4,719 Goldberg Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 4,719 Goldberg Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

Aide to Jewish victims of the war, 3rd List; List of persons deported and repatriated; Transit 20 Jun 1945 - 12 Jul 1945; in red at top: 8 Jan 1946?; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNationalityCurrent addressApparent actual address, on modern mapNotes (not by typist)
100606Dahuda GoldbergGOLDBERG3 May 1939Sosnovice / SosnowiecPolish[blank]Sosnowiec added because it seems more likely
1020316Fela GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Feb 1920[blank]Polish[blank]  
1020416Guta GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Jul 1913[blank]Polish[blank]  

American Joint Distribution Committee Archives; see details (and search for other surnames) at https://search.archives.jdc.org/search.asp [H]

-Sort-TownPersonSurname(s) from previous column
10044CzestochowaAbraham Samuel GoldbergGOLDBERG
10064CzestochowaBronia GoldbergGOLDBERG
10065CzestochowaBronia GoldbergGOLDBERG
10184CzestochowaMoishe GoldbergGOLDBERG
10459RadomskoMendel GoldbergGOLDBERG
10490ZarkiStefania GoldbergGOLDBERG

Belgium: List of persons deported from Malines [Melechen, Belgium], 20 Jun 1945 - 12 Jul 1945, repatriated on 13 Jul 1945; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-Complete original page headingPage numberPersonSurname from previous columnConvoyPlace and date of birthNationalityCurrent addressNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10014Aide aux Israélites victimes de la guerre; État nominatif des personnes déportées par Malines [Melechen, Belgium] (20.6.1945 - 12.7.1945) repatriées à la date du 13 juillet 19452Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGXXJun 1913, TarnowPolandHopital St. GillesDate of birth not complete

Bergen Belsen: Polish Women at Bergen Belsen, List 1079 c; Relatives Information, 14 194[6?] [H]

-Sort-Page numberLfd.Person [Vorname / Name]Surname from previous columnDate of birth [Geburstadt]Place of last residence [Letzter Wohnort]Notes (not by typist)
101142116Andzia GoldbergGOLDBERG11 May 1911Savna 
101183121Sura GoldbrochGOLDBROCH30 Oct 1930Stonin 

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Bodzentyn in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 173-185 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Bodzentynie za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489

-Sort-PageSerial numberName of payer [Nazwisko i imię płatnika]Surname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Contribution for 1939 [Składka na rok 1939]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1005917757Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyn6.50 
1006917767Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGSuchedniów5.00 

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Bodzentyn in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 189-201 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Bodzentynie za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489

-Sort-PageSerial numberName of payer [Nazwisko i imię płatnika]Surname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Contribution for 1939 [Składka na rok 1939]Comments [Uwagi]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1005919357Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyn6.50  
1006919367Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGSuchedniów5.00  

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to the Jewish community in Bodzentyn for 1939, syg 3374, pages 174-185; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]ResidenceContribution for 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1005921_100_0_6.3_3374_181_61122890.jpg17757Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyn6.50   
1006921_100_0_6.3_3374_181_61122890.jpg17767Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGSuchedniów5.00   

Bodzentyn 1939: list of contributions to the Jewish community in Bodzentyn for the year 1939, syg 3374, pages 189-201 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]ResidenceContribution for 1939Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1006921_100_0_6.3_3374_197_61122907.jpg19367Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGSuchedniów5.00 

Buchenwald: List of children arriving in (transferred to) France on 8 Jun 1945 from Buchenwald and other deportation camps in Germany and who live in OSE Children's Home in Ecouis (Eure); UNION O.S.E., Direction Centrale, 11, rue du Mont-Blanc, Geneva; Relatives Information Service, 7 Jan 1946?; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Orignal French headerOriginal German headerPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthCountryNotes (not by typist)
10048Liste des enfants arrives en France le 8 Juin 1945 de Buchenwald et autres camps de deportation en Allemagne et heberges dans le Home d'enfants de l'OSE a Ecouis (Eure)Liste der Kinder, die am 8 Juni 1945 aus Buchenwalde und anderen Deportationslagern nach Frankreich Uberfuhrt werden konnten und sich im OSE-HEIM Ecouis (Eure) befindind[2]93Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Nov 1934LodzPoland 
10049Liste des enfants arrives en France le 8 Juin 1945 de Buchenwald et autres camps de deportation en Allemagne et heberges dans le Home d'enfants de l'OSE a Ecouis (Eure)Liste der Kinder, die am 8 Juni 1945 aus Buchenwalde und anderen Deportationslagern nach Frankreich Uberfuhrt werden konnten und sich im OSE-HEIM Ecouis (Eure) befindind[2]94Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Feb 1928Zdunska-WolaPoland 

Buchenwald Totenbuch (Buchenwald Death Book); http://totenbuch.buchenwald.de/recherche/ [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birth [Geburtsdatum]Date of death [Todesdatum]Place of death [Sterbeort]
10074FiszelGOLDBERG21 May 1908 in Czestochowa, Poland26 Apr 1945Buchenwald
10075ZenekGOLDBERG12 Apr 1921 in Czestochowa, Poland03 Apr 1945Buchenwald
10076BenjaminGOLDBERG04 May 1912 in Czestochowa, Poland21 Mar 1945Buchenwald

Bydgoszcz: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Voivodship Jewish Committee/Board in Bydgoszcz (101 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurnameAgeParents' given namesCurrent address
10058Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00073.JPGWykaz Chorych i Niezdolnych do Pracy21AbramGOLDBERG27 yearsRafael, BrajdlaSzpital

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
10692Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GEdward GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 1938PrzemyslPoland30 
10693Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GEdward GoldbergGOLDBERGPrzemyslPoland737 
10694Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GNina GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 1938ParisFrance762 
10695Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- G[given name not listed] GoldbergGOLDBERG907 
10696Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GAbram GoldbergGOLDBERG922 
10697Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GEdward GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 1939931 
10698Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GNina GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 1938ParisFrance1406 
10699Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GGitla GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 19381577 
10700Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GSala GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Feb 19412249 
10701Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- G[given name not listed] GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Jul 19452345 
10702Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GSzymon GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Jan 19442362 
10703Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- GAnna GoldbergerGOLDBERGER4 Apr 19382114 
12363Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- WStasia Wiesentier-GoldbergWIESENTIER-GOLDBERG1 Jan 19411906 

Częstochowa: Articles in American Association for Polish-Jewish Studies collection "Jews of Częstochowa" [H]

-Sort-URL of the articleTitle of the articleAuthor of the articlePersonSurname from previous column
10251http://www.aapj…dex.php?id=228The Political Identity of Jews in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries as Reflected in the History, Heritage, and Cultural Identity of Częstochowa JewsJerzy MizgalskiGoldbergGOLDBERG
11185http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedJozef Goldberg, hairdresserGOLDBERG
11208http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedJózef Goldberg, hairdresserGOLDBERG
11222http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedJózef Goldberg, hairdresserGOLDBERG
11249http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedJ. GoldbergGOLDBERG
11283http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=69Jews in the Local Government of Częstochowa 1919–1939Ryszard SzwedJozef Goldberg: Born 1886; hairdresser; alderman of the Hairdressers and Wig-Makers Union secretary of the Jewish Craftsmen Union; held a seat at the Town Council three times: in 1925 he was elected as a candidate of the Jewish Craftsmen Association, in 1927 as a candidate of the General Jewish Election Committee, and in 1939 as a candidate of the United Jewish Election Bloc; member of the Urban Development Committee.GOLDBERG
11726http://www.aapj…ndex.php?id=71The Jews of Częstochowa in the Cultural Life of Their TownMarta MeduckaLeon GoldbergGOLDBERG

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
10167147403NuchimASZDawid Hersz & Blima GoldfridGOLDFRID15 Jan 1858, WyszogrodRabbiARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10168147403SuraARENSZTAJNASZSender & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG6 Sep 1861, KuzniceARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10169147403TaubaASZNuchim & Sura ArensztajnARENSZTAJN18 Aug 1891, NieszawaARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10170147403Menachem BerASZNuchim & Sura ArensztajnARENSZTAJN2 Jun 1893, NieszawaARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10171147403Blima EsteraASZNuchim & Sura ArensztajnARENSZTAJN11 Jan 1895, CzestochowaARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10172147403LejbASZNuchim & Sura ArensztajnARENSZTAJN2 Jun 1899, CzestochowaARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
10173147403FajgaASZNuchim & Sura ArensztajnARENSZTAJN10 May 1900, CzestochowaARENSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRID
103321412236Izrael BerekBERLINERManela & Nacha Estera ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJN15 May 1874, PrzedborzWorkerBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRIN, ZYLBERSZTAJN
103331412236HewietaGOLDBERGBERLINERIcyk & Ruchla GrinGRIN-- --- 1870, KlobuckBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRIN, ZYLBERSZTAJN
103341412236Nacha EsteraBERLINERIzrael & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jul 1901, CzestochowaBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRIN, ZYLBERSZTAJN
103351412236AjdlaBERLINERIzrael & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Apr 1903, WarszawaBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRIN, ZYLBERSZTAJN
103361412236MenachemBERLINERIzrael & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Aug 1905, WarszawaBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRIN, ZYLBERSZTAJN
103371432237PinkusBIBERGedalie & Itta FrumerFRUMER4 Jul 1894, CzestochowaWorkerBIBER, FRUMER, GOLDBERG, PINKUS
103381432237GitlaPINKUSBIBERMendel Abbe & Chana GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Oct 1897, LodzBIBER, FRUMER, GOLDBERG, PINKUS
103391432237Ita FajglaBIBERPinkus & Gitla PinkusPINKUS14 Nov 1920, LodzBIBER, FRUMER, GOLDBERG, PINKUS
103401432237MinaBIBERPinkus & Gitla PinkusPINKUS1 Jan 1929, LodzBIBER, FRUMER, GOLDBERG, PINKUS
10462339693/94Icyk HenochBERGMANDawid & Frymeta UszerUSZER16 Apr 1878, WieruszowMerchantBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, USZER
10463339693/94HindaKREMSDORFBERGMANAbram Natan & Majta GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Jan 1888, RadomskoBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, USZER
10464339693/94HendlaBERGMANIcyk Henoch & Hinda KremsdorfKREMSDORF27 Jan 1918, CzestochowaBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, USZER
10639285015Lewek----GOLDBERGDawid Icyk & Estera Rajzla AjlenbergAJLENBERG16 Apr 1882, CzestochowaTraderAJLENBERG, GOLDBERG, KAPLAN, ROZENTAL
10640285015GoldaROZENTALGOLDBERGMendel & Hendla Jenta KaplanKAPLAN26 Dec 1881, KaliszWith husbandAJLENBERG, GOLDBERG, KAPLAN, ROZENTAL
10641285015Chaskiel----GOLDBERGLewek & Golda RozentalROZENTAL6 Nov 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, GOLDBERG, KAPLAN, ROZENTAL
10642285015Mojzesz----GOLDBERGLewek & Golda RozentalROZENTAL23 Apr 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, GOLDBERG, KAPLAN, ROZENTAL
10643285015Szaja----GOLDBERGLewek & Golda RozentalROZENTAL-- --- 1922, WielunWith parentsAJLENBERG, GOLDBERG, KAPLAN, ROZENTAL
10644285115Chaskiel----GOLDBERGLewek & Golda RozentalROZENTAL6 Nov 1905, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, ROZENTAL, SAJDEMAN
10645285115JettaSAJDEMANGOLDBERGLipman Hersz & Hana SajdemanSAJDEMAN28 Jul 1887, KaliszWith husbandGOLDBERG, ROZENTAL, SAJDEMAN
107253127421Izrael Iser----GOLDBERGFiszel & Rachela HabermanHABERMAN1 May 1851, RadomskoTailorFirst row of vol. 3GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, IZRAELOWICZ, MOLNER
107263127421BajlaIZRAELOWICZGOLDBERGDawid & Sura MolnerMOLNER-- --- 1849, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, HABERMAN, IZRAELOWICZ, MOLNER
107273127421Szaja----GOLDBERGIzrael Iser & Bajla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ11 May 1881, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, HABERMAN, IZRAELOWICZ, MOLNER
107283127421Laja----GOLDBERGIzrael Iser & Bajla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ4 Jan 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, HABERMAN, IZRAELOWICZ, MOLNER
107293127421Rykla----GOLDBERGIzrael Iser & Bajla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ15 Mar 1880, RadomskoWith parentsGOLDBERG, HABERMAN, IZRAELOWICZ, MOLNER
107843140821Lejbus----CHOJNACKIMoszek & Sura Rywka RozencwejgROZENCWEJG6 Sep 1881, PlawnoMerchantCHOJNACKI, GOLDBERG, KRAUZ, ROZENCWEJG
107853140821DwojraGOLDBERGCHOJNACKIAbram & Maria KrauzKRAUZ13 Jan 1881, TomaszowWith husbandCHOJNACKI, GOLDBERG, KRAUZ, ROZENCWEJG
107863140821Szymon----CHOJNACKILejbus & Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERG1 May 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsCHOJNACKI, GOLDBERG, KRAUZ, ROZENCWEJG
11956684259Cudek----LERNERWolf & Rywka SudowiczSUDOWICZ13 May 1876, CzestochowaBookkeeperCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LERNER, SUDOWICZ
11957684259IttaGOLDBERGLERNERAron & Szajndla CimmermanCIMMERMAN22 Jun 1884, CzestochowaWith husbandCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LERNER, SUDOWICZ
12033690860Jankiel----BURSZTYNJanas & Estera JankielJANKIEL20 Mar 1832, CzestochowaFactorBURSZTYN, GOLDBERG, JANKIEL, RYBSZTAJN, SZLAMOWICZ
12035690860Janas----BURSZTYNJankiel & Chaja RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN24 May 1855, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, GOLDBERG, JANKIEL, RYBSZTAJN, SZLAMOWICZ
12036690860Roza----BURSZTYNJankiel & Chaja RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN6 Jun 1862, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, GOLDBERG, JANKIEL, RYBSZTAJN, SZLAMOWICZ
12037690860Lipman----BURSZTYNJankiel & Chaja RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN12 May 1868, CzestochowaWith parentsBURSZTYN, GOLDBERG, JANKIEL, RYBSZTAJN, SZLAMOWICZ
122868176369Dawid----SZWARCIzrael & Cyrla EksztajnEKSZTAJN29 Jun 1885, Czestochowa----CHAPPAZ, EKSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, SZPILREJN, SZWARC, WAJSBARD
122878176369FlorentynaGOLDBERGSZWARCBerek & Estera SzpilrejnSZPILREJN26 Dec 1888, WarszawaPrimo voto WajsbardWAJSBARDCHAPPAZ, EKSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, SZPILREJN, SZWARC, WAJSBARD
122888176369FelicjaSZWARCSZWARCDawid & Jozefina ChappazCHAPPAZ12 Dec 1912, Czestochowa----CHAPPAZ, EKSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, SZPILREJN, SZWARC, WAJSBARD
124569261677Perec----JOZEFOWICZIcek & Paulina GoldsztajnGOLDSZTAJN-- --- 1863, Krzepice----GOLDBERG, GOLDSZTAJN, JOZEFOWICZ, SZENWALD, ZLOTAGORA
124589261677Leopold----JOZEFOWICZPerec & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Feb 1901, LodzWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOLDSZTAJN, JOZEFOWICZ, SZENWALD, ZLOTAGORA
124599261677Regina----JOZEFOWICZPerec & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG22 Dec 1897, WarszawaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOLDSZTAJN, JOZEFOWICZ, SZENWALD, ZLOTAGORA
124609261777Bernard----JOZEFOWICZPerec & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Jun 1899, Warszawa----GOLDBERG, GUTMAN, JOZEFOWICZ, SAPIR
124619261777SzejwaSAPIRJOZEFOWICZJosel Szmul & Hudis Maria GutmanGUTMAN16 Dec 1899, WarszawaWith husbandGOLDBERG, GUTMAN, JOZEFOWICZ, SAPIR
124629262077Ludwik----SZENWALDJakub & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG9 Apr 1890, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, SZENWALD
124639262477Aleksander----SZENWALDJakub & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Jun 1889, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, SZENWALD
1303610339693/94Icyk----BERGMANDawid & Frymeta OszerOSZER16 Apr 1878, WieruszowMerchantBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, OSZER
1303710339693/94HindaKREMSDORFBERGMANAbram Natan & Majtla GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Jan 1888, RadomskoWith husbandBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, OSZER
1303810339693/94Hendla----BERGMANIcyk Henoch & Hinda KremsdorfKREMSDORF27 Jan 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsBERGMAN, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF, OSZER
1305110340993/94Herszlik----KOZLOWSKIDawid Szlama & Chana LichtensztejnLICHTENSZTEJN1 Dec 1890, Kobiele----GOLDBERG, GRINBAUM, KOZLOWSKI, LICHTENSZTEJN
1305210340993/94PerlaGOLDBERGKOZLOWSKIEliezer & Fajgla GrinbaumGRINBAUM-- --- 1896, RadomskoWith husbandGOLDBERG, GRINBAUM, KOZLOWSKI, LICHTENSZTEJN
1305310340993/94Luzer----KOZLOWSKIHerszlik & Perla GoldbergGOLDBERG8 May 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GRINBAUM, KOZLOWSKI, LICHTENSZTEJN
1305410340993/94Majer----KOZLOWSKIHerszlik & Perla GoldbergGOLDBERG18 Apr 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GRINBAUM, KOZLOWSKI, LICHTENSZTEJN
13253103614100Chaim Lajb----GOLDBERGZelik & Sura HamburgerHAMBURGER9 Jul 1869, CzestochowaTraderBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13254103614100EttaHAMBURGERGOLDBERGSalomon & Mindla GotlibGOTLIB29 Jan 1871, CzestochowaWith husbandBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13255103614100Moszek Mordka----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER3 Oct 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13256103614100Nacha----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER3 Oct 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13257103614100Udla----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER28 Jun 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13258103614100Ejzyk----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER28 Jun 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13259103614100Rywka----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER30 Jun 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13260103614100Abram----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER30 Jun 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13261103614100Salomon----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER15 Sep 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13262103614100Kiwa----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER15 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13263103615100Berek----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER15 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13264103615100Szmul----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER18 Jun 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13265103615100Sura----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER10 Feb 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13266103615100Mendel----GOLDBERGChaim Lajb & Etta HamburgerHAMBURGER20 Jun 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
13267103615100ChanaKROCHMALGOLDBERGillegitimate child of Abraham Aron & Malka BrandBRAND5 Oct 1889, PrzemyslWith husband SalomonBRAND, GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HAMBURGER, KROCHMAL
1363511322106Michal----LACHMANWolf & Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERG5 Jan 1864, SmotryszowMerchantFREJMAN, GOLDBERG, KOCZAJNER, LACHMAN
1363611322106RuchlaKOCZAJNERLACHMANJudka & Maria FrejmanFREJMAN15 Jul 1868, CzestochowaWith husbandFREJMAN, GOLDBERG, KOCZAJNER, LACHMAN
1384711532109LibaSZTYWELGOLDBERGSzlama Jakub & Zelda CelnikCELNIK-- --- 1857, SieradzWidow; married Jankiel WajnsztokWAJNSZTOKCELNIK, GOLDBERG, SZTYWEL, WAJNSZTOK
1384811532109Szlama Jakub----GOLDBERGJudka & Liba SztywelSZTYWEL15 Nov 1882, CzestochowaWith motherCELNIK, GOLDBERG, SZTYWEL, WAJNSZTOK
1384911532109Wigdor----GOLDBERGJudka & Liba SztywelSZTYWEL7 Nov 1885, CzestochowaWith motherCELNIK, GOLDBERG, SZTYWEL, WAJNSZTOK
1385011532109Lewek----GOLDBERGJudka & Liba SztywelSZTYWEL4 Jul 1888, CzestochowaWith motherCELNIK, GOLDBERG, SZTYWEL, WAJNSZTOK
1385111532109Rywka----GOLDBERGJudka & Liba SztywelSZTYWEL8 Sep 1889, CzestochowaWith motherCELNIK, GOLDBERG, SZTYWEL, WAJNSZTOK
1385211536109Izrael Mosiek----GOLDBERGKiwa & Krajndla PinkusPINKUS25 Feb 1874, Dzialoszyn----GOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385311536109HelenaSZTARKOPFGOLDBERGLejb & Mariema --------24 Aug 1879, WarszawaWith husbandGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385411536109Hillel----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF16 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385511536109Krajndla----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF21 May 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385611536109Chana----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF9 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385711536109Mirla WitlaGOTLIBGOLDBERGSzaja Berek & Zysla HabermanHABERMAN27 Oct 1888, WloszczowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385811536109Icyk----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF25 Sep 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1385911536109Bajrech----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF21 Aug 1908, ----With parentsGOLDBERG, GOTLIB, HABERMAN, PINKUS, STARKOPF, SZTARKOPF
1386011537109Kiwa----GOLDBERGIzrael Mosiek & Helena StarkopfSTARKOPF2 Mar 1903, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, LEWENHOF, MERYN, STARKOPF
1386111537109HaniaMERYNGOLDBERGSiamsia & Frajdla LewenhofLEWENHOF24 Jan 1904, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, LEWENHOF, MERYN, STARKOPF
1386211540109Szmul Lajzer----GOLDBERGKiwa & Krajndla PinkusPINKUS21 Mar 1876, Dzialoszyn----GOLDBERG, PINKUS, SZTYBEL
1386311540109ZeldaGOLDBERGGOLDBERGJuda & Liba SztybelSZTYBEL4 Dec 1878, SieradzWith husbandGOLDBERG, PINKUS, SZTYBEL
1386411540109Helena----GOLDBERGSzmul & Zelda GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Apr 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, PINKUS, SZTYBEL
1405811725113SzajaMITELMANKopel & Ruchla ElsterELSTER29 Oct 1899, Czestochowa----ELSTER, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, MITELMAN
1405911725113JachwetaGLIKSMANMITELMANSzlama & Fajgla GoldbergGOLDBERG7 Sep 1900, RadomskoWith husbandELSTER, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, MITELMAN
1406011725113GabrielMITELMANSzaja & Jachweta GliksmanGLIKSMAN25 Jan 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsELSTER, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, MITELMAN
14578121207122Aron DawidGOLDBERGAbram & Chana CecowskaCECOWSKA10 Dec 1873, ZarnowTraderCECOWSKA, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, TYGER
14579121207122BlimaKAUFMANGOLDBERGWolf & Golda TygerTYGER-- --- 1879, ----With husbandCECOWSKA, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, TYGER
14580121207122SuraGOLDBERGAron Dawid & Blima KaufmanKAUFMAN30 Jun 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsCECOWSKA, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, TYGER
14581121207122HilelGOLDBERGAron Dawid & Blima KaufmanKAUFMAN27 Apr 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsCECOWSKA, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, TYGER
14582121207122MoszekGOLDBERGAron Dawid & Blima KaufmanKAUFMAN15 Jan 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsCECOWSKA, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, TYGER
14635121266123Icek JakubCZARNYAbram & Chana Rajzla WejnblumWEJNBLUM-- --- 1893, Czestochowa----CZARNY, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, WEJNBLUM
14636121266123AltaGOLDBERGCZARNYSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN30 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith husbandCZARNY, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, WEJNBLUM
15099131989138Jozef----FRAJTAGAbram Izak & Temera BroniatowskaBRONIATOWSKA-- --- 1872, Czestochowa----BERLINER, BRONIATOWSKA, FRAJTAG, GOLDBERG
15100131989138HenaGOLDBERGFRAJTAGIcyk & Ruchla ------------With husbandBERLINER, BRONIATOWSKA, FRAJTAG, GOLDBERG
15101131989138Moszek----FRAJTAGJosek & Hena GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Nov 1895, KlobuckWith parentsBERLINER, BRONIATOWSKA, FRAJTAG, GOLDBERG
15102131989138Nacha Estera----FRAJTAGIzrael & Jochweta GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jul 1901, CzestochowaWith husbandBERLINER, BRONIATOWSKA, FRAJTAG, GOLDBERG
15103131989138Izrael Berek----FRAJTAGMoszek & Nacha BerlinerBERLINER21 Jun 1927, KlobuckWith parentsBERLINER, BRONIATOWSKA, FRAJTAG, GOLDBERG
15104131990138Wolf----FRAJTAKJosek & Hena GelbartGELBART16 Aug 1898, Klobuck----BERLINER, FRAJTAK, GELBART, GOLDBERG
15105131990138AjdlaBERLINERFRAJTAKIzrael Berek & Cheweta GoldbergGOLDBERG----With husbandBERLINER, FRAJTAK, GELBART, GOLDBERG
15200132195142FajglaKOLINGOLDBERGMosiek Dawid & Rachela ---------- --- 1863, ZarkiWidowGOLDBERG, KOLIN
15201132195142Rachela----GOLDBERGBerek & Fajgla KolinKOLIN6 Nov 1884, CzestochowaWith motherGOLDBERG, KOLIN
15202132195142Szaja----GOLDBERGBerek & Fajgla KolinKOLIN8 Jan 1891, CzestochowaWith motherGOLDBERG, KOLIN
15203132195142Hinda----GOLDBERGBerek & Fajgla KolinKOLIN22 Apr 1893, CzestochowaWith motherGOLDBERG, KOLIN
15287132319144Juda Lajb----ERLICHDawid & Masza BuchwalterBUCHWALTER24 Aug 1868, CzestochowaMerchantABRAMSKA, BUCHWALTER, ERLICH, GOLDBERG
15288132319144RelaGOLDBERGERLICHBoaz & Augusta AbramskaABRAMSKA5 Dec 1868, WloclawekWith husbandABRAMSKA, BUCHWALTER, ERLICH, GOLDBERG
15289132319144Rozalia----ERLICHJuda Lajb & Rela GoldbergGOLDBERG7 Sep 1899, WarszawaWith parentsABRAMSKA, BUCHWALTER, ERLICH, GOLDBERG
15632151254162Hilel LajzerHARMACZHerszek & Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Apr 1854, KonskTinsmithGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15633151254162Tauba GitlaGERWERHARMACZJudka Moszek & Sura PiankaPIANKA17 Jan 1877, RomanowWith husbandGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15634151254162KendlaHARMACZHilel Lajzer & Chana KantorKANTOR25 Dec 1878, CzestochowaWith fatherGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15635151254162ChajaHARMACZHilel Lajzer & Chana KantorKANTOR16 Jun 1881, CzestochowaWith fatherGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15636151254162BerekHARMACZHilel Lajzer & Chana KantorKANTOR29 Nov 1882, CzestochowaWith fatherGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15637151254162IcykHARMACZHilel Lajzer & Chana KantorKANTOR23 Jul 1889, CzestochowaWith fatherGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15638151254162FajglaHARMACZHilel Icyk & Tauba Gitla GerwerGERWER13 Jul 1898, LodzWith parentsGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15639151254162DawidHARMACZHilel Icyk & Tauba Gitla GerwerGERWER13 Aug 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15640151254162PinkusHARMACZHilel Icyk & Tauba Gitla GerwerGERWER19 Feb 1902, LodzWith parentsGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15641151254162AndziaHARMACZHilel Icyk & Tauba Gitla GerwerGERWER21 Nov 1905, LodzWith parentsGERWER, GOLDBERG, HARMACZ, KANTOR, PIANKA
15783161741170Abram HerszLIPSZYCJoachim & Bluma FerstFERST14 Jun 1876, DzialoszynMerchantFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15784161741170LajaRAPAPORTLIPSZYCJosek & Entla GoldbergGOLDBERG31 Jun 1871, DzialoszynWith husbandFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15785161741170Hana BajlaLIPSZYCAbram Hersz & Laja RapaportRAPAPORT15 May 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15786161741170Dawid ChilLIPSZYCAbram Hersz & Laja RapaportRAPAPORT1 Jul 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15787161741170BlumaLIPSZYCAbram Hersz & Laja RapaportRAPAPORT29 Jun 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15788161741170SzlamaLIPSZYCAbram Hersz & Laja RapaportRAPAPORT29 Jun 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15789161741170EfroimLIPSZYCAbram Hersz & Laja RapaportRAPAPORT29 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFERST, GOLDBERG, LIPSZYC, RAPAPORT
15834161853171JudkaJUDKOWICZJosek & Pessa BawelniakBAWELNIAK13 Jan 1852, WolbromTailorBAWELNIAK, GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, JUDKOWICZ
15835161853171FrajdlaGOLDBERGJUDKOWICZFiszel & Rachela HabermanHABERMAN30 Dec 1848, RadomskoWith husbandBAWELNIAK, GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, JUDKOWICZ
15836161853171BerekJUDKOWICZIdel & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Aug 1878, WolbromWith parentsBAWELNIAK, GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, JUDKOWICZ
15837161853171GoldaJUDKOWICZIdel & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG12 Dec 1882, WolbromWith parentsBAWELNIAK, GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, JUDKOWICZ
15838161853171MajlichJUDKOWICZIdel & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG19 Mar 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsBAWELNIAK, GOLDBERG, HABERMAN, JUDKOWICZ
15889161951171SzlamaGOLDBERGMajer & Laja Sura CymermanCYMERMAN4 Apr 1867, RadomskoMerchantCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15890161951171EsteraGLIKSMANGOLDBERGBerek & Frymeta PelmanPELMAN13 Nov 1866, RadomskoWith husbandCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15891161951171FajglaGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN30 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15892161951171AltaGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN30 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15893161951171Abram BencjonGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN14 Jun 1902, RadomskoWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15894161951171IzraelGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN21 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15895161951171JozefGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN29 Jun 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
15896161951171FrymetaGOLDBERGSzlama & Estera GliksmanGLIKSMAN14 Feb 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, PELMAN
16021162151173MendelCZESTOCHOWSKIKalma & Ruchla PoznerPOZNER11 Sep 1870, Czestochowa----CZESTOCHOWSKI, GOLDBERG, PINKUS, POZNER
16022162151173Golda FajgaPINKUSCZESTOCHOWSKIMosiek Aron & Jachweta GoldbergGOLDBERG----With husbandCZESTOCHOWSKI, GOLDBERG, PINKUS, POZNER
16389172615177Abram Natan Nachem NusynKREMSDORFSzmul & Hendla KijakKIJAK20 Jan 1861, Radomsko----GOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16390172615177MajtlaGOLDBERGKREMSDORFMendel & Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERG18 Feb 1862, RadomskoWith husbandGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16391172615177ChanaKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG5 Aug 1884, RadomskoWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16392172615177HindaKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Jan 1888, RadomskoWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16393172615177JudaKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Jan 1891, RadomskoWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16394172615177LajzerKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Aug 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16395172615177JozefKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Oct 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16396172615177RuchlaKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Sep 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16397172615177MindlaKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG25 May 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KIJAK, KREMSDORF
16399172619177JakubKREMSDORFAbram Natan & Matla GoldbergGOLDBERG22 Oct 1882, RadomskoTraderBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16400172619177IskaFEFERKREMSDORFIcek & Hendla BratBRAT10 Mar 1881, TruskolasyWith husbandBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16401172619177Ida LajbKREMSDORFJankiel & Iska FeferFEFER16 Jan 1907, KrzepiceWith parentsBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16402172619177Szmul ChaskielKREMSDORFJankiel & Iska FeferFEFER23 Nov 1910, KrzepiceWith parentsBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16403172619177HenochKREMSDORFJankiel & Iska FeferFEFER12 Nov 1912, KrzepiceWith parentsBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16404172619177FajwelKREMSDORFJankiel & Iska FeferFEFER16 Oct 1915, KrzepiceWith parentsBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16405172619177ChendlaKREMSDORFJankiel & Iska FeferFEFER1 Nov 1918, TruskolasyWith parentsBRAT, FEFER, GOLDBERG, KREMSDORF
16638172853180HerszlikDZIALOSZYNSKIMoszek & Cyrla HirszzonHIRSZZON18 Jan 1871, CzestochowaTraderDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16640172853180LajzerDZIALOSZYNSKILejb & Rachela Laja KaufmanKAUFMAN26 Dec 1898, PabianiceWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16641172853180DawidDZIALOSZYNSKILejb & Rachela Laja KaufmanKAUFMAN20 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16642172853180LejbDZIALOSZYNSKIHerszlik & Estera GrinbergGRINBERG16 Nov 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16643172853180Ruchla LajaDZIALOSZYNSKIHerszlik & Estera GrinbergGRINBERG21 Feb 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16644172853180NachaDZIALOSZYNSKIHerszlik & Estera GrinbergGRINBERG17 Oct 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIALOSZYNSKI, GOLDBERG, GRINBERG, HIRSZZON, KAUFMAN
16722172936181HerszlOKRETChemia & Sura LimokLIMOK-- --- 1871, DzialoszycePainterCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LIMOK, OKRET
16723172936181FrajdlaGOLDBERGOKRETAron & Szajndla CimmermanCIMMERMAN6 Nov 1877, CzestochowaWith husbandCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LIMOK, OKRET
16724172936181NechemiaOKRETHerszl & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG27 Oct 1899, DzialoszyceWith parentsCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LIMOK, OKRET
16725172936181MorycOKRETHerszl & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG27 Feb 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LIMOK, OKRET
16726172936181SaraOKRETHerszl & Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG21 Apr 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsCIMMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LIMOK, OKRET
16834183225188AronGOLDBERGJankiel & Maria ---------- --- 1847, CzestochowaPainterCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, ROZENSZTEJN
16835183225188SzajndlaCYMERMANGOLDBERGMordka & Laja RozensztejnROZENSZTEJN1 Jul 1847, CzestochowaWith husbandCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, ROZENSZTEJN
16836183225188MordkaGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN8 Nov 1886, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, ROZENSZTEJN
16837183225188SuraGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN20 Jan 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, ROZENSZTEJN
16838183229188FrajdlaGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN7 Nov 1877, CzestochowaMaidCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LERNER
16839183229188IttaGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN22 Jun 1884, CzestochowaMarried Cudek Lerner, Akt 59LERNERCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, LERNER
16840183231188Jakub LajbGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN7 Nov 1875, CzestochowaPainterCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, SZENWALD
16841183231188SzpryncaMIETKIEWICZGOLDBERGSzlama & Maria SzenwaldSZENWALD16 Jun 1879, CzestochowaWith husbandCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, SZENWALD
16842183231188HenrykGOLDBERGJakub Lajb & Szprynca MietkiewiczMIETKIEWICZ2 Sep 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, SZENWALD
16869183259188MordkaGOLDBERGAron & Szajndla CymermanCYMERMAN8 Nov 1886, Czestochowa----CYMERMAN, FELDMAN, FELMAN, FISZEL?, GOLDBERG
16870183259188FrajdlaFELMANGOLDBERGDawid & Fajgla FeldmanFELDMAN22 Dec 1893, SzczekocinyWith husband; primo voto FiszelFISZEL?CYMERMAN, FELDMAN, FELMAN, FISZEL?, GOLDBERG
16871183259188Mojsze HerszGOLDBERGZachariasz & Frajdla FeldmanFELDMAN8 Jan 1914, SosnowiceWith motherCYMERMAN, FELDMAN, FELMAN, FISZEL?, GOLDBERG
1767519628219ZysmanGOLDBERGAron & Chaja HoftnerHOFTNER6 Nov 1867, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, HOFTNER
1767619628219HendlaGOLDBERGAron & Chaja HoftnerHOFTNER9 Aug 1872, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, HOFTNER
1767719628219BrandlaGOLDBERGAron & Chaja HoftnerHOFTNER-- --- 1881, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, HOFTNER
1767819628219RajzlaGOLDBERGAron & Chaja HoftnerHOFTNER20 Jun 1878, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, HOFTNER
1767919628219EsteraGOLDBERGAron & Chaja HoftnerHOFTNER5 Apr 1879, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, HOFTNER
1787320872224SzyjaEPSZTAJNIcek & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG14 May 1872, CzestochowaBachelorEPSZTAJN, GOLDBERG
1791020938224JakubEPSZTAJNIcek & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG26 May 1868, CzestochowaAccountantEPSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, LANDSZTEJN, MESZ
1791120938224LudwikaLANDSZTEJNEPSZTAJNLeon & Maria MeszMESZ8 Sep 1867, WarszawaWith husbandEPSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, LANDSZTEJN, MESZ
1791220938224EugeniaEPSZTAJNJakub & Ludwika LandsztejnLANDSZTEJN5 Nov 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsEPSZTAJN, GOLDBERG, LANDSZTEJN, MESZ
1791320942224AbramEPSZTEJNIcyk & Estera Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Apr 1871, CzestochowaOwner of the cloth storeEPSZTEJN, GOLDBERG, LASKA
1791420942224LajaLASKAEPSZTEJNHersz & Estera ---------- --- 1882, SlupcaWith husbandEPSZTEJN, GOLDBERG, LASKA
1791520942224IgnacyEPSZTEJNAbram & Laja LaskaLASKA28 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsEPSZTEJN, GOLDBERG, LASKA
1791620942224EugeniaEPSZTEJNAbram & Laja LaskaLASKA23 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsEPSZTEJN, GOLDBERG, LASKA
1791720942224JerzyEPSZTEJNAbram & Laja LaskaLASKA2 Jun 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsEPSZTEJN, GOLDBERG, LASKA
1793120966225HerszlikGOLDBERGJakub Granek & Roza ---------- --- 1875, PrzyrowWorkerGOLDBERG, ROZENWALD, UFNER
1793220966225LajaUFNERGOLDBERGHercek & Frymeta RozenwaldROZENWALD-- --- 1879, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, ROZENWALD, UFNER
1793320966225Jankiel GrojnemGOLDBERGHerszlik & Laja UfnerUFNER1 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, ROZENWALD, UFNER
1793420966225LibaGOLDBERGHerszlik & Laja UfnerUFNER24 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, ROZENWALD, UFNER
18087201144229Hersz WolfBAUMMajer & Itta WindmanWINDMAN21 Mar 1878, CzestochowaDied in the Moscow hospital in 1905BAUM, GOLDBERG, LAJZER, WINDMAN
18088201144229ChajaGOLDBERGBAUMDawid & Estera Rajzla LajzerLAJZER2 Nov 1879, CzestochowaWith husbandBAUM, GOLDBERG, LAJZER, WINDMAN
18089201144229MoszekBAUMWolf Hersz & Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsBAUM, GOLDBERG, LAJZER, WINDMAN
18179201210230UszerLECZYCKIIcyk Lajb & Estera Liba LublinskaLUBLINSKA13 Mar 1868, WielunBookbinderGOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18180201210230IdessaGOLDBERGLECZYCKIAbram & Maria KrauzeKRAUZE-- --- 1872, TomaszowWith husband; primo voto HubermanHUBERMANGOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18181201210230DawidLECZYCKIUszer & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG19 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parents; became argentine citizen in 1930GOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18182201210230ChilLECZYCKIAron & Idessa GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Oct 1900, TomaszowWith parentsGOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18183201210230Symcha BinemLECZYCKIAron & Idessa GoldbergGOLDBERG30 Jan 1904, TomaszowWith parentsGOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18184201210230NachaLECZYCKIUszer & Idessa GoldbergGOLDBERG----With parentsGOLDBERG, HUBERMAN, KRAUZE, LECZYCKI, LUBLINSKA
18185201211230FajtelLECZYCKIUszer & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jun 1901, Czestochowa----FRYDRYCH, GLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18186201211230JachetaGLIKLICHLECZYCKIAron & Ruchla FrydrychFRYDRYCH23 Feb 1902, CzestochowaWith husbandFRYDRYCH, GLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18187201211230FelicjaLECZYCKIFajtel & Jacheta GliklichGLIKLICH11 Jun 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsFRYDRYCH, GLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18188201214230SzymonLECZYCKIUszer & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG22 Jan 1890, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18189201218230Michal GabrielLECZYCKIUszer & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Mar 1898, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18190201222230Mendel ChaimLECZYCKIUszer & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG6 Jan 1896, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, LECZYCKI
18337201354234RywenGOLDBERGMajer & Hana CymermanCYMERMAN12 Aug 1862, Radomsko----CYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, HASENLAUF
18338201354234Sara BajlaHASENLAUFGOLDBERGJakub & Estera Rywka --------15 Mar 1865, KolanowWith husbandCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, HASENLAUF
18339201354234Ettel LajaGOLDBERGRubin & Sara Bajla HasenlaufHASENLAUF15 Dec 1895, OswiecimWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, HASENLAUF
18340201354234BencjonGOLDBERGRubin & Sara Bajla HasenlaufHASENLAUF10 Mar 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, HASENLAUF
18341201354234RuchlaGOLDBERGRywen & Sara Bajla HasenlaufHASENLAUF22 May 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsCYMERMAN, GOLDBERG, HASENLAUF
18390211412236Izrael BerekBERLINERManela & Nacha Estera ZylbersztejnZYLBERSZTEJN15 May 1874, PrzedborzWorkerBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRYN, ZYLBERSZTEJN
18391211412236HewietaGOLDBERGBERLINERIcyk & Ruchla GrynGRYN-- --- 1870, KlobuckWith husbandBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRYN, ZYLBERSZTEJN
18392211412236Nacha EsteraBERLINERIzrael Berek & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jul 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRYN, ZYLBERSZTEJN
18393211412236AjdlaBERLINERIzrael Berek & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Apr 1903, WarszawaWith parentsBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRYN, ZYLBERSZTEJN
18394211412236MenuchemBERLINERIzrael Berek & Hewieta GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Aug 1905, WarszawaWith parentsBERLINER, GOLDBERG, GRYN, ZYLBERSZTEJN
18419211432237PinkusBIBERGdalia & Itta Fajgla FrumerFRUMER4 Jul 1894, CzestochowaWorkerBIBER, FRUMER, FRYDLANDER, PINKUS
18420211432237GitlaPINKUSBIBERMendel Abba & Chawa GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Oct 1897, LodzWith husbandBIBER, FRUMER, FRYDLANDER, PINKUS
18421211432237Ita FajglaBIBERPinkus & Gitla PinkusPINKUS14 Nov 1920, LodzWith parentsBIBER, FRUMER, FRYDLANDER, PINKUS
18422211432237MendelBIBERPinkus & Gitla PinkusPINKUS22 Jul 1924, LodzWith parentsBIBER, FRUMER, FRYDLANDER, PINKUS
18423211432237MinaBIBERPinkus & Gitla PinkusPINKUS1 Jan 1929, LodzWith parentsBIBER, FRUMER, FRYDLANDER, PINKUS
18783211917248SuraGOLDBERGSzmul & Chaja MitelmanMITELMAN13 May 1875, MstowMaidGOLDBERG, MITELMAN
18784211917248IcykGOLDBERGSzmul & Chaja MitelmanMITELMAN29 Jan 1891, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, MITELMAN
1918522216260ChananiaHALBORNBerek & Jetka KranKRAN19 Aug 1872, CzestochowaShoemakerGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1918622216260HanaHALBORNChanania & Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Mar 1898, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1918722216260BerekHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH17 Nov 1901, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1918822216260FrymetaHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH27 Mar 1906, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1918922216260AbaHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH6 Aug 1903, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1919022216260BasiaHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH2 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1919122216260SuraHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH20 Aug 1913, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1919222216260Hersz DawidHALBORNChanania & Dwojar Orzech, unmariedORZECH8 Jan 1904, CzestochowaWith fatherGOLDBERG, HALBORN, KRAN, ORZECH
1939222476268SalomonGOLDBERGJakub & Chendla FrakmanFRAKMAN17 Oct 1874, RadomskoMerchantFRAKMAN, GOLDBERG, KREBS, TOPFER
1939322476268FajglaKREBSGOLDBERGChil & Szajndla TopferTOPFER20 Jun 1877, PilicaWith husbandFRAKMAN, GOLDBERG, KREBS, TOPFER
1939422476268ZachariaszGOLDBERGZalma & Fajgla KrebsKREBS5 Feb 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAKMAN, GOLDBERG, KREBS, TOPFER
1939522476268MoszekGOLDBERGSalomon & Fajgla KrebsKREBS1 Jan 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAKMAN, GOLDBERG, KREBS, TOPFER
1939622476268EliaszGOLDBERGZalma & Fajgla KrebsKREBS20 Jun 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAKMAN, GOLDBERG, KREBS, TOPFER
1941022522269SzmulJUDKOWICZJosek Fajwel & Hana GoldbergGOLDBERG24 Feb 1875, PiotrkowMerchantDRUKER, GOLDBERG, GRINFELD, JUDKOWICZ
1941122522269RuchlaGRINFELDJUDKOWICZJakub Fajwel & Hana DrukerDRUKER-- --- 1881, PilicaWith husbandDRUKER, GOLDBERG, GRINFELD, JUDKOWICZ
1941222522269Jakub FajwelJUDKOWICZSzmul & Ruchla GrinfeldGRINFELD15 Jan 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsDRUKER, GOLDBERG, GRINFELD, JUDKOWICZ
1942422534269SzewachSZTAJNKELERHerszlik & Frajdla ErlichERLICH27 Sep 1893, CzestochowaMerchantERLICH, GOLDBERG, SZTAJNKELER, ZAJDMAN
1942522534269Chana DwojraGOLDBERGSZTAJNKELERJosek & Rywa Szajndla ZajdmanZAJDMAN28 Mar 1892, WolbromWith husbandERLICH, GOLDBERG, SZTAJNKELER, ZAJDMAN
1942622534269MariaSZTAJNKELERSzewach & Chana Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Oct 1914, ZawiercieWith parentsERLICH, GOLDBERG, SZTAJNKELER, ZAJDMAN
1942722534269HerszelSZTAJNKELERSzewach & Chana Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Jul 1919, ZawiercieWith parentsERLICH, GOLDBERG, SZTAJNKELER, ZAJDMAN
1945422590272Mojzesz MordkaGOLDBERGLejbus & Pesa KaufmanKAUFMAN24 Jul 1866, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KAUFMAN
1945522590272NatanGOLDBERGLejbus & Perla KaufmanKAUFMAN2 Jan 1869, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KAUFMAN
20197241479289DawidZELKOWICZJakub & Rojza WindhajmWINDHAJM27 Nov 1890, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, IZRAELOWICZ, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
20198241479289LajaGOLDBERGZELKOWICZUszer & Bajla IzraelowiczIZRAELOWICZ4 Jan 1886, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, IZRAELOWICZ, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
20199241479289JanZELKOWICZDawid & Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG21 Apr 1922, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, IZRAELOWICZ, WINDHAJM, ZELKOWICZ
20680242077300FajwelGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA5 Jul 1857, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20681242077300Izydor IsserGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA15 May 1859, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20682242077300LajaGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA28 Jul 1865, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20683242077300CudekGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA28 Jul 1865, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20684242077300Dwojra EsteraGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA30 Jun 1867, CzestochowaMaidGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20685242077300Majer FiszelGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA4 Aug 1874, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20686242077300Mordka SzlamaGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA4 Aug 1874, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
20687242077300JozefGOLDBERGHerszlik & Bajla KremskaKREMSKA13 Mar 1870, CzestochowaBachelorGOLDBERG, KREMSKA
2089925216305Zysman WolfGOLDBERGAbraham & Cywia LitmanLITMAN1 Sep 1859, PajecznoBakerGOLDBERG, KANTOROWICZ, LITMAN, PRUSICKA
2090025216305JerlaPRUSICKAGOLDBERGJudka & Bluma KantorowiczKANTOROWICZ16 Feb 1862, BrzeznicaWith husbandGOLDBERG, KANTOROWICZ, LITMAN, PRUSICKA
2090125216305Szmul JudaGOLDBERGZysman Wolf & Jerla PrusickaPRUSICKA-- --- 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KANTOROWICZ, LITMAN, PRUSICKA
2090225216305Frajda CywiaGOLDBERGZysman Wolf & Jerla PrusickaPRUSICKA24 Jul 1887, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KANTOROWICZ, LITMAN, PRUSICKA
2090325216305HendlaGOLDBERGZysman Wolf & Jerla PrusickaPRUSICKA27 Oct 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, KANTOROWICZ, LITMAN, PRUSICKA
2090425219305AbaGOLDBERGHenoch & Szprynca BanetBANET13 Jan 1897, Radogoszcz----BANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2090525219305Udla JachetaCYTRYNGOLDBERGIzrael Szoel & Malka OrzechowskaORZECHOWSKA22 Jan 1896, BalutyWith husbandBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2090625219305ChaimGOLDBERGAba & Udla Jacheta CytrynCYTRYN18 Jun 1922, LodzWith parentsBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2090725219305MojzeszGOLDBERGAba & Udla Jacheta CytrynCYTRYN1 May 1924, LodzWith parentsBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2090825219305JakubGOLDBERGAba & Udla Jacheta CytrynCYTRYN10 Oct 1927, LodzWith parentsBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2090925220305MariaGOLDBERGAba & Cywia PlawnerPLAWNER9 Aug 1863, PajecznoMaidBANET, GOLDBERG, HERSZON, KIERENKOW, PLAWNER
2091025220305HenochGOLDBERGAbram & Poria KierenkowKIERENKOW25 Aug 1870, PajecznoWorkerBANET, GOLDBERG, HERSZON, KIERENKOW, PLAWNER
2091125220305SzpryncaBANETGOLDBERGMoszek & Roza HerszonHERSZON-- --- 1868, DzialoszynWith husband HenochBANET, GOLDBERG, HERSZON, KIERENKOW, PLAWNER
2091225221305Mojzesz UszerGOLDBERGHenoch & Szprynca BanetBANET14 May 1899, Radogoszcz----BANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2091325221305SzajndlaCYTRYNGOLDBERGIzrael Szoel & Malka OrzechowskaORZECHOWSKA24 Sep 1901, BalutyWith husbandBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2091425221305AbaGOLDBERGMojzesz Uszer & Szajndla CytrynCYTRYN1 May 1924, LodzWith parentsBANET, CYTRYN, GOLDBERG, ORZECHOWSKA
2103125382307MendelZYGASZalma & Perla DofDOF-- --- 1875, CzestochowaWorkerDOF, GOLDBERG, ZYGAS
2103225382307EsteraGOLDBERGZYGASHercko & Fajgla --------29 Apr 1880, PrzyrowWith husbandDOF, GOLDBERG, ZYGAS
2103325382307Chaim DawidZYGASMendel & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Jan 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsDOF, GOLDBERG, ZYGAS
2103425382307ZalmaZYGASMendel & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG6 May 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsDOF, GOLDBERG, ZYGAS
2103525382307HerckoZYGASMendel & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG21 Oct 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsDOF, GOLDBERG, ZYGAS
22226271484334GitlaGOLDBERGGERSZONOWICZJozef & Chaja GancerGANCER9 Oct 1851, CzestochowaWidowGANCER, GERSZONOWICZ, GOLDBERG
22227271484334HerszlikGERSZONOWICZIcek & Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Nov 1882, CzestochowaWith motherGANCER, GERSZONOWICZ, GOLDBERG
22228271484334Dawid LajbGERSZONOWICZIcek & Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Nov 1882, CzestochowaWith motherGANCER, GERSZONOWICZ, GOLDBERG
22229271484334ChawaGERSZONOWICZIcek & Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith motherGANCER, GERSZONOWICZ, GOLDBERG
22230271484334MajerGERSZONOWICZIcek & Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG-- --- 1887, CzestochowaWith motherGANCER, GERSZONOWICZ, GOLDBERG
22378271621338JankielGLIKLICHJoachim & Liba WolfowiczWOLFOWICZ-- --- 1862, Koniecpol----GLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, WOLFOWICZ
22379271621338GoldaGOLDBERGGLIKLICHHercko & Roza?-- --- 1867, DrzewicaWith husbandGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, WOLFOWICZ
22380271621338LajaGLIKLICHJankiel & Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG29 Sep 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, WOLFOWICZ
22381271621338ZeldaGLIKLICHJankiel & Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG29 Sep 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, WOLFOWICZ
22382271621338ChaimGLIKLICHJankiel & Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Jul 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, WOLFOWICZ
22383271622338Szmul WolfGLIKLICHJankiel & Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG-- --- 1889, Czestochowa----GLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22384271622338HanaKIRSZENBAUMGLIKLICHMoszekl & Fajgla WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA-- --- 1885, OpatowWith husbandGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22385271622338MasiaGLIKLICHSzmul Wolf & Hana KirszenbaumKIRSZENBAUM10 Jan 1917, MstowWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22386271622338Chaim SzmulGLIKLICHSzmul Wolf & Hana KirszenbaumKIRSZENBAUM12 Jan 1919, MstowWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22387271622338MariaGLIKLICHSzmul Wolf & Hana KirszenbaumKIRSZENBAUM12 Dec 1916, MstowWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22388271622338Lajzer MajerGLIKLICHSzmul Wolf & Hana KirszenbaumKIRSZENBAUM10 Jul 1922, CzestochowaWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22389271622338HerszlikGLIKLICHSzmul Wolf & Hana KirszenbaumKIRSZENBAUM20 Oct 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsGLIKLICH, GOLDBERG, KIRSZENBAUM, WARSZAWSKA
22434271652339LipaFRYDMANJzoek & Hana RafalowiczRAFALOWICZ28 May 1870, Mogielnica----FRAJMAN, FRYDMAN, GOLDBERG, RAFALOWICZ
22435271652339RyklaFRAJMANFRYDMANIcek & Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Jun 1869, CzestochowaWith husbandFRAJMAN, FRYDMAN, GOLDBERG, RAFALOWICZ
22436271652339MajlichFRYDMANLipa & Rykla FrajmanFRAJMAN----Died 23 Oct 1917FRAJMAN, FRYDMAN, GOLDBERG, RAFALOWICZ
22437271652339ChawaFRYDMANLipa & Rykla FrajmanFRAJMAN18 Apr 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJMAN, FRYDMAN, GOLDBERG, RAFALOWICZ
22528271850347ZysmanSZTRAUSBERGWolf & Roza GoldbergGOLDBERG23 May 1858, PlawnoTailorDYMANT, ENGLENDER, GOLDBERG, SZTRAUSBERG
22529271850347FajglaENGLENDERSZTRAUSBERGFiszel & Bajla DymantDYMANT15 Jan 1855, LipnikWith husbandDYMANT, ENGLENDER, GOLDBERG, SZTRAUSBERG
22530271850347BajlaSZTRAUSBERGZysman & Fajgla EnglenderENGLENDER20 Nov 1882, CzestochowaWith parentsDYMANT, ENGLENDER, GOLDBERG, SZTRAUSBERG
22579271883348ZalmaPELTASzmul & Chawa GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Mar 1896, Czestochowa----GOLDBERG, LAPA, PELTA, TOBIASZ
22580271883348RajzlaTOBIASZPELTABerek & Golda LapaLAPA----With husbandGOLDBERG, LAPA, PELTA, TOBIASZ
22581271884348AronPELTASzmul & Chawa GoldbergGOLDBERG21 Jan 1899, Czestochowa----FAJERMAN, GOLDBERG, KICBEJGLOWSKA, PELTA
22582271884348RuchlaFAJERMANPELTAMoszek Lejb & Zlota KicbejglowskaKICBEJGLOWSKA28 May 1897, CzestochowaWith husbandFAJERMAN, GOLDBERG, KICBEJGLOWSKA, PELTA
22583271884348Moszek LejbPELTAAron & Ruchla FajermanFAJERMAN1 Dec 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJERMAN, GOLDBERG, KICBEJGLOWSKA, PELTA
22612271906350MajerGOLDBERGDawid & Anna ZajdmanZAJDMAN24 Jan 1850, PrzyrowShoemakerDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22613271906350RuchlaMESSERGOLDBERGMosek Icyk & Rajzla DoserDOSER18 Apr 1868, PrzyrowDivorced from Aba WajntraubWAJNTRAUBDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22614271906350Icyk HerszGOLDBERGMajer & Laja Ruchla ZajdmanZAJDMAN25 Nov 1891, CzestochowaWith fatherDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22615271906350GdalieGOLDBERGMajer & Laja Ruchla ZajdmanZAJDMAN30 Apr 1895, CzestochowaWith fatherDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22616271906350AbramGOLDBERGMajer & Fajgla Ruchla MesserMESSER24 Nov 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22617271906350ZysmanGOLDBERGMajer & Fajgla Ruchla MesserMESSER10 Aug 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22618271906350GenaGOLDBERGMajer & Fajgla Ruchla MesserMESSER5 Mar 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22619271906350AjzykGOLDBERGMajer & Fajgla Ruchla MesserMESSER15 Dec 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22620271906350BlimaGOLDBERGMajer & Fajgla Ruchla MesserMESSER1 Jul 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsDOSER, GOLDBERG, MESSER, WAJNTRAUB, ZAJDMAN
22638271922350ChilGOLDBERGMajer & Ruchla ZajdmanZAJDMAN14 Jun 1876, CzestochowaMerchantFRAJERMAUER, GOLDBERG, UFNER, ZAJDMAN
22639271922350EsteraUFNERGOLDBERGWolf & Szajndla FrajermauerFRAJERMAUER----With husbandFRAJERMAUER, GOLDBERG, UFNER, ZAJDMAN
22640271922350Ruchla LajaGOLDBERGChil & Estera UfnerUFNER29 Aug 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, GOLDBERG, UFNER, ZAJDMAN
22645271930350JozefGOLDBERGMajer & Ruchla ZajdmanZAJDMAN8 Apr 1886, CzestochowaBarberBLUM, GOLDBERG, SILNICKA, ZAJDMAN
22646271930350RywkaSILNICKAGOLDBERGMichal & Estera BlumBLUM14 Mar 1886, CzestochowaWith husbandBLUM, GOLDBERG, SILNICKA, ZAJDMAN
226902834351LejbusGELBERChaim Hersz & Roza BialekBIALEK-- --- 1891, CzestochowaButcherBIALEK, GELBER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN
226912834351JachwetaGOLDBERGGELBERMajer & Ruchla Laja ZajdmanZAJDMAN29 May 1884, CzestochowaWith husbandBIALEK, GELBER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN
2334429766366DawidWERNERHerszlik & Hinda MillerMILLER24 Dec 1865, ZarkiMerchantGOLDBERG, MILLER, PINKUS, WERNER
2334529766366Ruchla LajaGOLDBERGWERNERKiwa & Krandla PinkusPINKUS16 Jun 1871, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, MILLER, PINKUS, WERNER
2334629766366FraniaWERNERDawid & Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Apr 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, MILLER, PINKUS, WERNER
2355029983371ChemiaHOFMANMichal Moszek & Estera FrankFRANK1 Aug 1890, Radomsko----FRANK, GOLDBERG, HOFMAN, ROZENBLAT
2355129983371Szajna AltaROZENBLATHOFMANIzrael Dawid & Tauba Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG7 Apr 1901, RadomskoWith husbandFRANK, GOLDBERG, HOFMAN, ROZENBLAT
2355229983371HindlaHOFMANChemia & Szajna Alta RozenblatROZENBLAT5 Mar 1930, SosnowiecWith parentsFRANK, GOLDBERG, HOFMAN, ROZENBLAT
23750291186376GalaGNENDELSMANSZCZEKACZNachman & Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Dec 1862, KlomniceWidowGNENDELSMAN, GOLDBERG, SZCZEKACZ
23751291186376EsteraSZCZEKACZZelik & Gala GnendelsmanGNENDELSMAN9 Jul 1902, CzestochowaWith motherGNENDELSMAN, GOLDBERG, SZCZEKACZ
23752291186376MojzeszSZCZEKACZZelik & Gala GnendelsmanGNENDELSMAN29 Apr 1896, CzestochowaWith motherGNENDELSMAN, GOLDBERG, SZCZEKACZ
23921301696391HenochKARMIOLMichal & Rajzla MaslankaMASLANKA26 Sep 1870, TomawaMerchantGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23922301696391Sura LajaZWIKIELSKAKARMIOLAbram Moszek & Curtla GoldbergGOLDBERG9 Sep 1874, SulejowWith husbandGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23923301696391Chaja EsteraKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA6 Feb 1897, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23924301696391Golda RywkaKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA27 Nov 1894, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23925301696391DwojraKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA28 Dec 1898, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23926301696391FajgaKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA14 Apr 1901, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23927301696391MariaKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA22 Jul 1903, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
23928301696391Abram JankielKARMIOLHenoch & Sura Laja ZwikielskaZWIKIELSKA30 Mar 1905, SulejowWith parentsGOLDBERG, KARMIOL, MASLANKA, ZWIKIELSKA
2408731147403NuchimASZDawid Hersz & Blima GoldfrydGOLDFRYD15 Jan 1858, WyszogrodRabbiARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2408831147403SuraARENSZTAJNASZSender & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG6 Sep 1861, PrzychodWith husbandARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2408931147403TaubaASZNuchim & Sura AronsztajnARONSZTAJN18 Aug 1891, NieszawaWith parentsARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2409031147403Menachem BeerASZNuchim & Sura AronsztajnARONSZTAJN2 Jun 1893, NieszawaWith parentsARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2409131147403Blima EsteraASZNuchim & Sura AronsztajnARONSZTAJN11 Jan 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2409231147403LejbASZNuchim & Sura AronsztajnARONSZTAJN2 Jun 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2409331147403FajgaASZNuchim & Sura AronsztajnARONSZTAJN10 May 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsARENSZTAJN, ARONSZTAJN, ASZ, GOLDBERG, GOLDFRYD
2454132922418Dawid MajerDZIUBASIzrael & Ryfka GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jan 1865, PowazkiFactory ownerDZIUBAS, FRENKEL, GOLDBERG, ROZENCWAJG
2454232922418Fajgla HindaROZENCWAJGDZIUBASMosiek & Chaja Perla FrenkelFRENKEL17 Apr 1860, ZarkiWith husbandDZIUBAS, FRENKEL, GOLDBERG, ROZENCWAJG
2454332922418IzraelDZIUBASDawid Majer & Fajgla Hinda RozencwajgROZENCWAJG11 Sep 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsDZIUBAS, FRENKEL, GOLDBERG, ROZENCWAJG
24591321010419JosekDZIUBASIzrael & Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Mar 1856, ZloczewMerchantDZIUBAS, GOLDBERG, KESTENBERG, SZTYBEL, WILDFOGEL
24592321010419Estera FajglaSZTYBELDZIUBASIzrael & Rywka WildfogelWILDFOGEL10 Aug 1849, ZarkiPrimo voto KestenbergKESTENBERGDZIUBAS, GOLDBERG, KESTENBERG, SZTYBEL, WILDFOGEL
24593321010419MajtelaDZIUBASJosek & Estera Fajgla SztybelSZTYBEL22 Jan 1878, ZarkiWith parentsDZIUBAS, GOLDBERG, KESTENBERG, SZTYBEL, WILDFOGEL
24594321010419SuraDZIUBASJosek & Estera Fajgla SztybelSZTYBEL22 Jan 1878, ZarkiWith parentsDZIUBAS, GOLDBERG, KESTENBERG, SZTYBEL, WILDFOGEL
24595321010419LajaDZIUBASJosek & Estera Fajgla SztybelSZTYBEL15 Jun 1884, ZarkiWith parentsDZIUBAS, GOLDBERG, KESTENBERG, SZTYBEL, WILDFOGEL
25611391571532HerszekWAJSELFISZSzyja & Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG24 Jul 1868, PiotrkowTraderGOLDBERG, HOROWICZ, POTOK, WAJSELFISZ
25612391571532HendlaHOROWICZWAJSELFISZIcek & Kajla PotokPOTOK25 Jun 1865, CzestochowaWith husbandGOLDBERG, HOROWICZ, POTOK, WAJSELFISZ
25613391571532MalkaWAJSELFISZHerszlik & Hendla HorowiczHOROWICZ19 Jun 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsGOLDBERG, HOROWICZ, POTOK, WAJSELFISZ
2629455352321SuraMAJEROWICZGOLDBERGMajer & Mindla ------------ 1814, CzestochowaPrimo voto Kon; person/family added at end of Book of ResidentsKONGOLDBERG, KON, MAJEROWICZ

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of Regional Jewish Committee employees (together with families) (48 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]BirthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupationAddress
10017Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00077.JPG17JozefGOLDBERG20 May 1886Majer, Ruchlabarber (male)member of the CommitteeFocha 8
10018Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00077.JPG18LibaGOLDBERG1897Focha 8

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Religious Association, Register of members of the board (26 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupation
10003Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5surv 11-D55N5/DSC00093.JPGRegister of members of the board3MendelGOLDBERG20 Jun 1907Chaim-Lajb, Jettalawyer, attorney at lawlawyer, attorney at law

Częstochowa Council of Elders, "Lista osob majacych byc doprowadzonymi w nocy z dnia 14 na 15 wrzesnia 1942? roku do Izy Zatrzyman Aleja 6, do dyspozycji Arbeitsamtu "Judeneinsatz"; Jewish Historical Institute 213/10 (9 records) [H]

-Sort-More detailsGiven nameSurnameSequential number on leftAddressText after addressTranslation of text after addressHandwritten page numberComments
10004List of persons to be taken on the night of 14/15 Sept 1942 to the Arrest House at Aleja 6, available for the Jewish (Forced) Labor OfficeLewGOLDBERG3Targowa 14Chory na oczyDisease in eyes186 

Częstochowa: Czenstochower Yidn 1947, index to Supplementary Biographies [H]

-Sort-PageSurnameAdditional SurnameGiven NameAdditional given Name
10001CIXGOLDBERGShlomoh Zalman 

Częstochowa: Częstochower Cajtung [Częstochowa Gazette], weekly Yiddish newspaper, published from 1922 to 1939; names index [H]

-Sort-See further information on this project hereSurnameGiven nameCzęstochower Cajtung: yearCzęstochower Cajtung: issue numberCzęstochower Cajtung: issue dateCzęstochower Cajtung: page numberCommentsLink to this material on the web
10057https://www.cze…hower-cajtung/GoldbergLonia19393Friday, 20 January 19396Lottery winner from Warsawhttps://www.cze…ish-scaled.jpg

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
12659GOLDBERG146, 177, 184, 185, 303 318 
12660Y.GOLDBERG63, 64, 233, 249 
12666EnniGOLDBERG294, 295, 302 
12670HarryGOLDBERG322, 323 
12671HershelGOLDBERG351, 352 
12675KubaGOLDBERG115, 117 
12676LeonGOLDBERG80, 82 
12677LouisGOLDBERG295, 297, 298, 302 
12680MosheGOLDBERG65, 82, 177, 252 
12682SamGOLDBERG257, 282, 284, 285, 303 
12684YehielGOLDBERG351, 352 

