789231082282DawidFAJGENBAUMMoszek & Gitla SztancelSZTANCEL29 Oct 1891, CzestochowaTraderBROKMAN, FAJGENBAUM, GRANEK, SZTANCEL
19790231082282ChawaGRANEKFAJGENBAUMAbram & Sura BrokmanBROKMAN8 Aug 1893, CzestochowaWith husbandBROKMAN, FAJGENBAUM, GRANEK, SZTANCEL
19791231082282GitlaFAJGENBAUMDawid & Chawa GranekGRANEK20 Sep 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, FAJGENBAUM, GRANEK, SZTANCEL
19792231082282HeszlikFAJGENBAUMDawid & Chawa GranekGRANEK6 Jul 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, FAJGENBAUM, GRANEK, SZTANCEL
20169241452288LewekKOREKIcek & Chana FiszmanFISZMAN17 Oct 1850, Kiedrzyn----FISZMAN, GRANEK, KOREK, MERC
20170241452288ZeldaMERCKOREKDawid & Rozalia GranekGRANEK-- -- 1858, KrzepiceWith husbandFISZMAN, GRANEK, KOREK, MERC
20171241452288RajzlaKOREKLewek & Zelda MercMERC3 Jan 1899, KrzepiceWith parentsFISZMAN, GRANEK, KOREK, MERC
20172241452288SzyfraKOREKLewek & Zelda MercMERC22 Jun 1883, KrzepiceWith parentsFISZMAN, GRANEK, KOREK, MERC
20173241452288ChanaKOREKLewek & Zelda MercMERC20 Jul 1891, KrzepiceWith parentsFISZMAN, GRANEK, KOREK, MERC
20191241472289JankielZELKOWICZIcyk & Estera GlauzerGLAUZER25 Jun 1857, Czestochowa----GLAUZER, GRANEK, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
20192241472289RozaWINDHAJMZELKOWICZMajer & Laja GranekGRANEK5 Jun 1856, CzestochowaWith husbandGLAUZER, GRANEK, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
20193241472289AnnaZELKOWICZJankiel & Rucla WindhajmWINDHAJM21 Jun 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsGLAUZER, GRANEK, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
2141826744315RajzlaGRANEKBinem & Malka BombaBOMBA30 Aug 1886, CzestochowaMaidBOMBA, GRANEK
2161326922319MajerGRANEKHerszlik & Hanna SzapiroSZAPIRO26 Dec 1865, Krzepice----GRANEK, ROZENCWAJG, SZAPIRO, WILLINGER
2161426922319BajlaWILLINGERGRANEKMoszek & Frymeta RozencwajgROZENCWAJG10 Jul 1868, CzestochowaWith husbandGRANEK, ROZENCWAJG, SZAPIRO, WILLINGER
2161526922319HanaGRANEKSzlama Majer & Bajla WillingerWILLINGER21 Dec 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, ROZENCWAJG, SZAPIRO, WILLINGER
2161626922319EsteraGRANEKSzlama Majer & Bajla WillingerWILLINGER27 Dec 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsGRANEK, ROZENCWAJG, SZAPIRO, WILLINGER
2164826948320DwojraLICHTERBLOGIERKopel & Laja GranekGRANEK5 Sep 1876, KrzepiceWidowBLOGIER, GRANEK, LICHTER
2164926948320SuraBLOGIERIzrael & Dwojra LichterLICHTER6 Feb 1902, CzestochowaWith motherBLOGIER, GRANEK, LICHTER
2165026948320HerszlikBLOGIERIzrael & Dwojra LichterLICHTER15 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith motherBLOGIER, GRANEK, LICHTER
2165126948320LajaBLOGIERIzrael & Dwojra LichterLICHTER16 May 1906, CzestochowaWith motherBLOGIER, GRANEK, LICHTER
2165226948320RuchlaBLOGIERIzrael & Dwojra LichterLICHTER14 Jul 1909, CzestochowaWith motherBLOGIER, GRANEK, LICHTER
21840261166327Dawid ChilWEKSLERMendel Majer & Estera PankowskaPANKOWSKA11 May 1897, Czestochowa----BROKMAN, GRANEK, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21841261166327ChindaGRANEKWEKSLERAbram & Sura BrokmanBROKMAN7 Nov 1889, CzestochowaWith husbandBROKMAN, GRANEK, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21842261166327Icek SzmulWEKSLERDawid Chil & Hinda GranekGRANEK16 Mar 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, GRANEK, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21843261166327Herszlik LejbWEKSLERDawid Chil & Hinda GranekGRANEK16 Feb 1926, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, GRANEK, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
21844261166327ChanaWEKSLERDawid Chil & Hinda GranekGRANEK1 Oct 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsBROKMAN, GRANEK, PANKOWSKA, WEKSLER
22336271577338SzymonKAUFMANSymcha Binem & Gitla BocianBOCIAN18 Jun 1899, Czestochowa----BOCIAN, GRANEK VEL SRODA, KAUFMAN, WEKSZTAJN
22337271577338LajaWEKSZTAJNKAUFMANIcyk & Dwojra Jacheta Granek vel SrodaGRANEK VEL SRODA12 Aug 1902, LelowWith husbandBOCIAN, GRANEK VEL SRODA, KAUFMAN, WEKSZTAJN
22338271577338RachelaKAUFMANSzymon & Laja WeksztajnWEKSZTAJN25 Mar 1930, ZawiercieWith parentsBOCIAN, GRANEK VEL SRODA, KAUFMAN, WEKSZTAJN
226762824351DanielGRANEKDawid & Perla WitowiczWITOWICZ18 Apr 1863, LelowMerchantGRANEK, KRAUZER, STAL, WITOWICZ, ZAUBERMAN
226772824351Estera CypraZAUBERMANGRANEKAbram & Hana KrauzerKRAUZER15 Apr 1860, PilicaWith husbandGRANEK, KRAUZER, STAL, WITOWICZ, ZAUBERMAN
226782824351DwojraGRANEKDaniel & Estera Kenigsberg21 Dec 1893, Czestochowa--GRANEK, KRAUZER, STAL, WITOWICZ, ZAUBERMAN
226792824351Golda LajaGRANEKDaniel & Hana Stal, unmarriedSTAL13 Dec 1917, Czestochowa--GRANEK, KRAUZER, STAL, WITOWICZ, ZAUBERMAN
24932321542427Hinda RozaGRANKOWICZNAJMANIcyk & Gitla --------22 Dec 1851, ZarkiWidow; own meansCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24933321542427MosiekNAJMANIzrael & Hinda Roza GrankowiczGRANKOWICZ5 Nov 1893, CzestochowaWith motherCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24934321542427LajaGRANEKNAJMANDaniel & Estera ChrzanowskaCHRZANOWSKA23 Mar 1896, CzestochowaWith husband MosiekCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24935321542427IzraelNAJMANMoszek & Laja GranekGRANEK20 Feb 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24936321542427DanielNAJMANMoszek & Laja GranekGRANEK13 Jul 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24937321542427IcekNAJMANMoszek & Laja GranekGRANEK29 Jul 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24938321542427HindaNAJMANMoszek & Laja GranekGRANEK3 Feb 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsCHRZANOWSKA, GRANEK, GRANKOWICZ, NAJMAN
24971331601428JudaBOMBABoruch & Konstancja Zelda WinWIN18 Jul 1897, Czestochowa----BOMBA, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ, WIN
24972331601428LajaGRANEKBOMBAMichal & Estera LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ14 Feb 1897, BrzeznicaWith husbandBOMBA, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ, WIN
24973331601428KrajndlaBOMBAJuda & Laja GranekGRANEK14 Feb 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsBOMBA, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ, WIN
24974331601428BoruchBOMBAJuda & Laja GranekGRANEK4 Apr 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsBOMBA, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ, WIN
24975331601428DawidBOMBAJuda & Laja GranekGRANEK10 Feb 1930, CzestochowaWith parentsBOMBA, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ, WIN
25125331904432Mosiek WolfGELBERIcek & Malka DymantDYMANT26 Nov 1890, Czestochowa----DYMANT, GELBER, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
25126331904432GitlaGRANEKGELBERMichal & Estera LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ----With husbandDYMANT, GELBER, GRANEK, LEWKOWICZ
2576441140556MichalGREJNIECWlodzimierz & Rozalia JukielJUKIEL27 Dec 1876, Brzesc upon Bug riverDentistGREJNIEC, JUKIEL, SZANCER, WASSERBERG
2576541140556BronislawaSZANCERGREJNIECJosef & Paulina WasserbergWASSERBERG18 Aug 1888, BedzinWith husbandGREJNIEC, JUKIEL, SZANCER, WASSERBERG
2576641140556ZofiaGREJNIECMichal & Bronislawa SzancerSZANCER16 Apr 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsGREJNIEC, JUKIEL, SZANCER, WASSERBERG
2576741140556Aleksander JosefGREJNIECMichal & Bronislawa SzancerSZANCER1 Feb 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsGREJNIEC, JUKIEL, SZANCER, WASSERBERG

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of ill persons (142 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAddress
10060Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00107.JPG60FelaGRANEK1928Wolf, RachelaGaribaldiego 28

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of people employed in workshops and cooperatives (39 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAdress
10011Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00101.JPG11BelaGRANEK1922Josek, Peslaworker (male)Al. Wolnosci 11
10015Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00102.JPG15SzajaGRANEK1881Jankiel, Chana-Suratailor (male)Warszawska 41
10016Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00102.JPG16IcekGRANEK1908Szaja, Chawatailor (male)Warszawska 41

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Religious Association, Register of members of the board (26 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupation
10004Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5surv 11-D55N5/DSC00093.JPGRegister of members of the board4SzajaGRANEK18 Apr 1881Jankiel, Chana Suratailor (male)tailor (male)

Częstochowa: Częstochower Cajtung [Częstochowa Gazette], weekly Yiddish newspaper, published from 1922 to 1939; names index [H]

-Sort-See further information on this project hereSurnameGiven nameCzęstochower Cajtung: yearCzęstochower Cajtung: issue numberCzęstochower Cajtung: issue dateCzęstochower Cajtung: page numberCommentsLink to this material on the web
10059https://www.cze…hower-cajtung/Granek19392Friday, 13 January 19396(boxer)https://www.cze…ish-scaled.jpg

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
12755LeibushGRANEK303, 332 
12759YeshayhuGRANEK62, 63, 233 
12776M.GRANEC62, 63Phonetic spelling (rather than based on standard Czestochowa spelling)

