1,136 Fuks / Fux Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 1,136 Fuks / Fux Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

Belgium: List of persons deported from Malines [Melechen, Belgium], 20 Jun 1945 - 12 Jul 1945, repatriated on 13 Jul 1945; only Polish entries [H]

-Sort-Complete original page headingPage numberPersonSurname from previous columnConvoyPlace and date of birthNationalityCurrent addressNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10012Aide aux Israélites victimes de la guerre; État nominatif des personnes déportées par Malines [Melechen, Belgium] (20.6.1945 - 12.7.1945) repatriées à la date du 13 juillet 19452Georges FuksFUKSV26 Jul 1905, Varsovie [Warszawa]Polandrue Hectolitre 5  

Bydgoszcz: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Voivodship Jewish Committee/Board in Bydgoszcz (101 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurnameAgeParents' given namesCurrent address
10054Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00072.JPGWykaz Chorych i Niezdolnych do Pracy18SamuelFUKS33 yearsIzak, SzyndlaSzpital

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
10606Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- FMarcel FuksFUKS1 Jan 1940LwowPoland1138 
10607Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- FMarcel FuksFUKS1 Jan 1940LwowPoland1847 

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
109775256242Abram----FUKSLitman & Chana LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ27 Apr 1877, Czestochowa----FUKS, LEWKOWICZ
111805313349/50Jozef----BEMMarkus & Tekla GrozowGROZOW3 Jan 1860, BoleslawiecHotel ownerBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111815313349/50Chaja SuraRAJCHMANBEMKopel & Rywka GotlibGOTLIB20 Oct 1865, CzestochowaWith husbandBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111825313349/50Zysla----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN4 Mar 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111835313349/50Kopel----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN8 Nov 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111845313349/50Rywka----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN8 Nov 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111855313349/50Bajla Temera----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN10 Jun 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111865313349/50Mirla----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN26 Oct 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, GOTLIB, GROZOW, RAJCHMAN
111875313349/50Aleksander----BEMJozef & Chaja Sura RajchmanRAJCHMAN19 Jun 1885, CzestochowaTraderBEM, FUKS, GAJSLER, KACHEL, RAJCHMAN, WARSZAWSKA
111885313349/50DwojraWARSZAWSKABEMSzaja & Szpryca GajslerGAJSLER14 Jan 1888, CzestochowaWith husbandBEM, FUKS, GAJSLER, KACHEL, RAJCHMAN, WARSZAWSKA
111895313349/50Kazimierz----BEMAleksander & Dwojra WarszawskaWARSZAWSKA14 Jul 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsBEM, FUKS, GAJSLER, KACHEL, RAJCHMAN, WARSZAWSKA
111905313349/50Zulejka; before JadwigaKACHELBEMChaskiel & Rywka FuksFUKS23 Jul 1900, WarszawaWith husband AleksanderBEM, FUKS, GAJSLER, KACHEL, RAJCHMAN, WARSZAWSKA
11667644056aHenoch Izrael----MAJEROWICZBernard & Maria FuksFUKS8 May 1870, WielunMerchantFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11668644056aFlorciaWEKSLERMAJEROWICZSalomon & Liba RozenbaumROZENBAUM28 Mar 1874, PlawnoWith husbandFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11669644056aLiba----MAJEROWICZIzrael Henoch & Florcia Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER14 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11670644056aSura Maria----MAJEROWICZIzrael Henoch & Florcia Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER22 Mar 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11671644056aRozalia----MAJEROWICZIzrael Henoch & Florcia Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER17 Apr 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11672644056aHelena----MAJEROWICZIzrael Henoch & Florcia Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER26 Aug 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
11673644056aRywka----MAJEROWICZIzrael Henoch & Florcia Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER29 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, MAJEROWICZ, ROZENBAUM, WEKSLER
1400611686111SzlamaSTALIcyk Majer & Idessa ZylberZYLBER23 May 1896, Czestochowa----FUKS, PERLIMUTER, STAL, ZYLBER
1400711686111Hinda LajaFUKSSTALJakub & Sura PerlimuterPERLIMUTER21 Sep 1883, TuszynWith husbandFUKS, PERLIMUTER, STAL, ZYLBER
14826121494128AbramSZENWALDGranek & Rywka SzeferSZEFER11 Feb 1861, Czestochowa----FUKS, GOLDSZTEJN, SZEFER, SZENWALD, TOKARZ
14827121494128Hana HenaGOLDSZTEJNSZENWALDBerek & Malka FuksFUKS-- --- 1871, SzczercowWith husbandFUKS, GOLDSZTEJN, SZEFER, SZENWALD, TOKARZ
14828121494128LewekSZENWALDAbram & Basza Gitla TokarzTOKARZ30 Oct 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, GOLDSZTEJN, SZEFER, SZENWALD, TOKARZ
14829121494128ZyskindSZENWALDAbram & Basza Gitla TokarzTOKARZ28 May 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, GOLDSZTEJN, SZEFER, SZENWALD, TOKARZ
14954121686131ZyskindKRAKAUERJudka & Hana GelberGELBER29 May 1883, ZarkiMerchantFUKS, GELBER, KRAKAUER, ROTNER
14955121686131FrajdlaFUKSKRAKAUERChaskiel & Hinda RotnerROTNER11 May 1891, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, GELBER, KRAKAUER, ROTNER
15663151290162LewekKANTORBerek & Kajla SzenwaldSZENWALD22 Oct 1884, CzestochowaTraderFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15664151290162LajaZELIGMANKANTORHerszlik & Mariem PomerancPOMERANC14 Jan 1886, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15665151290162BerekKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN15 Feb 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15666151290162FajglaKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN15 Sep 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15667151290162Chaja SuraFUKSKANTORSzloma & Dobra ZeligmanZELIGMAN14 May 1896, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15668151290162ReginaKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN-- --- 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15669151290162Dawid MajerKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN8 Mar 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15670151290162SymaKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN4 Apr 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15671151290162Szmul HerszKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN17 Mar 1915, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15672151290162Abraham ChaskielKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN16 Jun 1917, Pilczyca, near WloszczowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15673151291162Jakub JozefKANTORLewek & Laja ZeligmanZELIGMAN19 Jan 1919, PilicaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15674151291162PinkesKANTORLewek & Chaja Sura FuksFUKS27 Jun 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15675151291162FrajdaKANTORLewek & Chaja Sura FuksFUKS13 Jun 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KANTOR, POMERANC, SZENWALD, ZELIGMAN
15949162079173Moszek DawidGOLDSZTAJNBerek & Malka FuksFUKS-- --- 1876, Warszawa----BRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15950162079173Sura HanaBRATGOLDSZTAJNJakub & Rajzla KrzepickaKRZEPICKA6 Jun 1883, KamykWith husbandBRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15951162079173AbramGOLDSZTAJNMoszek Dawid & Sura Hana BratBRAT8 Sep 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15952162079173FrajdlaGOLDSZTAJNMoszek Dawid & Sura Hana BratBRAT27 Jun 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15953162079173GoldaGOLDSZTAJNMoszek Dawid & Sura Hana BratBRAT27 Jun 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15954162079173MalkaGOLDSZTAJNMoszek Dawid & Sura Hana BratBRAT10 Sep 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsBRAT, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN, KRZEPICKA
15955162083173IzraelGOLDSZTAJNBerek & Malka FuksFUKS-- --- 1880, Warszawa----ARONOWICZ, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN
15956162083173HajaFUKSGOLDSZTAJNChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ-- --- 1880, CzestochowaWith husbandARONOWICZ, FUKS, GOLDSZTAJN
1726519234208/209IcykCIECIURAMendel & Estera SzmulewiczSZMULEWICZ17 May 1877, Wola ZycinskaMerchantCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1726619234208/209CyrlaOBERMANCIECIURAWolf & Fajgla FuksFUKS29 Apr 1881, CzestochowaWith husbandCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1726719234208/209Chaja EsteraCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN16 Mar 1904, RadomskoWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1726819234208/209Chaim MordkaCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN18 Jan 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1726919234208/209ManelCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN23 Mar 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1727019234208/209MoszekCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN8 May 1917, PrzedborzWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1727119234208/209JettaCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN22 Aug 1911, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1727219234208/209Hersz LejbCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN26 Feb 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1727319234208/209GitlaCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN15 Mar 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