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
11295Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20594www.crarg.org/i…594-KefoSl.pdfGALSTER, GOLDBERG, WAJS[no given name] GalsterGALSTERGalster requested an officer be sent to the Work Department
11296Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20594www.crarg.org/i…594-KefoSl.pdfGALSTER, GOLDBERG, WAJS[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent
11297Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20594www.crarg.org/i…594-KefoSl.pdfGALSTER, GOLDBERG, WAJS[no given name] WajsWAJSWajs was brought back
11462Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMANAbram PantofelPANTOFELGarncarska 60Pantofel escaped from Ostbahn
11463Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMANMotel CieciuraCIECIURAKiedrzyńska 9/12Pantofel escaped from Ostbahn
11464Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMANJuda WatczewskWATCZEWSKMirowska 12Watczewsk escaped from Ostbahn
11465Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMANRubin KurcbardKURCBARDGarncarska 53Kurcbard escaped from Ostbahn
11466Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMANSzmul GoldbergGOLDBERGKawia 28Goldberg escaped from Ostbahn
11467Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] KaufmanKAUFMANKaufman’s role is unclear
11468Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] BorowieckiBOROWIECKIBorowiecki is not mentioned in this image
11469Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20608www.crarg.org/i…608-SjpFw0.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] GutmanGUTMANGutman is not mentioned in this image
11471Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] PantofelPANTOFELPantofel has been brought to Ostbahn
11472Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] CieciuraCIECIURACierciura reported to work
11473Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] WatczewskWATCZEWSKWatczewsk is not mentioned in this image
11474Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] KurcbardKURCBARDKurcbard is not mentioned in this image
11475Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGKawia 28Goldberg does not live at the address
11476Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] KaufmanKAUFMANKaufman is not mentioned in the image
11477Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] BorowieckiBOROWIECKIBorowiecki was sent to find the missing workers
11478Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfPANTOFEL, CIECIURA, WATCZEWSK, KURCBARD, GOLDBERG, KAUFMAN, BOROWIECKI, GUTMAN[no given name] GutmanGUTMANGutman brought a missing worker to Ostbahn
11480Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfGOLDBERG, PRZYGODZKI, FAJERMAN[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to pay some money
11481Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfGOLDBERG, PRZYGODZKI, FAJERMAN[no given name] PrzygodzkiPRZYGODZKIThe money was for Przygodzki
11482Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20609 and 0610www.crarg.org/i…610-3vmJXP.pdfGOLDBERG, PRZYGODZKI, FAJERMANChaim FajermanFAJERMANNarutowicza 12The money was a fine from Fajerman
11915Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20650www.crarg.org/i…650-xSl0Uw.pdfGOLDBERG, JURKIEWICZ, SZMULEWICZHerszlik GoldbergGOLDBERGTargowa 12Goldberg is to be brought to the detention centre
11916Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20650www.crarg.org/i…650-xSl0Uw.pdfGOLDBERG, JURKIEWICZ, SZMULEWICZBernard JurkiewiczJURKIEWICZDreszera 4Jurkiewicz was brought to the detention centre
11917Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20650www.crarg.org/i…650-xSl0Uw.pdfGOLDBERG, JURKIEWICZ, SZMULEWICZMachel SzmulewiczSZMULEWICZWilsona 34Szmulewicz will report to the detention centre on his own
12073Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZJudka SzczekaczSZCZEKACZNadrzeczna 88Szczekacz must be brought to the Work Department
12074Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZAda RosenbergROSENBERGKrotka 2/4Rozenberg must be brought to the Work Department
12075Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZSzmulek GojkaGOJKAKatedralna 10Gojka has medical certificate so does not need to report to the Work Department
12076Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZJudka RozenblumROZENBLUMMirowska 9/11Rozenblum must be brought to the Work Department
12077Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZ[no given name] OderbergODERBERGOderberg took a phone call about persons 1 and 4
12078Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg advised that person 3 had a medical certificate
12079Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfSZCZEKACZ, ROSENBERG, GOJKA, ROZENBLUM, ODERBERG, GOLDBERG, SZAPSIEWICZ[no given name] SzapsiewiczSZAPSIEWICZSzapsiewicz captured person 2
12080Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGJakob WiewioraWIEWIORAWarszawska 7Wierwiora must be brought to the district
12081Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGChaim AbramowiczABRAMOWICZStary Rynek 9Abramowicz must be brought to the district
12082Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGMordka ApetylAPETYLAleja 9Apetyl must be brought to the district
12083Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGHerszlik GranekGRANEKGranek must be brought to the district
12084Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] ZilbermanZILBERMANSpadek 11Zilberman must be brought to the district
12085Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERGLejbus ProserPROSERDreszera 13Proser must be brought to the district
12086Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] OderbergODERBERGOderberg took a phone call about persons 2 and 5
12087Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz reported that person 3 is working in Gidle
12088Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz reported that person 6 does not live at the address
12089Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20666www.crarg.org/i…666-1MX6AA.pdfWIEWIORA, ABRAMOWICZ, APETYL, GRANEK, ZILBERMAN, PROSER, ODERBERG, ARONOWICZ, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg reported that person 7 works in Gidle
12098Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20667www.crarg.org/i…667-UCgCg1.pdfBERGER, GOLDBERG, CUKROWSKI[no given name] BergerBERGERBerger ordered someone to be brought to him
12099Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20667www.crarg.org/i…667-UCgCg1.pdfBERGER, GOLDBERG, CUKROWSKIWolf GoldbergGOLDBERGKawia 30Goldberg was the person to be brought
12100Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20667www.crarg.org/i…667-UCgCg1.pdfBERGER, GOLDBERG, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski brought him
12141Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GranekGRANEKGranek was told to bring a woman to the security police
12142Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergowaGOLDBERGOWANarutowicza 11Goldbergowa was taken to the security police
12143Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGNarutowicza 11Goldberg was taken to the security police
12144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the woman to the security police
12145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz brought her back to the district
12169Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20672www.crarg.org/i…672-EDOcBO.pdfGOLDBERG, BOROWIECKI[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGThe Gernan police ordered Goldberg is to be brought to work
12170Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20672www.crarg.org/i…672-EDOcBO.pdfGOLDBERG, BOROWIECKI[no given name] BorowieckiBOROWIECKIBorowiecki escorted him
12246Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20680www.crarg.org/i…680-jUTMh6.pdfMARGULIES, GOLDBERG[no given name] MarguliesMARGULIESMargulies carried out order 3886
12247Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20680www.crarg.org/i…680-jUTMh6.pdfMARGULIES, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg carried out order 3886
12337Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20688www.crarg.org/i…688-pZYKPe.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted some people to the district
12502Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20698www.crarg.org/i…698-YRy0UH.pdfSEIDEL, GOTTAJNER, GOLDBERG[no given name] SeidelSEIDELSeidel ordered someone to be brought to him
12503Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20698www.crarg.org/i…698-YRy0UH.pdfSEIDEL, GOTTAJNER, GOLDBERGRuchla GottajnerGOTTAJNERPrzesmyk 4Gottanjner was brought to him
12504Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20698www.crarg.org/i…698-YRy0UH.pdfSEIDEL, GOTTAJNER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought her
12516Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKLudwika RodalaRODALAAleja 4Rodala was not at home
12517Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKLajzer MitlerMITLERPrzemysłowa 10Mitler was not at home
12518Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKWolf GalsterGALSTERPlac Daszynskiego 5Galster was not at home
12519Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKChil GoldbergGOLDBERGB. Joselewicza 2Goldberg was taken to District 1
12520Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKKasriel LewkowiczLEWKOWICZGaribaldiego 6/8Lewkowicz was taken to District 1
12521Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKKalma GotliebGOTLIEBB. Joselewicza 9Gotlieb was taken to District 1
12522Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKAbram LewkowiczLEWKOWICZPlac Daszynskiego 13Lewkowicz was taken to District 1
12523Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKSzlama OrbachORBACHB. Joselewicza 15Orbach was not taken to District 1
12524Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKIzrael FrydrychFRYDRYCHAleja 2Frydrych was not taken to District 1
12525Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKIcek GlatterGLATTERKrotka 33Glatter was taken to District 1
12526Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKDaniel KasmanKASMANPlac Daszynskiego 5Kasman was taken to District 1
12527Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKChaskiel KantorKANTORStrazacka 11Kantor was taken to the Outpost
12528Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIKChaim ZandbergZANDBERGSenatorska 18Zandberg was taken to the Outpost
12529Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20699www.crarg.org/i…699-XxEJWU.pdfRODALA, MITLER, GALSTER, GOLDBERG, GOTLIEB, LEWKOWICZ, ORBACH, FRYDRYCH, GLATTER, KASMAN, KANTOR, ZANDBERG, ROLNIK[no given name] RolnikROLNIKPeople were taken to the Rolnik outpost
12701Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20713www.crarg.org/i…713-kU8evT.pdfRODALA, GOLDBERG, ARONOWICZMoszek RodalaRODALAAleja 4Rodala was taken to the German Authorities
12702Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20713www.crarg.org/i…713-kU8evT.pdfRODALA, GOLDBERG, ARONOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took him to District 1
12703Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20713www.crarg.org/i…713-kU8evT.pdfRODALA, GOLDBERG, ARONOWICZ[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz took him to the German Authorities
12746Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALASzaja HelfgotHELFGOTWarszawska 46Helfgot was brought to the Work Department
12747Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALAHercko MiskaMISKAOstring 13Miska was brought to the Work Department
12748Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALAAba GoldbergGOLDBERGNadrzeczna 74Goldberg was brought to the Work Department
12749Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALASzer SzpitzSZPITZSenatorska 31Szpitz could not be brought to the Work Department because he was not at home
12750Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALA[no given name] ZajdmanZAJDMANZajdman, at District 2, was informed of the need to bring some men to the Work Department
12751Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20717www.crarg.org/i…717-0IA8AP.pdfHELFGOT, MISKA, GOLDBERG, SZPITZ, ZAJDMAN, CALA[no given name] CalaCALACala brought some men to Work Department
12798Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20722www.crarg.org/i…722-WxVLIB.pdfCHRAPOT, NORDON, GRYNBERG, GOLDBERG, TAUZIEWICZDawid ChrapotCHRAPOTPrzemysłowa 2Chrapot was escorted back to his apartment
12799Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20722www.crarg.org/i…722-WxVLIB.pdfCHRAPOT, NORDON, GRYNBERG, GOLDBERG, TAUZIEWICZWigdor NordonNORDONPrzemysłowa 2Nordon was escorted back to his apartment
12800Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20722www.crarg.org/i…722-WxVLIB.pdfCHRAPOT, NORDON, GRYNBERG, GOLDBERG, TAUZIEWICZZysla GrynbergGRYNBERGGarncarska 16Grynberg was escorted back to her apartment
12801Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20722www.crarg.org/i…722-WxVLIB.pdfCHRAPOT, NORDON, GRYNBERG, GOLDBERG, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted some people back to their apartments
12802Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20722www.crarg.org/i…722-WxVLIB.pdfCHRAPOT, NORDON, GRYNBERG, GOLDBERG, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz escorted some people back to their apartments
13002Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfMIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLAT, GOLDBERGIzydor MietkiewiczMIETKIEWICZCurrent: Narutowicza 4, New: B. Joselewicza 8Mietkiewicz is to helped to move from the current to the new address
13003Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfMIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLAT, GOLDBERGJakub RozenblatROZENBLATB. Joselewicza 8The address belongs to Rozenblat
13004Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfMIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLAT, GOLDBERGEliasz GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg signed the order
13012Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfGOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLATE GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to help the family move
13013Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfGOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLAT[no given name] MietkiewiczMIETKIEWICZCurrent: Narutowicza 4The Mietkiewicz family is moving from the current address
13014Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20740 and 0741www.crarg.org/i…741-ES4XQ9.pdfGOLDBERG, MIETKIEWICZ, ROZENBLATJakub RozenblatROZENBLATThe family is moving to Rozenblat’s home
13132Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfEDELIST, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZ[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist helped a man move apartments
13133Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfEDELIST, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZEmanuel GoldbergGOLDBERGCurrent: Narutowicza 9, New: Warszawska 23Goldberg moved apartments
13134Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfEDELIST, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZWarszawska 23Berkowicz lives at the address
13136Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfGOLDBERG, WAJSKOPF, JAKUBOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg helped a man move apartments
13137Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfGOLDBERG, WAJSKOPF, JAKUBOWICZIcyk WajskopfWAJSKOPFCurrent: Narutowicza 4, New: Warszawska 37Wajskopf moved apartments
13138Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20755www.crarg.org/i…755-9w8w7K.pdfGOLDBERG, WAJSKOPF, JAKUBOWICZHerszlik JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZWarszawska 37Jakubowicz lives at the address
13301Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfNUTKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZ[no given name] NutkowiczNUTKOWICZNutkowicz was sent to help a man move apartments
13302Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfNUTKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZ[no given name] LewkowiczLEWKOWICZLewkowicz was sent to help a man move apartments
13303Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfNUTKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZE GoldbergGOLDBERGCurrent: Narutowicza 9, New: Warszawska 23.Goldberg moved from the current to the new apartment
13304Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20768www.crarg.org/i…768-Md4SwO.pdfNUTKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, GOLDBERG, BERKOWICZBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZWarszawska 23.Berkowicz lives at the apartment
13538Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20789www.crarg.org/i…789-0sNx7J.pdfGOLDBERG, DORFMAN, BUZOWIECKI, BOROWIECKI[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to bring a man to District 1
13539Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20789www.crarg.org/i…789-0sNx7J.pdfGOLDBERG, DORFMAN, BUZOWIECKI, BOROWIECKI[no given name] DorfmanDORFMANDorfman was sent to bring a man to District 1
13540Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20789www.crarg.org/i…789-0sNx7J.pdfGOLDBERG, DORFMAN, BUZOWIECKI, BOROWIECKIAlter BuzowieckiBUZOWIECKIWarszawska 22Buzowiecki was to be brought to District 1
13541Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20789www.crarg.org/i…789-0sNx7J.pdfGOLDBERG, DORFMAN, BUZOWIECKI, BOROWIECKIAlter BorowieckiBOROWIECKIWarszawska 22Borowiecki could not be brought as he was not at home
13544Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20789www.crarg.org/i…789-0sNx7J.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought 3 workers to Building Inspection
13546Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20790www.crarg.org/i…790-mxt8IJ.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought 3 workers to Building Inspection (see image 0789)
13760Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20803www.crarg.org/i…803-26UdjD.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg is not mentioned in the image
14433Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20852www.crarg.org/i…852-NO2SqD.pdfMordka GoldbergGOLDBERGAleja 6Goldberg was brought to District 1 (see images 0853 and 0854)
14463Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20853www.crarg.org/i…853-k7cNQq.pdfMordka GoldbergGOLDBERGAleja 6Goldberg was brought to District 1 (see images 0852 and 0854)
14493Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfMordka GoldbergGOLDBERGAleja 6Goldberg was brought to District 1 (see images 0852 and 0853)
14669Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20868www.crarg.org/i…868-fFQRRe.pdfGOLDBERGChaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG6 Nov 1905Aleja 10Goldberg reported the loss of his personal documents
14699Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20871www.crarg.org/i…871-JYXNpf.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg, the carpenter, was taken to the Quarters Office (see also image 0872)
14700Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20871www.crarg.org/i…871-JYXNpf.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the carpenter to the Quarters Office (see also image 0872)
14702Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20872www.crarg.org/i…872-VwcT7B.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg, the carpenter, was taken to the Quarters Office (see also image 0871)
14703Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20872www.crarg.org/i…872-VwcT7B.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the carpenter to the Quarters Office (see also image 0871)
14712Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20873www.crarg.org/i…873-MKqcVY.pdfGOLDBERGJozef GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 6Goldberg reported the loss of his timesheet and wallet
14735Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20875www.crarg.org/i…875-cvGts0.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought a Jewish woman from the Aryan District to the Jewish District
14738Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20875www.crarg.org/i…875-cvGts0.pdfGOLDBERG, KAUFMANJozef GoldbergGOLDBERGGarncarska 25Goldberg reported he had lost his employment certificate and change purse
14739Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20875www.crarg.org/i…875-cvGts0.pdfGOLDBERG, KAUFMAN[no given name] KaufmanKAUFMANKaufman took the man to report the loss in Police Station 2
14878Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIDawid FrankFRANKSt Rynek 4Frank’s premises were ordered to be sealed
14879Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIBlima GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska 30Goldberg’s premises were ordered to be sealed
14880Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIChaim HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZAleja 12Herszlikowicz’ premises were ordered to be sealed
14881Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKISalomon MauerMAUERAleja 10Mauer’s premises were ordered to be sealed
14882Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIPinkus PrzyrowskiPRZYROWSKISenatorska 31Przyrowski’s soda factory was ordered to be sealed
14883Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKId.a. PrejzerowiczPREJZEROWICZTargowa 5Prejserowicz’ premises were ordered to be sealed
14884Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIMendel RotszyldROTSZYLDDaszynskiego 12Rotszyld’s bakery was ordered to be sealed
14885Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIDawid StochalSTOCHALDaszynskiego 10Stochal’s premises were ordered to be sealed
14886Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIAbram Icek UlezalkaULEZALKADaszynskiego 10Ulezalka’ premises were ordered to be sealed
14887Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKIGitla ZongerZONGERDreszera 11Zonger’s premises were ordered to be sealed
14888Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] SladowskiSLADOWSKISladowski was informed of the District 2 premises that had to be sealed
14889Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] ElfertELFERTElfert was sent to seal some premises
14890Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CalaCALACala was sent to seal some premises
14891Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20890www.crarg.org/i…890-Smvbu6.pdfFRANK, GOLDBERG, HERSZLIKOWICZ, MAUER, PRZYROWSKI, PREJZEROWICZ, ROTSZYLD, STOCHAL, ULEZALKA, ZONGER, SLADOWSKI, ELFERT, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to seal some premises
14948Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20895www.crarg.org/i…895-AyZSjL.pdfGONZWA, KOHN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] GonzwaGONZWAGonzwa took over as duty officer
14949Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20895www.crarg.org/i…895-AyZSjL.pdfGONZWA, KOHN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] KohnKOHNKohn handed over as duty officer
14950Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20895www.crarg.org/i…895-AyZSjL.pdfGONZWA, KOHN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was taken to the Quarters Office
14951Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20895www.crarg.org/i…895-AyZSjL.pdfGONZWA, KOHN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] MarguliesMARGULIESMargulies took the man to the Quarters Office
14964Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20896www.crarg.org/i…896-pr6x2m.pdfKALMOWICZ, GALSTER, GOLDBERGGitla KalmowiczKALMOWICZWarszawska 32Kalmowicz reported that she had been robbed
14965Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20896www.crarg.org/i…896-pr6x2m.pdfKALMOWICZ, GALSTER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GalsterGALSTERWarszawska 32The victim lives at Galster’s
14966Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20896www.crarg.org/i…896-pr6x2m.pdfKALMOWICZ, GALSTER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the victim to Police Station 2
14974Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20897www.crarg.org/i…897-wt7cOf.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEB[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was escorted to work
14975Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20897www.crarg.org/i…897-wt7cOf.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEB[no given name] GotliebGOTLIEBGotlieb escorted the man to work
15221Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20919www.crarg.org/i…919-RBf9yS.pdfGOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to aid some Council officers
15222Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20919www.crarg.org/i…919-RBf9yS.pdfGOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] MarguliesMARGULIESMargulies was sent to aid some Council officers
15398Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfGOLDBERG, STANHARDT, SEIDEL[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought 10 people from quarantine
15399Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfGOLDBERG, STANHARDT, SEIDEL[no given name] StanhardtSTANHARDTStandardt brought 10 people from quarantine
15400Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfGOLDBERG, STANHARDT, SEIDEL[no given name] SeidelSEIDELThe people were brought for Seidel
15403Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfROHN, LANGLEBENOWA, ZALCMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] RohnROHNLieutenant Rohn ordered that two people be brought to him
15404Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfROHN, LANGLEBENOWA, ZALCMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] LanglebenowaLANGLEBENOWAOstring 12Langlebenowa was taken to the lieutenant
15405Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfROHN, LANGLEBENOWA, ZALCMAN, GOLDBERGSzlama ZalcmanZALCMANOstring 12Zalcman was taken to the lieutenant
15406Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20930www.crarg.org/i…930-hwRtxn.pdfROHN, LANGLEBENOWA, ZALCMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the two people to the lieutenant
15408Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfROHN, KON, GOLDBERG[no given name] RohnROHNRohn ordered that a janitor be sent to a house
15409Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfROHN, KON, GOLDBERG[no given name] KonKONOstring 12The janitor is to be sent to Kon’s house
15410Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfROHN, KON, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to tell the man about the janitor
15556Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20944www.crarg.org/i…944-uZY3ZM.pdfGOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted some Jewish Council officials home
15557Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20944www.crarg.org/i…944-uZY3ZM.pdfGOLDBERG, MARGULIES[no given name] MarguliesMARGULIESMargulies escorted some Jewish Council officials home
15741Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20960www.crarg.org/i…960-1unTDw.pdfGOLDBERGAbram GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 4Goldberg is to be brought to District 1
15742Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20960www.crarg.org/i…960-1unTDw.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to bring a man to District 1
15791Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20964www.crarg.org/i…964-6JVfvv.pdfARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz was sent to the Watch District (see also image 0965)
15792Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20964www.crarg.org/i…964-6JVfvv.pdfARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to the Watch District (see also image 0965)
15794Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20965www.crarg.org/i…965-8vo9we.pdfARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz was sent to the Watch District (see also image 0964)
15795Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20965www.crarg.org/i…965-8vo9we.pdfARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to the Watch District (see also image 0964)
15842Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAUHersz DrachmanDRACHMANDrachman is to be handed over to the foreman
15843Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAUAbram GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg is to be handed over to the foreman
15844Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] GelbardGELBARDGelbard is crossed out
15845Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] GliklichGLIKLICHGliklich is to be handed over to the foreman
15846Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAULewek KuraKURAKura is to be handed over to the foreman
15847Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfDRACHMAN, GOLDBERG, GELBARD, GLIKLICH, KURA, LANDAU[no given name] LandauLANDAULandau is the foreman to whom the people are to be passed
15944Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfGLIKSMAN, BIRNHOLC, GOLDBERG[no given name] GliksmanGLIKSMANPrzemysłowa 2Gliksman was brought to District 1
15945Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfGLIKSMAN, BIRNHOLC, GOLDBERG[no given name] BirnholcBIRNHOLCBirnholc brought the man to District 1
15946Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20975www.crarg.org/i…975-9P4XMd.pdfGLIKSMAN, BIRNHOLC, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the man to District 1
15998Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20977www.crarg.org/i…977-fFTbCZ.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] RubinsteinRUBINSTEINRubinstein is to be detained in District 1 (see also image 0978)
15999Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20977www.crarg.org/i…977-fFTbCZ.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] BrandBRANDBrand brought the man to detention in District 1 (see also image 0978)
16000Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20977www.crarg.org/i…977-fFTbCZ.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the man to detention in District 1 (see also image 0978)
16002Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20978www.crarg.org/i…978-R87XY2.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] RubinsteinRUBINSTEINRubinstein is to be detained in District 1 (see also image 0977)
16003Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20978www.crarg.org/i…978-R87XY2.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] BrandBRANDBrand brought the man to detention in District 1 (see also image 0977)
16004Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20978www.crarg.org/i…978-R87XY2.pdfRUBINSTEIN, BRAND, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the man to detention in District 1 (see also image 0977)
16215Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40441www.crarg.org/i…441-xIc5Kr.pdfRUBINSZTAJN, GOLDBERGMordka RubinsztajnRUBINSZTAJNKrotka 32Officers were sent to bring Rubinsztajn to the Criminal Police
16216Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40441www.crarg.org/i…441-xIc5Kr.pdfRUBINSZTAJN, GOLDBERGAbram GoldbergGOLDBERGNadrzeczna 72Officers were sent to bring Goldberg to the Criminal Police
16217Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40441www.crarg.org/i…441-xIc5Kr.pdfGOLDBERG, FLOREKSzyja GoldbergGOLDBERGKrotka 28Goldberg was brought to District 2 for punishment
16218Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40441www.crarg.org/i…441-xIc5Kr.pdfGOLDBERG, FLOREKFiszel FlorekFLOREKKrotka 28Florek was brought to District 2 for punishment
16456Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40464www.crarg.org/i…464-bISIVj.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERIcek ChaimCHAIMGaribaldiego 21Chaim reported an attempted theft (see also image 0465)
16457Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40464www.crarg.org/i…464-bISIVj.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERIcek-Lajb GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Mar 1901N Marji Panny 6Goldberg was arrested on suspicion of the theft (see also image 0465)
16458Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40464www.crarg.org/i…464-bISIVj.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERSzlama WinterWINTERN Marji Panny 8The man was apprehended at Winter’s apartment (see also image 0465)
16460Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40465www.crarg.org/i…465-iJnmbc.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERIcek ChaimCHAIMGaribaldiego 21Chaim reported an attempted theft (see also image 0464)
16461Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40465www.crarg.org/i…465-iJnmbc.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERIcek-Lajb GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Mar 1901N Marji Panny 6Goldberg was arrested on suspicion of the theft (see also image 0464)
16462Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40465www.crarg.org/i…465-iJnmbc.pdfCHAIM, GOLDBERG, WINTERSzlama WinterWINTERN Marji Panny 8The man was apprehended at Winter’s apartment (see also image 0464)
16630Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] BanbierBANBIERBanbier reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0480)
16631Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] BankierBANKIERBankier reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0480)
16632Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0480)
16633Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACHMajer WajnrachWAJNRACHB. Joselewicza 11Wajnrach was assaulted by two soldiers who also stole cash and sugar (see also image 0480)
16635Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40480www.crarg.org/i…480-qL3EhT.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] BanbierBANBIERBankier reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0479)
16636Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40480www.crarg.org/i…480-qL3EhT.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] BankierBANKIERBankier reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0479)
16637Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40480www.crarg.org/i…480-qL3EhT.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACH[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg reported that two drunk soldiers assaulted some people and stole cash and sugar (see also image 0479)
16638Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40480www.crarg.org/i…480-qL3EhT.pdfBANBIER, BANKIER, GOLDBERG, WAJNRACHMajer WajnrachWAJNRACHB. Joselewicza 11Wajnrach was assaulted by two soldiers who also stole cash and sugar (see also image 0479)
16650Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40481www.crarg.org/i…481-ewsXtP.pdfGOLDBERGManes GoldbergGOLDBERGGaribaldiego 6/8Goldberg reported the theft of clothes and sheets from his apartment
16982Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40508www.crarg.org/i…508-VMMwmp.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg went to Police Station 1 to check on a detained Jew
17005Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40510www.crarg.org/i…510-E58wFG.pdfALTMAN, GOLDBERGAlter AltmanALTMANNadrzeczna 74Altman was brought to District 1 for his details to be checked
17006Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40510www.crarg.org/i…510-E58wFG.pdfALTMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldman brought the man to District 1
17052Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40514www.crarg.org/i…514-ey0DHt.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz ordered that an officer be sent to the Watch District
17053Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40514www.crarg.org/i…514-ey0DHt.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERGSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to the Watch District
17067Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40515www.crarg.org/i…515-Kqg7t7.pdfBUCHOLSKI, GOLDBERG[no given name] BucholskiBUCHOLSKIBucholski ordered that an officer be sent to Police Station 1
17068Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40515www.crarg.org/i…515-Kqg7t7.pdfBUCHOLSKI, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to Police Station 1
17215Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40524www.crarg.org/i…524-1uCmRQ.pdfCZARNY, GOLDBERGJakub CzarnyCZARNYKrótka 6Czarny was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0525]
17216Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40524www.crarg.org/i…524-1uCmRQ.pdfCZARNY, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Watch District [see also image 0525]
17218Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40525www.crarg.org/i…525-6pQX8F.pdfCZARNY, GOLDBERGJakub CzarnyCZARNYKrótka 6Czarny was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0524]
17219Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40525www.crarg.org/i…525-6pQX8F.pdfCZARNY, GOLDBERGSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Watch District [see also image 0524]
17273Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfCZARNY, SZUCHTER, GOLDBERGAbram CzarnyCZARNYCzarny was taken to the Uniformed Police
17274Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfCZARNY, SZUCHTER, GOLDBERGAbram SzuchterSZUCHTERSzuchter was taken to the Uniformed Police
17275Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfCZARNY, SZUCHTER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldman took the two men to the Uniformed Police
17280Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfKORCZYNSKI, SZTYBEL, GOLDBERG[no given name] KorczynskiKORCZYNSKIKorczyński ordered that a man be brought to the Criminal Police
17281Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfKORCZYNSKI, SZTYBEL, GOLDBERGChorkl SztybelSZTYBELKatedralna 9 St.Sztybel was taken to the Criminal Police
17282Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40531www.crarg.org/i…531-dKH2aU.pdfKORCZYNSKI, SZTYBEL, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Criminal Police
17343Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40536www.crarg.org/i…536-jLKR6v.pdfMAJORCZYK, GOLDBERGZyskind MajorczykMAJORCZYKMajorczyk was incarcerated for illegally selling cigarettes
17344Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40536www.crarg.org/i…536-jLKR6v.pdfMAJORCZYK, GOLDBERGSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the man to Police Station 2 for incarceration
17422Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI, WOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNY[no given name] GriskamerGRISKAMEREight people were to be brought to Inspector Griskamer
17424Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfWOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNYTobiasz Chaim KenigKENIGKenig was to be brought to the Inspector
17426Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfWOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNYNuta BrandesBRANDESBrandes was to be brought to the Inspector
17428Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfWOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNYMajer SzynkowskiSZYNKOWSKISzynkowski was to be brought to the Inspector
17430Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfWOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNY[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist was sent to fetch the people for the inspector
17431Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfGRISKAMER, KENIG, LENCZNER, BRANDES, PACANOWSKI, SZYNKOWSKI,[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldfarb was sent to fetch the people for the inspector
17433Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40544www.crarg.org/i…544-26CVky.pdfWOLBERG, EDELIST, GOLDBERG, SZLAMA, TAUZIEWICZ, JASNY[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz was sent to fetch the people for the inspector
17445Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] ZeidelZEIDELZeidel ordered that some people be brought to Police Station 2
17446Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGERSzlama TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZStary RynekTauziewicz was brought to Police Station 2
17447Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGERIcek WienerWIENERWiener was brought to Police Station 2
17448Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGERFajgla EpsteinEPSTEINJaskrowska 8 StEpstein was brought to Police Station 2
17449Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] ZylberszacZYLBERSZACKrótka 44 StZylberszac was brought to Police Station 2
17450Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz recorded that the people had been brought to Police Station 2
17451Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the people to Police Station 2
17452Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40545www.crarg.org/i…545-FJEqLz.pdfZEIDEL, TAUZIEWICZ, WIENER, EPSTEIN, ZYLBERSZAC, MAJZNEROWICZ, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] SzlezyngerSZLEZYNGERSzlezynger brought the people to Police Station 2
17471Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40547www.crarg.org/i…547-QZfAz9.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took a man from the isolation hospital to the refuge
17534Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESIcek GrynsztejnGRYNSZTEJNKozia 14Wife: Dwojra, Childre: Estera, Nacha, Chana, WaciaGrynsztejn was not in Czetochowa so could not be taken to the baths; other members of the family were sick [see also image 0554]
17535Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESDwojra GrynsteinGRYNSTEINKozia 14Husband: Icek, Children: Estera, Nacha, Chana, WaciaGrynstein’s children were sick and her husband was not in Czestochowa, so the family could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0554]
17536Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESJankiel HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZKozia 14NachaHerszlikowicz does not live at the address so could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0554]
17537Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMordka ParedesPAREDESWarszawska 23Laja, Szprynca, DawidParedes promised to present his family’s cards from the delousing station [see also image 0554]
17538Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0554]
17539Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0554]
17540Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0554]
17541Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESPinkus BlajwajsBLAJWAJSKawia 26aMendel, Szyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, EsteraThe Blajwajs family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0554]
17542Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMendel BlajwasBLAJWASKawia 26aSzyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, Estera, PinkusThe Blajwas family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0554]
17543Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESSzyja BleiweisBLEIWEISKawia 26aBoruch, Majer, Frajdla, Estera, Pinkus, MendelThe Bleiweis family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0554]
17544Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESBoruch BleiwesBLEIWESKawia 26aMajer, Frajdla, Estera, Pinkus, Mendel, SzyjaThe Bleiwes family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0554]
17545Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMajer BleiwejsBLEIWEJSKawia 26aFrajdla, Estera, Pinkus, Mendel, Szyja, BoruchThe Bleiwejs family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0554]
17546Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESChana KlinKLINB. Joselewicza 8 St or Stary RynekKlin did not live at either address so could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0554]
17547Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] FedermanFEDERMANB. Joselewicza 8 St or Stary RynekFederman is the resident at one of other of the addresses [see also image 0554]
17548Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40553www.crarg.org/i…553-eEo1yp.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] PardesPARDESWarszawska 23Pinkus, Mendel, Szyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, EsteraPardes promised to present his family’s cards from the delousing station [see also image 0554]
17550Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESIcek GrynsztejnGRYNSZTEJNKozia 14Wife: Dwojra, Childre: Estera, Nacha, Chana, WaciaGrynsztejn was not in Czetochowa so could not be taken to the baths; other members of the family were sick [see also image 0553]
17551Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESDwojra GrynsteinGRYNSTEINKozia 14Husband: Icek, Children: Estera, Nacha, Chana, WaciaGrynstein’s children were sick and her husband was not in Czestochowa, so the family could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0553]
17552Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESJankiel HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZKozia 14NachaHerszlikowicz does not live at the address so could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0553]
17553Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMordka ParedesPAREDESWarszawska 23Laja, Szprynca, DawidParedes promised to present his family’s cards from the delousing station [see also image 0553]
17554Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0553]
17555Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0553]
17556Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to take the people to the baths [see also image 0553]
17557Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESPinkus BlajwajsBLAJWAJSKawia 26aMendel, Szyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, EsteraThe Blajwajs family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0553]
17558Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMendel BlajwasBLAJWASKawia 26aSzyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, Estera, PinkusThe Blajwas family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0553]
17559Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESSzyja BleiweisBLEIWEISKawia 26aBoruch, Majer, Frajdla, Estera, Pinkus, MendelThe Bleiweis family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0553]
17560Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESBoruch BleiwesBLEIWESKawia 26aMajer, Frajdla, Estera, Pinkus, Mendel, SzyjaThe Bleiwes family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0553]
17561Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESMajer BleiwejsBLEIWEJSKawia 26aFrajdla, Estera, Pinkus, Mendel, Szyja, BoruchThe Bleiwejs family promised to report voluntarily but did not do so [see also image 0553]
17562Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDESChana KlinKLINB. Joselewicza 8 St or Stary RynekKlin did not live at either address so could not be taken to the baths [see also image 0553]
17563Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] FedermanFEDERMANB. Joselewicza 8 St or Stary RynekFederman is the resident at one of other of the addresses [see also image 0553]
17564Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40554www.crarg.org/i…554-P8IXTv.pdfGRYNSZTEJN, GRYNSTEIN, HERSZLIKOWICZ, PAREDES, ZYLBERBERG, CUKROWSKI, GOLDBERG, BLAJWAJS, BLAJWAS, BLEIWEIS, BLEIWES, BLEIWEJS, KLIN, FEDERMAN, PARDES[no given name] PardesPARDESWarszawska 23Pinkus, Mendel, Szyja, Boruch, Majer, Frajdla, EsteraPardes promised to present his family’s cards from the delousing station [see also image 0553]
17594Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40556www.crarg.org/i…556-QZ08lQ.pdfCHODA, PALLER, GOLDBERGHanna ChodaCHODAChoda was brought to Police Station 2
17595Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40556www.crarg.org/i…556-QZ08lQ.pdfCHODA, PALLER, GOLDBERG[no given name] PallerPALLERPaller was brought to Police Station 2
17596Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40556www.crarg.org/i…556-QZ08lQ.pdfCHODA, PALLER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought the two people to Police Station 2
17746Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40568www.crarg.org/i…568-EbicYH.pdfKAMZEL, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGERChaja KamzelKAMZELKamzel was taken to the bath house
17747Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40568www.crarg.org/i…568-EbicYH.pdfKAMZEL, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the woman to the bath house
17748Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40568www.crarg.org/i…568-EbicYH.pdfKAMZEL, GOLDBERG, SZLEZYNGER[no given name] SzlezyngerSZLEZYNGERSzlezynger took the woman to the bath house
17761Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNBorensztajn escorted a man back from Warthelager
17762Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNZylbersztajn esorted a man back from Warthelager
17763Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAKLajbuś FuksFUKS21 Oct 1921Stary Rynek 17Fuks was escorted back from Warthelager
17764Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] LindemanLINDEMANThe man brought from Warthelager was taken to Lindeman
17765Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to Lindeman
17766Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] KlimczakKLIMCZAKKlimczak signed the record
17871Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] LindermanLINDERMANLinderman ordered the release of some people from a camp [see also image 0582]
17872Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to inform the people [see also image 0582]
17873Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIChaim GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17874Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIJakób BrandysBRANDYSBrandys was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17875Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIDaniel AltmanALTMANAltman was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17876Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIAlter KoplowiczKOPLOWICZKoplowicz was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17877Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIMojżesz ZborowskiZBOROWSKIZborowski was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17879Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] LindermanLINDERMANLinderman ordered the release of some people from a camp [see also image 0581]
17880Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to inform the people [see also image 0581]
17881Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIChaim GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17882Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIJakób BrandysBRANDYSBrandys was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17883Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIDaniel AltmanALTMANAltman was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17884Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIAlter KoplowiczKOPLOWICZKoplowicz was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17885Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIMojżesz ZborowskiZBOROWSKIZborowski was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17889Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfGOLDBERG, OPATOWSKI[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to the Ministry of Defense
17890Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfGOLDBERG, OPATOWSKI[no given name] OpatowskiOPATOWSKIOpatowski was sent to the Ministry of Defense
18039Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40596www.crarg.org/i…596-PYhKKk.pdfNAJMAN, GOLDBERGDawid NajmanNAJMAN1913Garncarska 30Father: Josek, Mother: CypraNajman was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0597]
18040Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40596www.crarg.org/i…596-PYhKKk.pdfNAJMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Watch District [see also image 0597]
18042Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40597www.crarg.org/i…597-RKg9h3.pdfNAJMAN, GOLDBERGDawid NajmanNAJMAN1913Garncarska 30Father: Josek, Mother: CypraNajman was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0596]
18043Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40597www.crarg.org/i…597-RKg9h3.pdfNAJMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Watch District [see also image 0596]
18098Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40601www.crarg.org/i…601-NcwjYV.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to help the housing official perform his duties
18144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40605www.crarg.org/i…605-WAO58h.pdfLUBLINSKA, GOLDBERG, MAJZNEROWICZTauba LublinskaLUBLINSKAAleja 3Lublinska reported the theft of a pot of grease
18145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40605www.crarg.org/i…605-WAO58h.pdfLUBLINSKA, GOLDBERG, MAJZNEROWICZDawid GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was suspected of the theft
18146Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40605www.crarg.org/i…605-WAO58h.pdfLUBLINSKA, GOLDBERG, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZThe suspect was brought to Police Station 2 for Majznerowicz
18150Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home from work
18151Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home from work
18152Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home from work
18153Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGRegina ZyngerZYNGERGarncarska 22Zynger was escorted home from work
18154Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the people home from work
18249Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40615www.crarg.org/i…615-p3noZ9.pdfGOLDBERG, MAJZNEROWICZIcek GoldbergGOLDBERG1901Aleja 6Goldberg was captured and taken to Police Station 2
18250Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40615www.crarg.org/i…615-p3noZ9.pdfGOLDBERG, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz signed the report of the man’s capture
18329Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40622www.crarg.org/i…622-wRBCPx.pdfBONCZYK, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] BonczykBONCZYKThe coal wagons were to be taken to Bończyk’s coal scale
18330Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40622www.crarg.org/i…622-wRBCPx.pdfBONCZYK, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz was sent to escort the coal wagons
18331Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40622www.crarg.org/i…622-wRBCPx.pdfBONCZYK, TAUZIEWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to escort the coal wagons
18408Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
18409Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDS AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home
18410Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
18411Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDBluma SchmidtSCHMIDTNadrzeczna 74Schmidt was escorted home
18412Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the workers home
18413Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLAND[no given name] KurlandKURLANDKurland escorted the workers home
18414Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLAND[no given name] KinberKINBERPrzemysłowa 14/16Kinber lived at the address
18415Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDHerszlik KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18416Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDDina KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18417Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDHendla KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18418Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDHenia KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18419Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDRachel KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18420Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDFala KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18421Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzajek KrajsbergKRAJSBERGPrzemysłowa 14/16Krajsberg moved to the address
18422Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the people to their new address
18423Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfKINBER, KRAJSBERG, GOLDBERG, KURLANDLajb KurlandKURLANDtook the people to their new address
18692Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40655www.crarg.org/i…655-JPOoea.pdfFRENZEL, GOLDBERG, KURLAND[no given name] FrenzelFRENZELFrenzel ordered that two officers distribute summonses to work
18693Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40655www.crarg.org/i…655-JPOoea.pdfFRENZEL, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to distribute summonses to work
18694Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40655www.crarg.org/i…655-JPOoea.pdfFRENZEL, GOLDBERG, KURLANDLajb KurlandKURLANDKurland was sent to distribute summonses to work
18703Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40656www.crarg.org/i…656-tygpT8.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORN[no given name] OstrowskiOSTROWSKIEwa, Nuchym, ZygfrydOstrowski ordered that a fine be collected [see also image 0657]
18704Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40656www.crarg.org/i…656-tygpT8.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORNGecel EnzelENZELKawia 25A fine was collected from Enzel collected [see also image 0657]
18705Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40656www.crarg.org/i…656-tygpT8.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORNEljasz GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg collected a fine collected [see also image 0657]
18706Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40656www.crarg.org/i…656-tygpT8.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORN[no given name] ThornTHORNThorn collected a fine collected [see also image 0657]
18708Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40657www.crarg.org/i…657-ofAOsA.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORN[no given name] OstrowskiOSTROWSKIEwa, Nuchym, ZygfrydOstrowski ordered that a fine be collected [see also image 0656]
18709Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40657www.crarg.org/i…657-ofAOsA.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORNGecel EnzelENZELKawia 25A fine was collected from Enzel collected [see also image 0656]
18710Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40657www.crarg.org/i…657-ofAOsA.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORNEljasz GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg collected a fine collected [see also image 0656]
18711Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40657www.crarg.org/i…657-ofAOsA.pdfOSTROWSKI, ENZEL, GOLDBERG, THORN[no given name] ThornTHORNThorn collected a fine collected [see also image 0656]
18857Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40666www.crarg.org/i…666-A0KQab.pdfGOLDBERG, OPATOWSKI, SZPIKULITZER[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to collect three Jews from the Watch District
18858Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40666www.crarg.org/i…666-A0KQab.pdfGOLDBERG, OPATOWSKI, SZPIKULITZER[no given name] OpatowskiOPATOWSKIOpatowski was sent to collect three Jews from the Watch District
18859Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40666www.crarg.org/i…666-A0KQab.pdfGOLDBERG, OPATOWSKI, SZPIKULITZER[no given name] SzpikulitzerSZPIKULITZERSzpikulitzer was sent to collect three Jews from the Watch District
18948Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40675www.crarg.org/i…675-uiUuFg.pdfRYCHTER, GOLDBERGMalasza RychterRYCHTERKawia 20Rychter reported a break-in and the theft of metal objects
18949Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40675www.crarg.org/i…675-uiUuFg.pdfRYCHTER, GOLDBERGSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the victim to Police Station 2
18993Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40680www.crarg.org/i…680-m92C41.pdfCWAJG, GOLDBERGIzrael-Dawid CwajgCWAJGKatedralna 12 St.Cwaig was to be brought to the Criminal Police but was not at home
18994Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40680www.crarg.org/i…680-m92C41.pdfCWAJG, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to take the man to the Criminal Police
18995Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40680www.crarg.org/i…680-m92C41.pdfDYTMAN, EDELIST, GOLDBERGHerszlik DytmanDYTMANAleja 2Dytman was to be brought to the Criminal Police but was not at home
18996Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40680www.crarg.org/i…680-m92C41.pdfDYTMAN, EDELIST, GOLDBERG[no given name] EdelistEDELISTEdelist was sent to take the man to the Criminal Police
18997Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40680www.crarg.org/i…680-m92C41.pdfDYTMAN, EDELIST, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to take the man to the Criminal Police
19054Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40687www.crarg.org/i…687-t5TL5u.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERGChil RozenblatROZENBLATGaribaldiego 28Rozenblat reported the theft of 2 coats [see also image 0688]
19055Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40687www.crarg.org/i…687-t5TL5u.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERG[no given name] GrunwaldGRUNWALDGaribaldiego 28The victim lived at Grunwald’s [see also image 0688]
19056Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40687www.crarg.org/i…687-t5TL5u.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the victim to Police Station 2 [see also image 0688]
19058Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40688www.crarg.org/i…688-lOjdnp.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERGChil RozenblatROZENBLATGaribaldiego 28Rozenblat reported the theft of 2 coats [see also image 0687]
19059Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40688www.crarg.org/i…688-lOjdnp.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERG[no given name] GrunwaldGRUNWALDGaribaldiego 28The victim lived at Grunwald’s [see also image 0687]
19060Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40688www.crarg.org/i…688-lOjdnp.pdfROZENBLAT, GRUNWALD, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the victim to Police Station 2 [see also image 0687]
19085Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40690www.crarg.org/i…690-qs7H6q.pdfROHN, ARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] RohnROHNA man was to be taken to Rohn of the Security Police
19086Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40690www.crarg.org/i…690-qs7H6q.pdfROHN, ARONOWICZ, GOLDBERGAron Hersz AronowiczARONOWICZ1 Sep 1915Aleja 8Aronowicz was taken to the Security Police
19087Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40690www.crarg.org/i…690-qs7H6q.pdfROHN, ARONOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to the Security Police
19145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40696www.crarg.org/i…696-FAvuBu.pdfKRYMAN, GOLDBERGMoryc KrymanKRYMANKryman was taken to Police Station 2
19146Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40696www.crarg.org/i…696-FAvuBu.pdfKRYMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to Police Station 2
19334Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40715www.crarg.org/i…715-YrPHOq.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the Kojulen key for it to be passed to the Technical Department of the Senior Council
19355Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40717www.crarg.org/i…717-XZJ5Lt.pdfGOLDBERG, ROZENBAUM[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg brought a man from the Watch District
19356Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40717www.crarg.org/i…717-XZJ5Lt.pdfGOLDBERG, ROZENBAUMHersz RozenbaumROZENBAUMKatedralna 13Rozenbaum was brought from the Watch District
19456Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICEREstera StalSTAL15 Mar 1904Aleja 4Husband: no name, Father: Moszek, Mother: ZyssaStal was brought from the Watch District
19457Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICERMoszek GelbartGELBARTWife: Zyssa. Daughter: EsteraGelbart was the father of the woman brought from the Watch District
19458Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICERZyssa GelbartGELBARTHusband: Moszek, Daughter: EsteraGelbart was the mother of the woman brought from the Watch District
19459Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICERDwojra RozenbergROZENBERG1905Aleja 4Husband: No name, Father: Zalma, Mother: ZyssaRozenberg was brought from the Watch District
19460Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICERZalma GoldbergGOLDBERGWife: Zyssa, Daughter: DwojraGoldberg was the father of the woman brought from the Watch District
19461Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICERZyssa GoldbergGOLDBERGHusband: Zalma, Daughter: DwojraGoldberg was the mother of the woman brought from the Watch District
19462Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICER[no given name] DabDABDab collected the two women from the Watch District
19463Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40727www.crarg.org/i…727-4g6LSz.pdfSTAL, GELBART, ROZENBERG, GOLDBERG, DAB, SZPIKULICER[no given name] SzpikulicerSZPIKULICERSzpikulicer took the confirmation of the women’s identities to the Watch District
19533Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40733www.crarg.org/i…733-G7XlqN.pdfBORNSZTAJN, NEUSZTATER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN[no given name] BornsztajnBORNSZTAJNBornsztajn was to be escorted from the railway station
19534Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40733www.crarg.org/i…733-G7XlqN.pdfBORNSZTAJN, NEUSZTATER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN[no given name] NeusztaterNEUSZTATERNeusztater was to be escorted from the railway station
19535Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40733www.crarg.org/i…733-G7XlqN.pdfBORNSZTAJN, NEUSZTATER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was sent to escort the men from the railway station
19536Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40733www.crarg.org/i…733-G7XlqN.pdfBORNSZTAJN, NEUSZTATER, GOLDBERG, ZAJDMAN[no given name] ZajdmanZAJDMANZajdman was sent to escort the men from the railway station
19586Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40739www.crarg.org/i…739-3f0OeX.pdfHERC, GOLDBERGChaim HercHERC23 Apr 1901Orlicz-Dreszera 6 St.Herc was arrested for causing a brawl
19587Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40739www.crarg.org/i…739-3f0OeX.pdfHERC, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to Police Station 3
19737Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40754www.crarg.org/i…754-JhSK4I.pdfBENCLOWICZ, GOLDBERGEstera BenclowiczBENCLOWICZMostowa 2 St.Benclowicz was taken to Police Station 2
19738Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40754www.crarg.org/i…754-JhSK4I.pdfBENCLOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the woman to Police Station 2
19781Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40758www.crarg.org/i…758-oG4ulV.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERGIcek RapaportRAPAPORTWarszawska 9Rapaport was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0759]
19782Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40758www.crarg.org/i…758-oG4ulV.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERGJakób Aron WattenbergWATTENBERGGaribaldiego 7Wattenberg was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0759]
19783Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40758www.crarg.org/i…758-oG4ulV.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took two people to the Watch District [see also image 0759]
19785Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERGIcek RapaportRAPAPORTWarszawska 9Rapaport was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0758]
19786Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERGJakób Aron WattenbergWATTENBERGGaribaldiego 7Wattenberg was taken to the Watch District [see also image 0758]
19787Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfRAPAPORT, WATTENBERG, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took two people to the Watch District [see also image 0758]
19788Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfSZWIMMER, GOLDBERGJakób SzwimmerSZWIMMERSzwimmer took food to a detainee of the Criminal Police
19789Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfSZWIMMER, GOLDBERGMordka SzwimmerSZWIMMERSwimmer, detained by the Criminal Police, was given food
19790Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40759www.crarg.org/i…759-sVnRZ7.pdfSZWIMMER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the man with the food
19873Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfMARCZAK, ABRAMOWICZ, GOLDBERGChaim MarczakMARCZAKGaribaldiego 4 St.Chaim Marczak was brought to Police Station no II
19874Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfMARCZAK, ABRAMOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] AbramowiczABRAMOWICZOfficer Abramowicz brought Chaim Marczak to Police Station no II
19875Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40765 and 0766www.crarg.org/i…766-zRSXMM.pdfMARCZAK, ABRAMOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, brought Chaim Marczak to Police Station no II
19884Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40767www.crarg.org/i…767-Xs6JA6.pdfPARASOL, GELBARD, FRUCHT, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZ, SZPERLING[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg is to be moved to Aleja 9
20067Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40786www.crarg.org/i…786-Owq6WH.pdfHELMANOWA, HELMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] Helmanowa[?] / Helman[?]HELMANOWA[?] / HELMAN[?]Helmanowa / Helman is to be taken home from the hospital
20068Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40786www.crarg.org/i…786-Owq6WH.pdfHELMANOWA, HELMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, brought Helmanowa / Helman home from the hospital
20080Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40788www.crarg.org/i…788-gOLy0o.pdfMESSER, GOLDBERGJosek MesserMESSERWarszawska 57 St.Josek Messer’s personal details have been confirmed
20081Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40788www.crarg.org/i…788-gOLy0o.pdfMESSER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, confirmed the personal details of Josek Messer
20113Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40790www.crarg.org/i…790-HdtUSw.pdfFISZPAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] FiszpanFISZPANSection leader Fiszpan was sent to give assistance to T.O.Z. officials
20114Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40790www.crarg.org/i…790-HdtUSw.pdfFISZPAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, was sent to give assistance to T.O.Z. officials
20260Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40807www.crarg.org/i…807-f8Yxry.pdfKAC, GOLDBERG[no given name] KacKACOfficer Kac, id no 27, was sent to help the officials of the Housing Office
20261Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40807www.crarg.org/i…807-f8Yxry.pdfKAC, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 121, was sent to help the officials of the Housing Office
20405Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40824www.crarg.org/i…824-mP3lEN.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEBIzrael GoldbergGOLDBERGIzrael Goldberg is not listed in the Jewish Population Register file
20406Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40824www.crarg.org/i…824-mP3lEN.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEB[no given name] GotliebGOTLIEBOfficer Gotlieb, id no 22, discovered that Izrael Goldberg is not listed in the Jewish Population Register file
20408Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40825www.crarg.org/i…825-5zGnbO.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEBIzrael GoldbergGOLDBERGIzrael Goldberg is not listed in the Jewish Population Register file
20409Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40825www.crarg.org/i…825-5zGnbO.pdfGOLDBERG, GOTLIEB[no given name] GotliebGOTLIEBOfficer Gotlieb, id no 22, discovered that Izrael Goldberg is not listed in the Jewish Population Register file
20444Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40829www.crarg.org/i…829-RUbRUe.pdfHERSZLIKOWICZ, GOLDBERGChil HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZ1888Plac Daszyńskiego 14Chil Herszlikowicz reported that on 21 Nov 1941 he lost his ID issued by Municipal Government in Częstochowa
20445Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40829www.crarg.org/i…829-RUbRUe.pdfHERSZLIKOWICZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, brought Chil Herszlikowicz
20523Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40837www.crarg.org/i…837-CISVLK.pdfKOLIN, GOLDBERGRyfka KolinKOLINRyfka Kolin reported that 2 sheepskin coats: 1) men’s one, long 2) women’s one, total worth around 500zł was stolen from her
20524Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40837www.crarg.org/i…837-CISVLK.pdfKOLIN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, brought Ryfka Kolin to Police Station no II
20692Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40856www.crarg.org/i…856-ISlhhU.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, SZTAJNHARDTSonia GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 4 St.Sonia Goldberg was brought to District II of Criminal Police
20693Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40856www.crarg.org/i…856-ISlhhU.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, SZTAJNHARDT[no given name] LubiczLUBICZDirector Lubicz ordered that Sonia Goldberg is to report to District II of Criminal Police
20694Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40856www.crarg.org/i…856-ISlhhU.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, SZTAJNHARDT[no given name] SztajnhardtSZTAJNHARDTOfficer Sztajnhardt, id no 146, brought Sonia Goldberg to District II of Criminal Police
20777Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40864www.crarg.org/i…864-06snuO.pdfGOLDBERG, RADZENOWIEC, ZYDOWICZ, SZLEZYNGER, CUKROWSKI[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERG5 members of the Goldberg family should be brought to District I for not complying with sanitary restrictions
20778Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40864www.crarg.org/i…864-06snuO.pdfGOLDBERG, RADZENOWIEC, ZYDOWICZ, SZLEZYNGER, CUKROWSKI[no given name] Radzenowiec[?]RADZENOWIEC[?]2 members of the Radzenowiec[?] family should be brought to District I for not complying with sanitary restrictions
20779Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40864www.crarg.org/i…864-06snuO.pdfGOLDBERG, RADZENOWIEC, ZYDOWICZ, SZLEZYNGER, CUKROWSKI[no given name] ZydowiczZYDOWICZSection leader Żydowicz brought the 5 Goldbergs and 2 Radzenowiecs back to the refuge after having educated the persons
20780Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40864www.crarg.org/i…864-06snuO.pdfGOLDBERG, RADZENOWIEC, ZYDOWICZ, SZLEZYNGER, CUKROWSKI[no given name] SzlezyngerSZLEZYNGEROfficer Szlezynger brought the 5 Goldbergs and 2 Radzenowiecs back to the refuge after having educated the persons
20781Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40864www.crarg.org/i…864-06snuO.pdfGOLDBERG, RADZENOWIEC, ZYDOWICZ, SZLEZYNGER, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKIOfficer Cukrowski brought the 5 Goldbergs and 2 Radzenowiecs back to the refuge after having educated the persons
20838Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40871www.crarg.org/i…871-KQxgQF.pdfLUBICZ, GOLDBERG, GRYNBAUM, DAB[no given name] LubiczLUBICZSergeant Lubicz ordered that Sonia Goldberg is to be brought to Criminal Police with food for Lajb Grynbaum, a detainee
20839Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40871www.crarg.org/i…871-KQxgQF.pdfLUBICZ, GOLDBERG, GRYNBAUM, DABSonia GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 4Sonia Goldberg to be brought to Criminal Police with food for Lajb Grynbaum, a detainee
20840Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40871www.crarg.org/i…871-KQxgQF.pdfLUBICZ, GOLDBERG, GRYNBAUM, DABLajb GrynbaumGRYNBAUMGarncarska 14Lajb Grynbaum is a detainee
20841Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40871www.crarg.org/i…871-KQxgQF.pdfLUBICZ, GOLDBERG, GRYNBAUM, DAB[no given name] DabDABOfficer Dąb, id no 11, brought Sonia Goldberg to Criminal Police with food for Lajb Grynbaum, a detainee
20887Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40877www.crarg.org/i…877-Qe1b3g.pdfPOLCYN, WARSZAWSKA,GOLDBERGLieutenant Polcyn ordered that Szewa Warszawska be brought to Police Station no II
20888Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40877www.crarg.org/i…877-Qe1b3g.pdfPOLCYN, WARSZAWSKA,GOLDBERGSzewa WarszawskaWARSZAWSKAAleja 4Szewa Warszawska to be brought to Police Station no II
20889Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40877www.crarg.org/i…877-Qe1b3g.pdfPOLCYN, WARSZAWSKA,GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, brought Szewa Warszawska to Police Station no II
20937Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERGRuchla BoczewskaBOCZEWSKAKatedralna 10 St. and Mirowska 9/11Ruchla Boczewska was brought from one refuge to another
20938Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERGSzyja EdelsbergEDELSBERGKatedralna 10 St. and Mirowska 9/11Szyja Edelsberg was brought from one refuge to another
20939Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERGGabriel WajcWAJCKatedralna 10 St. and Mirowska 9/11Gabriel Wajc was brought from one refuge to another
20940Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERGMendel WajcWAJCKatedralna 10 St. and Mirowska 9/11Mendel Wajc was brought from one refuge to another
20941Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERGAbram KacKACKatedralna 10 St. and Mirowska 9/11Abram Kac was brought from a refuge to quarantine
20942Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERG[no given name] BrandBRANDOfficer Brand, id no 153, brought Ruchla Boczewska, Szyja Edelsberg, Gabriel Wajc, and Mendel Wajc to a new refuge, and Abram Kac to quarantine
20943Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40882www.crarg.org/i…882-RO2bBI.pdfBOCZEWSKA, EDELSBERG, WAJC, KAC, BRAND, THORN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg brought Ruchla Boczewska, Szyja Edelsberg, Gabriel Wajc, and Mendel Wajc to a new refuge, and Abram Kac to quarantine
20945Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfGOLDBERG, GUTTMAN, STEINHARD[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGKatedralna St., to Mirowska 9/11 St.The Goldberg family was moved from the refuge at Katedralna St., to Mirowska 9/11 St.
20946Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfGOLDBERG, GUTTMAN, STEINHARD[no given name] GuttmanGUTTMANOfficer Guttman was sent to move the Goldberg family
20947Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfGOLDBERG, GUTTMAN, STEINHARD[no given name] Steinhard[?]STEINHARD[?]Officer Steinhard[?] was sent to move the Goldberg family
20953Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES, GOTLIEB[no given name] RajzmanRAJZMANOfficer Rajzman, id no 22, was sent to accompany the members of Financial Committee from the meeting to their homes, during the night, after a curfew
20954Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES, GOTLIEB[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, was sent to accompany the members of Financial Committee from the meeting to their homes, during the night, after a curfew
20955Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES, GOTLIEB[no given name] MarguliesMARGULIESOfficer Margulies, id no 50, was sent to accompany the members of Financial Committee from the meeting to their homes, during the night, after a curfew
20956Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40883www.crarg.org/i…883-C9dpvN.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG, MARGULIES, GOTLIEB[no given name] GotliebGOTLIEBOfficer Gotlieb, id no 22, was sent to accompany the members of Financial Committee from the meeting to their homes, during the night, after a curfew
21008Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40888www.crarg.org/i…888-VtkzHV.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZSonia GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 4 St.Sonia Goldberg to be brought to Criminal Police
21009Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40888www.crarg.org/i…888-VtkzHV.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] LubiczLUBICZMr. Lubicz ordered that Sonia Goldberg be brought to his disposal
21010Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40888www.crarg.org/i…888-VtkzHV.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZOfficer Tauziewicz, id no 138 brought Sonia Goldberg
21012Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40889www.crarg.org/i…889-4So7Pm.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZSonia GoldbergGOLDBERGMirowska 4 St.Sonia Goldberg to be brought to Criminal Police
21013Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40889www.crarg.org/i…889-4So7Pm.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] LubiczLUBICZMr. Lubicz ordered that Sonia Goldberg be brought to his disposal
21014Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40889www.crarg.org/i…889-4So7Pm.pdfGOLDBERG, LUBICZ, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZOfficer Tauziewicz, id no 138 brought Sonia Goldberg
21052Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40893www.crarg.org/i…893-p3B614.pdfKAHAN, GOLDBERGChana Kahan resident at Narutowicza 4, reported with a request to [no further text]
21053Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40893www.crarg.org/i…893-p3B614.pdfKAHAN, GOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg brought Chana Kahan resident at Narutowicza 4, with a request to [no further text]
21116Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40903 and 09034www.crarg.org/i…904-cKY4W6.pdfGOLDBERG, FEDERMAN[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg was sent to the Isolation Hospital to bring Mejlich Federman to District I
21117Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40903 and 09034www.crarg.org/i…904-cKY4W6.pdfGOLDBERG, FEDERMANMejlich FedermanFEDERMANMejlich Federman was brought to District I from the Isolation Hospital by Officer Goldberg
21138Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfGOLDBERG, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, reported with a request to deliver to him medicine from the drugstore at III Aleja, for a sick child
21139Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfGOLDBERG, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] AbramowiczABRAMOWICZOfficer Abramowicz, id no 57, was sent with the aim of picking up medicine
21161Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40909 and 0910www.crarg.org/i…910-c2PPEQ.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, sent with the aim of bringing a detained Jewess
21222Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40917www.crarg.org/i…917-DToPR7.pdfAST, GOLDBERG[no given name] AstASTAleja 7Ast is to be brought to Security Police
21223Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40917www.crarg.org/i…917-DToPR7.pdfAST, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, was unable to find Ast at home
21306Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40928www.crarg.org/i…928-XpfFQP.pdfFRYDMAN, GOLDBERGIcek[?] Frydman[?]FRYDMAN[?]B. Joselewicza 1 St.Icek[?] Frydman[?] brought to Criminal Police
21307Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40928www.crarg.org/i…928-XpfFQP.pdfFRYDMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, brought Icek[?] Frydman[?] to Criminal Police
21324Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40930www.crarg.org/i…930-eN1WI0.pdfGOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg delivered the shoes to the address given
21459Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40948www.crarg.org/i…948-5SCkRh.pdfASZ, GOLDBERGAliza AszASZGaribaldiego no 21 St.Aliza Asz had an emergency illness
21460Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40948www.crarg.org/i…948-5SCkRh.pdfASZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, was sent to retrieve medicine for Aliza Asz
21463Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMAN[no given name] SchmitSCHMITSenior Officer Schmit
21464Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMANAbram SzlamkowiczSZLAMKOWICZ10 Apr 1930[?]Narutowicza no 3Abram Szlamkowicz to be brought to Senior Officer Schmit
21465Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMANChaskiel ZoltobrodzkiZOLTOBRODZKI15 Jan 1910[?]B. Joselewicza 15Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki to be brought to Senior Officer Schmit
21466Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMAN[no given name] SzapsiewiczSZAPSIEWICZOfficer Szapsiewicz, id no 31, was sent to find Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki
21467Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMAN[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 73, was sent to find Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki
21468Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40949www.crarg.org/i…949-DYa0eQ.pdfSCHMIT, SZLAMKOWICZ, ZOLTOBRODZKI, SZAPSIEWICZ, GOLDBERG, RAJZMAN[no given name] RajzmanRAJZMANOfficer Rajzman, id no 2, brought Abram Szlamkowicz to Criminal Police
21750Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40982www.crarg.org/i…982-rthfWa.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, was sent to bring Mrs. Kolber to the County Office, room 4
21751Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40982www.crarg.org/i…982-rthfWa.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] KolberKOLBERWilsona 34Mrs. Kolber was to be brought to the County Office, room 4, at Mr. Uberscher’s disposal
21752Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40982www.crarg.org/i…982-rthfWa.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] UberscherUBERSCHERMr. Uberscher is in County Office, room 4
21754Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40983www.crarg.org/i…983-GEPoD5.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, was sent to bring Mrs. Kolber to the County Office, room 4
21755Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40983www.crarg.org/i…983-GEPoD5.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] KolberKOLBERWilsona 34Mrs. Kolber was to be brought to the County Office, room 4, at Mr. Uberscher’s disposal
21756Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40983www.crarg.org/i…983-GEPoD5.pdfGOLDBERG, KOLBER, UBERSCHER[no given name] UberscherUBERSCHERMr. Uberscher is in County Office, room 4
21799Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40989www.crarg.org/i…989-gh7ci2.pdfWAJNRYB, HOLZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] WajnrybWAJNRYBWarszawska 1Wajnryb was informed that he is to immediately report to Mr. Holz
21800Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40989www.crarg.org/i…989-gh7ci2.pdfWAJNRYB, HOLZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] HolzHOLZMr. Holz is at Jasnogórska 36
21801Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40989www.crarg.org/i…989-gh7ci2.pdfWAJNRYB, HOLZ, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, #id 120, sent to inform Wajnryb
21876Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40999www.crarg.org/i…999-Z6RBUN.pdfFISZLOWA, FIZEL, GOLDBERG, SEIDEL[no given name] FiszelFISZELGaribaldiego 23Fiszel was brought to Kommando der Schutzpolizei, at Meister Seidel’s disposal
21877Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40999www.crarg.org/i…999-Z6RBUN.pdfFISZLOWA, FIZEL, GOLDBERG, SEIDEL[no given name] SeidelSEIDELMeister Seidel
21879Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41000www.crarg.org/i…000-vRSaBd.pdfFISZLOWA, FIZEL, GOLDBERG, SEIDEL[no given name] FiszelFISZELGaribaldiego 23Fiszel was brought to Kommando der Schutzpolizei, at Meister Seidel’s disposal
21880Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41000www.crarg.org/i…000-vRSaBd.pdfFISZLOWA, FIZEL, GOLDBERG, SEIDEL[no given name] SeidelSEIDELMeister Seidel
21968Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41009www.crarg.org/i…009-pAfsdr.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] RajzmanRAJZMANIntelligence agent Rajzman requested an officer be assigned to him
21969Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41009www.crarg.org/i…009-pAfsdr.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, was assigned to intelligence agent Rajzman
21971Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41010www.crarg.org/i…010-GBemcu.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] RajzmanRAJZMANIntelligence agent Rajzman requested an officer be assigned to him
21972Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 41010www.crarg.org/i…010-GBemcu.pdfRAJZMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGOfficer Goldberg, id no 120, was assigned to intelligence agent Rajzman

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Department in Częstochowa 1940-1944, RG-15.332, syg 626 [H]

-Sort-File No.Case No.Date case commencedPlaintiff(s)Surname from previous columnPlaintiff(s) addressDefendant(s)Surname from previous columnDefendant(s) AddressCase DetailsSurname from previous columnDate Case ConcludedCourt VerdictNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100128_626_0_0_2_65.pdfC 131/4014 May 1940Mendel GoldbergGOLDBERGul Piłsudskiego 21, CzęstochowaMichal Chaim BratmanBRATMANNowy Rynek 18, CzęstochowaPresentation, for Court endorsement, of settlement of agreement between parties, as ordered by the Judenrat, for rent and expenses totaling 169.60 zł.17 May 1940File ends with document requesting Court to award costs against the Defendants. There are no further documents in file in indicate final outcome.  
100288_626_0_0_2_184.pdfC 363/4024 Dec 1940Abram HelfgottHELFGOTTal. NMP 1, CzęstochowaNatan RotsteinROTSTEINal. Wolności 11, CzęstochowaPlaintiff claims that he Promissory Note, under which he owed the Defendants 304.55 zł, was left for safekeeping with lawyer Mendel Goldberg. When he came to collect it, he discovered that the lawyer had died and the Promissory Note could not be found. He requests Court to order that the debt be written-off.GOLDBERGFile ends with no Court document to determine ultimate outcome.  
100298_626_0_0_2_184.pdfC 363/4024 Dec 1940Dora RotsteinROTSTEINal. Wolności 11, CzęstochowaPlaintiff claims that he Promissory Note, under which he owed the Defendants 304.55 zł, was left for safekeeping with lawyer Mendel Goldberg. When he came to collect it, he discovered that the lawyer had died and the Promissory Note could not be found. He requests Court to order that the debt be written-off.GOLDBERGFile ends with no Court document to determine ultimate outcome.  

Częstochowa: District Court in Piotrków, Branch Office in Częstochowa [1940-1945] [Sąd Okręgowy w Piotrkowie. Wydział Zamiejscowy w Częstochowie], RG-15.333, zesp. 722 [H]

-Sort-syg.Image file nameCase number [r#]Date commencedPlaintiff's NameSurname(s) from previous columnPlaintiff's addressDefendant's nameSurname(s) from previous columnDefendant's AddressDetails of this caseSurname(s) from previous columnDate ConcludedVerdict of this caseNotes by translator / typistSurname(s) from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10055syg 1098_722_0_0_109.pdfC 74/4221 Aug 1942Fradla Rotsztajn nee GoldbergROTSZTAJN NEE GOLDBERGul. Garncarska 27/29, CzęstochowaPinkus RotsztajnROTSZTAJNul. Katedralna 10, CzęstochowaCouple were married in Częstochowa on 28 Oct 1928. On 5 Jul 1942, they were granted a rabbinical divorce from the Częstochowa rabbinate. They now seek a civil divorce.24 Sep 1942Court adjourns the case.No further documents in file  
10077syg 2238_722_0_0_223.pdfC 56/4522 Oct 1945Hinda GoldbergGOLDBERGc/- al. NMP 32, CzęstochowaGalica Oil Society "Galicja"c/- Ministry of IndustryPlaintiffs request Court to confirm that they owe nothing with respect to ul. Warszawska 36, a property taken over by the Defendant.7 Feb 1946Court adjourns case for three month.There are no further documents in the final to indicate the ultimate result in proceedings.  
10078syg 2238_722_0_0_223.pdfC 56/4522 Oct 1945Jacheta GoldbergGOLDBERGc/- al. NMP 32, CzęstochowaPlaintiffs request Court to confirm that they owe nothing with respect to ul. Warszawska 36, a property taken over by the Defendant.7 Feb 1946Court adjourns case for three month.There are no further documents in the final to indicate the ultimate result in proceedings.  