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10303Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10825www.crarg.org/i…828-Foj0yA.pdfGRANEK, PRZYROWSKI, GALSTER, MAJZNEROWICZAbram GranekGRANEKGranek was the owner of a sewing machine that was confiscated.
10304Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10825www.crarg.org/i…828-Foj0yA.pdfGRANEK, PRZYROWSKI, GALSTER, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] PrzyrowskiPRZYROWSKIAleja 6 StJanitor to whom Granek’s sewing machine was allegedly given.
10305Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10825www.crarg.org/i…828-Foj0yA.pdfGRANEK, PRZYROWSKI, GALSTER, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] GalsterGALSTERGalster allegedly knows the detail of the situation.
10306Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10825www.crarg.org/i…828-Foj0yA.pdfGRANEK, PRZYROWSKI, GALSTER, MAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz is the signatory of this entry
10361Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZMajlich DaumanDAUMANStary Rynek 16Dauman was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10362Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZIcyk LipszycLIPSZYCDaszyńskiego 2Lipszyc was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10363Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZArie GelberGELBERKatedralna 8Gelber was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10364Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZSzmul SzwarcbaumSZWARCBAUMTargowa 17Szwarcbaum was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10365Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZJosek LewkowiczLEWKOWICZTargowa 12Lewkowicz was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10366Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZNatem SzternbergSZTERNBERGNadrzeczna 54Szternberg was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10367Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZMoszek GranekGRANEKNadrzeczna 44Granek was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10368Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZPinkus CzarnyCZARNYMostowa 3Czarny was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10369Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZMoszek BrattBRATTKawia 21Bratt was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10370Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZIcek FiglarzFIGLARZKawia 21Figlarz was brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10371Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10851www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfDAUMAN, LIPSZYC, GELBER, SZWARCBAUM, LEWKOWICZ, SZTERNBERG, GRANEK, CZARNY, BRATT, FIGLARZ, BERKOWICZHulka BerkowiczBERKOWICZTargowa 12Berkowicz was not brought to an Adjudicative Board meeting
10736Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10990www.crarg.org/i…990-7nPOxj.pdfGRANEK, MANELA, JAKUBOWICZJosek GranekGRANEKGarncarska 19 St.Receipt for Granek’s furs
10737Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10990www.crarg.org/i…990-7nPOxj.pdfGRANEK, MANELA, JAKUBOWICZFajgla ManelaMANELAI Aleja 5Receipt for Manela’s furs
10738Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10990www.crarg.org/i…990-7nPOxj.pdfGRANEK, MANELA, JAKUBOWICZJosek JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZJaskrowska 5/9Receipt for Jakubowicz’s furs
11962Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20656www.crarg.org/i…656-sGFssd.pdfUNGLIK, GRANEKMacha UnglikUNGLIK5 Jun1914Joselewicza 9Unglik nee Granek reported that she’d lost her ID
11963Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20656www.crarg.org/i…656-sGFssd.pdfUNGLIK, GRANEKMacha GranekGRANEK5 Jun1914Joselewicza 9Granek now called Unglik reported that she’d lost her ID
11990Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20659www.crarg.org/i…659-dTQrkv.pdfGRANEK, LEPSZY, FELDBERG[no given name] GranekGRANEKGranek brought a woman to the security police
11991Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20659www.crarg.org/i…659-dTQrkv.pdfGRANEK, LEPSZY, FELDBERG[no given name] LepszyLEPSZYLepszy ordered the woman to be brought
11992Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20659www.crarg.org/i…659-dTQrkv.pdfGRANEK, LEPSZY, FELDBERGMalgorzata FeldbergFELDBERGPlac Daszyńskiego 9/10Feldberg was taken to the security police
12044Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20663www.crarg.org/i…663-8bHpoG.pdfHANTKE, GRANEK, BRUK[no given name] HantkeHANTKEHankte ordered a woman to be brought to Police Station 2
12045Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20663www.crarg.org/i…663-8bHpoG.pdfHANTKE, GRANEK, BRUKSzajndla GranekGRANEKGarncarska 19Granek was taken to Police Station 2
12046Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20663www.crarg.org/i…663-8bHpoG.pdfHANTKE, GRANEK, BRUK[no given name] BrukBRUKBruk took her to Police Station 2
12080Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGJakob WiewioraWIEWIORAWarszawska 7Wierwiora must be brought to the district
12081Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGChaim AbramowiczABRAMOWICZStary Rynek 9Abramowicz must be brought to the district
12082Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGMordka ApetylAPETYLAleja 9Apetyl must be brought to the district
12083Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGHerszlik GranekGRANEKGranek must be brought to the district
12084Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] ZilbermanZILBERMANSpadek 11Zilberman must be brought to the district
12085Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGLejbus ProserPROSERDreszera 13Proser must be brought to the district
12086Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] OderbergODERBERGOderberg took a phone call about persons 2 and 5
12087Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz reported that person 3 is working in Gidle
12088Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz reported that person 6 does not live at the address
12089Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg reported that person 7 works in Gidle
12141Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GranekGRANEKGranek was told to bring a woman to the security police
12142Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergowaGOLDBERGOWANarutowicza 11Goldbergowa was taken to the security police
12143Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGNarutowicza 11Goldberg was taken to the security police
12144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the woman to the security police
12145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz brought her back to the district
13728Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20800www.crarg.org/i…800-Z14p0A.pdfGRANEKChaim GranekGRANEKKrotka 6Granek reported that he had lost his ID card (see image 0801)
13730Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20801www.crarg.org/i…801-SLMjlE.pdfGRANEKChaim GranekGRANEKKrotka 6Granek reported that he had lost his ID card (see image 0800)
14259Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] ErlichERLICHErlich collected some workers for “Hagen” company
14260Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANHersz BesserBESSERSt Rynek 19Besser was taken to work at “Hagen”
14261Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANChain WassermanWASSERMANPrzemysłowa 2Wasserman was brought for work at “Hagen”
14262Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANPinkus FrenkielFRENKIELSpadek 11Frenkiel could not be brought as he is in hospital
14263Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANSzoel GrojnowskiGROJNOWSKIWarszawska 35Grojnowski could not be brought because he was sick
14264Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANKalma LeszczynaLESZCZYNADreszera 9Leszczyna was taken to work at “Hagen”
14265Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANAron GronekGRONEKWarszawska 37Gronek was taken to work at “Hagen”
14266Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANGodel BerkensztadtBERKENSZTADTGarncarska 32Berkensztadt was taken to work at “Hagen”
14267Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] TrembackiTREMBACKITrembacki was sent to find some of the men
14268Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to find some of the men
14269Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] SzubnikSZUBNIKSzubnik brought a man to be taken to “Hagen”
14270Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought a man to be taken to “Hagen”
14271Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] ZajmanZAJMANZajman reported that one of the men was sick
19332Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40715www.crarg.org/i…715-YrPHOq.pdfGRANEK, KURLANDHerszlik GranekGRANEKJaskrowska 4 StGranek reported that a woman had gone in to his apartment when he was absent
19333Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40715www.crarg.org/i…715-YrPHOq.pdfGRANEK, KURLAND[no given name] KurlandKURLANDThe apartment had been sealed by Kurland
20250Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZAZDROS, GRANEK, BIRNHOLC[no given name] ZazdrosZAZDROSZazdros the scout ordered that Sedalia[?] Granek be brought to Criminal Police
20251Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZAZDROS, GRANEK, BIRNHOLCSedalia[?] GranekGRANEKWilsona 34Sedalia[?] Granek was brought to Criminal Police of Police Station no II
20252Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZAZDROS, GRANEK, BIRNHOLC[no given name] BirnholcBIRNHOLCOfficer Birnholc, id no 61, brought Sedalia[?] Granek to Criminal Police of Police Station no II
20301Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40813www.crarg.org/i…813-mtPCti.pdfGRANEK, ZAZDROS, SZPIKULICER[no given name] GranekGRANEKWilsona 34 St.Granek to be brought to Mr. Zazdros’s disposal
20302Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40813www.crarg.org/i…813-mtPCti.pdfGRANEK, ZAZDROS, SZPIKULICER[no given name] ZazdrosZAZDROSMr. Zazdros
20303Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40813www.crarg.org/i…813-mtPCti.pdfGRANEK, ZAZDROS, SZPIKULICER[no given name] SzpikulicerSZPIKULICEROfficer Szpikulicer, id no 5, was sent to find Granek, but was unsuccessful
21037Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40892www.crarg.org/i…892-FMwebK.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRATMAN[no given name] SeidelSEIDELMeister Seidel
21038Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40892www.crarg.org/i…892-FMwebK.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRATMANJankiel GranekGRANEKNadrzeczna 6Jankiel Granek is to be brought to the County Office, at Meister Seidel’s disposal
21039Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40892www.crarg.org/i…892-FMwebK.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRATMAN[no given name] BratmanBRATMANOfficer Bratman, id no 65, was unable to find Jankiel Granek at home
21083Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40898www.crarg.org/i…898-E8pSyx.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRUK, KURLAND, KEMPINSKI[no given name] SeidelSEIDELMeister Seidel
21084Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40898www.crarg.org/i…898-E8pSyx.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRUK, KURLAND, KEMPINSKIJankiel GranekGRANEKJankiel Granek to be brought to the County Office, at Meister Seidel’s disposal
21085Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40898www.crarg.org/i…898-E8pSyx.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRUK, KURLAND, KEMPINSKI[no given name] BrukBRUKOfficer Bruk, id no 114, brought Jankiel Granek to District I
21086Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40898www.crarg.org/i…898-E8pSyx.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRUK, KURLAND, KEMPINSKI[no given name] KurlandKURLANDOfficer Kurland, id no 33, brought Jankiel Granek to District I
21087Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40898www.crarg.org/i…898-E8pSyx.pdfSEIDEL, GRANEK, BRUK, KURLAND, KEMPINSKI[no given name] KempinskiKEMPINSKIOfficer Kempiński, id no 124, brought Jankiel Granek to the County Office, at Meister Seidel’s disposal

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Office in Częstochowa [1940-1945] [Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie. Wydział Zamiejscowy w Częstochowie], RG-15.333, zesp. 722 [H]

-Sort-syg.Image file nameCase number [r#]Date commencedPlaintiff's NameSurname(s) from previous columnPlaintiff's addressDefendant's nameSurname(s) from previous columnDefendant's AddressDetails of this caseSurname(s) from previous columnDate ConcludedVerdict of this caseNotes by translator / typistSurname(s) from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10101syg 2908_722_0_0_290.pdfC 34/418 Mar 1941Abram GranekGRANEKStary Rynek 11, CzęstochowaBajla Rojza WindmanWINDMANul. Senatorska 5, CzęstochowaReport of the court-appointed Mediator in the dispute between the parties over the dissolution of their sewing machine sales and repair business.15 Mar 1941Court endorses outcome of mediation and the stock division and financial arrangements agreed upon by the parties, as mediated on 22 Jan 1941.   
10102syg 2908_722_0_0_290.pdfC 34/418 Mar 1941Herszlik GranekGRANEKStary Rynek 11, CzęstochowaReport of the court-appointed Mediator in the dispute between the parties over the dissolution of their sewing machine sales and repair business.15 Mar 1941Court endorses outcome of mediation and the stock division and financial arrangements agreed upon by the parties, as mediated on 22 Jan 1941.   

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk [2]: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who lived in the region of Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII, 14 Jun 1946 (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-region-of-dolny-slask-jun1946.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Names of parentsYear of birthPresent addressProfessionOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100251171.pdf18.Granek FelaGRANEKHenoch and Necha1924Bielawa[Blank]   

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk [3]: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who lived in the region of Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII, 20 Sep 1946 (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-region-of-dolny-slask-sep1946.php [H]

-Sort-Image name1. Numbering2. PersonSurname from previous column [r#]3. Names of parents4. Year of birth5. Present address6. ProfessionOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100431168.pdf37.Granek Michal SzymonGRANEKMoszko and1912Wroclawcobbler [kamasznik]   

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
100983638D 12648Jakob GranekGRANEKSchuelerPupilSt. Rynek 422 Apr 1940?3111 
112272088H 96137Icyk GranekGRANEKSchusterShoemakerNadrzeczna 8422 Apr 194048  
115421811H 83860Abram GranekGRANEKSchneidergesTailor journeymanSt. Rynek 422 Apr 19405643?I think address s/b St. Rynek 4
115591763H 83812Abram GranekGRANEKSchneiderTailorNarutowicza 1222 Apr 19405742? 
130432422D 11432Jankiel GranekGRANEKHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperNadrzeczna 622 Apr 194010474 
132452211D 11221Abram GranekGRANEKHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperGarncarska 7322 Apr 194011068 
135041896D 10906Abram GrynochGRYNOCHAngestellter arbeitslosEmployee, unemployedNarutowicza 3322 Apr 194011858 
14350D 353Abram-Dawid GranekGRANEKSt. Rynek 48  
14846213/221F 05666Jankiel GranekGRANEKGlaserGlazierTargowa 1227 May 19405  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100554801 Aug 1940Moszek GranekGRANEK2 Sep 1879CzęstochowaNowy Rynek No. 9/10SzymsiaNachaMerchantIllegal tradeReleased 24 Aug 1940Accused of smuggling; list of items in German  
10253121213 Aug 1941Aron GranekGRANEK21 Jul 1921CzęstochowaWarszawska No. 37IcekSura née EjznerEJZNERWorkerNot attending workReleased 2 Oct 1941   
10259121915 Aug 1941Szmul FrejlichFREJLICH16 Dec 1912CzęstochowaKatedralna No. 13MoszekChana née GranekGRANEKShop assistantRefusing workReleased 11 Oct 1941   
10339153120 Dec 1941Gedalie GranekGRANEK15 Apr 1908KrzepiceWilsona No. 34KopelFrajdla née SzymkiewiczSZYMKIEWICZTailorPreventive detentionTransported 20 Feb 1942; husband of Frajdla née FrydenbergFRYDENBERG 
10381173524 Mar 1942Moszek GranekGRANEK15 Dec 1922CzęstochowaNadrzeczna No. 44KałmaChaja née GoldstainGOLDSTAINTailorPreventive detentionTransported 29 Apr 1942; bachelor   
10583306714 May 1943Chemia OrbachORBACH26 Jul 1915CzęstochowaNadreczna No. 41EliaszDobra née GranekGRANEKGlazierJewResettled 2 Jun 1943; widowerPhysical description included; missing 4 teeth  
111713763 (41)196818 Dec 1941Jakub Jankiel GranekGRANEK1880Nadrzeczna No. 6TraderLeaving the GhettoResettled 28 Sep 1942   

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10115Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.8Chaim GranekGRANEKGnaszyn 
10487Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.37Mariem GranekGRANEKLodz 