1727419234208/209MariemCIECIURAIcyk & Cyrla ObermanOBERMAN18 Oct 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsCIECIURA, FUKS, OBERMAN, SZMULEWICZ
189502216251FajwelFUKSJakub Josel & Fajgla GelbardGELBARD23 Oct 1863, Zarki----BLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189512216251DwojraBLUMFUKSJonasz & Rajzla RundsztajnRUNDSZTAJN----With husbandBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189522216251Chaim WolfFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM9 Sep 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189532216251Jakub JozefFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM22 Aug 1889, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189542216251MariaFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM3 Aug 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189552216251Tema EsteraFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM7 Jun 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189562216251Icek JonaszFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM1 Sep 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsBLUM, FUKS, GELBARD, RUNDSZTAJN
189572217251Abram SzulimFUKSFajwel & Dwojra BlumBLUM6 Feb 1902, Czestochowa----BLUM, FUKS, HOLAND, SZPILBERG
189582217251Szandla FrymetaHOLANDFUKSMoszek Dawid & Gitla SzpilbergSZPILBERG21 Aug 1905, CzestochowaWith husbandBLUM, FUKS, HOLAND, SZPILBERG
19821231106282Hersz LejbFAJGENBAUMMojzesz & Gitla SztencelSZTENCEL25 Jul 1876, CzestochowaTraderFAJGENBAUM, FUKS, KORPENDZ, SZTENCEL
19822231106282CwetlaFUKSFAJGENBAUMLejbus & Mirla KorpendzKORPENDZ5 Feb 1885, PiotrkowWith husbandFAJGENBAUM, FUKS, KORPENDZ, SZTENCEL
19823231106282Malka ZyslaFAJGENBAUMHersz Lejb & Cwetla FuksFUKS5 Feb 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGENBAUM, FUKS, KORPENDZ, SZTENCEL
19824231106282SzlamaFAJGENBAUMHersz Lejb & Cwetla FuksFUKS10 Dec 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGENBAUM, FUKS, KORPENDZ, SZTENCEL
19825231106282EsteraFAJGENBAUMHersz Lejb & Cwetla FuksFUKS4 Mar 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsFAJGENBAUM, FUKS, KORPENDZ, SZTENCEL
2091525224305Izrael BerekTENEBERGNaftul & Chana KrakauerKRAKAUER26 Nov 1871, ZarkiShoemakerFUKS, KRAKAUER, OBERMAN, TENEBERG
2091625224305MalkaOBERMANTENEBERGWolf & Frajdla FuksFUKS29 Apr 1881, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, KRAKAUER, OBERMAN, TENEBERG
2091725224305Mosiek LejbTENEBERGIzrael Berek & Malka ObernanOBERMAN6 Jun 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KRAKAUER, OBERMAN, TENEBERG
2091825224305SzlamaTENEBERGIzrael Berek & Malka ObernanOBERMAN25 Jul 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KRAKAUER, OBERMAN, TENEBERG
2091925224305HindaTENEBERGIzrael Berek & Malka ObernanOBERMAN10 Nov 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KRAKAUER, OBERMAN, TENEBERG
2093925274306Szlama MordkaLIBGOTCyna & Estera --------21 Aug 1844, PlawnoShoemakerFABISIEWICZ, FUKS, LIBGOT
2094025274306GitlaFUKSLIBGOTMichal & Sura FabisiewiczFABISIEWICZ-- --- 1865, RawaWith husbandFABISIEWICZ, FUKS, LIBGOT
2094125274306MindlaLIBGOTSzlama Mordka & Gitla FuksFUKS30 Apr 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFABISIEWICZ, FUKS, LIBGOT
2113025466309Szmul SzoelSZWARCZysia & Estera Ruchla LaterLATER13 Dec 1864, ZamoscShoemakerFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113125466309LajaFUKSSZWARCHerszlik & Mariem FrenkelFRENKEL-- --- 1864, KonopiskaWith husbandFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113225466309JozefSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS11 May 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113325466309MariaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS-- --- 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113425466309JudaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS10 Feb 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113525466309Izrael JakubSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS10 Oct 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113625466309BajlaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS5 Sep 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113725466309SzajndlaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS22 Sep 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113825466309ChaimSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS18 Oct 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2113925467309ChawaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS5 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2114025467309SzlamaSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS23 May 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFRENKEL, FUKS, LATER, SZWARC
2114125468309HerszlikSZWARCSzmul Szoel & Laja FuksFUKS10 Oct 1903, Czestochowa----FUKS, KERSZENBAUM, SZWARC, WEKSLER
2114225468309JochwetaKERSZENBAUMSZWARCLuzer & Frymeta WekslerWEKSLER3 Apr 1901, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, KERSZENBAUM, SZWARC, WEKSLER
2144326766315Abram IcekHERSZONOWICZChaskiel & Hana Estera TurnerTURNER17 Jul 1879, CzestochowaMerchantFUKS, GLEWICKA, HERSZONOWICZ, TURNER
2144426766315LibaFUKSHERSZONOWICZIcek Majer & Chaja GlewickaGLEWICKA2 Jun 1885, RudnikiWith husbandFUKS, GLEWICKA, HERSZONOWICZ, TURNER
2144526766315RajzlaHERSZONOWICZAbram Icek & Liba FuksFUKS24 Jul 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, GLEWICKA, HERSZONOWICZ, TURNER
2144626766315JudessaHERSZONOWICZAbram Icek & Liba FuksFUKS18 Mar 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, GLEWICKA, HERSZONOWICZ, TURNER
22080271370332MordkaJASKIELDawid & Fajgla DiamentDIAMENT19 Feb 1867, Ksiaz WielkiMerchantDIAMENT, FUKS, JASKIEL, SZTENCEL
22081271370332PessaFUKSJASKIELRuwen & Rajzla SztencelSZTENCEL19 Nov 1867, CzestochowaWith husbandDIAMENT, FUKS, JASKIEL, SZTENCEL
22082271370332Chaja RuchlaJASKIELMordka & Pessa FuksFUKS18 Mar 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, FUKS, JASKIEL, SZTENCEL
22083271370332EsteraJASKIELMordka & Pessa FuksFUKS27 Apr 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, FUKS, JASKIEL, SZTENCEL
22084271370332Nacha IttaJASKIELMordka & Pessa FuksFUKS23 Nov 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsDIAMENT, FUKS, JASKIEL, SZTENCEL
22085271371332Hersz JakubJASKIELMordka & Pessa FuksFUKS7 Sep 1903, Czestochowa----FUKS, JASKIEL, JURKIEWICZ, KAMINSKA
22086271371332MirlaJURKIEWICZJASKIELAbram & Blima KaminskaKAMINSKA21 Jun 1909, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, JASKIEL, JURKIEWICZ, KAMINSKA
22087271372332AbramJASKIELMordka & Pessa FuksFUKS15 Mar 1894, Czestochowa----FUKS, JASKIEL, SACHSE, TEPFER
22088271372332Augusta Maria EttaTEPFERJASKIELKarol Ernest Wilhelm & Eliza Zofia Henryka SachseSACHSE15 Jul 1902, Lipsk, GermanyWith husbandFUKS, JASKIEL, SACHSE, TEPFER
22213271469334Jakub ZelikJAKUBOWICZJonasz & Rajzla WajsbartWAJSBART20 Nov 1901, Czestochowa----FUKS, JAKUBOWICZ, PIOMERANC, POMERANC, WAJSBART
22214271469334Chaja SuraPIOMERANCJAKUBOWICZMoszek & Estera FuksFUKS9 Jun 1904, PrzyrowWith husbandFUKS, JAKUBOWICZ, PIOMERANC, POMERANC, WAJSBART
22215271469334MoszekJAKUBOWICZJakub Zelik & Chaja Sura PomerancPOMERANC26 Mar 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, JAKUBOWICZ, PIOMERANC, POMERANC, WAJSBART
22498271822346IcekOFNERMarek & Szajndla FuksFUKS-- --- 1856, ZarkiMerchantFUKS, OFNER, WILINGER
22499271822346Estera LajaOFNERIcek & Gitla WilingerWILINGER1 May 1894, ZarkiWith fatherFUKS, OFNER, WILINGER
226592810351HercBOCHENEKZelik & Rachela HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZ27 Feb 1843, CzestochowaTailorBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226602810351RuchlaFUKSBOCHENEKHersz & maria FrenkielFRENKIEL-- --- 1843, CzestochowaWith husbandBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226612810351AbramBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS10 Jul 1870, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226622810351JozefBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS11 May 1875, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226632810351ChaimBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS11 May 1875, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226642810351JankielBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS5 Jan 1880, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226652810351EliaszBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS16 Dec 1884, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226662810351LajaBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS16 Dec 1884, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226672810351Sura BrandlaBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS-- --- 1890, CzestochowaWith parentsBOCHENEK, FRENKIEL, FUKS, HERSZLIKOWICZ
226682811351MariaBOCHENEKHerc & Ruchla FuksFUKS16 Nov 1891, CzestochowaMaidBOCHENEK, FUKS
227092844351DawidBOCHENEKHercko & Rozalia FuksFUKS2 Aug 1868, CzestochowaMerchantBLADY, BOCHENEK, FUKS
227102844351RywkaBOCHENEKLewek & Szandla BladyBLADY18 Feb 1875, OpatowWith husbandBLADY, BOCHENEK, FUKS
2317128604363IcekSZYMKOWICZMosiek & Malka SzporlenderSZPORLENDER2 Feb 1857, CzestochowaWorkerFUKS, PREGER, SZMULEWICZ, SZPORLENDER, SZYMKOWICZ