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-dolny-slask.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous columnNames of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100801141.pdf76.Anna GoldberhGOLDBERH / GOLDBERGBeniamin and RywkaCzestochowa 1901Czestochowaworkman [robotnica][cut off][cut off]GOLDBERG added because it appears in other records
100811141.pdf77.Motek GoldbergGOLDBERGMajer and ChanaCzestochowa 1931Czestochowapupil [uczen][cut off][cut off]   

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
100703610D 12620Berek GoldbergGOLDBERGSchuelerPupilTargowa 1222 Apr 1940?3111 
100783618D 12628Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGSchuelerPupilN.M. Panny 322 Apr 1940?3c111 
102481942D 10952Zachariasz GoldbergGOLDBERGInhaber einer Gummiabsatz-werkstaette [Werkstaetten]Owner of a rubber heel workshopOrl. Dreszera 1022 Apr 1940960? 
1035539F 5474Gedalja GoldbergGOLDBERGKlempnerges.Plumber journeymanGarncarska 4223 Mar 194013  
105833943D 12953Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERGSchuelerPupilMirowska 422 Apr 194071?  
109452402H 96451Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERGMoebeltischlerCabinet makerAl. Woln. 1122 Apr 194039  
110252343H 96392Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGBaeckerBakerTargowa 322 Apr 194041  
110322286H 96335Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGFriseurHairdresser / barberGarncarska 2522 Apr 194042?  
111862181H 96230Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGWurstmacherSausage makerWarszawska 3622 Apr 194046  
111952124H 96173Emanuel GoldbergGOLDBERGSchneiderTailorNarutowicza 922 Apr 194047  
112882083H 96132Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGMaschinenmeister in einer Zigarettenhuelsen-fabrik [Fabrik]Master machinist in a cigarette hulls factoryTargowa 1222 Apr 194049  
114751841H 83890Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGHerrenschneiderMen's tailorWarsz. 6322 Apr 194055  
115071841H 83890Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGHerrenschneiderMen's tailorWarsz. 6322 Apr 19405544 
116251701H 83750Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGElektrikerElectricianKatedralna 1122 Apr 19405940 
117031653H 83702Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGFleischer arbeitslosButcher, unemployedN.M.P. 322 Apr 19406138 
117951548H 83597Icek GoldbergGOLDBERGSchneidermeister arbeitslosMaster tailor, unemployedN.M.P. 1022 Apr 19406435 
119471389H 83428Nachman GoldbergGOLDBERGWeber arbeitslosWeaver, unemployedWarszawska 122 Apr 19406930 
121653943D 12953Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERGSchulerPupilMirowska 422 Apr 194076121 
127853212D 12222Herszlik GoldbergGOLDBERGSchulerPupilTargowa 1222 Apr 19409699 
127863213D 12223Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGSchulerPupilTargowa 1222 Apr 19409699 
128382615D 11625Lejzor GoldbergGOLDBERGBuchhalterBookkeeperWarszawska 922 Apr 19409880 
134172031D 11041Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperTargowa 1422 Apr 194011562 
134321982D 10992Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGFarberDyer / stainerPilsudski 1122 Apr 194011661 
135031895D 10905Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGBuroangestellterClerkB. Joselewicza 222 Apr 194011858 
13564213/71831D 10841Noach GoldbergGOLDBERGKanzleibote arbeitslosCourier, errand-boy for a government office or a lawyer, unemployedJasnogorska 8/1022 Apr 194012056 
13694213/7175F 5610Leon GoldbergGOLDBERGZimmermaler arbeitslosPainter (painting the rooms of buildings), unemployedMariensrt. 40?22 Apr 19401256 
13722213/7140F 5575Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGInstallateur fur WasserPlumberWarszawska 2322 Apr 19401265 
13723213/7141F 5576Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGBauklempnerPlumber (working in building / construction)Wilsona 3422 Apr 19401265 
14293D 200Emanuel GoldbergGOLDBERGNarutowicza 96  
14303D 310Menachem GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska 137  
14638213/2275D 13070Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERGVolksschuelerElementary school studentWarszawska 21 bei Rzozak?36  
14707213/2275D 13070Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERGVolksschuelerElementary school studentWarszawska 21 bei Rzozak8 Jul 194041  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100674942 Aug 1940Izydor DorfDORF23 Feb 1902JarosławBerka Joselewicza No. 6AdolfHanaLawyerPoliticalReleased 12 Aug 1940; more information in file of Lucjan CwudzińskiLetter from wife Dorota requesting permission to supply food, blanket and pillow; released together with Lucjan Cwudziński, Jan Wasilewski, Mordka and Sucher Szapczowicz, and Mendel GoldbergCWUDZIŃSKI, WASILEWSKI, SZAPCZOWICZ, GOLDBERG 
100765043 Aug 1940Mendel GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Jun 1907CzęstochowaPiłsudskiego No. 21ChaimJettaLawyerPoliticalReleased 12 Aug 1940; more information in file of Lucjan CwudzińskiReleased together with Lucjan Cwudziński, Jan Wasilewski, Mordka and Sucher Szapczowicz, and Izydor DorfCWUDZIŃSKI, WASILEWSKI, SZAPCZOWICZ, DORF 
10177104714 Jun 1941Moszek-Dawid SztajnSZTAJN27 Dec 1891RadomskoLimanowska No. 20, RadomskoMendelFrymeta née TuchmajerTUCHMAJERMerchant (oil presser)Raising prices4 Sep 19411 year hard labourReleased 14 Jun 1942; tried with Szulim Dawid Wertheim oil manufacturer of Fabianiegostrasse No. 2, Radomsko born 3 Aug 1898 in Tomaszów; summons (?) issued by prosecutor naming Wertheim, Sztajn, Abram Bugajski born 20 Apr 1897, Gedalia Goldberg born 23 Nov 1903Letter in German from son Lejbus living at Stary Rynek No. 19 in Częstochowa to prison authorities requesting permission to provide foodWERTHEIM, SZTAJN, BUGAJSKI, GOLDBERG 
1021611151 Jul 1941Lajb Safier vel ZygielmanSAFIER VEL ZYGIELMAN8 Sep 1897SandomierzB. Joselewicza No. 11MojzeszMakla née SzpelerSZPELERBakerBreaking-in25 Sep 19411 year hard labourDied 20 Dec 1941; arrest warrant with Herszlik Safier born Kraków on unknown date of same address for robbery of items worth 300 złoty on 17 Jun 1941Accused of stealing on 26 Jun 1941 towels, clothing, pillow cases, and dresses from Gitla Gliksman and Juda Goldberg; Herszlik Safier was acquitted; extensive documentation in German; see reference 3763 (41) No. 982 for Herszlik who probably was his son; for the time being not to be sent for outside workGLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, SAFIERFor the time being not to be sent for outside work
10273123519 Aug 1941Lucjan GoldbergGOLDBERG24 Jul 1921CzęstochowaI Aleja No. 8LeonLiba née CymermanCYMERMANWorkerRefusing workReleased 14 Nov 1941   
10299137213 Oct 1941Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Mar 1901CzęstochowaAleja No. 6MajerRuchla née KuraKURACarpenterPreventive detentionTransported 24 Oct 1941   
1032514951 Dec 1941Aron BlumenzweigBLUMENZWEIG12 Nov 1902Zaromin, Sierpe countyLeśniowska No. 36, ŻarkiWolfElka née BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNWorkerLeaving the ghettoReleased 24 Dec 1941; married to Ruchla née GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10443205425 Jun 1942Pesla Hoffnung née ThuminHOFFNUNG NÉE THUMIN15 Sep 1910SanokB. Joselewicza No. 13HercelRachela née GoldbergGOLDBERGWith husbandLeaving the GhettoDeath penaltyExecuted 20 Jul 1942; wife of Jakub   
1061532579 Jul 1943Antonina Szygizman née SowinskaSZYGIZMAN NÉE SOWINSKA4 Jun 1882RadomskoSzpitalna No. 37, RadomskoStefanMarcianna née SkibalskaSKIBALSKAFarmerSheltering JewsDied 2 Aug 1943; widow; Roman Catholic; sheltering 6 Jews, "the Jewess Bugajska, her sister-in-law, and the Jew Goldberg with his wife and children"Physical description included; died of heart muscle failureBUGAJSKA, GOLDBERG 
10652343317 Jan 1941Joseta? GoldbergGOLDBERG30 Apr 1920CzęstochowaMirowska No. 4WolfMaria née LublińskaLUBLIŃSKAWith parentsNo armband5 days prison or 50 złoty fineReleased 22 Jan 1941   
108083763 (39/40)80719 Mar 1940Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG20 Jun 1900Nadrzeczna No. 1MerchantReleased 25 Apr 1940; from CzęstochowaNo offense stated  
108293763 (39/40)95119 Apr 1940Jakób GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Feb 1911Kościuszki No. 9BookbinderNo armbandReleased 8 May 1940; from Częstochowa   
109933763 (41)46021 Mar 1941Szmul Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Aug 1889Targowa No. 3BakerRaising pricesTransferred to different prisoner register (penal)  
111043763 (41)140010 Sep 1941Jakób GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Jul 1908Pawia No. 11, WarszawaMusicianFraudNo further information  
111383763 (41)170330 Oct 1941Szaja GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Dec 1904Kawia No. 10WorkerPreventive detentionLeft prison 20 Nov 1941   
111443763 (41)178517 Nov 1941Zachariasz GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Mar 1916Targowa No. 25TailorLeaving the GhettoTransported 26 Mar 1942 to Radom   

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10317Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.28Tauba GoldbergGOLDBERGSosnowiec 
10370Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.31Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz 
10611Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.47Lewek GoldbergGOLDBERGKalisz 
10694Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.54Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz 
10763Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.64Josef GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz 
11018Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.89Michal GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz 
11171Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.99Sala GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz 

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993 (947 surnames) [H]

-Sort-Surname or maiden name (of any person, Jewish or not Jewish)Page numberNotes (photo noted by indexer of pages i-176)

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993, Yiddish portion (421 entries) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Other surnameYearCity or townField of interestOther informationAdditional surname
1013649GnendelGOLDBERG-PROKOSZCzestochowaDaugher of Rabbi; hospital bookkeeper  

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, various pages (395 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthAgeFatherMotherOccupationOccupation (translated)Current jobCurrent job (translated)AddressRegional page headerRegional page header (translated)L.p. (seq # on left)Comments
10017("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5JozefGOLDBERG20 May 1886MajerRuchlaFryzjerHairdresser; barberCzlonek komite tuMember of the committeeFocha 8Wykaz pracownikow Okregowego Komitetu Zydowskiego (Wraz z rodzinami)Register of workers of "Jewish Committee District" (with family)17 
10018("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5LibaGOLDBERG1897Focha 8Wykaz pracownikow Okregowego Komitetu Zydowskiego (Wraz z rodzinami)Register of workers of "Jewish Committee District" (with family)18 
10066("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5MendelGOLDBERG20 Jun 1907Chaim-LajbJettaAdwokatLawyerAdwokatLawyerWykaz Czlonkow ZarzaduRegistry of members of management3 

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, "Wachtdenstplan/Plan sluzby; Polizeirevier-Obwo I/Dienstschicht-Grupa A; Starke der Diestschicht/Stan liczebny grupy"); USHMM (18 persons) [H]

-Sort-TranslationSurnameLfd Nr./L.p.CommentsGeneral comments
10004Police Department Duty Schedule; Number of persons in the groupGOLDBERG4Very little information in this document

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa EXPANDED [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsPagePersonSurname(s) from previous column [r#]Persons listed in complete articleSurname(s) from previous columnSurname(s) from previous column, without diacritical marksNotes (not written by researcher)
10058For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf171Aron Mordka [Wolf?] GoldbergGOLDBERGParents Dawid & Hinda; siblings Zelig, Szajndla, Hendla   
10059For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf171Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG    
10060For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf171Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG    

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsSurname from previous column [r#]
10132For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfGOLDBERG
10133For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfGOLDBERG
10134For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfGOLDBERG

Częstochowa: Letters in "Correspondence on registration of Jews, including lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat," City district office in Częstochowa; see complete translation of each letter; Czesto Arch, syg 5 [H]

-Sort-Letter number, imageDate on letterWriter of letterLetter addressed to whom?Letter details 1 (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)Letter details 2 (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)Surname(s) from previous three columnsSigned; and other information (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)
10080Letter 68, www.crarg.org/i…-68-G9GqtY.jpg27 Sep 1941Ka/GäThe Jew Moszek Goldberg, 11 Narutowicz St., CzestochowaWe hereby grant you permission to move your mother Mariem-Bajla from Kielce to Czestochowa.[No other information]GOLDBERGOn behalf of [Initialed — indecipherable]
10081Letter 69, www.crarg.org/i…-69-zOPlVK.jpgCzestochowa, 19 Sep 1941Plea, Submitted by Moszek Goldberg, photographer, 11 Narutowicza St., CzestochowaTo the City Commander, CzestochowaMy 75 year-old mother, Mariem-Bajla Goldberg, is at present completely alone in Kielce. She has no source of income and no means of support. / In consideration of these circumstances - and in particular of her advanced age - I hereby take...the liberty of respectfully requesting the City Commander to permit my mother to move to Czestochowa. She could live in my home and I would provide for all her needs, so she would not be a burden to anyone else.GOLDBERG[Signed] M. Goldberg

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
1007339F 5575ChaimGOLDBERGHandwerkzeuge eines InstallateursHand tools of a plumber22 Apr 19403213/6 
1007440F 5576MoszekGOLDBERGHandwerkzeugHand tools22 Apr 19403213/6 
1012699D 10952ZachariaszGOLDBERGEinrichtung einer GummiabsatzwerkstatteEquipment of a workshop for gummed heels?22 Apr 19405213/6 
10272784H 96173EmanuelGOLDBERG1 Naehmaschine1 sewing machine22 Apr 194012213/6 
10305817H 96230DawidGOLDBERGEinrichtung einer WursterzeugungEquipment for sausage making22 Apr 194013213/6 
10347885H 96335JosekGOLDBERGEinrichtung einer FriseurstubeEquipment of a barber shop22 Apr 194015213/6 
10373911H 96392SzmulGOLDBERGBaeckereiBakery22 Apr 194016213/6 
105901127H 96945HerszGOLDBERG1 Naehmaschine und sonstige Schneiderwerkzeuge1 sewing machine and other tools of a tailor22 Apr 194025213/6 

Częstochowa: List of Jews who have applied for registration, 8 Apr 1942 (page 83), zesp 4, syg 5 [H]

-Sort-HeaderHeader, translatedRunning numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]AddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromRemarksNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10027Aufstellung der zur Anmeldung beantragten JudenList of Jews who have applied for registration27Haskiel GoldbergGOLDBERGN. M. Panny 10-WarschauBescheingung Transf.Date in letter that precedes this list: 8 Apr 1942 
10035Aufstellung der zur Anmeldung beantragten JudenList of Jews who have applied for registration35Szmul Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGKawia 29-DeblinDate in letter that precedes this list: 8 Apr 1942 

Częstochowa: List of refugees from Płock, Bodzanów and the surrounding area who returned to Częstochowa and were listed at the "Registration Station" / Katedralna 7, document pages 142-143, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberPersonName [Surname] of the owner [r#]Date of birthAddressRegistration numberNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100011421Mariem GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 54   
100021422Chaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Feb 1936Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 54   
100031423Necha GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Nov 1917Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 54   
1001414214Ojzer GoldbergGOLDBERG1905Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 42   
1001514215Tema GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 42   
1001614216Necha GoldbergGOLDBERG1934Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 42   
1001714217Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG1936Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 42   
1001814218Chena GoldbergGOLDBERG1939Azyl [Refuge / Temporary], Nadrzeczna 42   
1004714347Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Aleja 4   
1004814348Szulim GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Aleja 4   
1004914349Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG1930Aleja 4   
1005014350Nuta GoldbergGOLDBERG1931Aleja 4   
1005114351Chana GoldbergGOLDBERG1934Aleja 4   
100771464Abram-Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1910M.M.Panny 4 Azyl [Refuge / Temporary]   

Częstochowa: Listing of the 195 Jewish prisoners from Tschenstochau (arrival date: 18 Jan 1945) who came to (arrived at) Laura on 30 Jan 1945; Buchenwald Archive; from USHMM Registry Collection Document #AD0266 (194 persons) [H]

-Sort-Nr. (number in left column)Given nameSurname [r#]Birth dateBirth cityProfessionProfession (translated)CommentsTranslation of previous column
10091114598MortkaGOLDBERG2 Feb 1915PetrikauMalerPainter  

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat; Często Arch, syg 5 (890 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageNumber(s) at top of page (if any)NumberPersonSurname from previous columnWhen and where bornProfessionAddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromWhere and when moved inRemarksOther text on the pageNotes (not by researcher)
10027www.crarg.org/i…-1a-ymDxDe.jpg8327.Haskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]N.M. Panny 10-Warschau[Column not included on this page][blank]Top: six words in German, unreadable 
10035www.crarg.org/i…-1a-ymDxDe.jpg8335.Szmul Majer GoldbergGOLDBERG[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Kawia 29-Deblis[?] / Deblin[?][Column not included on this page][blank]Top: six words in German, unreadable 
10338www.crarg.org/i…-5a-GGNBiU.jpg9211.Lajb GoldbergGOLDBERG[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Alter Ring 173Lublin[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Top: Abschrift [Copy]; Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal Affairs N. 1411/42; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10363www.crarg.org/i…-5a-GGNBiU.jpg9236.Israel GoldbergGOLDBERG[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Katedralna 8-Warschau[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Top: Abschrift [Copy]; Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal Affairs N. 1411/42; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10485www.crarg.org/i…s-7-2JTQSB.jpg1615/4217.Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jan 1905 WarschauKaufmann [Businessman / Clerk]Targowastr. 15-[Column not included on this page]Radomsk Mar 1941[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10509www.crarg.org/i…s-7-2JTQSB.jpg1615/4241.Abram Mojsze GoldbergGOLDBERG27 Nov 1907 Litzmannst.Spinner [Weaver]Katedralnastr. 9-[Column not included on this page]Klobuck 1 Aug 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 

Częstochowa NLO1 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord....", "Jewish policemen, sorted by name"; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (328 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Date of birthAddressD. Nr.Page # (in original)
1004543Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Nov 1915Allee 87355
1004644Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG4 Jun 1905Katedralna 1612055
1005553Aron Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG7 Sep 1918Warszawska 3615055

Częstochowa NLO3 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord...."; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (151 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previoius column [r#]AddressPage # (in original)Handwritten #'sDetails
1004949Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERGAleja 860Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa
1005050Szlama Hilel GoldbergGOLDBERGB. Joselewicza 860Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa
1005151Aron Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska 36?60Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa

Częstochowa: permits for Jews to register in Częstochowa 1940; place listed at the top of each page: Tschenstochau [Częstochowa]; total number of pages: 278; USHMM, RG-15.301; syg 13796, letter 276 [H]

-Sort-Page in PDFDate at topIf letter, addressed to whomIf letter, from whomText [r#]NumberPersonSurname from previous paragraphPlace and date of birth or ageFirst names of parentsOccupationPlace of originNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1000127620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.1.Dobra GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowa, aged 3 1/2Unknown[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000227620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.2.Lajzer GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowa, aged 2 1/2Unknown[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000327620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.3.Herta SochaczewskaSOCHACZEWSKAPałajewo, aged 11Herman & Klara[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000427620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.4.Gertrude SochaczewskaSOCHACZEWSKAPałajewo, aged 10Herman & Klara[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000527620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.5.Greta SochaczewskaSOCHACZEWSKAPałajewo, aged 8Herman & Klara[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000627620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.6.Moszek IgłaIGŁAOsjaków, 30 Jun 1927Herszlik & Frymeta[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000727620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.7.Szmul ZysholcZYSHOLCCzęstochowa, 28 Apr 1930Tauba, unmarried[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000827620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.8.Joaw KnoblerKNOBLERJanów, 10 Jun 1939Szałma & Surkla[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1000927620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.9.Chaskiel-Zyndel TopórTOPÓRCzęstochowa, 26 Aug 1927Załma-Hersz & Hema[Data not included for "children."][Data not included for "children."] 
1001027620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.10.Cyrla RotszyldROTSZYLD[Data not included for "old people."][Data not included for "old people."]CookPrzyrów 
1001127620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.11.Chaja TeperTEPER[Data not included for "old people."][Data not included for "old people."]Aged personKalisch 
1001227620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.12.Łaja GenisławGENISŁAW[Data not included for "old people."][Data not included for "old people."]Aged personDziałoszyn 
1001327620 May 1940City CaptainCouncil of EldersIn the course of reorganizing [the documents] of the local Jewish orphanage and old people’s home, the Council of Elders discovered that the children and old people listed below have not been registered. Those concerned are 9 orphans and 4 elderly people without any financial means, who have been residents of the old people’s home for some time. We respectfully entreat the City Captain to grant them a residence permit.13.Rachla HerszbergHERSZBERG[Data not included for "old people."][Data not included for "old people."]Aged personWielun 

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
11357Hasag-A2/0260.tifHasag-B2/0257.tif1356.AbramGOLDBERG19042 Sep 1904PiotrkowPiotrkowPiotrkow6178 
11358Hasag-A2/0261.tifHasag-B2/0258.tif1357.AbramGOLDBERG191811 Dec 1918WloszczowaWloszczowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)6193 
11359Hasag-A2/0262.tifHasag-B2/0259.tif1358.BasiaGOLDBERG191615 Oct 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobontnicaworker (female)2906robontnica should be "robotnica"
11361Hasag-A2/0264.tifHasag-B2/0261.tif1360BerekGOLDBERG19318 Nov 1931LodzLodzLodzbez zawoduwith no profession3882 
11362Hasag-A2/0265.tifHasag-B2/0262.tif1361.ChilGOLDBERG19051 May 1905RadomskoRadomskoCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith5364 
11363Hasag-A2/0266.tifHasag-B2/0263.tif1362.ChilGOLDBERG19011901CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1783 
11364Hasag-A2/0267.tifHasag-B2/0264.tif1363.CypraGOLDBERG19063 May 1906CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)403 
11365Hasag-A2/0268.tifHasag-B2/0265.tif1364.DoraGOLDBERG192615 Aug 1926WarszawaWarszawaSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)3647 
11366Hasag-A2/0269.tifHasag-B2/0266.tif1365.EsteraGOLDBERG191420 Dec 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2205 
11367Hasag-A2/0270.tifHasag-B2/0267.tif1366.EwaGOLDBERG191712 Jun 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)1364 
11368Hasag-A2/0271.tifHasag-B2/0268.tif1367.EwaGOLDBERG19128 Jul 1912CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)694 
11369Hasag-A2/0272.tifHasag-B2/0269.tif1368.FraniaGOLDBERG191915 Feb 1919WloszczowaWloszczowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)1365 
11370Hasag-A2/0273.tifHasag-B2/0270.tif1369.FrymaGOLDBERG192213 Apr 1922CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2229 
11371Hasag-A2/0274.tifHasag-B2/0271.tif1370.GeniaGOLDBERG191215 Mar 1912CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)669 
11372Hasag-A2/0275.tifHasag-B2/0272.tif1371.HankaGOLDBERG19162 Apr 1916RadomRadomSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)5681 
11373Hasag-A2/0276.tifHasag-B2/0273.tif1372.HelaGOLDBERG192425 Jun 1924CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)440 
11374Hasag-A2/0277.tifHasag-B2/0274.tif1373.HelaGOLDBERG190820 Aug 1908CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)415 
11375Hasag-A2/0278.tifHasag-B2/0275.tif1374.HeniaGOLDBERG191517 Jun 1915CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowabez zawoduwith no profession3042 
11376Hasag-A2/0279.tifHasag-B2/0276.tif1375.HerszGOLDBERG19263 Sep 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1130 
11377Hasag-A2/0280.tifHasag-B2/0277.tif1376.IraGOLDBERG19041904CzestochowaBedzinBedzinkrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)2298 
11378Hasag-A2/0281.tifHasag-B2/0278.tif1377.ItaGOLDBERG191815 Jan 1918CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2641 
11379Hasag-A2/0282.tifHasag-B2/0279.tif1378.JochetaGOLDBERG190425 Apr 1904CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)2141 
11380Hasag-A2/0283.tifHasag-B2/0280.tif1379.JosekGOLDBERG191223 Jun 1912LodzLodzSkarzysko-Kamrobotnikworker (male)4933 
11381Hasag-A2/0284.tifHasag-B2/0281.tif1380.Jurek-JosekGOLDBERG191310 Nov 1913GabinGabinSkarzysko-Kamfryzjerbarber, hairdresser (male)4727 
11382Hasag-A2/0285.tifHasag-B2/0282.tif1381.JozefGOLDBERG189615 May 1896CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowafryzjerbarber, hairdresser (male)2375 
11383Hasag-A2/0286.tifHasag-B2/0283.tif1382.LibaGOLDBERG192621 Feb 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)811 
11384Hasag-A2/0287.tifHasag-B2/0284.tif1383.LibaGOLDBERG19061 May 1906CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)425 
11385Hasag-A2/0288.tifHasag-B2/0285.tif1384.LolaGOLDBERG192318 Sep 1923Skarzysko-KamSkarzysko-KamSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)4387 
11386Hasag-A2/0289.tifHasag-B2/0286.tif1385.LucynaGOLDBERG191717 Mar 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)615 
11387Hasag-A2/0290.tifHasag-B2/0287.tif1386.LucynaGOLDBERG192627 Oct 1926Skarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)4286 
11388Hasag-A2/0291.tifHasag-B2/0288.tif1387.ManiaGOLDBERG19223 Jun 1922LodzLodzLodzrobotnikworker (male)827 
11389Hasag-A2/0292.tifHasag-B2/0289.tif1388.MarkusGOLDBERGCzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowabez zawoduwith no profession171 
11390Hasag-A2/0293.tifHasag-B2/0290.tif1389.MaszaGOLDBERG192221 Feb 1922WarszawaWarszawaRakowrobotnicaworker (female)4693 
11391Hasag-A2/0294.tifHasag-B2/0291.tif1390.MiciaGOLDBERG192326 Nov 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2142 
11392Hasag-A2/0295.tifHasag-B2/0292.tif1391.MoszekGOLDBERGrobotnikworker (male)1528 
11393Hasag-A2/0296.tifHasag-B2/0293.tif1392.MoszekGOLDBERG19038 Oct 1903RadomskoRadomskoCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1561 
11394Hasag-A2/0297.tifHasag-B2/0294.tif1393.MoszekGOLDBERG19171 Jan 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)1417 
11395Hasag-A2/0298.tifHasag-B2/0295.tif1394.MoszekGOLDBERG19171 Jan 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowabez zawoduwith no profession1417 
11396Hasag-A2/0299.tifHasag-B2/0296.tif1395.MotekGOLDBERG193021 Jan 1930RadomskoRadomskoCzestochowanieletnijuvenile, minor (male)2855 
11397Hasag-A2/0300.tifHasag-B2/0297.tif1396.PesaGOLDBERG192315 Nov 1923LukowLukowSkarzysko-Kamszczotkarkabrush-maker, broom-maker (female)5477 
11398Hasag-A2/0301.tifHasag-B2/0298.tif1397.RachelaGOLDBERG19183 Sep 1918OpatowOpatowSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)4194 
11399Hasag-A2/0302.tifHasag-B2/0299.tif1398.RachmilGOLDBERG190926 Jun 1909LodzLodzSkarzysko-Kambuchalterbookkeeper5900 
11400Hasag-A2/0303.tifHasag-B2/0300.tif1399.ReginaGOLDBERG191718 Jun 1917KrakowKrakowSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)5635 
11401Hasag-A2/0304.tifHasag-B2/0301.tif1400.RoziaGOLDBERG19153 Aug 1915RadomRadomSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)5682 
11402Hasag-A2/0305.tifHasag-B2/0302.tif1401.SabaGOLDBERG192326 Dec 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)646 
11403Hasag-A2/0306.tifHasag-B2/0303.tif1402.SoniaGOLDBERG192024 May 1920CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)510 
11404Hasag-A2/0307.tifHasag-B2/0304.tif1403SzmulGOLDBERG192617 Jun 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowabez zawoduwith no profession3008 
11405Hasag-A2/0308.tifHasag-B2/0305.tif1404.SzmulGOLDBERG192617 Jan 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)3008 
11406Hasag-A2/0309.tifHasag-B2/0306.tif1405.SzyjaGOLDBERG191210 May 1912MiechowMiechowSkarzysko-Kamslusarzlocksmith4911 

Częstochowa: questionnaires of Jews from Częstochowa, 25 Sep 1940, National Archives in Kraków, syg 55; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14603000 [H]

-Sort-Page headerImage filePage number (in upper corner)Order numberPersonSurname [r#]Date of birthAddress- a/ previousAddress - b/ currentType of pension to which entitledInstitution disbursing pensionAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement plus business numberOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10032List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_7_56782091.jpg1117Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG5 Jun 1907Tsch. Garncarska 54ditto [Katedralna 7]Accident insuranceZaklad .....zl 13.33    

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM film 5 (images 0001-0840); see original images for more information; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberSyg.Date "Daty skrajne"PersonSurname from previous column [r#]ParentsMother's maiden nameNumber(s) on title pageGroupDate of birthSpouse given nameSpouse surnameSpouse birth dateSpouse's parentsMaiden name of spouse's motherMarriage date of person and spousePlace, date on document with tabular family infoChild(ren) of person and spouseAddress of person and spouseTypist: comments and other infoTypist: additional other infoSurname or maiden name from previous column
10021Rada5/0201.tif-Rada5/0208.tif213/471 Feb 1995Aron-Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGDawid & Hinda----Akta Osobiste Nr. 150; 5; 25A7 Sep 1918Not marriedNot marriedNot marriedNot marriedCzestochowa, 20 Apr 1942NoneWarszawska 36, Czestochowa   

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10719Rada1/0499.tifMendelGOLDBERGAdw.Material in Polish followed by a list of 35 namesMaterial in Polish (text) 
10767Rada1/0534.tifMendelGOLDBERGadw.List of 35 persons, preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)Page number 2

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10078Rada2/0016.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 8 & 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanTitle of a table in Polish: Wachtdianstplan; Sub-title: Plan Sluzby; Fur sobrf... den 13... X 1941 von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
10086Rada2/0019.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 & 5 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby 
10102Rada2/0020.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 17 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; 1941 
10140Rada2/0023.tif8GOLDBERG1 List of 17 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; 1941 
10219Rada2/0034.tif8GOLDBERG2 Lists of 16 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Sub-title: Plan Sluzby Fur...den 21 / 5 1941 von 8 bis...Uhr 
10236Rada2/0036.tif7GOLDBERG2 Lists of 11 & 1 person; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; Fur...den 28...X 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
10271Rada2/0041.tif9GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; Fur...den 36-31 X 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
10280Rada2/0043.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 21 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; Fur...den...1941 von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
10315Rada2/0047.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 17 persons plus 1; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; Fur sobrf...den 1 / XI / 1941 von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
10336Rada2/0049.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 & 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 
10351Rada2/0053.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 and 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10362Rada2/0055.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10386Rada2/0059.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 10 and 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10441Rada2/0069.tif6GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10464Rada2/0075.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10493Rada2/0081.tif6GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10540Rada2/0089.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10570Rada2/0094.tif6GOLDBERG2 Lists of 1 and 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10574Rada2/0095.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 8 and 7 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10612Rada2/0101.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10645Rada2/0105.tif6GOLDBERGList of 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10666Rada2/0110.tif1GOLDBERG3 Lists of 2 / 3 and 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10698Rada2/0117.tif6GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10713Rada2/0119.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10738Rada2/0123.tif5GOLDBERGList of 17 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10787Rada2/0127.tif6GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10831Rada2/0134.tif9GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10838Rada2/0135.tif4GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 and 14 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10857Rada2/0136.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10907Rada2/0142.tif7GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 11 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10930Rada2/0148.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10963Rada2/0152.tif7GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10975Rada2/0154.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11002Rada2/0158.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 8 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11015Rada2/0160.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11025Rada2/0161.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11043Rada2/0164.tif7G...T... (?) / GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)The name is blurry
11085Rada2/0170.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 1 and 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11093Rada2/0172.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11127Rada2/0176.tif7GOLDBERGList of 16 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11164Rada2/0181.tif6GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 8 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11187Rada2/0184.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11206Rada2/0187.tif6GOLDBERGList of 14 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11246Rada2/0195.tif4GOLDBERGList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11272Rada2/0199.tif5GOLDBERGList of 16 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11288Rada2/0201.tif2GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sroda / cruenkch den 10 / 11 XII 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Nmuch sekc. 
11320Rada2/0205.tif5GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 von 20 bis ... Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Kohn Symon ...? 
11345Rada2/0206.tif14GOLDBERGfrk.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 
11355Rada2/0207.tif4GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 12 / XII 1941 von 8 bis 20 Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Gonswa grup. 
11462Rada2/0217.tif2GOLDBERGporz.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; den 14-15 / XII 1941; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Brd...? sekc. 
11474Rada2/0219.tif4GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; den 15 / XII 1941; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Gonzwa grup. 
11510Rada2/0223.tif5GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; den 16 XII 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Bodzechowski sekc. 
11558Rada2/0229.tif4GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sroda / ...? den 17-18 XII 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Gouzna grup. 
11757Rada2/0282.tif43EliaszGOLDBERGg.b.2 / 11-1915;Wohnhaft: Allee 8 ;Nr 73List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11758Rada2/0282.tif44SzlamaGOLDBERGg.b.4 / 6-1905;Wohnhaft: Katedralna 16;Nr 120List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11767Rada2/0282.tif53Aron WolfGOLDBERGg.b.7 / 9-1918;Wohnhaft: Warszawska 36; Nr 150List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11945Rada2/0289.tif9EliaszGOLDBERGAleja 8List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11946Rada2/0289.tif50Szlama Hil--?GOLDBERGB.Joselewicza 8List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11947Rada2/0289.tif1Aron MordkaGOLDBERGWarszawska 36List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12127Rada2/0336.tifGOLDBERG2 Lists of 10 and 6 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12167Rada2/0340.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 8 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12181Rada2/0342.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12224Rada2/0346.tif8GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12242Rada2/0348.tif4GOLDBERG2 Lists of 10 & 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
12296Rada2/0354.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons plus one; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sroda, den 22.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12338Rada2/0358.tif8GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons plus 2 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur czwartek, den 23.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12364Rada2/0360.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 8 & 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur czwartek, den 23.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12396Rada2/0364.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 & 5 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur pigtek / sobota, den 24-25.10 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12412Rada2/0366.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons plus 1 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Jatusa, den 25.I 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12459Rada2/0370.tif8GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons plus 1 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur niedzielg, den 26.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12479Rada2/0372.tif4GOLDBERG2 Lists of 10 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur niedziela / ponildzio...ek, den 26 / 27.X 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12536Rada2/0378.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons plus 1 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur wtnch, den 28 / X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12581Rada2/0382.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sroda 29 / X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12606Rada2/0384.tif7GOLDBERG1 List of 11 persons plus 1 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sroda / czartch 29 / 30 X 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12649Rada2/0388.tif9GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur ezwartek / pigtek 30-31 / X 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12665Rada2/0390.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur pigtch 31.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12707Rada2/0394.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Sobota 1 listopada 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12731Rada2/0396.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 7 & 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Sobota / nicdaiela 1 / 2 XI 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12763Rada2/0400.tif2GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur kiedsila / poiedziota...(?) den 2-3 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12777Rada2/0402.tif4GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur kiedsila / poiedziota...(?) den 2-3 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12827Rada2/0406.tif6GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Wtorek den 4 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12845Rada2/0408.tif2GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur wtorek / sroda den 4-5 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12900Rada2/0414.tif4GOLDBERGporzadkowyWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur czwartek den 6.XI 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
12940Rada2/0418.tif6GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur pigtek den 7 / XI 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
13002Rada2/0424.tif3GOLDBERGWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sobota / niedziela den 8-9 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
13017Rada2/0426.tif4GOLDBERGporzadkwyWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur niedziela den 9.XI. 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
13054Rada2/0430.tif6GOLDBERGporz.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur poiedsicatek den 10 / XI 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
13084Rada2/0432.tif1GOLDBERGporzgdkowyWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Poindzidek / wtorek den 10-11 / XI. 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
13131Rada2/0438.tif4GOLDBERGporz.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur soroda den 12 / XI. 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
13185Rada2/0443.tif17GOLDBERGNo Title on top of this page
13191Rada2/0444.tif1GOLDBERGPorz.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Czwartel den 13 / XI 1941 von 8 bis 20 hur 
13257Rada2/0450.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 21 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13304Rada2/0454.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons and 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13334Rada2/0456.tif6GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13362Rada2/0459.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 and 3 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13367Rada2/0460.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 and 9 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13388Rada2/0462.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 18 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13438Rada2/0466.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons and 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13458Rada2/0468.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13498Rada2/0472.tif5GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 & 53 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13574Rada2/0476.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
13593Rada2/0477.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13630Rada2/0481.tif6GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13691Rada2/0487.tif9GOLDBERG3 Lists of 19 / 14 & 7 persons and 2 names; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13722Rada2/0489.tif4GOLDBERG3 Lists of 19 / 14 & 7 persons and 2 names; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13731Rada2/0491.tif3GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
13783Rada2/0495.tif9GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13806Rada2/0497.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 13 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13859Rada2/0503.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13900Rada2/0507.tif7GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13919Rada2/0509.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13954Rada2/0513.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 8 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13989Rada2/0516.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 & 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14012Rada2/0519.tif7GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 2 names ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14074Rada2/0525.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 8 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14087Rada2/0527.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14129Rada2/0531.tif7GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14191Rada2/0537.tif6GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 8 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14223Rada2/0540.tif1GOLDBERG2 Lists of 18 & 2 persons and 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14256Rada2/0543.tif14GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 & 3 persons and 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14334Rada2/0552.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14376Rada2/0556.tif5GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 2 names; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14403Rada2/0558.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 7 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14442Rada2/0562.tif5GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14472Rada2/0563.tif14GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14484Rada2/0564.tif4GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14522Rada2/0568.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 19 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14547Rada2/0570.tif5GOLDBERG2 Lists of 5 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14602Rada2/0573.tif24GOLDBERG2 Lists of 5 & 32 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14613Rada2/0574.tif2GOLDBERG2 Lists of 6 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14626Rada2/0576.tif4GOLDBERG1 List of 20 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14663Rada2/0580.tif3GOLDBERG2 Lists of 19 persons & 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14745Rada2/0594.tifGOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14830Rada2/0608.tif5SzmulGOLDBERGKawia 28Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14834Rada2/0610.tifGOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
15055Rada2/0650.tif3827 - 1HerzlikGOLDBERGTargowa 12Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15153Rada2/0667.tif3866WolfGOLDBERGKawia 30Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15182Rada2/0670.tif3872GOLDBERGNaturowiecza 11Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15197Rada2/0672.tif3879GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15234Rada2/0680.tifAd 3886GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15282Rada2/0688.tif3923GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15372Rada2/0698.tif3947GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15380Rada2/0699.tif3951 - 4ChilaGOLDBERGERB. Joselewicz 2Material in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15473Rada2/0713.tif3999GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15496Rada2/0717.tif4012 - 2AbeGOLDBERGNadneczna 74Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15528Rada2/0722.tif4027GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15630Rada2/0740.tifE.GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15635Rada2/0740.tif4079EGOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15711Rada2/0755.tif4110EmmanuelGOLDBERGNarutowicz 9Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15713Rada2/0755.tif4112GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15796Rada2/0768.tif4146EGOLDBERGNarutowicza 9Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15907Rada2/0789.tif4195GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15912Rada2/0789.tif4196GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16419Rada2/0854.tif4388 - 25MordkaGOLDBERGAleja 6   
16509Rada2/0868.tif4429ChaskielGOLDBERGAleja 10   
16533Rada2/0873.tif4441JozefGOLDBERGMirowski 6   
16546Rada2/0875.tif4452JozefGOLDBERGGarncarska 25   
16635Rada2/0890.tif4495 - 2BlimaGOLDBERGWarszawska 30   
16920Rada2/0930.tif4617GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16926Rada2/0930.tif4619GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16927Rada2/0931.tif4620GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17000Rada2/0944.tif4666GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17107Rada2/0960.tif4724AbramGOLDBERGER / GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17134Rada2/0964.tif4735GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17171Rada2/0968.tif4744 - 2AbramGOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17223Rada2/0975.tif4772GOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)Dob? 1918
17243Rada2/0978.tifGOLDBERGMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
100400014.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
100510016.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
101050023.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
101840034.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
101990036.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
102340041.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
102450043.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
102780047.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
102960049.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
103140053.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; assigned for a special operation  
103290055.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
103610059.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
104300069.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
104570075.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
104900081.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
105470089.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
105800093.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
105890095.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
106380101.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
107090110.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
107510117.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
107990123.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
108540127.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
109050134.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
109140135.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
109370136.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
110010142.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
110300148.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
110690152.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
110820154.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
111110158.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
111270160.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
111400161.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent-ill  
111610164.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
112140170.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
112250172.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
112630176.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
113100181.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
113360184.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent-ill  
113600187.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
114150195.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
114470199.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
114710201.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
114970205.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; guard post by Wilson St.  
115170206.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
115270207.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
116220217.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
116350219.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
117100229.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
117400232.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
119070282.tif.pdfEliaszGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 73); born on 2 Nov 1915; resides on Aleja 8From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
119080282.tif.pdfSzlamaGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 120); born on 4 Jun 1905; resides on Katedralna St. 16From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
119170282.tif.pdfAron WolfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 150); born on 7 Sep 1918; resides on Warszawska St. 36From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
120320284.tif.pdfEliaszGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 73); born on 2 Nov 1915; resides on Aleja 8From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
120330284.tif.pdfSzlamaGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 120); born on 4 Jun 1905; resides on Katedralna St. 16From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
120420284.tif.pdfAron WolfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (ID # 150); born on 7 Sep 1918; resides on Warszawska St. 36From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
122410289.tif.pdfEliaszGOLDBERGResides on Aleja 8A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
122420289.tif.pdfSzlama HilelGOLDBERGResides on B.Joselewicz St. 8A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
122430289.tif.pdfAron MordkaGOLDBERGResides on Warszawska St. 36A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
124230336.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dismissed due to illness  
124620340.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; sent to the hospital  
124760342.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
125170346.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
125370348.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
125970354.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
126390358.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
126660360.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
127000364.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
127170366.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
127640370.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
127820372.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; assigned to reinforce guard post # 2;  
128400378.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Elders' Council  
128800382.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
129050384.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police  
129490388.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
129660390.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
130070394.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
130330396.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
130660400.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
130840402.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto police  
131360406.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
131540408.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
132100414.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
132530418.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; became ill while on duty;  
133180424.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; Ghetto policeman; dispatched to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police;  
133350426.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
133750430.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent  
134060432.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
134530438.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; escorted [someone] to the 1st district of the Ghetto police;  
135090443.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent- released from duty  
135150444.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
135850450.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
136370454.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; escorted [someone] to the hospital for infectious diseases;  
136680456.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
136970459.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; on temporary assignment;  
137030460.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Jewish hospital;  
137250462.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; escorted [someone] to the criminal police  
137730466.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dismissed from duty by the supervisor;  
137930468.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
138340472.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
139100476.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Elders’ Council;  
139480481.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police  
140110487.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
140430489.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
140520491.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
141080495.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
141320497.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
141910503.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
142340507.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
142540509.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
142910513.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police;  
143280516.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent – ill  
143540519.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Bezirkswache;  
144200525.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
144380527.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
144810531.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
145460537.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
145790540.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; absent – ill  
146160543.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
146920552.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Elders’ Council;  
147350556.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
147630558.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
148050562.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; assigned to the guard post on Wilson St.;  
148350563.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement from group A of the ghetto police/1st district;  
148480564.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
148900568.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to deliver summons  
149160570.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
149730573.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement from group C;  
149850574.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; dispatched to the public kitchen to escort laborers from there  
150010576.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
150400580.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; escorted [someone] to the ghetto police/1st district;  
151430594.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
152350608.tif.pdfSzmulGOLDBERGresides on Kawia St. 28; according to notification received on 21 Jun 1942 at 8: 10am from the German labor office (Arbeitsamt) he fled his work place  
152360609.tif.pdfKAUFMANGhetto policeman (No. 142); reported that escapee Goldberg did not live at the given addressGOLDBERG 
152420610.tif.pdfKAUFMANGhetto policeman (No. 142); reported that Goldberg no longer lived on Kawia St. 25, while Cieciura reported to workGOLDBERG; CIECIURAA duplicate of the previous file (0609.tif.pdf) without
152440610.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
155260650.tif.pdfHerszlikGOLDBERGResides on Targowa St. 12; following a request of the department for forced labor and an order of the supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district, was to be detained;  
156320666.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
156470667.tif.pdfWolfGOLDBERGResides on Kawia St. 30; following an order of German commander Berger, wazs escorted to the Unterkunftstelle on Kościuszko St. 27;  
156800670.tif.pdf(Mrs.)GOLDBERGResides on Narutowicz 11; following an order of a Sicherheitspolizei officer, was escorted there on 3 Jul 1942 at 3pm  
156970672.tif.pdfGOLDBERGA carpenter; following an order of the commander of the Schutzpolizei was to be escorted to his place of work at Kościuszko Blvd 15  
158010688.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
159130698.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
159260699.tif.pdfChilGOLDBERGResides on B. Joselewicz St. 2; following a request of the labor department by the Elders' Council...Long entry, split into two cells
159270699.tif.pdfChilGOLDBERG...and an order of the supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district, was escorted to the policeLong entry, split into two cells
160480713.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
160770717.tif.pdfAbaGOLDBERGResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74  
161220722.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
162610740.tif.pdfE.GOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
163420755.tif.pdfEmanuelGOLDBERGResided on Narutowicz St. 9; on 16 Jul 1942 was moved from his apartment to another man’s apartment on Warszawska St. 29  
163440755.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto police (No. 73)  
164740768.tif.pdfE.GOLDBERGResides on Narutowicz St. 9; was moved to another apartment on Warszawska St. 23  
166140789.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
166190789.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
172670854.tif.pdfMordkaGOLDBERGResides on Aleja 6; Following a request of the Jewish Council and an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct, was escorted on the...EPSZTAJNLong entry, split into two cells
172680854.tif.pdfMordkaGOLDBERG...night between 30 and 31 Jul 1942 and taken to the 1st precinct, then on 30 Jul 1942 at 4:45am was taken to the rail station and turned over to brigadier Epsztajn;EPSZTAJNLong entry, split into two cells
174060868.tif.pdfChaskielGOLDBERGBorn on 6 Nov 1905; resides in Częstochowa on Aleja 10; reported that on 30 Jul 1942 he lost his identification documents;  
174330872.tif.pdfGOLDBERGA carpenter; following an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of the Ghetto police, on 3 Aug 1942 at 8:30am was escorted to the Unterkunftstelle;  
174340872.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
174420873.tif.pdfJozefGOLDBERGResides on Mirowska st. 6; on 3 Aug 1942 appeared at the precinct and reported that on Jul 30 1942 he lost his work permit issued by...Long entry, split into two cells
174430873.tif.pdfJozefGOLDBERG...the Arbeitsamt in Częstochowa and a wallet; the supervisor of the 1st precinct ordered to escort him to the Arbeitsamt and the order was forwarded to Group C to be carried out;Long entry, split into two cells
174620875.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; was dispatched to the Aryan area to Aleja 18, to escort a Jewish woman back to the Ghetto;  
174650875.tif.pdfJozefGOLDBERGResides on Garncarska St. 25; on the 3rd of Aug at 3:16pm reported that on 30 Jul 1942 he lost his work permit as well as a wallet;  
175920890.tif.pdfBlimaGOLDBERGWarszawska St. 30; on 5 Aug 1942 his place of manufecturing was sealed;  
176460895.tif.pdfGOLDBERGCarpenter; following an order of the Unterkunftstelle, located on Kościuszko Blvd. 27;  
176560896.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
176610897.tif.pdfGOLDBERGCarpenter; following an order of the Unterkunftstelle, located on Kościuszko Blvd. 27 was escorted there;  
178340919.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
179500930.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
179540930.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 93); escorted 2 people to the Bezirks Wache;  
179570931.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman;  
180610944.tif.pdfGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; following a request of the Jewish Council was dispatched to escort 8 clerks of the Jewish Council;  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 3 (images 0001.tif-0951.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameSequence numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Additional informationAny surname(s) that appear in the column to the leftTypist comments
100510008.tif4.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
100620009.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
101540015.tif4.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
102440020.tif14GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
102580021.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
103430027.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
104400033.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
104910035.tif39AronGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
105090036.tif57SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
105680040.tif1SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
106380043.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
106860046.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
107140047.tif34SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
107750051.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
108590057.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
109190061.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
109550064.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
109720065.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
110480070.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
111170075.tif2GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
111420076.tif11GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
111620077.tif11GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
112410082.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
113210087.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942One name only on this page
113310088.tif7Szl.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
114050094.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
114970099.tif11Sz.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
114980099.tif12EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
115100100.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
115870106.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
116340110.tif3EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
116520111.tif14GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
116930116.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
117380117.tif29GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
118070121.tif18GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
118210122.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
118990128.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
119460130.tif32GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
120010136.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
120690141.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
121840147.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
122660152.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
123560158.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
124370164.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
125120170.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
126640180.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
126700180.tif2GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
127010181.tif13GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
127720186.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
128000187.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
128890193.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
129170195.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
129670198.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
129840200.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
130130201.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
130800204.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
131370207.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
131880210.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
132920215.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
133100216.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
133750219.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
134270222.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
134590223.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
135220226.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
135370227.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
136020249.tif5EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
136090249.tif3SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
136460252.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
136940255.tif5EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
136950255.tif6SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138050261.tif5EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138060261.tif6SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138430264.tif6EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138460264.tif9SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138890267.tif7EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138900267.tif8SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
139840273.tifEliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
139990274.tif8SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
140650279.tifEliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
140660279.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
141570285.tif3EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
141580286.tif4KlausGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
142270291.tif3EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
142330291.tif9KlausGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
143180297.tif9El.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
143300298.tif21SzlGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942Abreviated given name
143990303.tif7EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
144000303.tif8SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
144840309.tif4SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
144960309.tif4EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
145520315.tif3SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
145640315.tif15EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
146230321.tif4EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
146280321.tif9SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
146890327.tif3SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
146900327.tif4EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
147660333.tif6EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
147820334.tif8SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
148330339.tif5Szl.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
148340339.tif6Elj.GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
148920343.tif16GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
149090345.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
149730351.tif10EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
149740351.tif11SzulimGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
150370357.tif3EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
150430357.tif9SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
151000363.tif10EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
151010363.tif11SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
151690369.tif10Eljes?GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
152280376.tif10EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
152290376.tif11SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
152910382.tif9SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
153580388.tif10EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
153590388.tif11SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
154230394.tif7SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
154240394.tif8EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
154960400.tif6EliaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
154970400.tif7SzlamaGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
155720406.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
156130410.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
156330412.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
156790416.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
157090418.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
157370422.tif2GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
157670424.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
158120428.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
158380430.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
158570431.tif28GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
159530437.tif19GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
160090440.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
160540444.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
160810446.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
161510451.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
162250455.tif50GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
162480457.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
162710459.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
163190463.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
163750472.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
164440477.tif6GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
164830480.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
165160483.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
165530485.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
165950489.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
166310492.tif23EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
166490493.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
166620496.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
166870498.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
167300502.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
167520504.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
167870507.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
168010508.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
168360510.tif15GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
168810514.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
169140517.tif21GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
169490520.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
169750522.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
169920523.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
170520528.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
170650529.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
171340534.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
171760537.tif13GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
172100540.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
172400542.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
172950545.tif37GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
173200548.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
173440550.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
173950554.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
174230556.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
174830560.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
175170562.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
175620566.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
175830568.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
176360572.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
176620574.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
177220578.tif15GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
177460580.tif13GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
177930584.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
178310587.tif19GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
178650590.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
179110593.tif22GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
179650596.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
180060598.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
180690603.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
180980605.tif22GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
181380608.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
181600609.tif13GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
182010613.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
182430616.tif19GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
183110621.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
183230622.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
183970627.tif22GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
184150629.tif19EljaszGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
184880633.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
185200635.tif15GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
185720639.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
185930641.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
186420645.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
186700647.tif13GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
187310652.tif17GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
187610653.tif14GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
187740654.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
188350657.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
188480658.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
188880660.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
189150661.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
189700664.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
189940666.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
190320669.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
190610671.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
191020675.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
191180677.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
191630681.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
191890683.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
192530689.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
192940693.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
193350701.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
193600704.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
193850709.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
194090712.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
194270714.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
194500716.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
194610718.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
195220724.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
195410727.tif21GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
195710730.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
196260737.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
196820745.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
197120748.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
197720753.tif37GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
198100757.tif3GELBER / GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
198490761.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
198680763.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
199720773.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
199880775.tif7GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
200280779.tif9GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942Too faint to read
201660794.tif20GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
201940797.tif1GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
202270800.tif23GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
202750803.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
203430810.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
203630812.tif22GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
203940815.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
204190818.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
205170827.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
205280829.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
206650840.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
206930843.tif19GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
207490848.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
207850852.tif10GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
208100854.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
208610860.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
208950862.tif3GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
209110864.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
209390866.tif5GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
209890870.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
210120872.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
210380874.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
210590876.tif12GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
210940881.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
211360884.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
211590886.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942Not clear
212090892.tifGOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
212370895.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
213040903.tif8GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
213150905.tif4GOLDBERGCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
142670441.tifAbramGOLDBERGOn 17 May, at 10:30 was brought to the police station on order of the criminal police.  
142690441.tifSzyjaGOLDBERGResides on Krotka St. 28; An order from headquarters was issued to punish him for failing to follow regulations.  
143540464.tifIcek LajbGOLDBERGDOB 15 / 3 / 1901 arrested for breaking into an apartment.  
143560465.tifIcek LajbGOLDBERG   
144230479.tifGOLDBERGPatroller: reported that while on the way back to the station he saw 2 drunken men who invaded an apartment, assaulted and injured a tenant, and stole sugar and some money.  
144250481.tifManesGOLDBERGReported man's suit, a dress and bed linen stolen from his apartment.  
145820510.tifGOLDBERGPatroller No. 120  
146090514.tifChaimSZMULEWICZ[Majzenowicz, Goldberg Szlama item 591]MAJZENOWICZ, GOLDBERG 
146140515.tifBUCHOLSKI[Goldberg Elija item 599] [Sladowski signature item 600]GOLDBERG, SLADOWSKI 
146880525.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGERPatroller; Escorted (Jakub Czarny) to the Bezirks Wache. (cont. from above line). [M. Gonzwa signature]CZARNY; GONZWA 
147100531.tifGOLDBERGPatroller; Escorted the following two men to the county-office  
147180531.tifGOLDBERGResides on Katedralna St. 9  
147880544.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGPatroller; assigned to bring the following people for disposition.  
148040545.tifSz.GOLDBERGPatroller (No. 120); was assigned to detain the above persons.  
148160547.tifGOLDBERGPatroller; following a request by the hospital, was assigned to escort home a "disoriented Jew" to Aleja St. 4.  
148490553.tifGOLDBERGPatroller; assigned to escort the above persons to the disinfection center.  
148820556.tifGOLDBERG[Szymon Kohn; Nutkowicz signatures item 781KOHN; NUTOWICZ 
149640568.tifGOLDBERGPatroller. [Szymon Kohn signature item 831]KOHN 
149700570.tifGOLDBERGPatroller (No. 120)  
150340582.tifChaimGOLDBERGOn 1 Sep 1941 was released from a labor camp following an order issued by Linderman.LINDERMAN 
150400582.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman. [M. Gonzwa signature item 889]GONZWA 
151160597.tifSz.GOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
151420601.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; following a request of the Elders' Council was sent there to assist clerks in carrying out their assignments.  
151660605.tifDawidGOLDBERGBorn on 16 May 1902 in Przyrow; resides on Aleja St. 3. was escorted to appear before Officer Majznerowicz of the Polish police. [Sladowski signature item 983]SLADOWSKI 
151720606.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 130); following an order of the supervisor of the first district of the Ghetto police, was assigned escort home 4 public kitchen employees between 10-11 pm.  
152150615.tifIcekGOLDBERGBorn in 1901; resides on Aleja 6; turned over to the Polish police upon an order issued by the city chief.  
152470622.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; was dispatched to Wilson St. to escort wagons with coal for the Elders' Council.  
152850628.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; was assigned to escort home between 10:00-11:00 pm, workers of public kitchen (No. 5).  
152860628.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120) escorted 7 relatives of the Winter family that arrived from Rawa after curfew hour to their home on Przemyslowa St. 14/16.WINTER 
152880628.tifHerszlikKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour, he requested an escort of Ghetto policemen.  
152890628.tifDinaKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour  
152900628.tifHendlaKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour  
152910628.tifRachelKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour  
152920628.tifFelaKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour  
152930628.tifSzajekKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour  
152940628.tifHeniaKRAJSBERGOn 21 Sep 1941 arrived from Rawa to stay with relatives in the Ghetto. Since he arrived after curfew hour. [Goldberg Szlama item 1075] [Kurland item 1075]GOLDBERG; KURLAND 
154250655.tifSzl.GOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120?); following an order of the Arbeitsamt (Labor office), was dispatched to deliver summons to work.  
154340656.tifEljanGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73); following an order by officer Ostrowski, the Ghetto police was to charge him 100 zl. If that sum weren't paid, he would be brought before the officer issuing the order.OSTROWSKIOstrowski is a Polish police officer
155170666.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 118); following a phone call from the Bezirks Wache, was dispatched there to pick up 3 Jews who had been detained there and escort them to the Ghetto police / District.  
155690675.tifSzlamaGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (no. 120)  
155930680.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73) was assigned to escort a man to the criminal police but reported that he did not find him at home.  
155950680.tifEDELISTGhetto policeman was assigned along ghetto policeman Goldberg to escort a man to the criminal police; he reported that the man was not located at his address.GOLDBERG 
156210687.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
156360690.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
157610715.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 150); in regards to shuting down labor camp Kojulen, he turned in the keys to the Elders" Council.  
157730717.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); following a phone call from the Bezirks Wache, was dispatched there to escort a Jew that was detained there for wearing a beard.  
158340727.tifDwojraROZENBERGBorn in 1905 in Bodzanow to Zalma and Zyssa Goldberg; resides on aleja 4; married; was detained by the Bezirks wache later for being caught in the Aryan area not wearing and armband; she was later escorted back to the Ghetto by a Ghetto policeman.GOLDBERG 
158830733.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); following an order by the Elders' Council was dispatched to the train station to await a train...BRONSZTAJN, NEUSZTATERLong entry, split into two cells
158840733.tifGOLDBERG... arriving from Krakow at 2:12 pm and to escort two men, Bornsztajn and Neusztater, to the apartment of the Elders' Council's president, on Garibaldi St. 19.BRONSZTAJN, NEUSZTATERLong entry, split into two cells
159110739.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); escorted a man to the Polish police station after creating a commotion at the Elders' Council building.  
160010754.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120). [Bodzechowski; Gonzwa; Aronowicz signatures]BODZECHOWSKI; GONZWA; ARONOWICZ 
160250759.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120) [Icek Rapaport; Jakob Rottenberg item 1546]RAPAPORT; ROTTENBERG 
160710765.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
160770767.tifGOLDBERGResides on Aleja 9;  
161750786.tifGOLDBERGThe information is smudged and impossible to read
161810788.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
162030790.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
162700807.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); following an order of the Elders' Council, was assigned to the Council's office to assist the clerks.  
163410824.tifIzraelGOLDBERGBorn on 20 Mar 1911; following the commander of the Schutzpolizei his address was to be confirmed.  
163650829.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
164010837.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
164910856.tifSoniaGOLDBERGResides on Mirowski St. 4; reported that following the supervisor Lubicz' order, on 6 Dec 1941 at 4 pm she should appear at the criminal police.  
165330864.tifGOLDBERG5 members of the family; following an order of the deputy supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district were to be escorted were escorted to the  
165630871.tifSoniaGOLDBERGResides on Mirowska St. 4; following an order of sergeant Lubicz, was escorted to the Polish criminal police station with food for a Jew arrested there.LUBICZ 
165940877.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73). [G.M signature]GONZWA 
166380882.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman  
166390883.tifGOLDBERGFollowing an order of the Ghetto police/1st district supervisor, 25 members of the Goldberg family, residing in the shelter on Katedralna St. were to be moved to the shelter on Mirowska St. 9/11; the Ghetto policemen moved 21 people.  
166470883.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; following a request of the Financial committee by the Elders' Council and the order of the Ghetto police/1st district'sLong entry typed into two cells
166480883.tifGOLDBERGsupervisor, was dispatched to escort the members of the financial committee to their homes at the end of a meeting, past curfew time.Long entry typed into two cells
166760889.tifSoniaGOLDBERGResides on Mirowski St. 4; on 15 Dec 1941 following an order of the Polish criminal police/2nd district was escorted there to appear before officer LubiczLUBICZ 
166940893.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
167410903.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman; was dispatched to escort a man from the hospital for infectious diseases to the Ghetto police/1st district.  
167590907.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); showed up at the Ghetto police/1st district and requested to provide him with medications from the pharmacy on 3rd Aleja, for an ill child.  
167770909.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); following a phone call was dispatched to the Schutzpolizei to escort a Jewish woman detained there back to the Ghetto. [Chzynski Kalma; Bodzechowski signature 1901]CHZYNSKI; BODZECHOWSKI 
168150917.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)  
168590929.tifGLIKLICHGhetto policeman/section leaderSmudged
168600930.tifGLIKLICHGhetto policeman/section leader. [Bodzechowski signature] [Goldberg, 1949]BODZECHOWSKI; GOLDBERGPart of the text on this page is illegible (smudged)
169220948.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73); was dispatched to pick a medication for an ill woman from a pharmacy opened at night on 1st Aleja 26.  
169250949.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 73)Smudged
170830983.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); was dispatched to escort a woman to the Elders' Council to appear before Mr. Ueberscher in room 4..  
171020989.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
171480999.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120)  
171991009.tifGOLDBERGGhetto policeman (No. 120); was dispatched to assist at the criminal police.  