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, various pages (395 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthAgeFatherMotherOccupationOccupation (translated)Current jobCurrent job (translated)AddressRegional page headerRegional page header (translated)L.p. (seq # on left)Comments
10067("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5SzajaGRANEK18 Apr 1881JankielChana SuraKrawiecTailorKrawiecTailorWykaz Czlonkow ZarzaduRegistry of members of management4 
10151("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5BelaGRANEK1922JosekPeslaRobotn.WorkmanAl. Wolnosci 11Osob zatrudnionych w warsztatach i spoldzielniachPersons employed in workshops and co-ops11 
10155("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5SzajaGRANEK1881JankielChana-SuraKrawiecTailorWarszawska 41Osob zatrudnionych w warsztatach i spoldzielniachPersons employed in workshops and co-ops15 
10156("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5IcekGRANEK1908SzajaChawaKrawiecTailorWarszawska 41Osob zatrudnionych w warsztatach i spoldzielniachPersons employed in workshops and co-ops16 
10239("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5FelaGRANEK1928WolfRachelaGaribaldiego 28Wykaz chorychRegistry of sick people60 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa EXPANDED [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsPagePersonSurname(s) from previous column [r#]Persons listed in complete articleSurname(s) from previous columnSurname(s) from previous column, without diacritical marksNotes (not written by researcher)
10066For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf172Majer Szulim GranekGRANEKParents Moszel [Moszek] & Chaja z Kurcbartów; wife Estera Ita z Klajnsztajn (her parents Aron Klajnsztajna & Brucha z Sztarków)KURCBARTÓW / KURCBART, KLAJNSZTAJN, SZTARKÓW / SZTARKKURCBARTOW / KURCBART, KLAJNSZTAJN, SZTARKOW / SZTARK 
10082For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf174Izrael KaufmanKAUFMAN    
10083For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf174Moszek KaufmanKAUFMANParents Symcha Binem (his parents Herszlik & Laia z Landau) & Gitla z Bocianów (her parents Szymon & Chaia Sura z Daniłowiczów); siblings Szymon (his wife Laja z Weksztajnów (her parents Icka & Dwojra Jacheta z Granek vel Środa), Jentla Laja, Mordka Jakub, Izrael Aron, Golda, Chaja SuraLANDAU, BOCIANÓW / BOCIAN, DANIŁOWICZÓW / DANIŁOWICZ, WEKSZTAJNÓW / WEKSZTAJN, GRANEK, ŚRODALANDAU, BOCIANOW / BOCIAN, DANILOWICZOW / DANILOWICZ, WEKSZTAJNOW / WEKSZTAJN, GRANEK, SRODA 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsSurname from previous column [r#]
10144For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfGRANEK
10145For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfGRANEK VEL SRODA

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
10247759H 96137IcykGRANEKSchusterwerkzeugTools of a shoemaker22 Apr 194011213/6 
105271064H 96680SzajaGRANEK2 Naehmaschinen u. werkzeug [Werkzeug eines Schneiders2 sewing machines and tools of a tailor22 Apr 194022213/6 
105311068H 96684HerszlikGRANEK1 Naehmaschine und sonstiges Schneiderwerkzeug1 sewing machine and other tools of a tailor22 Apr 194022213/6 
105841121H 96841JosekGRANEK1 Naehmaschine und sonstiges Schneiderwerkzeug1 sewing machine and other tools of a tailor22 Apr 194024213/6 

Częstochowa: List of Jews in Częstochowa, 1945 and 1946 (Yad Vashem), image: www.crarg.org/list-of-jews-in-czestochowa-1945.php [H]

-Sort-Title of this materialImage nameNumberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Information to the right of the person's nameOther information on the pageNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
10012List of Jews in Częstochowa, Poland, 17 Nov 19451157.pdf8.Granek FelaGRANEKkitchen help [pomecnica w kuchni]   

Częstochowa: List of Jews in Częstochowa, Poland, 29 Jan 1946 (Yad Vashem), image: www.crarg.org/list-of-jews-in-czestochowa-1945.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Information to the right of the person's nameOther information on the pageNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
100091159.pdf6.Granek FelaGRANEKkitchen [kuchnia]   

Częstochowa: Listing of the 195 Jewish prisoners from Tschenstochau (arrival date: 18 Jan 1945) who came to (arrived at) Laura on 30 Jan 1945; Buchenwald Archive; from USHMM Registry Collection Document #AD0266 (194 persons) [H]

-Sort-Nr. (number in left column)Given nameSurname [r#]Birth dateBirth cityProfessionProfession (translated)CommentsTranslation of previous column
10031114337HerszlikGRANEK15 Apr 1909KrzepiceSchaftemacherA craftsman furnishing hand-tools with a stock, or guns with a stock, or making the legs of boots  

Częstochowa: lists of abandoned properties in Częstochowa, syg 29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071873 (part of: District Liquidation Office in Kielce - tinyurl.com/3awprebr) [H]

-Sort-DetailsDetails in PolishImage file nameOrder numberStreetHouse numberProperty typePersonSurname from previous columnGroupRe-privatizedDelivered to the City Council.RemarksNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
10505LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_14_56153432.jpg495.Pulaskiego32place [Polish: plac]Michal GrejnicGREJNICP[blank]10 Jan 1947   
10591LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_15_56153434.jpg580.Stary Rynek15house [Polish: dom]Majer Granek and others [Polish: i inni]GRANEKP[blank]3 Apr 1946   

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat; Często Arch, syg 5 (890 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageNumber(s) at top of page (if any)NumberPersonSurname from previous columnWhen and where bornProfessionAddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromWhere and when moved inRemarksOther text on the pageNotes (not by researcher)
10308www.crarg.org/i…-4a-lDdnHH.jpg9032.Mendel David GranekGRANEK[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Marienallee 83Krzepice[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Top: Council of Elders, Division of Internal Affairs, Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence applicationClearly David, and not Dawid
10316www.crarg.org/i…-4a-lDdnHH.jpg9040.Madzia GranekGRANEK[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]St. Rynek 24-Klobuck[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Top: Council of Elders, Division of Internal Affairs, Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application 
10404www.crarg.org/i…-5b-j1abj8.jpg9276.Chawa GranekGRANEK[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Ostring 5-Wielun[Column not included on this page][blank]Top: none; bottom: Czestochowa, 27 Jul 1942; chairman of the Jewish Council [Judenrat], Kopinski 
10471www.crarg.org/i…s-7-2JTQSB.jpg1615/423.Kalma GranekGRANEK16 Apr 1991 [1919?] LututowBuchbinder [Bookbinder]Alt. Ring 11-[Column not included on this page]Kamyk 5 Aug 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: noneClearly 1991
10498www.crarg.org/i…s-7-2JTQSB.jpg1615/4230.Jankiel GranekGRANEK20 Mar 1875 RembielicArbeiter [Worker (male)]Mirowskastr. 10/121[Column not included on this page]Krzepitz 12 Jun 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10756www.crarg.org/i…10a-LVCvVA.jpg11270.Krajndla GranekGRANEK28 Jun 1883 KrzepitzOhne Beruf [Unemployed? no previous profession? unskilled?]Targowastr. 21-[Column not included on this page]Krzepitz 20 Aug 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 

Częstochowa NLO1 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord....", "Jewish policemen, sorted by name"; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (328 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Date of birthAddressD. Nr.Page # (in original)
1005755Majer GranekGRANEK26 Dec 1907Narutowicza 27555

Częstochowa NLO3 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord...."; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (151 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previoius column [r#]AddressPage # (in original)Handwritten #'sDetails
1005656Majer Szulim GranekGRANEKNarutowicza 261Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
11483Hasag-A2/0386.tifHasag-B2/0383.tif1482.AbramGRANEK191816 Nov 1918CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1487 
11484Hasag-A2/0387.tifHasag-B2/0384.tif1483.AbramGRANEK19125 Jan 1912CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaszewcshoemaker2022 
11485Hasag-A2/0388.tifHasag-B2/0385.tif1484.BelaGRANEK19224 Nov 1922CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)260 
11486Hasag-A2/0389.tifHasag-B2/0386.tif1485.BroniaGRANEK191212 Jun 1912ZawiercieCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2144 
11487Hasag-A2/0390.tifHasag-B2/0387.tif1486.ChaimGRANEK191626 Nov 1916KrzepiceCzestochowaCzestochowafryzjerbarber, hairdresser (male)2383 
11488Hasag-A2/0391.tifHasag-B2/0388.tif1487.FraniaGRANEK191625 Aug 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2241 
11489Hasag-A2/0392.tifHasag-B2/0389.tif1488.HalinaGRANEK191831 Aug 1918CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)1960 
11490Hasag-A2/0393.tifHasag-B2/0390.tif1489.HankaGRANEK191317 Oct 1913CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)692 
11491Hasag-A2/0394.tifHasag-B2/0391.tif1490.HerszlikGRANEK190915 Apr 1909KrzepiceKrzepiceCzestochowa86 
11492Hasag-A2/0395.tifHasag-B2/0392.tif1491.HerszlikGRANEK19115 Apr 1911KrzepiceKrzepiceCzestochowaszewcshoemaker2412 
11493Hasag-A2/0396.tifHasag-B2/0393.tif1492.IcekGRANEK19092 Jul 1909CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)2402 
11494Hasag-A2/0397.tifHasag-B2/0394.tif1493.KarolaGRANEK19236 Oct 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)656 
11495Hasag-A2/0398.tifHasag-B2/0395.tif1494.MajerGRANEK190910 Dec 1909CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1256 
11496Hasag-A2/0399.tifHasag-B2/0396.tif1495.SalaGRANEK192030 Mar 1920CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)251 
11497Hasag-A2/0400.tifHasag-B2/0397.tif1496.SzajaGRANEK188718 Apr 1887CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)2391 
11498Hasag-A2/0401.tifHasag-B2/0398.tif1497.SzymonGRANEK191417 Jul 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowatapicerupholsterer1919 
11499Hasag-A2/0402.tifHasag-B2/0399.tif1498.WigdorGRANEK191414 Mar 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowastolarzjoiner2813 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM film 5 (images 0001-0840); see original images for more information; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberSyg.Date "Daty skrajne"PersonSurname from previous column [r#]ParentsMother's maiden nameNumber(s) on title pageGroupDate of birthSpouse given nameSpouse surnameSpouse birth dateSpouse's parentsMaiden name of spouse's motherMarriage date of person and spousePlace, date on document with tabular family infoChild(ren) of person and spouseAddress of person and spouseTypist: comments and other infoTypist: additional other infoSurname or maiden name from previous column
10025Rada5/0241.tif-Rada5/0251.tif213/511 Feb 1942Majer-Szulin GranekGRANEKMoszek & ChajaKURCHARDAkta Osobiste Nr. 75; K8; 25B26 Dec 1907Estera-ItaKLAJNSZTAJN1909Aron & BruchaSZTARKKielce, 31 Dec 1939Czestochowa, 22 May 1942----Osrti...? 10, CzestochowaNo birth day or month for Estera-Ita KLAJNSZTAJN  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10195Rada1/0082.tifSzajaGRANEKText in Polish with small list of unnumbered names  
10302Rada1/0140.tif37FiszelGRANEKSklad osobowy; 31 grudnia 1940r; IV. REJESTRACJAList of names 
11103Rada1/0851.tif7MoszekGRANEKNadrzeczna 44List of 10 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11372Rada1/0990.tifJosekGRANEKAdress: Garncarska 19Handwritten signed noticeText in Polish 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10768Rada2/0125.tif21GRANEKList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11769Rada2/0282.tif55MajerGRANEKg.b.26 / 12-1907;Wohnhaft Narutorowicza 2 ;Nr 75List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11952Rada2/0290.tif6Majer SzulimGRANEKNarutowicz 2List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13535Rada2/0474.tif21GRANEK2 Lists of 19 & 53 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15077Rada2/0656.tif3835UNGLIK GRANEK?5? Jun? 1914   
15145Rada2/0666.tif3863 - 4HerszlikaGRANKA / GRANEK?Aleja 9Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16019Rada2/0800.tif4225ChaimGRANEKKrotka 6Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16322Rada2/0841.tif4343 - 6AronGRANEKWarszawska 37Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
108320125.tif.pdfGRANEKGhetto policeman  
119190282.tif.pdfMajerGRANEKGhetto policeman (ID # 75); born on 26 Dec 1907; resides on Narutowicz St. 2From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
120440284.tif.pdfMajerGRANEKGhetto policeman (ID # 75); born on 26 Dec 1907; resides on Narutowicz St. 2From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
122480290.tif.pdfMajer SzulimGRANEKResides on Narutowicz St. 2A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
155720659.tif.pdfGRANEKGhetto policeman of the 2nd district (No. 75)  
156100663.tif.pdfSzajndelGRANEKResides on Garnczarska St. 19; was escorted to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police  
156370666.tif.pdfHerszlikGRANKFollowing an order of the Ghetto police/1st district's supervisor was to be escorted to the police station;  
156790670.tif.pdfGRANEKGhetto policeman (No. 75)  
158360690.tif.pdfGRANEKGhetto policeman  
167350800.tif.pdfChaimGRANEKResides on Krótka St. 6; reported that on 18 Jul 1942 he lost his identity and registration cardsContinues on next page;