2317228604363NachaFUKSSZYMKOWICZHerszlik & Hendla SzmulewiczSZMULEWICZ19 Dec 1873, PrzyrowWith husbandFUKS, PREGER, SZMULEWICZ, SZPORLENDER, SZYMKOWICZ
2317328604363Szlama FajwelSZYMKOWICZIcek & Estera Chaja PregerPREGER20 Oct 1885, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, PREGER, SZMULEWICZ, SZPORLENDER, SZYMKOWICZ
2317428604363JozefSZYMKOWICZIcek & Estera Chaja PregerPREGER28 Jun 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, PREGER, SZMULEWICZ, SZPORLENDER, SZYMKOWICZ
2317528604363MalkaSZYMKOWICZIcek & Estera Chaja PregerPREGER18 Jun 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, PREGER, SZMULEWICZ, SZPORLENDER, SZYMKOWICZ
2337129818369SzymonOBERMANWolf & Frajdla FuksFUKS20 May 1890, CzestochowaMerchantCUKIERMAN, FUKS, JELEN, KAWA, OBERMAN
2337229818369RywkaCUKIERMANOBERMANIzrael & Szajndla JelenJELEN22 Dec 1871, KamykPrimo voto KawaKAWACUKIERMAN, FUKS, JELEN, KAWA, OBERMAN
2337329818369RajzlaKAWAAbram & Rywka CukiermanCUKIERMAN24 Jun 1902, KamykWith parentsCUKIERMAN, KAWA
2337429818369Lipman HerszKAWAAbram & Rywka CukiermanCUKIERMAN14 Dec 1903, KamykWith parentsCUKIERMAN, KAWA
2337529818369Abram ChaimKAWAAbram & Rywka CukiermanCUKIERMAN16 Nov 1908, KamykWith parentsCUKIERMAN, KAWA
2340929842369Wolf JakubOBERMANMarek & Hana RozenbaumROZENBAUM23 Jun 1853, CzestochowaWorkerFUKS, OBERMAN, ROZENBAUM
2341029842369FrajdlaFUKSOBERMANSzlama & Hinda ---------- --- 1853, KonopiskaWith husbandFUKS, OBERMAN, ROZENBAUM
2341129842369MalkaOBERMANWolf Jakub & Frajdla FuksFUKS29 Apr 1881, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, OBERMAN, ROZENBAUM
2341229844369DawidOBERMANWolf Jakub & Frajdla FuksFUKS16 Oct 1876, CzestochowaWidowerBRATMAN, FUKS, OBERMAN
2341329844369LajaOBERMANDawid & Dwojra BratmanBRATMAN30 Oct 1903, CzestochowaWith fatherBRATMAN, FUKS, OBERMAN
2341429844369TaubaOBERMANDawid & Dwojra BratmanBRATMAN15 Jan 1917, CzestochowaWith fatherBRATMAN, FUKS, OBERMAN
2341529844369Chaim HerszOBERMANDawid & Dwojra BratmanBRATMAN12 Jun 1911, CzestochowaWith fatherBRATMAN, FUKS, OBERMAN
2451332904417SzlamaFUKSAbram Rubin & Rajzla SztencelSZTENCEL8 Jun 1870, CzestochowaMerchantFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451432904417Dobra RajzlaZELIGMANFUKSHerszlik & Marianna PomerancPOMERANC26 Jun 1877, CzestochowaWith husbandFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451532904417Chaja SuraFUKSSzlama & Dobra Rajzla ZeligmanZELIGMAN14 May 1896, RadomskoWith parentsFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451632904417HindaFUKSSzlama & Dobra Rajzla ZeligmanZELIGMAN9 Jul 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451732904417Nacha EsteraFUKSSzlama & Dobra Rajzla ZeligmanZELIGMAN17 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451832904417Rubin AbaFUKSSzlama & Dobra Rajzla ZeligmanZELIGMAN13 Sep 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
2451932904417Icyk JonasFUKSSzlama & Dobra Rajzla ZeligmanZELIGMAN6 Jan 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, POMERANC, SZTENCEL, ZELIGMAN
24675321158421JozefFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS22 Apr 1884, CzestochowaMerchantFRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24676321162421MordkaFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS22 Mar 1891, Czestochowa----AMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24677321162421BajlaAMSTERDAMERFRAJERMAUERHerszlik & Hinda Sura BassBASS14 Mar 1899, MstowWith husbandAMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24678321162421Sara HindaFRAJERMAUERMordka & Bajla AmsterdamerAMSTERDAMER31 Jul 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24679321162421HendlaFRAJERMAUERMordka & Bajla AmsterdamerAMSTERDAMER26 Feb 1922, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24680321162421Szlama HirszFRAJERMAUERMordka & Bajla AmsterdamerAMSTERDAMER18 Oct 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24681321162421MojzeszFRAJERMAUERMordka & Bajla AmsterdamerAMSTERDAMER4 Jul 1926, KaliszWith parentsAMSTERDAMER, BASS, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS
24711321186421ChaimFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS15 Aug 1899, --------FRAJERMAUER, FUKS, SZAJA, WOZNICA
24712321186421NachaWOZNICAFRAJERMAUERAjzyk & Blima SzajaSZAJA----With husbandFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, SZAJA, WOZNICA
24713321187421MnylFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS22 Dec 1901, Czestochowa----EJLENBERG, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS, LEWI
24714321187421RajzlaEJLENBERGFRAJERMAUERMordka & Hinda LewiLEWI12 May 1896, RadomskoWith husbandEJLENBERG, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS, LEWI
24715321187421Szlama HerszFRAJERMAUERMnyl & Rajzla EjlenbergEJLENBERG3 Jul 1926, CzestochowaWith parentsEJLENBERG, FRAJERMAUER, FUKS, LEWI
24716321190421JakubFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS29 Apr 1893, Czestochowa----FRAJERMAUER, FUKS, MUSZYNSKA, ROZENCWEJG, SZAC
24717321190421ZeldaSZACFRAJERMAUERWolf & Maria MuszynskaMUSZYNSKA2 Jan 1885, RadomskoPrimo voto RozencwejgROZENCWEJGFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, MUSZYNSKA, ROZENCWEJG, SZAC
24718321190421SalomonFRAJERMAUERJakub & Zelda SzacSZAC28 Apr 1920, RadomskoWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, MUSZYNSKA, ROZENCWEJG, SZAC
24719321194421HendelFRAJERMAUERSzlama & Perla FuksFUKS6 Oct 1895, KonopiskaTraderFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, GLOGOWSKA, RUBEL
24720321194421LajaRUBELFRAJERMAUERMoszek & Fajgla GlogowskaGLOGOWSKA18 Aug 1894, PiotrkowWith husbandFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, GLOGOWSKA, RUBEL
24721321194421MariaFRAJERMAUERHendel & Laja RubelRUBEL31 Jul 1923, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, GLOGOWSKA, RUBEL
24722321194421Hinda RajzlaFRAJERMAUERHendel & Laja RubelRUBEL27 Jul 1926, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, GLOGOWSKA, RUBEL
24723321194421SzlamaFRAJERMAUERHendel & Laja RubelRUBEL1 Dec 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, FUKS, GLOGOWSKA, RUBEL
24801321324424Chaim KiwaFUKSBerysz & Chana PiotrowskaPIOTROWSKA10 Jul 1861, BelchatowMerchantARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24802321324424LajaARONOWICZFUKSHerszlik & Perla HasklowiczHASKLOWICZ-- --- 1861, DzialoszynWith husbandARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24803321324424Alta EsteraFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ9 Apr 1885, PiotrkowWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24804321324424SuraFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ8 Mar 1888, ZawiercieWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24805321324424HerszlikFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ2 Aug 1891, ZawiercieWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24806321324424CyporaFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ15 May 1889, ZawiercieWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24807321324424AbramFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ24 Jun 1893, ZawiercieWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
24808321324424RubinFUKSChaim Kiwa & Laja AronowiczARONOWICZ29 Mar 1896, ZawiercieWith parentsARONOWICZ, FUKS, HASKLOWICZ, PIOTROWSKA
25098331848432HerckoOFNERMarek & Szajndla FuksFUKS21 Sep 1843, ChoronMerchantFUKS, GRUNWALD, OFNER
25099331848432FrymetaGRUNWALDOFNERJankiel & Gela ---------- --- 1854, ZarkiWith husbandFUKS, GRUNWALD, OFNER
25100331848432SzandlaOFNERHercko & Frymeta GrunwaldGRUNWALD25 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, GRUNWALD, OFNER
2603347302726LewekKOCZAJNERIzaak & Golda LizenLIZEN11 Jan 1864, RadomskoShop ownerFUKS, KOCZAJNER, LIZEN, SOLDYN
2603447302726LajaSOLDYNKOCZAJNERSzlama & Rywka FuksFUKS---- 1864, Huta StaraWith husbandFUKS, KOCZAJNER, LIZEN, SOLDYN
2603547302726RajzlaKOCZAJNERLewek & Laja SoldynSOLDYN1 May 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KOCZAJNER, LIZEN, SOLDYN
2603647302726ChanaKOCZAJNERLewek & Laja SoldynSOLDYN20 Oct 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KOCZAJNER, LIZEN, SOLDYN
2603747302726AbramKOCZAJNERLewek & Laja SoldynSOLDYN20 Oct 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsFUKS, KOCZAJNER, LIZEN, SOLDYN
2603847322726JankielBORZYKOWSKISzymon & Dobra --------25 Jan 1865, RadomskoMerchantBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2603947322726BlimaSOLDYNBORZYKOWSKISzlama & Rywka FuksFUKS---- 1870, Huta StaraWith husbandBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604047322726MariaBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN14 Feb 1891, RadomskoWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604147322726LajaBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN18 Feb 1893, RadomskoWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604247322726AbramBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN17 May 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604347322726LajzerBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN21 Nov 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604447322726FaljanaBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN21 Nov 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604547322726Chawa RajzlaBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN22 Jan 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN
2604647322726Izrael HerszBORZYKOWSKIJankiel & Blima SoldynSOLDYN1 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsBORZYKOWSKI, FUKS, SOLDYN