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10123134123.Neuer Ring 4 u. [und] Joselewicza 2Stajnic, Rozenzaft, Herszlikowicz u. [and] GoldbergSTAJNIC, ROZENZAFT, HERSZLIKOWICZ, GOLDBERG31LindermanLINDERMAN“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10203Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 30Administration of abandoned & fled properties Wancerzów District411Two storey (?) 6-room brick housePelta GoldbergGOLDBERGThe districtSince 1942 administered by the District & Commisar in Radomsko; rent in Sep 1939 was 50 złoty currently 50 złotyI p entered in property description rather than part. (abbreviation for single storey) probably indicating an upstairs floor  
10308Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)1020Rebielska No.7, KrzepiceLiba GoldbergGOLDBERGTransferred in entirety 16 Apr 1946List of properties transferred by the Delegature Urzędu Likwidacyjnego in Częstochowa since 1 Mar 1946  
10382Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 31Various property lists for the town and county of Częstochowa (1946-48)13943-go Maja No.12 [Częstochowa]Lewek GoldbergGOLDBERGTransferred in entirety 6 Sep 1946List of properties transferred by the Delegature Urzędu Likwidacyjnego in Częstochowa since 1 Mar 1946  
10812Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county72, 73126ul. 3 Maja No.12, Kłobuck houseNatan GoldbergGOLDBERG100% 6 Sep 1946; "p"No explanation for other information but possibly reprivatized; house number may be incorrect as different owner in previous record; "p" possibly means abandoned  

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, document pages 148-237, with no header information, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-Note regarding spellings of namesPageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]RelationshipRelationship, translatedAge?Unknown meaningNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10041Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1506105Herschl GoldbergGOLDBERGEhemannHusband55Plock? [" but without town/word above]  
10042Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1506106Regina GoldbergGOLDBERGEhefrauWife53Plock? [" but without town/word above]  
10043Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1506107Silda GoldbergGOLDBERGTochterDaughter18Plock? [" but without town/word above]  
10540Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1696597Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGWw [Witwe? / Witwer?]Widow?76Plock  
11080Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1956105Herschl GoldbergGOLDBERGEhemannHusband55Plock  
11081Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1956106Regina GoldbergGOLDBERGEhefrauWife53Plock  
11082Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1956107Silda GoldbergGOLDBERGTochterDaughter18Plock  
11579Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly2146597Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGWw [Witwe? / Witwer?]Widow?76Plock  

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1007751622 JanMoszek GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Oct 18952kupiecmerchantRadomskoWarszawska 3629 Jan 1940  
10403213729 FebZelig GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Aug 19211stolarzcarpenterRadomskoTargowa 124 Mar 1940  
10513283213 MarTauba GoldbergGOLDBERGlat [age] 221krawcowaseamstress, dressmakerSosonwiec [Sosnowiec]Kozia 1518 Mar 1940  
1057331818 MarMoszek GoldbergGOLDBERG18921handlarztraderŁódźNadrzeczna 8426 Mar 1940  
1082447154 MayLewek GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Apr 18825robotnikworkerKaliszAl. Wolności 156 May 1940  
10912542125 MayRuchla GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Jul 19021cerowaczkadarnerŁódźJoselewicza 227 May 1940  
109916655 JulJózef GoldbergGOLDBERG1923-uczeńpupilŁódźWarszawska 218 Jul 1940  
11272891120913 AugMichał-Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERG12 Sep 18977robotnikworkerŁódźNadrzeczna 3019 Aug 1940  
11437991013634 SepSala GoldbergGOLDBERGlat [age] 331bez zawoduno professionŁódźTargowa 129 Sep 1940  

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
102821017.1110194211 Aug 1942Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jan 1905--kupiecmerchantRadomskoTargow. 1517 Aug 1942   
103061041.1134194214 Aug 1942Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG27 Nov 1907--snowaczlocksmithKłobuckKatedrl. 917 Aug 1942   
104781711.850 / 42194220 Jul 1942Lajb GoldbergGOLDBERG29 Oct 1907Małka 1902, Sura 22 Oct 1931, Frymet 18 Apr 1933szewecshoemakerLublinSt Rynek 1727 Jul 1942   
105031736.875 / 42194221 Jul 1942Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG19 May 1898kupiecmerchantWarszawaKatedralna 827 Jul 1942   
107872532.602 / 4219421 Jul 1942Józef GoldbergGOLDBERG12 Aug 1923-robotnikworkerJózefinWarszawska 216 Jul 1942   
107892534.604 / 4219421 Jul 1942Naumi GoldbergGOLDBERG18 Aug 1872---MstówKatedralna 96 Jul 1942   
110924014.[not listed]1942[not listed]Mariem GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed]2[not listed]ŻoldówNadrzeczna 428 Jun 1942   
110934015.[not listed]1942[not listed]Rachela GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed]2[not listed]ŻoldówGarncarska 198 Jun 1942   
110984020.[not listed]1942[not listed]Fajgla GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed]1[not listed]MatówKatedralna 98 Jun 1942   
111004022.[not listed]1942[not listed]Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed][not listed]KłobuckGarncarska 138 Jun 1942   
111314214.408/4219424 Jun 1942Mariem GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Jan 1930Chaim 12 Aug 1927 Liba 21 Jul 1918[not listed]bezwithoutŻoldówNadrzeczna 428 Jun 1942   
111324215.409/4219424 Jun 1942Rachela GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Aug 1912Szulim 10 Aug 1924 Pola 1914[not listed]bezwithoutŻoldówGarncarska 198 Jun 1942   
111374220.414/4219424 Jun 1942Fajgla GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Mar 1927Rywka 7 Sep 1930[not listed]bezwithoutMstówKatedralna 98 Jun 1942   
111394222.416/4219424 Jun 1942Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Apr 1919[not listed]gorseciarkacorset makerKłobuckGarncarska 138 Jun 1942   
111924510.[not listed]1942[not listed]Elfrit GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed]-[not listed]KrakauMarienallee 425 May 1942   
112494910.349/42194219 May 1942Elfrit GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Apr 1923-[not listed]bez zawoduwithout professionKrakówN.M. Panny 425 May 1942   
113855913.265 / 42194223 Apr 1942Basza-Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG24 Oct 1923-[not listed]bezwithoutPodębiceKatedral. 10[not listed]   
114596048.[not listed]1942[not listed]Basia-Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed]-[not listed]PodembiceKatedralna 1030 Apr 1942   
115817123.86 / 42194225 Mar 1942Szmul-Majer GoldbergGOLDBERG30 Aug 1911--robotnikworkerDęblinKawia 2930 Mar 1942   
11702759.46 / 42194224 Mar 1942Chaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG6 Nov 1905[not listed]kupiecmerchantWarszawaN.M. Panny 1025 Mar 1942   
11763842.169219416 Dec 1941Mariem-Bajla GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Oct 1863-bez zawoduwithout professionKielceNarotow. 131 Dec 1941   
1185310881622194130 May 1941Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG18 Sep 1925-przy rodziniewith familyWarszawaKatedralna 83 Jun 1941   

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes

Czestochowa / Slasko Dabrowski Region: Lists of Jewish survivors from Czestochowa who lived in the Slasko Dabrowski Region, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/im/cze-sur-sla.pdf [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous columnParentsPlace and date of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocationin 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100061151.pdf3.Goldberg HerszGOLDBERGBerisz and SaraCzestochowa 1917Concentration Camp [Oboz Konc.]----slusarzKatowice Szopena    
100071151.pdf4.Goldberg HindaGOLDBERGSalomon and FajgaCzestochowa 1915Concentration Camp [Oboz Konc.]----modniarkaKatowice Szopena    
100081151.pdf5.Goldberg HankaGOLDBERGSalomon and FajgaCzestochowa 1912Concentration Camp [Oboz Konc.]----modniarkaKatowice Szopenaa    

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments
1081815819Chawa DoraGOLDBERG1901Przedborz 

Czestochowa Telegrams before or during World War II, American Jewish Archives, folder 277/4 (112 records) [H]

-Sort-Digital fileTownSequential numberSurnameGiven nameOther given nameSurname from previous columnAddressOther informationSurname from previous column
10107DSC00089.jpg-DSC00092.jpgCzestochowa3119GOLDBERGBlimaWarszawska 30  

Częstochowa: ul. Garibaldiego 28 — report to "Citizen Mayor of the City" from the Municipal Department of Administration, executing orders dated 21 Aug 1945, No. 0-4826/I/45, I submit the following report from the inspection of the property at ul. Garibaldiego 28, Municipal Board and Municipal National Council in Częstochowa 1945-1950, RG-15.302, syg 45 [H]

-Sort-Heading before this listPage numberLokal numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons [osoby]Lived for how longLived for how long, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10071List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Garibaldego 2861Lokal nr. 26.Liba GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank][blank][blank] 
10129List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Wilsona 1863Lokal nr.12.Ewa GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank][blank][blank] 

Częstochowa [Witnesses of Nazi Atrocities], assorted letters and short lists; American Jewish Archives, Box 203, File 6, Correspondence 1960-1978 [H]

-Sort-Sequence numberGiven NameSurname [r#]Other SurnameNumbersPresent AddressOther InfoCommentsImage file
100377.AbrahamGOLDBERGB1. 77-80 d.A5 Huntington Terrace, Newark, N.J., U.S.A. (zu Fall Nr. 27)Machinenarbuiterfrom Paris: List of Czenstochau witnesses in Paris and USADSC00016.JPG
10137AbrahamGOLDBERGLived at: 5 Huntingston Terrace, Newark, N.J.List of witnesses from Czentochowa whose addresses are no longer validDSC00043.JPG
10158PinkusGOLDBERGRua Maranhao 382, Appt. 22, Sau Paulo, BrazilCzentochowa WitnessesDSC00044.JPG

Częstochowa / Wrocław Region: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Wrocław Region, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images at www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-in-wroclaw-region.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Marital statusYear of birthPlace of birthNames of parentsSurname from previous columnPlace staying during war?Occupation and place of workPresent addressStreet?Other information on the pageNotes by typist
100101155.pdf10Gringras AbramGRINGRASmarried [żonat]1905KielceKopel and Fajga nee CzarnychCZARNYCHUSSR [ZSRR]photographer [fotograf]WrocławŁokiet...? / Lokiet...?  
100111155.pdf11Gringras ChanaGRINGRASmarried [mężat]1905KielceMajer Chil and Mariem Bajle nee FrajmanowFRAJMANconcentration Camp [obóz koncentr]wife [żona]WrocławŁokiet...? / Lokiet...?  
100121155.pdf12Gringras LiliGRINGRASsingle [panna]1930Czestochowa [Częstoch]Abram and Chana nee GoldbergGOLDBERGUSSR [ZSRR]pupil [uczenica]WrocławŁokiet...? / Lokiet...?  
100131155.pdf13Gringras RyszardGRINGRASsingle [kawal]1934Czestochowa [Częstoch]Abram and Chana nee GoldbergGOLDBERGUSSR [ZSRR]pupil [uczeń]WrocławŁokiet...? / Lokiet...?  
100771157.pdf76Goldberg AnnaGOLDBERGwidow [wdowa]1901Czestochowa [Częstoch]Beniamin and Ryfka nee WyszyńskaWYSZYŃSKA / WYSZYNSKAconcentration Camp [ob. konc]workwoman [robotnica]WrocławPaulinska 11Numbers in address column are difficult to decipher
100781157.pdf77Goldberg MotekGOLDBERGsingle [kawal]1931Czestochowa [Częstoch]Majer and Chawa nee GoldbergGOLDBERGconcentration Camp [ob. konc]pupil [uczeń]WrocławPaulinska 11Numbers in address column are difficult to decipher
100981157.pdf97Bober HelenaBOBERmarried [mężat]1919Czestochowa [Częstoch]Szmul and Zelda GoldbergGOLDBERGconcentration Camp [ob. konc][BLANK]DusznikiZdrojowa  
100991157.pdf98Bober JakubBOBER[BLANK]1946DusznikiMendel and Helena GoldbergGOLDBERG[BLANK][BLANK]DusznikiZdrojowa  

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
10308https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eShlomoh and Ester GoldbergGOLDBERG
10309https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMeir GoldbergGOLDBERG
10310https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eSara GoldbergGOLDBERG
10311https://www.jew…1/czea002.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eEster (nee Gliksman) GoldbergGLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG
10915https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eYakov (Jack) and Andja (neé Goldberg) CzarnyGOLDBERG, CZARNY
10916https://www.jew…1/czea004.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eSholomh and Ester GoldbergGOLDBERG
11248https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eMeir Goldberg (Meir Zabiak)GOLDBERG, ZABIAK
11399https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eWillie GoldbergGOLDBERG
11446https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eShlomoh and Ester GoldbergGOLDBERG
11881https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eAhron GoldbergGOLDBERG
12012https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eShlomoh Zalman GoldbergGOLDBERG
12013https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eBluma GoldbergGOLDBERG
12014https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLouis GoldbergGOLDBERG
12075https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eSam GoldbergGOLDBERG

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
10282GOLDBERG94, 264328 - 4
10283GOLDBERGHanina103328 - 4
10284GOLDBERGMendel40, 64, 65328 - 4
10285GOLDBERGMosze156328 - 4
10286GOLDBERGS.241328 - 4
10287GOLDBERGKuba155, 234, 246328 - 4
10288GOLDBERGSzimon74, 76328 - 4

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
10164Izak SzalomGOLDBERGSzlomo Zalman and BlumaCzestochowa, 1898Louis GoldbergGOLDBERGGrandson of Jakob Groinem272.jpg
10165GrnendelROZENTAHLGOLDBERGIzak SzalomLouis GoldbergGOLDBERGWith children272.jpg
10223AbramGOLDBERGCzestochowa, 4 Elul 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10224RachelGOLDBERGAbramKremsdorfCzestochowa, 17 Tiszrej 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10225DawidGOLDBERGAbran and RachelTreblinka, 22 Sep 1942, 11 TiszrejMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10226HaniaGOLDBERGDawidTreblinka, 22 Sep 1942, 11 TiszrejMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10227JakobGOLDBERGAbran and RachelCzestochowa, 26 Jun 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10228StefaGOLDBERGJakobMelochowicTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10229ZeligGOLDBERGJakob and StefaBuchenwald, 1945Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10230BerekGOLDBERGJakob and StefaTrebkinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10231HeniekGOLDBERGJakob and StefaSwitzerland, 18 Jan 1946Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10232IzakGOLDBERGAbramMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI272.jpg
10233AronGOLDBERGAbramAuszwitz, 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10234FelaGOLDBERGAronAronowicAuszwitz, 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith son273.jpg
10235HelaGOLDBERGSALOMONOWICZPinkusAuszwitz, 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith 2 children273.jpg
10236PinkusSALOMONOWICZBergen-Belzen, 24 Apr 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10237JosefROZANSKITreblinka, 12 Heszwan 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10238KejlaKOTTROZANSKIJosefTreblinka, 12 Heszwan 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10239AronROZANSKIJosef and KejlaTreblinka, 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10240SzejndelROZANSKIJosef and KejlaTreblinka, 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10241ZalmanROZANSKIJosef and KejlaCzestochowa Ghetto, 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10242SzejndelRUBINSTAJNROZANSKIZalmanCzestochowa, 26 Jun 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith daughter273.jpg
10243AbramROZANSKIJosef and KejlaTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10244MajerROZANSKIJosef and KejlaNoworadomsk, 1943Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith son273.jpg
10245SalaROZANSKIMajerNoworadomsk, 1941Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10246MoszeSOBOLTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10247FraniaROZANSKISOBOLMoszeTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith 2 children273.jpg
10248JakobSEIDENMANTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10249GutaROZANSKISEIDENMANJakobTreblinka, October 1942Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKIWith 2 children273.jpg
10250ZeligGOLDBERGMoszeNoworadomskTreblinka, 10 Jan 1942, 30 TiszrejMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10251SzmuelGOLDBERGMoszeNoworadomskTreblinka, 10 Jan 1942, 30 TiszrejMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10252JechezkelGOLDBERGMoszeNoworadomskTreblinka, 10 Jan 1942, 30 TiszrejMosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
10253Aron Mordechaj (Markus)GOLDBERGGermany, 23 Nisan 1948Mosze and Jachet Goldberger nee RozanskiGOLDBERGER NEE ROZANSKI273.jpg
11166SzlomoGOLDBERG31 May 1931Jakob & Andza Czerny nee GoldbergCZERNY NEE GOLDBERG299.jpg
11167EsterGOLDBERG19 Jun 1948Jakob & Andza Czerny nee GoldbergCZERNY NEE GOLDBERG299.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name
1154808-tes 1XLVIGOLDBERGShlomoh 
1154908-tes 1XLVIGOLDBERGEster 
1229618-feyLXXVIIFRYDMANGela Hinda 

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
1061638AbeGOLDBERG1 Jan 1897Litzmannstadt10 Jan 1945  
1061738AbrahamGOLDBERG1 Mar 1910SiersceKrenau17 Dec 1944  
1061838AbrahamGOLDBERG15 Sep 1894Fuchova20 Apr 1940  
1061938AbramGOLDBERG15 Mar 1898Ozorkow6 Feb 1945  
1062038AnschelGOLDBERG7 Jul 1911Lodz19 Dec 1944  
1062138ChaimGOLDBERG15 Apr 1894ZanowLodz6 Jan 1945  
1062238ChaskelGOLDBERG1 Mar 1895DziewicaFrankfurt12 Apr 1941  
1062339ChajmGOLDBERG30 Dec 1912LitzmannstadtPabianice20 Oct 1944  
1062439HerszGOLDBERG14 Feb 1902PiajecznaLodz28 Mar 1945  
1062539KiewaGOLDBERG23 Feb 1905KielceLodz17 Mar 1945  
1062639MosesGOLDBERG24 Nov 1909Litzmannstadt25 May 1945  
1062739NatanGOLDBERG26 Jun 1900BelchatowZdunska Wola4 Mar 1945  
1062839NusenGOLDBERG22 Dec 1900LipnoLitzmannstadt10 Jan 1945  
1062939SchamaGOLDBERG28 Jun 1903ZyrardowLodz14 Mar 1945  
1063039SchapsaGOLDBERG22 Jan 1901SzedlowetzKr. Kielce23 Apr 1945  
1063139SzlamaGOLDBERG1 Mar 1892StryzowLodz22 Dec 1944  

Drancy, France: Aid to Jewish victims of the war; List of persons deported from Drancy, repatriated 20 Jun 1945 - 12 Jul 1945; Relatives Information Service, 8 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnConvoyDate of birthPlace of birthNationalityCurrent addressNotes (not by typist)
10012[1]Hersch GoldbergGOLDBERGDrancy16 Jan 1896BelchatowPoland[blank] 

Eichbordamm, Germany: List no. 2519 from J.D.C Berlin - List of Jews now in the transit home at Berlin-Wittenau, Eichbordamm [Germany], 138/40; American Joint Distribution Committee, 19 rue de Teheran, Paris 8e; Relatives Information Service, 26 Mar 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnBornPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100943Elisawetta GoldbergGOLDBERG25 May 1925Lodz  
100953Max GoldbergGOLDBERG2 May 1914Lodz  

France: Concentration Camp at Vernet d'Ariège, France, 1939-1944: Jews from CRARG area of Poland {H}

-Sort-SourcePersonSurname from previous columnDate of entryDate of birthPlace of birthParentsSurname from previous columnOccupationCommentsSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by researcher)
10004Archives Départementales, Foix, FranceSzyga HabermaszHABERMASZ27 May 194125 Apr 2001NowemiastoHersch & Sara née HabermanHABERMANTradesmanTransfer to Brébant 22 Nov 1941, married Chana Goldberg in 1925GOLDBERG 
10100Archives Départementales, Foix, FranceFraim GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Sep 194215 Sep 1894StawotyckJacob & Maria née GoldmanGOLDMANDiamond cutterTransfer to Toulouse 22 Sep 1942  

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
10475Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FEstherGOLDBERG, NÉE BERENBAUMPolognePologneGoldberg, née Berenbaum (Esther) en 1899 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 août 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
10575Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FSzyfraGOLDBERG, NÉE BIERNATPologneTchécoslovaquieGoldberg, née Biernat (Szyfra) en 1897 à Latowiecz (Pologne), décédée le 14 mai 1945 à Therezienstadt (Tchécoslovaquie)
10941Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FPerlaGOLDBERG, NÉE BURSTINEPolognePologneGoldberg, née Burstine (Perla) le 25 décembre 1897 à Lublin (Pologne), décédée le 7 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 2 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
11118Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FLibaGOLDBERG, NÉE CECOWSKEPolognePologneGoldberg, née Cecowske (Liba), en 1887 à Kouskie (Pologne), décédée le 9 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 29 juillet 1942 (sans autre renseignement)
11123Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FRifkaGOLDBERG, NÉE CENSTROVAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Censtrova (Rifka) en janvier 1897 à Tschenstochau (Pologne), décédée le 19 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
12239Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FIdaGOLDBERG, NÉE FLUMPolognePologneGoldberg, née Flum (Ida) en 1894 à Wojchock (Pologne), décédée le 20 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 15 septembre 1942 en Allemagne
12813Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FEstéraGOLDBERG, NÉE GINGOLDPolognePologneGoldberg, née Gingold (Estéra) le 26 décembre 1890 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13165Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MAbrahamGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Abraham, Moschek), né le 4 juillet 1891 à Szyalowiec (Pologne), décédé le 15 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13166Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MAbrahamGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Abraham, Jona), né le 28 juin 1916 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 23 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 18 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13167Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MAbrahamGOLDBERGPologneAllemagneGoldberg (Abraham), né le 17 janvier 1890 à Poddebiez (Pologne), décédé le 6 mars 1943 en Allemagne
13168Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"411821994MAbramGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Abram), né le 21 novembre 1913 à Grodzisk (Pologne), décédé le 1er septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13169Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FAdèleGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Adèle), née le 15 mai 1923 à Konskie (Pologne), décédée le 3 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 29 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13171Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MAlterGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Alter, Benejan), né le 27 décembre 1894 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 12 octobre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 octobre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13172Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FAnnaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Anna), née le 16 mars 1925 à Lodz (Pologne), décédée le 4 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 30 juillet 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
13175Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MAronGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Aron), né le 22 août 1902 à Jedrzejow (Pologne), décédé le 9 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 4 novembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13176Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MBenjaminGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Benjamin, Hersch), né le 27 septembre 1889 à Krasnik (Pologne), décédé le 24 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 19 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13177Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MBerekGOLDBERGPologneAllemagneGoldberg (Berek), né le 7 mars 1898 à Rezan (Pologne), décédé le 20 janvier 1944 en Allemagne
13178Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MBernardGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Bernard, Gelb), né le 27 juillet 1908 à Mareinkowow (Pologne), décédé le 14 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 30 juillet 1941 à Saint-Sardos (Tarn-et-Garonne)
13179Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MBoruchGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Boruch, Berek), né le 18 novembre 1903 à Sobienic (Pologne), décédé le 1er avril 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 27 mars 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
13181Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MChaimGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Chaim, Szulun), né le 21 octobre 1876 à Sobiena (Pologne), décédé le 7 mars 1943 à Lublin Maidaneck (Pologne)
13182Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MChaimGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Chaim, Abram), né en 1894 à Sobinie (Pologne), décédé le 8 mai 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13183Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1161851995FChajaNAJMAN, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneNajman, née Goldberg (Chaja, Gitla) en 1901 à Kock (Pologne), décédée le 22 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13184Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChaja ItaGOLDBERG, NÉE WISCHLERPolognePologneGoldberg, née Wischler (Chaja Ita) le 5 juillet 1899 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 octobre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 octobre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13186Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2411994FChanaHABERMAN, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneHaberman, née Goldberg (Chana) le 14 mai 1899 à Sielce (Pologne), décédée le 12 mars 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 mars 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
13187Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChawaGOLDBERG, NÉE GRUSKAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Gruska (Chawa) en 1891 à Kalusyn (Pologne), décédée le 16 février 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 février 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13188Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChayaGOLDBERG, NÉE PRAGAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Praga (Chaya) en 1899 à Lodz (Pologne), décédée le 19 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13191Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MDavidGOLDBERGPologneAllemagneGoldberg (David), né le 14 octobre 1895 à Siedlce (Pologne), décédé le 29 mai 1945 à Bergen Belsen (Allemagne)
13193Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FDeworaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Dewora, Matka), née le 19 mars 1916 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13194Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FDwojraGOLDBERG, NÉE WODOWSKAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Wodowska (Dwojra) le 15 septembre 1904 à Bedzin (Pologne), décédée le 3 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 29 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13195Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"671931995FDwojraKOTT, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneKott, née Goldberg (Dwojra) le 2 mars 1911 à Kutine (Pologne), décédée le 26 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 21 août 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13196Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FEstéraGOLDBERG, NÉE GINGOLDPolognePologneGoldberg, née Gingold (Estéra) le 26 décembre 1890 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13197Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FEstherGOLDBERG, NÉE BERENBAUMPolognePologneGoldberg, née Berenbaum (Esther) en 1899 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 août 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
13200Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MFiszelGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Fiszel), né le 20 janvier 1916 à Garwolin (Pologne), décédé le 23 juin 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13201Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FFrymekaGOLDBERG, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg, née Goldberg (Frymeka) le 28 janvier 1901 à Uzac (Pologne), décédée le 4 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 30 juillet 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
13202Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MHaimGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Haim), né en 1891 à Turck (Pologne), décédé le 9 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13203Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FHaniaGOLDBERG, NÉE ZYLBERSZTEJNPolognePologneGoldberg, née Zylbersztejn (Hania, Rywka) le 10 juillet 1890 à Parysav (Pologne), décédée le 27 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13205Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MHerszGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Hersz, Beer), né le 6 juillet 1889 à Dybowo (Pologne), décédé le 12 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13206Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MHerszGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Hersz, Lajb), né le 10 mai 1909 à Pobjowice (Pologne), décédé en novembre 1942 à Birkenau (Pologne)
13207Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MHerszekGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Herszek) né le 22 juin 1871 à Sobinie (Pologne), décédé le 5 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13208Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"222711998FHusaPODSTOBNICKI, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePolognePodstobnicki, née Goldberg (Husa) le 3 septembre 1914 à Kielce (Pologne), décédée en novembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne).
13209Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MIcykGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Icyk, Dawid), né le 18 janvier 1900 à Prezederz (Pologne), décédé le 3 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 20 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13210Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FIdaGOLDBERG, NÉE FLUMPolognePologneGoldberg, née Flum (Ida) en 1894 à Wojchock (Pologne), décédée le 20 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 15 septembre 1942 en Allemagne
13211Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FIdaGOLDBERG, NÉE HOFFMUNGPolognePologneGoldberg, née Hoffmung (Ida) le 26 janvier 1901 à Kalicz (Pologne), décédée le 15 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13212Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MIsaacGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Isaac), né le 8 septembre 1907 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 25 mai 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13214Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MIsraëlGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Israël), né le 20 juin 1921 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 17 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13215Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"222711999FItaROTBAUM, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneRotbaum, née Goldberg (Ita) en 1900 à Markuszow (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 6 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret).
13216Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJacobGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Jacob, Joseph), né en 1905 à Poddebice (Pologne), décédé le 22 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 juillet 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
13219Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJechokGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Jechok, Jacques), né le 7 juillet 1907 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 20 janvier 1945 à Gleiwitz (Pologne)
13220Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJechudaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Jechuda, Lejb), né le 10 septembre 1910 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 9 mars 1943 à Lublin Mainanek (Pologne) et non le 4 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13221Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJérômeGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Jérôme), né le 18 avril 1906 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 9 mars 1943 à Lublin-Mainanek (Pologne) et non le 4 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13222Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJosekGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Josek), né le 15 novembre 1907 à Biala Rawska (Pologne), décédé le 28 décembre 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13224Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJosephGOLDBERGPologne?Goldberg (Joseph), né le 20 mai 1902 à Magielnica (Pologne), décédé le 11 mars 1943 en déportation
13225Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MJulesGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Jules), né le 17 décembre 1887 à Bialystok (Pologne), décédé le 9 mars 1943 à Lublin Maidaneck (Pologne)
13227Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MLazareGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Lazare), né le 1er mai 1895 à Dorina (Pologne), décédé le 27 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 22 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13231Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MLejbGOLDBERGPologneAutricheGoldberg (Lejb), né le 22 mai 1896 à Minsk Mazourecki (Pologne), décédé le 19 avril 1945 à Mauthausen (Autriche)
13232Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FLibaGOLDBERG, NÉE CECOWSKEPolognePologneGoldberg, née Cecowske (Liba), en 1887 à Kouskie (Pologne), décédée le 9 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 29 juillet 1942 (sans autre renseignement)
13233Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMardkoGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mardko, Max), né le 1er mars 1892 à Alexandraw (Pologne), décédé le 9 mars 1943 à Lublin Mainanek (Pologne) et non le 4 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13234Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMardochéeGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mardochée, dit Marcel), né le 4 mars 1913 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 12 mars 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 mars 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
13237Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMartinGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Martin), né le 23 octobre 1904 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 11 mars 1943 à Lublin Mainaneck (Pologne) et non le 6 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13240Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMauriceGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Maurice), né le 20 mars 1895 à Radom (Pologne), décédé le 4 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 30 juillet 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
13241Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMaurycyGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Maurycy), né le 12 janvier 1909 à Lwow (Pologne), décédé le 9 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 4 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13242Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMaxGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Max), né le 11 juillet 1925 à Tarnow (Pologne), décédé le 9 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 9 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13244Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMayerGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mayer, Szoulin), né le 23 décembre 1904 à Sabinie (Pologne), décédé le 22 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 juillet 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
13245Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FMiriamGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Miriam, dite Marie), née le 15 avril 1910 à Lodz (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13246Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMnaszeGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mnasze), né le 2 janvier 1889 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 6 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13247Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMojsze HilelGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mojsze Hilel), né le 20 août 1912 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 22 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 juillet 1942 à Beaune-la-Rolande (Loiret)
13248Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMordchaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mordcha), né le 13 septembre 1898 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 11 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13249Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMordkaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Mordka, Szmul), né le 18 mai 1898 à Lodz (Pologne), décédé le 1er août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13250Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMoritzGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Moritz), né le 10 juillet 1903 à Pabianice (Pologne), décédé le 1er août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13251Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMoszekGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Moszek), né le 12 août 1908 à Piotrkow (Pologne), décédé le 28 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13252Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MMoszekGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Moszek), né le 15 mars 1891 à Konskie (Pologne), décédé le 9 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 4 novembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13253Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MNuchimGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Nuchim), né le 19 septembre 1910 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 12 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13256Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FPerlaGOLDBERG, NÉE BURSTINEPolognePologneGoldberg, née Burstine (Perla) le 25 décembre 1897 à Lublin (Pologne), décédée le 7 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 2 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13257Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FPessaGOLDBERG, NÉE KUSMIRCKPolognePologneGoldberg, née Kusmirck (Pessa) le 24 mai 1897 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée en mai 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13258Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MPhilippeGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Philippe), né le 15 février 1906 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédé le 26 juin 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 23 juin 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13265Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2859121994FReilaKANTOR, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneKantor, née Goldberg (Reila) le 17 septembre 1903 à Pioutek (Pologne), décédée le 7 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 2 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
13266Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FRifkaGOLDBERG, NÉE CENSTROVAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Censtrova (Rifka) en janvier 1897 à Tschenstochau (Pologne), décédée le 19 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13270Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FRuchlaGOLDBERG, NÉE KOPOUKOKPolognePologneGoldberg, née Kopoukok (Ruchla) en 1872 à Sobinie (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13272Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FSabinaGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Sabina, Elsa), née le 14 octobre 1921 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13273Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MSalomonGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Salomon), né le 9 mars 1914 à Bochnia (Pologne), décédé le 5 août 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
13275Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"411821994MSamuelGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Samuel), né le 15 avril 1901 à Nowo Radomsk (Pologne), décédé le 2 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13277Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FSarahGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Sarah, Mindla, dite Suzanne), née le 14 juillet 1912 à Lodz (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13278Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MSrulGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Srul), né en 1898 à Garwolin (Pologne), décédé en janvier 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
13279Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"202412002FSuraWAIS, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneWais, née Goldberg (Sura) le 3 mai 1901 à Sobienie Geriory (Pologne), décédée le 16 février 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 février 1943 à Drancy (Seine).
13281Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"421921997FSymaRABE, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneRabe, née Goldberg (Syma) en 1879 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 28 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maidanek (Pologne)
13282Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993MSzmulGOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldberg (Szmul), né le 2 juillet 1900 à Ujzac (Pologne), décédé le 12 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
13283Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FSzyfraGOLDBERG, NÉE BIERNATPologneTchécoslovaquieGoldberg, née Biernat (Szyfra) en 1897 à Latowiecz (Pologne), décédée le 14 mai 1945 à Therezienstadt (Tchécoslovaquie)
13287Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FMarijaGOLDBERGS [GOLDBERG?]PolognePologneGoldbergs (Marija), née le 20 avril 1917 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 11 novembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 6 novembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
13497Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2411994FRoyzaGOLDNER, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneGoldner, née Goldberg (Royza) le 25 octobre 1895 à Szydlowice (Pologne), décédée en août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
15091Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChawaGOLDBERG, NÉE GRUSKAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Gruska (Chawa) en 1891 à Kalusyn (Pologne), décédée le 16 février 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 février 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
15912Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2411994FChanaHABERMAN, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneHaberman, née Goldberg (Chana) le 14 mai 1899 à Sielce (Pologne), décédée le 12 mars 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 mars 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
17257Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FIdaGOLDBERG, NÉE HOFFMUNGPolognePologneGoldberg, née Hoffmung (Ida) le 26 janvier 1901 à Kalicz (Pologne), décédée le 15 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
18619Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2859121994FReilaKANTOR, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneKantor, née Goldberg (Reila) le 17 septembre 1903 à Pioutek (Pologne), décédée le 7 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 2 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret)
19924Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FRuchlaGOLDBERG, NÉE KOPOUKOKPolognePologneGoldberg, née Kopoukok (Ruchla) en 1872 à Sobinie (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
20103Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"671931995FDwojraKOTT, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneKott, née Goldberg (Dwojra) le 2 mars 1911 à Kutine (Pologne), décédée le 26 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 21 août 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
20658Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FPessaGOLDBERG, NÉE KUSMIRCKPolognePologneGoldberg, née Kusmirck (Pessa) le 24 mai 1897 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée en mai 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
27807Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1161851995FChajaNAJMAN, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneNajman, née Goldberg (Chaja, Gitla) en 1901 à Kock (Pologne), décédée le 22 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
30742Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"222711998FHusaPODSTOBNICKI, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePolognePodstobnicki, née Goldberg (Husa) le 3 septembre 1914 à Kielce (Pologne), décédée en novembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne).
31251Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChayaGOLDBERG, NÉE PRAGAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Praga (Chaya) en 1899 à Lodz (Pologne), décédée le 19 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne)
31702Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"421921997FSymaRABE, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneRabe, née Goldberg (Syma) en 1879 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 28 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maidanek (Pologne)
33766Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"222711999FItaROTBAUM, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneRotbaum, née Goldberg (Ita) en 1900 à Markuszow (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 6 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret).
40351Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"202412002FSuraWAIS, NÉE GOLDBERGPolognePologneWais, née Goldberg (Sura) le 3 mai 1901 à Sobienie Geriory (Pologne), décédée le 16 février 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 11 février 1943 à Drancy (Seine).
41470Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FChaja ItaGOLDBERG, NÉE WISCHLERPolognePologneGoldberg, née Wischler (Chaja Ita) le 5 juillet 1899 à Varsovie (Pologne), décédée le 12 octobre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 7 octobre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)
41522Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FDwojraGOLDBERG, NÉE WODOWSKAPolognePologneGoldberg, née Wodowska (Dwojra) le 15 septembre 1904 à Bedzin (Pologne), décédée le 3 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 29 juillet 1942 à Drancy (Seine)
41968Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2848121993FHaniaGOLDBERG, NÉE ZYLBERSZTEJNPolognePologneGoldberg, née Zylbersztejn (Hania, Rywka) le 10 juillet 1890 à Parysav (Pologne), décédée le 27 décembre 1943 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 17 décembre 1943 à Drancy (Seine)

France: List of children arriving in France on 8 June 1945 from Buchenwald and other camps and hosted in the Ecouis Children's Home by the Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage numberNo.PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10048Only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: 7 Jan 1946, Relatives Information Service293Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG9 Nov 1934Lodz, Poland  
10049Only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: 7 Jan 1946, Relatives Information Service294Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Feb 1028Zdunska-Wola, Poland  

France: Paris list no. 1162A - Orphan children from Buchenwald now in Paris; only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 24 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberIf x before No.No.PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100492x95Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Nov 1934Lodz, Poland  
10050296Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Feb 1928Zdunska-Wola, Poland  
10052299Lipot GoldbergerGOLDBERGER6 Apr 1930Sosnowiec, Poland  

Frankfurt, Germany: List of Jews from various camps who now live at Homberg Hof in Frankfurt, 27 Aug 27, 1945; Relatives Information Service, 16 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes (not by typist)
101042Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Mar 1916Warszawa 
101052Hela GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Jul 1922Tomaszow Maz. / Tomaszów MazowieckiTomaszów Mazowiecki added because it seems more likely

Gowarczów: Jewish-owned property (owners and tenants), 1940s, syg 365, pp 2-7

-Sort-ImagesPage numberNumberOwnerSurname from previous columnStreet and House No.Type of buildingAnnual income (złoty)TenantSurname from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rental (złoty)Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1006721_336_0_-_365_9_56161742, 21_336_0_-_365_10_561617436-765Alter Szymon NitkaNITKAWarszawska No.16Wooden60Chaim Goldberg, Alter Szymon NitkaGOLDBERG, NITKA210Owner living in 1 room 
1007321_336_0_-_365_9_56161742, 21_336_0_-_365_10_561617436-771Josef DrajfusDRAJFUSWarszawska No.20Wooden120Eljasz Goldberg, Josef DrajfusGOLDBERG, DRAJFUS2101 room occupied by owner 

Hannover, Germany: Paris list no. 1110, List of Jewish men in Hannover (Part of them in Schützenhaus, Krankenhaus Ricklingen and Josefstift), MLB 26 June 1945; Relatives Information Service, 7 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace [of birth?]Last place of residenceNotes (not by typist)
10046261Zanvel GoldbergGOLDBERG10 Oct 1911LodzLodz, Bierstr. 9 
10047262Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG5 Dec 1913LodzLodz, Richterstr. 64. 

Hillersleben: Messages from Survivors in Hillersleben, sumitted by World Jewish Congr, 1834 Broadway, NY (102 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberSourceMessage for:Surname(s) from previous columnMessage:Surname(s) from previous columnTypist notes
10017DSC00340.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Osias, Schenkinstr. 75, Tel Aviv, Pal.GOLDBERGAlter Goldberg & Dr. Mendel Matzner & whole family at H.GOLDBERG; MATZNER 
10018DSC00340.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Sara, Rishon-le-Zion, Pal.GOLDBERGHer brother Mojzesz Prajs at Hillersleben w. wife & daughter Esther.PRAJS 
10069DSC00347.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Chaim; Pek in 13, Tel Aviv, Pal.GOLDBERGUncle Zelig Goldberg, wife & 3 children safe & well.GOLDBERG 
10070DSC00347.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Sara; PalestineGOLDBERGBrother Moishe Prais from Lodz at Hillersleben.PRAIS 
10103DSC00351.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5WEINSTOCK, Anna, Kasernenstr. 49, Chur, SwitzerlandWEINSTOCKLeon Velnar, Henrich Gestetner, Rabbi Spiro Joseph Gitler, Rabbi Isaac Parneth, David Igra, Rabbi Matzner & family, Alter Goldberg & son all safe & well.VELNAR; GESTETNER; GITLER; PARNETH; IGRA; MATZNER; GOLDBERG 

Iran [Persia]: "Polish Refugees in Tehran, 1943," American Jewish Archives, D56, 8 (1675 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageListPage numberGiven name(s)SurnameDate [of birth]Place [of birth]Other informationTypist notes
1019103-DSC00037.JPGLista No. 18IdelGOLDBERG1905Warszawa  
1019203-DSC00037.JPGLista No. 18JakubGOLDBERG10 Mar 1917Lodz  
1019303-DSC00037.JPGLista No. 18JozefGOLDBERGER19 Jun 1908Bydgoszcz  
1089003-DSC00053.JPGLista No. 224RozaliaGOLDBERG1916Krakaw  
1089103-DSC00053.JPGLista No. 224ZuzannaGOLDBERG1913Krakaw  
1096003-DSC00054.JPGLista No. 225ChilGOLDBERG1922Konskie  
1105703-DSC00055.JPGLista No. 226FeiwelGOLDBERGLodz  
1105803-DSC00055.JPGLista No. 226JoelGOLDBERGLodz  
1105903-DSC00055.JPGLista No. 226RozaliaGOLDBERG1909Lodz  
1116003-DSC00057.JPGLista No. 228JakobGOLDBERGMinsk Mazoviecki  
1148403-DSC00062.JPGLista No. 233NutaGOLDBERGVarsovia  
1163803-DSC00064.JPGLista No. 235GustawaGOLDBERG1874Wawlica  

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
100812Jews in Schwandorf [town in Germany]Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG28-Aug-14Praszka 
100832Jews in SchwandorfChaim GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Aub 1914Praszka  
103254Gropelingen Gamp in BremenNavro GoldbergerGOLDBERGER(Igo Gildberger, Yougoslav Kibbutz- near Haifa).GILDBERGERZapeljoDate fo Birth/Age not listed 
103264Gropelingen Gamp in BremenMavro GoldbergerGOLDBERGERZapeljo*Date fo Birth/Age not listed*"The starred survivors announced relatives abroad. Those interested in them should contact the Joint office at POB 640 Jerusalem. In brackets are the names of relatives in Israel."
104966Regards from abroad (in brackets: the name of the relative from abroad)Israel for Neunberg S. MoskowiczMOSKOWICZ(Goldberg-Horowitsch Stefa).GOLDBERG-HOROWITSCH[blank][blank][blank] 
105346Letters from abroad (In brackets: the name of the relative from abroad)Dobrys GoldbergGOLDBERG(Piotrkowski Abram).PIOTRKOWSKI[blank][blank]Jerusalem 
1058310Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Margot GoldbergGOLDBERG18Lodz 
1058610Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Genia GoldbergGOLDBERG34Lodz 
1058810Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Bela GoldbergGOLDBERG(R. Rosenberg, Tel-Aviv).ROSENBERG20Lodz 
1058910Salzwedel [forced-labor camp, in Germany]Tobka GoldbergGOLDBERG26Lodz 
1076516Regards from AbroadBlajwajs Basia [survivor]BLAJWAJSHinda Goldberg-Grajer [sends regards "from abroad" to the survivor listed]GOLDBERG-GRAJERTel Aviv 
1078316Regards from AbroadGoldberg Elli [survivor]GOLDBERGJecheskiel Goldberg [sends regards "from abroad" to the survivor listed]GOLDBERGTel Aviv 

Jewish Colonial Trust; now at web archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20100606103341/http://www.jct.co.il:80/shareholders.asp; original source: www.jct.co.il/index.html (347 persons) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnCity
10067Chaim Leib GoldbergGOLDBERGCzestokov
10068Josef GoldbergGOLDBERGCzestokov
10069Josef GoldbergGOLDBERGCzestokov
10070Mordche GoldbergGOLDBERGCzestokov
10288Joseph GoldbergGOLDBERGNowo Radomsk

Kielce 1939: list of contributions to Jewish community in Kielce in 1939, syg 3374, document pages 119-157 [Lista składek Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Kielcach za rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981489 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddressAmountNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10287129278Noech GoldbergGOLDBERGBiałogon25.-- 
10289129280Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska 1110.-- 
10290129281Dawid-Hersz GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska 3920.-- 
10291129282Hilel GoldbergGOLDBERGPl. Piłsudskiego 1175.-- 
10292129283Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGFocha 3350.-- 
10293129284Lejzer GoldbergGOLDBERGSienkiewicza 2335.-- 
10294129285Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGHipoteczna 220.-- 
10295129286Majer-Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska 2610.-- 
10296129287Motel GoldbergGOLDBERGPl. Piłsudskiego 1115.-- 
10297129288Nechemia GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska 3840.-- 
10298129289Kałma GoldbergGOLDBERGPierackiego 1090.-- 
10299129290Perla GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła 175.-- 
10300129291Całel GoldbergGOLDBERGKilińskiego 2350.-- 
10301129292Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła 175.-- 
10302129293Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska 5300.-- 
10303129294Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGSilniczna 24125.-- 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): 1935 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnamePermanent resident of...OccupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10003https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_6_56034512.jpg2 Jan 1935325 May 1933BiałogonBiałogonAbram-Icchak GarfinkielGARFINKIELMaleMordka Garfinkiel, 30GARFINKIELHinda née Rutkowska, 18RUTKOWSKANiewachlówButcherAron Goldberg, 40GOLDBERGLejb Rutkowski, 30RUTKOWSKIWitness 1 lives at Nowy Świat No. 27; father is literateMarriage certificate included 
10037https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_66_56034573.jpg21 Jan 19353615 May 1934Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 21Ajdla-Małka GoldsztajnGOLDSZTAJNFemaleSzlama Lejzor Goldsztajn, 38GOLDSZTAJNEstera née Rusinek, 33RUSINEKJędrzejówGlazierMoszek Zylbersztajn, about 55, Nowy-Świat No. 10, no occupationZYLBERSZTAJNUryn Goldberg, about 45, Nowy-Świat No. 35, coal merchantGOLDBERGFather is literate, parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage; father registered in book of residents No. 27/308; on basis of declaration born in Jędrzejów in 1894  
10172https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_412_56034919.jpg28 Mar 193517618 Feb 1935Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 53Mojzesz AlbirtALBIRTMaleHilel Albirt, 34ALBIRTŁaja-Hendla née Lewinsztajn, 36LEWINSZTAJNŁopusznoTraderHersz-Lejb Albirt, 59, Piotrk. No. 63, traderALBIRTHerszel Goldberg, about 45, Piotrk. No. 33, merchant (ironware shop)GOLDBERGFather is literate  
10253https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_569_56035076.jpg1 May 193525710 Feb 1923Kielceulica Zagnańska No. 44Mindla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleJozef Goldberg, 32GOLDBERGEstera-Małka Fajersztajn, 34FAJERSZTAJNChęcinyShoemakerAbram Goldberg, 35, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage; father is registered in the Chęciny book of residents No. 227/243  
10254https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_571_56035078.jpg1 May 193525812 Dec 1927Kielceulica Zagnańska No. 44Kiwa GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleJozef Goldberg, 32GOLDBERGEstera-Małka Fajersztajn, 34FAJERSZTAJNChęcinyShoemakerAbram Goldberg, 35, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10255https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_572_56035079.jpg1 May 193525910 Aug 1929Kielceulica Zagnańska No. 44Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleJozef Goldberg, 32GOLDBERGEstera-Małka Fajersztajn, 34FAJERSZTAJNChęcinyShoemakerAbram Goldberg, 35, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10256https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_573_56035080.jpg1 May 193526015 Oct 1931Kielceulica Zagnańska No. 44Hersz-Ber GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleJozef Goldberg, 32GOLDBERGEstera-Małka Fajersztajn, 34FAJERSZTAJNChęcinyShoemakerAbram Goldberg, 35, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10257https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_574_56035081.jpg1 May 193526112 Aug 1934Kielceulica Zagnańska No. 44Rywen GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleJozef Goldberg, 32GOLDBERGEstera-Małka Fajersztajn, 34FAJERSZTAJNChęcinyShoemakerAbram Goldberg, 35, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10258https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_570_56035077.jpg19032699 Dec 1903KielceJózef GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleZysman GoldbergGOLDBERGRykla MydlarzMYDLARZKielceJanitorParents are not married  
10261https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_579_56035086.jpg1 May 193526410 Jul 1928Kielceulica Bodzent. No. 26Rywka GerszenowiczGERSZENOWICZFemaleJosek-Boruch Gerszenowicz, 31GERSZENOWICZMirla Lejwa, 31LEJWAChęcinyShoemakerJosek Goldberg, 32, Zagn. No. 44, shoemakerGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10262https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_580_56035087.jpg1 May 193526515 Aug 1929Kielceulica Bodzent. No. 26Szajndla GerszenowiczGERSZENOWICZFemaleJosek-Boruch Gerszenowicz, 31GERSZENOWICZMirla Lejwa, 31LEJWAChęcinyShoemakerJosek Goldberg, 32, Zagn. No. 44, shoemakerGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10263https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_581_56035088.jpg1 May 19352663 Jul 1932Kielceulica Bodzent. No. 26Chil GerszenowiczGERSZENOWICZMaleJosek-Boruch Gerszenowicz, 31GERSZENOWICZMirla Lejwa, 31LEJWAChęcinyShoemakerJosek Goldberg, 32, Zagn. No. 44, shoemakerGOLDBERGAbram Gotlieb, 40, Piotrk. No. 46, shoemakerGOTLIEBFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10322https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_695_56035205.jpg7 May 193532521 Apr 1929Kielceulica Niska No. 28Szmul-Aron KuperbergKUPERBERGMaleMendel Kuperberg, 32KUPERBERGRuchla Marchewka, 29MARCHEWKADąbrowa districtCabmanChaim Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGHerszel Zylbersztajn, 28, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriageExtract from Dąbrowa book of residents 
10323https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_703_56035211.jpg7 May 193532615 Feb 1931Kielceulica Niska No. 28Chana KuperbergKUPERBERGFemaleMendel Kuperberg, 32KUPERBERGRuchla Marchewka, 29MARCHEWKADąbrowa districtCabmanChaim Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGHerszel Zylbersztajn, 28, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriageExtract from Dąbrowa book of residents 
10324https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_704_56035209.jpg7 May 19353277 Mar 1933Kielceulica Niska No. 28Ajdla-Złata KuperbergKUPERBERGFemaleMendel Kuperberg, 32KUPERBERGRuchla Marchewka, 29MARCHEWKADąbrowa districtCabmanChaim Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGHerszel Zylbersztajn, 28, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriageExtract from Dąbrowa book of residents 
10325https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_705_56035212.jpg7 May 193532820 Jan 1935Kielceulica Niska No. 28Dwojra KuperbergKUPERBERGFemaleMendel Kuperberg, 32KUPERBERGRuchla Marchewka, 29MARCHEWKADąbrowa districtCabmanChaim Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGHerszel Zylbersztajn, 28, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriageExtract from Dąbrowa book of residents 
10336https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_722_56035230.jpg7 May 19353393 Jun 1928Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 41Benjamin GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleAbram Goldberg, 34GOLDBERGPerla Sztarkman, 33SZTARKMANKielceCabmanHerszel Zylbersztajn, 38, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNMendel Kuperberg, 33, Niska No. 28, cabmanKUPERBERGFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10337https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_723_56035229.jpg7 May 193534015 Oct 1930Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 41Etla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleAbram Goldberg, 34GOLDBERGPerla Sztarkman, 33SZTARKMANKielceCabmanHerszel Zylbersztajn, 38, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNMendel Kuperberg, 33, Niska No. 28, cabmanKUPERBERGFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10338https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_724_56035231.jpg7 May 19353414 Nov 1932Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 41Chaim-Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleAbram Goldberg, 34GOLDBERGPerla Sztarkman, 33SZTARKMANKielceCabmanHerszel Zylbersztajn, 38, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNMendel Kuperberg, 33, Niska No. 28, cabmanKUPERBERGFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10339https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_725_56035232.jpg7 May 19353421 Jan 1935Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 41Boruch GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleAbram Goldberg, 34GOLDBERGPerla Sztarkman, 33SZTARKMANKielceCabmanHerszel Zylbersztajn, 38, Domasz. No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNMendel Kuperberg, 33, Niska No. 28, cabmanKUPERBERGFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10375https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_789_56035295.jpg9 May 193537715 Sep 1930Kielceulica Domaszowska No. 41Jankiel FedermanFEDERMANMalePinkus Federman, 27FEDERMANBajla Rudecka, 26RUDECKAKielceCabmanAbram Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGIcek Federman, 30, Piotrkowska No. 22, cabmanFEDERMANFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10376https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_790_56035296.jpg9 May 19353781 Jan 1932Kielceulica Domaszowska No. 41Abram FedermanFEDERMANMalePinkus Federman, 27FEDERMANBajla Rudecka, 26RUDECKAKielceCabmanAbram Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGIcek Federman, 30, Piotrkowska No. 22, cabmanFEDERMANFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10377https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_791_56035297.jpg9 May 193537915 Mar 1934Kielceulica Domaszowska No. 41Idel-Majer FedermanFEDERMANMalePinkus Federman, 27FEDERMANBajla Rudecka, 26RUDECKAKielceCabmanAbram Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGIcek Federman, 30, Piotrkowska No. 22, cabmanFEDERMANFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10378https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_792_56035298.jpg9 May 193538015 Mar 1934Kielceulica Domaszowska No. 41Hirsz-Icek FedermanFEDERMANMalePinkus Federman, 27FEDERMANBajla Rudecka, 26RUDECKAKielceCabmanAbram Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGIcek Federman, 30, Piotrkowska No. 22, cabmanFEDERMANFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10382https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_799_56035303.jpg9 May 19353842 May 1918Kielceulica Stolarska No. 11Izrael Ber RozmaityROZMAITYMaleJosek-Mendel Rozmaity, 52ROZMAITYPerla née Albirt, 50ALBIRTChęcinyHersz Lejb Albirt, 61, Piotrkowska No. 63, merchantALBIRTHerszel Goldberg, 45, Piotrkowska No. 35, merchantGOLDBERGFather currently without occupationMarriage certificate included 
10383https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_800_56035306.jpg9 May 193538510 Nov 1920Kielceulica Stolarska No. 11Mejir RozmaityROZMAITYMaleJosek-Mendel Rozmaity, 52ROZMAITYPerla née Albirt, 50ALBIRTChęcinyHersz Lejb Albirt, 61, Piotrkowska No. 63, merchantALBIRTHerszel Goldberg, 45, Piotrkowska No. 35, merchantGOLDBERGFather currently without occupationMarriage certificate included 
10490https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1019_56035527.jpg18 Jun 193549210 Aug 1933Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 55Sura-Pesla LewkowiczLEWKOWICZFemaleAron-Szmul Lewkowicz, 40LEWKOWICZHinda née Lejzorowicz, 31LEJZOROWICZSobkówCabmanAbram Goldberg, 34, Bodzent. No. 41, cabmanGOLDBERGHerszel Zylbersztajn, 35, Domasz. No. 28, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNFather is illiterate  
10530https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1093_56035600.jpg9 May 19355301 Dec 1934Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 46Icek GoldszajdGOLDSZAJDMaleAbram-Hersz Goldszajd, 29GOLDSZAJDChaja-Marja née Albirt, deceasedALBIRTNiewachlów districtTraderS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGWife died in Kielce in 1935Wife died 21 Jan 1935; child died 9 May 1935 
10535https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1106_56035613.jpg14 May 193553510 Nov 1934Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 10Ruchla AjzenAJZENFemaleBerek Ajzen, 25AJZENDyna née Joskowicz, 25JOSKOWICZKielceMerchantS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is literate; marriage akt No. 7/1933  
10559https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1158_56035665.jpg20 May 193555915 Jul 1926Kielceulica Warszawska No. 17Rywka WajcmanWAJCMANFemaleSzymon Wajcman, 42WAJCMANSura Chmielowska, 30CHMIELOWSKAChmielnikPorterCałel Goldberg, 28, Wesoła No. 1, merchantGOLDBERGLejb Kuperberg, 35, Warszawska No. 52, cabmanKUPERBERGParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childAdministrative document included; Chmielnik administration has no record of father as permanent resident; Daleszyce administration cannot provide birth certificate for father as only have records from 1897 
10560https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1166_56035672.jpg20 May 193556013 Mar 1929Kielceulica Warszawska No. 17Rajzla WajcmanWAJCMANFemaleSzymon Wajcman, 42WAJCMANSura Chmielowska, 30CHMIELOWSKAChmielnikPorterCałel Goldberg, 28, Wesoła No. 1, merchantGOLDBERGLejb Kuperberg, 35, Warszawska No. 52, cabmanKUPERBERGParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childAdministrative document included; Chmielnik administration has no record of father as permanent resident; Daleszyce administration cannot provide birth certificate for father as only have records from 1898 
10561https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1167_56035674.jpg20 May 193556115 Mar 1931Kielceulica Warszawska No. 17Ita WajcmanWAJCMANFemaleSzymon Wajcman, 42WAJCMANSura Chmielowska, 30CHMIELOWSKAChmielnikPorterCałel Goldberg, 28, Wesoła No. 1, merchantGOLDBERGLejb Kuperberg, 35, Warszawska No. 52, cabmanKUPERBERGParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childAdministrative document included; Chmielnik administration has no record of father as permanent resident; Daleszyce administration cannot provide birth certificate for father as only have records from 1899 
10562https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1168_56035675.jpg20 May 193556221 Apr 1933Kielceulica Warszawska No. 17Etla WajcmanWAJCMANFemaleSzymon Wajcman, 42WAJCMANSura Chmielowska, 30CHMIELOWSKAChmielnikPorterCałel Goldberg, 28, Wesoła No. 1, merchantGOLDBERGLejb Kuperberg, 35, Warszawska No. 52, cabmanKUPERBERGParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childAdministrative document included; Chmielnik administration has no record of father as permanent resident; Daleszyce administration cannot provide birth certificate for father as only have records from 1899 
10573https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1188_56035693.jpg20 May 193557321 Jul 1925Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 45Moszek-Chanina RusinekRUSINEKMaleZysia Rusinek, 42RUSINEKFajgla-Rywa Zylberberg, 37ZYLBERBERGSamsonów districtTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child; father registered in Samsonów book of residents No. 69b p. 351Father's birth registration included 
10574https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1190_56035697.jpg20 May 193557425 Dec 1928Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 45Chaja-Małka RusinekRUSINEKFemaleZysia Rusinek, 42RUSINEKFajgla-Rywa Zylberberg, 37ZYLBERBERGSamsonów districtTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth registration included 
10575https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1191_56035699.jpg20 May 193557515 Jun 1930Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 45Chana-Brandla RusinekRUSINEKFemaleZysia Rusinek, 42RUSINEKFajgla-Rywa Zylberberg, 37ZYLBERBERGSamsonów districtTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth registration included 
10576https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1192_56035698.jpg20 May 19355766 Jan 1933Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 45Syma-Szajndla RusinekRUSINEKFemaleZysia Rusinek, 42RUSINEKFajgla-Rywa Zylberberg, 37ZYLBERBERGSamsonów districtTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth registration included 
10637https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1329_56035836.jpg26 May 19356385 Nov 1922Kielceulica Młynarska No. 6Chaja-Liba Finkielsztajn / FinkelsztajnFINKELSZTAJNFemaleSzulim Finkielsztajn / Finkelsztajn, 45FINKIELSZTAJN / FINKELSZTAJNRywka Srebnik, 47SREBNIKSiedlceWarehouseman in a millS.Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child; father in book of residents vol. 14 p. 219 described as Russian citizenFather's birth registration included 
10638https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1331_56035838.jpg26 May 19356395 May 1924Kielceulica Młynarska No. 6Sura-Fajga Finkielsztajn / FinkelsztajnFINKELSZTAJNFemaleSzulim Finkielsztajn / Finkelsztajn, 45FINKIELSZTAJN / FINKELSZTAJNRywka Srebnik, 47SREBNIKSiedlceWarehouseman in a millS.Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth registration included 
10639https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1332_56035847.jpg26 May 19356405 Jul 1927Kielceulica Młynarska No. 6Mordeha-Ber Finkielsztajn / FinkelsztajnFINKELSZTAJNMaleSzulim Finkielsztajn / Finkelsztajn, 45FINKIELSZTAJN / FINKELSZTAJNRywka Srebnik, 47SREBNIKSiedlceWarehouseman in a millS.Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth registration included 
10659https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1390_56035897.jpg27 May 19356608 Jan 1928Kielceulica Czarnowska No. 6Porja SzternfeldSZTERNFELDFemaleLipa Szternfeld, 50SZTERNFELDEstera-Hinda née Goldberg, 48GOLDBERGChmielnikTraderChaim Szternfeld, 30, Focha No. 4, janitorSZTERNFELDMordka Cymrot, 58, N. Świat No. 45, traderCYMROTFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10671https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1424_56035931.jpg27 May 193567215 Nov 1922Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 29Izrael-Josef ŁadnyŁADNYMaleDydje Ładny, 40ŁADNYChana-Zelda née Sztajnberg, 44SZTAJNBERGChęcinyShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is illiterateParents may have married in Chęciny in 1921 but no record of the marriage found there 
10672https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1426_56035933.jpg27 May 193567315 Mar 1925Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 29Hersz-Fajwel ŁadnyŁADNYMaleDydje Ładny, 40ŁADNYChana-Zelda née Sztajnberg, 44SZTAJNBERGChęcinyShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is illiterate  
10673https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1427_56035934.jpg27 May 19356745 Jun 1928Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 29Szaja-Perec ŁadnyŁADNYMaleDydje Ładny, 40ŁADNYChana-Zelda née Sztajnberg, 44SZTAJNBERGChęcinyShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is illiterate  
10674https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1428_56035935.jpg27 May 193567510 Oct 1931Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 29Chaim-Szmul ŁadnyŁADNYMaleDydje Ładny, 40ŁADNYChana-Zelda née Sztajnberg, 44SZTAJNBERGChęcinyShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is illiterate  
10678https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1437_56035943.jpg27 May 193567913 Oct 1925Kielceulica Okrzei No. 11Hersz-Icchak RotensztajnROTENSZTAJNMaleSzlama-Rywen Rotensztajn, 36ROTENSZTAJNChaja-Sura née Binsztok, 33BINSZTOKWłoszczowaTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10679https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1438_56035944.jpg27 May 193568021 Jan 1932Kielceulica Okrzei No. 11Hendla RotensztajnROTENSZTAJNFemaleSzlama-Rywen Rotensztajn, 36ROTENSZTAJNChaja-Sura née Binsztok, 33BINSZTOKWłoszczowaTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10684https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1451_56035958.jpg27 May 19356852 Jan 1935Kielceulica Okrzei No. 14Sala SzulmanSZULMANFemaleAbuś Szulman, 41SZULMANChaja-Ruchla née Brzyska, 40BRZYSKAGrabki districtMerchantS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10711https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1526_56036033.jpg28 May 19357121 Jan 1935Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 78Herszel SzternbergSZTERNBERGMaleSzymon Szternberg, 23SZTERNBERGEtla Martyn, 22MARTYNDąbrowa districtTailorS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10712https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1528_56036035.jpg28 May 193571310 Sep 1926Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 78Sura SzternbergSZTERNBERGFemaleMojsie-Kiwa Szternberg, 30SZTERNBERGMarjem Cytryn, 31CYTRYNDąbrowa districtShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10713https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1529_56036036.jpg28 May 193571415 Feb 1930Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 78Gitla SzternbergSZTERNBERGFemaleMojsie-Kiwa Szternberg, 30SZTERNBERGMarjem Cytryn, 31CYTRYNDąbrowa districtShoemakerS. Trembacki, 36TREMBACKICh. Goldberg, 54GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10790https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1702_56036208.jpg31 May 193579116 May 1921Kielceulica SkrzetelskaMoszek GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleChil Goldberg, 47GOLDBERGRywka Wietrznik, 37WIETRZNIKMaleszówTenantChil Goldberg, about 52, Piotrkowska No. 3, butcherChaim Najfeld, about 32, Przejazd No. 4, bakerNAJFELDParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the child; father registered in Maleszów book of residents No. 187; surname of mother entered originally as Wiecznik but corrected on basis of Szczecno district book of residentsFather's birth certificate included 
10791https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1703_56036209.jpg31 May 193579216 Jun 1924Kielceulica SkrzetelskaIcchak GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleChil Goldberg, 47GOLDBERGRywka Wietrznik, 37WIETRZNIKPiotrkowiceTenantChil Goldberg, about 52, Piotrkowska No. 3, butcherChaim Najfeld, about 32, Przejazd No. 4, bakerNAJFELDParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childFather's birth certificate included 
10792https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1704_56036211.jpg31 May 193579312 Sep 1928Kielceulica SkrzetelskaFajgla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChil Goldberg, 47GOLDBERGRywka Wietrznik, 37WIETRZNIKPiotrkowiceTenantChil Goldberg, about 52, Piotrkowska No. 3, butcherChaim Najfeld, about 32, Przejazd No. 4, bakerNAJFELDParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childFather's birth certificate included 
10793https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1705_56036213.jpg31 May 193579412 Sep 1931Kielceulica SkrzetelskaGenendla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChil Goldberg, 47GOLDBERGRywka Wietrznik, 37WIETRZNIKPiotrkowiceTenantChil Goldberg, about 52, Piotrkowska No. 3, butcherChaim Najfeld, about 32, Przejazd No. 4, bakerNAJFELDParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childFather's birth certificate included 
10794https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1706_56036212.jpg31 May 19357954 Apr 1934Kielceulica SkrzetelskaBrandla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChil Goldberg, 47GOLDBERGRywka Wietrznik, 37WIETRZNIKPiotrkowiceTenantChil Goldberg, about 52, Piotrkowska No. 3, butcherChaim Najfeld, about 32, Przejazd No. 4, bakerNAJFELDParents are not married; father is illiterate and acknowledges the childFather's birth certificate included 
10799https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1719_56036226.jpg31 May 193580015 Aug 1933Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 5Sura RakowskaRAKOWSKAFemaleIzaak Rakowski, 37RAKOWSKILiba née Goldberg, 34GOLDBERGJędrzejówMerchantJosef Morgenstern, 38, Piotrkowska No. 5, merchantMORGENSTERNMoszek Wasserman, about 65, Piotrkowska No. 5, merchantWASSERMANFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10926https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_236_56036562.jpg13 Jun 19359273 Sep 1932Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 15Sura-Brucha GolaGOLAFemaleSzyja Gola, 26GOLANysla née Cukier, 24CUKIERKielceTailorSzaja Karpusiński, 48, Nowy-Świat No. 47, tenantKARPUSIŃSKIUryn Goldberg, 45, Nowy-Świat No. 47, merchantGOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10927https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_237_56036564.jpg13 Jun 19359287 Jul 1934Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 15Szymon-Dawid GolaGOLAMaleSzyja Gola, 26GOLANysla née Cukier, 24CUKIERKielceTailorSzaja Karpusiński, 48, Nowy-Świat No. 47, tenantKARPUSIŃSKIUryn Goldberg, 45, Nowy-Świat No. 47, merchantGOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10930https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_244_56036571.jpg13 Jun 193593112 Jun 1933Kielceulica Leonarda No. 19Chana GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleJoyne Goldberg, deceasedGOLDBERGChaja-Sara née Harndorf, 36HARNDORFBinem Goldberg, 68, Sienkiewicza No. 58, butcherGOLDBERGIzrael Icek Rajzman, 54, N. Świat No. 25, traderRAJZMANFather died in 1935; registration submitted by Witness 1 who is a resident of Dyminy district & literateMarriage certificate included 
10962https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_344_56036671.jpg16 Jun 193596326 Aug 1928Kielceulica Daleka No. 15Ałta-Rywka GoldgróbGOLDGRÓBFemaleHerszel Goldgrób, 33GOLDGRÓBChana-Fajgla Goldberg, 29GOLDBERGBieliny districtPorterMoszek Mendlewicz, 40, Bodzent. No. 9, traderMENDLEWICZIcek Wajsbrot, 40, Piotrkowska No. 8, traderWAJSBROTParents are not married; father is illiterate and son of Nusyn & Rywka born 1902 in BielinyFather not registered in Bieliny book of residents and birth not registered in Słupia-Nowa district 
11012https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_500_56036827.jpg19 Jun 193510133 Jun 1932Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 21Sura GrundmanGRUNDMANFemaleHilel Grundman, 32GRUNDMANBrucha née Charendorf, 28CHARENDORFKrząsłówShoemakerSzaja Karpusiński, 54, Nowy-Świat No. 35, tenantKARPUSIŃSKIUryn Goldberg, 46, Nowy-Świat No. 59, merchantGOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
11013https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_503_56036831.jpg19 Jun 1935101421 Jun 1934Kielceulica Dąbrowska No. 21Tema GrundmanGRUNDMANFemaleHilel Grundman, 32GRUNDMANBrucha née Charendorf, 28CHARENDORFKrząsłówShoemakerSzaja Karpusiński, 54, Nowy-Świat No. 35, tenantKARPUSIŃSKIUryn Goldberg, 46, Nowy-Świat No. 59, merchantGOLDBERGFather is literate; child born in św. Aleksandra hospitalMarriage certificate included 
11020https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_526_56036853.jpg21 Jun 1935102121 May 1935Kielceulica Okrzei No. 16Fiszel CieślaCIEŚLAMaleIzrael Cieśla, 37CIEŚLARajzla née Anstowska, 37ANSTOWSKAPińczówTailorIzrael Apel, 36, Okrzei No. 16, tailorAPELRywen Goldberg, about 30, Sienkiewicza No. 45, merchantGOLDBERGFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
11042https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_583_56036908.jpg23 Jun 193510432 Apr 1934Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 37Szajndla ZytoZYTOFemaleWulf Zyto, 45ZYTOHinda Besendorf, 46BESENDORFNiewachlów districtTraderHilel Cetel, 33, Polna No. 14, merchantCETELAron Goldberg, 47, Nowy-Świat No. 35, coal merchant?GOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the childFather's birth certificate included 
11136https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_850_56037176.jpg30 Jun 1935113715 May 1924Kielceulica Silniczna No. 13Pinchas-Mendel NajbergNAJBERGMaleMajer Najberg, 38NAJBERGŁaja née Pańska, 40PAŃSKASzydłówiecTraderAwner Dąb, 41, Silniczna No. 14, merchantDĄBAbuś Goldberg, 52, Silniczna No. 13, merchantGOLDBERGChild acknowledged in marriage akt No. 74/1935; father is literateMarriage certificate included 
11137https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_853_56037179.jpg30 Jun 193511381 Nov 1925Kielceulica Silniczna No. 13Szyfra NajbergNAJBERGFemaleMajer Najberg, 38NAJBERGŁaja née Pańska, 40PAŃSKASzydłówiecTraderAwner Dąb, 41, Silniczna No. 14, merchantDĄBAbuś Goldberg, 52, Silniczna No. 13, merchantGOLDBERGChild acknowledged in marriage akt No. 74/1935; father is literateMarriage certificate included 
11138https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_854_56037180.jpg30 Jun 193511396 May 1928Kielceulica Silniczna No. 13Szaja-Jechyel NajbergNAJBERGMaleMajer Najberg, 38NAJBERGŁaja née Pańska, 40PAŃSKASzydłówiecTraderAwner Dąb, 41, Silniczna No. 14, merchantDĄBAbuś Goldberg, 52, Silniczna No. 13, merchantGOLDBERGChild acknowledged in marriage akt No. 74/1935; father is literateMarriage certificate included 
11184https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_977_56037304.jpg7 Aug 1935118425 Sep 1929Kielceulica Poniatowskiego No. 22Moszek SosnowskiSOSNOWSKIMaleIcek Sosnowski, 44SOSNOWSKIChana Rand, 44RANDNiewachlów districtButcherBoruch Sosnowski, 35, Piotrkowska No. 30, butcherSOSNOWSKIBinem Goldberg, 71, Sienkiewicza No. 58, butcherGOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; parents & date of birth of father are not the same on birth certificate and not included extract from Niewachlów district book of residents 68/385-II where Icek Sosnowski is registered born 8 Apr 1898 son of Izrael Mejlich & Fajgla Marjem née FuksFather's birth certificate includedSOSNOWSKI, FUKS
11217https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1078_56037405.jpg26 Aug 193512171 May 1928Kielceulica Stolarska No. 3Fajgla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZFemaleMordka-Gimpel Dawidowicz, 34DAWIDOWICZPesla Pinkusowicz, 34PINKUSOWICZBodzentynButcherAbram Paciorkowski, 50, St. W. Przedm. No. 31, butcherPACIORKOWSKINuta Goldberg, 52, Piotrkowska No. 1, butcherGOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate, acknowledges child, & is currently living at Zagnańska No. 15; father registered in Bodzentyn book of residents house No. 3, p. 130, Vol. IFather's birth certificate included 
11232https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1134_56037459.jpg2 Sep 193512321 Jan 1928Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 62Chana GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleMoszek Goldberg, 39GOLDBERGBasia Horowicz, 36HOROWICZChmielnikTraderChaim Gotfryd, about 50, Niecała No. 1, owner of soap shopGOTFRYDHerszel Szwarc, about 40, Niecała No. 1, traderSZWARCParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; father currently living at Niecała No. 1Extract from Drugnia book of residents included; not registered in Chmielnik book of residents and in fact registered as permanent resident of Drugnia 
11235https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1142_56037469.jpg4 Sep 1935123515 May 1929Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 62Josef GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMoszek Goldberg, 39GOLDBERGBasia Horowicz, 36HOROWICZDrugnia districtTraderChaim Gotfryd, about 50, Niecała No. 1, owner of soap shopGOTFRYDHerszel Szwarc, about 40, Niecała No. 1, traderSZWARCParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; father currently living at Niecała No. 1Extract from Drugnia book of residents included 
11236https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1144_56037471.jpg4 Sep 1935123625 May 1931Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 62Wólf GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMoszek Goldberg, 39GOLDBERGBasia Horowicz, 36HOROWICZDrugnia districtTraderChaim Gotfryd, about 50, Niecała No. 1, owner of soap shopGOTFRYDHerszel Szwarc, about 40, Niecała No. 1, traderSZWARCParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; father currently living at Niecała No. 1Extract from Drugnia book of residents included 
11237https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1146_56037473.jpg4 Sep 1935123710 Nov 1932Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 62Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMoszek Goldberg, 39GOLDBERGBasia Horowicz, 36HOROWICZDrugnia districtTraderChaim Gotfryd, about 50, Niecała No. 1, owner of soap shopGOTFRYDHerszel Szwarc, about 40, Niecała No. 1, traderSZWARCParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; father currently living at Niecała No. 1Extract from Drugnia book of residents included 
11238https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1148_56037475.jpg4 Sep 1935123815 Oct 1934Kielceulica Niecała No. 1Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMoszek Goldberg, 39GOLDBERGBasia Horowicz, 36HOROWICZDrugnia districtTraderChaim Gotfryd, about 50, Niecała No. 1, owner of soap shopGOTFRYDHerszel Szwarc, about 40, Niecała No. 1, traderSZWARCParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges childExtract from Drugnia book of residents included 
11245https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1176_56037501.jpg9 Sep 193512451 Aug 1935Kielceulica Sienkiewicza No. 23Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleLejzor Goldberg, 35GOLDBERGDwojra-Ruchla née Ogniewicz, 25OGNIEWICZKielceBookkeeperNachemja Goldberg, 64, Bodzentyńska No. 38, no occupationGOLDBERGBajrech Sokołowski, 40, Focha 10, secretary of district administrationSOKOŁOWSKIFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
11320https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1347_56037674.jpg3 Dec 193513207 Oct 1935Kielceulica Kozia No. 5Mojzesz-Jakow GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleAbram-Lejzor Goldberg, 40GOLDBERGBrucha née Aurbach, 39AURBACHŻelechów, Garwolin countyTraderMoszek-Lejb Goldberg, 32, Sienkiewicza No. 4, collector (of monies due)GOLDBERGSzmul Kochen, about 33, Kozia No. 5, traderKOCHENFather is literate; marriage akt No. 14/1913 in Jędrejów  
11345https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1380_56037707.jpg21 Dec 1935134520 Dec 1934Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 13Aron-Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKiwa Goldberg, 25GOLDBERGMałka née Kwaśniewska, 29KWAŚNIEWSKAKielceTailorWólf Berkowicz, 64, Piotrkowska 13, merchantBERKOWICZMajer Wólf Rajzman, 25, Piotr. No. 15, shoemakerRAJZMANFather is literate; parents married in Chmielnik akt No. 16/1933  