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 3 (images 0001.tif-0951.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameSequence numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Additional informationAny surname(s) that appear in the column to the leftTypist comments
106190041.tif51GRANEKCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
107060046.tif27GRANEKCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
107160047.tif36GRINKACzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
121210144.tif11GRANEKCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
128140187.tif9GRANEKCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
159940438.tif59GRANEKCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
101920166.tifBajnisGRANEKA list of people evicted from their apartments due to not showing up for work (in Polish), birth date 1916  
102250167.tifHerszlikGRANEKA list of people evicted from their apartments due to not showing up for work (in Polish), birth date 1908  
157590715.tifHerszlikGRANEKResides on Jaskrowski St. 4; reported that while being away from home, a certain woman (non-Jewish) unlocked his apartment that had been sealed by police group leader, Kurland.KURLAND 
162640806.tifGedaliaGRANEKResides on Wilson St. 34; was escorted to the Polish criminal police.  
162870813.tifGRANEKResides on Wilson St. 34;. [Rajsman item 1678] [Szajna Feldman item 1679]  
166830892.tifJankelGRANEKResides on Nadrzeczna St. 6; following an order of the Schutzpolizei was to be escorted to the Schutzpolizei to appear before Meister Seidel, but the Ghetto policeman reported that he had failed to locate him. [Bodzechowski secretary signature 1867]BODZECHOWSKI 
167180898.tifJankelGRANEKResides on Nadrzeczna St. 6; following an order of the Szutzpolizei was detained and escorted to appear before Meister Seidel (order #1867).SEIDEL 

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10174136173.Warschauer 17Samsonowicz u. [and] GranekSAMSONOWICZ, GRANEK8FrischelFRISCHEL“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 31 pages 1-4 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2DetailsPageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10004Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)Simple list of names and addresses; likely were persons who survived the war and were active in post-war Poland232[given name not listed] GranekGRANEKWarszawska 41Entry crossed out
10020Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)Simple list of names and addresses; likely were persons who survived the war and were active in post-war Poland430[given name not listed] GranekGRANEKWarszawska 41 

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10023Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 22Administration of abandoned & fled properties District of Blachownia (formerly Dźbów), Częstochowa county174OstrowyMendel GranekGRANEKDistrict administratorFormer owner was a JewDistrict administrator ("Wojt") entered in property description  
10359Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)1271Nowokrzepice No.16Herszlik GranekGRANEKTransferred in entirety 1 Aug 1946List of properties transferred by the Delegature Urzędu Likwidacyjnego in Częstochowa since 1 Mar 1946  
10761Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county2434Ostrowy, Dźbów district plotMendel GranekGRANEKpp possibly means abandoned  
10868Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county110, 111182ul. Staszica No.15, Kłobuck 1 room brick house, bakeryMendel GranekGRANEKTransfer protocol to District Administration 24 May 1946; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
10916Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county144, 145235ul. Krakowska No.26, Krzepice houseWolf GranekGRANEK100% 1945No explanation for other information but possibly reprivatized  
10972Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county192307Rembielska No.15, Krzepice houseJ. Granc, MoszkowiczGRANC, MOSZKOWICZ      

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1012481431 JanChaim Hersz GranekGRANEKFeb 15 19072robotn.workerGnaszynKrótka 66 Feb 1940  
106943721 AprMariem GranekGRANEK5 Jul 1915-bez zawoduno professionŁódźSt. Rynek 308 Apr 1940  
1107673[a]Sura Herszlikowicz and son Dawid; signed Ita Granek Herszlikowicz; GranekHERSZLIKOWICZ; GRANEKHandwritten letter: Attestation / I hereby certify that Sura Herszlikowicz together with her son Dawid came to Częstochowa before July this year / Respectfully / The owner of the house: St. Rynek #5 / Ita Granek 
1120782Fajgla Imich, born 31 Dec 1864; Ch. Friedensohn, A Granek, M Kaufman Imich, Friedensohn, Granek, KaufmanIMICH, FRIEDENSOHN, GRANEK, KAUFMANLetter: Częstochowa, 27 Sept 1940 / Attestation / We all hereby certify that Ms. Fajgla Imich, born 30 Dec 1864 in Częstochowa has been living at Stary Rynek 11 for several years before the war started and she is still living at the same address. We, undersigned, confirm this with our own signatures: / Ch. Friedensohn / A. Granek / M. Kaufman 

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10187670.1259194226 Aug 1942Krajndla GranekGRANEK28 Jun 1883----KrzepiceTargowa 2131 Aug 1942   
10268103.1096194210 Aug 1942Kałma GranekGRANEK16 Jun 1891-introligatbookbinderKamykSt. Rynek 1117 Aug 1942   
102951030.1123194213 Aug 1942Jankiel GranekGRANEK20 Mar 1875Laja 1915robotnikworkerKrzepiceMirowsk. 10/1217 Aug 1942   
105431776.915 / 42194223 Jul 1942Chawa GranekGRANEK1880WieluńOstring 527 Jul 1942   
106112032.822 / 42194215 Jul 1942Mendel Dawid GranekGRANEK7 Jan 1905Cypra 1934, Raca 1906, Matla 1935KamasznikshoemakerKamasznik KrzepiceAleja 820 Jul 1942   
106192040.830 / 42194216 Jul 1942Madzia GranekGRANEK24 Jul 1931-[not listed]KłobuckSt. Rynek 2420 Jul 1942   
10762257.577 / 42194229 Jun 1942Sura GranekGRANEK16 Apr 1897---KamykSt. Rynek 166 Jul 1942   
11747795.11 / 42194213 Feb 1942Abram-Pinkus GranekGRANEK18 Jan 1923-kamasznikshoemakerKrzepiceB. Joselewicza 916 Feb 1942   
117869210.1682194130 Aug 1941Ruchla GranekGRANEK27 Jan 1878-wyrobnicaworkderKrzepiceKozia 223 Sep 1941   
119381432.1548194110 Jan 1941Sura Lipka GranekGRANEK8 Apr 1908-przy mężuwith husbandPiotrkówWarszawska 2014 Jan 1941   

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes

Częstochowa: State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa 1945-1950 (questionnaires) [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage header (Polish)Page header (translated)Date of arrivalPage numberSerial numberFamily group number?PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Father's name [after s. (son of) and c. (daughter of)]Surname from previous columnMaleFemaleEvacuation card number or ID card.Date of birthOccupationNationalityWhere coming fromArrival dateDeparture dateWhere goingSignature of the reporting clerkCommentsNotes by typist / translatorNotes (not by typist / translator)
105148_5_0_0_29.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194622 May 194611104787327Sara GranekGRANEK& [not listed]Female135991908ModisteJewishMargelan21 May 194621 May 1946Czestochowa II Avenue    
105158_5_0_0_29.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194622 May 19461110479[not listed]Dora GranekGRANEK& [not listed]Female135991937Living with motherJewishMargelan21 May 194621 May 1946Czestochowa II Avenue    

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments
1063812638Chana SuraGRANEK1906Czestochowa 
1070713708Hersz LajbGRANEK1911Krzepice 
1080615807Hersz LajbGRANEK1911Krzepice 

Częstochowa: ul. Garibaldiego 28 — report to "Citizen Mayor of the City" from the Municipal Department of Administration, executing orders dated 21 Aug 1945, No. 0-4826/I/45, I submit the following report from the inspection of the property at ul. Garibaldiego 28, Municipal Board and Municipal National Council in Częstochowa 1945-1950, RG-15.302, syg 45 [H]

-Sort-Heading before this listPage numberLokal numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons [osoby]Lived for how longLived for how long, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10023List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Garibaldiego 2860Lokal nr. 10.Dawid GranekGRANEK[blank][blank][blank] 
10034List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Garibaldiego 2860Lokal nr. 13.Hersz GranekGRANEK[blank][blank][blank] 

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
10179https://www.jew…1/czea001.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eAleksander GranakGRANAK
10510https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eGutshe (nee Granek) GelberGRANEK, GELBER
10513https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eGutshe (nee Granek) GelberGRANEK, GELBER
10514https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMikhal and Esther GranekGRANEK
10517https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eGutshe (nee Granek) GelberGRANEK, GELBER
10546https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMikhal GranekGRANEK
10547https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eSon of Itshe Ber and Kreindl GranekGRANEK
10548https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMakhshe GranekGRANEK
10549https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eDaughter of Mikhal and Ester GranekGRANEK
10551https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eEsther (Lewkowicz) GranekLEWKOWICZ, GRANEK
11157https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eGutshe GranekGRANEK
11668https://www.jew…1/czea006.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHenekh GranekGRANEK
11849https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLina (née Granek) SharpGRANEK, SHARP
12172https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHerbert GraneckGRANECK
12173https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eWilliam and Rose GraneckGRANECK
12176https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHerbert GraneckGRANECK
12177https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eCharles and Lena GraneckGRANECK
12178https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eJerry GraneckGRANECK
12179https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eWilliam and Rose GraneckGRANECK
12180https://www.jew…1/czea008.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eRobert GranekGRANEK

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
10349GRANIK60329 - 1
10350GRANEK183329 - 1
10351GRANEKSzeya7329 - 1

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
10187HerszelGRANEKLeibel BergmanBERGMAN272.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name
1061003-gimelXXIIIGRANEKItshe Ber 
1096103-gimelXXIIIGRANEKItshe Ber 

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
1068542SucherGRANEK23 Sep 1922WarthenauTschenstochau23 Mar 1945  

France, deportations/deaths during WWII; also see https://tinyurl.com/yyctv3ve = http://web.archive.org/web/20051114071156/http://perso.wanadoo.fr:80/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-SurnameGiven NameMaiden NameBirth dateBirth TownDeath DateDeportationComments
10082SCHULKLAPERTauba, RiezeGRANEK25 Dec 1881Nowo Radomsko, PolandSep 1944AuschwitzNovo Radomski in the original;

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
14344Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"692331994FFajgaGRANEK, NÉE NIRENBERGPolognePologneGranek, née Nirenberg (Fajga) en 1912 à Zychlin (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 août 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
14345Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"692331994MJosephGRANEKPolognePologneGranek (Joseph), né le 20 mai 1899 à Szezekociny (Pologne), décédé le 15 décembre 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
14346Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"692331994MMajerGRANEKPolognePologneGranek (Majer, Szafa), né le 16 octobre 1908 à Glowno (Pologne), décédé le 30 juin 1942 Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 25 juin 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
14347Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"692331994MMoszekGRANEKPolognePologneGranek (Moszek, Lajb), né le 20 août 1899 à Kzepice (Pologne), décédé en 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
14348Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1631671994MPinkusGRANEKPolognePologneGranek (Pinkus), né le 23 novembre 1900 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 22 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
28341Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"692331994FFajgaGRANEK, NÉE NIRENBERGPolognePologneGranek, née Nirenberg (Fajga) en 1912 à Zychlin (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 août 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)

Frankfurt, Germany: List of Jews from various camps who now live at Homberg Hof in Frankfurt, 27 Aug 27, 1945; Relatives Information Service, 16 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes (not by typist)
101143Jakob GrajnecGRAJNEC26 Oct 1926Radom 

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
102313Jews Liberated From German Concentration CampsJacob GrenecGRENEC28 Oct 1926Radom**"The starred survivors announced relatives abroad. Those interested in them should contact the Joint office at POB 640 Jerusalem. In brackets are the names of relatives in Israel."
102383Jews Liberated From German Concentration CampsJacob GrenecGRENEC28 Oct 1926Radom**"The starred survivors announced relatives abroad. Those interested in them should contact the Joint office at POB 640 Jerusalem. In brackets are the names of relatives in Israel."
1077416Regards from AbroadGelkopf Moszek [survivor]GELKOPFChaim Gronek [sends regards "from abroad" to the survivor listed]GRONEKTel Aviv 