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of ill persons (142 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAddress
10040Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00106.JPG40AnnaFUKS1922Jozef, Helenaclerk, office worker, civil servantSobieskiego 72

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of people employed in workshops and cooperatives (39 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAdress
10017Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00102.JPG17LeonFUKS1909Izrael, Lajatailor (male)Al. Wolnosci 13

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Religious Association, Register of members of the board (26 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberSublistNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupation
10013Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5surv 11-D55N5/DSC00093.JPGlist/register of employees1SzejwaFUKS20 Sep 1900Szlama, Rajzlawithout professionbath house worker

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
12350GertrudeFUKS310, 327 
12532EstherFUKS70, 86, 390 

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10279Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10818www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKOGUT, FUKS[no given name] KogutKOGUTReport of chaise confiscated from Kogut
10280Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10818www.crarg.org/i…818-oA2F72.pdfKOGUT, FUKS[no given name] FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 20Chaise taken by Fuks
10572Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMAN[no given name] JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZRequest to Jakubowicz for payments to be made to residents of the refuge
10573Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANAjzyk BaumacBAUMACMirowska 9/11Request to pay Baumac 5zl
10574Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANFajgla FuksFUKSMirowska 9/11Request to pay Fuks 5zl
10575Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANAbram WolkowiczWOLKOWICZMirowska 9/11Request to pay Wolkowicz 5zl
10576Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANBajla PukaczPUKACZMirowska 9/11Request to pay Pukacz no money
10577Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANRozia GelbhauerGELBHAUERMirowska 9/11Request to pay Gelbhauer 5zl
10578Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANMoszek TruskolaskiTRUSKOLASKIMirowska 9/11Request to pay Truskolaski no money
10579Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANTauba ParucaPARUCAMirowska 9/11Request to pay Parluca no money
10580Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANEstera BaranskaBARANSKAMirowska 9/11Request to pay Baranska no money
10581Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10929www.crarg.org/i…933-Yz9eS8.pdfJAKUBOWICZ, BAUMAC, FUKS, WOLKOWICZ, PUKACZ, GELBHAUER, TRUSKOLASKI, PARUCA, BARANSKA, PERLMANDwojra PerlmanPERLMANMirowska 9/11Request to pay Perlman 5zl
11536Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20615www.crarg.org/i…615-KzsX0M.pdfMICHELSON, GNAT, FUKS, CZARNA[no given name] MichelsonMICHELSONMichelson took some cleaners home
11537Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20615www.crarg.org/i…615-KzsX0M.pdfMICHELSON, GNAT, FUKS, CZARNAFajgla GnatGNATWarszawska 43Gnat was taken home
11538Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20615www.crarg.org/i…615-KzsX0M.pdfMICHELSON, GNAT, FUKS, CZARNAFroma FuksFUKSKrotka 42Fuks was taken home
11539Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20615www.crarg.org/i…615-KzsX0M.pdfMICHELSON, GNAT, FUKS, CZARNALaja CzarnaCZARNAKrotka 6Czarna was taken home
12875Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] KaminskiKAMINSKIKaminski is not mentioned in this image
12876Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] ZelkowiczZELKOWICZZelkowicz is not mentioned in this image
12877Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCLipszyc is not mentioned in this image
12878Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] FuksFUKSFuks is not mentioned in this image
12879Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] WeinreichWEINREICHWeinreich is not mentioned in this image
12880Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] LisLISLis is not mentioned in this image
12881Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] OpatowskiOPATOWSKIOpatowski is not mentioned in this image
12882Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20729www.crarg.org/i…729-w0Kx0C.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz is not mentioned in this image
12884Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZMordka KaminskiKAMINSKIJoselewicza 7Kaminski’s apartment is to be sealed
12885Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZLewek ZelkowiczZELKOWICZJoselewicza 9Zelkowicz’ apartment is to be sealed
12886Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZM LipszycLIPSZYCJoselewicza 11Lipszyc’ workshop is to be sealed
12887Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZGabriel FuksFUKSJoselewicza 15Fuks’ apartment is to be sealed
12888Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZJakub WeinreichWEINREICHOstring 2Weinreich’s apartment is to be sealed
12889Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZIzrael LisLISNarutowicza 2Lis’ apartment is to be sealed
12890Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] OpatowskiOPATOWSKIOpatowski sealed 1 apartment
12891Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20730www.crarg.org/i…730-KrjrdS.pdfKAMINSKI, ZELKOWICZ, LIPSZYC, FUKS, WEINREICH, LIS, OPATOWSKI, TAUZIEWICZ[no given name] TauziewiczTAUZIEWICZTauziewicz sealed 2 apartments
12909Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20731www.crarg.org/i…731-7NhtMn.pdfPRAPORT, FUKS, BRAND[no given name] PraportPRAPORTPraport ordered an apartment to be sealed
12910Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20731www.crarg.org/i…731-7NhtMn.pdfPRAPORT, FUKS, BRANDGabriel FuksFUKSJoselewicza 15Fuks’ apartment was sealed
12911Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20731www.crarg.org/i…731-7NhtMn.pdfPRAPORT, FUKS, BRAND[no given name] BrandBRANDBrand sealed the apartment
13126Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20754www.crarg.org/i…754-SyVYx2.pdfFUKSJozef FuksFUKSWarszawska 87Fuks reported that his industrial testimony was lost
13127Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20754www.crarg.org/i…754-SyVYx2.pdfFUKSEstera FuksFUKSThe industrial testimony was issued on Fuks
13249Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfFUKS, LEWKOWICZJozef FuksFUKSWarszawska 37Fuks was brought to Police Station 2
13250Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20765www.crarg.org/i…765-Nv6rLa.pdfFUKS, LEWKOWICZLewkowicz took the man to Police Station 2
13595Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJN[no given name] RubinsztokRUBINSZTOKRubinsztok was taken to the Security Police
13596Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJN[no given name] JurystaJURYSTAJurysta was taken to the Security Police
13597Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNJakob KaronKARONKaron was taken to the Security Police
13598Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNLaja KaronKARONKaron was taken to the Security Police
13599Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNJakub MantelMANTELMantel was taken to the Security Police
13600Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNMatys FuksFUKSFuks was taken to the Security Police
13601Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNCypra OrenbachORENBACHOrenbach was taken to the Security Police
13602Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJNSzyja PeltaPELTAPelta was taken to the Security Police
13603Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJN[no given name] EpsztajnEPSZTAJNEpsztajn escorted some people to the Security Police
13604Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20795www.crarg.org/i…795-2axzu0.pdfRUBINSZTOK, JURYSTA, KARON, MANTEL, FUKS, ORENBACH, PELTA, EPSZTAJN, BORENSZTAJN[no given name] BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNBorensztajn escorted some people to the Security Police
14495Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELL FrankenbergFRANKENBERGGaribaldiego 15Frankenberg was escorted home
14496Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELLucjan FuksFUKSJoselewicza 4Fuks was escorted home
14497Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELAbram SztuhlSZTUHLJoselewicza 15Sztuhl was escorted home
14498Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELJerzy BemBEMDreszera 10Bem was escorted home
14499Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELMajer UfnerUFNERKatedralna 8Ufner was escorted home
14500Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELHanna KempinskaKEMPINSKADreszera 10Kempinska was escorted home
14501Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBELLipman LenkowiczLENKOWICZNadrzeczna 52Lenkowicz was escorted home
14502Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBEL[no given name] LewkowiczLEWKOWICZLewkowicz escorted some people home
14503Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20854www.crarg.org/i…854-SwHqTs.pdfFRANKENBERG, FUKS, SZTUHL, BEM, UFNER, KEMPINSKA, LENKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ, SZTYBEL[no given name] SztybelSZTYBELSztybel escorted some people home