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): books of residents

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage [r#]Document filed along with this birth registrationSurname from previous columnDistrict / TownNameSurname copied from previous columnParentsMaiden name copied from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthMarital statusReligionOccupationPrevious place of residenceNotes about criminal recordIdentity documentNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname(s) copied from previous column(s)
10044https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1155_56037484.jpgChana Goldberg, Josef Goldberg, Wólf Goldberg, Abram Goldberg, Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGDrugniaMoszek GoldbergGOLDBERGSzlama & Rajzla née RoterROTER13 Nov 1896PierzchnicaBachelorJewishWith parentsPierzchnicaNoneHouse No. 70, p. 174, vol. III 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): marriage certificates (no witnesses)

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationSurname from previous columnDate of marriageAktTownGroomSurnameGroom's fatherGroom's father's surnameGroom's motherGroom's mother's maiden nameBrideSurnameBride's father's given name, ageBride's father's surnameBride's mother's given name, ageBride's mother's maiden nameOther informationSurname from previous or next columnNotes by typist, translator, or proofer
10001https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_7_56034513.jpgAbram-Icchak GarfinkielGARFINKIEL2 Feb 19317KielceMordka Garfinkiel,GARFINKIELAronSzajndla née HorowiczHOROWICZHinda RutkowskaRUTKOWSKAAbramTauba née GoldbergGOLDBERG   
10052https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_629_56035138.jpgRuth-Rozalja WajncwajgWAJNCWAJG7 Jan 19311KielceAbram WajncwajgWAJNCWAJGFiszelRuchla-Rykla née GoldbergGOLDBERGFajgla HolckenerHOLCKENERAbram-JankielChawa née RozgrinROZGRIN   
10063https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1003_56035510.jpgHilel GlajtGLAJT6 Feb 1885MorawicaSzymon Glajt, 19GLAJTMoszek-MajerJudesa née SzuchtSZUCHTRywa-Szajndla Nozyce, 25NOZYCELejzorChaja-Brucha née GoldbergGOLDBERG   
10089https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1392_56035901.jpgPorja SzternfeldSZTERNFELD15 Jan 19042WolbromLipa Szternfeld, 20SZTERNFELDGercel SzternfeldSZTERNFELDPerla née ZysmanZYSMANEstera-Hinda Goldberg, 18GOLDBERGIzrael GoldbergGOLDBERGIdesa née KonKONGroom born in Chmielnik and living in Wolbrom; bride born & living in Wolbrom  
10106https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1570_56036077.jpgBajla MoszkowiczMOSZKOWICZ16 Mar 192314KielceGimpel Moszkowicz, 26MOSZKOWICZIzraelEli née AszpisASZPISGołda KaufmanKAUFMANNutaChana née GoldbergGOLDBERG   
10119https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1720_56036229.jpgSura RakowskaRAKOWSKA19 Apr 192932KielceBenjamin-Izaak Rakowski, 36RAKOWSKIIzraelFrajda née SztarkSZTARKLiba Goldberg, 28GOLDBERGSzmul-LejbusRywka née RechemanRECHEMAN   
10140https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_246_56036572.jpgChana GoldbergGOLDBERG12 Mar 191910KielceJojna GoldbergGOLDBERGJakób-BinemChana née BojgienBOJGIENChaja-Sara HarndorfHARNDORFJakób-DawidMindla née KlajnmanKLAJNMAN   
10150https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_430_56036757.jpgJochweta Goldlist, Izrael-Lejb Goldlist, Jojne-Majer GoldlistGOLDLIST24 Jan 192211ChmielnikJosek Goldlist, 20GOLDLISTAbramTauba née WajsczWAJSCZChawa Kalmowicz, 22KALMOWICZSzlamaPesla née GoldbergGOLDBERGGroom & bride living in Pierzchnica settlement, Drugnia district  
10185https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_721_56037048.jpgEljasz Zylberberg, Kałma Zylberberg, Lejzor Zylberberg, Abram ZylberbergZYLBERBERG9 Dec 192976KielceBerek ZylberbergZYLBERBERGChil-ChaimFajga née LedermanLEDERMANPerla-Ita LererLERERIcek MajerFrajda Złata née GoldbergGOLDBERG   
10208https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_935_56037263.jpgSzaja-Ber CytronCYTRON29 Apr 193041KielceMordka Mendel CytronCYTRONJankielHinda Cejwa née CytronCYTRONEtla CzarkaCZARKAJosekMałka Fajgla née GoldbergGOLDBERGGroom & bride living in Kielce  
10231https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1179_56037507.jpgMojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERG27 Aug 192928ChmielnikLejzor Goldberg, 29GOLDBERGNachemiSura née GotfridGOTFRIDDwojra-Ruchla Ogniewicz, 20OGNIEWICZMajlichRywka née GoldbergGOLDBERGGroom born & living in Kielce; bride born & living in Chmielnik  

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): pre-1835 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationChild's surnameRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnameFather, permanent resident of...Father's occupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10065https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1710_56036217.jpgMoszek Goldberg, Icchak Goldberg, Fajgla Goldberg, Genendla Goldberg, Brandla GoldbergGOLDBERG188717318 Nov 1887ChmielnikChil GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMoszekRajzla née SandałSANDAŁSuliszów, Maleszów district        
10086https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_200_56036528.jpgMoszek-Berek Kalmowicz, Chana-Jochweta Kalmowicz, Małka-Rajzla KalmowiczKALMOWICZ191127818 May 1907Settlement of PierzchnicaJoel KalmowiczKALMOWICZMaleSzlamaPesla née GoldbergGOLDBERGSettlement of Pierzchnica, Drugnia districtTraderBirth registered in Chmielnik 

Kielce district: "Surviving Jews in the Kielce District"; World Jewish Congress, no date (2179 persons) [H]

-Sort-TownSequence number in city listPersonSurname from previous columnPresent address [city after war]Year of birthPage of bookComments
10017Bodzentyn17 of 40Iser GoldbergGOLDBERG2 
10063Busko7 of 32Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERG2 
10065Busko9 of 32Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERG2 
10066Busko10 of 32Mindla GoldbergGOLDBERG2 
10068Busko12 of 32Felicja GoldbergGOLDBERG2 
10515Kielce51 of 239Moslek GoldbergGOLDBERGKielce19107 
10516Kielce52 of 239Frajda GoldbergGOLDBERGKielce19167 
10533Kielce69 of 239Lea GoldbergGOLDBERGStopnica19237 
10751Kozienice17 of 62Chana GoldbergGOLDBERG9 
11310Radom70 of 309Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11311Radom71 of 309Leslau GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11315Radom75 of 309Tusia GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11324Radom84 of 309Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11325Radom85 of 309Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11337Radom97 of 309Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11338Radom98 of 309Eugenia GoldbergGOLDBERG14 
11600Slomniki2 of 19Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG190317 
11646Starachowice29 of 61Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG190417 
11718Suchedniow18 of 97Lucy GoldbergGOLDBERG193118 
11842Szydlowiec34 of 112Bacia GoldbergGOLDBERG192219 
11845Szydlowiec37 of 112Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG190519 
11846Szydlowiec38 of 112Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG190619 
11847Szydlowiec39 of 112Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG191319 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
10260District 1, ward 1, syg 2373, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628978621_122_0_-_2373_21_56023259.jpg18733Calel GoldbergGOLDBERGKilinskiego2322 Dec 19081937    
10261District 1, ward 1, syg 2373, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628978621_122_0_-_2373_21_56023259.jpg18734Cyrla GoldbergGOLDBERGKilinskiego2323 Dec 19121937    
10262District 1, ward 1, syg 2373, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628978621_122_0_-_2373_21_56023259.jpg18735Chana Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGKilinskiego318541922    
11172District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21857Hil Szaja GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska611 May 18811928    
11173District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21858Efroim Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska718 Nov 18971922    
11174District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21859Mindla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska7110 Dec 18961922    
11175District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21860Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska6127 Feb 18861928    
11176District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21861Sura Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska6114 Jul 19141925    
11177District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_24_56023437.jpg21862Sura Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska6110 Jun 19111928    
11385District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_43_56023457.jpg401739Gerszon GlecerGLECERSkladowa1512 Oct 19051932    
11386District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_43_56023457.jpg401740Mirla GlecerGLECERSkladowa1510 Sep 19061932    
11387District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_43_56023457.jpg401743Ruchla GoldnergGOLDNERG [GOLDBERG?]Skladowa1518 Apr 19121937    
11388District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_43_56023457.jpg401744Rykla GoldbergGOLDBERGSkladowa151 Apr 18681937    
11694District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7247Nuchym GebrowiczGEBROWICZStolarska1119131937    
11695District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7248Dawid GiefterGIEFTERStolarska1118991925    
11696District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7249Ruchla GiefterGIEFTERStolarska1119001925    
11697District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7250Jakiel Josek GlazmanGLAZMANStolarska115 May 18631933Spelling is clearly "Jakiel"
11698District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7251Malka Rykiel GolaGOLAStolarska115 Dec 18701933    
11699District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7252Henoch Ajdel GoldGOLDStolarska1119031936    
11700District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7253Estera GoldbergGOLDBERGStolarska1111 Jan 19031931    
11701District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7254Haja Estera GolfarbGOLFARBStolarska1115 Jan 19041933    
11702District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7255Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGStolarska117 Sep 19031936    
12285District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_16_56023550.jpg12505Aron GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy-Świat3529 Jun 18891922    
12286District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_16_56023550.jpg12506Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy-Świat353 Jul 19141922    
12287District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_16_56023550.jpg12507Chana GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy-Świat354 Aug 19121922    
12288District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_16_56023550.jpg12508Fajgla GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy-Świat35[day and month not listed] 18891922    
12733District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291283Estera GoldbergGOLDBERGOkrzei115 Apr 19131923    
12734District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291284Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERGOkrzei115 Apr 19151923    
12735District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291285Herszel GoldbergGOLDBERGOkrzei3517 Nov 19081922    
12736District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291286Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGOkrzei3523 Jan 19081936    
13180District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_20_56023599.jpg16695Majer Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska2618771921    
13181District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_20_56023599.jpg16696Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska2618831921    
13182District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_20_56023599.jpg16697Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska263 Mar 19081924    
13183District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_20_56023599.jpg16698Szoel GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska311 Apr 19121931    
13184District 3, ward 1, syg 2381, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982821_122_0_-_2381_20_56023599.jpg16699Nordka [Mordka] Berek GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawska3917 Mar 19151937Spelling is clearly "Nordka" but likely should be Mordka
13675District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_6_56023661.jpg360Jachwit Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGAleksandra313 Oct 18731922Spelling is clearly "Jachwit"
13676District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_6_56023661.jpg361Berek GoldbergGOLDBERGAleksandra315 Mar 19121922    
13677District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_6_56023661.jpg362Abram Lejzor GoldbergGOLDBERGAleksandra330 Oct 18951928    
13678District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_6_56023661.jpg363Brucha GoldbergGOLDBERGAleksandra329 Jul 18951928    
13838District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_16_56023674.jpg13496Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERGNiska1918531931    
13904District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_19_56023676.jpg16660Hil GoldbergGOLDBERGPolna1415 Feb 18761936    
13905District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_19_56023676.jpg16661Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGPolna1428 Dec 18971936    
14132District 5, ward 2, syg 2384, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983121_122_0_-_2384_18_56023711.jpg14622Bajla GoldbergGOLDBERGDomaszowska5018981928    
14133District 5, ward 2, syg 2384, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983121_122_0_-_2384_18_56023711.jpg14623Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGDomaszowska503 Jan 19031938    
14134District 5, ward 2, syg 2384, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983121_122_0_-_2384_18_56023711.jpg14624Munysz GoldbergGOLDBERGDomaszowska2219071924    
14532District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg253Lejzor-Herszel GlattGLATTCzarnowska1915 Jun 18841922    
14533District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg254Rachmil GlattGLATTCzarnowska1919121922    
14534District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg255Sura GlattGLATTCzarnowska1910 May 18851922    
14535District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg256Abram GoldblitGOLDBLITCzarnowska1914 Apr 19021933    
14536District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg257Rywka GoldblitGOLDBLITCzarnowska1915 Jan 19041933    
14537District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg258Sara GoldbergGOLDBERGCzarnowska1913 May 19081937    
14538District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg259Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGCzarnowska626 Dec 19071937    
14544District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_6_56023750.jpg265Joel-Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGCzarnowska1929 Dec 19061937    
14651District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_11_56023755.jpg7274Rachela GoldbergGOLDBERGM. Focha1431 Dec 18991937    
14652District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_11_56023755.jpg7275Abram Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGM. Focha144 Apr 18941922    
14782District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_15_56023759.jpg11484Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGPlanty517 Mar 18771922    
15243District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_31_56023775.jpg271209Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERGSienkiewicza5830 Apr 19071934    
15247District 6, ward 1, syg 2385, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984521_122_0_-_2385_31_56023775.jpg271213Rywem GoldbergGOLDBERGSienkiewicza5830 Sep 18631934    
15756District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_15_56023801.jpg11494Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska518741915    
15757District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_15_56023801.jpg11495Udla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska523 Apr 19091909    
15759District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12496Hendla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska2318761930    
15760District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12497Chil Aba GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska2313 Feb 19011923    
15761District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12498Chaja Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska2315 Apr 19101932    
15762District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12499Nuta GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska31 Apr 18801922    
15763District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12500Salka GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska34 Feb 18831922    
15764District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12501Zelman GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska315 Nov 19131926    
15765District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12502Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska1118781922    
15766District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12503Mariem Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska1119131932    
15767District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12504Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska514 Dec 19141914    
15768District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12505Estera GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska525 Mar 19081927    
15769District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12506Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska518741922    
15770District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12507Tela? GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska519 Nov 19101927    
15771District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12508Liba GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska515 Aug 19091927    
15772District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12509Fajgla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska519 Dec 19111911    
15773District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12510Dawid Hersz GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska3918891932    
15774District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12511Sara Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska3918871932    
15775District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12512Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska4Aug 19051920    
15776District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12513Kalma GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska2119071935    
15777District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12514Gela Mariem GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkowska2215 Apr 19121932    
15778District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_16_56023802.jpg12515Chawa GoldblumGOLDBLUMPiotrkowska2218801922    
16628District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3134Estera Malka GoldbergGOLDBERGKozia418981929    
16629District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_7_56023833.jpg3135Hersz GoldbergGOLDBERGKozia45 Jan 18981929    
16917District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11488Pesla GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna1318741922    
16918District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11489Abus GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna1318 May 18761922    
16919District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11490Pesla GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna2018951937    
16920District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11491Kalma GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna112 Nov 19061931    
16921District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11492Chawa GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna1119101931    
16922District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_15_56023839.jpg11493Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGSiiniczna2018881937    
17264District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_24_56023851.jpg20866Mendel GoldbergGOLDBERGSt. Warsz. Przeim.2118651922    
17265District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_24_56023851.jpg20867Pinchwas GoldbergGOLDBERGSt. Warsz. Przeim.281 Apr 19021937    
17945District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6195Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska38[day and month not listed] 19091922    
17946District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6196Nachemia GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska3823 Jun 18691922    
17947District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6197Sura GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska38[day and month not listed] 18751922    
17948District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6198Sura GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska7[day and month not listed] 18901925    
17949District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6199Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska723 Nov 18891925    
17950District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_9_56023875.jpg6200Rojza GoldbruchGOLDBRUCHBodzentyńska40[day and month not listed] 18921922    
18398District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_21_56023887.jpg18725Basia GoldbergGOLDBERGNiecała1[day and month not listed] 18961934    
18399District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_21_56023887.jpg18726Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGNiecała1[day and month not listed] 18961934    
18400District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_21_56023887.jpg18727Chana GotfrydGOTFRYDNiecała116 Jul 18981922    
18486District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_23_56023889.jpg20855Hilel GoldbergGOLDBERGPierackiego23 May 19051932    
18488District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_24_56023891.jpg21856Blima GoldbergGOLDBERGPierackiego2[day and month not listed] 19121933    
18670District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_29_56023894.jpg261098Emanuel GoldbergGOLDBERGP.Piłsudskiego11[day and month not listed] 18671922    
18886District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321365Perla GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła110 Oct 18651922    
18887District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321366Estera Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła115 May 19041922    
18888District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321367Rojza GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła18 Nov 18921931    
18889District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_35_56023901.jpg321368Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGWesoła14 Jul 18941922    
18920District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_7_56023911.jpg495Majer Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGKosciuszki1118631922    
18921District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_7_56023911.jpg496Marie Bajla GoldbergGOLDBERGKosciuszki1118631922    
18966District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_11_56023915.jpg8301Lejzor GoldbergGOLDBERGLeonarda152 Aug 19001929    
18967District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_11_56023915.jpg8302Dwojra Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERGLeonarda155 Apr 19091929    
19099District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_21_56023925.jpg18763Jakub GoldsztajnGOLDSZTAJNSienkiewicza416 Dec 18891935    
19100District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_21_56023925.jpg18764Hinda GoldsztajnGOLDSZTAJNSienkiewicza425 Mar 18991935    
19101District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_21_56023925.jpg18765Moszek Lejb GoldbergGOLDBERGSienkiewicza414 Mar 19041928    
19103District 7, ward 1, syg 2389, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983621_122_0_-_2389_22_56023926.jpg19766Ruchla Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERGSienkiewicza49 May 19041929    
19646District 7, ward 2, syg 2390, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983721_122_0_-_2390_35_56023977.jpg321354Motel GoldbergGOLDBERGSniadeckich111 May 18981922    
19813District 8, ward 1, syg 2391, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628974821_122_0_-_2391_9_56023995.jpg6181Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska685 May 19041936    
19814District 8, ward 1, syg 2391, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628974821_122_0_-_2391_9_56023995.jpg6182Chaja Sura GoldbergGOLDBERGBodzentyńska14416 May 19071936    
19815District 8, ward 1, syg 2391, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628974821_122_0_-_2391_9_56023995.jpg6183Sura GoldbruchGOLDBRUCHBodzentyńska418 Jun 19131922    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
10026https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_29_56025445.jpg190542/1817 Feb / 2 Mar 1905KielceKielceGela Goldberg nee Szrajman / TrajmanGOLDBERG NEE SZRAJMAN / TRAJMANfemaleCheciny3 years[not listed]Maria Ryfka Szrajman/Trajman, not marriedSZRAJMAN / TRAJMAN[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10045https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_52_56025468.jpg1905126/379 / 22 Apr 1905KielceKielceIcek GoldbergGOLDBERGmaleOpatow9 yearsAlter Mordka Gersz Goldberg, 26 yearsGOLDBERGChaja Dyna nee Moszkowicz, 22MOSZKOWICZ[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10047https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_54_56025469.jpg1905129/3911 / 23 Apr 1905KielceKielceMoszek Lajb GerszterGERSZTERfemaleCheciny5 monthsAbram GerszterGERSZTERBajla nee GoldbergGOLDBERG[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10066https://www.szu…ostka/1628654621_122_0_-_2905_75_56025490.jpg1905186/6519 Jun / 2 Jul 1905KielceKielceMalka GoldbergGOLDBERGfemaleKielce14 yearsBinem Jakow GoldbergGOLDBERGChana nee BojgenBOJGEN[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10321https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_32_56025766.jpg191093/283 / 16 Mar 1910KielceKielceSzmul RutkowskiRUTKOWSKImaleMniow9 monthsAbram RutkowskiRUTKOWSKITauba nee GoldbergGOLDBERG[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10334https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_45_56025781.jpg1910141/4116 / 29 Apr 1910KielceKielceJosek Szaja ChenichCHENICHmaleCheciny55Abel ChenichCHENICHFajgla nee GoldbergGOLDBERGwidower[not listed][not listed]       
10422https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_136_56025872.jpg1910399/12812 Oct / 1 Nov 1910KielceKielceEliasz GoldbergGOLDBERGmaleKielce73Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERGFajgla [maiden name unknown][not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10467https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_27_56025927.jpg19132112 / 25 Feb 1913KielceKielceChana Goldberg nee WajncholcGOLDBERG NEE WAJNCHOLCfemaleWarszawa80Szymon WajncholcWAJNCHOLCRyfka [maiden name not listed][not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10539https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_99_56025997.jpg1913946 / 19 Aug 1913KielceKielceAbram BorkowskiBORKOWSKImaleKielce59Majer BorkowskiBORKOWSKIBlima [maiden name not listed]Chana Gitla nee GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed][not listed]       
10731https://www.szu…ostka/1628654221_122_0_-_2908_128_56026196.jpg191412013 / 26 Nov 1914KielceKielceChaskel GoldbergGOLDBERGmaleStaszow26deceased Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGIdesa nee GoldblitGOLDBLIT[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10848https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_95_56026317.jpg1915912 / 15 May 1915KielceKielceRachmil GoldbergGOLDBERGmaleSobkow80Gersz GoldbergGOLDBERG[not listed]widower[not listed][not listed]       
10861https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_107_56026329.jpg19151039 Jun 1915KielceSzai GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleRadom16MendelMarjem-Golda née KamelharKAMELHARConsumption        
10886https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_132_56026354.jpg19151282 Aug 1915KielceRuchla SkórnikSKÓRNIKFemaleChmielnik, Stopnicki county, Kielce Gubernia53Hersz-LejbTemerla née GoldbergGOLDBERGWulf SkórnikSKÓRNIKPneumonia        
10896https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_141_56026365.jpg191632 Jan 1916Kielceulica Silniczna No. 2Symche-Binem TenenwurcelTENENWURCELMaleRadoszyce30Chil-LejbKrandla née GoldbergGOLDBERGChaja-Sura KornblikKORNBLIKConsumptionWife's maiden name most probably Kornblik ("z" omitted) as no statement of parents not being marriedKORNBLIK    
11102https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_350_56026572.jpg191620827 Dec 1916Kielceulica Niewachlowska No. 17Nysla KaufmanKAUFMANFemaleChmielnik6NutaChana née GoldbergGOLDBERGScarlet feverJ. JankowskiFather is a tanner      
11341https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_592_56026814.jpg191723418 Sep 1917Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 27Binem RajzmanRAJZMANMaleVillage & district of Snochowice14IzraelMasia née GoldbergGOLDBERGAbdominal typhoidP. JankowskiFather is a trader      
11346https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_597_56026819.jpg191723920 Sep 1917Kielceulica Silniczna No. 5Chaskiel KinderlererKINDERLERERMaleWłoszczowa4 monthsSzlamaChana née GoldbergGOLDBERGEczema & ?LaskowskiFather is a trader      
11364https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_615_56026837.jpg19172576 Oct 1917KielceJewish hospitalRegina GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleKielce17Abram-SzmelkaSura née CwajgielCWAJGIELAbdominal typhoidLewinsonHome teacher; (255 / 757)Figures in brackets refer to entry in book of permanent residents     
11460https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_711_56026933.jpg1918287 Feb 1918KielceJewish hospitalKiwa GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleSettlement & district of Bodzentyn38Typhoid fever (rash)LewinsonTrader; unknown parents      
11783https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_61_56027389.jpg19192904 Feb 1919Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 16Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChęciny80Old ageP. JankowskiWidow;no occupation; unknown parents      
11943https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_400_56027729.jpg19191897 Jul 1919Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 27Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKielce10 monthsAronFajgla née GarfinkielGARFINKIELPneumoniaKomenda       
12036https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_591_56027920.jpg19192829 Oct 1919Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 26Chana GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleSettlement & district of Bodzentyn1 1/2Chil-SzajaRajzla née CytrynbaumCYTRYNBAUMConsumptionP. JankowskiFather is a workmanMordka Zyngier 42ZYNGIERAbram Moszek Recht 37RECHT
12088https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_698_56028027.jpg191933428 Dec 1919Kielceulica St. Rynek No. 12Szlama LindenbaumLINDENBAUMMaleJozefów, Lublin Gubernia5 weeksAbram-EljaszChaja-Bajla GoldbergGOLDBERGPneumoniaKomendaFather is a traderBurial authorization damaged so only signature of second witness visibleH. NeimanNEIMAN
12143https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_822_56028151.jpg19205218 Feb 1920Kielceulica St. War. No. 15Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleChmielnik6SzymonTauba-Rywka née RumianaRUMIANAConsumption / pulmonary tuberculosisKomendaWith parents; father is a tailorParents married in Chmielnik in 1902Szmul Trembacki 21Nusyn Trajman 35TRAJMAN
12145https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_827_56028157.jpg19205420 Feb 1920Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 36Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChmielnik24Izrael FrydensonFRYDENSONCywa née FrydmanFRYDMANPejsach GoldbergGOLDBERGInfluenzaKomendaWith husbandBoruch Laks 32LAKSSzlama Ładowski 38ŁADOWSKI
12171https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_887_56028215.jpg19208026 Mar 1920Kielceulica Duża No. 22Rachmil MoszkowiczMOSZKOWICZMaleKielce80GimpelHinda née MoszkowiczMOSZKOWICZOld age; unknown motherKomendaTraderIcek Erman 45ERMANIcek Goldberg 34GOLDBERG
12281https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_1148_56028477.jpg192019030 Aug 1920KielceDistrict hospital, ulica KolejowaRachmil GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleWarszawa18DysenteryJedlickiSoldier in Polish army; unknown parentsJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12296https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_1185_56028514.jpg192020519 Sep 1920Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 74Dawid Mendel GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleSettlement & district of Janów, Częstochowa county1 year 5 monthsEfroim-LejbusMindla née FinkielsztajnFINKIELSZTAJNDysenteryKomendaJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12311https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_1219_56028548.jpg192022021 Oct 1920Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 7Frandla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleSettlement & district of Bodzentyn14Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGMirla née SzajerSZAJERHeart attack / meningitisKomendaLived in Bodzentyn; with othersNot living with parentsJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12349https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_1303_56028632.jpg19202588 Dec 1920Kielceulica St. Warszawskie Przed. No. 11Szmul DonersztajnDONERSZTAJNMaleChęciny11Jankiel-BinemKajla née ZarnowskaZARNOWSKAMeningitis after influenzaKomendaWith parents; father is a shoemakerSz. Wekstajn, G. Goldgrob, Nuta Derodek, Aron Ber Rembrozenski, Strawczynski, Szmul Rozenfeld, Ch. Drectensztajn, H. Goldberg, L. GoldbergWEKSZTAJN, GOLDGROB, DERODEK, REMBROZENSKI, STRAWCZYNSKI, ROZENFELD, DRECHTENSZTAJN, GOLDBERG    
12383https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_38_56028705.jpg19211825 Jan 1921KielceJewish hospitalRachla WólfowiczWÓLFOWICZFemaleVillage & district of Dyminy, Kielce county25Moszek-Dawid BrajtmanBRAJTMANFajgla née GoldbergGOLDBERGMoszek WólfowiczWÓLFOWICZTyphoid fever (rash)KomendaNo occupationJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12432https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_137_56028803.jpg19216712 Apr 1921Kielceulica Bodzentyńska No. 8Chaja KlarmanKLARMANFemaleSettlement & district of Stopnica1 1/1ChilFrajndla née GoldbergGOLDBERGScarlet feverKomendaWith parents; alternative street name BorzeckaJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12500https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_254_56028920.jpg19211353 Sep 1921Kielceulica Silniczna No. 7Herszel KestenbaumKESTENBAUMMaleSettlement of Raków, Rembów district1Benjamin-MajerPerla-Zysla née GoldbergGOLDBERGIntestinal diseaseOlszewskiWith parents; father is a shoemakerJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12501https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_256_56028922.jpg19211363 Sep 1921Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 4Majlich GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleVillage of Piotrkowice, Maleszowa district1NutaChaja-Sura née BrajtmanBRAJTMANAcute intestinal diseaseOlszewskiWith parents; father is a traderJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12562https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_27_56029029.jpg19221330 Jan 1922Kielceulica Starowarszawska No. 36Cywja FrydensonFRYDENSONFemaleChmielnik48Jankiel FrydmanFRYDMANGitla née EjbuszycEJBUSZYCIzrael FrydensonFRYDENSONPulmonary tuberculosisKomendaWith husband who is a traderMother of Rywka Goldberg who died on 20 Feb 1920GOLDBERGAbram Waksberg 57Josek Szymon Chmielewski 42CHMIELEWSKI
12621https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_106_56029108.jpg19227210 Jun 1922Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 15Szymon / Sima GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleStopnica50AjzykChaja-BajlaTauba-Rywka née RumianekRUMIANEKPneumoniaKomendaTailorDeath certificate image follows next burial authorizationJosek Szymon Chmielewski 42Szmul Trembacki 23 
12659https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_192_56029196.jpg192211016 Aug 1922Kielceulica Rynek No.12Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChęciny52JosekChaja Bajla née TarbinerTARBINERHeart defectGąsiorowskiMarried; housewifeJosek Szymon Chmielewski 42Bajnech Sokoławski 27 
12671https://www.szu…ostka/1629144221_122_0_-_2912_219_56029222.jpg192212229 Aug 1922KielceJewish hospitalTauba GoldbergGOLDBERGFemalePierszchnice district15HerszelRywka née ManelaMANELAIntestinal inflammationGąsiorowskiCertificate attesting to povertyJosek Szymon Chmielewski 42Bajnech Sokoławski 27 
12920https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_52_56029769.jpg19242522 Feb 1924Kielceulica Wesoła No. 2Wólf GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKielce56ChilPesla née MarmuntMARMUNTPerla née GoldbergGOLDBERGPulmonary tuberculosisKomendaMerchantSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
12959https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_132_56029850.jpg19246426 Apr 1924Kielceulica Nowy Świat No. 27Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleDyminy district1AronFajgla née GarfinkielGARRFINKIELPneumoniaKomendaSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
12977https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_172_56029890.jpg19248227 May 1924Kielceulica Niecała No. 2Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleBodzentyn district90RywenFrajdlaSenile decayKomendaWidow; with familySzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
13046https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_315_56030033.jpg192415117 Oct 1924Kielceulica Planty No 4Izrael ManelaMANELAMaleKielce50? LuzerDwojra-Ruchla née RapoportRAPOPORTEstera née GoldbergGOLDBERGHeart diseaseKomendaTraderFrom Kielce records father is Wolf Lejzor; parents married in 1871Szmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
13052https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_328_56030046.jpg192415722 Oct 1924Kielceulica Staro Warszawska No. 72Rywka-Ruchla WajncwajgWAJNCWAJGFemaleKielce61Machel GoldbergGOLDBERGPesaFiszelCancerGierowskiSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
13093https://www.szu…ostka/1629144521_122_0_-_2915_16_56030132.jpg1925714 Jan 1925Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 15Chaja BergerBERGERFemalePinczów92HerszelSura née GoldbergGOLDBERGSenile decayKomendaSzmul Trembacki 25Bajnech Sokoławski 29 
13117https://www.szu…ostka/1629144521_122_0_-_2915_65_56030180.jpg1925313 Mar 1925Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 3Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKielce4JojneSura née CharendorfCHARENDORFScarlet feverKomendaSzmul Trembacki 25Bajnech Sokoławski 29 
13307https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_104_56030569.jpg1926503 Apr 1926Kielceulica Silniczna No. 8Mordka PasternakPASTERNAKMaleChmielnik70AronBajla née AjzykAJZYKEncephalitisKomendaMother's maiden name may be Goldberg, daughter of AjzykGOLDBERGSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13324https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_141_56030606.jpg19266720 Apr 1926Kielceulica Planty No. 4Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleBodzentyn settlement11 monthsChil-SzajaRajzla née CytrynbaumCYTRYNBAUMBroncho-pneumoniaKomendaSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13331https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_157_56030622.jpg1926746 May 1926Kielceulica Duża No. 20Estera GarfinkielGARFINKIELFemaleKielce84Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERGSzajndlaOld ageKomendaSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13359https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_215_56030680.jpg192610212 Jul 1926Kielceulica St. Warszawskie Przedmiescie No. 14Moszek GrynbaumGRYNBAUMMaleBodzentyn district6 monthsEljasz-IchelAjdla née GoldbergGOLDBERGGastro-enteritisKomendaSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13366https://www.szu…ostka/1628648121_122_0_-_2916_229_56030694.jpg192610928 Jul 1926Kielceulica N. Zagnańska No. 7Tobjasz GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleZarnów district44Szaja SzlamaEsteraLungs edemaGierowskiSzmul Trembacki 26Bajnech Sokoławski 30 
13464https://www.szu…ostka/1629145921_122_0_-_2917_50_56030895.jpg19272426 Feb 1927Kielceulica N. Warszawska No. 4Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleChęciny2JosekEstera-Małka FajersztajnFAJERSZTAJNInflammation of lungs and kidneysKomendaParents are not marriedSzmul Trembacki 27Bajnech Sokoławski 32 
13530https://www.szu…ostka/1629145921_122_0_-_2917_186_56031031.jpg19279011 Aug 1927Kielceulica Targowa No. 2Pinkus HesesHESESMaleZajączków district1 1/2MajlichMatla née GoldbergGOLDBERG?KomendaSzmul Trembacki 27Bajnech Sokoławski 32 
13576https://www.szu…ostka/1629145921_122_0_-_2917_279_56031125.jpg192713630 Oct 1927TumlinTumlinMoszek GoździńskiGOŹDZIŃSKIMaleSamsonów district16MordkaRuchla née GoldbergGOLDBERGHeart defectKomendaLived in TumlinSzmul Trembacki 27Bajnech Sokoławski 32 
13583https://www.szu…ostka/1629145921_122_0_-_2917_293_56031138.jpg192714315 Nov 1927Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 1Todrys BrukierBRUKIERMaleKielce65FajwelBrandlaBrucha née GoldbergGOLDBERGStomach cancerKomendaSzmul Trembacki 27Bajnech Sokoławski 32 
13589https://www.szu…ostka/1629145921_122_0_-_2917_305_56031150.jpg19271497 Dec 1927Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 6Icek-Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKielce27Szmul-LejbRywka née RechtemanRECHTEMANLong-term mental illness (Dr. Pelc)GierowskiIn 1903 Kielce marriage record, mother's maiden name is RechtRECHTSzmul Trembacki 27Bajnech Sokoławski 32 
13688https://www.szu…ostka/1629144721_122_0_-_2918_188_56031362.jpg19288716 Jun 1928Kielceulica N. Warszawska No. 6Michel-Berek GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleWłoszczowa83JosekChana née HerszlikHERSZLIKSenile decayKomendaBorn 1 Jul 1845 Włoszczowa, widower living with childrenSzmul Trembacki 28Bajnech Sokoławski 33 
13807https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_19_56031632.jpg1929814 Jan 1929Kielceulica Niewlachowska No. 132Jochweta KalmowiczKALMOWICZFemaleKielce25SzlamaPesla née GoldbergGOLDBERGDawidHeart diseaseKomendaSzmul-Zelik Trembacki 29Janas Dziadek 37 
13835https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_79_56031692.jpg1929364 Mar 1929Kielceulica Bazarowa No. 6Abram-Zelik BorkowskiBORKOWSKIMaleSobków settlement & district64UrysDwojraRywa née CzapaCZAPACachexia, tuberculosisJanowskiAlternative street name ŚniadeckichSzmul-Zelik Trembacki 29Chil Goldberg 40GOLDBERG
13872https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_159_56031772.jpg19297316 Jun 1929Kielceulica Czysta No. 10Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKielce17IcekGitla née ZalcerZALCERNo death certificate but a note from the prosecutor's office authorizing burial of the corpseSzmul-Zelik Trembacki 29Chil Goldberg 40 
14054https://www.szu…ostka/1629144921_122_0_-_2920_252_56032183.jpg193011225 Jul 1930Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 15Matla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChmielnik17SzymonTauba-Rywka née Rumianek?RUMIANEK?Pulmonary tuberculosisJanowskiMother's maiden name Rumiana in transcription of 1902 Chmielnik marriage recordsRUMIANASzmul Trembacki 30Chil Goldberg 41 
14178https://www.szu…ostka/1629145021_122_0_-_2921_47_56032499.jpg19312027 Jan 1931Kielceulica Niska No. 19Boruch GoldbergGOLDBERGMalePiotrkowice district3 weeksChilRywka née WietrnikWIETRZNIKBrain inflammationJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 32Chil Goldberg 42 
14215https://www.szu…ostka/1629145021_122_0_-_2921_130_56032583.jpg19315724 Mar 1931Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 6Mendel MorgenszternMORGENSZTERNMalePinczów9 monthsJosek-BajrechPesla née GoldbergGOLDBERGComplications after ?KomendaSzmul Trembacki 32Chil Goldberg 42 
14333https://www.szu…ostka/1629145021_122_0_-_2921_382_56032834.jpg19311758 Nov 1931Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 3Szulim GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleMaleszów district19NutaChaja-Sura née BrajtmanBRAJTMANPulmonary tuberculosisKomendaSzmul Trembacki 31Chil Goldberg 42 
14403https://www.szu…ostka/1629145121_122_0_-_2922_98_56032985.jpg1932451 Mar 1932Kielceulica Warszawska No. 4Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleKorzecko district80Moszek-JakóbRuchla-ŁajaSenile decayKomendaSzmul Trembacki 32Chil Goldberg 42 
14409https://www.szu…ostka/1629145121_122_0_-_2922_110_56032997.jpg19325112 Mar 1932Kielceulica Kozia No. 2Chaja-Klara SzulmanSZULMANFemaleGnojno district85NutaSura née GoldbergGOLDBERGStrokeKomendaSzmul Trembacki 32Chil Goldberg 42 
14578https://www.szu…ostka/1629145221_122_0_-_2923_115_56033349.jpg1933566 Apr 1933Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 135Nuta KaufmanKAUFMANMaleChmielnik59ChaskielBajlaChana née GoldbergGOLDBERGPulmonary edemaJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 33Chil Goldberg 43 
14660https://www.szu…ostka/1629145221_122_0_-_2923_279_56033518.jpg193313812 Sep 1933Kielceulica Cicha No. 4Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemalePierzchnica district85KałmaSura-ŁajaSzlamaSenile decayJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 34Chil Goldberg 52 
14689https://www.szu…ostka/1629145221_122_0_-_2923_339_56033573.jpg193316720 Nov 1933Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 11Frymeta GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleBodzentyn district47SzajaBajla née ManelaMANELATwisted bowelJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 34Chil Goldberg 52 
14718https://www.szu…ostka/1629145321_122_0_-_2924_24_56033636.jpg19341124 Jan 1934Kielceulica Nowy Świat No. 47Sura GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChmielnik64Jakób-SzlamaGnendla née GoldfarbGOLDFARBPneumoniaJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 35Chil Goldberg 53 
14810https://www.szu…ostka/1629145321_122_0_-_2924_221_56033833.jpg193410320 Jul 1934KielcePlac Marszała Piłsudskiego No. 11Herszel TenenwurcelTENENWURCELMaleKielce56Chil-LejbKrajndla née GoldbergGOLDBERGLiver cancerJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 35Chil Goldberg 52 
14857https://www.szu…ostka/1629145321_122_0_-_2924_333_56033945.jpg193415022 Nov 1934Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 15Blima-Nizla GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChęciny4PinkusHinda-Łaja LupkaLUPKAPneumoniaKomendaParents are not married; born 1 Oct 1930Szmul Trembacki 35Chil Goldberg 52 
14893https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_48_56034019.jpg19352329 Jan 1935Kielceulica Okrzei No. 37Rywka ObermanOBERMANFemaleChęciny76Szmul KamenharKAMENHAR / KAMELHARAjdlaHeart muscle failureJanowskiBorn in Chęciny in 1859; widow; witness 2 is a traderKAMELHAR added because it appears in other Kielce recordsSzmul Trembacki 36Mendel Goldberg c.65GOLDBERG
14895https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_52_56034023.jpg1935254 Feb 1935Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 26Gdalja Josef SzpiroSZPIROMaleSandomierz10AbramChaja-Sura née GoldbergGOLDBERGPeritonitisJanowskiWitness 2 is a maker of shoe uppers living at ulica Kilinskiego No. 4Szmul Trembacki 36Chaim Orzech c.44ORZECH
14903https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_68_56034039.jpg19353317 Feb 1935BiałogonBiałogon villageAron GarfinkielGARFINKIELMaleNiewachlów district71Szmul-MajerChana-NeszaSclerosis attack, bronchial anginaJanowskiWidower; born 2 Feb 1864; witness 2 is a trader living at ulica Nowy Świat No. 39Szmul Trembacki 36Aron Goldberg 44GOLDBERG
14908https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_81_56034051.jpg19353827 Feb 1935Kielceulica StrycharskaRaca GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleMaleszów district76AbramChanaHeart muscle failureJanowskiBorn in Chmielnik; maiden name Sandał; witness 2 is a trader living at ulica StrycharskaIn Chmielnik records married Moszek Goldberg in 1877GOLDBERGSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 38GOLDBERG
14964https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_197_56034169.jpg1935949 May 1935Kielceulica Leonarda No. 19Jojne GoldbergGOLDBERGMaleDyminy district41 / 38BinemChana née BojgenBOJGENSura née CharendorfCHARENDORFHeart muscle failureJanowskiBorn in Dyminy districtDifferent ages on burial authorization & death certificateSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 
15011https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_318_56034289.jpg19351419 Aug 1935Kielceulica Warszawska No. 9Fajgla WajnbergWAJNBERGFemaleOpatów52 / 51Majer-Chil GoldbergGOLDBERGPrywa née RozenblatROZENBLATIcek-MajerStomach cancerKomendaBorn 15 Sep 1883 in OpatówDifferent ages on burial authorization & death certificateSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 
15044https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_395_56034366.jpg193517426 Sep 1935Kielceulica Aleksandra No. 1Ruchla-Łaja GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleDyminy district33 / 26Binem GoldbergGOLDBERGChana née BojgenBOJGENMosiek WojciekowiczWOJCIEKOWICZPeritonitis after childbirthJanowskiMother is deceased; Mosiek Wojciekowicz described as husband but not marriedSzmul Trembacki 36Binem Goldberg 71GOLDBERG
15062https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_464_56034435.jpg19351924 Nov 1935Kielceulica Czarnowska No. 5Bajla-Rykla ZającZAJĄCFemaleGórno district75Mordka JakóbowiczJAKÓBOWICZSura née GoldbergGOLDBERGBerekPneumoniaJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 
15063https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_466_56034437.jpg19351934 Nov 1935Kielceulica Wesoła No. 2Hersz BlumensztajnBLUMENSZTAJNMaleKielce37LipaŁaja-Estera née JudJUDPesla née GoldbergGOLDBERGStomach cancerJanowskiBorn 22 Mar 1898 in Łódź; Kielce book of residents No. 132/789; marriage akt No. 12/1927 KielceSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 
15085https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_523_56034494.jpg193521513 Dec 1935Kielceulica Sienkiewicza No. 58Tauba Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERGFemaleChmielnik59Majer RumaniekRUMANIEKChana-Fajgla née KamelgarnKAMELGARNCerebral brain hemorrhageJanowskiWidow; born 19/31 Jan 1876 in ChmielnikIn Chmielnik records married Szymela Goldberg in 1902, surnames of parents Rumiana and Kamelgor / KamelhaurGOLDBERG, RUMIANA, KAMELGOR / KAMELHAURSzmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 

Kłobuck Yizkor book (Sefer Klobutsk, 1960), all except necrology [H]

-Sort-Section of bookSubsection of bookStart page for this subsectionWeb addressName of personSurname from previous columnPage on which this name appearsNotesSurname from previous column
10005[none]First pages1https://www.jew…ck/klo001.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG5Management member of book committee 
10009[none]First pages1https://www.jew…ck/klo001.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG5Management member of book committee 
10062Jewish KlobuckThe Last Klobuck Rabbi21https://www.jew…ck/klo011.htmlReb Yitzhak Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG21Grandson of first Gerer Rebbe -Baal Chidush Harim 
10063Jewish KlobuckThe Last Klobuck Rabbi21https://www.jew…ck/klo011.htmlBaal Chidush HarimHARIM21Grandfather of Reb Yitzhak Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG
10064Jewish KlobuckThe Last Klobuck Rabbi21https://www.jew…ck/klo011.htmlRav Yitzhak henechGOLDBERG21Also known as Reb Yitzhak Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG
10071Synagogues and Houses of PrayerThe Rise of the Synagogue25https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlGitl GoldbergGOLDBERG25Author 
10072Synagogues and Houses of PrayerThe Rise of the Synagogue25https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlRayzl LeahGOLDBERG?25Mother of Gitl GoldbergGOLDBERG
10108Synagogues and Houses of PrayerThe Young Men of the House of Prayer29https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG29beginners 
10124Synagogues and Houses of PrayerThe Young Men of the House of Prayer29https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlKh. M. GoldbergGOLDBERG29Worshipper 
10131Synagogues and Houses of PrayerGhosts in the Mikvah32https://www.jew…ck/klo022.htmlGitl GoldbergGOLDBERG32Author 
10144The Melamdim [Teachers] in the Shtetl [Town]Thus We Studied Torah36https://www.jew…ck/klo036.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG36Author 
10281The Economic LifeJewish Artisans and Merchants65https://www.jew…ck/klo064.htmlJakov GoldbergGOLDBERG67The shoemaker 
10316The Economic LifeFood Stores and Cloth Shops70https://www.jew…ck/klo064.htmlGitl GoldbergGOLDBERG72Blessed memory 
10339The First World War and its Effects on Klobucker Jews[A machloket (controversy) in shtel[sp]]81https://www.jew…ck/klo075.htmlRabbi Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG81Rabbi of Klobuck 
10381The Jewish Communal LifeThe First Charity Institutions and Torah Scholar Groups84https://www.jew…ck/klo084.htmlAsher GoldbergGOLDBERG87One of the first members of "Gemilut Chasadim" 
10382The Jewish Communal LifeThe First Charity Institutions and Torah Scholar Groups84https://www.jew…ck/klo084.htmlGitel GoldbergGOLDBERG87Relation of Asher GoldbergGOLDBERG
10386The Jewish Communal LifeThe First Charity Institutions and Torah Scholar Groups84https://www.jew…ck/klo084.htmlAsher GoldbergGOLDBERG88One of the first members of "Gemilut Chasadim" charity 
10419The Jewish Communal LifeThe First Charity Institutions and Torah Scholar Groups84https://www.jew…ck/klo084.htmlHertzl GoldbergGOLDBERG89Member of "Tiferet Bachurim" (Splendor of Young Men) society 
10446The Jewish Communal LifeJewish Conflict and the First Mizrachi Organization91https://www.jew…84.html#Page91Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG92Opponent of Zionism 
10496The Jewish Communal LifeHitachdut, Gordonia and Other Zionist Organizations94https://www.jew…84.html#Page94Shmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG102Went to preparation center to attempt immigration to Israel 
10505The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG103Author of subsection 
10509The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG103One of the leaders of the "Hitchadut" (Zionist worker party) organization 
10511The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG103One of the leaders of the "Hitchadut" (Zionist worker party) organization 
10520The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlAsher GoldbergGOLDBERG105Family provided meals for Hebrew teacher Gelber for "Tarbut Shul" (Cultural center) 
10527The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG105Member of the steering committee for the Hebrew teacher for "Tarbut Shul" (Cultural center) 
10540The Jewish Communal LifeZionist Activity After the First World War103https://www.jew…ck/klo103.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG106Went to the "Hachsharah" (preparation to Aliya) 
10550The Jewish Communal LifeThe Betar Organization109https://www.jew…3.html#Page109Avraham GoldbergGOLDBERG109Author of subsection 
10566The Jewish Communal LifeThe Yesodey haTorah School and the Beis-Yakov School112https://www.jew…3.html#Page112Yitshak Chanoch GoldbergGOLDBERG112Initiated committee to establish the Cheder "Yesodey HaTorah" to reform the educational system 
10679Types and ImagesMy Grandfather - the Pious, Believing Tailor132https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlMoshe GoldbergGOLDBERG132Author 
10680Types and ImagesMy Grandfather - the Pious, Believing Tailor132https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlChaim Moshe GoldbergGOLDBERG132Grandfather of Moshe GoldbergGOLDBERG
10681Types and ImagesMy Grandfather - the Pious, Believing Tailor132https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlFromet/Frimet GoldbergGOLDBERG132Grandmother of Moshe GoldbergGOLDBERG
10693Types and ImagesThe Child Prodigy of Klobuck139https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlMoshe GoldbergGOLDBERG139Author 
10694Types and ImagesThe Child Prodigy of Klobuck139https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlAvraham Naphtali Hertzke GoldbergGOLDBERG139Brother of Moshe GoldbergGOLDBERG
10696Types and ImagesThe Child Prodigy of Klobuck139https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlAvraham Hertzke GoldbergGOLDBERG140Admitted to the Czestochowa Yeshiva 
10717Types and ImagesYaakov Moshe Weichman and his Tragic Death145https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG145Author 
10752Types and ImagesReb Zelikl149https://www.jew…ck/klo130.htmlGitl GoldbergGOLDBERG149Author 
10824Types and ImagesReb Moshe Szperling164https://www.jew…ck/klo156.htmlReb Henekh GoldbergGOLDBERG164Against Reb Shlomo 
10852Types and ImagesThe Last Community of Klobuck170https://www.jew…ck/klo170.htmlReb Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG170Rabbi of Klobuck 
10866Types and ImagesThe Last Community of Klobuck170https://www.jew…ck/klo170.htmlReb Henech GoldbergGOLDBERG172Rabbi 
10949Klobucker Righteous GentilesThe Libidzer Estate Owner Who Saved Jews from Danger During the First World War187https://www.jew…ck/klo184.htmlAsher GoldbergGOLDBERG187Arrested Jew 
11063The German Extermination of Jewish KlobuckThe Activities of the Judenrat and the Battle for Existence223https://www.jew…ck/klo209.htmlAaron-Meir GoldbergGOLDBERG225Smuggler of goods 
11747360see pages 360-393 in Hebrew: https://digital…1-00505686a51cGdalya GoldbergGOLDBERG392
11760[none]The Pioneers Aliya409https://www.jew…ck/klo407.htmlAvraham GoldbergGOLDBERG409Hitachdut member 
11764[none]The Pioneers Aliya409https://www.jew…ck/klo407.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG409Hitachdut member 
11778[none]We did not forget the Kedoshim (martyrs)411https://www.jew…ck/klo407.htmlShmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG414  

Kłobuck Yizkor book (Sefer Klobutsk, 1960; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/klobuck/klo394.html, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/8d580160-7a67-0133-29a1-00505686a51c) [H]

-Sort-LetterGiven nameSurname [r#]WifeHusbandDaughterSonAdditional informationPage in Yizkor book
10001Yitzhak HanichGOLDBERGThe Rabbi Yitzhak-Hanoch Goldberg, the local Rabbi, was the last Rabbi of the Klobuck Community. He went with his people on the death road and was murdered together with his family and with last holy people of Klobuck by the Germans394
10069GIMELAbraham HerszkeGOLDBERG396
10405Klobuck's People Who Passed Away in IsraelAsherGOLDBERGGitl     

Końskie: list of real estate in the city of Końskie 1936, syg 290; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15091029 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberCityStreetReal estate numberDesignated (assigned) numberProperty ownersSurname from previous columnPerson responsible for the performance of registration obligationsSurname from previous columnNumber of houses inhabitedNumber of separate apartmentsRemarks [see image for Polish abbreviated remarks regarding brick (mur), wooden (dr), etc.]Other informationNotes by typist / translatorSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by typist / translator)
1001021_519_0_-_290_4_56187080.jpg2KońskieAnnotarg2Lejb GoldbergGOLDBERG11sklep. [store]    
1010021_519_0_-_290_6_56187083.jpg5KońskieAnnotarg86Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERG11sklep. [store]    
1017421_519_0_-_290_19_56187096.jpg30KońskieJalkava44Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGHynoch? Ka?KA?22[POLISH]Hynoch? crossed out  
1032021_519_0_-_290_23_56187100.jpg38KońskieBerka Joselewicza2323Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG         
1060821_519_0_-_290_58_56187137.jpg98KonskieWica Marszalka Pilsudskiego?66Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERGLejb SzejerSZEJER       
1092921_519_0_-_290_76_56187154.jpg133KonskieWica 3 Maja3941Mojsen? FarberFARBERJankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG       
1093521_519_0_-_290_76_56187154.jpg133KonskieWica 3 Maja3941Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG         

Końskie: lists of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises 1941-1942, syg 425, 21_519_0_0_425.pdf; some translations created with https://translate.google.com [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageText at top of page before list of namesHeader immediately before listOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 2Order numberOwner of the storeSurnameAddressType of company [if in this table]CommentsOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 2Other column, if any -- 3Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1001421_519_0_0_4251Komisarz miasta Końskie. / Końskie, dnia 29.IV.1940. / Nr. Ew/H/40. / Do Pana Starosty Powiatowego / w sprawie handlu materiałami włókienniczymi. / W wykonaniu polecenia z ania 24 Im.Nr.205., donoszę, że na tere nie tut. miasta w dniu 1.9.1939. były czynne następujące sklepy wzgl. handle materiałemi włókienniezymi lub ich przetworami, a mianowicie: [Commissioner of the city of Końskie. / Końskie, 29 Apr 1940. / No. Ew/H/40. / To the District Mayor / regarding trade in textile materials. / In compliance with the order from ania 24 Im.Nr.205., I report that on 1 Sep 1939 The following stores were open: trade in textile materials or their products, namely:]I. sprzedaż towarów włókienniczych / łokciówka /. [sale of textiles / by yard.]14.Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERGul. 3 Maja 28      
1011621_519_0_0_42511Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw handlowych ze sprzedażą żelaza, wyrobów żelaznych wyrobów zelazno-galenterjnych, galenterii, zabawek, naczyn kuchen-nych. / Stan na dzień 10.8.1940. / m. Końskie. [List: commercial enterprises selling iron, iron products, accessories, haberdashery, toys, kitchen utensils. / As of 10 Aug 1940. / town of Końskie.]25.Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Maja 24sprzedaż żelaza     
1011921_519_0_0_42511Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw handlowych ze sprzedażą żelaza, wyrobów żelaznych wyrobów zelazno-galenterjnych, galenterii, zabawek, naczyn kuchen-nych. / Stan na dzień 10.8.1940. / m. Końskie. [List: commercial enterprises selling iron, iron products, accessories, haberdashery, toys, kitchen utensils. / As of 10 Aug 1940. / town of Końskie.]28.Herszek GoldbergGOLDBERGAnnotarg 2sprzedaż naczyń kuchennych     
1025921_519_0_0_42523-24Wykaz przedsiębiorstw przemyslowych, handlowych i rzemieślniczych powstalych po dniu l wrzesnia 1939 r. w miescie Konskie [List of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises established after 1 Sep 1939 in the city of Konskie]33.Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERGul. 3 Maja 5sprzedaż wyrobów żela...h i szkłabez zezwolenia [without permission]    
1059721_519_0_0_42547Obwód: Radom / Starostwo powiatowe: Końskie / Gmina: m. Końskie. / Wykaz "B" przeznaczony do ujęcia zakładów przemysłowych obowiązanych do nabycia kart rejestracyjnych w/g stanu do 1 kwietnia 1941 / Przed wypelnieniem, przeczytać instrukcję na odwrotnej stronie! [District: Radom / District Office: Końskie / Commune: Końskie. / List "B" intended to include industrial plants obliged to purchase registration cards as of 1 Apr 1941 / Before completing, read the instructions on the reverse side!]Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERGOrt der Niederlassung / Miejsce wykonywania zawodu [Place of business] Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 5Art des Unternehmens / Rodzaj przedsiebiorstwa [Type of business] sprzedaż wyrobów żelaznych i szkłaAnschrift des Eigentümers (Miteigentümers, Treubänders) / Miejsce zamieskania wlasciciela (wspólwlasciciela, powiernika) [Address of the owner (co-owner, trustee)] Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 24    
1060221_519_0_0_42547Obwód: Radom / Starostwo powiatowe: Końskie / Gmina: m. Końskie. / Wykaz "B" przeznaczony do ujęcia zakładów przemysłowych obowiązanych do nabycia kart rejestracyjnych w/g stanu do 1 kwietnia 1941 / Przed wypelnieniem, przeczytać instrukcję na odwrotnej stronie! [District: Radom / District Office: Końskie / Commune: Końskie. / List "B" intended to include industrial plants obliged to purchase registration cards as of 1 Apr 1941 / Before completing, read the instructions on the reverse side!]Jankiel Berek GoldbergGOLDBERGOrt der Niederlassung / Miejsce wykonywania zawodu [Place of business] Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 39Art des Unternehmens / Rodzaj przedsiebiorstwa [Type of business] warsztat kamaszniczy /cholewkarski/Anschrift des Eigentümers (Miteigentümers, Treubänders) / Miejsce zamieskania wlasciciela (wspólwlasciciela, powiernika) [Address of the owner (co-owner, trustee)] Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 39    

Końskie: lists of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises 1941-1942, syg 426, 21_519_0_0_426.pdf; some translations created with https://translate.google.com [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageText at top of page before list of namesHeader immediately before listOrder number, if anyPersonSurname copied from previous columnAddressAddress, adjusted to match correct spellingOther column, if any -- 1Other column, if any -- 1, ROUGHLY translatedOther column, if any -- 2Notes (not written by translator / typist)
1010521_519_0_0_426.pdf18Wykaz przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieslniczych na terenie miasta Końskich [List of industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie]182.Jankiel Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Maja 37warsztat kamaszniczyupper shoemaker's workshoptak 
1014521_519_0_0_426.pdf22Lista dodatkowa. / przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieslniczych na terenie miasta Końskich czynnych w dniu 15.10.1941 r. [Additional list. / industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie operating on 15 Oct 1941]34.Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERGMały AnnotargSprzedaż żelaza.Ironware sales.  
1016321_519_0_0_426.pdf24[page 23: 19 Jun 1942, letter (from Regierung des Generalgouvernements Staatssekretariat / Statistisches Amt Gruppe / Wirtschaftsstatistik) to mayor of Końskie regarding registration of market stands in streets, squares, market halls, etc. They claim that the registration submitted in October 1941 was incomplete, and ask for names and addresses of stallkeepers, plus location of the stands, to be submitted without delay.]26.Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERG3-go Maja 53 Maja 5sprzedaż wyr. żelaznych i szkła.-sale of iron and glass products.-  
1032821_519_0_0_426.pdf142Wykaz: przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych, handlowych i rzemieślniczych na terenie miasta Końskich. [List of: industrial, commercial and craft enterprises in the town of Końskie.]187.Jankiel Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG3go Maja 393 Maja 39warsztat kamaszniczyupper shoemaker's workshop10/G 

Końskie: registers of business registration cards / taxable businesses, 1940, syg 430, 21_519_0_0_430

-Sort-YearImage file namePageOrder number[Date of receipt and number of registration card]Surname[Business: Name or surname and given name of owner (co-owner)]Handwritten number after name, if anySection part III appendix to article 7Unknown meaning[Date checked][Type of business][Business: Place of operation][Cost of registration card]h [handel? = trade], pr [produkcja? = production / manufacture], or rz [rzemieślnik? = artisan]Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100631940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43019-20203 Jun 1940GoldbergSzejwa[blank]I.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie 3 Maja 2440.00h  
100751940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43019-203211 Jun 1940GoldbergJankiel Berek221II.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie 3 Maja 3930.00rz  
100801940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43021-223819 Jul 1940GoldbergSzejwa128I.c.1.7.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie 3-go Maja 2420.00[blank]  
100811940 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43021-22393 Jun 1940GoldbergHerszek[blank]I.c.1.I.31 Dec 1940[Polish text]Końskie Annotarg 240.00[blank]  

Końskie: registers of business registration cards / taxable businesses, 1941, syg 431, 21_519_0_0_431

-Sort-YearImage file namePageOrder number[Date of receipt and number of registration card][Business: Name or surname and given name of owner (co-owner)]SurnameHandwritten number after name, if anySection part III appendix to article 7Unknown meaning[Date checked][Type of business][Business: Place of operation][Cost of registration card]h [handel? = trade], pr [produkcja? = production / manufacture], or rz [rzemieślnik? = artisan]Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100461941 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43117-18630 Dec 1940Szejwa GoldbergGOLDBERG1e1.I31 Dec 1941[POLISH TEXT]Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 5640h.  
100471941 [no column headers; headers assumed, based on 1943 document]21_519_0_0_43117-18102 Jan 1941Jankiel-Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG2e1.I31 Dec 1941[POLISH TEXT]Końskie, ul. 3 Maja 3930h.  