Kielce 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Kielce in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 119-157 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Kielcach za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressAmountNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10354131343Szyja-Herszel GranekGRANEKCzarnowska 2050.-- 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
14545District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg268Szyja-Herszel GranekGRANEKCzarnowska2010 May 18841922    
14546District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg269Rywka GranekGRANEKCzarnowska2010 Oct 18841922    
16613District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3117Moszek FortynskiFORTYNSKIKozia418651922    
16614District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3118Berek FortynskiFORTYNSKIKozia419141931    
16615District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3119Szlama Nachemia FortynskiFORTYNSKIKozia419031936    
16616District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3120Icek FrydmanFRYDMANKozia419041931    
16617District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3123Gitla GranekGRANEKKozia418911931    
16618District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3124Abram GranekGRANEKKozia418851922    
16619District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3125Pinches GefenGEFENKozia419021922    
16620District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3126Jachweta GefenGEFENKozia419001933    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
11718https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_1035_56027257.jpg19182862 Dec 1918Kielceulica Wspólna No. 22Moszek GranekGRANEKMaleChmielnik2 years 2 monthsAronChaia-Sura née SzanfeldSZAJNFELDPneumoniaWacław KomendaFather is a traderBurial authorization & death certificate     

Kłobuck: antisemitic incidents in Truskolasy and Kłobuck, 1936, syg 20707, page 54; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14962002 [H]

-Sort-Image filePageHeader before this listOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Town[Details of injury]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1000121_100_0_-_20707_57_61033641.jpg54List of persons that suffered light injuries caused by beating with sticks [1-7]1.Lejb GranekGRANEKKrzepice[not listed] 

Kłobuck Yizkor book (Sefer Klobutsk, 1960), all except necrology [H]

-Sort-Section of bookSubsection of bookStart page for this subsectionWeb addressName of personSurname from previous columnPage on which this name appearsNotesSurname from previous column
10065Jewish KlobuckThe Last Klobuck Rabbi21https://www.jew…ck/klo011.htmlYaacov GranekGRANEK21Student of Rav Yitzhak Henech 
10092Synagogues and Houses of PrayerThe Young Men of the House of Prayer28https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlYakov GranekGRANEK28Student 
10173The Melamdim [Teachers] in the Shtetl [Town]My Melamdim43https://www.jew…ck/klo036.htmlYakov GranekGRANEK43Boy in the kheder 
10424The Jewish Communal LifeThe First Charity Institutions and Torah Scholar Groups84https://www.jew…ck/klo084.htmlYaacov GranekGRANEK90Member of "Tiferet Bachurim" (Splendor of Young Men) society 
11160The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Last Jewish Kindergarten in Klobuck238https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlNatke GranekGRANEK238Founded kindergarten in 1941 
11161The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Last Jewish Kindergarten in Klobuck238https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlMordechai GranekGRANEK238Father to Natke from Pabienice 
11162The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Last Jewish Kindergarten in Klobuck238https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlChanele [Granek]GRANEK238Mother to Natke from Pabienice 
11177The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Klobuck Ghetto: "Selections," and the Torture Camps240https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlNeche GranekGRANEK242Tsile Witelzon's auntWITELZON
11181The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Klobuck Ghetto: "Selections," and the Torture Camps240https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlEdga GranekGRANEK243Sister of Granek; sent to work camp with Tsile WitelzonWITELZON
11183The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Klobuck Ghetto: "Selections," and the Torture Camps240https://www.jew…ck/klo234.htmlEdga GranekGRANEK243Sister of Granek; sent to work camp and died 
11539German ExterminationsPhotographs, Family Descriptions, Incomplete List by Name349https://www.jew…ck/klo349.htmlChana Sarah GranekGRANEK359Leib Szmulewicz's wife; died in campSZMULEWICZ
11563360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cChana Sarah GranekGRANEK360Wife of Leib 
11618360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cMoshe GranekGRANEK367From Opatow 
11619360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cMendel GranekGRANEK367Son of Moshe, working man, weatlhy, Radomsker Chosid, husband of Chaya Rivka 
11620360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cChaya Rivka Granek nee DzjalowskiGRANEK NEE DZJALOWSKI367Daughter of Chaim Dzjalowski, wife of MendelDZJALOWSKI
11622360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cRuchelle GranekGRANEK367Daughter of Mendel and Chaya Rivka, wife of Yisroel, survived, lives in Australia 
11623360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cIsraelGRANEK367Husband of Ruchelle GranekGRANEK
11636360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cYitzchok GranekGRANEK367  
11770[none]The Pioneers Aliya409https://www.jew…ck/klo407.htmlYaakov GranekGRANEK409Writes in perfect Hebrew 
11771[none]The Pioneers Aliya409https://www.jew…ck/klo407.htmlBerek [Granek]GRANEK410Son of GranekGRANEK
11799German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlShlomo GranekGRANEK424First Klobucker who walked on Australian soil 
11800German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlMoshe GrankeGRANKE424Father of Shlomo GranekGRANEK
11801German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlShalom LisekLISEK424Father in law of Shlomo GranekGRANEK?
11802German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlMordechai GranekGRANEK424Brother of Shlomo GranekGRANEK
11803German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlYechiel KroszkowskiKROSZKOWSKI424Father in law of Mordechai GranekGRANEK?
11805German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlDavid KroszkowskiKROSZKOWSKI424Brother in law of Mordechai GranekGRANEK
11806German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlEsther KroszkowskiKROSZKOWSKI424Sister in law of Mordechai GranekGRANEK
11813German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlDavid GranekGRANEK424Father of Mordechai [Granek]GRANEK
11814German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlMordechai [Granek]GRANEK424Son of David GranekGRANEK
11815German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlMendel GranekGRANEK424  
11816German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlChaya Rivka GranekGRANEK424  
11817German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlRachele GranekGRANEK424Wife of Israel GranekGRANEK
11818German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlIsrael GranekGRANEK424Husband of Rachele GranekGRANEK
11819German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlLeibele GranekGRANEK424  
11820German ExterminationsKlobucker in Australia424https://www.jew…ck/klo424.htmlSarah ZeltzerZELTZER424Daughter of Leibele GranekGRANEK

Kłobuck Yizkor book (Sefer Klobutsk, 1960; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/klobuck/klo394.html, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/8d580160-7a67-0133-29a1-00505686a51c) [H]

-Sort-LetterGiven nameSurname [r#]WifeHusbandDaughterSonAdditional informationPage in Yizkor book
10090GIMELYitzakGRANEKand family397
10091GIMELLeibelGRANEKand family397
10092GIMELZenwilGRANEKand family397
10406Klobuck's People Who Passed Away in IsraelYakovGRANEK      

Kraków: Registration Forms for Jewish Inhabitants of Kraków, Poland; only listings for CRARG towns [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous columnBirth dateBirth place
10148United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database; for complete data search here: https://www.ush…SourceId=45188Dawid GranekGRANEK11 Sep 1918Czestochowa

Krzepice Book of Permanent Residents, 1888-1930, 5 vol; Często Arch, syg 7-12 (3828 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/krzepice-permanent-residents-1888-1930.php [H]

-Sort-Sygn.VolumePage [r#]Given nameSurnameYear of birthCommentsNotes (not written by researcher)
125299117206Estera MalkaGRANEK1882  
1308510219222LajaGRANEK1884Herszlik's wife 
1333910245554Hala / GalaGRANEK1884  