15330Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20926www.crarg.org/i…926-Bf3VDh.pdfSura FuksFUKSJoselewicza 9Fuks does not live at the address (see also image 0927)
15347Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20927www.crarg.org/i…927-xaFfDM.pdfSura FuksFUKSJoselewicza 9Fuks does not live at the address (see also image 0926)
15416Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKChana WajnzytWAJNZYTNadrzeczna 6Wajnzyt is to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0932)
15417Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKMendel RubensztajnRUBENSZTAJNJoselewicza 9Rubinsztajn is to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0932)
15418Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKSura FuksFUKSKawia 30Fuks is to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0932)
15419Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZOstring 10Berkowicz s to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0932)
15420Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20931www.crarg.org/i…931-eKnA0E.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAK[no given name] SzlendakSZLENDAKThe order was passed to Szlendak in District 2 (see also image 0932)
15422Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20932www.crarg.org/i…932-YUclC3.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKChana WajnzytWAJNZYTNadrzeczna 6Wajnzyt is to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0931)
15423Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20932www.crarg.org/i…932-YUclC3.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKMendel RubensztajnRUBENSZTAJNJoselewicza 9Rubinsztajn is to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0931)
15424Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20932www.crarg.org/i…932-YUclC3.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKSura FuksFUKSKawia 30Fuks is to be brought to District 1(see also image 0931)
15425Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20932www.crarg.org/i…932-YUclC3.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAKBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZOstring 10Berkowicz s to be brought to District 1 (see also image 0931)
15426Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20932www.crarg.org/i…932-YUclC3.pdfWAJNZYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SZLENDAK[no given name] SzlendakSZLENDAKThe order was passed to Szlendak in District 2(see also image 0931)
15444Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROTChan WajnrytWAJNRYTNadrzeczna 6Wajnryt does not live at the address
15445Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROTMendel RubensztajnRUBENSZTAJNB. Joselewicza 9Rubinsztajn does not live at the address
15446Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROTSura FuksFUKSKawia 30Fuks does not live at the address
15447Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROTBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZOstring 10Berkowicz does not live at the address
15448Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROT[no given name] SeledowskiSELEDOWSKISeledowski, of District 2, advised that one of the people does not live at the given address
15449Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROT[no given name] CalaCALAdiscovered that one of the people does not live at the given address
15450Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20934www.crarg.org/i…934-vZiHaj.pdfWAJNRYT, RUBENSZTAJN, FUKS, BERKOWICZ, SELEDOWSKI, CALA, KORNBROT[no given name] KornbrotKORNBROTKornbrot discovered that one of the people does not live at the given address
15624Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN[no given name] ScheidelSCHEIDELSchneidel ordered some people to be brought to him in District 1
15625Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZStary Rynek 10Berkowicz is to be brought to the German official
15626Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANChaim WajnrybWAJNRYB19 Apr 1916Garncarska 10Wajnryb is to be brought to the German official
15627Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANRuchla Rozalia KancygerKANCYGER1910Katedralna 9Kancyger cannot be brought as she does not live at the address
15628Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANSura FuksFUKS5 Mar 1908Warszawska 13Fuks is to be brought to the German official
15629Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANMendel RubinsztajnRUBINSZTAJN1912B) Joselewicza 9Rubinsztajn cannot be brought as she does not live at the address
15630Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANBrandla RozencwajgROZENCWAJG6 Sep 1904Katedralna 9Rozencwajg cannot be brought as she does not live at the address
15631Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20951www.crarg.org/i…951-T7WY5u.pdfSCHEIDEL, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYB, KANCYGER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMANAbram GoldmanGOLDMAN28 Jan 1919Aleja 10Goldman is to be brought to the German official
15652Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZ[no given name] WajnrybWAJNRYBWajnryb was sent to fetch some people and take them to a German official
15653Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZ[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska was sent to fetch some people and take them to a German official
15654Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZ[no given name] SeidelSEIDELThe people were to be taken to Seidel
15655Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZRuchla- Rozalia DancygierDANCYGIER1910Katedralna 9Dancyger does not live at the address
15657Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZSura FuksFUKS5 Mar 1908Warszawska 13Fuks was taken to the German official
15658Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZMendel RubinsztajnRUBINSZTAJN1912Joselewicza 9Rubinsztajn does not live at the address
15659Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZBrandla RozencwajgROZENCWAJG6 Sep 1904Katedralna 9Rozencwajg does not live at the address
15660Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZAbram GoldmanGOLDMAN1919Aleja 10Goldman does not live at the address
15661Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZBerek BerkowiczBERKOWICZStary Rynek 10Berkowicz works in Gidle
15662Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZChaim WajnrytWAJNRYT19 Apr 1916Garncarska 10Wajnryt is in prison
15663Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZ[no given name] SztybelSZTYBELSztybel was sent to fetch some people and take them to a German official
15664Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20954www.crarg.org/i…954-35AlMF.pdfWAJNRYB, MISKA, SEIDEL, DANCYGIER, FUKS, RUBINSZTAJN, ROZENCWAJG, GOLDMAN, BERKOWICZ, WAJNRYT, SZTYBEL, LEWKOWICZ[no given name] LewkowiczLEWKOWICZLewkowicz was sent to fetch some people and take them to a German official
15693Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20956www.crarg.org/i…956-7VWY6h.pdfSZPIKULICER, FUKS[no given name] SzpikulicerSZPIKULICERSpikulicer took the woman to the baths (see also image 0957)
15694Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20956www.crarg.org/i…956-7VWY6h.pdfSZPIKULICER, FUKSSura FuksFUKSChild: no nameFuks was taken to the baths (see also image 0957)
15696Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20957www.crarg.org/i…957-8pftdd.pdfSZPIKULICER, FUKS[no given name] SzpikulicerSZPIKULICERSpikulicer took the woman to the baths (see also image 0956)
15697Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20957www.crarg.org/i…957-8pftdd.pdfSZPIKULICER, FUKSSura FuksFUKSChild: no nameFuks was taken to the baths (see also image 0956)
17761Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNBorensztajn escorted a man back from Warthelager
17762Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNZylbersztajn esorted a man back from Warthelager
17763Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAKLajbuś FuksFUKS21 Oct 1921Stary Rynek 17Fuks was escorted back from Warthelager
17764Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] LindemanLINDEMANThe man brought from Warthelager was taken to Lindeman
17765Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg took the man to Lindeman
17766Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfBORENSZTAJN, ZYLBERSZTAJN, FUKS, LINDEMAN, GOLDBERG, KLIMCZAK[no given name] KlimczakKLIMCZAKKlimczak signed the record
18044Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40597www.crarg.org/i…597-RKg9h3.pdfFUKS, WIEWIORA, ARONOWICZJankiel FuksFUKS20 Aug 1920Orlicza Dreszera 9 St.Father: Dawid, Mother: MichelaFuks was taken to the Watch District
18045Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40597www.crarg.org/i…597-RKg9h3.pdfFUKS, WIEWIORA, ARONOWICZMichela WiewioraWIEWIORAHusband: Dawid, Son: JankielWiewiora’s son was taken to the Watch District
18046Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40597www.crarg.org/i…597-RKg9h3.pdfFUKS, WIEWIORA, ARONOWICZ[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz took the man to the Watch District
18074Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40599www.crarg.org/i…599-H6U0F2.pdfARONOWICZ, FUKS[no given name] AronowiczARONOWICZAronowicz took a person to the Watch District