Kraków: Registration Forms for Jewish Inhabitants of Kraków, Poland; only listings for CRARG towns [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous columnBirth dateBirth place
10084United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database; for complete data search here: https://www.ush…SourceId=45188Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG1925Wojdzislaw

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
10508Syg. 22, Rynek294ZAWADZKIMoszekIcek & SuratraderGOLDBERG, ROCHMIL, ZAWADZKI
10510Syg. 22, Rynek294ZAWADZKINuchimMoszek & RuchlaGOLDBERG, ROCHMIL, ZAWADZKI
10511Syg. 22, Rynek294ZAWADZKIFrajdaMoszek & RuchlaGOLDBERG, ROCHMIL, ZAWADZKI
10512Syg. 22, Rynek294ZAWADZKIIzaakMoszek & RuchlaGOLDBERG, ROCHMIL, ZAWADZKI

List of Jewish Refugees Nr. 11, 11 Nov 1945; only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service, 4 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberAr.PersonSurname from previous columnAgeCountryTownNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100983129Miriam GoldbergGOLDBERG20PolandLodz  

List of Persons Who Arrived in Palestine on 10 July 1944 under the Auspices of the Third German-Palestinian Exchange (242 persons) [H]

-Sort-Concentration CampGiven NameSurnameDate of BirthPlace of BirthDate Sent to CampNotes
10086VittelAvivaGOLDBERG16 May 1936Tel Aviv  
10087VittelVictorGOLDBERG28 Aug 1939Paris  
10088VittelDynyGOLDBERG-SEIDMANN17 Nov 1919Tel Aviv  

Łódź: Jewish survivors registered in Łódź, July 1945, received by the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada [date unreadable] [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthAddress before 1939Notes (not by typist)
1234119Frania Goldberg-ChecinskaGOLDBERG-CHECINSKALodz 
1234219Hania Goldberg-ChecinskaGOLDBERG-CHECINSKA1915Lodz 
1234319Krysia Goldberg-ChecinskaGOLDBERG-CHECINSKA1920Lodz 
1234419Rachela Goldberg-ChecinskaGOLDBERG-CHECINSKA1911Lodz 
1288423(Anna Goldberg)GOLDBERG1918Lwow 
1426934Abe GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Lodz 
1427034Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG1904Suchedniow 
1427134Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Suchedniow 
1427234Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1921Bielsko 
1427334Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Bielsko 
1427434Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1904Bielsko 
1427534Adel GoldbergGOLDBERG1913Bielsko 
1427634Aron GoldbergGOLDBERG1919Bielsko 
1427734Bajla GoldbergGOLDBERG1902Bielsko 
1427834Balcia GoldbergGOLDBERG1905Bielsko 
1427934Berek GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Bielsko 
1428034Binem GoldbergGOLDBERG1897Jedwabne 
1428134Brajndla GoldbergGOLDBERG1892Jedwabne 
1428234Brucha GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Jedwabne 
1428334Cela GoldbergGOLDBERG1927Jedwabne 
1428434Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Jedwabne 
1428534Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Jedwabne 
1428634Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1921Jedwabne 
1428734Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Jedwabne 
1428834Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Jedwabne 
1428934Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Aleksandrow 
1429034Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Aleksandrow 
1429134Chana GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Aleksandrow 
1429234Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG1912Lowicz 
1429334Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG1903Lowicz 
1429434Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Augustow 
1429534Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Ostrow ?Address before 1939 listed as "Ostrow ?"
1429634Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Szczercow 
1429734Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Szczercow 
1429834Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Bielska Wola 
1429934Eugenia GoldbergGOLDBERG1916Bomms ?Address before 1939 listed as "Bomms ?"
1430034Fajga GoldbergGOLDBERG1913Lowicz 
1430134Frania GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Staszow 
1430234Freim GoldbergGOLDBERG1920Staszow 
1430334Gertruda GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Wierzbnik 
1430434Hanka GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Wierzbnik 
1430534Hela GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Wierzbnik 
1430634Henia GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Wierzbnik 
1430734Herszek GoldbergGOLDBERG1902Wierzbnik 
1430834Hilel GoldbergGOLDBERG1905Rozanka 
1430934Hirsz GoldbergGOLDBERG1899Rozanka 
1431034Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Mogielnicka 
1431134Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Mogielnicka 
1431234Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Mogielnicka 
1431334Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG1904Luck 
1431534Idel GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Luck 
1431634Isak GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Warsaw 
1431734Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Warsaw 
1431834Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG1924Warsaw 
1431934Lajzer GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Warsaw 
1432034Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG1930Warsaw 
1432134Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Czestochowa 
1432234Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Czestochowa 
1432334Liliana GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Warsawa 
1432434Liza GoldbergGOLDBERG1917Warsawa 
1432534Lowa GoldbergGOLDBERG1919Czestochowa 
1432634Luba GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Warsaw 
1432734Lucyna GoldbergGOLDBERG1925Warsaw 
1432834Lucyna GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Czestochowa 
1432934Luzna GoldbergGOLDBERG1943Czestochowa 
1433034Maks GoldbergGOLDBERG1900Czestochowa 
1433234Michal GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Czestochowa 
1433334Michal GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Wilno 
1433434Mizka GoldbergGOLDBERG1925Stopnica 
1433534Miriam GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Zgierz 
1433634Misza GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Zgierz 
1433734Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Zgierz 
1433834Motel GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Zgierz 
1433934Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Zgierz 
1434034Nucha GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Warsaw 
1434134Natan GoldbergGOLDBERG1894Warsaw 
1434234Nela GoldbergGOLDBERG1934Warsaw 
1434334Rachela GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Stopnica 
1434434Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERG1896Stopnica 
1434534Renia GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Stopnica 
1434634Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Stopnica 
1434835Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG1925Bielska Wola 
1434935Srul GoldbergGOLDBERG1895Stopnica 
1435035Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERG1905Stopnica 
1435135Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG1925Tarnowskie Gory 
1435235Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERG1919Tarnowskie Gory 
1435335Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Warsaw 
1435435Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Tarnowskie Gory 
1435535Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Lodz 
1435635Zalman GoldbergGOLDBERG1926Lodz 
1435735Pirotka? GoldbergerGOLDBERGER1923LodzGiven name listed as "Pirotka?"
1436335Jakub GoldbruchGOLDBRUCH1910Skarzysko 
1510940Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Aleksandrow 
1511040Beniamin GoldbergGOLDBERG1920Aleksandrow 
1511140Bronia GoldbergGOLDBERG1919Aleksandrow 
1511341Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1929Aleksandrow 
1511441Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1915Wilno 
1511541Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1920Wilno 
1511641Cypora GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Rafalowka 
1511741Ela GoldbergGOLDBERG1897Rafalowka 
1511841Frymeta GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Staszow 
1511941Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Biala Podlaska 
1512041Salina GoldbergGOLDBERG1920Staszow 
1512141Hela GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Staszow 
1512241Hersz-Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG1897Staszow 
1512341Julka GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Rafalowka 
1512441Leo GoldbergGOLDBERG1930Rafalowka 
1512541Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Warsaw 
1512641Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG1922Warsaw 
1512741Maria GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Biala Podlaska 
1512841Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERG1911Lubezsow 
1512941Mowsza GoldbergGOLDBERG1906Warsaw 
1513041Natan GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Radom 
1513141Norbert GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Radom 
1513241Roman GoldbergGOLDBERG1919Warsaw 
1513341Rozalia GoldbergGOLDBERG1885Warsaw 
1513441Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG1918Radom 
1513541Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Radom 
1513641Szlamek GoldbergGOLDBERG1928Radom 
1513741Urbania-Krystona GoldbergGOLDBERG1923Radom 
1513941Wolf-Menasze GoldbergGOLDBERG1908Lodz 

Łódź: Jewish survivors registered in Łódź, Poland, Origin-Zionist Federation; printed at the top in red: Relatives Information Service, 15 Mar 1946? [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthAddressParents' namesSurname from previous columnAddress in 1939Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
103696Bela Merenholtz-GoldbergMERENHOLTZ-GOLDBERG1909Wierzbowa 6[not listed]Lodz  
104377Kala Minc GoldbergMINC GOLDBERG1916[not listed][not listed][not listed]  

Lublin-Majdanek; Institute of Jewish Affairs, Archives; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D56/4 (911 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberGiven name(s)SurnameNumber (if any)Birth date (year)Other informationSurname from previous column

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
107685Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG1904OzjaszSzyfraCzwartek 4 
107695Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG1916LodzLejzorJentaKr. Przedm. 4 
107705Chaim Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG1917SzmulLejaWyszynskiego 3 
107715Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG1912JankielFrajdaLeszczynsk. 19 
107725Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1922KiwaChana3 Maja 16 
107735Mania GoldbergGOLDBERG1922WarsawMajerChanaWyszynskiego 3 
107745Ina GoldbergGOLDBERG1917MoszekHelenaPeow. 4 
107755Ida GoldbergGOLDBERG1910WarsawNusynPesaNarutow 71 
107765Ignacy GoldbergGOLDBERG1909Nowy DworSrulRywkaCzwartek 4 
107775Klara GoldbergGOLDBERG1900BuskOzjaszSzyfraLubartowska 24 
107785Leon GoldbergGOLDBERG1907KrakowAronAdelaCzwartek 4 
107795Chadassa GoldbergerGOLDBERGER1917WolframGustaCzwartek 4 
107805Adolf GoldbergerGOLDBERGER1908MarkusEleonoraCzwartek 4 
107815Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERG1898SrulNechumaLubartowska 66 
107825Michal GoldbergGOLDBERG1908SzulimBertaSw. Mikolaja 
107835Josef GoldbergGOLDBERG1909WarsawHerszHelaCzwartek 4 
107845Markus GoldbergGOLDBERG1904IzraelRywkaCzwartek 4 
107855Masza GoldbergGOLDBERG1904LeonSzajndlaKollataja 9 

Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 (selected towns; complete material: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/introduction/) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)Maiden nameSurnameBorn onResident ofEmigration // Expulsion // ImprisonmentDeportationDate of deathPlace of death“Destiny”
10138Helene ElenoreGOLDBERGROSENTHAL10 Jun 1890 in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / RusslandDüsseldorfEXPULSION: 28 Oct 1938 to Bentschen (Zbaszyn)Deportation: Tschenstochau, ghetto [to] 22 Oct 1942, Treblinka, extermination camp   
10160BenzionGOLDBERG10 Mar 1900 in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / RusslandLeipzigEXPULSION: Oct 1938 to Poland // EMIGRATION: 14 Aug 1939, Italien    
10165AbrahamGOLDBERG9 Apr 1898 in Radomsko / Piotrkow / RusslandBerlin (Friedrichshain)IMPRISONMENT: 21 Sep 1939 - 26 Oct 1939, Sachsenhausen, concentration campDeportation: [to] Apr 1942, Lublin, ghetto   

Neunburg [vorm Wald], Germany: List of survivors in Neunburg, Wald Bayern, Germany, liberated from various concentration camps; Relatives Information Service, Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthLiberated fromNotes (not by typist)
100892Rachmil GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Jul 1919Lodz, PolandFlossenbuerg 

Palestine: Immigrants, 1945; origin of list: Jewish War Appeal; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-SubheaderPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnAgeRelationship [if listed]Name of fatherName of motherCitizenshipPlace of birthPlace of birth: inferred country (or city and country)Notes
10119List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"5329.Frida GoldbergGOLDBERG25YechielGitelPolandLublinLublin, Poland 
10474Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"18190.Zisman GoldbergGOLDBERG17HaimShendelPolandLodzŁódź, Poland 
10475Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"18191.Moses GoldbergGOLDBERG15HaimTovaPolandLodzŁódź, Poland 
10476Jewish Immigrants who arrived in Palestine through Haifa harbour on 8 Nov 1945 on board S/S "Prinzes Katlen"18192.Leib GoldbergGOLDBERG16Yakov ZviFridelPolandBialem Bezesi  

Palestine: List of emigrants to Palestine (Elenco dei Partenti), departed on 5 Nov 1945; Relatives Information Service on 27 Feb 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnSexAgeCitizenshipNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
101143187Wolf GeldbergGELDBERGM16Polacca  
101334207Leib GoldbergGOLDBERGM16Polacca  
101344208Moses GoldbergGOLDBERGM15Polacca  
101354209Siszmann GoldbergGOLDBERGM16Polacca  

Piotrków: List of Jews found in Piotrkowskich (near Łódź) on 20 Mar 1945; The Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem, P.O.B. 92, Relatives Information Service, 4 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnNotes (not by typist)
100771Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG 
100961Ludwik GoldbergGOLDBERG 
100981Zosia GoldbergGOLDBERG 

Piotrków Trybunalski: In the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto Oct 15 Sep 1940 - Aug 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Piotrków Trybunalski, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (140 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10022212Bogdanska Ita z HiszowBogdanska Ita nee HiszBOGDANSKA, HISZ22 Apr 1884 r. w Piotrkowie, c. Izraela i Blimy z Goldbergow22 Apr 1884 in Piotrkow, daughter of Izrael and Blima nee GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Oct 1942Herszenbaum Abram, Piotrkow, ul. Pilsudskiego nr 67HERSZENBAUMArchiwum b. Sadu Grodzkiego Piotrkow Zg.142/47  
10042430Finkelsztajn LajaFinkelsztajn LajaFINKELSZTAJN13 Apr 1887 r. w Piotrkowie, c. Jozefa-Lajby z Rozenbergow13 Apr 1887 in Piotrkow, daughter of Jozefa-Lajby nee RozenbergROZENBERGPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]17 Oct 1942Goldberg Abram, Piotrkow, Pilsudskiego nr 69GOLDBERGArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkow Zg. 174/46  
10051539Goldberg DawidGoldberg DawidGOLDBERG1 Sep 1922 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow1 Sep 1922 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 138/48  
10052540Goldberg SzajaGoldberg SzajaGOLDBERG12 Jun 1918 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow12 Jun 1918 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 139/48  
10055543Goldberg Mariem z d. KurcGoldberg Mariem nee KurcGOLDBERG, KURC20 Sep 1917 r. w Piotrkowie, c. Lejba i Chawy20 Sep 1917 in Piotrkow, daughter of Lejb and ChawaPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Oct 1942Rozenblum Minc, PiotrkowROZENBLUMArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 34/48  
10056644Goldberg Hersz-SzmulGoldberg Hersz-SzmulGOLDBERG20 May 1863 r. w Tom. Maz. s. Jakuba i Rachli z Tejnow20 May 1863 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, son of Jakub and Rachla nee TejnTEJN (?)Piotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]31 Oct 1942Goldminc Szela, LodzGOLDMINCArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkowie Zg. 289/47  
10057645Goldberg Dobra-Malka z BernardowGoldberg Dobra-Malka nee BernardGOLDBERG, BERNARD7 Feb 1862 r. w Piotrkowie, c Jakuba-Icka i Estery Malki7 Feb 1862 in Piotrkow, daughter of Jakub-Icek and Estera MalkaPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]31 Oct 1942Goldminc Szela, LodzGOLDMINCArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkowie Zg. 289/47  
10058646Goldberg Chaja-Dobra z RozenbergowGoldberg Chaja-Dobra nee RozenbergGOLDBERG, ROZENBERG25 Apr 1853 r. w Piotrkowie, c. Izraela i Lai25 Apr 1853 in Piotrkow, daughter of Izrael and LajaPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]17 Oct 1942Goldberg Abram, Piotrkow Pilsudskiego 69GOLDBERGArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. w Piotrkowie Zg. 172/46  

Pławno census, 12 Oct 1939, including Pławno, Kolonia Wesola, Wies Stanislawice, Kolonia Mekwa, Kolonia Strzala, Kolonia Pławno-Lasek; all Jewish entries (see statistics); Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 119 (448 persons) [H]

-Sort-Document notes 1Document notes 2Chronological numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AgeYear of birth (calculated)Address (street)RemarksComments
10134Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)792Soma GoldbergGOLDBERG191920MlynarskaLeft for Radomsko 
10135Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)1519Hendla GoldbergGOLDBERG601879Sobieskiego1 

Plawno: Finances of the Jewish Community 1822-1839, Plawno (Files of Synagogue Supervision, Funds and Debts of the Jewish Community in Plawno); Lodz Arch, syg 2542 (104 persons)

-Sort-SubdocumentNameSurname from previous columnMoney (Polish złoty)Notes
10077List of people who paid for the synagogue in Plawno, 1829Zysman GoldbergGOLDBERG6 
10084List of people who paid for the synagogue in Plawno, 1829Zalma GoldbergGOLDBERG7 
10086List of people who paid for the synagogue in Plawno, 1829Beniamin GoldbergGOLDBERG7 

Pławno: People living temporarily in Pławno and leaving for permanent residency elsewhere, 1935-1940, all Jewish entries; Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 118 (98 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year-chronological numberGiven name(s)SurnameCame from (place)Came on (date)Left for (place)Left for (date)Document notes
100141936-54PinkusKOLDBERG (GOLDBERG?)Lodz3 Jul 1936Entries per year: 1936-142; 1937-139; 1938: 137; 1939-127, no movement 4 Sep 1939 to 17 Nov 1939; 1940-87, no Jews
100151936-54PinkusKOLDBERG (GOLDBERG?)Lodz3 Jul 1936Entries per year: 1936-142; 1937-139; 1938: 137; 1939-127, no movement 4 Sep 1939 to 17 Nov 1939; 1940-87, no Jews
100171936-58PinkusKOLDBERG (GOLDBERG?)Lodz14 Jul 1936, permanentEntries per year: 1936-142; 1937-139; 1938: 137; 1939-127, no movement 4 Sep 1939 to 17 Nov 1939; 1940-87, no Jews
100181936-58PinkusKOLDBERG (GOLDBERG?)Lodz14 Jul 1936, permanentEntries per year: 1936-142; 1937-139; 1938: 137; 1939-127, no movement 4 Sep 1939 to 17 Nov 1939; 1940-87, no Jews

Poland - extract from list of survivors featuring information about relatives to locate, undated; page 1 missing; only letters B-F [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnResidence before the warRelatives to locateSurname from previous columnNotes (not by typist)
100483Chaim Zelik CwasszporaCWASSZPORARadom, Poland2. Chil Goldberg and Fredek Rozenbaum, evacuated in April 1945 from VaihingenGOLDBERG, ROZENBAUM 
100533Gabryel EjzmannEJZMANNRadom, Poland1. Chaja Ejsmann and Rywka Goldberg, at Auschwitz in August 1945, presumably been evacuated to GermanyEJSMANN, GOLDBERG 

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1126939Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank], Poland1909ChaimPerl 
1127039Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGRadom, Poland1925MosheMalka 
1127139Arje GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1909JosefRachelŁódź added because it seems more likely
1127239Beila GoldbergGOLDBERGBjalistok / Białystok, Poland1919GershonChajaBiałystok added because it seems more likely
1127339Bella GoldbergGOLDBERGOstrug [country not listed] / Ostrog, Poland1920NissenSaraOstrog, Poland added because it seems more likely
1127439Berish GoldbergGOLDBERGKrakow/ Kraków, Poland1913PesachFrimitKraków added because it seems more likely
1127539Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank], Poland1907PeretzRiwka 
1127639Chana GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1922GabrielSaraŁódź added because it seems more likely
1127839Hanka GoldbergGOLDBERGSucheiniwie, Poland1927MordchajRiwka 
1127939Henoch GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1926ShmuelRosaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1128039Isak GoldbergGOLDBERGRadzilow, Poland1922AkibaChana 
1128139Jakob GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1928ShmajReizelŁódź added because it seems more likely
1128239Joel GoldbergGOLDBERGMogelnica, Poland1921MosheFrieda 
1128339Leiser GoldbargGOLDBARG[blank], Poland1911ZewEster 
1128439Miriam GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1924GabrielSaraŁódź added because it seems more likely
1128539Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGRadom, Poland1914JechielSara 
1128639Mordchaj GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank], Poland1920ShalomErna 
1128739Perla GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1924ZwiZehawaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1128839Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1919GabrielSaraŁódź added because it seems more likely
1128939Samuel GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz / Łódź, Poland1929ChaimSheindelŁódź added because it seems more likely
1129039Samuel GoldbergGOLDBERGPruzany, Poland1922AbrahamChana 
1129139Sonia GoldbergGOLDBERGBrzeszin, Poland1923IcchakGisella 

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
1086832Arje GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz, Poland1924KalmanRachel  
1086932Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGWilno, Poland1920JakobChaja  
1087032Dow GoldbergGOLDBERGKalisz, Poland1915DawidEster  
1087132Fania GoldbergGOLDBERGSosnowies, Poland1920MoszeChawa  
1087232Gerszon GoldbergGOLDBERGKolo, Poland1922LejbRywka  
1087332Izak GoldbergGOLDBERGSiemiatycze, Poland1914ZyskindDwosza  
1087432Jechezkel GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz, Poland1927KalmanRachel  
1087532Jeszajohu GoldbergGOLDBERGBrzesc n/B., Poland1918DawidSaraTown of birth listed as "Brzesc n/B." 
1087632Mordchai GoldbergGOLDBERGBialystok, Poland1918IzraelSonia  
1087732Zelik GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy-Soncz, Poland1926MoszeSlawa  
1087832Dawid GoldbergerGOLDBERGERLwow, Poland1926BerlIta  

Poland: "Jewish survivors residing in Poland; cabled to the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada"; printed in red at the top: 24 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberTown header [presumably means "residing in..."]PersonSurname from previous columnPlace of birthYear born [often not listed]Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10217[4]SlomniniDawid GoldbergGOLDBERG1903  

Poland: List no. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after June 26th (Group 2); printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 18 Mar 1945? [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayTownIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100654Helen GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jan 1920Lodz, Poland4399  
100664Hermine GoldbergerGOLDBERGER22 Jan 1895873  

Poland: List no. 5, 2 Jul 1945 - Polish Jews refugees; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 2 Jan 1946? [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname from previous columnAgePlace of orginComes fromNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100732Gerszon GoldbergGOLDBERG22Kolo   
100812Leib GoldbergGOLDBERG19BialobrzegyMatthausen  

Poland: List no. 7 of Jewish refugees (Polish Jews), only Poland entries; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 12? Dec 1945 [H]

-Sort-PageNo.PersonSurname from previous columnAgeTownCampNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10036136Henoch GoldbergGOLDBERG19Lodz, PolandMathausen  

Poland: List of persons receiving individual gift packages, 1941, American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage number of complete set (unnumbered)Page number at top, centered (if any)Page header (including running header)[List number?]NameSurname from previous or following column[Address]Column without header [regarding delivery]Notes (not by typist)
10221German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[6][none]List No. 1, Receipts, May 1943[25?]Liba GoldbergGOLDBERGLitzmannstadt  
10222German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[6][none]List No. 1, Receipts, May 1943[26?]Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERGLitzmannstadt  
10448German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[12]4List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943141[given name illegible] GoldbergGOLDBERGLitzmannstadt  
10451German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[12]4List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[144?]Ignacy GoldbergerGOLDBERGER[town illegible]  
10886German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[21]3List No. 3, Continued[123?]Alexanier GoldbergGOLDBERGLitzmannstadt  
10887German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[21]3List No. 3, Continued[124?]Jeszja GoldbergGOLDBERGPabjanice  
10888German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[21]3List No. 3, Continued[125?]Sara GoldbergGOLDBERGLitzmannstadt  
10889German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[21]3List No. 3, Continued[126?]Lizzi GoldbergerGOLDBERGERLitzmannstadt  
11077German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[25][none]Returned Parcels, List. nr. 1[none?]G. GoldbergerGOLDBERGERAuschwitzAnnahan? verweigert [acceptance refused] 
11204German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[27]3Returned Parcels, List. nr. 2[none?]Estera GoldwargGOLDWARGWarschauunbekannt [unknown] 
11487German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[33]9[Returned Parcels,] List. no. 3[none?]Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERGWilneunzulaessig [inadmissible] 

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1013213Irene GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907Warschau2112  

Poland: List of surviving Jewish children in Poland; Relatives Information Service, 22 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnAgeOther informationNotes (not by typist)
10050[1]Adela GoldbergGOLDBERG11  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
10252DSC00041.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London K. 2; 136980Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV3 Nov 1942207Lejba GoldbergGOLDBERGPruianyul. Wodna 10   
10334DSC00043.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 137628Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Nov 1942287Szaja GoldbergGOLDBERGKielceul. Piotrowska 61   
10537DSC00049.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 138285Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Nov 1942523Kalman GoldbergGOLDBERGKamieniec Lit., pow. Brzesc n/Bugiemul. Leczynska?   
10746DSC00055.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140645Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Nov 1942765Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERGKowalul. Sienkiewicza 46   
10839DSC00057.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140641Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 1942856Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERGChmielnica, pow. Kowel    
10944DSC00060.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140657Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 1942958Jakob Geldberg?GELDBERG?Lodzul. Piotrkowska? 51?   
11039DSC00062.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140646Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 19421051Szlomo GoldbergGOLDBERGKobrynRynek 20   
11154DSC00066.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140652Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 19421163Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGPruzana?, pow. Brzesc nad Bugiem    
11155DSC00066.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 140652Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV6 Nov 19421164Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGPruzana?, pow. Brzesc nad Bugiem    
11347DSC00071.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 142725Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV8 Nov 19421345Majlech GoldbergGOLDBERGLublinul. Ruska 8/6   
11352DSC00071.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 142725Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV8 Nov 19421350Moszko GoldbergGOLDBERGZaroby? Koscielne, pow. Ostrow Maz.    
11459DSC00073.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143708Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421453Moszko GoldbergGOLDBERGWlodawaul. Wyrzykowska 277   
11845DSC00083.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 145389Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV10 Nov 194229Moses Goldberg-Glass, dentistGOLDBERG-GLASSBoryslaw?    
11934DSC00085.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 145391Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV10 Nov 1942116Sender GoldbergGOLDBERGTarnopolKozminskiego   
11959DSC00086.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 145394Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV10 Nov 1942140Moses Glass-GoldbergGLASS-GOLDBERGBoryslaw    
12301DSC00095.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97522Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194268Motel GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawMuranowska 11/50   
12379DSC00097.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97526Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194244Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNowolipki 29   
12382DSC00097.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97526Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194247Leon? GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNowolipki 29   
12411DSC00098.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 97528Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV24 Sep 194275Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNalewki 33/56   
12431DSC00098.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101273Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194214Maks GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawZelazna Brama 2   
12463DSC00099.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101271Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194245Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNalewki 40   
12464DSC00099.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 101271Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV28 Sep 194246Rachela Warchiwkier c/o GoldbergWARCHIWKIER, GOLDBERGWarsawNalewki 40   
12647DSC00104.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 103160Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV30 Sep 194210Scharlotta GoldbergGOLDBERGKrakowJudenrat   
12655DSC00104.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 103160Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV30 Sep 194218Filip GoldbergGOLDBERGKrakowJudenrat   
12657DSC00104.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 103160Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV30 Sep 194220Regina Scharlotta GoldbergGOLDBERGKrakowJudenrat   
12998DSC00112.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106182Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 194247Hinda GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNalewki 40   
13145DSC00116.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 106174Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV4 Oct 194232Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERGWilnoKarmelicka? 30/171   
13225DSC00119.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107078Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 19424Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERGLublinFurmanska 2   
13317DSC00121.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107074Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194250Anna GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawOrla 6   
13363DSC00122.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107072Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194295Hela Goldberg c/o Rasza WajsblatGOLDBERG, WAJSBLATWarsawWielka 28   
13407DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107069Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194226Leja? GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawSienna Judenrat   
13417DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107069Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194236Icchak GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawMuranowska 14   
13419DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107069Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194238Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawLeszno 54   
13420DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107069Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194239Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawSwietojerska 28   
13421DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107069Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194240Aleksander GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNowolipki 27   
13430DSC00124.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 107068Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Oct 194249Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGWarsawNalewki 33/56   
13760DSC00134.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 114717Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV13 Oct 1942105Emanuel GoldbergGOLDBERGLwowHanke Bossaka 10   

Poland: "Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland" (Exposition Press, 1963; 2584 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)SurnameBirthDeathPage number
10789Chaim LejbGOLDBERG1909Holocaust355
10792Henryk DawidGOLDBERG1902Holocaust355
10795Ludwik WladyslawGOLDBERG1896Holocaust356
10796Sala (Weissberg)GOLDBERG / WEISSBERG?Holocaust356

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10165M19460240039012411 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Radomsku / Ogloszenie IIOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsku oglasza, ze otwarte zostaly nastapujace spadki:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) po Zukinie i Ruchli, malz. Goldberg, wspolwlascicielach nieruchomosci w Radomsku, Nr hip. 172;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
10767M19460640121016418 Lipca19465Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzrki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze otwarle zostaly postepowania spadikowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com7) Henochu vel Enochu i Mani vel Marii z Goldbergow malz. Kleinman vel Klejman, wlasc. niepodzielnej polowy nieruchomosci w Czesltoohowie, oznaczonych Nr Nr 6 241/ll rep. hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG, KLEINMAN VEL KLEJMANSpelling is clearly "KLEJMAN"
10794M19460650124016520 Lipca19464Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none]Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie, zgodnie z art, 5 i 6 Dekretu z dnia 29, 8, 1946 roku (Dz. Ust. 40/45) podaje do wiadomosci, ze dnia 6.6.1946 r. do Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie wplynal wniosek Estery Flattau, zam. w Piotrkowie przy ulicy Pilsudskiego 71 m. 1, o stwierdzenie zgonu ojca jej, Emanuela Ojzera Flattau, urodzonego w Piotrkowie dn. 10. 1. 1897, syna Jakuba Joska i Dobry z Mirtenbaumow, sam. az do wysiedlenia w Piotrokowie przy ulicy Garncarskiej[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFLATTAU, MIRTENBAUM, GOLDBERG  
10795M19460650124016520 Lipca19464Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]26 i brata swego Moszka Arona Flattau, urodzonego w Piotrokowie dnia 11 lutego 1903 roku, syna Emanuela Ojzera i Chany Lai z Goldbergow, sam. w czasie okupacji w Piotrkowie, przy ulicy Garncarskiej 26, nastepnie w miejscowyn obozie pracy na Bugaju. Emanuel Ojzer Flattau wysiedlony zostal w dniu 14.10.1942 roku do Treblinki i dotychczas nie ma o nim wiadomosci, Moszek Aron Flattau wywieziony zostal w listopadzie 1944 rodu do obozu[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFLATTAU, MIRTENBAUM, GOLDBERG  
10796M19460650124016520 Lipca19464Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]koncentracyjnego w Buchenwald, gdzie 7.3.1945 roku rzekomo zmark. Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie wzywa wymienionych wyzej Emanuela Ojzera Flattau i Moszka Arona Flattau, aby w Terminie 3-miesiecznym od ukazania sie ogloszenia zglosili sie do Sadu Wzywajacego, gdyz w przeciwnym razie moga byc uznani za zmarlych. Wzywa sie wszystkie osoby, ktore moga udzielic wiadomosci o zaginionych, aby w terminie powyzszym domiosly o tym Sadowi. (N. Zg. 61/46). KB--1068Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFLATTAU, MIRTENBAUM, GOLDBERG  
11140M19460930174019322 Wrzesnia19466Sad Grodzki w RadomskuOdzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsku, ogla-sza, ze otwarte zostaly spadki na dzien 15 kwietnia 1947 roku godz. 12-ta, po nastepujacych zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com11) Szmulu i Surze - Rywce z Gliksmanow malz. Goldberg, Szai i Mariem z Goslawskich, malz. Rozencweig, Chasklu Rozencweigu i Eluaszu Rozenoweigu - wspolwlascicielach nieruchomosci w Radomsku, Nr hip. 62;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGLIKSMAN, GOLDBERG, GOSLAWSKA, ROZENCWEIG  
11295M194610902030110921 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w CzestochwieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepwania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com17) Chaimie Goldbergu, wlasc. nieruch. Malowana Wolna Nr hip.61,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
11318M194611202070111225 Pazdziernika19461Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / na dzien 5 maja 1947 rokuSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obsieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych jak nizej, celem zgloszenia prw do tych spadcow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com2. Cyprze ze Sztajnicow Goldberg, wlascicjelce 101/420 niepodz. Czescj nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznacz. Nr 1397/II hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZTAJNIC GOLDBERG  
11396M194611302080111326 Pazdziernika19463Sad Okregowy w Piotrkowie[none][none]Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie zgodnie z art. 5 i 6 Dekretu z dnia 29 sierpnia 1945 r. (Dz. Ust. 40/45). Podaje do wiadomosc, ze doia 13 sierpnia 1946 roku wplynal do Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie wniosek Herszila Goldberga zamiesz kalego w Piotrkowic przy ulicy[...]Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG, ROZENBERG  
11397M194611302080111326 Pazdziernika19463Sad Okregowy w Piotrkowie[none][none][...]Legionow Nr. 18 m 5 o uznanie za zmarlego Jozefa Goldberga, urodzonego dnia 4 sierpnia 1881 roku w Piotrkowie, syna Zelela i Chai Dobry domu Rozenberg malz. Goldberg, zamieszkalego do 1914 roku w Piotrkowie, ktory w 1914 roku wyjechal w niewiadomym kierunku i slad po nim zaginal.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG, ROZENBERG  
11398M194611302080111326 Pazdziernika19463Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieSad Grodzki w Piotrkowie wzywa wymenionego Jozefa Goldberga, aby w terminie 3 miesiecy od ukazania sie ogloszenia, zglosil sie do Sadu wzywajacego, gdyz wprzeciwnym razie moze byc uznany za zmanlego oraz wszystkie osoby, tore moga udzielic wiadomosci o zaginionym, aby w tenminie powyzszym doniosly o nim Sadowi (Nr. Zg. 177/46 r.). KB--6158Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
11541M194613100000113125 Listopada19465Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com10) Luzerze Goldbergu i Szlamie vel Szlejmie Goldbergu, wlasc. nieruch. Malowana Wola Nr 61,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
11820M194614100000114114 Grudnia19462Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza ze na dzien 28 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal? Termin do zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com17. Jozefe Goldbergu, wlascicielu placu o powiatu piotrkowskiego,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
12171M1947016000001167 Lutego19474Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com37) Beniaminie i Libie - Chanie ze Sztyblow malzonkach Goldberg, wlascicielach czesci nieruchomosci w Zarkach, uregulowanej w dz, II pod Nr 1 ksiegi hipotecznej Nr 11 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZTYBEL, GOLDBERG  
12228M19470180000011812 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych, jak nizej, celem zgloszenia praw do tych spadkow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach: / na dzien 5 maja 1947 roku.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com2. Cyprze ze Sztajnicow Goldberg, wlascicielce 101/420 niepodz. czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznacz. Nr 1397/II hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZTAJNIC GOLDBERG  
12350M19470260000012625 Lutego19474Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza. ze na dzien 28 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin do zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com17. Jozfie Goldbergu. wlascicielu placu o powierzchni 2040 lokoi kw. w dobrach Welka Wies, powiatu piotrkowsiego,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
12590M1947045000001453 kwietnia 194719471Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com10) Luzerze Goldbergu i Szlamie vel Szlejmie Goldbergu. wlasc. nieruch. Malowana Wola Nr 61,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comGOLDBERG  
12781M1947061000001619 Maja19478Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com37) Beniaminie i Libie-Chanie ze Sztyblow malzonkach Goldberg, wlascicielach czesci nieruchomosci w Zarkach, uregulowanej w dz. II pod Nr 1 ksiegi hipotecznej Nr 11 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZTYBEL, GOLDBERG  

Poland: Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Jerusalem 1946-1947 [H]

-Sort-ImagePage number in cornerPage number at topPage header, part 1Page header, part 2Serial No.NameNumber after name (if any)Surname from previous columnsAddressStandardPriceSenderSurname from previous columnStamp at bottom (if any)Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1079862622List No. 84/P.2607/P.Abram Schuchendler[none]SCHUCHENDLERBialy Kamien / k/Walbrzycha / Dolny Slask / ul. Nowa 11 m. 14T/216.60Chaim Givataim Rosenowicz, Chechunath, Joseph Kiriath, Goldberg HouseROSENOWICZ, CHECHUNATH, KIRIATH, GOLDBERG[none]  
1079962622List No. 84/P.2608/P.Mendel A Galant[none]GALANTLodz / Zrz?szenie Religijne / ul. Zachodnia 66T/216.60same [Chaim Givataim Rosenowicz, Chechunath, Joseph Kiriath, Goldberg House]ROSENOWICZ, CHECHUNATH, KIRIATH, GOLDBERG[none]  
1175513540[none]List No. 60.P.; Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jerusalem1835/PHeniek Goldberg c/o Henryk Gibs[none]GOLDBERG, GIBSthe same [Lodz / Poludniowa 46/15]T 67.25the same [Shlomo Kempinski, Nesher-Jagur, near Haifa]KEMPINSKI31 Mar 1946 To/1492  
1195415156[none]List No. 52/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem1624/PEdgar Goldberg[none]GOLDBERGKrakow / ul. Miodowa 43 / c/o P. BazesT 77.30the same [Irena Steiglitz, 26, Sirkin Str., Tel Aviv]STEIGLITZ11 Mar 1946 / To/1426  
1226917883[none]List No. 42/P.1222/P.M. Inz. Schlusselberg[none]SCHLUSSELBERGGliwice, / Dolne Waly / Zwiazek Zydow/ PolskichT 86.40Goldberg, Dawid Yellin 23, JerusalemGOLDBERG13 Feb 1946/ To/1343  
128952221252List No. 19/P; Parcels to be sent to POLAND from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jerusalem648/PGrzegorz. Goldberg[none]GOLDBERGthe same [Warszawa / c/o Centralny Zydowski / Komitet, Szeroka 5]T 67.25the same [Eliahu Leszczinski, 94, Ben Jehuda Str., Tel Aviv]LESZCZINSKI[none]  
13019230133[none]List No. 16/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem496/P.Nina Fajermanowa[none]FAJERMANOWA / FAJERMANLodz / Kosciuszki / No. 29/6T 57.65Chaim Goldberg, 32, Yalag street, HaifaGOLDBERG14 Dec 1945 / To/1134; stamp at top of page: A.J.D.C. received 12.3 1946, Nr. Reg. 363  
13020230133[none]List No. 16/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem497/P.Chana Goldberg[none]GOLDBERGCzenstochowa / Pilsudskiego 11T 57.65the same [Chaim Goldberg, 32, Yalag street, Haifa]GOLDBERG14 Dec 1945 / To/1134; stamp at top of page: A.J.D.C. received 12.3 1946, Nr. Reg. 363  
13183241[none][none]List No. 12/P / Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jerusalem360/PCypora Goldberg[none]GOLDBERGWarszawa - Praha / Wilenska 59/15T14.50Moshe Goldberg, Meshek Maoz, ChaimGOLDBERGnoneStamp at top - "A.J.D.C. / Landsmanschaften Department / Received the 12.3 1946 / Nr. Reg. 359" 

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
1776008-DSC00147.jpg41FraniaCHECINSKA GOLDBERGLodz 
2078809-DSC00006.jpg57AnnaELENBERG GOLDBERGLodz 
2750209-DSC00044.jpg91AndziaGOLDBERGBerg Belsen 
2750409-DSC00044.jpg91AnnaGOLDBERGTomaszow Maz. 
2751109-DSC00044.jpg91BalciaGOLDBERG ZALCBERGLodz 
2752509-DSC00044.jpg91Chaim M.GOLDBERGLublin 
2754909-DSC00044.jpg91ChawaGOLDBERGTomaszow M. 
2755009-DSC00044.jpg91Chawa DoraGOLDBERGCzestochowa 
2755109-DSC00044.jpg91Chil Sz.GOLDBERGHillersleben 
2756409-DSC00044.jpg91Dawid IcekGOLDBERGHillersleben 
2757009-DSC00044.jpg91EdwardaGOLDBERG WALCHOWICZRadom 
2760109-DSC00044.jpg91GutaGOLDBERG LESLAURadom 
2760709-DSC00044.jpg91HankaGOLDBERGBerg Belsen 
2761009-DSC00044.jpg91HelaGOLDBERGBergen Belsen 
2761309-DSC00044.jpg91HelenaGOLDBERGBergen Belsen 
2761409-DSC00044.jpg91LusiaGOLDBERGBergen Belsen 
2762209-DSC00044.jpg91HeniaGOLDBERGBergen Belsen 
2762609-DSC00044.jpg91Hersz D.GOLDBERGLodz 
2763609-DSC00044.jpg91Icek W.GOLDBERGLublin 
2764009-DSC00044.jpg91IdaGOLDBERG ZELIGMANLodz 
2764709-DSC00044.jpg91Izak Dr.GOLDBERGKatowice 
2766509-DSC00046.jpg92Jakub BerGOLDBERGCzestochowa 
2768109-DSC00046.jpg92U. KrystynyGOLDBERGLodz 
2771909-DSC00046.jpg92MarcelGOLDBERGNawy Sacz 
2773109-DSC00046.jpg92W. MenaszeGOLDBERGLodz 
2776809-DSC00046.jpg92Pinkus Z.,GOLDBERGHillersleben 
2776909-DSC00046.jpg92IrenaGOLDBERG PUDA  
2777909-DSC00046.jpg92RobertGOLDBERGTomaszow M. 
2780709-DSC00046.jpg92GOLDBERG SUSSMANTarnow 
2780809-DSC00046.jpg92SzajaGOLDBERGGora Kalwaria 
2782309-DSC00046.jpg92TydziaGOLDBERGTomaszow M. 
2782809-DSC00046.jpg92ZalmaGOLDBERGZdunska Wola 
2784809-DSC00047.jpg93SaraGOLDBERGERNowy Sacz 
4360709-DSC00132.jpg176Augusta Dr.MANDEL-GOLDBERGERKrakow 
4529509-DSC00141.jpg185KalaMINC GOLDBERGLodz 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
10018Set 01, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00124.JPGChaimGOLDBERGSends greetings to Goldberg Alexander, brother in New York, Bajer Anna, answer to Field Post No. 21640MField Post No. 21640MGOLDBERG, BAJER19-24 Mar 1945Page 2
10036PSRM Set 02, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00127.JPGStasiaZELKOWICZMarekSends regards to GoldbergGOLDBERGpage 3
10055PSRM Set 02, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00130.JPGMelechROSENBERGLublinSends regard to his brother Goldberg Joseph Caracas, VenezuelaGOLDBERGpage 4
10071Set 03, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00133.jpgNaumGOLDBERGKamionka near GrodnoSends greeting to his brother Goldberg in New York & Barek sister, His field post No. 26040 or 21640GOLDBERG, BAREKPage 5
10122PSRM Set 04, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC 00142.JPGStassiaZELKOVICZand MarekSends greetings to GoldbergGOLDBERGPage 8
10158PSRM Set 05, folder 11-H277n2, image DSC00147.JPGIgnacyGOLDBERGWants to contact his brother in Tel-Aviv24 Feb & 21 Mar 1945Title at top of page: Radio Messages Broadcast by Jewish Survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; Date: 4 May 1945; Page 2
10172PSRM Set 06, folder 11-H277n2-t, image DSC00150.JPGDr. JanKAMIENWants to contact Goldberg Jeremiasz in PalestineGOLDBERG24 Feb 1945, 21 Mar 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 27 Apr 1945; page: 3
10587Set 15, Folder 11- H277n2, Image DSC000043.JPGEdekGOLDBERGLodzGreetings to Goldberg Leon in Buenos AiresGOLDBERG13 May 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 13 May 1945; page: 3
10588Set 15, Folder 11- H277n2, Image DSC000043.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGLubinGreetings to Apelbaum, Shmul in HaifaAPELBAUM13 May 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 13 May 1945; page: 3
10589Set 15, Folder 11- H277n2, Image DSC00043.JPGMariaGOLDBERGWants to contact her daughter2 May 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 02 May 1945; page: 3
10834Set 21, folder 12-H277n2, DSC00079.JPGGOLDBERGTo contact Goldberg, Chaim, Buenos AiresGOLDBERG24 Feb 1945-21 Mar 1945Page 4
11191PSRM Set 29, folder 12-H277n2 Image DSC00130.JPGMendelCHATKAwith brothersends greetings to Goldberg in New York and Jablonka Mendel in ChederaGOLDBERG, JABLONKA28 May 1945Messages from Jewish survivors broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by World Jewish Congress New York. Dated 19 Jun 1945 Page 2
11215PSRM Set 30, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00134.JPGAdaGOLDBERGErnasends greetings to Goldberg Josef in TorontoGOLDBERG23 May 1945 
11259PSRM Set 31, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00139.JPG & DSC00140.JPGSaraLIBERMANLeibWarsaw Jewish Committee Szeroka 31LwowSend greetings to Goldberg A. Mendel in Palestine and ask for helpGOLDBERG24 May 1945Page 6
11334PSRM Set 33, folder 13-H277n2 DSC00003 JPGReginaBERMANLublin Jewish CommunityGreetings to Berman Leib in New York and Goldberg Hersh in MexicoBERMAN, GOLDBERG04 Jun 19459 Jul 1945 Messages From Jewish Survivors Broadcast by Radio Lublin, submitted by the World Jewish Congress-New York.
11343PSRM Set 33, folder 13-H277n2 DSC00003 JPGElaBROJDESara and GenjaWarsawGreetings to Potugalji Eliasz Goldberg and Cyper Karcl in Tel Aviv and Flam Helena in JerusalemPOTUGALJI, GOLDBERG, FLAM, CYPER04 Jun 19459 Jul 1945 Messages From Jewish Survivors Broadcast by Radio Lublin, submitted by the World Jewish Congress-New York.
11441PSRM Set 35, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00016.JPGGenjaSIERADZKAGreetings to Goldberg Abram Azchok in New York and Szozsovicz in LondonGOLDBERG, SZOZSOVICZ31 May 1945Page 6, 09 Jul 1945
11587PSRM Set 38, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00031.jpgGOLDBERGNowy DworFrom Nowy Dwor21 Feb 1945Page 3
11869PSRM Set 41, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00051.JPGJosefMARKUSFELDOtwock Joselevicza 65Greets Goldberg, NomaGOLDBERG18 Mar 1945List of Radio Messages Broadcast by Radio Lublin Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, N.Y., 1 Aug 1945, page 2
12028PSRM Set 44, folder 13-H277n2GOLDBERGNowy Dwor21 Feb 1945Page 4
12236PSRM Set 46, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00077.JPGJosefMARKUSFELDOtwock Joselevicza 65Sends greetings to Goldberg Noma.GOLDBERG18 Mar 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 27 Apr 1945; page: 8
12442PSRM Set 49, folder 13-H277n2Leib and MosheGOLDBERGKrakowTo GOLDBERG, Jacob HaifaGOLDBERG12 Jun 1945 
12501PSRM set 49, folder 13-H277n2 folder 13 image DSC00099.JPGSaraRIBENFELD-GOLDBERGfr. Biala-PodlaskaTo RIBENFELD, Pola and Avram Tel-Aviv, ul. Zola 22RIBENFELD12 Jun 1945 
12569PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2AronGOLDBERGLublinSends greetings to RUBINSTEIN, Anna – HaifaRUBINSTEIN7 Jul 1945Page 2
12570PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2AronGOLDBERGLublinSends greetings to RUBINSTEIN, Anna – HaifaRUBINSTEIN5 Jul 1945Page 2
12571PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2JaroslawGOLDBERGWarsawAsks friends to write to himWarsaw, Polish Radio, il. Targowa 637 Jul 1945Page 2
12592PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2MarjaHOROVICZDaughterKaliszSends greetings to HOROWICZ and GOLDBERG in RechovothHOROWICZ, GOLDBERG5 Jul 1945Page 3
12720PSRM Set 54, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00124.JPGIsraelGOLDBERGWarsawLublinSend greetings to Fuksbaum, Jakob, Tel-AvivFUKSBAUM19 Jun 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 19 Jun 1945; page: 2
12906PSRM Set 57, folder 13-H277n2 image DSC00144.JPGSTOMPELBERGWarsawNow in Warsaw. Sends greetings to Stompelberg, Goldberg & Wajntraub in Tel-AvivSTOMPELBERG, GOLDBERG, WAJNTRAUB23 Jun 1945Page 3
13006PSRM Set 61, folder 14-H277n2, image DSC00014.JPGMuszkaBORENSTEINWarsawSends greetings to GOLDBERG, Maryla in New YorkGOLDBERG30 Jun 1945title at top of page: Messages Broadcast by Warsaw Radio submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York; date: 21 Sep 1946; page: 1
13017PSRM Set 61, folder 14-H277n2, image DSC00016.JPGRachel/SzajnDORFMANSilesiaJaworznoSends greetings to GOLDBERGGOLDBERG12 Jul 1945title at top of page: Messages Broadcast by Warsaw Radio submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York; date: 21 Sep 1946; page: 2
13039PSRM Set 61, folder 14-H277n2, image DSC00018.JPGMarjaGOLDBERGWarsawSends greetings to son GOLDBERG in Bavaria and asks him to returnGOLDBERG13 Jul 1945title at top of page: Messages Broadcast by Warsaw Radio submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York; date: 21 Sep 1946; page: 2

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10063Set 2DSCOO74.JPGList of Jewish Survivors in Camp Bindermichl, near Linz, Austria; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New YorkGOLDBERGYehuda1916Wilna, LithuaniaItzchokRose Ars, NY; Mara Kaplan, Boulavaya, Rhodesia, S. AfricaARS; KAPLAN 
10083Set 2DSCOO75.JPGList of Jewish Survivors in Camp Bindermichl, near Linz, Austria; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New YorkLISOGORSKYSholem1910Czetel, PolandAaron-YakovPeshe-Leah Goldberg; Bklyn. Melach Delatitsky New YorkGOLDBERG; DELATITSKY 
10157Set 3DSC00081.JPGList of Jewish Men from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946GOLDBERGRoman2 Jul 1919Lodz    
10295Set 4DSC00089.JPGList of Jewish Women from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946GOLDBERGEwa12 Jun 1919Czenstochow    
10561Set 7DSC00101.jpgList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-Neuenberg5 Mar 1946GOLDBERGKalmanRadom    
10562Set 7DSC00101.jpgList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-Neuenberg5 Mar 1946GOLDBERGMajrzeszRadom    
10563Set 7DSC00101.jpgList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-Neuenberg5 Mar 1946GOLDBERGMojrzeszRadom    

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10119Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)392.jpg342[none]21 48D. GoldbergGOLDBERGskład drzewaOlsztyńska 8/26   
10120Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)392.jpg342[none]10 64Leon GoldbergGOLDBERGwytwórn. meblial. Wolności 11   
10121Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)392.jpg342[none]16 77M. GoldbergGOLDBERGadwokatpl. Daszyńskiego 12   
10386Kielce (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/407)408.jpg35810 88D. H. GoldbergGOLDBERGkupiac, skład źelaza, metali i materiatów budowlanych oraz kafliPiotrkowska 35   
10387Kielce (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/407)408.jpg35812 72Szmul L. GoldbergGOLDBERGskład źelazaPiotrkowska 25   

Przedbórz 1939: list of payers of contributions to the Jewish community in Przedbórz of the Końskie district of the Kielce voivodeship for 1939, syg 3375, pages 26-37; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981490 [H]

-Sort-Image filePageOrder numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddressOccupation, in PolishOccupation, translatedContribution (Zł.)CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1007821_100_0_6.3_3375_33_61122965.jpg3073Jakób GoldbergGOLDBERGRynekhandlarztrader20  
1009121_100_0_6.3_3375_33_61122965.jpg3086Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGLeśnahandlarztrader15  
1009221_100_0_6.3_3375_33_61122965.jpg3087Moszek-Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGLeśnahandlarztrader40  

Przedbórz: Jews formerly inhabitants of Przedbórz and their professions [Zydow bylych mieszkancow Przedbórza i ich zawody], images: www.crarg.org/jewish-former-inhabitants-of-przedborz.php [H]

-Sort-Number [L.P.]NameSurname from previous columnStreet [in Przedborz]Profession
1003936.Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGLesnashop [sklep]
1005148.Froim GoldbergGOLDBERGPocztowabakery [piekarnia]
1006764.Icek GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawskabutcher shop [jatka]

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 14-23 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]The location of the house or landOwnerSurname(s) from the previous columnOwner's addressValue (złc)Notes by translator / typist
10128https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491770ul. Krakowska 3Rachmil Goldberg & Icek-Josek TurekGOLDBERG, TUREKul. Wierzbowska100 
10134https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491775ul. Krakowska 7Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Leśna100 
10135https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491775ul. Krakowska 7Szlama RodałRODAŁul. Leśna100 
10140https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491777ul. Krakowska 9Izrael-Lejb GoldsztejnGOLDSZTEJNul. Trytwa200 
10141https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491777ul. Krakowska 9Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Trytwa200 
10142https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491777ul. Krakowska 9Mordka LizbandLIZBANDul. Piotrkowska200 
10160https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_19_56162164.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 19491790ul. Leśna 5Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Leśna3000Entry is crossed out
10266https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_22_56162168.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194920136ul. Pocztowa 10Froim GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Wierzbowska3000 
10342https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 25Moszek ZylberszpicZYLBERSZPICul. Lesna150 
10343https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 25Szyja KalinskiKALINSKIul. Lesna150 
10344https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 26Jankiel WyszynskiWYSZYNSKIul. Piotrkowska200 
10345https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 26Szmul FajnerFAJNERul. Piotrkowska200 
10346https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 26Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Piotrkowska200 
10347https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_23_56162169.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194921173ul. Rynek 26Abram HimelfarbHIMELFARBul. Trytwa200 
10388https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_24_56162170.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194922197ul WierzbowskaIcek GoldbergGOLDBERGul. Piotrkowska200 

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 25-40 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]Name or company of the owners from 1 Sep 1939 with nationalitySurname(s) from the previous columnProperty type, building, garden square, land.Number of rooms, garden square on the groundProperty location, Street No., Police No., mortgageNotes by translator / typist
10106https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList: Abandoned and post-German buildings and land properties within the city of Przedbórz / 24 Oct 1949; and see detailed pages following this list3894.Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERGliveable, brick, single-storey house[blank]Leśna 5, Przedbórz 

Przedbórz: management over real estate, syg 373, 1947; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071966 [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberTown (from header before entries)1 Register number (in sequence)2 Town and street3 House numberPersonSurname from previous column5 Number of floors6 Number of rooms7 Monthly rent [including extras]8 Insurance (amount)9 Nominal value of property fixed by tax authorities10 Average of most recent selling price or similar11 What is the mortgage owed (if known)?Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1015421_336_0_-_373_21_56162308.JPG19Konskie301Joselewicza23Krandla GoldbergGOLDBERG         
1020021_336_0_-_373_23_56162309.jpg21Konskie313Malachowski9Szpindler GoldbergGOLDBERG         
1022321_336_0_-_373_24_56162311.jpg22Konskie326Pilsudski6Jank. GoldbergGOLDBERG         
1033921_336_0_-_373_29_56162315.JPG27Konskie3523 Maistr.39Jank. GoldbergGOLDBERG         

Przyrów 1939: list of contribution payers to the Jewish community in Przyrów, powiat Częstochowa, province Kielecki for 1939, syg 3371, pages 291-293; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981486 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AddressAmount of contributionOccupationOccupation, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1002421_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg29124Abram-Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERGPrzyrów5--farbiarzdyer 

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 EXPANDED; Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (1020 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/przyrow-newcomers-1932-1950.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.; YearsPageNumeralGiven nameSurname from previous columnPrevious place of residence: powiatPrevious place of residence: communityPrevious place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence standard BDelated from residence register: DateDelated from residence register: Volume/pageRemarks about... [blank for nearly all listings]CommentSurname from previous 2 columnsNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1003110005syg. 527 (1939-1950)1412Chil Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGLodz16 Jan 1940[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]20 May 19408/140     
1083010776syg. 526 (1932-1939)2124806Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERGWloszczowaSzczekociny[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]12/8     
1083110777syg. 526 (1932-1939)2124807Golda GoldbergGOLDBERG[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]12/8     

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (903 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.; YearsPageFamily comments (not written by researcher)Given nameSurnameDate of arrivalFrom whereOther informationComments (not by researcher)
10005Syg. 527; 1939-195014Chil DawidGOLDBERG16 Jan 1940Lodz  
10776Syg. 526; 1932-1939212SzlamaGOLDBERGSzczekociny  
10777Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveGoldaGOLDBERGfrom birth   

Radom: List of Jewish survivors born and registered in Radom; received by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 425 Lafayette Street, New York 3, New York; from Komitet Zydowski Radom, ul. Traugutta 45, Radom, Poland; Relatives Information Service; 18 Mar 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthStreet address in RadomNotes (not by typist)
101072Josek GoldbergGOLDBERG1904Walowa 45, Radom 
101082Minela GoldbergGOLDBERG15 May 1917Traugutta 45, Radom 
101192Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG2 Mar 1915Malczewskiego 11, Radom 
101233Cipa GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Aug 1918Traugutta 45, Radom 
101413Leslau Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Nov 1917Malczewskiego, Radom 
101423Mendel GoldbergGOLDBERG30 Apr 1907Traugutta 52, Radom 

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
10280Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGShmuelGOLDBERGFather of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10281Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahGOLDBERGMother of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10282Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGRachelGOLDBERGSister of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10283Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGFeigl-DvoiraGOLDBERGSister of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10284Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGYehudahKOSIWODAHusband of Feigl-Dvoira GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10285Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGAbraham-WolfGOLDBERGBrother of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10286Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGReginaGOLDBERGWife of Abraham-Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERGAnd children
10287Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGShlomohGLIKSMANRelative of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10288Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahGLIKSMANWife of Shlomoh GliksmanGLIKSMAN 
10289Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGYeheielMARGOLOWSKIRelative of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10290Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGHaya-BreindelMARGOLOWSKIWife of Yeheil MargolowskiMARGOLOWSKIAnd children
10291Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGHershelYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10292Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10293Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGChavaYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10294Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGYitzhakYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10295Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGYitzhak-MeirYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10296Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGFeiglFRENK?Acquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10297Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGFaywelLORIAAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10298Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGBerlFAIFKOF / FEIFKOF?Acquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10299Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahFAIFKOF / FEIFKOF?Acquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10300Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGDovidRAPAPORTAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10301Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGMalkaRAPAPORTAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10302Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGAdelYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10303Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGPeninaYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10304Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGAbushYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10305Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGMiraYAKUBOWICZAcquaintance fo Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10306Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGAbraham-BinemEIZENFriend of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10307Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGMalkaEIZENFriend of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10308Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahEIZENFriend of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10309Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGShmuelNAYMANFriend of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10310Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelHaimGOLDBERGSarahNAYMANFriend of Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10312Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelYitzhakGOLDBERGYeheielGOLDBERGBrother of Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10313Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelYitzhakGOLDBERGYosefGOLDBERGBrother of Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10314Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelYitzhakGOLDBERGMireleGOLDBERGSister of Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10315Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelYitzhakGOLDBERGZeligGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10316Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelYitzhakGOLDBERGYehezkeil-ShmuelGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10318Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelMordekhaiGOLDBERGMeir-DovidGOLDBERGFather of Mordekhai GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10319Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelMordekhaiGOLDBERGBetzalelGOLDBERGBrother of Mordekhai GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10321Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGYitzhakGOLDBERGFather of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10322Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGEsterGOLDBERGMother of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10323Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGShabtaiGOLDBERGGrandfather of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10324Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGBrunyaGOLDBERGGrandmother of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10325Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGMiriamGOLDBERGSister of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10326Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGYosefGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10327Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGYosefGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10328Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGNekhaGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10329Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGMashyaGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10330Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGPolaGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10331Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGMiriamGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10332Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGRivkahGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10333Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGWolfGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10334Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGPolaGOLDBERGRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10335Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGYosefRAJSRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10336Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGMalkaRAJSRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10337Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGSinaiRAJSRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10338Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGAbrahamRAJSRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10339Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGHilelZOMBEKRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10340Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGHayaZOMBEKRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10341Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGAbrahamZOMBEKRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10342Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGFrimaZOMBEKRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10343Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGShifraZOMBEKRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10344Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGGitlaFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10345Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGDovidFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10346Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGPolaFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10347Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGSarahFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10348Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGEsterFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10349Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGAsherFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10350Donor was living at the time the necrology.421IsraelPolaFAJERMAN-GOLDBERGYeshayahuFAJERMANRelative of Pola Fajerman-GoldbergFAJERMAN-GOLDBERG 
10466Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANAbrahamGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10467Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANRachelGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10468Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANDovidGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10469Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANHanyaGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10470Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANAhron-MordekhaiGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10471Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANYakovGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10472Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANStefiGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10473Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANZeligGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10474Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANBorukhGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10475Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANHenigGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10476Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANYitzhakGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10477Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANAhronGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10478Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANFelaGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10479Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelYitzhakGROSMANShmuel-YehezkeilGOLDBERGRelative of Yitzhak GrosmanGROSMAN 
10616Donor was living at the time the necrology.422IsraelShimkah, Dr.HAMPELYosefGOLDBERGRelative of Shimkah HampelHAMPEL 
11071Donor was living at the time the necrology.424IsraelAbrahamLIBERMANPinkhasGOLDBERGRelative of Abraham LibermanLIBERMANAnd family
11125Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISZaynvelGOLDBERGFather of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11126Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISPerlGOLDBERGMother of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11127Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISChanaWICNTOWSKIGrandmother of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11128Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISTzviWICNTOWSKIGrandfather of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11129Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISRibaGOLDBERGSister of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11130Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISEsterGOLDBERGSister of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11131Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISVitaGOLDBERGSister of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11132Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISShifraGOLDBERGSister of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11133Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISFrida-RibaGOLDBERGBrother of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11134Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISAlterKRODOWICZRelative of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11135Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISYokhevedKRODOWICZWife of Alter KrodowiczKRODOWICZAnd children
11136Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISHenikKRODOWICZRelative of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11137Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISMoisheKRODOWICZRelative of Haya Goldberg-LandisGOLDBERG-LANDIS 
11138Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelHayaGOLDBERG-LANDISRivkahKRODOWICZWife of Moishe KrodowiczKRODOWICZ 
11274Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelZevSABATOWSKIPinkhasGOLDBERGRelative of Zev SabatowskiSABATOWSKI 
11275Donor was living at the time the necrology.424-425IsraelZevSABATOWSKIChanaGOLDBERGWife of Pinkhas GoldbergGOLDBERGAnd children
11734Donor was living at the time the necrology.426-427IsraelAbraham-YehezkeilROZENBLATYakov-YosefGOLDBERGRelative of Abraham-Yehezkeil RozenblatROZENBLAT 
11735Donor was living at the time the necrology.426-427IsraelAbraham-YehezkeilROZENBLATGoldaGOLDBERGRelative of Abraham-Yehezkeil RozenblatROZENBLATAnd children
12177Donor was living at the time the necrology.428United States & CanadaFannyBLOGER-ELBAUMGenendelGOLDBERGSister of Fanny Bloger-ElbaumBLOGER-ELBAUM 
12178Donor was living at the time the necrology.428United States & CanadaFannyBLOGER-ELBAUMIzraelGOLDBERGHusband of Genendel GoldbergGOLDBERGAnd 3 children
12268Donor was living at the time the necrology.429United States & CanadaCharles JosephSKLARCZYKGitlGOLDBERGSister of Charles Joseph SklarczykSKLARCZYKAnd 5 children
12269Donor was living at the time the necrology.429United States & CanadaCharles JosephSKLARCZYKShmuel-WolfGOLDBERGHusband of Gitl GoldbergGOLDBERG 
12283Donor was living at the time the necrology.429FranceRachelGOLDBERG-KRISTOLBrayndelGOLDBERGMother of Rachel Goldberg-KristolGOLDBERG-KRISTOL 
12284Donor was living at the time the necrology.429FranceRachelGOLDBERG-KRISTOLRozaGOLDBERGSister of Rachel Goldberg-KristolGOLDBERG-KRISTOL 
12285Donor was living at the time the necrology.429FranceRachelGOLDBERG-KRISTOLLeahGOLDBERGSister of Rachel Goldberg-KristolGOLDBERG-KRISTOL 
12286Donor was living at the time the necrology.429FranceRachelGOLDBERG-KRISTOLGitlGOLDBERGSister of Rachel Goldberg-KristolGOLDBERG-KRISTOL 

Radomsko, 1939, Die nachweisung der Judishe Geschafte in der Stadt Radomsko / Wykaz sklepow zydowskich na terenie miasta Radomska (List of Jewish shops in Radomsko); preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NumberingType of shopPersonSurname from previous columnAdressCommentNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1009292Fruit shopSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGReymonta 1Burnt [Polish: spalony; that is, building or shop was burnt (likely means destroyed)]  
10112112Cake shopAbram GoldbergGOLDBERGKosciuszki 21   
10137137GroceryPinkus GoldbergGOLDBERGLimanowskiego 16   
10158158Slaked limedawid Chenoch GoldbergGOLDBERGPilsudskiego 10   

Radomsko, 1939, Komitet pomocy dla najbiedniejszych Zydow w Radomsku (Committee of help for poor Jews from Radomsko); preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NumberingPersonSurname from previous columnAgeProfessionAddressNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1002020Goldberg MojzeszGOLDBERG44merchantKosciuszki 5  

Radomsko, 1939, List of members of Jewish Committee in Radomsko; preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-NameSurname from previous columnFunctionNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
10014Goldberg MojzeszGOLDBERGMember of Commitee  

Radomsko, 1939, Niebieski / Blaue farbe (Blue): list of unknown meaning; preceded by 27 Sep 1939 letter in German; Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Column 1: number position on listColumn 1: personSurname from previous columnColumn 2: number position on listColumn 2: personSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1004632Goldberg PinkusGOLDBERG294Golszarder AdolfGOLSZARDER  

Radomsko (and other towns): Stefania Heilbrunn and Miriam Chaszczewacki, Children of Dust and Heaven: A Diary from Nazi Occupation through the Holocaust [A Collective Memoir] (Cape Town, South Africa, 1978; and republished later) [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname repeated from previous column
1005713The GoldbergsGOLDBERG
1018941Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
1021846Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
1032966Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
10570101Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
10574102Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
10857135Mordechai GoldbergGOLDBERG
11051176Melech GoldbergGOLDBERG
11387240 (3)Kazen GoldbergGOLDBERG

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
1009110081199193011227Zalma GoldbergGOLDBERG13Radomsko       
1022210200199193028602Ita GoldbergGOLDBERG11Radomsko       
10307102751991930481060Cherszlik GoldbergGOLDBERG22Dobryszyce       
10365103251991930651471Cypra GoldbergGOLDBERG22WarszawaElektoralna street 26      
10366103261991930651472Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG31WarszawaElektoralna street 26      
10399103551991930681530Zukin GoldbergGOLDBERG22Radomsko       
10403103591991930681536Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG22Radomsko       
10490104301991930791780Majer Dawid Goldberg Vel GoldbardGOLDBERG VEL GOLDBARD21Radomsko       
10522104621991930801816Chendla GoldbergGOLDBERG---2Radomsko       
10528104681991930811829Szmul Goldberg Vel GoldbartGOLDBERG VEL GOLDBART22Radomsko       
10564105021991930841905Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG1---Przedborz       
107521064319919301282905Brandla GoldbergGOLDBERG14Radomsko       
107631065419919301281916Zalman GoldbergGOLDBERG1---Radomsko       
108121070019919301322988Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERG21Radomsko       
108751076319919301353065Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERG32Radomsko       
108881077619919301363080Chana Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG---1Przedborz       
109101079819919301363102Symcha Syrca GoldbergGOLDBERG1---Radomsko       
109251081219919301383126Jakub Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG31Przedborz       
109451083019919301383148Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERG22Kamiensk       
1108719919301473332Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG11Radomsko       
110891096719919301473334Gdalia GoldbergGOLDBERG21Wola Malowana       
111001097719919301483358Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG11Radomsko       
111241100119919301493391Zajwel GoldbergGOLDBERG26Konskie       
112581111919919301723907Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG33Radomsko       
115291134119919302104778Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERG11Radomsko       
117241152619919302225054Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG---4Radomsko       
117281153019919302225058Chaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG21Radomsko       
118441164119919302305238Josek GoldbergGOLDBERG51Radomsko       
118451164219919302305239Chinda GoldbergGOLDBERG---1Radomsko       
118461164319919302305240Chana Estera GoldbergGOLDBERG---1Radomsko       
118881167119919302445559Ryfka Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG---1Radomsko       
119171170019919302465606Abram Wolf Goldberg Vel GoldbartGOLDBERG VEL GOLDBART23Radomsko       
120961183919919302826444Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG11Radomsko       
121031184419919302836451Mordka Lewek GoldbergGOLDBERG1---Radomsko       
121221186319919302846481Szymon Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG53Radomsko       
122041193619919302976770Eliasz Chersz GoldbergGOLDBERG1---MyslowiceStrzalkowska 13     
123381204919919303147162Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERG1---RadomskoReymonta 20Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123391205019919303147163Icyk GoldbergGOLDBERG1---RadomskoPrzedborska 8Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123401205119919303147164Aron GoldbergGOLDBERG11RadomskoRynek 5Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123411205219919303147165Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG11RadomskoPrzedborska 8Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123421205319919303147166Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1---RadomskoPrzedborska 19Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123431205419919303147167Cherszlik GoldbergGOLDBERG1---RadomskoReymonta 20Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123441205519919303147168Chana GoldbergGOLDBERG---1RadomskoBrzeznicka 5Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123451205619919303147169Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1---RadomskoPrzedborska 7Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
123461205719919303147170Josek GoldbergGOLDBERG12RadomskoBrzeznicka 5Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory") 
12646123332001932454Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG1Czestochowa: Krakowska 6    
1290612513200193239872Chinda GoldbergGOLDBERG23Czestochowa: Warszawska 36/14    
13080200193372513Chinda GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 20 Apr 1933    
1313312664200193381728Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERG1Lodz: Zawiszy 37    
13194200193391957Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 25 Oct 1933 in Radomsko    
13367127952001934121625Szajndla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Czestochowa    
13396128152001934124704Frajdla GoldbergGOLDBERG14Bedzin    
13447128432001934134940Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1Radom    
13550129082001935148256Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERG1Lodz: Zawiszy 7    
13568129192001935151326Zelig GoldbergGOLDBERG1Czestochowa: Joselewicza 2    
136082001935155431Cherszlik GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 7 Jun 1935 in Radomsko    
13683129792001935165651Zelik Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG1Lodz    
137192001935171785Rywka GoldbergGOLDBERG1Radomsko    
13740130152001935173837Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG1Palestine    
137702001935177933Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERG1Palestine    
138062001936184121Jachweta GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 25 Nov 1935 in Radomsko    
13824130522001936186169Chil GoldbergGOLDBERG12Czestochowa: Joselewicza 2    
13898130902001936196408Zalman GoldbergGOLDBERG1Lodz: POW 18    
13900130922001936197427Brandla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Lodz: POW 11    
139222001936202548Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 4 Aug 1936 in Radomsko    
140762001937230252Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 15 Apr 1937 in Radomsko    
141822001937248654Ruchla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 10 Oct 1937 in Radomsko    
144172001938282617Zelda GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 4 May 1938    
145101339520219395102Symcha GoldbergGOLDBERG1Wolbrom    
1453620219399205Rajzla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 4 May 1938    
1467413457202193929652Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERG1Warszawa    
1473613492202193938853Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1Piotrkow    
1477120219404739Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 20 Jan 1940    
1504013592202194074652Hendla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Czestochowa    
15128136162021940951135Izaak GoldbergGOLDBERG1Soviet Union    
15130136172021940961166Mirla GoldbergGOLDBERG1Soviet Union    
153002021941135436Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 25 Mar 1941    
1546820219411611122Zukin GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 18 Oct 1941    
1557013670202194217686Hersz GoldbergGOLDBERG11Wola Malowana    
156022021942180163Ajzyk GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 29 Jan 1942    
156582021942186321Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERG1Died 17 Mar 1942    
16123137132011939123Gitla GoldbergGOLDBERG1RadomskoLimanowskiego 33     
16328138372011939461041Zlata GoldbergGOLDBERG1Radomsko since birthReymonta 14     
16329138382011939461042Mircza GoldbergGOLDBERG1Radomsko since birthReymonta 14     
166971401320119401391634Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERG12LodzJoselewicza 4     
1675720119401622166Gabriel GoldbergGOLDBERG1Radomsko since birthFabianiego 10     
167581406320119401632180Izaak GoldbergGOLDBERG41WieruszowStodolna 6     

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) EXPANDED WORK 1934-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 185-192 (about 2000 persons); sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-identity-cards-1934-1940.php [H]