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
1005518147BERLINSKIGesilMoszek & Hana ZaluskaZALUSKA1869WartarabbiBERLINSKI, BOMAC, ZALUSKA
1005718147BERKOWICZFajwisHerszlik & Ruchla LachmanLACHMAN1886KamienskshoemakerBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1005918147BERKOWICZFajglaFajwis & Sura1912KrzepiceBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1006018147BERKOWICZRachlaFajwis & Sura1914KrzepiceBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1006118147BERKOWICZKopelFajwis & Sura1917KrzepiceBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1006218147BERKOWICZIdesaFajwis & Sura1920KrzepiceBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1006318147BERKOWICZEsteraFajwi & Sura1924KrzepiceBERKOWICZ, GRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN
1010518229GRANEKHerszlikBendyk & Ruchla WajsfelnerWAJSFELNER1878KrzepicetailorBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
1010718229GRANEKMordkaHerszlik & Estera1907KrzepiceBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
1010818229GRANEKWolfHerszlik & Estera1911KrzepiceBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
1010918229GRANEKLejbusHerszlik & Estera1915KrzepiceBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
1011018229GRANEKBendytHerszlik & Estera1917KrzepiceBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
1011118229GRANEKRuchlaHerszlik & Estera1923KrzepiceBERNAT, GRANEK, TAZBIR, WAJSFELNER
10141184013GRANEKMoszekMordka & Hinda BlicBLICworkerBLIC, GRANEK, MICHALOWICZ, REMBAK
10143184013GRANEKHindaMoszek & Golda1825KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, MICHALOWICZ, REMBAK
10144184013GRANEKIzraelMoszek & Golda1828KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, MICHALOWICZ, REMBAK
1018319104WROBLEWSKISzmulMoszek & Masza MendlowiczMENDLOWICZ1911DzialoszynlocksmithGRANEK, MENDLOWICZ, RAJCH, WROBLEWSKI
10212192814ERLICHSzmajaChaim & Cyrla ChropotCHROPOT1909KrzepiceCHROPOT, ERLICH, GRANEK, RYNG
10213192814ERLICHMalkaGRANEKMoszek & Estera RyngRYNG1910KrzepiceCHROPOT, ERLICH, GRANEK, RYNG
10214192814ERLICHLajaSzmaja & Malka1937CHROPOT, ERLICH, GRANEK, RYNG
1026919734ZOLTAKSzmulIcek & Szandla PukaczPUKACZ1882KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027019734ZOLTAKBrandlaBENDYKMoszek & Ruchla KonKON1887KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027119734ZOLTAKIcekSzmul & Brandla1914KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027219734ZOLTAKHindaSzmul & Brandla1914KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027319734ZOLTAKFajwelSzmul & Barndla1916KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027419734ZOLTAKHendlaSzmul & Brandla1918KrzepiceBENDYK, KON, PUKACZ, ZOLTAK
1027519734GRANEKAbramKopel & Frajndla SzymkowiczSZYMKOWICZ1910KrzepiceGRANEK, PLAWNER, SZYMKOWICZ, ZALCBERG
10290Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKMoszekHerszlik & Majtla SznicerSZNICER1879KrzepicemerchantBeginning of Syg. 20ABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10291Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKEsteraRYNGHerszlik & Laja ZyseholcZYSEHOLC1888KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10292Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKMendelMoszek & Estera1905KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10293Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKMalkaMoszek & Estera1910KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10294Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKSzymonMoszek & Estera1911KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10295Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKMachaMoszek & Estera1914KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10296Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKMordkaMoszek & Estera1918KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10297Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKPinkusMoszek & Estera1923KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10299Syg. 20, Krakowska Street41GRANEKCypraMendel & Raca1934KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, FRAJTAG, GRANEK, RYNG, SZNICER, ZYSEHOLC
10439Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKWolfGerszon & Fajga GranekGRANEK1875KrzepicetailorGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10440Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKRuchlaWINFroim & Rajzla KokotKOKOT1900OstrawyGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10441Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKEfroimWolf & Ruchla1926KrzepiceGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10442Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKFajgaWolf & Ruchla1928KrzepiceGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10443Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKRajzlaWolf & Ruchla1931KrzepiceGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10444Syg. 20, Krakowska Street6626GRANEKRywkaWolf & Ruchla1936KrzepiceGRANEK, KOKOT, WIN
10448Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131SZTAJNICLewekMichal & Estera BesserglikBESSERGLIK1871KrzepicemerchantBESSERGLIK, BLADKA, SZTAJNIC
10449Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131SZTAJNICGitlaBLADKADawid & Laja BesserglikBESSERGLIK1873KrzepiceBESSERGLIK, BLADKA, SZTAJNIC
10450Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131SZTAJNICSzyfraLewek & Gitla1907KrzepiceBESSERGLIK, BLADKA, SZTAJNIC
10451Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MILLERChanaSZTAJNICLewek & Gitla1911KrzepiceBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10452Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MOSZKOWICZDwojraSZTAJNICLewek & Gitla1913KrzepiceBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10453Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MILLERMoszekDaniel & Cwetla MendelMENDEL1908BoleslawiecmerchantBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10454Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MILLERChanaSZTAJNICLewek & Gitla BladkaBLADKA1911KrzepiceBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10455Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MILLERCurtllaMoszek & Chana SztajnicSZTAJNIC1937WielunBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10456Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131MILLERSzyfraMoszek & Chana SztajnicSZTAJNIC1937WielunBLADKA, MENDEL, MILLER, MOSZKOWICZ, SZTAJNIC, SZYFF
10457Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7131SZYFFMachelMordka & Chana SztajnerSZTAJNER1922KrzepiceALEKSANDROWICZ, GRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, SZTAJNER, SZYFF
10458Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7233GRANEKMariemSzaja & Frajdla HasklewiczHASKLEWICZ1897KrzepicemerchantALEKSANDROWICZ, GRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, SZTAJNER, SZYFF
10459Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7233ALEKSANDROWICZSzajaBerek & Mariem GranekGRANEK1931KrzepiceALEKSANDROWICZ, GRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, SZTAJNER, SZYFF
10460Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7233WARGONSzmulIcek & Mirla PrzyrowiecPRZYROWIEC1892PrzyrowmerchantGRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, PRZYROWIEC, WARGON
10461Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7233WARGONBajlaGRANEKSzaja & Frajdla HasklewiczHASKLEWICZ1895KrzepiceGRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, PRZYROWIEC, WARGON
10462Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7233WARGONBrochaSzmul & Bajla1929KrzepiceGRANEK, HASKLEWICZ, PRZYROWIEC, WARGON
10463Syg. 20, Krakowska Street753GRANEKIcekHerszlik & Krasla BendykBENDYK1905BENDYK, GRANEK, NAJMAN, WONGCZEWSKA
10464Syg. 20, Krakowska Street753GRANEKChindaWONGCZEWSKAIzrael & Dwojra NajmanNAJMANBENDYK, GRANEK, NAJMAN, WONGCZEWSKA
10465Syg. 20, Krakowska Street7727RAJCHSzlomoHerszlik & Rajzla GranekGRANEK1908KrzepicetinsmithGRANEK, RAJCH
10493Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKIMachelSzulim & Cyrla DzialowskaDZIALOWSKA1882KlobuckworkerCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10494Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKISuraGRANEKSzaja & Frajdla ChasklewiczCHASKLEWICZ1885KrzepiceCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10495Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKIMariemMachel & Sura1915KrzepiceCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10496Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKIIzraelMachel & Sura1918KrzepiceCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10497Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKIGerszonMachel & Sura1923KrzepiceCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10498Syg. 21, Piaski Street11621STARZYNSKIIcekMachel & Sura1925KrzepiceCHASKLEWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, GRANEK, STARZYNSKI
10555Syg. 22, Rynek429GRANEKEliaszHerszlik & Matla SznicerSZNICER1874KrzepicemerchantBEJM, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, SZNICER
10556Syg. 22, Rynek429GRANEKChajaJAKUBOWICZJakub & Zysla BejmBEJM1874SokolnikiBEJM, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, SZNICER
10557Syg. 22, Rynek429GRANEKMendelEliasz & Chaja1909KrzepiceshoemakerBEJM, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, SZNICER
10558Syg. 22, Rynek429KALKAMachaGRANEKEliasz & Chaja JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ1911KrzepiceGRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, KALKA, NIEUMACHER
10559Syg. 22, Rynek429KALKAIzraelAbram & Brandla NieumacherNIEUMACHER1912RadomskoGRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, KALKA, NIEUMACHER
10560Syg. 22, Rynek429KALKAMatlaIzrael & Macha1932RadomskoGRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, KALKA, NIEUMACHER
10561Syg. 22, Rynek429KALKAWigdorIzrael & Macha1938KrzepiceGRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, KALKA, NIEUMACHER
10673Syg. 22, Rynek6315RYNGMichal MordkaHerszlik & Laja ZyscholcZYSCHOLC1901KrzepiceGRANEK, RYNG, ZYSCHOLC
10674Syg. 22, Rynek6315RYNGRyklaGRANEKRywen & EsteraKrzepiceGRANEK, RYNG, ZYSCHOLC
10675Syg. 22, Rynek6315RYNGMoszekMordka & Rykla1928KrzepiceGRANEK, RYNG, ZYSCHOLC
10730Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKSimsiaSzmul & Hendla GranekGRANEK1890KrzepicebakerGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10731Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKRuchlaLIBGOTMajer & Estera OcalOCAL1886PrzedborzGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10732Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKEsteraSimsia & Ruchla1919KrzepiceGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10733Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKHendlaSimsia & Ruchla1922KrzepiceGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10734Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKMariemSimsia & Ruchla1925KrzepiceGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10735Syg. 22, Rynek7518SKOWRONEKBajlaSimsia & Ruchla1931KrzepiceGRANEK, LIBGOT, OCAL, SKOWRONEK
10772Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERIserAbe & Maria GranekGRANEK1888KrzepiceshoemakerGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10773Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERSzajndlaLACHMANUszer & Malka SzmulewiczSZMULEWICZ1892KrzepiceGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10774Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERWolfIser & Szajndla1915KrzepiceGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10775Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERAbaIser & Szajndla1918KrzepiceGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10776Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERMajerIser & Szajndla1924KrzepiceGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10777Syg. 22, Szkolna Street16312WAJSFELNERAbramIser & Szajndla1927KrzepiceGRANEK, LACHMAN, SZMULEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10788Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZHerszlikMoszek & Estera GranekGRANEK1891DzialoszyntraderBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10789Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZRejlaZELKOWICZKiwa & Estera BlicBLIC1896IwanowiecBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10790Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZChajaHerszlik & Rejla1920KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10791Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZPinkusHerszlik & Rejla1922KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10792Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZMichelHerszlik & Rejla1923KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10793Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZMariemHerszlik & Rejla1926KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10794Syg. 22, Szkolna Street18426JAKUBOWICZRuchlaHerszlik & Rejla1927KrzepiceBLIC, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ, ZELKOWICZ
10851Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERBerekAlta & Brandla SzlezingerSZLEZINGER1875KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10852Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERGitlaGRANEKBendyk & Ryfka WajsfelnerWAJSFELNER1883KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10853Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERFajglaBerek & Gitla1905KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10854Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERMordkaBerek & Gitla1909KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10855Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERLajbBerek & Gitla1910KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10856Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114WAJSFELNERFrajdaBerek & Gitla1920KrzepiceGRANEK, SZLEZINGER, WAJSFELNER
10858Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114SZLAMKIEWICZJosekMajer & Estera IckowiczICKOWICZ1910KrzepiceGRANEK, ICKOWICZ, SZLAMKIEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10859Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114SZLAMKIEWICZRyfkaJosek & Sura1938KrzepiceGRANEK, ICKOWICZ, SZLAMKIEWICZ, WAJSFELNER
10860Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street114GRANEKRyfkaWAJSFELNERMarkus & Laja GranekGRANEK1848KrzepiceGRANEK, WAJSFELNER
10861Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street124IWANLajzerMordka & Rojza WronaWRONA1893KrzepicetraderGRANEK, IWAN, WAJSFELNER, WRONA
10862Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street124IWANLajaWAJSFELNERBerek & Gitla GranekGRANEK1904KrzepiceGRANEK, IWAN, WAJSFELNER, WRONA
10863Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street124IWANBajlaLajzer & Laja1924KrzepiceGRANEK, IWAN, WAJSFELNER, WRONA
10864Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street124IWANSuraLajzer & Laja1928KrzepiceGRANEK, IWAN, WAJSFELNER, WRONA
10865Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street124IWANBendetLajzer & Laja1931KrzepiceGRANEK, IWAN, WAJSFELNER, WRONA
10866Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134ROZYNSzlomoChaim & Perla WajsfelnerWAJSFELNER1899KrzepicebutcherLEWKOWICZ, ROZYN, SZTERN, WAJSFELNER
10867Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134ROZYNChanaLEWKOWICZIcek & Sura SzternSZTERN1898----LEWKOWICZ, ROZYN, SZTERN, WAJSFELNER
10868Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134ROZYNBrandlaSzlomo & Chana1928KrzepiceLEWKOWICZ, ROZYN, SZTERN, WAJSFELNER
10869Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134ROZYNHirszSzlomo & Chana1928KrzepiceLEWKOWICZ, ROZYN, SZTERN, WAJSFELNER
10870Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134WAJSFELNERSzmulSzlomo & Estera GromanGROMAN1909KrzepiceGRANEK, GROMAN, WAJSFELNER
10871Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134WAJSFELNERFajglaWAJSFELNERBerek & Gitla GranekGRANEK1905KrzepiceGRANEK, GROMAN, WAJSFELNER
10872Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street134WAJSFELNERSzlomoSzmul & Fajgla1936KrzepiceGRANEK, GROMAN, WAJSFELNER
10941Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKHerszlikJankiel & Estera KasztanKASZTAN1888KrzepicetraderGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10942Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKFajgaLACHMANJosek & Chendla RajchRAJCH1891KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10943Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKGitlaHerszlik & Fajga1914KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10944Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKRuchlaHerszlik & Fajga1916KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10945Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKIzraelHerszlik & Fajga1918KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10946Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKJentaHerszlik & Fajga1921KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10947Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street2810GRANEKCypraHerszlik & Fajga1923KrzepiceGRANEK, KASZTAN, LACHMAN, RAJCH
10956Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street3112GRANEKHerszlikIcek & Nacha MajerMAJER1868----bus lines ownerGRANEK, MAJER, RUBINSZTAJN, SZUNCER
10957Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street3112GRANEKHanaRUBINSZTAJNDawid & Golda SzuncerSZUNCER1873KrzepiceGRANEK, MAJER, RUBINSZTAJN, SZUNCER
10958Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street3112GRANEKDwojraHerszlik & Chana1902LipieGRANEK, MAJER, RUBINSZTAJN, SZUNCER
10959Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street3112GRANEKMendelHerszlik & Chana1914----GRANEK, MAJER, RUBINSZTAJN, SZUNCER
10960Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street3112GRANEKMatlaHerszlik & Chana1915----GRANEK, MAJER, RUBINSZTAJN, SZUNCER
11011Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKJankielIcek & Brandla MontelMONTEL1875Lipiebus lines ownerGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11012Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKSuraKOTSZTAJNERMordka & Rajzla1876KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11013Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKMajtlaJankiel & Sura1907KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11014Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKRachelaJankiel & Sura1908KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11015Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKLajaJankiel & Sura1914KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11016Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKEsteraJankiel & Sura1918KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11017Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street4915GRANEKFrajdaJankiel & Sura1909KrzepiceGRANEK, KOTSZTAJNER, MONTEL
11023Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5116JAKUBOWICZMoszekHerszlik & Cudka AbramowiczABRAMOWICZ1865DzialoszynteacherABRAMOWICZ, DANIELOWICZ, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ
11024Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5116JAKUBOWICZEsteraGRANEKMichal & Chana DanielowiczDANIELOWICZ1868KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, DANIELOWICZ, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ
11025Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5116JAKUBOWICZLajbMoszek & Estera1905KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, DANIELOWICZ, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ
11026Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5116JAKUBOWICZCurtlaMoszek & Estera1908KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, DANIELOWICZ, GRANEK, JAKUBOWICZ
11031Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5517GRANEKSzymsiaWolf & Sura IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ1860KrzepicebutcherGRANEK, IZRAELOWICZ, SZWARCBARD
11032Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street5517GRANEKGitla----Idess & Ruda SzwarcbardSZWARCBARD1865PraszkaGRANEK, IZRAELOWICZ, SZWARCBARD
11060Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street7728GRANEKMoszekIcek & Hinda KlajnbergKLAJNBERG1900KrzepicemerchantCHUDA, GRANEK, KLAJNBERG, NIEDZIELA
11061Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street7728GRANEKNachaNIEDZIELAWolf & Cypra ChudaCHUDA1900KlobuckCHUDA, GRANEK, KLAJNBERG, NIEDZIELA
11062Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street7728GRANEKCypraMoszek & Nacha1928KrzepiceCHUDA, GRANEK, KLAJNBERG, NIEDZIELA
11063Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street7728GRANEKJankielMoszek & Nacha1931KrzepiceCHUDA, GRANEK, KLAJNBERG, NIEDZIELA
11064Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street7728GRANEKMariemMoszek & Nacha1933KrzepiceCHUDA, GRANEK, KLAJNBERG, NIEDZIELA
11109Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street1134SKOWRONEKHerszSzyja & Chaja RajchRAJCH1904KrzepicemerchantGRANEK, KLAJNBERG, RAJCH, SKOWRONEK
11110Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street1134SKOWRONEKAjdlaGRANEKIcek & Hinda KlajnbergKLAJNBERG1902KrzepiceGRANEK, KLAJNBERG, RAJCH, SKOWRONEK
11111Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street1134SKOWRONEKJakubHersz & Ajdla1930KrzepiceGRANEK, KLAJNBERG, RAJCH, SKOWRONEK
11112Syg. 23, Sienkiewicza Street1134SKOWRONEKEsteraHersz & Ajdla1935KrzepiceGRANEK, KLAJNBERG, RAJCH, SKOWRONEK
11171Syg. 23, Solna Street14710SZPICDawidSzaja & Dwojra KrzepickaKRZEPICKA1883PraszkamerchantGRANEK, HERSZLIK, KRZEPICKA, SZPIC, ZYLBERMAN
11172Syg. 23, Solna Street14710SZPICHajaZYLBERMANBerek & Brandla HerszlikHERSZLIK1903KrzepiceGRANEK, HERSZLIK, KRZEPICKA, SZPIC, ZYLBERMAN
11173Syg. 23, Solna Street14710SZPICJumaDawid & Haja1923KrzepiceGRANEK, HERSZLIK, KRZEPICKA, SZPIC, ZYLBERMAN
11174Syg. 23, Solna Street14710SZPICDwojraDawid & Haja1932KrzepiceGRANEK, HERSZLIK, KRZEPICKA, SZPIC, ZYLBERMAN
11175Syg. 23, Solna Street14710ZYLBERMANBrajndlaGRANEKBerek & Laja HerszlikHERSZLIK1859KlobuckGRANEK, HERSZLIK, KRZEPICKA, SZPIC, ZYLBERMAN
11200Syg. 23, Solna Street15312GRANEKIcekJankiel & Estera KasztanKASZTAN1874KrzepicemerchantGRANEK, KASZTAN, KLAJNBERG, MONAT
11201Syg. 23, Solna Street15312GRANEKHindaKLAJNBERGDawid & Mariem MonatMONAT1873KlobuckGRANEK, KASZTAN, KLAJNBERG, MONAT
11202Syg. 23, Solna Street15312GELBARTFrymetaGRANEKIcek & Hinda1909KrzepiceGELBART, GRANEK, IZAAK
11203Syg. 23, Solna Street15312GELBARTIzraelFajwel & Masia IzaakIZAAK1915WieruszowGELBART, GRANEK, IZAAK
11204Syg. 23, Solna Street15312GELBARTFajwelIzrael & Frymeta1938KrzepiceGELBART, GRANEK, IZAAK
11215Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANSzlomoBerek & Brandla GranekGRANEK1886KrzepicebakerGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11216Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANRojzaGOLDSZTEJNHercko & Sura1896KrzepiceGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11217Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANFroimSzlomo & Rojza1923KrzepiceGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11218Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANHerszlikSzlomo & Rojza1925KrzepiceGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11219Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANJosekSzlomo & Rojza1926KrzepiceGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11220Syg. 23, Solna Street15817ZYLBERMANBerekSzlomo & Rojza1932KrzepiceGOLDSZTEJN, GRANEK, ZYLBERMAN
11289Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKLajbIcek & Hinda KlajnbergKLAJNBERG1907KrzepicetraderGRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER
11290Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKRuchlaLERNERChaim & Hana JudaJUDA1910WieruszowGRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER
11291Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKJankielLajb & Ruchla1930WieruszowGRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER
11292Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKSzlomoLajb & Ruchla1933WieruszowGRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER
11293Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKChunaLajb & Ruchla1935KrzepiceGRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER
11294Syg. 23, Solna Street17823GRANEKChanaLajb & Ruchla1937KrzepiceEnd of Syg. 23; no Jews in Syg. 24 or 25 or 26GRANEK, JUDA, KLAJNBERG, LERNER