18075Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40599www.crarg.org/i…599-H6U0F2.pdfARONOWICZ, FUKS[no given name] FuksFUKSFuks was taken to the Watch District
18150Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home from work
18151Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home from work
18152Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home from work
18153Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGRegina ZyngerZYNGERGarncarska 22Zynger was escorted home from work
18154Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the people home from work
18194Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was to be escorted home from work
18195Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was to be escorted home from work
18196Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was to be escorted home from work
18197Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCRegina ZyngierZYNGIERGarncarska 22Zyngier was to be escorted home from work
18198Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] FrenkelFRENKELFrenkel was sent to escort the people home from work
18199Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCLipszyc was sent to escort the people home from work
18408Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
18409Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDS AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home
18410Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
18411Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDBluma SchmidtSCHMIDTNadrzeczna 74Schmidt was escorted home
18412Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the workers home
18413Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLAND[no given name] KurlandKURLANDKurland escorted the workers home
19338Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz sent two officers to escort some kitchen workers home
19339Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERCywja FuksowaFUKSOWANadrzeczna 74Fuksowa was escorted home
19340Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
19341Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERTauba FuksowaFUKSOWANadrzeczna 74Fuksowa was escorted home
19342Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERTauba FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
19343Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERHenia ForbergFORBERGRynek Warszawski 3/5Forberg was escorted home
19344Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERFela JesionekJESIONEKGarncarska 42Jesionek was escorted home
19345Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
19346Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to escort some kitchen workers home
19347Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] BiberBIBERBiber was sent to escort some kitchen workers home
19366Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERMoszek WolfowiczWOLFOWICZWolfowicz was not brought as he does not live at the address
19367Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERJakób WajsfelnerWAJSFELNERWajsfelner was not brought as he does not live at the address
19368Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERPinkus WajsWAJSWajs was not brought as he does not live at the address
19369Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERSzmul SznajerSZNAJERSznajer was brought for the Financial Department
19370Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERIcek UrbachURBACHUrbach was brought for the Financial Department
19371Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERSzlama UfnerUFNERUfner was not brought as he does not live at the address
19372Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERRubin BrylBRYLBryl was to be brought for the Financial Department
19373Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERMordka NudelmanNUDELMANNudelman was not brought as he had left for Radomsko
19374Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERMordka FuksFUKSFuks was brought for the Financial Department
19375Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERChil TobjaszTOBJASZTobias was to be brought for the Financial Department
19376Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERSzmul WroblewskiWROBLEWSKIWróblewski was not brought as he was not home
19377Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40719www.crarg.org/i…719-FZX1eG.pdfWOLFOWICZ, WAJSFELNER, WAJS, SZNAJER, URBACH, UFNER, BRYL, NUDELMAN, FUKS, TOBJASZ, WROBLEWSKI, UFFNERSzlama UffnerUFFNERUfner was not brought as he does not live at the address
19393Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40720www.crarg.org/i…720-ulqkMU.pdfLONDNER, FUKS, MONHAJTBoruch LondnerLONDNERKatedralna 10Londner was taken to the Watch District
19394Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40720www.crarg.org/i…720-ulqkMU.pdfLONDNER, FUKS, MONHAJTGabriel FuksFUKSB. Joselewicza 15Fuks was taken to the Watch District
19395Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40720www.crarg.org/i…720-ulqkMU.pdfLONDNER, FUKS, MONHAJT[no given name] MonhajtMONHAJTMonhajt took the two men to the Watch District
20237Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMAN[no given name] ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNSection leader Zylbersztajn, id no 101, was sent to bring Szprynca Markowicz[?], Ela Aronowicz, Szajndla Fuks, and Abram Lewkowicz to District I
20238Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANSzprynca Markowicz[?]MARKOWICZ[?]1919Warszawska 43Szprynca Markowicz[?] is to be brought to District I
20239Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANEla aronowicz/aronszonARONOWICZ/ARONSZON1907Mostowa 11Ela Aronowicz is to be brought to District I, but does not live at the given address
20240Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANSzajndla FuksFUKS1910Garncarska 68/64Szajndla Fuks is to be brought to District I
20241Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANAbram LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ1887Warszawska 6Abram Lewkowicz is to be brought to District I, but does not live at the given address
20242Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40805www.crarg.org/i…805-NFTtgy.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMAN[no given name] ZajdmanZAJDMANOfficer Zajdman, id no 140, was sent to bring Szprynca Markowicz[?], Ela Aronowicz, Szajndla Fuks, and Abram Lewkowicz to District I
20244Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMAN[no given name] ZylbersztajnZYLBERSZTAJNSection leader Zylbersztajn, id no 101, was sent to bring Szprynca Markowicz[?], Ela Aronowicz, Szajndla Fuks, and Abram Lewkowicz to District I
20245Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANSzprynca Markowicz[?]MARKOWICZ[?]1919Warszawska 43Szprynca Markowicz[?] is to be brought to District I
20246Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANEla aronowicz/aronszonARONOWICZ/ARONSZON1907Mostowa 11Ela Aronowicz is to be brought to District I, but does not live at the given address
20247Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANSzajndla FuksFUKS1910Garncarska 68/64Szajndla Fuks is to be brought to District I
20248Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMANAbram LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ1887Warszawska 6Abram Lewkowicz is to be brought to District I, but does not live at the given address
20249Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40806www.crarg.org/i…806-ZMMOxX.pdfZYLBERSZTAJN, MARKOWICZ, ARONOWICZ, FUKS, LEWKOWICZ, ARONSZON, ZAJDMAN[no given name] ZajdmanZAJDMANOfficer Zajdman, id no 140, was sent to bring Szprynca Markowicz[?], Ela Aronowicz, Szajndla Fuks, and Abram Lewkowicz to District I
20263Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40807www.crarg.org/i…807-f8Yxry.pdfMORTKOWICZ, FUKS, BIRNHOLCSzprynca MortkowiczMORTKOWICZ1919Warszawska 43Szprynca Mortkowicz is to be brought to the Watch District
20264Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40807www.crarg.org/i…807-f8Yxry.pdfMORTKOWICZ, FUKS, BIRNHOLCSzajndla FuksFUKS1910Garncarska 62/64Szajndla Fuks is to be brought to the Watch District
20265Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40807www.crarg.org/i…807-f8Yxry.pdfMORTKOWICZ, FUKS, BIRNHOLC[no given name] BirnholcBIRNHOLCOfficer Birnholc, id no 61, brought Szprynca Mortkowicz and Szajndla Fuks to the Watch District
21142Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Majer Altman to be brought home from kitchen #5
21143Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZSala AltmanALTMANAleja 6 3Sala Altman to be brought home from kitchen #5
21144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZTauba FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Tauba Fuks to be brought home from kitchen #5
21145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZRywka ZyngerZYNGERGarncarska 22 and 5Rywka Zynger to be brought home from kitchen #5
21146Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZJochiel ForbergFORBERGRynek Warszawski 3/5Jochiel Forberg to be brought home from kitchen #5
21147Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCOfficer Lipszyc, id no 82, brought Majer Altman, Sala Altman, Tauba Fuks, Rywka Zynger, and Jochiel Forberg home from kitchen #5
21148Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] AbramowiczABRAMOWICZOfficer Abramowicz, id no 57, brought Majer Altman, Sala Altman, Tauba Fuks, Rywka Zynger, and Jochiel Forberg home from kitchen #5