-Sort-Syg.Year [of ID Card]Serial numberGiven nameSurnameDate and place of birthNumber and date of issue of passportAddress of passport ownerCommentSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1005018519346Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Mar 1912 Radomsko6 Apr 1934Przedborska 1Signature of owner   
10064185193424Herszlik GoldbergGOLDBERG19 Sep 1913 Radomsko5 Jun 1934Reymonta 20Signature of owner   
10067185193428Rojza GoldbergGOLDBERG1886 Radomsko1 Aug 1934Zeromskiego 10Illiterate   
1030618619358Zusman GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Dec 1914 Radomsko23 Jan 1935Dluga 1Signature of owner   
10307186193511Branda GoldbergGOLDBERG4 Mar 1875 Plawno29 Jan 1935Przedborska 1Illiterate   
10319186193539Izaak Salomon GoldbergGOLDBERG19 Oct 1914 Radomsko28 May 1935Reymonta 6Signature of owner   
10327186193556Ita GoldbergGOLDBERG30 Dec 1885 Krzepice8 Jul 1935Pilsudskiego 8Signature of owner   
10335186193568Daniel Henoch GoldbergGOLDBERG18 Mar 1910 Radomsko28 Aug 1935Przedborska 15Signature of owner   
10340186193573Izaak Jakob GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Oct 1918 Radomsko28 Sep 1935Pilsudskiego 58Signature of owner   
10342186193575Zelik Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Nov 1915 Radomsko10 Oct 1935Pilsudskiego 58Signature of owner   
1080318819374Blima GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jan 1910 Radomsko18 Feb 1937 223852Dluga 1Signature of owner   
10809188193711Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Sep 1916 Radomsko19 Apr 1937 223958Reymonta 6Signature of owner   
10822188193738Zelik Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Nov 1915 Radomsko1 Oct 1937 328318Kosciuszki 10Signature of owner   
10824188193741Laja GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Mar 1912 Radomsko13 Nov 1937 328375Limanowskiego 1Signature of owner   
112171901938326Rywka Zysla Goldberg ZajdmanGOLDBERG ZAJDMAN17 Jan 1910 Radomsko18 Dec 1939 G326/39Limanowskiego 6Signature of owner   
112201901938331Samuel Chaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG23 Mar 1923 Radomsko18 Dec 1939 G331/39Kosciuszki 5Signature of owner   
112211901938323Mirla Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG26 Jun 1919 Radomsko18 Dec 1939 G332/39Kosciuszki 5Signature of owner   
112221901938333Zelig GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Aug 1921 Radomsko18 Dec 1939 G333/39Kosciuszki 5Signature of owner   
112231901938334Jacheta Goldberg RozanskaGOLDBERG ROZANSKA20 Apr 1898 Radomsko18 Dec 1939 G334/39Kosciuszki 5Signature of owner   
112241901938335Moszek GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Oct 1895 Czestochowa18 Dec 1939 G335/39Kosciuszki 5Signature of owner   
112341901938362Chaja Goldberg DawidowiczGOLDBERG DAWIDOWICZ1908 Radomsko19 Dec 1939 G362/39Limanowskiego 36Signature of owner   
112391901938373Rywka Gonzonowicz vel Gerszonowicz GoldbergGONZONOWICZ VEL GERSZONOWICZ GOLDBERG1902 Czestochowa19 Dec 1939 G373/39Plac 3 Maja 3Signature of owner   
112431901938387Gedalia GoldbergGOLDBERG23 Nov 1903 Wola Malowana21 Dec 1939 G387/39Limanowskiego 36Signature of owner   
119701921940677Gitla Goldberg WroclawskaGOLDBERG WROCLAWSKA5 Mar 1912 Przystan28 Aug 1940 G677/40Limanowskiego 15Signature of owner   
119711921940679Golda Goldberg JoskowiczGOLDBERG JOSKOWICZ10 Aug 1880 Radomsko10 Sep 1940 G679/40Limanowskiego 15Signature of owner   
119731921940681Jakob Jozef GoldberegGOLDBEREG25 Aug 1869 Przedborz21 Sep 1940 G681/40Limanowskiego 15Signature of owner   
119781921940697Josek GoldbergGOLDBERG12 Aug 1897 Radomsko10 Dec 1940 G697/40Stodolna 2Signature of owner   

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) INITIAL WORK 1936-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Trybunalski Arch, syg 185-192 (about 1200 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year [of ID Card]SurnameGiven nameDate of birthPlace of birthAddressPageNotes (not by researcher)
107931939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBEREG-ZAJDMANRywka Zysla17 Jan 1910RadomskoLimanowskiego 6  
107951939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERGSamuel Chaskiel23 Mar 1923RadomskoKosciuszki 5  
107961939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERGMirla Chaja26 Jun 1919RadomskoKosciuszki 5  
107971939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERGZelig25 Aug 1921RadomskoKosciuszki 5  
107981939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERG-ROZANSKAJacheta20 Apr 1898RadomskoKosciuszki 5  
107991939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERGMoszek8 Oct 1895RadomskoKosciuszki 5  
108091939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERG-DAWIDOWICZChaja1908RadomskoLimanowskiego 36  
108171939/1940; Syg. 191GOLDBERGGedalia23 Nov 1903Wola MalowanaPOW 47  
110991940; Syg. 192GOLDBERG WROCLAWSKAGitla5 Mar 1912PrzystanLimanowskiego 15  
111001940; Syg. 192GOLDBERG JOSKOWICZGolda10 Aug 1880RadomskoLimanowskiego 15  
111021940; Syg. 192GOLDBERGJakub Josef25 Aug 1869PrzedborzLimanowskiego 15  
111061940; Syg. 192GOLDBERGJosek12 Aug 1897RadomskoStodolna 2  

Radomsko: In the Radomsko Ghetto 10 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Radomsko Ghetto; ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (453 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10015[1]6.BENER Adela z. d. LotermanBENER Adela nee LotermanBENER, LOTERMAN / ZOBERMANw 1902 r. w Radomsku c. Zusmana i Blimy z d. Goldbergin 1902 in Radomsko daughter of Zusman and Blima nee GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomsko1 Jan 1942 rRubinowicz Szymon, Radomsko, ul Reymonta 40RUBINOWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodzkiego w Radomsku Co. 34/46ZOBERMAN added because it appears in other Radomsko records
1011510102.GOLDBERG AronGOLDBERG AronGOLDBERG14 Jul 1893 r. w Zarkach, s.Szlamy i Tauby z d. Szanlewicz14 Jul 1893 in Zarki, son of Szlama and Tauba nee Szanlewicz / SzaulewiczSZANLEWICZ / SZAULEWICZRadomsko15 Nov 1942Hirszman Pejsach Czestochowa, Garibal-skiego 28HIRSZMANArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 290/47SZAULEWICZ added because it appears in other records
1011610103.GOLDBERG Cywia z d. HerszlikiewiczGOLDBERG Cywia nee HerszlikiewiczGOLDBERG, HERSZLIKIEWICZ1893 r. c. Chila i Chany z d. Goldbart1893 daughter of Chil and Chana nee GoldbartGOLDBARTRadomsko10 Oct 1942Hirszman Pejsach Czestochowa, ul. Garibaldiego 26HIRSZMANArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 291/47  
1011710104.GOLDBERG SzlamaGOLDBERG SzlamaGOLDBERG16 Oct 1919 r. s. Arona i Cywii z d. Hereszlikiewicz16 Oct 1919 son of Aron and Cywia nee HereszlikiewiczHERESZLIKIEWICZRadomsko10 Oct 1942Hirszman Pejsach Czestochowa, ul. Garibaldiego 26HIRSZMANArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 291/47  
1011810105.GOLDBERG BeniaminGOLDBERG BeniaminGOLDBERG11 Sep 1930 r. w Zarkach s. Arona i Cywii z d. Hereszlikiewicz11 Sep 1930 in Zarki son of Aron and Cywia nee HereszlikiewiczHERESZLIKIEWICZRadomsko10 Oct 1942Hirszman Pejsach Czestochowa, ul. Garibaldiego 26HIRSZMANArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 291/47  
1011910106.GOLDBERG Chaja z d. KalkaGOLDBERG Chaja nee KalkaGOLDBERG, KALKA17 Oct 1891 r.w Radomsku c. Tobiasza i Sury z d. Goldberg17 Oct 1891 in Radomsko daughter of Tobiasz and Sura nee GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomsko1 Nov 1942 rWilhelm Abram, Radomsko, Pl. 3 Maja 5WILHELMArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 66/46  
1012010107.GOLDBERG JosekGOLDBERG JosekGOLDBERG7 Feb 1894 r.w Radomsku s.Chaima i Chai z d. Hautfater7 Feb 1894 in Radomsko son of Chaim and Chaja nee HautfaterHAUTFATERRadomsko9 Oct 1942 rWilhelm Abram, Radomsko, Pl. 3 Maja 5WILHELMArch. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Co. 66/46  
1012211108.GOLDBERG BlimaGOLDBERG BlimaGOLDBERG1 Mar 1882 r. w Radomsku, c. Icka i Brandli z d. Rozencwajg1 Mar 1882 in Radomsko, daughter of Icyk and Brandla nee RozencwajgROZENCWAJGRadomsko10 Oct 1942 rRubinowicz Szymon, Radomsko, Reymonta 40RUBINOWICZArch. b. Sadu Grodz. Radomsko Co. 34/46  
1020218185.KOTLEWSKA Ajdla z GoldbergowKOTLEWSKA Ajdla nee GoldbergowKOTLEWSKA, GOLDBERGw 1897 r. w Kaminsku c. Szlamy i Frymety z Fiszmanowin 1897 in Kaminsk daughter of Szlama and Frymeta nee FiszmanFISZMANRadomskoJan 1943 rFiszlewicz Chana i Kalka Estera, Piotrkow ul. Pilsudskiego 15FISZLEWICZ, KALKAArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radomsku Zg. 40/46  
1027125252PRZEDBORZ Frymeta z d. GoldbergPRZEDBORZ Frymeta nee GoldbergPRZEDBORZ, GOLDBERGw 1884 r., c. Nusena i Tauby-Liby z d. Meszenbergin 1884, daughter of Nusen and Tauba-Liba nee MeszenbergMESZENBERGRadomsko13 Oct 1942 rWilhelm Abram, Radomsko, Pl. 3 Maja 5WILHELMArch. b. Sadu Grodz. w Radoms. Co. 147/46  
1036433344.SZULKLAPER Ruchla z d.GoldbergSZULKLAPER Ruchla nee GoldbergSZULKLAPER, GOLDBERGW 1877 r.,c.Aronain 1877, daughter of AronRadomsko12 Oct 1942Eksztajn Nacha, Czestochowa,Wilsona nr 14EKSZTAJNArch.b.Sadu Grodz. w Radoms Zg.244/48  

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1009210089List 1, Part 1 of 2Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG52TailorKosciuszki 21Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1887 
1010510102List 1, Part 1 of 2Ajzyk GoldbergGOLDBERG46CarpenterReymonta 33Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1893 
1010610103List 1, Part 1 of 2Pinkus GoldbergGOLDBERG39MerchantLimanowskiego 18Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1900 
1010910106List 1, Part 1 of 2Zajwel GoldbergGOLDBERG52TraderLimanowskiego 39Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1887 
1011110108List 1, Part 1 of 2Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERG15Living with parentsReymonta 33Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1924 
1013110128List 1, Part 1 of 2Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG26CarpenterSierakowskiego 23Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1913 
1013710134List 1, Part 1 of 2Zelik GoldbergGOLDBERG18CarpenterKosciuszki 5Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1921 
1013810135List 1, Part 1 of 2Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERG44MerchantKosciuszki 5Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1895 
1088910879List 2, Part 2 of 7Zukin GoldbergGOLDBERG62MerchantKosciuszki 231877 
1089010880List 2, Part 2 of 7Jakub Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG23CarpenterKosciuszki 231916 
1089110881List 2, Part 2 of 7Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG42MerchantKosciuszki 231897 
1089210882List 2, Part 2 of 7Izrael Majer GoldbergGOLDBERG17CarpenterKosciuszki 231922 
10895Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG21Without professionLimanowskiego 11918 
10896Lejbus GoldbergGOLDBERG29WorkerLimanowskiego 11910 
1089810885List 2, Part 2 of 7Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG43MerchantLimanowskiego 61896 
1089910886List 2, Part 2 of 7Majer GoldbergGOLDBERG38Without professionLimanowskiego 61901 
1090110888List 2, Part 2 of 7Cherszlik GoldbergGOLDBERG30CarpenterLimanowskiego 61909 
10921Szlama GoldbergGOLDBERG35WorkerReymonta 161904 
10926Alter GoldbergGOLDBERG16CarpenterReymonta 61923 
10927Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERG20CarpenterReymonta 61919 
10928Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERG23Without professionReymonta 61916 
10929Izaak GoldbergGOLDBERG25MerchantReymonta 61914 
10930Szymon Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG52MerchantReymonta 61887 
1094110908List 2, Part 2 of 7Josek GoldbergGOLDBERG44MerchantKosciuszki 41895 
1094210909List 2, Part 2 of 7Zelik GoldbergGOLDBERG18CarpenterKosciuszki 41921 
1094310910List 2, Part 2 of 7Samuel Chaskiel GoldbergGOLDBERG16SchoolboysKosciuszki 41923 
1094610913List 2, Part 2 of 7Hersz GoldbergGOLDBERG56MerchantMickiewicza 51883 
1095110918List 2, Part 2 of 7Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG51TailorKosciuszki 211888 
1097210938List 2, Part 2 of 7Henoch GoldbergGOLDBERG29ConfectionerLimanowskiego 171910 
10973Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERG41TailorLimanowskiego 171898 
10979Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG36ShoemakerFabianiego 101903 
10989Jojne GoldbergGOLDBERG33MerchantLimanowskiego 391906 
10990Lajbel GoldbergGOLDBERG19WorkerLimanowskiego 321920 
1099810942List 2, Part 2 of 7Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERG43CoachmanZeromskiego 101896 
1100210946List 2, Part 2 of 7Josef GoldbergGOLDBERG42MerchantZeromskiego 61897 
1101710959List 2, Part 2 of 7Gdalia GoldbergGOLDBERG32MerchantLimanowskiego 361907 
1104910991List 2, Part 2 of 7Mojzesz GoldbergGOLDBERG32WorkerBrzeznicka 11907 
1105110993List 2, Part 2 of 7Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG26CarpenterLegionow 71913 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10089List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGAbram521887TailorKosciuszki 21
10102List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGAjzyk461893CarpenterReymonta 33
10103List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGPinkus391900TraderLimanowskiego 18
10106List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGZajwel521887TraderLimanowskiego 39
10108List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGLejbus151924Reymonta 33
10128List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGIcek261913CarpenterSierakowskiego 23
10134List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGZelik181921CarpenterKosciuszki 5
10135List 1, Part 1 of 2GOLDBERGMojzesz441895TraderKosciuszki 5
10879List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGZukin621877TraderKosciuszki 23
10880List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGJakub231916CarpenterKosciuszki 23
10881List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGAbram421897TraderKosciuszki 23
10882List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGIzrael171922CarpenterKosciuszki 23
10885List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGAbram431896TraderSienkiewicza 6
10886List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGMajer381901Sienkiewicza 6
10888List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGHerszlik301909CarpenterSienkiewicza 6
10908List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGJosek441895TraderKosciuszki 4
10909List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGZelik181921CarpenterKosciuszki 4
10910List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGSamuel161923StudentKosciuszki 4
10913List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGHersz561883TraderMickiewicza 5
10918List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGAbram511888TailorKosciuszki 21
10938List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGHenoch291910ConfectionerLimanowskiego 17
10942List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGMordka431896Driver of a farm wagonZeromskiego 10
10946List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGJosef421897TraderZeromskiego 6
10959List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGGdalia321907TraderLimanowskiego 36
10991List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGMojzesz321907WorkerBrzeznicka 1
10993List 2, Part 2 of 7GOLDBERGIcek261913CarpenterLegionow 7

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
10402Shmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG402Column 7
10403Sarah GoldbergGOLDBERG403Column 7
10404Abraham-Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG404Column 7
10405Regina GoldbergGOLDBERGand children405Column 7
10406Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERG406Column 7
10409Yeheil GoldbergGOLDBERG409Column 7
10410Yosef GoldbergGOLDBERG410Column 7
10411Mirla GoldbergGOLDBERG411Column 7
10412Zelig GoldbergGOLDBERG412Column 7
10413Yehezkeil-Shmuel GoldbergGOLDBERG413Column 7
10414Meir-Dovid GoldbergGOLDBERG414Column 7
10415Betzaleil GoldbergGOLDBERG415Column 7
10477Pinkhas GoldbergGOLDBERGand family477Column 8
10478Zanwel GoldbergGOLDBERG478Column 8
10479Perl GoldbergGOLDBERG479Column 8
10480Riba GoldbergGOLDBERG480Column 8
10481Esther GoldbergGOLDBERG481Column 8
10482Vita GoldbergGOLDBERG482Column 8
10483Shifra GoldbergGOLDBERG483Column 8
10484Aryeih GoldbergGOLDBERG484Column 8
10493Pinkhas GoldbergGOLDBERG493Column 8
10494Hana GoldbergGOLDBERGand children494Column 8
10537Abraham GoldbergGOLDBERG537Column 9
10538Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERG538Column 9
10539Dovid GoldbergGOLDBERG539Column 9
10540Henya GoldbergGOLDBERG540Column 9
10541Aron-Mordekhai GoldbergGOLDBERG541Column 9
10542Yakov GoldbergGOLDBERG542Column 9
10543Stefi GoldbergGOLDBERG543Column 9
10544Zelig GoldbergGOLDBERG544Column 9
10545Borukh GoldbergGOLDBERG545Column 9
10546Yitzhak GoldbergGOLDBERG546Column 9
10547Aron GoldbergGOLDBERG547Column 9
10548Fela GoldbergGOLDBERG548Column 9
10549Shmuel-Yehezkeil GoldbergGOLDBERG549Column 9
10581Yosef GoldbergGOLDBERG581Column 9
10589Yakov-Yosef GoldbergGOLDBERG589Column 10
10590Golda GoldbergGOLDBERGand their children590Column 10
10612Genendl GoldbergGOLDBERG612Column 10
10613Gitl GoldbergGOLDBERG613Column 10
10614Yisroel Godberg? (Goldberg?)GODBERG? (GOLDBERG?)and children614Column 10
10615Shmuel-Wolf Godberg? (Goldberg?)GODBERG? (GOLDBERG?)and children615Column 10
10616Breindel GoldbergGOLDBERG616Column 10
10617Roza GoldbergGOLDBERG617Column 10
10618Leah GoldbergGOLDBERG618Column 10
10619Gitl GoldbergGOLDBERG619Column 10
10631Haya GoldbergGOLDBERG631Column 10
10632Tuvyah-Lizer GoldbergGOLDBERG632Column 10
10648Meir-Dovid GoldbergGOLDBERG648Column 11
10649Betzaleil GoldbergGOLDBERG649Column 11
10650Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERG650Column 11
10659Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG659Column 11
10660Perl GoldbergGOLDBERG660Column 11
10661Sarah-Roza GoldbergGOLDBERG661Column 11
10662Moishe GoldbergGOLDBERG662Column 11
10663Yisroel GoldbergGOLDBERG663Column 11
10664Gabrial GoldbergGOLDBERG664Column 11

Radomsko Memorial Stone at the Cimetière parisien de Bagneux (Bagneux Cemetery in Paris), France [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname (and nee if any) from previous columnBornDiedAge and other informationNotes (not written by researcher)
10111Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGborn 1919died 2007Digital image: Noworadomsk Memorial 5

Radomsko Yizkor Book index, page 585-600: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Radomsko/rad585.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-Index page numberLetterGiven namesSurname(s) [r#]Page(s) in Yizkor book
10446587GIMELGabrielGOLDBERG21, 26, 30, 45, 49, 232, 466
10447587GIMELA.GOLDBERG181, 219
10449587GIMELA. WolfGOLDBERG185, 196, 315
10450587GIMELEstherGOLDBERG216, 308
10452587GIMELDovid-MeirGOLDBERG532, 542
10453587GIMELZeinwelGOLDBERG116, 117, 118
10454587GIMELZukenGOLDBERG169, 296, 354
10455587GIMELZ.GOLDBERG214, 216, 217, 229
10456587GIMELZelikGOLDBERG167, 431
10458587GIMELChaya-PesyaGOLDBERG188, 196, 197, 212
10459587GIMELChaimGOLDBERG62, 123, 143, 175, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 194, 211, 212, 213, 219, 221, 224, 246, 247, 265, 267, 340, 386, 487, 527, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 552, 553, 554
10465587GIMELY. B.GOLDBERG170, 207, 208
10469587GIMELLeiblGOLDBERG137, 160, 222, 223
10470587GIMELM. D.GOLDBERG143, 180, 181, 182, 187, 188, 189, 222, 375
10472587GIMELMelechGOLDBERG402, 405
10473587GIMELMordechaiGOLDBERG165, 167, 191, 209, 228, 290, 312, 408, 566
10474587GIMELMilaGOLDBERG194, 213, 214
10475587GIMELMoisheGOLDBERG224, 250, 431
10476587GIMELand FamilyGOLDBERG434
10478587GIMELPinchasGOLDBERG529, 542
10480587GIMELRuvenGOLDBERG185, 542
10481587GIMELReginaGOLDBERG199, 216, 374
10483587GIMELShmuelGOLDBERG123, 288, 236, 237, 311, 433, 552
10484587GIMELShlomohGOLDBERG167, 170
10485587GIMELGOLDBERG294, 314, 351, 383

Radomsko Yizkor Book, Necrology; translations at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad420.html, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (83 surnames, for over 300 persons) [H]


Radomsko Yizkor Book, Photo Index; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Radomsko/rad578.html#Page581, images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c (about 336 photographs) [H]

-Sort-Page of indexPage of photographPhotographSurname(s)
1000158112Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG
10188583431The Goldberg Bros. (Zelig, Shmuel, Yekhezkeil)GOLDBERG
10193583434The Shmuel Goldberg FamilyGOLDBERG
10194583434Zeinwel and Perl GoldbergGOLDBERG
10324584535Haim Goldberg speaking at the laying of the corner stone for the Holon Houses.GOLDBERG
10335584552Haim GoldbergGOLDBERG

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 2-25; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Date(s) on documentImage file name [r#]PageGiven name(s)Surname[Address] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]Surname from previous column[Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]... contruction [Part of top of page missing][Number of floors?] [Part of top of page missing][Unknown meaning] [Part of top of page missing]See image for numbers listed in many additional columnsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10259Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_22_56162709.jpg20-21Lejb TenenbaumTENENBAUMZydowska 12dom drewn. [wooden house]1886dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  
10260Title page: 23 Apr 194221_336_0_-_377_22_56162709.jpg20-21Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGZydowska 12dom drewn. [wooden house]1886dobry [good]See image for numbers listed in many additional columns  

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 28-29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Year on documentImage file namePageOrder numberPropertySurname from previous columnLocationSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the rightAnnual rent dueRent paid / revenue in 1941Total expenses in 1941Balance / Debit - CreditNotes (not written by translator / typist)
100321941 [in revenue column and expenses column]21_336_0_-_377_28_56162714.jpg2680.M. GoldbergGOLDBERGJudenstr. 23. [Judenstrasse 23.]See image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     

Radoszyce: list of Jewish houses in the Radoszyce commune [Wykaz domów żydowskich na terenie gminy Radoszyce], 1946-1948, syg 377, pages 34-57; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071970 [H]

-Sort-Year on documentImage file namePageOrder numberAddress of house or landProprietor / OwnerSurname from previous columnOwner's addressAmiccable agreement of tenancy or leaseSurname from previous columnSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the rightmortgage chargeTax burdenObject value: zł. gr.Whether a trustee is appointedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10146Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_44_56162731.jpg42-43135Radoszyce, ul. Zydowska 12aMordka GoldbergGOLDBERGRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     
10150Unclear: 1940 or 194321_336_0_-_377_44_56162731.jpg42-43139Radoszyce, ul. Zydowska 15 & 18Fiszel GoldbergGOLDBERGRadoszyceSee image for numbers listed in four columns to the right     

Radoszyce: management over the real estate of the Radoszyce commune, syg 374, 1945-1947, document pages 30-65; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071967 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberPage header before this materialStreetHouse numberType of houseOwnersSurname(s) copied from previous columnTenantsSurname(s) copied from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rent, in złotyAnnual income/revenue, in złotyNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1024921_336_0_-_374_58_56162459.jpg56Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Josek Rapelusz, Moszek GlajtRAPELUSZ, GLAJTFradla GoldbergGOLDBERG1--   
1030221_336_0_-_374_64_56162465.jpg62Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Lejbus Tenenbaum, Mordka GoldbergTENENBAUM, GOLDBERGLejbus TenenbaumTENENBAUM2--   
1030321_336_0_-_374_64_56162465.jpg62Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Lejbus Tenenbaum, Mordka GoldbergTENENBAUM, GOLDBERGBerek DimantDIMANT1560.-   
1030421_336_0_-_374_64_56162465.jpg62Radoszyce: listing of real estate vacatedZydowska-mieszkalny [residential brick]Lejbus Tenenbaum, Mordka GoldbergTENENBAUM, GOLDBERGMordka GoldbergGOLDBERG2--   

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
11094Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19457GOLDBERGSara1909Lodz 
11116Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOTLIEB GOLDBERGRusa1918Lodz 
11198Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGCesia1913Krosniewice 
11199Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGCecylia1927Krakow 
11200Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGRuchela1904Lodz 
11201Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGERIbolya1924Budapest 
11202Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGERHelen1923Sniszlo 
11203Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGHenia1918Radom 
11204Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGLola1915Lodz 
11205Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGERIlona1926S. Ujhely 
11206Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGERMagda1927Nitra 
11207Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGMarcia1904Krakow 
11208Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGERRozsi1916Nagyecsed 
11212Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGHela1918Lodz 
11213Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGHanka1923Lodz 
11214Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGEstera1927Magnuszew 
11215Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGLola1909Lodz 
11216Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGBlanka1926Magnuszew 
11217Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458*GOLDBERGFrimet1925Magnuszew 
11218Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19458GOLDBERGRegina1914Lodz 
11320Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459GOLDBERGERErzsi1927Szaniszlo 
11321Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459GOLDBERGERManci1918Nagyvarad 
11322Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19459GOLDBERGERNelli1925Nagyvarad 
145652. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29GOLDBERGHersz1927Lodz 
145662. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29GOLDBERGMajer1920Grojec 
145672. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29GOLDBERGSalomon1907Nowy Sacz 
145682. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29GOLDBERGSzlama1923Grojec 
148682. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List C32GOLDBERGIsrael1919Lodz 
15163List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGFisel1906Czestochowa 
15164List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGHessel1923Amsterdam 
15165List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGIra1904Bedzin, Bielsko 
15166List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGJosef1916Lodz 
15167List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGJuda1926Piotrkow 
15168List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGMauria1928Paris 
15169List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534*GOLDBERGMoseh1917Czestochowa 
15170List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGSzlojme1919Zarki 
15171List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGERAdolf1891Silvania 
15172List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGERFritz1896Ostrau-Vienna 
15173List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List A, 8 Jun 1945 - Aug 6 194534GOLDBERGERLeopold1929Berehova 
16195List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GOLDBERGAbram1927Zdunsk, (Szumsk?) 
16196List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GOLDBERGBerek1934Lodz 
16197List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GOLDBERGBaruch1908Warszawa, Konskie 
16198List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GOLDBERGJankiel1920Warszawa 
16199List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List B; 6 Sep 194541GOLDBERGZlama1908Piotrkowice 
16375List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List C; 6 Oct 194542GOLDBERGBerek1919Jedrzejow 
16377List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List C; 6 Oct 194542GOLDBERGHerz1928Czestochowa 
16571List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List D; 6 Nov 194543GOLDBERGJosef1916Lddz, Binem? 
16572List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List D; 6 Nov 194543GOLDBERGSmul1928Czestochowa 
16762List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List E 6 Dec 194545GOLDBERGPiotrkow 
16763List of Jews Liberated from the Buchenwald Camp; submitted by the World Jewish Congress, Jun 1945List E 6 Dec 194545GOLDBERGChaimKielce 
17265List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampA97GOLDBERGAndzia1911Savna 
17266List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampA97GOLDBROCHSura1930Stonin 
17646List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampB99GOLDBERG?1922Debica 
17647List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampB99GOLDBERGJosef1912Czestochowa 
17648List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampB99GOLDBERGHenrich1917Warszawa 
18295List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGAbraham1908Piotrkow Tryb. 
18296List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGChaim Izrael1907Lodz 
18298List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGHenoch1922Radom 
18299List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGJakob1893Wloszczowa 
18300List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGJakob1913Przysucha 
18301List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGLeon1910Tomaszow 
18302List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGMajer1913Klobuck 
18303List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGMoses1916Lodz 
18304List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGSendel1921Zawiercie 
18305List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGSimon1900Lodz 
18306List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp104GOLDBERGSymcha1906Warszawa 
18836List of Jews (mainly Polish) Liberated from Camp Dora (Nordhausen)108GOLDBERG----1924Piotrkow 
18837List of Jews (mainly Polish) Liberated from Camp Dora (Nordhausen)108GOLDBERGChaim-------- 
18838List of Jews (mainly Polish) Liberated from Camp Dora (Nordhausen)108GOLDBERGChaskiel1912Zolwola(?)(?) in original list
18839List of Jews (mainly Polish) Liberated from Camp Dora (Nordhausen)108GOLDBERGJakob1922Lodz 
18840List of Jews (mainly Polish) Liberated from Camp Dora (Nordhausen)108GOLDBERGERTibor1925Vaja 
19388List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGBerek1919Jedrzejow 
19389List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGBerek1934Lodz 
19390List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGBoruch1908Warszawa 
19391List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGIra1904Bielsko 
19392List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGFeliks1917Kalisz 
19393List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGJosek Binem1916Lodz 
19394List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGFiszel1906Czestochowa 
19395List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGZelina1908Lodz 
19396List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGAbram1927Zdunska Wola 
19397List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGSzlama1919Zarki 
19398List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGSzmul1928Czestochowa 
19399List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGHersz1928Czestochowa 
19400List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGMoszek1912Czestochowa 
19402List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp112GOLDBERGJankiel1920Warszawa 
19816List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945115GOLDBERGChaja1925Lodz 
19908List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945116PINESEstera nee GoldbergGOLDBERG1922Radom 
20069List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList B, 31 May 1945117GOLDBERGMirjam1912Korezki(?)(?) in original list
20911List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland123GOLDBERGMosesKanczuga 
20929List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland124GOLDBERGLejbkoMiedzyrzec Pod. 
22049List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow131GOLDBERGDawid1903Jedrzejow 
22054List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow131GOLDBERGArie1898Przeworsk 
22086List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGStefania1926Krakow 
22101List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGERFelicia1912Krakow 
22102List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGERFranciszkaKrakow 
22104List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGGizela1899Krakow 
22111List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGHenek1918Krakow 
22117List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGERSabina1890Krakow 
22130List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGLaura1905Krakow 
22143List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGERStefania1889Warszawa 
22145List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGIda1910Tarnow 
22162List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGGustaw1890Buczacz 
22163List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGHirsch1897Staszow 
22170List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGSalomon1922Sierpc 
22181List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGEREfroim1900Kurdwanow 
22216List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGChana1907Tomaszow 
22217List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGIda1900Grzybow 
22218List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGLili1922Wien 
22237List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow132GOLDBERGERDawid1904Kurdwanow 
22246List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGLaura1905Lwow 
22260List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGERSabinaKrakow 
22264List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGBeniamin1901Krakow 
22274List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGAri1898Przeworsk 
22275List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGChaim1904Tomaszow 
22279List of Surviving Jews in Poland; submitted by the Jewish Committee in Krakow133GOLDBERGPaulina1922Debica 
24282List of Surviving Jewish Children in Poland, submitted by the Jewish Committee in KrakowList A146GOLDBERGAdela11 years  
24531List of Surviving Jewish Children in Poland, submitted by the Jewish Committee in KrakowList B147GOLDBERGSala1941Lwow 
26516List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsKOWNO160GOLDBERGBerl (Aizik)    
26517List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsKOWNO160GOLDBERGBoris (Jacob)    
26518List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsKOWNO160GOLDBERGLeizer (Mozes)    
26889List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLIST B KOWNO163GOLDBERGFruma (Mordchai)    
26915List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLIST B KOWNO163GOLDBERGAra (Dawid)    
27275List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST B165GOLDBERGMarkusWarszawa 
27276List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST B165GOLDBERGSzyjaLublin 
27277List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST B165GOLDBERGTitla    
27385List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsLUBLIN LIST A165GOLDBERGLejbMiedzyrzec 
27964List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169GOLDBERGAbram    
27983List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169GOLDBERGLudwik    
27985List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169GOLDBERGZosia    
28343List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsRIGA171GOLDBERG DR.Eugen-Viktor    
28636List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO173CHELEM-GOLDBERGMaszaWilno 
28704List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERGBenjamin    
28705List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERG-MARSZAKDinaAlitus 
28706List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERGNegudaWilno 
28707List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERGTuvya    
28708List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERGYakow Dr.Szawli 
28734List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174GOLDBERG-RASZKINADvoiraSzczucin 

Rentzmuhler, Germany: Additional list of Polish Jewish Women liberated from the campus Rentzmuhler, 11 Jun 1945; Relatives Information Service, 28 Dec 1945

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthLast residenceNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10031[1 of 1]31Lola GoldbergGOLDBERG1929Lodz  

Rovno (Równe, Poland): List #2 of Jewish Survivors in Rovno; World Jewish Congress, New York, 18 May 1945 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate and place of birthPresent address in RovnoNotes (not by typist)
100591Ester GoldbergGOLDBERG1900, DavidgrudokSamkovaya Ul. 3 

Rozprza, Identity Cards, 1940-1943 ("Rozprza ewidencja 1940"); last Jewish record is from 7 August 1942; Piotrków Tryb. Archives, Akta Gminy Rozprza, zespol 32, syg 166 (250 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birthPlace of birthNumberYearNotesNotes (not by researcher)
10022Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG1907Rozprza2951940  
10093Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1912Rozprza5361940  
10243Sura GoldbergGOLDBERG1910Rozprza641942  

Skarżysko-Kamienna: register of conscripts, 1919, syg 2181; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14990107 [H]

-Sort-Page numbersImage file nameSerial numberDate of first registrationPersonSurname from previous columnDate and place of birthParentsSurname from previous column[Parents:] Are they alive?Father's occupation and if he is not alive, mother's occupationPlace of residence of parents or their caregiversPlace of residence or conscript's stayReligtionMarital StatusAdministrative and judicial penaltiesDate of re-registration (Article 26)No. certificates and reapplicationsNotesNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1002533-3421_101_0_8_2181_14_55916137.jpg11330 Sep 1936Fajwel SztajnhartSZTAJNHART28 Sep 1918, Wierzbnik, district Kziecki?, KielceChaim & Eta née GoldbergGOLDBERGAlivezegarmistrz [watchmaker]Skarżisko-Kamienna ul. Piłsudskiego 18Skarżysko-Kamienna ul. Piłsudskiego 18Mojżeszowe [Jewish]Kawaler [single]nie karany [no criminal record]15 Oct 1938No. 120[blank]  

Starachanowic: Jewish survivors in Starachanowic [Starachowice, Poland]; cabled to the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada; Relatives Information Service, 24? Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthNotes (not by typist)
100291 of 1Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG1904 

Stockholm: August 9, 1945, List of Messages Broadcast by Radio Stockholm submitted by The World Jewish Congress, N.Y. (244 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberSourceNameSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnAge (of person listed under "Name")Date of BroadcastMessageSurname(s) isolated/repeated from previous columnTypist notes
10062DSC00358.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Cesia fr. RadomGOLDBERG18June 10, 1945Greets GOLDBERG Hershk, Staszowic and GOLDBERG Benjek, KrakowGOLDBERG 
10063DSC00358.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Cesia fr. WarsawGOLDBERG25June 10, 1945Greets LASOVICKA Klara, N.Y.LASOVICKA 
10064DSC00358.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, ChajaGOLDBERG20May 27, 1945Greets GOLDBERG Faivel and Cyvia and ROJTMAN in ParisGOLDBERG, ROJTMAN 
10066DSC00359.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Kaila fr. RadomGOLDBERG23June 10, 1945Greets BERNSTEIN, TorontoBERNSTEIN 
10067DSC00359.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Perla fr. RadomGOLDBERG--June 10, 1945Greets relatives in Palestine  
10068DSC00359.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG, Ryvka LodzGOLDBERG--June 10, 1945Greets relatives in U.S.  
10069DSC00359.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5GOLDBERG-FISHMAN fr. RadomGOLDBERG-FISHMAN26June 10, 1945Greets FISHMAN, Hechum, Tel-Aviv and ROSENBERGFISHMAN, ROSENBERG 
10086DSC00360.JPGSurvivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, Survivor Messages from Hillersleben and Stockholm, Sweden; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5HALBERGHALBERG30June 10, 1945Greets HALBERG, Petach Tykwa and GOLDBERG Chaim, PalestineHALBERG, GOLDBERG 

Suchedniów: Jewish survivors in Suchedniów [Poland]; cabled to the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada; Relatives Information Service, 18 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear bornNotes (not by typist)
10018[1]Lucy GoldbergGOLDBERG1931 

Survivor Lists, Poland, Central Committee of Polish Jews, "Pomoc Indyividualna," "List of Persons for Which Individuel Assistance is Required," ca. 1945; American Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D55/5 (241 persons) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentLp.Given nameSurnameYear of birthRelationCommentsImage file #
10068Wykaz Pracownikow Centr. Com. Zyd. Polsk. - w Warszawie50HelenaGOLDBERG1914Page 2 of list of namesDSC00140.jpg
10069Wykaz Pracownikow Centr. Com. Zyd. Polsk. - w Warszawie50JadwigaGOLDBERG1937daughterPage 2 of list of namesDSC00140.jpg

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1006801-DSC00103.JPG2Chana?15 Jan 1923Grojeo?ChanaGOLDBERGCalle Malavia 539 Buenos AiresSurname obscured by tears and tape
1006901-DSC00103.JPG2Chana?15 Jan 1923Grojeo?SalomonGOLDBERGCalle Malavia 539 Buenos AiresSurname obscured by tears and tape
1007001-DSC00103.JPG2Chana?15 Jan 1923Grojeo?SymokaGOLDBERGCalle Malavia 539 Buenos AiresSurname obscured by tears and tape
1012601-DSC00108.JPG4ReginaGURWICZ27 Aug 1918LodzLasarGOLDBERGBialystok, Sienkiewicza 34  
1025701-DSC00115.JPGSonjaKRAMER21 Jun 1923PruzanyWelweGOLDBERGCanada  
10636DSC00139.JPG14Sara née JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZNOWAK30 Dec 1905LodzZehgman IdaGOLDBERGLodz Audrzeje 25  
1066801-DSC00142.JPG15Ruchla MindlaPEREL26 Aug 1919LaslasszenWarschawHadasaGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1069301- DSC00143.JPG15Ruchla MindlaPEREL26 Aug 1919LaslasszenWarschawHadasaGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1090601.DSC00157.JPG2MirjamGOLDBERG25 Dec 1912KorezkiMauritzGOLDBERGChicago USA  
1090701.DSC00157.JPG2MirjamGOLDBERG25 Dec 1912KorezkiErika nee GoldbergLIPPMANToronto, Canada  
1095102-DSC00001.JPG2MirjamGOLDBERG25 Dec 1912KorezkiMauritzGOLDBERGChicago USA  
1095202-DSC00001.JPG2MirjamGOLDBERG25 Dec 1912KorezkiErika nee GoldbergLIPPMANToronto Canada  
1107202-DSC00006.JPG6ChajaGOLDBERG6 May 1925LodzFajwelGOLDBERGBoston  
1107302-DSC00006.JPG6ChajaGOLDBERG6 May 1925LodzDyviaROJTMANParis 3  
1107402-DSC00006.JPG6ChajaGOLDBERG6 May 1925LodzSaraROJTMANParis 3  
1116002-DSC00009.JPG7FaniaKRAWCZYK5 Nov 1920SzereszowIzakGOLDBERGChicago  
1132402-DSC00016.JPG10Estera nee GoldbergGOLDBERGPINES3 Feb 1922RadomNACHR,---------   
1171102-DSC00031.JPG18ZeldaWESTER15 Apr 1923SkarzyskuEstheraGOLDBERGCanada Toronto  
1199502-DSC00042.JPG4CesiaGOLDBERG21 Aug 1927StaszowRadomHerschelGOLDBERGStaszow, Rynek 31  
1199602-DSC00042.JPG4CesiaGOLDBERG21 Aug 1927StaszowRadomFromekGOLDBERGStaszow, Rynek  
1199702-DSC00042.JPG4CesiaGOLDBERG21 Aug 1927StaszowRadomBenekGOLDBERGStaszow, Rynek  
1199802-DSC00042.JPG4CesiaGOLDBERG21 Aug 1927StaszowRadomPolaPIEKARSKAKrakau, Krakusa 22  
1199902-DSC00042.JPG4Cecia nee KeiferbaumKEIFERBAUMGOLDBERG05 May 1920WarschauKlaraLATOWITZKABrooklyn, New York  
1200002-DSC00042.JPG4Cecia nee KeiferbaumKEIFERBAUMGOLDBERG05 May 1920WarschauMaxKONNew York  
1200102-DSC00042.JPG4Cecia nee KeiferbaumKEIFERBAUMGOLDBERG05 May 1920WarschauElia ausGOLDBERGWarschau  
1200202-DSC00042.JPG4KalaGOLDBERGNurse14 Dec 1922RadomFellojzeszGOLDBERGAuschwitz  
1200302-DSC00042.JPG4KalaGOLDBERGNurse14 Dec 1922RadomHelaEINSTEINToronto, Canada  
1200402-DSC00042.JPG4KalaGOLDBERGNurse14 Dec 1922RadomKubaBORENSTEINToronto Canada  
1200502-DSC00043.JPG5PerlaGOLDBERG26 Dec 1915Radom      
1200802-DSC00043.JPG5MarylaFISCHMANNGOLDBERG-FISCHMANN19 Feb 1919RadomKalmanGOLDBERGAuschwitz-Birkenau  
1200902-DSC00043.JPG5MarylaFISCHMANNGOLDBERG-FISCHMANN19 Feb 1919RadomFiszekFISCHMANArchangelsk, Russland  
1201002-DSC00043.JPG5MarylaFISCHMANNGOLDBERG-FISCHMANN19 Feb 1919RadomNychymFISCHMANLondon  
1201202-DSC00043.JPG5MarylaFISCHMANNGOLDBERG-FISCHMANN19 Feb 1919RadomKiwaFISCHMANTel Aviv  
1240102-DSC00057.JPG12Pola, nee PutermanPUTERMANSTROSBERG28 Apr 1917WarschauKielceEsteraGOLDBERGUSA BrooklunEstera Goldberg nee PutermanBrooklyn
1244302-DSC00058.JPG12ChanaSZLAMKONIOR14 Sep 1916LodzAbramGOLDBERGLodz Ghetto MickiewieraMickiewicza?
1244802-DSC00058.JPG12ChanaSZLAMKONIOR14 Sep 1916LodzBonjsGOLDBERGUSA Paterson  
1293602-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzAbramNUSSBAUMAmerica, Ohio, Cleveland  
1293702-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzIcehakGOLENZERFrance, Nancy  
1293802-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzSzajndla, ChanaGOLENZERFrance Metz  
1293902-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzMordka LejzerGOLENZERGross-Meslowitz Germany  
1294002-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzPolaGOLENZERGabersdorf, Sudeten  
1294102-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzMijsesz NutaGOLDBERGBlechhammer Germany  
1294202-DSC00073.JPG6Carola nee GolenzerGOLENZERGOLDBERG? 1908Sos??witzFelaGOLDBERGRavensbruck  
13216DSC-00083 JPG11LonieWUDKARAKOCZ-WUDKA22 Apr 1920RadomIsrael MendelGOLDBERGHaifa, Palestine  
1340502-DSC00089.JPG14ZeldaWESTER15 Apr 1923SkarzyskaEsteraGOLDBERGToronto, Canada  
1345402-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDBERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzMojszecsSZWARSLodz, Brzesinska 9  
1345502-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzAbrahamJURKIEWICZLodz, Ulynasska 88  
1345602-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDBERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzNatanGOLDBERGLodz, Podrzcesna 14  
1345702-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDBERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzBenickDYONLodz, Gnieznceniska 18  
1345802-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDBERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzElkaLIPMANToronto, USA  
1345902-DSC00091.JPGFajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG? NEE GOLDBERG21 Sep 1906KurzwenkiLodzMajzeczGOLDBERGChikago, USA  
1364002-DSC00098.JPG1TaniaGOLDBERG15 Aug 1927LodzEtkaLIPMAN (GOLDBERG)Toronto, Can.  
1364102-DSC00098.JPG1TaniaGOLDBERG15 Aug 1927LodzMojzeszGOLDBERGChikago III  
1408002-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzAbram AronGOLDBERGAuschwitz  
1408102-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzSuraGOLDBERGLodz  
1408202-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzMoniekGOLDBERGAuschwitz  
1408302-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzManiaOJZERWarschau, Nowolipie 59  
1408402-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzSzajaOJZERWarschau, Nowolipie, 59  
1408502-DSC00114.JPG5RachelaGOLDBERG6 May 1924LodzZenekOJZERWarschau, Nowolipie, 59  
1412002-DSC00115.JPG5Sara LucjaRUTMANGRINBAUM BORN RUTMAN25 Dec 1912RadomRoza and MariaGOLDBERGSandomierz, Zeromskiego 3 a  
1443802-DSC00126.JPG11MindlaLEWKOWICZ1 Apr 1923LodzLejserGOLDBERGHaifa  
1456502-DSC00131.JPG13MinaRAJS23 Jul 1921LodzRachel, HerszGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1456602-DSC00131.JPG13MinaRAJS23 Jul 1921LodzNinaGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1457802-DSC00131.JPG13LolaREDLICH18 May 1924LodzRachel, HerszGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1500902-DSC00144.JPGJudithZACHARIASCH05 Aug 1923LodzLajaGOLDBERGAuschwitz  
1515402-DSC00150.JPGHelaDIAMANTChmielnitzJakubGOLDBERGNew York  
1615403-DSC00129.JPG793HankaDEITELBAUM4 Jul 1919TarnowTarnowFuter, IsraelGOLDBERGMauthausen  
1618003-DSC00131.JPG793HankaDEITELBAUM4 Jul 1919TarnowTarnowFuter, IsraelGOLDBERGMauthausenRepeated
1650303-DSC00148.JPG165RacheleFRIMMERMAN25 Aug 1927TarnowTarnowKalmanGOLDBERGPalestine  
1662904-DSC00001.JPG16194GoldeGOLDBERG1 May 1919KschanowKschanowJosefGOLDBERGBuenos Aires, Arbetinia  
1663004-DSC00001.JPG16194GoldeGOLDBERG1 May 1919KschanowKschanowHirschGOLDBERGSosnovice  
1663104-DSC00001.JPG16194GoldeGOLDBERG1 May 1919KschanowKschanowDavidGOLDBERGFunfteichen  
1663204-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauMieczyslawGOLDBERGStockholm, Sturegatan 60/IIIHusband 
1663304-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauKarol born 1931Pension Acme?Child 
1663404-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauKarolSTAUBERLwow  
1663504-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauMorduchWARSCHAWSKIWarschau-Gefangnis-Berlin  
1663604-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauAbramORZECHWarschau  
1663704-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauHenrikDAMBWarschau  
1663804-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauAbramSZAFRANWarschau  
1663904-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauSzmul LeibSZAFRANWarschau  
1664004-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauKlaraSOMMERWarschau  
1664104-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauFischelFAJGENBAUMWarschau  
1664204-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauPesiaRAJNMANWarschau  
1664304-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauGeniaHOKOWITZWarschau  
1664404-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauSamuelSTERNKattowitz?  
1664504-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauAbrahamGROMANWarschau  
1664604-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauTORFSTEINWarschau  
1664704-DSC00001.JPG16195IreneGOLDBERG8 Nov 1907LwowWarschauSonjaHUBERMANWarschau-Auschwitz  
1664804-DSC00002.JPG196NoemiGOLDBERGTeacher23 Dec 1920PabianicePabianiceJudaLESZYCKIBuenos Aires  
1664904-DSC00002.JPG196NoemiGOLDBERGTeacher23 Dec 1920PabianicePabianiceRysiaJOSKOWICZBergen Belsen  
1665004-DSC00002.JPG196NoemiGOLDBERGTeacher23 Dec 1920PabianicePabianiceSaraGOLDBERGPabianice  
1665104-DSC00002.JPG196NoemiGOLDBERGTeacher23 Dec 1920PabianicePabianiceSzmulGOLDBERGPabianice  
1665204-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzMotelLESKI-BRUDERBrooklyn, USA  
1665304-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzJakobFUCHS-BRUDERChicago 716 So Lavendable Ave, USA  
1665404-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzChaimGOLDBERGReppen b. Frankfurt a 0  
1665504-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzGedalaLESKILodz-Rawska  
1665604-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzHelaGRYNBAUMLodz-Rawska  
1665704-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzAnneHOLANDLodz-Rawska  
1665804-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzPolaSCHWARZBERGLodz Piotrkov  
1665904-DSC00002.JPG197ReginaLESKOGOLDBERG-LESKOFurrier10 Oct 1917LodzLodzSamuelGRYNBAUMLodz Bialstock  
1666004-DSC00002.JPG198RelaGOLDBERG1 Jul 1917LodzLodzMaxGOLDBERGJerusalem King George str. 25  
1666104-DSC00002.JPG198RelaGOLDBERG1 Jul 1917LodzLodzLaibGOLDBERGLodz-Auschwitz  
1666204-DSC00002.JPG198RelaGOLDBERG1 Jul 1917LodzLodzSzmulSPIEWAKLodz-Auschwitz  
1682304-DSC00010.JPG19234HeleneMEHLHABER-MEHLAuthor10 Aug 1907WicliczkaRachelaGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1684204-DSC00011.JPG240FranziskaHELLEERPupil24 May 1928Kattowitz?GOLDBERGPalestine  
1701304-DSC00023.JPG23283EsteraKAMINSKA7 Jul 1924LodzChielGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1736104-DSC00038.JPG28348RosaLENEMAN16 Sep?LodzLodzLajbGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
1853904-DSC00105.JPG48683TaubaMULLER13 Dec 1923ChmielnikChmielnikHannaGOLDBERGCzestochowa -?? in original document
1872604-DSC00114.JPG51724MordkaPELTA8 Dec 1922KlobuckUszerGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
1884304-DSC00121.JPG53754LeonPRAJS8 Jan 1917LodzWarschauSaraGOLDBERGRichon Le Zion, Palestine  
1926504-DSC00145.JPG62878FridaSEIDBAND11 Jan 1924StrzemieszyceMordechaiGOLDBERGHaifa  
1928204-DSC00147.JPG63882FeliksSELIGMANClerk29 Aug 1908LodzHelenaGOLDBERGNew York  
1961605-DSC00012.JPG69968MordkaSZPIGLER20 Nov 1906BedzinBedzinGoldaGOLDBERGSchweden  
2000404-DSC00028.JPG741053EsterWAJNGARTEN27 Mar 1928?LodzZlatkaGOLDBERGKrim, SSSR? in original document
2069705-DSC00068.JPG871238Sija SimchaWIGDOROWITZZOLARZ-WIGDOROWITZ30 May 1908LodzLodzJakobGOLDBERGGeorgerstr. 333, Brooklyn, NY  
2072305-DSC00070.JPG6Szmul-DavidADLERLocksmith?LodzLodzMaja ItaGOLDBERGLodz?  
2075505-DSC00073214BinaKORMANNBENKAIM-KORMANN18 Jun 1910LodzLodzMoischeGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
2108005-DSC00087.JPG684BellaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Jan 1925LodzLodzRosaFINKELSTEIN-ROSENBERGTel Aviv  
2108105-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzSzmulFLAKOWICZTel Aviv  
2108205-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzCelaGOLDBERGWarschau?? in original document
2108305-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzPerlaGOLDBERGWarschau?? in original document
2108405-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzMotekGOLDBERGWarschau?? in original document
2108505-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzJosefROSENWALDWarschau?? in original document
2108605-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzItaROSENWALDSosnovice?? in original document
2108705-DSC00088.JPG785FrymetaGOLDBERGClerk25 Aug 1919LodzLodzMotekRABINOWICZBaranowitz, Russland  
2108805-DSC00088.JPG786HelaGOLDBERGKnitter8 Feb 1920LodzLodzSaraGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
2108905-DSC00088.JPG786HelaGOLDBERGKnitter8 Feb 1920LodzLodzFeilaGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
2109005-DSC00088.JPG786HelaGOLDBERGKnitter8 Feb 1920LodzLodzRifkaGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
2109105-DSC00088.JPG786HelaGOLDBERGKnitter8 Feb 1920LodzLodzIsraelGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
2109205-DSC00088.JPG786HelaGOLDBERGKnitter8 Feb 1920LodzLodzJoselGOLDBERGLodz?? in original document
2109305-DSC00088.JPG787JosefGOLDBERG23 Jun 1912LodzLodzMeilechWARGONTel Aviv  
2109405-DSC00088.JPG787JosefGOLDBERG23 Jun 1912LodzLodzAlterSVEDBERGNew York  
2109505-DSC00088.JPG788LolaGOLDBERG1 Dec 1920LodzLodzIzraelGOLDBERGWarschau?? in original document
2109605-DSC00088.JPG788LolaGOLDBERG1 Dec 1920LodzLodzAbramGOLDBERGWarschau?? in original document
2109705-DSC00088.JPG788LolaGOLDBERG1 Dec 1920LodzLodzMotelRESENWALDCzentochowa?? in original document
2109805-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzMaxSWENTOGNew York  
2109905-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzLudiaKOHNGoteborg  
2110005-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzZosiaLUSTMANMalmo  
2110105-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzGeniaBORNSTEINMalmo  
2110205-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzMaxGOLDBERGKing George Street 25, Jerusalem  
2110305-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzLeibGOLDBERGAuschwitz?? in original document
2110405-DSC00088.JPG789RelaGOLDBERGWorker1 Jul 1917LodzLodzSzmulGOLDBERGAuschwitz?? in original document
2110505-DSC00088.JPG790RosaGOLDBERGDressmaker3 Feb 1924LodzLodz- - - in original document
2226505-DSC00150.JPG1?183ManiaGOLDBERGFASENFEST-GOLDBERGdressmaker15 Jun 1922LodzLodzhusband: MoizekFASENFESTLodz?  
2248506-DSC00009.JPG?247BlimaGARNCACZ16 Jan 1901WolbromSosnowitzJakobGOLDBERGSosnowitz?  
2256306-DSC00013.JPG10271EugeniaGOLDBERGDressmaker28 Mar 1926LembergRadomJakobGOLDBERGRadom-Buchenwald  
2256406-DSC00013.JPG10271EugeniaGOLDBERGDressmaker28 Mar 1926LembergRadomKalaGOLDBERGSweden  
2256506-DSC00013.JPG10272IkielGOLDBERG12 May 1919OpocznoLodzMendelGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
2256606-DSC00013.JPG10272IkielGOLDBERG12 May 1919OpocznoLodzPerzGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
2256706-DSC00013.JPG10272IkielGOLDBERG12 May 1919OpocznoLodzRuchlaNORDONLodz-Sztutow  
2256806-DSC00013.JPG10272IkielGOLDBERG12 May 1919OpocznoLodzMendelGOLDBERGPalestine  
2256906-DSC00013.JPG10272IkielGOLDBERG12 May 1919OpocznoLodzKac AndziaNORDONSweden  
2257006-DSC00013.JPG10273JakobGOLDBERGLocksmith20 Jan 1914MiechowTemmerGOLDBERG-FRYDBERGKonsk, PolenWife 
2257106-DSC00013.JPG10273JakobGOLDBERGLocksmith20 Jan 1914MiechowScheindlKESLOWSKATel Aviv  
2257206-DSC00013.JPG10273JakobGOLDBERGLocksmith20 Jan 1914MiechowFreidaPOSLUSNAAntwerpen  
2257306-DSC00013.JPG10273JakobGOLDBERGLocksmith20 Jan 1914MiechowSchyja MayamGOLDBERGBuchenwald  
2257406-DSC00013.JPG10273JakobGOLDBERGLocksmith20 Jan 1914MiechowHenechWECHSLERCamp Plaszow  
2257506-DSC00013.JPG10274MiraGOLDBERGDressmaker31 Dec 1923LodzMenachemSILBERSTEINNew York  
2257606-DSC00013.JPG10274MiraGOLDBERGDressmaker31 Dec 1923LodzSalaSILBERSTEINNew York  
2257706-DSC00013.JPG10274MiraGOLDBERGDressmaker31 Dec 1923LodzBelaSILBERSTEINNew York  
2257806-DSC00014.JPG10275MirjamKROTSTEINGOLDBERG-KROTSTEINDressmaker25 Dec 1912KoroswenLodzSeligKROTSTEINLodz-AuschwitzHusband 
2257906-DSC00014.JPG10275MirjamKROTSTEINGOLDBERG-KROTSTEINDressmaker25 Dec 1912KoroswenLodzSeligKROTSTEINLodz-Gleiwitz  
2258006-DSC00015.JPG10275MirjamKROTSTEINGOLDBERG-KROTSTEINDressmaker25 Dec 1912KoroswenLodzSzmulKROTSTEINLodz-Gleiwitz  
2258106-DSC00014.JPG10275MirjamKROTSTEINGOLDBERG-KROTSTEINDressmaker25 Dec 1912KoroswenLodzNatanGOLDBERGLodz-Auschwitz  
2258206-DSC00014.JPG10276PolaTASMAGOLDBERG-TASMADressmaker15 Oct 1906RadomNaumSZENDEROWICZRadom, Pilsudskiego 4Dr. Naum Szenderowicz 
2258306-DSC00014.JPG10276PolaTASMAGOLDBERG-TASMADressmaker15 Oct 1906RadomJosefCUKIERTel Aviv, Alimba 25  
2258406-DSC00015.JPG10276PolaTASMAGOLDBERG-TASMADressmaker15 Oct 1906RadomJehudaSWARCBARDHachomer Hacair, Hadera-Karkur, Pelstine  
2258506-DSC00015.JPG10276PolaTASMAGOLDBERG-TASMADressmaker15 Oct 1906RadomJakobGOLDBERGRadom-Buchenwald  
2258606-DSC00015.JPG10276PolaTASMAGOLDBERG-TASMADressmaker15 Oct 1906RadomMosesTASMAKielce-Archangelsk  
2258706-DSC00015.JPG10277ReginaSZAFIRGOLDBERG-SZAFIR28 Jan 1913LodzEfroimSZAFIROpatow-Auschwitz  
2258806-DSC00015.JPG10277ReginaSZAFIRGOLDBERG-SZAFIR28 Jan 1913LodzGuciaAKERMANLodz  
2258906-DSC00015.JPG10277ReginaSZAFIRGOLDBERG-SZAFIR28 Jan 1913LodzBen-CijaSZAFIRRussland  
2259006-DSC00015.JPG10278RywkaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Mar 1925Skiernie-wiceLodzMojszeGOLDBERGNew York  
2259106-DSC00015.JPG10278RywkaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Mar 1925Skiernie-wiceLodzIcio?GOLDBERGSkierniewice-Lodz  
2259206-DSC00015.JPG10278RywkaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Mar 1925Skiernie-wiceLodzAbramGOLDBERGSkierniewice-Lodz  
2259306-DSC00015.JPG10278RywkaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Mar 1925Skiernie-wiceLodzMoszekGOLDBERGSkierniewice-Lodz  
2259406-DSC00015.JPG10278RywkaGOLDBERGDressmaker1 Mar 1925Skiernie-wiceLodzSalaGOLDBERGSkierniewice-Lodz, Rawa Mazowieska?  
2259506-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinMartinGOLDBROCHBerlin-SachsenhausenChild 
2259606-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinMoritzFRANSILBER?Kopenhagen, Danevirkegade  
2259706-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinHermanGRUNStockholmRabb. 
2259806-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinAliceKOHNStockholm  
2259906-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinSimonGOLDBROCHBuenos Aires, via Munte 23-45  
2260006-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinMoritzFRIEDHEIMGlasgow, England  
2260106-DSC00015.JPG10279AnniGOLDBROCH27 Oct 1912BerlinBerlinRuthSCHWARTZEngland  
2298906-DSC00034.JPG26370SlomoHELFGOTT8 Feb 1916LodzLodzJosefGOLDBERGDetroit, Mich. USA  
2336806-DSC00053.JPG32462SzmulKAUFMAN08 Jul 1914LodzLodzMirkaKAUFMAN GOLDBERGLodz - Auschwitzwife 
2337106-DSC00053.JPG32462SzmulKAUFMAN08 Jul 1914LodzLodzMojseGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
2337206-DSC00053.JPG32462SzmulKAUFMAN08 Jul 1914LodzLodzSzmulGOLDBERGJerusalem  
2394506-DSC00082.JPG42?592IcekLINDEN1 Jan 1927LodzSrul David & PolaGOLDBERGLodz-Auschwitz  
2427306-DSC00102.JPG683TaubaMULLER13 Dec 1923ChmielnikChmielnikHannaGOLDBERGCzestochowa?  
2447006-DSC00111.JPG51724MordkaPELTA8 Dec 1922KlobuckUszerGOLDBERGTel Aviv  
2458306-DSC00118.JPG53754LeonPRAJS8 Jan 1917LodzWarschauSaraGOLDBERGRichon Le Zion, Palestine  
2505006-DSC00145.JPG62878FridaSEIDBAND11 Jan 1924StrzemieszyceMordechaiGOLDBERGHaifa  
2506706-DSC00147.JPG63882FeliksSELIGMANClerk29 Aug 1908LodzHelenaGOLDBERGNew York  
2550307-DSC00005.JPG68968MordkaSZPIGLER20 Nov 1906BedzinBedzinGoldaGOLDBERGSchweden  
2552207-DSC00006.JPG68968MordkaSZPIGLER20 Nov 1906BedzinBedzinGoldaGOLDBERGSchweden  
2593607-DSC00026.JPG741053EsterWAJNGARTEN27 Mar 1928?LodzZlatkaGOLDBERGKrim, SSSR? in original document
2595907-DSC00027.JPG741053EsterWAJNGARTEN27 Mar 1928?LodzZlatkaGOLDBERGKrim, SSSRRepeated,? in original document
2681207-DSC00066.JPG871238Sija SimchaWIDOROWITZZOLARZ-WIDOROWITZ30 May 1908LodzLodzJakobGOLDBERGGeorgestr.333, Brooklyn, N.Y.  