Krzepice: "Martyrs Scroll of Landsmans of Krzepice, Poland and its Surroundings who Perished in the Holocaust," in Hebrew characters; provided (22 April 2003) by Harry Rozyn, who lived in Krzepice up to 1969 (252 persons listed) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnColumnNotes
10045Elka GranekGRANEKB 
10046Yszajahu GranekGRANEKB 
10047Israel GranekGRANEKB 
10048Abram GranekGRANEKB 
10049Itce Dawid GranekGRANEKB 
10050Herszl GranekGRANEKB 
10051Wowe GranekGRANEKB 
10052Judel GranekGRANEKB 
10053Jankel GranekGRANEKB 
10054Lajb GranekGRANEKB 
10055Mosze Majer GranekGRANEKB 

Łódź: Jewish survivors registered in Łódź, July 1945, received by the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada [date unreadable] [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthAddress before 1939Notes (not by typist)
1459236Beal GranekGRANEK1922Paris 
1459336Izrael GranekGRANEK1918Paris 
1459436Jakub GranekGRANEK1904Paris 
1459637Bela GranicaGRANICA1917Ostrow 
1459737Izrael GranicaGRANICA1922Ostrow 
1459837Mordka GranicaGRANICA1919Ostrow 
1459937Rachela GranicaGRANICA1917Ostrow 
1484638Abram GrunkeGRUNKE1914Lodz 
1524141Stefan GranachGRANACH1939Lodz 
1524241Sala GranekGRANEK1914Lodz 

Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 (selected towns; complete material: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/introduction/) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)Maiden nameSurnameBorn onResident ofEmigration // Expulsion // ImprisonmentDeportationDate of deathPlace of death“Destiny”
10001ChanaGRADONGRANEK26 Dec 1886 in Krzepice / - / RusslandRosenberg O. S.Deportation: [to] 1942, unknown place of deportation   
10173DavidGRANEG13 Feb 1910 in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / RusslandBreslauIMPRISONMENT: 15 Oct 1939 - 7 Mar 1940, Buchenwald, concentration campDate of death: 7 Mar 1940Buchenwald, concentration camp 

Neunburg [vorm Wald], Germany: List of survivors in Neunburg, Wald Bayern, Germany, liberated from various concentration camps; Relatives Information Service, Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthLiberated fromNotes (not by typist)
100972Izaak GranekGRANEK21 Feb 1926Czechyochowa / Częstochowa, PolandBuchenwaldCzęstochowa added because it seems more likely

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1138342Berek GranekGRANEKKlobodsk / Kłobuck, Poland1925JakobKlaraKłobuck added because it seems more likely
1138442Ester GranekGRANEK[blank], Poland1918MendelChaja 
1138542Jankel GranekGRANEKKlobodsk / Kłobuck, Poland1897JehoshuaBajlaKłobuck added because it seems more likely
1138642Leon GranikGRANIKSanok, Poland1921IcchakCiwia 
1138742Mordchaj GranekGRANEK[blank], Poland1918MosheEster 
1138842Sara GranekGRANEKLodz / Łódź, Poland1921MendelZinaŁódź added because it seems more likely

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
1095834Chaim GranekGRANEKCzenstochowa / Czestochowa, Poland1916IzraelLeaCzestochowa added because it seems more likely 
1095934Mordchai GranekGRANEKKlobuck, Poland1927JakobKlara  
1096034Sara GranekGRANEKLodz, Poland1922JoachimRywka  

Poland: List no. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after June 26th (Group 2); printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 18 Mar 1945? [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayTownIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100725Bronia GranekGRANEK15 Apr 1905Tenserhau, Poland293671  
100735Isak GranekGRANEK21 Feb 1926Tenserhau, Poland293521  

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1014814Genek GrenekGRENEK21 Feb 1920Lodz1876  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
11525DSC00075.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143711Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421517Szlomo Grync?GRYNC?RadomBernardynska 5   
11632DSC00078.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143717Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421621Jakob GranekGRANEKZawiercieMarszalkowska 6?   

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
12186M1947016000001167 Lutego19474Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com52) Bronislawie z Szancerow Grejniec, \vlascicielce nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 2145 hip. oraz po Michale vel Mojzeszu Grejniec, wlascicielu czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 511/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZANCER GREJNIEC, GREJNIEC  
12796M1947061000001619 Maja19478Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com52) Bronislawie z Szancerow Grejniec, wlascicielce nieruchomosci w Czestohowie Nr 2145 hip. oraz po Michale vel Mojzeszu Grejniec, wlascicielu czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 511/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZANCER GREJNIEC, GREJNIEC  

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
2921709-DSC00054.jpg100Chana SuraGRANEKCzestochowa 
2922609-DSC00054.jpg100Hersz LajbGRANEKCzestochowa 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
12855PSRM Set 56, folder 13-H277n2 image DSC00139.JPGAnnaGRYMIAK, NEE GRYNBERGIs looking for family23 Jun 1945Page 2: Dated 18 Sep 1945, Messages Broadcast by Warsaw Radio, submitted by the World Jewish Congress N.Y.

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10133Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)392.jpg342[none]25 26Szaja GranekGRANEKpracownia ubiorów męskichN. P. Marii 20   

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
10540Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelShimshonGRANEKAlta-NekhaGRANEKMother of Shimshon GranekGRANEK 
10541Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelShimshonGRANEKHershelGRANEKFather of Shimshon GranekGRANEK 
10542Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelShimshonGRANEKRachelGRANEKSister of Shimshon GranekGRANEK 
10543Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelShimshonGRANEKPerlGRANEKSister of Shimshon GranekGRANEK 

Radomsko, 1939, Die nachweisung der Judishe Geschafte in der Stadt Radomsko / Wykaz sklepow zydowskich na terenie miasta Radomska (List of Jewish shops in Radomsko); preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NumberingType of shopPersonSurname from previous columnAdressCommentNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
100044Cake shopLeibel GrunicGRUNICPlac 3 Maja 3   
1008484GroceryAl.. Nuchem GranekGRANEKReymonta 25   

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
1018810166199193026559Laja GranekGRANEK---1Lelow       
1018910167199193026560Rywka Fajgla GranekGRANEK---1Lelow       
117371153919919302235089Alta Nacha GranekGRANEK23Radomsko       
141212001937238425Laja GranekGRANEK1Died 5 Jul 1937 in Radomsko    
1474313496202193938876Somsia GranekGRANEK1Piotrkow    

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1095710924List 2, Part 2 of 7Herszlik GranekGRANEK37MerchantReymonta 401902 
1095810925List 2, Part 2 of 7Simsia GranekGRANEK27MerchantReymonta 401912 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10924List 2, Part 2 of 7GRANEKHerszlik371902TraderReymonta 40
10925List 2, Part 2 of 7GRANEKSimasia271912TraderReymonta 40

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
10576Shlomoh GranekGRANEKwife and children576Column 9
10577Alta-Nekha GranekGRANEK577Column 9
10578Hershel GranekGRANEK578Column 9
10579Rachel GranekGRANEK579Column 9
10580Perl GranekGRANEK580Column 9

Radomsko Memorial Stone at the Cimetière parisien de Bagneux (Bagneux Cemetery in Paris), France [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname (and nee if any) from previous columnBornDiedAge and other informationNotes (not written by researcher)
10062Charles GranekGRANEKdied 09 May 1967died at age 75; [in Hebrew:] Yehoshua ben R. MosheDigital image: Noworadomsk Memorial 3

Radomsko Yizkor Book index, page 585-600: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Radomsko/rad585.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-Index page numberLetterGiven namesSurname(s) [r#]Page(s) in Yizkor book
10613588GIMELM.GRANEK220, 221
10615588GIMELShimshonGRANEK183, 191, 219, 220, 221, 224, 407, 453

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 2-25; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Date(s) on documentImage file name [r#]PageGiven name(s)Surname[Address] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]Surname from previous column[Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]... contruction [Part of top of page missing][Number of floors?] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]See image for numbers listed in many additional columnsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10096Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Wolf SpirytusSPIRYTUSRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10097Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Jakób SpirytusSPIRYTUSRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10098Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Hersz SpirytusSPIRYTUSRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10099Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Ela SpirytusSPIRYTUSRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10100Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Laja ZytnickaZYTNICKARynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10101Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Sura GranekGRANEKRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10102Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Chana RozenblumROZENBLUMRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10103Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Szoel SzlezingerSZLEZINGERRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10104Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_8_56162696.jpg8-9Izrael-Icek SzlezingerSZLEZINGERRynek 361dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 30-65; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberPage header before this materialStreetHouse numberType of houseOwnersSurname(s) copied from previous columnTenantsSurname(s) copied from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rent, in złotyAnnual income/revenue, in złotyNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1031921_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERSura GranekGRANEK210120   
1032021_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERSzoel ZydnickiZYDNICKI1560   
1032121_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERJan GrudaGRUDA216,50-   
1032221_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERPol. Polzlny PasternakPASTERNAK435-Schwest na urząd w podatki 
1032321_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGEROglecha215-   
1032421_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERJan ReczynskiRECZYNSKI120-   
1032521_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERHilel PrzydychiPRZYDYCHI18-   
1032621_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERCzcholskiCZCHOLSKI215-   
1032721_336_0_-_374_66_56162467.jpg64Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedRynek12mieszkalny [residential brick]Sp. [Spadkobiercy = Heirs of] Wolf Spirtus, Jakub Spirtus, Hersz Spirtus, Ela Spirtus; Laja Zytnicka, Sura Granek, Chana Rozenblum, Szoel Szlesinger, Izrael-Icek SzlesingerSPRITUS, ZYTNICKA, GRANEK, ROZENBLUM, SZLESINGERIzrael SzejerSZEJER18-   