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk [3]: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who lived in the region of Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII, 20 Sep 1946 (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-region-of-dolny-slask-sep1946.php [H]

-Sort-Image name1. Numbering2. PersonSurname from previous column [r#]3. Names of parents4. Year of birth5. Present address6. ProfessionOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100371167.pdf32.Fuks ZygmuntFUKSMajer and Hinda1916Dzierzoniowslusarz [locksmith]   

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
101831703D 10713Dawid FuksFUKSArbeiter ar-?Worker, unemployedTargowa 1223 Mar 1940652? 
104251736D 10746Moszek FuksFUKSArbeiter arbeitslosWorker, unemployedMala 3023 Ma ?? [likely is 23 Mar 1940]?  
105643924D 12934Icek FuksFUKSKaufmannMerchantGaribaldi 1522 Apr 194071?  
113571921H 83970Abram FuksFUKSSchildermalerSign-board painterSenatorska 822 Apr 194052  
118371527H 83576Aron FuksFUKSSchneidermeisterMaster tailorAl. Wolnosci 5222 Apr 19406534 
118601496H 83535Szmul FuksFUKSSchneider arbeitslosTailor, unemployedWarszawska 3622 Apr 19406633 
120521270H 83309Nuchim FuksFUKSSchaeftemacher arbeitslosOne who makes the legs of boots; unemployedOrl. Dresz. 322 Apr 19407226 
121463924D 12934Icek FuksFUKSKaufmannMerchantGaribaldi 1522 Apr 194076121 
130292408D 11418Luzer FuksFUKSArbeiterWorkerWarszawska 3022 Apr 194010474 
130592374D 11384Izydor FuksFUKSKaufmannMerchantAl. Wolnosci 2722 Apr 194010573 
131372318D 11328Icyk FuksFUKSKaufmannMerchantFocha 822 Apr 194010771 
132132355D 11265Herszlik FuksFUKSAngestellterEmployeeKilinskiego 722 Apr 194010969 
14244D 151Abram, Szulim FuksFUKSNarutowicza 75  
14245D 152Fajwel FuksFUKSB. Joselewicza 115  
14301D 308Gabriel FuksFUKSJoselewicza 157  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1004946519 Jul 1940Zyskind KrakauerKRAKAUER20 May 1883ŻarkiPiastowska No. 91/93LejbHanaButcherHorse smugglingReleased 2 Aug 1940Letter in German to prison authorities from wife Frajdla; from Częstochowa records married in 1910, maiden name FuksFUKS 
1010062216 Sep 1940Kopel ZaksZAKS17 Jul 1916KłobuckWarszawska No. 59GrojlenFajwlaWagonerNot having done work during "Week of work"Released 19 Sep 1940Arrested with Mordka Fuks born 1894 living at Katedralna No. 3/5 and Marian Zalas born 4 Apr 1902 living at Złota No. 35; all released togetherFUKS, ZALAS 
1010263020 Sep 1940Herszlik FuksFUKS15 May 1907JanówWarszawska No. 234JakóbRyfkaMerchantIllegal tradeReleased 7 Oct 1940Accused of hoarding including 993kg of rye; letter to prison authorities from wife Bajla requesting in view of his health permission to provide food daily, a pullover, jacket, shirt, blanket, and pillow  
10238117629 Jul 1941Szmul FuksFUKS1 May 1922MstówPiłsudskiego No. 15, MstówIzraelSara née ZałmaZAŁMABakerRaising pricesTransported to Radomsko 30 Jul 1941; brother of Frajdla   
10239117729 Jul 1941Frajda FuksFUKS20 Jun 1918MstówPiłsudskiego No. 15, MstówIzraelChana née DaumanDAUMANWith parentsIllegal trade and breach of curfewTransported to Radomsko 30 Jul 1942; sister of Szmul   
10279126527 Aug 1941Lejbus FuksFUKS21 Oct 1921CzęstochowaStary Rynek No. 17IcekRuda née FuchsFUCHSTailorRefusing workReleased 27 Nov 1941   
10429195328 May 1942Mnyl FrajermauerFRAJERMAUER22 Dec 1901CzęstochowaKatedralna No. 8SzlamaPerla née FuksFUKSHouse administratorPreventive detentionTransported 5 Jun 1942; husband of Rajzla née EilenbergEILENBERG 
1045920844 Jul 1942Mosiek RubinstockRUBINSTOCKSep 1911CzęstochowaGarncarska No. 62/64SzmulSura née LopartaLOPARTAWorkerIllegal slaughter?Released 25 Aug 1942Arrest warrant issued 14 Aug 1942 for him and 9 others: Szyja Willinger butcher of Nadrzeczna No. 56/58 born 1883 in Częstochowa, Gabriel Fuks worker of B.Joselewicza No. 15 born 7 Mar 1903 in Działoszyn, Abram Salomonowicz worker of Kozia No. 15, born 27 Apr 1908 in Częstochowa, Abram Rubynstock cabdriver of Garncarska 62/64 born 10 Nov 1913 in Częstochowa, Szlama Mordka Wolman tailor of Kozia No. 13 born 15 Oct 1911 in Kamyk, Srul Icek Kawa butcher of Kiedrzinska No. 1/5 born 15 Dec 1898 in Kamyk, Icek Dawid Szajnert wagoner of Nadrzeczna No. 54 born 17 Apr 1914 in Przerąb (reference 2136), Kopel Wajchman butcher of Stary Rynek No. 30 born 20 Jan 1901 in Częstochowa, and Szimon Ofner butcher of Garncarska No. 42 born 1899 in CzęstochowaWILLINGER, FUKS, SALOMONOWICZ, RUBYNSTOCK, WOLMAN, KAWA, SZAJNERT, WAJCHMAN, OFNER 
10486233921 Sep 1942Wolf-Aron KrakauerKRAKAUER19 Oct 1911CzęstochowaNadrzeczna No. 18ZyskindFrajdla née FuksFUKSOfficialPoliticalTransported 28 Sep 1942   
10714363615 Aug 1942Sura FuksFUKSAge 33Konopiska, Blachownia countyWarszawska No. 14JosekRywka née StarzyńskaSTARZYŃSKAWorkerNo armband23 Jun 1941200 złoty fine or 20 days prisonReleased 4 Sep 1942; marriedLiving at Kawia No. 23 when arrested  
109263763 (39/40)180816 Sep 1940Mordka FuksFUKS4 May 1894Katedralna No. 4/5WagonerFailure to workReleased 19 Sep 1940   
111653763 (41)193311 Dec 1941Maties FuksFUKS14 Apr 1882Narutowicza No. 4MerchantBreaching monopoly regulationsReleased 30 Dec 1941Maties is correct, as in other Częstochowa records