Sweden: Jewish refugees finding safe haven in Sweden 1946-1947; American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-Page number at cornerPage number at topRegional page headerSubheaderNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1005433Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 Apr 1948Poles130Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Nov 1923Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
1005533Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 Apr 1948Poles131Icek-Ignatz GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Apr 1927Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
1021983Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 15 Apr 1948Poles130Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Nov 1923Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
1022083Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 15 Apr 1948Poles131Icek-Ignatz GoldbergGOLDBERG14 Apr 1927Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely
10349111Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 May 1948Poles29Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Nov 1926Chrzanow / Chrzanów, PolandChrzanów, Poland added because it seems more likely
10350111Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 May 1948Poles30Smul GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Nov 1910Lask / Łask, PolandŁask, Poland added because it seems more likely
10419141Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947 [no stamp appears at top]Poles29Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Nov 1926Chrzanow / Chrzanów, PolandChrzanów, Poland added because it seems more likely
10420141Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947 [no stamp appears at top]Poles30Smul GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Nov 1910Lask / Łask, PolandŁask, Poland added because it seems more likely
10489161Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947 [no stamp appears at top]Poles29Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Nov 1926Chrzanow / Chrzanów, PolandChrzanów, Poland added because it seems more likely
10490161Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947 [no stamp appears at top]Poles30Smul GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Nov 1910Lask / Łask, PolandŁask, Poland added because it seems more likely
10559181Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 May 1947Poles29Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERG11 Nov 1926Chrzanow / Chrzanów, PolandChrzanów, Poland added because it seems more likely
10560181Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jan, Feb, Apr 1947; stamped at the top: received 12 May 1947Poles30Smul GoldbergGOLDBERG17 Nov 1910Lask / Łask, PolandŁask, Poland added because it seems more likely
1070324[1]Jewish Assembly Registration Department, Wahrendorffsgatan 3, Stockholm; list of refugees arrived Jun, Jul 1946; stamped at the top: received 26 Sep 1947Poles13Josef GoldbergGOLDBERG26 May 1927Lodz / Łódź, PolandŁódź, Poland added because it seems more likely

Sweden: List no. 7 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after June 26th (Group 2); printed red at top of page 1: 8 Feb 1946? [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1013911Hanka GaldbergGALDBERG[not listed][not listed]7694  
1016912Cesia GoldbergGOLDBERG21 Aug 1927Staszow, Poland[not listed]  
1017012Hela GoldbergGOLDBERG8 Feb 1920Lodz, Poland[not listed]  
1017112Noemi GoldbergGOLDBERG23 Dec 1920Pabianice, Poland[not listed]  
1017212Hela GoldbergGOLDBERG1 Jul 1917Lodz, Poland[not listed]  

Sweden: "List of Survivors: Stockholm, 1946," Mosaiska forsamlingens i Stockholm (807 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNationalityIdentity card numberSequential number (on left)Arrival dateGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthLast domicilePlace of birthComments
10008[1?]Polish810 May 1946JakobGOLDBERG27 Jul 1914SosnowitzMosaiska Forsamlingen; Registreringsavdelningen; Malmskillnadsgatan 38
102707Polish4399After 26 Jun [1946]HelenGOLDBERG8 Jan 1920LodzList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)
102717Polish873After 26 Jun [1946]HermineGOLDBERGER22 Jan 1895List No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)
10707[17?]PolishAfter Jul 1946JosefGOLDBERG26 May 1927Lodz 

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
104939GisellaGOLDBERGERZapson09 May 1921Czechoslovakia 
104949IrenGOLDBERGERKATZBereg Dedow04 Jan 1921Czechoslovakia 
104959LenkaGOLDBERGEROVAVysnia Rybnica20 Mar 1921Czechoslovakia 
104969MagdaGOLDBERGERSeret27 Jan 1927Czechoslovakia 
104979MargitGOLDBERGERBerehovo24 Sep 1909Czechoslovakia 
104989RosaliaGOLDBERGERZapson04 Aug 1924Czechoslovakia 
104999RozsiGOLDBERGERUzhorod28 Nov 1913Czechoslovakia 
1123921MartaROUBICKOVAGOLDBERGERVsetin21 Aug 1921Czechoslovakia 
1218337DoraGOLDBERGKLEINZWEIGAlfortville03 Dec 1912France 
1266845IlonaGOLDBERGERSatoreljaujhely12 Dec 1926Hungary 
1266945ImreGOLDBERGERKisvarda21 Jan 1921Hungary 
1267045KatoeGOLDBERGERSarospatak26 Dec 1926Hungary 
1267145MalvinGOLDBERGEROlaszliszka17 Jun 1911Hungary 
1267245MargitGOLDBERGERBeregszasz09 Sep 1924Hungary 
1357160RozaTELCSGOLDBERGERLipotPapa09 May 1894Hungary 
1455076ManiaFASENFESTGOLDBERGLodz15 Jun 1922Poland 
1488481BellaGOLDBERGLodz11 Jan 1925Poland 
1488581Karda CarolaGOLDBERGGOLENZERSosnowiec28 Mar 1908Poland 
1488681Chaja SuraGOLDBERGLodz06 Jan 1925Poland 
1488781CesiaGOLDBERGKIEFERBAUMWarszawa05 May 1920Poland 
1488881CesiaGOLDBERGStaszow21 Aug 1927Poland 
1488981EugeniaGOLDBERGLwow28 Mar 1926Poland 
1489081FajgaGOLDBERGGOLDBERGKorzeniki21 Sep 1906Poland 
1489181FrymetaGOLDBERGLodz25 Aug 1919Poland 
1489281GoldeGOLDBERGChrzanow01 May 1919Poland 
1489381HelaGOLDBERGLodz06 Jan 1925Poland 
1489481HelaGOLDBERGLodz08 Feb 1920Poland 
1489681IreneGOLDBERGLwow08 Nov 1907Poland 
1489781JakobGOLDBERGMiechow20 Jan 1914Poland 
1489881IkielGOLDBERGOpoczno12 May 1929Poland 
1489981JosefGOLDBERGLodz23 Jun 1912Poland 
1490081KalaGOLDBERGRadom14 Dec 1922Poland 
1490181KarolaGOLDBERGGOLENZERSosnowiec28 Mar 1908Poland 
1490281LolaGOLDBERGLodz01 Dec 1920Poland 
1490382ManiaGOLDBERGLodz16 Jun 1922Poland 
1490482MirjamGOLDBERGKROTSTEINKoroswenski25 Dec 1912Poland 
1490582MarylaGOLDBERGFISCHMANRadom19 Dec 1919Poland 
1490682MiraGOLDBERGLodz31 Dec 1923Poland 
1490782MoniekGOLDBERGLodz15 Mar 1922Poland 
1490882NoemiGOLDBERGPabianice23 Dec 1920Poland 
1490982PerlaGOLDBERGHOFMANRadom26 Dec 1915Poland 
1491082PolaGOLDBERGTASMARadom15 Oct 1906Poland 
1491182RafaelGOLDBERGDebica16 Mar 1922Poland 
1491282RacheleGOLDBERGLodz06 May 1924Poland 
1491382ReginaGOLDBERGSZAFIRLodz28 Jan 1913Poland 
1491482ReginaGOLDBERGLESKILodz10 Oct 1917Poland 
1491582RelaGOLDBERGLodz01 Jul 1917Poland 
1491682RosaGOLDBERGLodz03 Feb 1924Poland 
1491782RywkaGOLDBERGSkierniewice03 Jan 1925Poland 
1491882TaniaGOLDBERGLodz15 Aug 1927Poland 
1491982ZyslaGOLDBERGSkierniewice02 Mar 1923Poland 
1492082HermineGOLDBERGERTHIBERGERRjchold22 Jan 1895Poland 
1492582AnniGOLDBROCHBerlin27 Oct 1912Poland 
1492682GuentherGOLDBROCHBerlin09 Dec 1930Poland 
16258104EsteraMUELLERGOLDBERGLodz21 Feb 1914Poland 
16463107EsteraPINESGOLDBERGRadom03 Feb 1922Poland 
18127134EtaFRIEDGOLDBERGERCampulung La Tisa01 Mar 1918Roumania 
18223135ElisabetGOLDBERGERSanislau09 Oct 1927Roumania 
18224135EtaGOLDBERGERGlod03 Mar 1918Roumania 
18225135HelenaGOLDBERGERSanislau05 Jun 1923Roumania 
18226135LiliGOLDBERGERSatumare07 Jun 1923Roumania 
18227135PiriGOLDBERGERDiosig-Bihor22 Dec 1922Roumania 

Sweden: Survivors 2 (1375 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameGiven name 2Given name 3SurnameSurname 2SexPlace of birthDate of birthResidencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityNotes
100043KlaraGOLDBERGFWien24 Aug 1912Austria 
1042310JsraelGOLDBERGMLodz17 Apr 1906Poland 
1042410JakobGOLDBERGMSosnowiec27 Jul 1914Poland 
1042510JosefGOLDBERGMLodz26 May 1927Poland 
1042610KalmanGOLDBERGMRadom21 Nov 1911Poland 
1042710MaszaGOLDBERGF3 May 1920Poland 
1042810MilzaGOLDBERGFRadom21 Nov 1911Poland 
1042910MozesGOLDBERGMBendzin15 Feb 1913Poland 
1043010ReginaGOLDBERGFZarki10 Oct 1923Poland 

Sweden: "Sweden 5 - First list of deceased Jewish refugees buried in the Jewish cemeteries of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö and Norrköping, up until 31 Aug 1945"; at top in red: 22 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberCountryPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domicileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1014912PolandEugenia GoldbergGOLDBERG28 Mar 1926Radom4500  
1015112PolandPola GoldbergGOLDBERG15 Oct 1906Radom4499  
1015212PolandRafael GoldbergGOLDBERG16 Mar 1922Debica5677  

Szczekociny 1939: List of contribution for support of Jewish Community in Szczekociny in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 108-131 [Lista składek na utrzymanie Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Szczekocinach.]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-Header immediately before this listPageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Kwota]: ZłNotes [Uwaga]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10062[no header]11260Lejbuś GoldbergGOLDBERGSzczekocinykup.merchant60  
10063[no header]11261Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGSzczekocinykup.merchant5  

Szczekociny: Municipal Court [1929-1950], zespol 1846, syg 6-1465 (various); includes more than 100 requests for issuance of death certificates for persons who died during the Holocaust [H]

-Sort-Image file namesyg [r#]Case numberDate case commencedPlaintiff nameSurname from previous columnPlaintiff addressDefendant nameSurname from previous columnDefendant addressCase detailsSurname from previous columnDate case concludedVerdictNotes by translator / typistSurname from previous two columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1003121_1846_0_0_81.pdf81C 547/299 Aug 1929Lejbuś GoldbergGOLDBERGSzczekocinyJan GawrońskiGAWROŃSKIWilgoszczaPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 50 zł, plus interest and costs, for an unpaid and due Promissory Note.3 Oct 1929Court finds in favor of Plaintiff, awarding him 92.50 zł, plus 10% interest and costs. Court bailiff seizes cow for sale to settle debt.Defendant not Jewish  
1019021_1846_0_0_600.pdf600N 313/349 Oct 1934Lejbuś GoldbergGOLDBERGSzczekocinyWładysław NiwińskiNIWIŃSKITęgobórzPlaintiff is suing Defendant for 104.50 zł being for the balance of an overdue and unpaid Promissory Note15 Jan 1935Court finds in favor of the PlaintiffDefendant is not Jewish  
1034521_1846_0_0_1150.pdf1150Sp 117/4830 Dec 1948Dawid Lajb RusinRUSINul. Dekerta 1, SosnowiecGitla Klajman nee Goldberg, owner of property in Szczekociny, died on 21 Jul 1917. Plaintiff is requesting Court to acknowledge him as her sole surviving heir.KLAJMAN NEE GOLDBERG29 Sep 1950On 18 Jul 1950, Sura Zylbersztajn also lodges a claim as a beneficiary. On 5 Apr 1950, Court acknowledges both claims. Plaintiff appeals this decision; Court upholds original decision.Sura Zylbersztajn add: ul Jaracza 10/8, ŁódźZYLBERSZTAJN 

Szczekociny Yizkor book: Israel Shwaicer, Pinkas Shts'kots', 1959; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Szczekociny/Szczekociny.html; no images at https://libguides.nypl.org/yizkorbooks [H]

-Sort-DetailsNumber of pageLetter of Hebrew alphabet or serial numberPersonSurname(s) from previous columnPerson, with names converted to Polish spellingSurname(s) from previous columnFamily informationMore informationNotes
10069God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]266GimelGoldberg LeibelGOLDBERGGoldberg LejbelGOLDBERGWife  
10070God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]266GimelGoldberg JacobGOLDBERGGoldberg JakubGOLDBERGWife and two children  
10071God [will] remember [the] holy community of Szczekochin [martyrs list]266GimelGoldberg ShlomoGOLDBERGGoldberg SzlomoGOLDBERGWife  

Szydłowiec, Poland: Jewish survivors in Szydłowiec, Cabled to the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada; Relatives Information Service, 24 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear bornNotes (not by typist)
10034[1]Racia GoldbergGOLDBERG1922 
10037[1]Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG1905 
10038[1]Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG1906 
10039[1]Chaja GoldbergGOLDBERG1913 

Theresienstadt: List of children who arrived in Great Britain from Theresienstadt, 20 Aug 1945; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 17? Feb 1946; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10062Jan GoldbergGOLDBERG4 Aug 1930Bielsko, Poland  
10063Josef GoldbergGOLDBERG5 Aug 1930Kozienice, Poland  
10064Schmul GoldbergGOLDBERG9 Dec 1930Piotrkov / Piotrkow, PolandPiotrkow added because it seems more likely
10065Szmul GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Nov 1930Bendzin, Poland  

Theresienstadt: List of Polish Children at Theresienstadt; part of "Survivor Lists: Poland, Children, Mar 1946"; World Jewish Congress, D56, 10 (197 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthPlace of birthOther informationTypist notes

Tomaszów Mazowiecki: In the ghetto and city area of Tomaszów Mazowiecki 5 Jan 1940 - 6 May 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the ghetto and city Tomaszów Mazowiecki, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (678 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10010[1]1.Ajzenszmidt AbramAjzenszmidt AbramAJZENSZMIDT[beginning of line blank] lat 58[beginning of line blank] age 58Tomaszow Mazow.28 Apr 1942Wolf Goldberg Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow.w Tomasz. Maz Co. 654/47  
10011[1]2.Ajzenszmidt LajaAjzenszmidt LajaAJZENSZMIDT[beginning of line blank] lat 59[beginning of line blank] age 59Tomaszow Mazow.1 Apr 1942Wolf Goldberg Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow.w Tomasz. Maz Co. 655/47  
10026216.Auerbach Jankiel-JakubAuerbach Jankiel-JakubAUERBACHTomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Auerbach Elli, Czestochowa ul. Garybaldiego 18 Goldberg Chana,Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16AUERBACH, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow.Tom.Mazow. Co.237/46  
10027217.Auerbach vel Oerbach Szajndla-MalkaAuerbach vel Oerbach Szajndla-MalkaAUERBACH, OERBACHTomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Auerbach Elli, Czestochowa ul. Garybaldiego 18 Goldberg Chana,Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16AUERBACH, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow.Tom.Mazow. Co.238/46  
10030319.Balbin AbramBalbin AbramBALBIN9 Mar 1908 r.s.Chaima i Rachli z Zandbergow9 Mar 1908 son of Chaim and Rachla nee ZandbergBALBIN ZANDBERGOWTomaszow Maz.14 May 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza,Tom. Maz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16GOLDBERG SKOSOWSKAArchiwum S. Grodz. W Tom.Mazow. Co.460/47  
10032321.Balbin BoruchBalbin BoruchBALBIN11 Aug 1911 r.w Tom. S. Chaima i Rachli z Zandbergow11 Aug 1911 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki son of Chaim and Rachla nee ZandbergBALBIN ZANDBERGOWTomaszow Maz.12 Jul 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza, Tom. Maz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16GOLDBERG SKOSOWSKAArchiwum S. Grodz. W Tom. Mazow.Co. 461/47  
10033322.Balbin ChajaBalbin ChajaBALBINlat 36age 36Tomaszow Maz.2 Sep 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tom. Maz. Ul. Polna 3 Rajzbaum Symcha, Tom. Maz. ul. Krzyzowa 24GOLDBERG RAJZBAUMArchiwum S. Grodz. W Tom. Mazow. Co. 76/48  
10035324.Balbin DawidBalbin DawidBALBIN14 Sep 1904 r. w Tom. s.Chaima i Racheli z Zandbergow14 Sep 1904 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki son of Chaim and Rachela nee ZandbergZANDBERGOWTomaszow Maz.14 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza, Tom .Maz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16GOLDBERG SKOSOWSKAArchiwum S. Grodz. W Tom. Mazow. Co. 459/47  
10037326.Balbin HirszBalbin HirszBALBIN8 Sep 1915 r. s.Chaima i Racheli z Zandbergow8 Sep 1915 son of Chaim and Rachela nee ZandbergZANDBERGOWTomaszow Maz.12 Jul 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tom. Mazow. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza,Tom. Maz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16GOLDBERG SKOSOWSKAArchiwum S. Grodz. W Tom. Mazow. Co.463/47  
10061647.Berliner LeontynaBerliner LeontynaBERLINERlat 49age 49Tomaszow Mazow.25 Jun 1942Aronson Zofia, Tom. Maz. ul. sw. Antoniego 12 Goldberg Chana, Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Pol. 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum S. Grodz w Tom. Masow. Co. 929/46  
10062648.Berliner RajzlaBerliner RajzlaBERLINERlat 43age 43Tomaszow Mazow.5 Apr 1942Aronson Zofia, Tom. Maz. ul. sw. Antoniego 12 Goldberg Chana, Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Pol. 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum S. Grodz w Tom. Masow. Co. 924/46  
10063649.Berliner ZeligBerliner ZeligBERLINERlat 49age 49Tomaszow Mazow.3 May 1942Aronson Zofia, Tom. Maz. ul. sw. Antoniego 12 Goldberg Chana, Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Pol. 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum S. Grodz w Tom. Masow. Co. 925/46  
10064650.Berliner SamuelBerliner SamuelBERLINERlat 55age 55Tomaszow Mazow.3 Mar 1942Aronson Zofia, Tom. Maz. ul. sw. Antoniego 12 Goldberg Chana, Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Pol. 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum S.Pow. W Tom.Mazow Co.926/46  
10067653.Bernsztajn Romana z GoldbergowBernsztajn Romana nee GoldbergBERNSZTAJN, GOLDBERG6 Sep 1905 r. w Lodzi,c.Abrama i Chany Kaganow6 Sep 1905 in Lodz, daughter of Abram and Chana KaganKAGANTomaszow Mazow.21 Apr 1943Bajtel Perec.Tom. Maz. ul. Kramarska 7 Szmulewicz Sala ul.Pilsudskiego 16BAJTEL, SZMULEWICZArchiwum S.Pow. W Tom.Mazow Co.170/47  
10069655.Bernsztajn ZygmuntBernsztajn ZygmuntBERNSZTAJN11 Oct 1935 r. w Lodzi s.Samuela i Romany z Goldbergow11 Oct 1935 in Lodz son of Samuel and Romana nee GoldbergGOLDBERGTomaszow Mazow.21 Mar 1943Bajtel Perec.Tom. Maz. ul. Kramarska 7 Szmulewicz Sala ul.Pilsudskiego 16BAJTEL, SZMULEWICZArchiwum S.Pow. W Tom.Mazow Co.171/47  
10074759.Bicz TaubaBicz TaubaBICZ14 May 1908 r w Lodzi c.Icka i Estery z Goldbergow14 May 1908 in Lodz daughter of Icek and Estera nee GoldbergGOLDBERGTomaszow Mazow.3 May 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tom. Ul. Polna 3AJZENSZTAJN,Archiwum b.Sadu Pow.Tom.Maz. Co.308/47  
10098981.Berkowicz FajgaBerkowicz FajgaBERKOWICZlat 40age 40Tomaszow Mazow.2 Oct 1942 r.Goldberg Chana, Tomasz.Zolkowicz Srul, Tomasz. Ul.Wojska Pol.16 ul. Wojska Pol.7GOLDBERG, ZOLKOWICZArchiwum b.Sadu Pow.w Tomasz.Maz. Co.729/46  
101071089.Brajtbard Mariem-UdelBrajtbard Mariem-UdelBRAJTBARDlast 44last 44Tomaszow Mazow.28 Apr 1942Bajtel Perec,Tom.Maz. Ul.Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana,Tom.Maz. Ul.Wojska Pol. 16BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w tomasz. Maz. Co. 942/46  
101101092.Brat Sura-RywkaBrat Sura-RywkaBRATTomaszow Mazow.29 Apr 1942Pakin Aron,Tomasz.Maz. Goldberg Wilf, Tomasz. Maz. Ul.Zgorzlecka 18 Rachmil Jelen Tomasz.Maz. Ul.Jerozolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, RACHMILArchiwum Sadu Pow. w tomasz. Maz. Co. 545/46  
101141096.Brojde SaraBrojde SaraBROJDElat 59age 59Tomaszow Mazow.7 Jul 1942Aronson Zofia,Tomasz. Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. Ul. Antoniego 12 ul. Pilsudskiego 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w tomasz. Maz. Co. 927/46  
1014313122.Cymerman FajgaCymerman FajgaCYMERMANTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Anszel Cymerman, Tomasz. Perec Bajtel, Tomasz. Ul.Kramarska 7 Wolf Goldberg,ul.Jerozolimska 5CYMERMAN, BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 508/46  
1014613125.Cymerman JosekCymerman JosekCYMERMANlat 47age 47Tomaszow Mazow.30 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tomasz. Rotblat Chana,Tomasz. Ul.Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 748/46  
1014713126.Cymerman Sura-JentaCymerman Sura-JentaCYMERMANlat 46age 46Tomaszow Mazow.14 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf,Tomasz. Rotblat Chana,Tomasz. Ul.Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 749/46  
1017415151.Erlich FajgaErlich FajgaERLICHTomaszow Mazow.29 Apr 1942Pakin Aron,Tomaszow ul.Zgorzelicka 18 Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Jalen Rachmil, Tomaszow ul.Jerozolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, RACHMILArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz. Co. 538/46  
1017816154.Fajman Dwojra-FajgaFajman Dwojra-FajgaFAJMANlat 43age 43Tomaszow Mazow.28 Apr 1942Bajtel Perec,Tomaszow Ul.Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana,Tomaszow Ul.Wojska Pols. 16BAJTEL,GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 491/46  
1017916155.Fajman Josek-LajbFajman Josek-LajbFAJMANlat 48age 48Tomaszow Mazow.28 Apr 1942Bajtel Perec,Tomaszow Ul.Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana,Tomaszow Ul.Wojska Pols. 16BAJTEL,GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 489/46  
1019317168.Flambaum DinaFlambaum DinaFLAMBAUMTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942 rGoldberg Wolf,Tomaszow ul.Jerozolimska 5 Pakin Aron, Tomaszow ul.Zgorzelicka 18GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 519/46  
1020018174.Fogiel Dawid-MordkaFogiel Dawid-MordkaFOGIELTomaszow Mazow.23 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow ul.Jerozolimska 5 Treks Cypria, Tomaszow Szosa Warszawska 5GOLDBERG, TREKSArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 223/46  
1020118175.Fogel Dawid-MordkaFogel Dawid-MordkaFOGELlat 56age 56Tomaszow Mazow.15 Mar 1942Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. Pakin Aron, Tomasz. Ul.Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 733/46  
1023020202Goldberg AbramGoldberg AbramGOLDBERG20 Aug 1921 r. w Skierniewicach, s. Chaima i Biny z Zelmanow20 Aug 1921 in Skierniewice, son of Chaim and Bina nee ZelmanZELMANTomaszow Mazow.09 Sep 1942Rotblat Chana, Tomaszow ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza, Tom. ul. Pilsudskiego 16ROTBLAT, SLOSOWSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 293/47  
1023221203Goldberg Abram - IcekGoldberg Abram - IcekGOLDBERGlat 67age 67Tomaszow Mazow.02 Nov 1942Cymerman Anszel, Tomasz. ul. Polna 6 Rotblat Chana Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5CYMERMAN, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 751/46  
1023321204Goldberg SuraGoldberg SuraGOLDBERGlat 64age 64Tomaszow Mazow.02 Nov 1942Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. Borycki Hersz-Mendel Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16ROTBLAT, BORYCKIArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 883/46  
1023421205Goldberg BinaGoldberg BinaGOLDBERGlat 45age 45Tomaszow Mazow.05 Sep 1942Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. Borycki Hersz-Mendel Tomasz. ul. Polna 3ROTBLAT, BORYCKIArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 884/46  
1023521206Goldberg BerekGoldberg BerekGOLDBERG----------Tomaszow Mazow.15 Dec 42Troks Cypa, Tomasz. Maz. ul. Warszawska 5 Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5TROKS, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 277/46  
1023621207Goldberg ChanaGoldberg ChanaGOLDBERG----------Tomaszow Mazow.10 Mar 42Troks Cypa, Tomasz. Maz. ul. Warszawska 5 Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5TROKS, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 278/46  
1023721208Goldberg ChaskielGoldberg ChaskielGOLDBERG19 Mar 1913 r. w Tom. S. Hejnocha i Rywki z Lichtenbergow19 Mar 1913 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki son of Hejnoch and Rywka nee LichtenbergLICHTENBERGTomaszow Mazow.20 Oct 1942Rotblat Hanka, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Szmulewicz Sara, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16ROTBLAT, SZMULEWICZArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 237/46  
1023821209Godberg HejnochGodberg HejnochGOLDBERG22 Dec 1875 r w Drzewiwcy, s. Majera i Bajli z Lichtenbergow22 Dec 1875 in Drzewica, son of Majer and Bajla nee LichtenbergLICHTENBERGTomaszow Mazow.29 Oct 1942Rotblat Hanka, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Szmulewicz Sara, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16ROTBLAT, SZMULEWICZArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 236/47  
1023921210Goldberg HenochGoldberg HenochGOLDBERGlat 52age 52Tomaszow Mazow.30 Oct 1942Cymerman Anszel, Tomasz. ul. Polna 6 Rotblat Chana Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5CYMERMAN, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 750/46  
1024021211Goldbery GrandlaGoldbery GrandlaGOLDBERG10 Feb 1915 r. w Mszczonowie, c. Szlamy i Rajzli z Werthajzerow10 Feb 1915 in Mszczonow, daughter of Szlama and Rajzla nee WerthajzerWERTHAJZERTomaszow Mazow.02 Nov 1942Rotblat Hana Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5ROTBLAT, SLOSOWSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 34/47  
1024121212Goldberg IcekGoldberg IcekGOLDBERGlat 83age 83Tomaszow Mazow.01 Oct 1942Rotblat Hana Tom. Maz. Borycki Hers-Mendel, Tom. Maz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16ROTBLAT, BORYCKIArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 882/46  
1024322213Goldberg Ruchla-LajaGoldberg Ruchla-LajaGOLDBERGlat 62age 62Tomaszow Mazow.02 Nov 42Bajtel Perec, Tomaszow ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polskiego 16BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 490/46  
1024422214Goldberg ZeldaGoldberg ZeldaGOLDBERG12 Aug 1923 r.w Skierniewicach c. Chaima i Biny z Zelmanow12 Aug 1923 in Skierniewice daughter of Chaim and Bina nee ZelmanZELMANTomaszow Mazow.09 Sep 1942Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Skosowska Roza, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16ROTBLAT, SKOSWSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 294/47 Archiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz.. Mazow. Co. 294/47  
1026524233Grundman MindlaGrundman MindlaGRUNDMAN----------Tomaszow Mazow.05 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Jelen Rachmil Tomasz. Ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz, Mazow. Co. 551/46  
1028225249Herszkowicz Mendel-HerszHerszkowicz Mendel-HerszHERSZKOWICZlat 35age 35Tomaszow Mazow.01 Sep 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomas, Rotblat Chana Tomas, ul. Polna 3GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. Tomasz. Maz. Co. 673/47  
1028325250Herskowicz SzyfraHerskowicz SzyfraHERSZKOWICZlat 30age 30Tomaszow Mazow.29 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomas, Rotblat Chana Tomas, ul. Polna 3GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. Tomasz. Maz. Co. 672/47  
1028625253Hoppe Estera-FajgaHoppe Estera-FajgaHOPPE----------Tomaszow Mazow.06 May 1942Aron Pakin, Tomaszow Goldberg Wolf Tomaszow Jelen Rachmil Tomaszow Jerozolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. Tomasz. Maz. Co. 548/46  
1029526261Jelen DwojraJelen DwojraJELEN----------Tomaszow Mazow.07 Aug 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5 Troks Cypria, Tomasz. ul. szosa warszawskaGOLDBERG, TROKSArchiwum Sadu Pow. Tomasz. Maz. Co. 221/46  
1030027265Jurkiewicz Jojne-ChaskielJurkiewicz Jojne-ChaskielJURKIEWICZ----------Tomaszow Mazow.06 Aug 1942Michlewicz Zofia, Tomasz u. Antoniego 12 m.6 Goldberg Jadwiga, Tomasz. ul. Krzyzowa 24 m.8MICHLEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow Tomasz. Maz. Co. 230/46  
1033730299Krakowiak LajzerKrakowiak LajzerKRAKOWIAK22 Mar 1888 r. w Ujezdzie, s. Icka I Tauby z Zylbersztangow22 Mar 1888 in Ujazd, son of Icek and Tauba nee ZylbersztangZYLBERSZTANGTomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Bajtel Perec, Tomaszow ul. Kramerska 7 Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerotolimska 5BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz. Maz. Co. 214/47  
1033930301Krakowiak TeofilaKrakowiak TeofilaKRAKOWIAK20 Oct 1915 r. w Tomasz. C. Lajzera I Mirli z Szymkiewiczow20 Oct 1915 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki daughter of Lajzer and Mirla nee SzymkiewiczSZYMKIEWICZTomaszow Mazow.29 Oct 1942Bajtel Perec, Tomasz. ul. Kramerska 7 Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz. Maz. Co.216/47  
1035732317Lachmanowicz EllaLachmanowicz EllaLACHMANOWICZTomaszow Mazow.28 Oct 1942Rozanska Golda, Tomasz. ul. Tkacka 4 Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16ROZANSKA, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.240/46  
1038034338Lipster Estera-BrandlaLipster Estera-BrandlaLIPSTERlat 90age 90Tomaszow Mazow.2 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Pakin Aron,Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.740/46  
1038834346Lindner Elia-SzulimLindner Elia-SzulimLINDNERTomaszow Mazow.15 Sep 1942Cymerman Anszel, Tomasz. Bajtal Perec, Tomasz. ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5CYMERMAN, BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.509/46  
1039735354Mar[?] FrydMar[?] FrydMAR[?]24 Oct 1925 r. w Tom. C. Moszka I Ruchli24 Oct 1925 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki daughter of Moszek and RuchlaTomaszow Mazow.14 May 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tom. ul. Polna 3 Goldberg Wolf, ul. Jerozolimska 5AJZENSZTAJN, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz. Co. 340/47  
1040936365Milsztajn Chaja-SuraMilsztajn Chaja-SuraMILSZTAJNlat 76age 76Tomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Chana Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Zg. 71/48  
1041637371Mnyl UszerMnyl UszerMNYLlat 19age 19Tomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Ziolkiewicz Izrael, Tom. Goldberg Chana, Tom. ul. Wojska Pol. 7 i 16ZIOLKIEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 904/46  
1044239395Orenbuchowa Bajla z BalbinowOrenbuchowa Bajla nee BalbinORENBUCH, BALBIN23 Apr 1901 r. w Tomasz. c. Chaima I Racheli z Zandbergow23 Apr 1901 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki daughter of Chaim and Rachela nee ZandbergZANDBERGTomaszow Mazow.2 Sep 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Skosowski Roza, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16GOLDBERG, SKOSOWSKAArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz. Co.457/47  
1044339396Orenbuch ElimejlachOrenbuch ElimejlachORENBUCHlat 48age 48Tomaszow Mazow.17 Jun 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Skosowski Roza, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16 Frenkiel Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16GOLDBERG, SKOSOWSKA, FRENKIELArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz. Co.892/46  
1044439397Orenbuch Majer-ChilOrenbuch Majer-ChilORENBUCHlat 70age 70Tomaszow Mazow.30 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Skosowski Roza, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16 Frenkiel Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polsk. 16GOLDBERG, SKOSOWSKA, FRENKIELArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz. Co.893/46  
1045940411Pakin ItaPakin ItaPAKINTomaszow Mazow.6 Mar 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Jelen Rachmil, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 550/46  
1046140413Pakin Mordka vel MichalPakin Mordka vel MichalPAKINTomaszow Mazow.21 Jul 1942Pakin Aron, Tomaszow Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow ul. Jerosolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 543/46  
1046341414Pakin Rywka vel ReginaPakin Rywka vel ReginaPAKINTomaszow Mazow.5 July 1942Pakin Aron, Tomaszow ul. Zgorzelicka 18 Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Jelen Chemia, Tomaszow ul. Jerosolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 542/46  
1049043439Rajgrodska PesaRajgrodska PesaRAJGRODSKAlat 56age 56Tomaszow Mazow.5 Jun 1942Aronson Zofia, Tomasz ul. sw. Antoniego 12 Goldberg Chana, Tomasz ul. Wojska Polskiego 16ARONSON, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 928/46  
1049143440Rajzbaum Fajga-EsteraRajzbaum Fajga-EsteraRAJZBAUMTomaszow Mazow.5 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. Jelen Rachmil, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 552/46  
1049543444Rajzbaum vel Rajsbaum Perla-LajaRajzbaum vel Rajsbaum Perla-LajaRAJZBAUM, RAJSBAUM16 July 1918 r. c. Abrama-Moszka-Chuny Ruchli z Berkowiczow16 Jul 1918 daughter of Abram-Moszek-Chuna Ruchla nee BerkowiczBERKOWICZTomaszow Mazow.1 Jul 1940Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Zg. 190/47  
1049643445Rayzbaum vel Rajsbaum Chana-RuchlaRayzbaum vel Rajsbaum Chana-RuchlaRAYZBAUM RAJSBAUMlat 46, c. Anczela i Dwojryage 46, daughter of Anczel and DwojraTomaszow Mazow.1 May 1940Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Zg. 189/47  
1050244450Rotblat Chaja-RajzlaRotblat Chaja-RajzlaROTBLATlat 57age 57Tomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. Pakin Aron, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 738/46  
1050444452Rotblat GodelRotblat GodelROTBLATTomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. Weltman Leon,Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERG, WELTMANArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 54/46  
1050544453Rotblat ChajaRotblat ChajaROTBLATTomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. Weltman Leon,Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERG, WELTMANArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 54/46  
1050644454Rotblat GodelRotblat GodelROTBLATlat 51age 51Tomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 310/46  
1050744455Rotblat LajbusRotblat LajbusROTBLATTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. Pakin Aron, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5 ul. Zgorzelicka 18GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 577/46  
1050844456Rotblat Ruchla vel RachelaRotblat Ruchla vel RachelaROTBLATTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Flambaum Rafal, Lodz ul. Srodmiejska 46 m. 16 Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerosolimska 5 Pakin Aron, Tomasz. ul. Zgorzelicka 18FLAMBAUM, GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 518/46  
1054047485Rozenfeld Ruchla z SzimkowiczowRozenfeld Ruchla nee SzimkowiczROZENFELD, SZIMKOWICZ30 Aug 1881 r. w Wiskitnie, c. Abrama i Fajgi z Wajsbartow30 Aug 1881 in Wiskitnie, daughter of Abram and Fajga nee WajsbartWAJSBARTTomaszow Mazow.28 Oct 1942Bajtel Perec, Tomasz. ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg, Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co. 217/47  
1054848492Rubin GoldaRubin GoldaRUBINlat 36age 36Tomaszow Mazow.10 Mar 1942Gerber Estera, Tomasz. ul. Kramarska 3/5 m.12 Aronson Zofia, Tomasz. ul. Antoniego 8 Michlewicz Zofia, Tomasz. ul. Antoniego 12GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Maz Co.732/46  
1057750519Sieradzki Mojzesz-AronSieradzki Mojzesz-AronSIERADZKIlat 24age 24Tomaszow Mazow.25 Oct 1942GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.563/47  
1057951520Sieradzka Chawa-FajgaSieradzka Chawa-FajgaSIERADZKAlat 43age 43Tomaszow Mazow.14 May 1942Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polskiego 16GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.564/47  
1058051521Sieradzki Chaskiel-DawidSieradzki Chaskiel-DawidSIERADZKIlat 30age 30Tomaszow Mazow.15 Jul 1942Skosowska Roza, Tomasz. ul. Pilsudskiego 16 Waldman Abe, Tomasz. ul. Antoniego 12GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.562/47  
1058251523Sieradzka JentaSieradzka JentaSIERADZKAlat 41age 41Tomaszow Mazow.25 Oct 1942Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul. Wojska Polskiego 16GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.565/47  
1058351524Sieradzka RacaSieradzka RacaSIERADZKAlat 28age 28Tomaszow Mazow.23 Oct 1942Cukierman Ragal, Lodz Tuwima 16 m 4 Wilczynska Regina, Lodz ul. Piotrkowska 33 m 57GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.561/47  
1060153540Szaps FrydSzaps FrydSZAPS13 May 1928 r. w Tomasz. S. Moszka i Ruchli13 May 1928 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki son of Moszek and RuchlaTomaszow Mazow.14 May 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tomasz. ul. Polna 3 Goldberg Wolf, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5AJZENSZTAJN, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 337/47  
1060553544Szejneszmajder Chaja-SuraSzejneszmajder Chaja-SuraSZEJNESZMAJDERTomaszow Mazow.29 Apr 1942Goldberg Chana, Jelen Rachmil, Tomasz. ul.Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 540/46  
1060953548Szeps ChawaSzeps ChawaSZEPSlat 75age 75Tomaszow Mazow.20 May 1941Goldberg Wolf, Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 667/47  
1061254550Szeps Josif-BejerSzeps Josif-BejerSZEPSlat 54age 54Tomaszow Mazow.1 Jun 1941Goldberg Wolf, Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 668/47  
1061454552Szeps RywkaSzeps RywkaSZEPSlat 55age 55Tomaszow Mazow.10 Jun 1941Goldberg Wolf, Rotblat Chana, Tomasz. ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 669/47  
1061754555Szmark EljaSzmark EljaSZMARK22 May 1910 r. w Lodzi, s. Icka i Estery z Goldbergow22 May 1910 in Lodz, son of Icek and Estera nee GoldbergGOLDBERGTomaszow Mazow.30 May 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tomas. ul. Polna 3AJZENSZTAJNArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 307/47  
1061854556Szmark Estera z GoldbergowSzmark Estera nee GoldbergSZMARK, GOLDBERG57 lat, c. Abrama i Elki z Goldbergow57 lat, daughter of Abram and Elka nee GoldbergGOLDBERGTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tomas. ul. Polna 3AJZENSZTAJNArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 306/47  
1061954557Szydlowska Frajda ze SzmarkowSzydlowska Frajda ze SzmarkSZYDLOWSKA, SZMARK16 May 1909 r. w Lodzi, c.Icka i Estery z Goldbergow16 May 1909 in Lodz, daughter of Icek and Estera nee GoldbergGOLDBERGTomaszow Mazow.3 May 1942Ajzensztajn Szlama, Tomas. ul. Polna 3AJZENSZTAJNArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co 309/47  
1067459607Wajsbard JankielWajsbard JankielWAJSBARDTomaszow Mazow.2 Jan 1942Pakin Aron, Tomaszow ul. Zgorzelicka 18 Goldberg Wolf, Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow ul. Jerozolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 541/46  
1067559608Wajnberg NachmenWajnberg NachmenWAJNBERG2 Jul 1895 r. w Tomaszowie, s. Mendla i Chaji z Rozenholcow2 Jul 1895 in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, son of Mendla and Chaja nee RozenholcROZENHOLCCTomaszow Mazow.30 Oct 1942Bajtel Perec, Tomaszow ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana , Tomaszow ul Pilsudskiego 16BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 291/47  
1067759610Wajsbard MindlaWajsbard MindlaWAJSBARDTomaszow Mazow.29 Apr 1942Pakin Aron, Tomaszow ul. Zgorzelicka 18 Goldberg Wolf, Jelen Rachmil, Tomaszow ul. Jerozolimska 5PAKIN, GOLDBERG, JELENArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 539/46  
1068560617.Wajnbergowa Zlata z ParzeczewskichWajnbergowa Zlata nee ParzeczewskaWAJNBERG, PARZECZEWSKAur w 1894 r. w Lodzi,c.Kaufman i Chany z Rubinowborn in 1894 in Lodz, daughter of Kaufman and Chana nee RubinRUBINTomaszow Mazow.28 Oct 1942Bajtel Perec.Tomaszow ul.Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Pilsudskiego 16BAJTEL, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.290/47  
1069761628.Wajsman ChajaWajsman ChajaWAJSMANlat 45age 45Tomaszow Mazow.27 Apr 1942Ziolkiewicz Izrael, Tomasz. Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Wojska Polsk 7,16ZIOLKIEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 902/46  
1070661637.Weltman Wolf i Sara-Gitla malzWeltman Wolf i Sara-Gitla malzWELTMANTomaszow Mazow.31 Mar 1942Ramer Natan, Tomaszow ul.sw.Antoniego 12 Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow ul.Jerozolinska 5RAMER, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co.51/46  
1070862638.Werthejzer Mindla-DwojraWerthejzer Mindla-DwojraWERTHEJZERlat 85age 85Tomaszow Mazow.30 Oct 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Pakin Aron, Tomaszow ul.Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, PAKINArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 739/46  
1071862648.Wolard MaszaWolard MaszaWOLARDlat 37age 37Tomaszow Mazow.2 Nov 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Rotblat Chana, Tomaszow ul.Polna 3GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 671/47  
1072063649.Wolard MirlaWolard MirlaWOLARDlat 53age 53Tomaszow Mazow.6 May 1942Goldberg Wolf, Tomaszow Rotblat Chana, Tomaszow ul. Jerozolimska 5GOLDBERG, ROTBLATArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 674/47  
1073063659.Ziolkiewicz Abram-HerszZiolkiewicz Abram-HerszZIOLKIEWICZlat 76age 76Tomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Waldman Abe, Tomaszow ul.Warszawska 9 Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul. Wojska Polsk. 16WALDMAN, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 462/46  
1073264660.Ziolkiewicz Golda-LajaZiolkiewicz Golda-LajaZIOLKIEWICZlat 62age 62Tomaszow Mazow.27 Feb 1942Ziolkiewicz Dwojra, Tomaszow Wojska Pol. 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul.Wojska Polsk. 16ZIOLKIEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 375/46  
1073364661.Ziolkiewicz JankielZiolkiewicz JankielZIOLKIEWICZTomaszow Mazow.31 Oct 1942Szajewicz Icek, Tomaszow ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Wojska Polsk. 16SZAJEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 578/46  
1073464662.Ziolkiewicz Moszek-JosekZiolkiewicz Moszek-JosekZIOLKIEWICZlat 22age 22Tomaszow Mazow.5 Sep 1942Szajewicz Icek, Tomaszow ul. Kramarska 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Wojska Polsk. 16SZAJEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 769/46  
1073564663.Ziolkiewicz LejzorZiolkiewicz LejzorZIOLKIEWICZlat 65age 65Tomaszow Mazow.20 Apr 1942Ziolkiewicz Dwojra, Tomaszow Wojska Pol. 7 Goldberg Chana, Tomasz. ul.Wojska Polsk. 16ZIOLKIEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 374/46  
1075165678.Zulkiewicz NechenaZulkiewicz NechenaZULKIEWICZlat 15age 15Tomaszow Mazow.28 Jul 1942Szajewicz Icek-Majer Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Wojska Polsk. 16SZAJEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 768/46  
1075265679.Zulkowicz Sura-HindaZulkowicz Sura-HindaZULKOWICZlat 17age 17Tomaszow Mazow.14 Aug 1942Szajewicz Icek-Majer Goldberg Chana, Tomaszow ul.Wojska Polsk. 16SZAJEWICZ, GOLDBERGArchiwum Sadu Pow. w Tomasz. Mazow. Co. 767/46  

Treblinka: persons listed at Memory of Treblinka Foundation from any CRARG town [H]

-Sort-More informationPersonSurname from previous columnTownTreblinka victim?
10254For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/[:pl]chłopiec[:en]boy[:] GoldbergGOLDBERGCzęstochowa/RadomskoYes
10255For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/[:pl]pani[:en]Ms.[:] GoldbergGOLDBERGCzęstochowa/RadomskoYes
10256For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGCzęstochowa/PłockYes
10257For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Eliahu Eliasz GoldbergGOLDBERGCzęstochowaYes
10258For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Fejga Felicja GoldbergGOLDBERGCzęstochowaYes
11283For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Alter GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoNo
11284For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Gitel GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoYes
11285For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Hinda GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoYes
11286For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Izaak Salomon GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoYes
11287For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Josek GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoNo
11288For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Mania GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoYes
11289For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Szymon Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomskoYes
11376For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Rut Ruta GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawaYes
11377For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Zacharia Zachariasz GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawaYes

USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImagePage numberGiven name(s)Surname(s)AgeOccupationFather's nameFamily groupLast residence in PolandLast address in the USSROther information
1004014/DSC00139.JPG2EdwardGOLDBERGAbramEdward & wife BlankaWarsawSt. Kermine do vostreb. 
1004114/DSC00139.JPG2BlankaGOLDBERGEdward & wife BlankaSt. Kermine do vostreb. 
1004214/DSC00139.JPG2WelwelGOLDBERGWelwel & Abram-AbcieSamarkand Trudovaja 66 
1004314/DSC00139.JPG2Abram-AbcieGOLDBERGWelwel & Abram-AbcieSamarkand Trudovaja 66 
1017814/DSC00151.JPG2IsraelGOLDBERG34Israel & AnnaStanislawowTedzen Ginzburgskaja 57, Tchardjuiskaja obl. 
1017914/DSC00151.JPG2AnnaGOLDBERG33Israel & AnnaStanislawowTedzen Ginzburgskaja 57, Tchardjuiskaja obl. 
1047515/DSC0026.JPG2BerlGOLDBERG38Nowy SaczArchangelskaja obl. Ozerski R-n Ozerski R-n Maloshijskoj P/O 5-yi Otdel NKVD Kolonna 25 
1142315/DSC00110.JPG2MoshekGOLDBERG35BenjmainMoshek, & PerlaNowy Dwor. W. WarszawskieBuchara Proletarskaja 1 
1142415/DSC00110.JPG2PerlaGOLDBERG33NuchimMoshek, & PerlaNowy Dwor. W. WarszawskieBuchara Proletarskaja 1 
1158015/DSC00123.JPG2MajerGOLDBERGER21IsakGnojnik near BrzeskoKrasnogwardejsk, ul. Pravdy 9 
1269616/DSC00074.JPG4K. Ch.GOLDBERGKrakowTadzikistan, Leninabadskaya oblast, gorod Kanivedam ulita Tadzikistanskaya 6, USSR 
1319116/DSC00074.JPG4K. Ch.GOLDBERGKrakowTadzikistan, Leninabadskaya oblast, gorod Kanivedam ulita Tadzikistanskaya 6, USSR 

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
11708261661Szymon GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1906WarszawaNumber "1661" is used twice
11709261662Icchak-Szloma GoldbergGOLDBERGStoczek1914Lukow   
11710261663Lil-Icek GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1922Konskie   
11711261664Menachem Josef GoldbergGOLDBERGZyrardow1920Zyrarow   
11712261665Izrael-Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGWierzbenki1919Luck   
11713261666Jezajasz GoldbergGOLDBERGWierzbenki1921Luck   
11714261667Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERGBielsko1927Bielsko   
11715261668Bernard GoldbergGOLDBERGBielsko1924Bielsko   
11716261669Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGBielsko1921Bielsko   
11717261670Hermina GoldbergGOLDBERGBielsko1898Bielsko   
11718261671Wolf GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1893Biala   
11719261672Rywka-Rut GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1930Bielsko   
11720261673Markus GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1918Bielsko   
11721261674Jakub GoldbergGOLDBERGKaluszyn1919Kaluszyn   
11902291850Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGPulawy1920Warszawa   
11914291862Mejlach GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1921Warszawa   
11954301901Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGBrzesc1914Warszawa   
11967301914Sara GoldbergGOLDBERGBialystok1923BialystokX  
11968301915Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGGrajewo1924Gerwolin   
11982301929Tuwia GoldbergGOLDBERGWlodzimierz1918Wlodzimierz   
11983301930Jankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1897Baranowicze   
11984301931Pinchos GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1913Luck   
12001301948Ber GoldbergGOLDBERGBrzesc1920Brzesc   
12017311963Fryda GoldbergGOLDBERGLublin1920[blank]   
12019311965Rachel GoldbergGOLDBERGKowel1919Kowel   
12025311970-aBajla GoldbergGOLDBERGOstrow Mazow.1920Ostrow Mazow.   
12028311973Rubin GoldbergGOLDBERGLukow1919Lukow   
12054311999Leon GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1888Warszawa   
12100322044Ernestyna GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1893Warszawa   
12101322045Dawid Jozef GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1884Warszawa   
12103322047Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGRuda1888Zetil   
12104322048Laja GoldbergGOLDBERGKozlowszczyzna1897Zetil   
12105322049Judel GoldbergGOLDBERGWilno1928[blank]   
12127322071Wolf Lejb GoldbergGOLDBERGRozyszcze1892Luck   
12128322072Nojma GoldbergGOLDBERGWlodawa1898Luck   
12129322073Chaja-Dwojra GoldbergGOLDBERGLuck1927[blank]   
12130322074Rafael GoldbergGOLDBERGLuck1929[blank]   
12131322075Oszer GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1930[blank]   
12132322076Majer GoldbergGOLDBERGLuck1934[blank]   
12133322077Szmerel GoldbergGOLDBERGLuck1934[blank]   
12149332092Chaim GoldbergGOLDBERGJanow Podlaski1914Warszawa   
12190332133Lajbel GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1911Brok n / B.   
168851136704Estera Malka Celniker-GoldbergCELNIKER-GOLDBERGPoland1910BialystokX  
171631176978Mojzesz Abram GoldbergGOLDBERGKrakow1913Krakow   
171991187013Wolf Mejer GoldbergGOLDBERG[blank]1907? / 1908?Grodno   
172461197059Mendel Lejb GoldbergGOLDBERGNowy Dwor1920Nowy Dwor   
173241207136Jakob GoldbergGOLDBERGPultusk1896Warszawa   
175411247348Rachela GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1924Warszawa   
179081307709Natan GoldbergGOLDBERGWarszawa1919Pinsk   
180481327847Szmul Mordchaj GoldbergGOLDBERGPinsk1890Pinsk   
180501327849Mordchaj GoldbergGOLDBERGSuwalki1916Grodek   
182251368020Mejer GoldbergGOLDBERGCzarny1920BialystokX  
182941378088Maurycy GoldbergGOLDBERGPiotrkow1913Piotrkow   
191241498906Dawi Asryel GoldbergGOLDBERGRadomysl1921Radom   

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Register of old and disabled persons receiving pension at Social Welfare by the Jewish Committee (410 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceL.p. numberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeAddress
10047Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/547Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00049.jpgGOLDBERGHerszko61Targowa 7

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Registry of children receiving assistance (443 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceNumberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeMaleFemaleAddress
10100Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/598Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00014.jpgGOLDBERGAwiweGRONOWSKI8XWilcza 63/24
10103Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5100Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00015.jpgGOLDBERGMaria1XAl. Wojsk. Pol. 5/2
10104Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5101Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00015.jpgGOLDBERGTeresa3XAl. Wojsk. Pol. 5/2
10105Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5102Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00015.jpgGOLDBERGLiljana6X11 Listopada 14/16
10109Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5106Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00015.jpgGOLDBERGMagdaPIETRZAK1XKonopacka 9/13

Warsaw: "Listing of the Surviving Warsaw Jews in the US Zone in Germany," Centrale fun di Warszewer Landsmanszaftn in der US Zone in Dajczland, 1948 (5859 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameBirth dateResidence in Warsaw until 1 Sep 1939Father's given nameMother's given nameMother's maiden nameCurrent addressComments
101023BerAMATENSZTAJN8 Jun 1924Gesia 15SzmulLajaGOLDBERGFohrenwald 
103056CyrlaGOLDBERGBONDE15 Jan 1918JickoZajoncPocking 
103557HalinaGOLDBERGBIDERMAN14 Jun 1922N. Swiat 38MauriceRosalineKWARTOLeipheim 
103657LejbBIGELAJZEN22 Jul 1911Chmielna 41SzakaRozaGOLDBERGFohrenwald 
104108PaszaSTAROKAZABLUMENKRANC1912Zamenhofa 15DawidSaraGOLDBERGNeu-Ulm 
1080815MariaGOLDBERGCZERWIEC20 Apr 1920Zielna 29LeonSoniaOBERSTEINMunchen 
1085715WolfDEUTLICH1910Krochmalna 62JosefHelenaGOLDBERGAinring 
1098918MieczyslawELENGOLD25 May 1915Grojecka 73MosesBasiaGOLDBERGAnsbach 
1128723ChanaZISMANFRANBUCH1913Pawia 25SrulRuchlaGOLDBERGAinring 
1149726LejbGEWIRZMAN23 Apr 1907WolfSuraGOLDBERGLeipheim 
1156128SimaBAUMGLESERMAN17 Jun 1916ChaskielPerlaGOLDBERGMunchen 
1158928ChaimGOLDBERG16 Dec 1905IdekMatkaSZLOKBAUMUlm 
1159028TewelGOLDBERG12 Jun 1936ChaimCzarneGOLDBERGUlm 
1159128SalaGOLDBERG8 Oct 1932ChaimCzarneGOLDBERGUlm 
1159228AbramGOLDBERG13 May 1941Ulm 
1159328DawidGOLDBERG1 Jan 1907MotkaIdelSZLOKBAUMUlm 
1159428DewonaOSZLAKGOLDBERG1 Jul 1922Stawki 7ChunaLeaROSENKINDPocking 
1159528ElaGOLDBERG12 Mar 1910Panska 51AbrahamBlimaPocking 
1159628EsteraZISMANGOLDBERG20 Mar 1914AbramZosiaOKONWetzlar 
1159728EwaNOWICKAGOLDBERG18 Sep 1909IcchokSaraFINKELSZTAJNZiegenhain 
1159828HeniekGOLDBERG6 Nov 1930DawidSymaGOLDBERGUlm 
1159928SlomaGOLDBERG5 Dec 1944DawidSymaGOLDBERGUlm 
1160028MoniekGOLDBERG8 Feb 1936IcchokTobaGOLDBERGUlm 
1160128JehudaGOLDBERG15 Jan 1913PinkusMalkaCUKIERMANPocking 
1160228JidelGOLDBERG12 Apr 1919Panska 75AnszelNechaWEINBERGPocking 
1160328JonasGOLDBERG25 Nov 1914Krochmalna 31ChilChanaSZERMANTraunstein 
1160428MojszeGOLDBERG27 Dec 1946JonasHanaTraunstein 
1160528EsteraJANUSZGOLDBERG10 Jan 1900AlterLejaWetzlar 
1160628HerszGOLDBERG15 Mar 1899AronSuraWetzlar 
1160728AdelaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG10 Aug 1936HerszEsteraWetzlar 
1160828JosefGOLDBERG5 May 1916Prozna 10MoszekRywkaSZULERLeiphein 
1160928RozaljaKWARLOGOLDBERG30 Jul 1885MorchajEsteraBEKERMANLeiphein 
1161028JosefGOLDBERG10 May 1914Gesia 57MojszeRywkaSZAPIROBamberg 
1161128JosekGOLDBERG26 Dec 1929Sto Jerska 18Hersz IcekChanaKIRSZENBAUMLandsberg 
1161228LejbGOLDBERG25 Oct 1896Dzielna 42MeierSuraWetzlar 
1161328RuchlaKLIGERMANGOLDBERG25 Oct 1899AbramSalaWetzlar 
1161428AbramGOLDBERG20 Dec 1918LajbRuchlaWetzlar 
1161528ChaimGOLDBERG1 Sep 1924LajbRuchlaWetzlar 
1161628SalaGOLDBERG15 May 1931LajbRuchlaWetzlar 
1161728LizaBASOWGOLDBERG22 Dec 1918Now. 39Now- ?HelenaKURANTStuttgart 
1161829MajerGOLDBERG1908Zelzana 57LICHTENAU  
1162229MariaGOLDBERGGOLDBERG1 Jan 1928pszczakKiselRojzaSTERNFELDFritzlar 
1162329MosesGOLDBERG4 Feb 1920Marianska 3PinkusCyporaFREIDENREICHMunchen 
1162429MordcheGOLDBERG12 Aug 1912Bonifraterska 6AbramGitlaRUBINSTEINPocking 
1162529NechaPUZSTIKGOLDBERG22 Mar 1918Grujecka 7LabelRifkaSURANICKAPocking 
1162629PinkusGOLDBERG27 Aug 1943JehudaDwojraOSZLAKPocking 
1162729PolaSILBERMANGOLDBERG10 May 1915Panska 51SeligJitaSILBERMANPocking 
1162829PerlaRUBINSZTEINGOLDBERG10 Jul 1907MilaJankielCyporaWetzlar 
1162929SzlamaGOLDBERG8 Jul 1904FajwelSzejwaWetzlar 
1163029FajwelGOLDBERG25 Mar 1942SzlamaPerlaWetzlar 
1163129CesiaGOLDBERG29 Sep 1944SzlamaPerlaWetzlar 
1163229RozaliaKWARTOGOLDBERG30 Jul 1885MordcheErterBEKERMANLeipheim 
1163429DoraGOLDBERG8 Mar 1942Pocking 
1163529FenjaGOLDBERG16 Sep 1944Pocking 
1163629GoldaGOLDBERG25 Apr 1946Pocking 
1163729SzmulGOLDBERG25 May 1913Grojecka 7JankelChanaSUMKIEWICZPocking 
1163829SymaGOLDBERG8 Jan 1908MojszeLajaHORENBOLUlm 
1163929SzlamaGOLDBERG1907Muranowska 30MordkaChajaJUWANAinrin 
1164029SzajndlaGOLDBERG1908Muranowska 30SzlawaSzejndlaGRINBLATAinrin 
1164229SzmulGOLDBERG3 Apr 1910HerszChajaHANDWOHLZiegenhain 
1164329ItaGOLDBERG13 Aug 1944SzmulChajaKORAWARCERZiegenhain 
1164429RywkaGOLDBERG2 Dec 1946SzmulChajaKORAWARCERZiegenhaim 
1164529WolfGOLDBERG22 Mar 1908Brzeska 19HerszRyfkaSARNAKFeldafing 
1164629SzulimGOLDBERG1916Pokorna 6/27JoelSzajndlaLEIDERKLEMERDornstadt 
1164829JoelGOLDBERG19 Jun 1947Dornstadt 
1188733FelaLEWGROS15 May 1922Nowolipki 62HermanBlumaGOLDBERGFeldafing 
1194134LeonochaDAWIDOWICZGURFINKEL28 Jul 1914SamueklSzejndlaGOLDBERGPocking 
1202235MozesHAJWENTREGER13 Aug 1915Marjanska 5MotelJitaGOLDBERG  
1250643SzymonKLAJNBARD2 Aug 1916Twarda 1JonasGoldaGOLDBERGBad Reichenhall 
1290950FelaLEW15 May 1921HermanBlimaGOLDBERGFeldafing 
1292750RajzlaGOLDBERGLEWIBOROWSKA5 May 1920Panska 93HerszelZeldaJOSKOWICZBad Reichenhall 
1296251EdithKLEINLEZEROWICZ13 Feb 1927Elektoralna 4SrulChanaGOLDBERGPocking 
1370763JankielPOZIOMCZYK15 Jun 1887BenjaminChajaGOLDBERGStuttgart 
1375064JeniaGOLDBERGPUDLO01 Feb 1900Ziegenhain 
1401268IdaROSENBERG21 Apr 1947ZenekMariaGOLDBERGFritzlar 
1404168RywkaGOLDBERGROZENBERG13 Jun 1917Dzielna 47MordkaChanaSZTOKERWetzlar 
1404368RachelaROZENBERG12 Jan 1942JakobRywkaGOLDBERGWetzlar 
1414570JosekRUBIN1 Oct 1918IcekPerlaGOLDBERGWetzlar 
1423872MotekSALWE5 Jan 1927DawidMalkaGOLDBERGLampertsheim 
1432073BroniaSPACZEKSKUBLEWICZ2 Feb 1920Ostrowska 11MojszePerlaGOLDBERGDieburg 
1432173RywaMAJZELSSKUBLEWICZ12 Dec 1906MojszeSzajndlaGOLDBERGDieburg 
1439674TujaSPEKMAN1 May 1919Szeroka 36ChaimRywkaGOLDBERGMunchen 
1439774SewekSPECKMAN15 Mar 1927Szeroka 36ChaimRywkaGOLDBERGMunchen 
1463378GutaGOLDBERGSCHOLL1920Franciszkanska 11SzlamaSaraPOMERANCGeretsried 
1467079SzamaSZRIDOGOR4 Sep 1909Krochmalna 36SzamaBajlaGOLDBERGPocking 
1479681SamuelSCHWARZBERG12 Sept 1906Mylna 9IcekCynaGOLDBERGMunchen 
1496783ChilTUREK4 May 1908Sw. Jerska 9IcchokCyporaGOLDBERGStuttgart 
1517187BasiaGILDWARKWERBA1885Nowolipki 5MojszeChajaLichtenau 
1540590MalkaGRINBERGZIELINSKI04 Mar 1892Nowolipie 43MojszeZiselGOLDBERGPocking 
1540790PinchasZIELINSKI02 Nov 1886Nowolipie 43JankelSuraGOLDBERGPocking 
1554692PolaGOLDBERGZISMAN14 Mar 1914Zamenhofa 31Hersz-IcekRywka-FajgaSARNAKFeldafing 
1554792WowaZISMAN15 May 1938Zamenhofa 31LejbPolaGOLDBERGFeldafing 
1556893GitlaSZNICERMANCZARNI1895ZahkowskaJosefFajgaGOLDBERGHasenhecke?1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1561294MarkusGOLDBERG1913Dizka 32LajzeSaraSZNAJDERHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1561394RywkaKOPELOWICZGOLDBERG1923ChaimSaraKATZHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1561494LajzerGOLDBERG1946MarkusRywkaKOPELOWICZHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1567594MarkusGOLDBERG1913Dzika 32LajzeSaraSZNAJDERHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1567694RywkaKOPELOWICZGOLDBERG1923ChaimSaraKATZHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1567794LajzerGOLDBERG1946MarkusRywkaKOPELOWICZHasenhecke1. Nachtrag (1st addendum/appendix)
1578095LeonoraDAWIDOWICZGURFINKIEL28 Jul 1914SzmulBrajndlaGOLDBERGPocking2. Nachtrag (2nd addendum/appendix)
1579395SimaHOSENWALDGOLDBERG1 Aug 1908Gesia 29ChajmLajaANCALERUlm2. Nachtrag (2nd addendum/appendix)
1583096ChajaGOLDBERGPULVERNIS26 Jun 1908LejzerRuchlaKRAWIECKAUlm2. Nachtrag (2nd addendum/appendix)
1585296AbramSILBERNAGEL2 Jan 1904Pawia 59MendelCarlaGOLDBERGUlm2. Nachtrag (2nd addendum/appendix)

Warsaw: "Surviving Jews in Warsaw as of June 5th, 1945," World Jewish Archives (2523 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameYear of birthAddress in 1939Present address in WarsawComments
106404AbramGOLDBERG1911Warsaw, LodzTargowa 14-86 
106414AwiwaGOLDBERG1937Warsaw, Leszno 36Jagiellonska 14-40 
106424BenianimGOLDBERG1911Warsaw, Leszno 39Jagiellonska 14-40 
106434EmanuelGOLDBERG1897Warsaw, Chmielna 57Szeroka 5-12 
106444FranciszkaGOLDBERG1900Warsaw, Sienna 42Tarchominsk 12-9 
106454GrzegorzGOLDBERG1906Warsaw, Wybrz. Kos. 47Targowa 15 
106474JoelGOLDBERG1910Warsaw, Radzym. 44Targowa 7 
106484HelenaGOLDBERG1914Warsaw, LesznoJagiellonska 14-40 
106494RachelGOLDBERG1903Warsaw, Chmielna 57Szeroka 5-12 
106504WolfGOLDBERG1902Warsaw, Brzeska 19Targowa 

Wieluń Yizkor book: Sefer zikaron li-ḳehilat Veyelun, 1971, pages 407-487 [H]

-Sort-Page [r#]Information on pageSurname (or maiden name) copied from previous columnNotes by transliterator / translatorNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10419432To the Mosze Wolkowicz familyWOLKOWICZ  
10420432who perished in the Holocaust   
10421432By: Aharon WolkowitzWOLKOWITZ  
10423432Yaakov and Necha JakobowiczJAKOBOWICZ  
10424432who perished in the Holocaust   
10427432Pela Wilkowski (Yaakobovitz)WILKOWSKI (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10428432Sela Rosenbaum (Yaakobovitz)ROSENBAUM (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10429432Marilla Goldberg (Yaakobovitz)GOLDBERG (YAAKOBOVITZ)  
10431432To my dear parents: Lejzer Mendel and Rachel Gelkopf (Grank)GELKOPF (GRANK)  
10432432Murdered by the Nazi oppressor 1942-1944   
10433432Commemorator: Moshe GelkopfGELKOPF  
10435432My daughter and our sister: Bella   
10436432Murdered by the Nazis   
10437432Commemorators: Father: Yona AbramowitzABRAMOWITZ  
10438432Brothers and sisters: Sonya, Miriam, Zalman, Mordechai, Rozia and Yitzchak   

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons exempted from paying community contribution to the Jewish community of Włoszczowa in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 135-151 [WYKAZ osób uwolnionych od składki gminy w Gminie Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej we WŁOSZCZOWIE na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberAddress [only town is listed]PersonSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1009414091WłoszczowaJakub s. Herszlika [son of Herszlik] GoldbergGOLDBERG 
1009514092WłoszczowaJakub s. .......... [son of ..........] GoldbergGOLDBERG 
10119141115KurzelówJankiel GoldbergGOLDBERG 

Włoszczowa 1939: list of persons paying contributions to Jewish community of Włoszczowa District Włoszczowa Voivedoship Kielce in 1939 [date after list: 20 Dec 1938], syg 3387, pages 152-176 [Lista płatników składki gminy wyznaniowej żydowskiej we Włoszczowie powiatu Włoszczowskiego województwa Kieleckiego na rok 1939]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddress [only town is listed]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishOccupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Ilość składek]: ZłNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10112159107Fiszel GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant25  
10113159108Aron GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowakupiecmerchantmerchant65  
10114159109Jakub s. Izraela [son of Izrael] GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowarymarzsaddlersaddler5  
10115159110Icyk-Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGWłoszczowakamasznikmaker of shoe uppersgaiters20  

Włoszczowa: "list of people murdered in Włoszczowa by the Germans - shot" [Wykaz osób zamordowanych przez niemcow w m(ieście) Włoszczowie zastrzelonych]; 105 persons listed; date at end of document: 10? Apr 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequential numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Year of birth [actually: age]Date of deathPlace of deathRemarksNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1009642596Urja GoldbergGOLDBERG351941 / 1942Włoszczowa in 1941 and 1942 [m. Włoszczowa ua? w 1941 i 1942]  

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
10320Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)227104POLDBERG / GOLDBERGSzmul1845GOLDBERG added because it appears in other Zarki records
10321Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)227104Listed with family of person shown on line abovePOLDBERG / GOLDBERGHaja1845GOLDBERG added because it appears in other Zarki records
10322Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)227104Listed with family of person shown on line abovePOLDBERG / GOLDBERGSurano recordGOLDBERG added because it appears in other Zarki records
10323Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)227104Listed with family of person shown on line abovePOLDBERG / GOLDBERGDawid1814GOLDBERG added because it appears in other Zarki records
10324Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)227104Listed with family of person shown on line abovePOLDBERG / GOLDBERGHindano recordGOLDBERG added because it appears in other Zarki records
11958Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282483GOLDBERGAbram1846  

Żarki: lists of persons obliged to pay levy 1940-1941, syg 304 [H]

-Sort-Header before this listPage numberOrder numberSurname [r#]Given name(s)Name of father or year [of birth], if includedResidenceOccupationQuota / established income for the tax year 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10318[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 194011417/17GoldbergAronŻarki460050 zł.  
10319[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 194011418/18GoldbergAbrahamŻarki St. Rynekkupiec935050 zł.; [illegible]  
10387[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 194011798/98Goldberg?Żarki ? 16hand ?250050 zł.  

Żarki Municipal Court 1941, List of Cases [Polish: Spis Spraw]; 338 total cases, of which 17 are regarding Jews; syg 363 [H]

-Sort-Header before this listPageLine No.Date of ReceiptRecord No.NameSurname from previous columnContents of FileDate ActionedAction TakenNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10014List of Cases [Polish: Spis Spraw]919318 Jun 1941C 1245/37A. GoldbergGOLDBERGExtract from Warsaw District Court27 Jun 1941Two receipts sent to court 

Żarki: Persons who perished in the Holocaust; source: Yad Vashem (329 persons), images: www.crarg.org/zarki-perished-in-the-holocaust.php [H]

-Sort-Image file nameConsecutive number in documentPersonSurname from previous column [#]Date of birth (or age)Polish textPolish text, translatedTypist notes
10083704.pdf82Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGborn 26 Jun 1895zginal w obozie przejsciowym w Parsznicy 31 Jan 1943he perished in a temporary camp in Parsznica on 31 Jan 1943 
10084704.pdf83Izosl-Dawid GoldbergGOLDBERGborn 1 Jan 1893zginal w obozie pracy w Gerlicach 31 May 1945he perished within an operating camp in Gorlice on 31 May 1945 
10085704.pdf84Mordka GoldbergGOLDBERGborn 2 Jul 1891zginal w obozie pracy w Gerlicach 31 May 1945he perished within an operating camp in Gorlice on 31 May 1945 

Żarki: various municipal files, syg 356: pages 125-126, tax list [H]

-Sort-Page header (on page 124) before this listPageNameSurname from previous column
10020Commune Board in Żarki, 29 Apr 1940, Tax Office: the Board sends 29 proofs of delivery of the above-mentioned summons125Abram GoldbergGOLDBERG

Żarki: various municipal files, syg 356: pages 129-136, list of building property owners, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Information on pages 129, 130 (before list of property owners)Order numberPersonSurname from previous columnWhere livingWhere property is situatedInformation in right columnNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10056Request for 158 building property owners (who pay taxes/charges on buildings) to complete and submit forms53Aron GoldbergGOLDBERGSt. Rynek    

Żarki Yizkor Book; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/1694da30-272f-0133-c254-58d385a7b928 (540 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameComments

Zawodzie: register of prisoners in [prison] Zawodzie who died (772 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberLp.Given nameSurname [r#]Date of birthData smierciOther information
10183261183IzaakGOLDBERG15 Mar 19014 Nov 1941 
10184261184PawelGOLDBERG21 Aug 19169 Mar 1942 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, III. Miscellaneous. List of Persons Actually in Zbąszyń according to [listed by] their Places of Birth in Poland; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberTownDistrictVoivodshipNumber [on page]PersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationName and birth year of wifeNames and birth years of childrenLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńRemarksNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10206List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[16]KrakowKrakowKrakow3.Heins GoldbergGOLDBERG1914Krakowfurrieur--Berlin17 Stycznia 16See List I. No. 873  
10515List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[33]NizankowicePrzemyslLwow54.Gabryel GoldbergGOLDBERG1888Nizankowiceworker[blank][blank]DrusbugHotel Dworcowy   

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of persons, actually in Zbąszyń, having relatives in U.S.A., Canada, or South America; addresses not exact or unknown; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumber [on page]PersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativesSurname from previous or next columnDegree of relationshipNotes (not by typist)
10015List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[2]13Malka GoldbergGOLDBERG25 Apr 1869Trzebienisa, Pol.[blank]Hamburgul. Wigury 13Moritz Goldberg, Ilo Goldberg, Bertha Rogschild, U.S.A.GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG, ROGSCHILD[blank] 
10064List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[4]60Moses Josef RoadeitscherROADEITSCHER25 Apr 1891Bukawske, Pol.merchantKolnMlyn 3Oscar Goldberg, U.S.A.GOLDBERGnephew 
10220List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[10]211Abram Wolf KesslerKESSLER18 Feb 1893Rozanka-Nizna[blank]BerlinPl. ZbaskichBluckel Josefsberg, N.Y. / Peppi Goldberg, N.Y. / Sophie Krohn, Bronx, N.Y.JOSEFSBERG, GOLDBERG, KROHNsister, niece, cousin 
10231List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[11]221Berisch GoldbergGOLDBERG4 Sep 1903Dabrowask/ TarnowamerchantMuhlheimPolna 4S. Schlussel, N.Y.SCHLUSSELuncle 
10296List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[13]284Adolf GoldbergGOLDBERG3 Jan 1908KolnmusicianKolnMlyn 3 p.Loevy, N.Y.LOEVY[blank] 
10300List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[14]287Chaim KatzKATZ26 Jun 1885CzyzowmerchantNurenbergSenatorska 1Goldberg, N.Y.GOLDBERGcousin 
10309List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[14]296Fajwel GoldbergGOLDBERG29 Feb 1908MielecmerchantBerlinRynek 1N.Y.uncle 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of Persons, Possessing Relatives in U.S.A.; numbered 1-169; Cracow, in Aug 1939; stamp at bottom of page: 3 Oct 1939 [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumberPersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn inDistrictVoivodshipProfessionFormer residenceCurrent addressSurname from previous columnAddress of relatives in U.S.A. (1)Surname from previous columnAddress of relatives in U.S.A. (additional, if any)Surname from previous columnIf in possession of affidavitSingle or marriedNotes (not by typist)
10175List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-193913163.Izrael GoldbergGOLDBERG22 Mar 1888ChrzanowChrzanowCracowmerchantBerlin, Karl-Kreuth-Str. 15Cracow, Starowislna 68-Simon Meilech Grundleger and Cipra Grunleger, 207 Kosciuszko St., Brooklyn, NYGRUNDLEGER[none]-in possession of affidavitmarried, wife Rosa in Cracow 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of Refugees who have relatives in America; numbered 187-598; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumberPersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativeSurname from previous columnDegree of relationNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10421List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[19]588Hersch RosenolathROSENOLATH16 Oct 1877SkarszewClerkBielefeldSenatorska 21Morris Rosenblath, 532 Lefierts Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. [and] Edda Goldberg 2400 LaFayette Str., PhiladelphiaROSENBLATH, GOLDBERGbrother / sister