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
11266Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GRANEKBronia1919Czestochowa 
11267Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GRANEKFela1920Lodz 
11268Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GRANEKNadziaLodz 
11270Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459*GRANEKRywka1917Lodz 
11271Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459GRANEKMalkaLodz 
11272Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459GRANEKZlataMyszkow 
15214List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GRANEKCojce1905Czestochowa 
16207List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GRANEKBeer1923Klobuck 
16385List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List C; 6 Oct 194542GRANEKHorzek1895Krzepice 
16389List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List C; 6 Oct 194542GRONEKMordche1923Klobuck 
19443List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GRANEKBerek1923Klobuck 
19444List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GRANEKMojsze1895Krzepice 
19445List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GRANEKMordka1923Klobuck 
22270List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GRONEKJakub1904Lodz 
24879List of Polish Nationals (Mostly Jews) In the Bergen-Belsen Camp150GRANEKBroniadressmaker  

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1475502-DSC00136.JPG16EsteraSZAELodzJakobGRANEKTel Aviv  
1652803-DSC00150.JPG14174SalaCHENCINSKAGARFINKEL VON CHENCINSKA3 Mar 1915CzenstochowaCzenstochowaPinkusGRANEKHaifa  
1652903-DSC00150.JPG14174SalaCHENCINSKAGARFINKEL VON CHENCINSKA3 Mar 1915CzenstochowaCzenstochowaMoniekGRANEKHaifa  
1653003-DSC00150.JPG14174SalaCHENCINSKAGARFINKEL VON CHENCINSKA3 Mar 1915CzenstochowaCzenstochowaFajwelGRANEKUruguay  
1672204-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzJakobWILKTel Aviv  
1672304-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzMaurycyHILLERNew York, Brooklyn  
1672404-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzJakobGRANNEKRoschpinna, Pal.  
1672504-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzWolfGRANEK?Orig. Qu. Mrk
1672604-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzPolaGRANEK?Orig. Qu. Mrk
1672704-DSC00006.JPG17211GrenekGRONEMGRANEK GRONEMPupil21 Mar 1930LodzTusiaGRANEK?Orig. Qu. Mrk
1892304-DSC00126.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckBlumaBERKOWITZ GRANEKKrzepice -?  
1892604-DSC00126.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckSzlamaGRANEKKlobuck-Russland?  
1892704-DSC00126.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckHerzlikGRANEKKrzepice-Russland  
1893004-DSC00126.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckMoizesz MajerGRANEKKrzepice?  
2014605-DSC00037.JPG771096HelaWEINSTOCK6 May 1924LodzLodzGelaGRANEKLodz-Auschwitz  
2086605-DSC00077340CesiaGARFINKELCHECINSKA GARFINKEL19 Jan 1921CzenstochowaCzenstochowaPinkusGRANEKJaffaPinkus and Moses 
2086705-DSC00077340CesiaGARFINKELCHECINSKA GARFINKEL19 Jan 1921CzenstochowaCzenstochowaMosesGRANEKJaffaPinkus and Moses 
2086805-DSC00077340CesiaGARFINKELCHECINSKA GARFINKEL19 Jan 1921CzenstochowaCzenstochowaFeifelGRANEKUruguay  
2110605-DSC00088.JPG791ChawaGRANEKPupil15 Feb 1924LodzMarcelGRANEKParis  
2110705-DSC00088.JPG791ChawaGRANEKPupil15 Feb 1924LodzSchmulGRANEKAuschwitz  
2110805-DSC00088.JPG791ChawaGRANEKPupil15 Feb 1924LodzLajaLISTOWSKA-GOTHEIMERLodz  
2110905-DSC00088.JPG791ChawaGRANEKPupil15 Feb 1924LodzChil MajerLISTOWSKILodz  
2111005-DSC00088.JPG792NadziaGRANEK28 Dec 1927Czesto-chowaLodzPaulGRANEKMontevideo  
2111105-DSC00088.JPG792NadziaGRANEK28 Dec 1927Czesto-chowaLodzFiszelGRANEKAuschwitz  
2111205-DSC00088.JPG792NadziaGRANEK28 Dec 1927Czesto-chowaLodzMalkaGRANEKLodz–Bergen Belsen  
2111305-DSC00088.JPG792NadziaGRANEK28 Dec 1927Czesto-chowaLodzMendelGRANEKCzestochowa-Sosnowitz  
2338306-DSC00055.JPG33466BellaKESSLER23 May 1927Strikow?GrinaGRANEKTel Aviv? in original document
2466006-DSC00123.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckSzlamaGRANEKKlobuck, Russland?? in original document
2466106-DSC00123.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckHerzlikGRANEKKrzepice-Russland  
2466406-DSC00123.JPG55772RuchlaREIBER14 Jul 1926KrzepiceKlobuckMoizesz MajerGRANEKKrzepice?? in original document
2616607-DSC00034.JPG771096HelaWEINSTOCK6 May 1924LodzLodzCelaGRANEKLodz-Auschwitz  

Sweden: Jewish refugees finding safe haven in Sweden 1946-1947; American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-Page number at cornerPage number at topRegional page headerSubheaderNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10738262Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Sep, Oct 1946; stamped at the top: received 25 Sep 1947Poles42Cella GranekGRANEK13 Jan 1925Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
10739262Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Sep, Oct 1946; stamped at the top: received 25 Sep 1947Poles43Israel GranekGRANEK9 Jun 1918Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
10773282Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Sep, Oct 1946; stamped at the top: received 22 Nov 1946Poles42Cella GranekGRANEK13 Jan 1925Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
10774282Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Sep, Oct 1946; stamped at the top: received 22 Nov 1946Poles43Israel GranekGRANEK9 Jun 1918Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely

Sweden: "List of Survivors: Stockholm, 1946," Mosaiska forsamlingens i Stockholm (807 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNationalityIdentity card numberSequential number (on left)Arrival dateGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthLast domicilePlace of birthComments
102767Polish293671After 26 Jun [1946]BroniaGRANEK15 Apr 1905TenserhauList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)
102777Polish293521After 26 Jun [1946]IsakGRANEK21 Feb 1926TenserhauList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
1501083CelaGRANEKLodz01 May 1925Poland 
1501183ChawaGRANEKLodz15 Feb 1924Poland 
1501283Gronem GirenekGRANEKLodz21 Feb 1930Poland 
1501383NadziaGRANEKCzenstochowa28 Dec 1927Poland 
1501483RiziaGRANEKKlobuk13 Oct 1926Poland 

Sweden: Survivors 2 (1375 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameGiven name 2Given name 3SurnameSurname 2SexPlace of birthDate of birthResidencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityNotes
1045210BroniaGRANEKFCzenstochowa15 Apr 1905Poland 
1045310GenekGRANEKMLodz21 Feb 1930Poland 
1045410IcikGRANEKMCzenstochowa21 Feb 1926Poland 

Sweden: "Sweden 5 - First list of deceased Jewish refugees buried in the Jewish cemeteries of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Norrköping, up until 31 Aug 1945"; at top in red: 22 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberCountryPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1016112PolandNadzia GranekGRANEK28 Dec 1927Lodz4618  

Szczekociny 1939: letter of Szmul Rozenbaum to the Office for Political and Social Matters in Kielce regarding his appointment as a rabbi in Szczekociny. The petition signed by the citizens of Szczekociny on the same. Letter to the same Office regarding contributions by Szyja Cukierman in Szczekociny, 1939, syg 3387, document pages 18-21; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1012021118G Granek?GRANEK? 

Szczekociny: Municipal Court [1929-1950], zespol 1846, syg 6-1465 (various); includes more than 100 requests for issuance of death certificates for persons who died during the Holocaust [H]

-Sort-Image file namesyg [r#]Case numberDate case commencedPlaintiff nameSurname from previous columnPlaintiff addressDefendant nameSurname from previous columnDefendant addressCase detailsSurname from previous columnDate case concludedVerdictNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous two columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1050621_1846_0_0_1366.pdf1366Zg 13/4828 Jan 1948Szajndel GranekGRANEKul. Młynska 10, GliwicePlaintiff is requesting Court to issue death certificates for Chil Zygielbaum (born 18 Oct 1895, Lelów) and his wife Jenta Brandla Zygielbaum nee Szwarc (born 1903, Lelów), who were transported from Lelów by the Germans, after which there was no trace of them.ZYGIELBAUM, ZYGIELBAUM NEE SZWARC20 Jan 1949Court grants Plaintiff's application.Chil and Jenta Zygielbaum were married in Lelów on 21 Nov 1923.ZYGIELBAUM 

Treblinka: persons listed at Memory of Treblinka Foundation from any CRARG town [H]

-Sort-More informationPersonSurname from previous columnTownTreblinka victim?
10287For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Abraham GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
10288For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Chaja GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
10289For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Dawid GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
10290For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Józef GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
10291For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Natan GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaNo
10292For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Pesia GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
10293For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rosa GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaNo
10294For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Róża GranekGRANEKCzęstochowaYes
11449For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Bela GranekGRANEKŻarkiYes
11450For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Jakow GranekGRANEKŻarkiYes
11451For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rywka GranekGRANEKŻarkiYes
11452For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Szimson GranekGRANEKŻarkiYes
11453For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Szulamit GranekGRANEKŻarkiYes

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
11925291873Mosze GronckiGRONCKISkaldmir1919Lublin   
12229342171Jakub GranekGRANEKLodz1923LodzX  
171681176983Szolem GranekGRANEKZawiercie1916Zawiecie   

Wieluń Yizkor book: Sefer zikaron li-ḳehilat Veyelun, 1971, pages 407-487 [H]

-Sort-Page [r#]Information on pageSurname (or maiden name) copied from previous columnNotes by transliterator / translatorNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10419432To the Mosze Wolkowicz familyWOLKOWICZ  
10420432who perished in the Holocaust   
10421432By: Aharon WolkowitzWOLKOWITZ  
10423432Yaakov and Necha JakobowiczJAKOBOWICZ  
10424432who perished in the Holocaust   
10427432Pela Wilkowski (Yaakobovitz)WILKOWSKI (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10428432Sela Rosenbaum (Yaakobovitz)ROSENBAUM (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10429432Marilla Goldberg (Yaakobovitz)GOLDBERG (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10431432To my dear parents: Lejzer Mendel and Rachel Gelkopf (Grank)GELKOPF (GRANK)  
10432432Murdered by the Nazi oppressor 1942-1944   
10433432Commemorator: Moshe GelkopfGELKOPF  
10435432My daughter and our sister: Bella   
10436432Murdered by the Nazis   
10437432Commemorators: Father: Yona AbramowitzABRAMOWITZ  
10438432Brothers and sisters: Sonya, Miriam, Zalman, Mordechai, Rozia and Yitzchak   

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 271-332 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesPage numberOrder numberDateFirst and last name of the person guardingSurname from previous columnFor whom is guardingSurname from previous columnHow long?CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10262Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]317 [mis-numbered as 217][blank]27 / 28 May 1940Lejzer Granek?GRANEK?father Lewek     
10338Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]328 [mis-numbered as 228]2)10 / 11 Jul 1940Jankiel GranekGRANEKFor himself     

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
11688Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416GRANEKHerszlik1881  
11689Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKIdesa-Laja1878  
11690Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKSimcha1905  
11691Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKRywka1907  
11692Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKEstera1909  
11693Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282416Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKHinda1911  
11709Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418GRANEKSimcha1857  
11710Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKCyrla1859  
11711Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKIcyk1880  
11712Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKHinda1882  
11713Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKSzajndla1885  
11714Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKPerla1883  
11715Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKSzmul1887  
11716Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282418Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKAbram1889  
11717Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282419Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKJakow1892  
11718Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282419Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKEstera1894  
11719Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282419Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGRANEKRywka1895  

Żarki Yizkor Book; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/1694da30-272f-0133-c254-58d385a7b928 (540 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameComments

Zawodzie: register of prisoners in [prison] Zawodzie who died (772 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberLp.Given nameSurname [r#]Date of birthData smierciOther information
10196261196GedaliGRANEK15 Apr 190816 Mar 1942 
10197261197MoszekGRANEK15 Dec 19225 Jul 1942