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10318Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.28Dwojra FuksFUKSLodz 
11023Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.89Szlomo FuksFUKSLodz 
11219Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.103Fajga FuksFUKSLodz 

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993, Yiddish portion (421 entries) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Other surnameYearCity or townField of interestOther informationAdditional surname
1006038Chaim LeibFUKSCzestochowaWriter  

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, various pages (395 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthAgeFatherMotherOccupationOccupation (translated)Current jobCurrent job (translated)AddressRegional page headerRegional page header (translated)L.p. (seq # on left)Comments
10075("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5SzejwaFUKS20 Sep 1900SzlamaRajzlaBez zawoduWith no professionPrac. LazniVapor-bath workerWykaz pracownikowRegistry of workers1 
10157("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5LeonFUKS1909IzraelLajaKrawiecTailorAl. Wolnosci 13Osob zatrudnionych w warsztatach i spoldzielniachPersons employed in workshops and co-ops17 
10219("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5AnnaFUKS1922JozefHelenaUrzedn.Official, civil-servantSobieskiego 72Wykaz chorychRegistry of sick people40 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa EXPANDED [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsPagePersonSurname(s) from previous column [r#]Persons listed in complete articleSurname(s) from previous columnSurname(s) from previous column, without diacritical marksNotes (not written by researcher)
10043For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf169-170Chaim FrajermauerFRAJERMAUERParents Szlama & Perla z Fuks; wife Natalia Nacha Woźniców (her parents Ajzyk & Blima z Szaja)FUKS, WOŹNICÓW / WOŹNICFUKS, WOZNICOW / WOZNIC 
10166For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf184Lejbuś UfnerUFNERParents Anszel & Blima z Fuksów; wife Bajla Hendla z Fuksów (her parents Józef & Gitls z Mrówka) son Józef; siblings Józef, Icek, Sura, Matla Liba KoczajnerFUKSÓW / FUKS, MRÓWKA, KOCZAJNERFUKSOW / FUKS, MROWKA, KOCZAJNER 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsSurname from previous column [r#]
10113For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfFUKS
10114For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfFUKS
10115For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfFUKS

Częstochowa: Letters in "Correspondence on registration of Jews, including lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat," City district office in Częstochowa; see complete translation of each letter; Czesto Arch, syg 5 [H]

-Sort-Letter number, imageDate on letterWriter of letterLetter addressed to whom?Letter details 1 (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)Letter details 2 (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)Surname(s) from previous three columnsSigned; and other information (note: / marks end of line or paragraph)
10065Letter 56, www.crarg.org/i…-56-SIFngk.jpg13 Dec 1940[Not listed]The Jew Mendel Fuks, Warschauerstrasse 39, CzestochowaAt present transfers from Germany to the General Gouvernement are not permitted. The documents you submitted are enclosed.[No other information]FUKSOn behalf of [Initialed]
10066Letter 57, www.crarg.org/i…-57-eLf6Qx.jpgCzestochowa, 9 Dec 1940To the City Commander, in CzestochowaApplication by Mendel FUKS, resident at Warschauerstrasse 39, CzestochowaMy relatives, the married couple Eberhard and Regina HIRSCH, are currently in German Reich territory: / Eberhard HIRSCH in Dachau Concentration Camp, Prisoner No. 17298, Block 21 / Regina HIRSCH in...Schalkstrasse 49, Gelsenkirchen. / As you can see from the enclosed police report supplied by the Police Superintendent of Recklinghausen, they were formerly Polish citizens and have noFUKS / FUCHS, HIRSCH 
10067Letter 57 [continued], www.crarg.org/i…-57-eLf6Qx.jpgCzestochowa, 9 Dec 1940To the City Commander, in CzestochowaApplication by Mendel FUKS, resident at Warschauerstrasse 39, Czestochowarecord of convictions. / I am also enclosing a declaration approved by the city authority of Czestochowa as well as by the Council of Elders in Czestochowa that I would offer these relatives board and...lodging in my apartment. / On these grounds I humbly entreat you to grant permission for the married couple Eberhard and Regina HIRSCH to move from Germany to Czestochowa.FUKS / FUCHS, HIRSCH[Signed] Fuchs [?] Mendel / 3 enclosures

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
104931030H 96611LajbusFUKS1 Naehmaschine1 sewing machine22 Apr 194021213/6 

Częstochowa: lists of abandoned properties in Częstochowa, syg 29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071873 (part of: District Liquidation Office in Kielce - tinyurl.com/3awprebr) [H]

-Sort-DetailsDetails in PolishImage file nameOrder numberStreetHouse numberProperty typePersonSurname from previous columnGroupRe-privatizedDelivered to the City Council.RemarksNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
10043LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_4_56153424.jpg43.Barbary75house [Polish: dom]Daniel and Estera FuksFUKSP[blank]29 Mar 1946   
10310LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_10_56153428.jpg304.Lisieniecka[blank]place [Polish: plac]Daniel and Estera FuksFUKSP[blank]10 May 1946   
10669LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_17_56153436.jpg656.Warszawska30house [Polish: dom]Luzer and Cypra FuksFUKSP[blank]27 Mar 1946   
10713LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_18_56153437.jpg699.Warszawska234house [Polish: dom]Herszlik FuksFUKSP100%[blank]   

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat; Często Arch, syg 5 (890 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageNumber(s) at top of page (if any)NumberPersonSurname from previous columnWhen and where bornProfessionAddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromWhere and when moved inRemarksOther text on the pageNotes (not by researcher)
10160www.crarg.org/i…s-2-84KpUl.jpg8514.Haskiel FuksFUKS[Column not included on this page][Column not included on this page]Alterring 14-Konopiski[Column not included on this page][blank]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: Chairman of the Council of Elders]Clearly Konopiski, and not Konopiska
10475www.crarg.org/i…s-7-2JTQSB.jpg1615/427.Gitla FuksFUKS1887 TschenstochauOhne Beruf [Unemployed? no previous profession? unskilled?]Garibaldistr. 26-[Column not included on this page]Konopisk 10 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: noneClearly Konopisk, and not Konopiska
10524www.crarg.org/i…-8a-eMmNFt.jpg21.Dawid FuksFUKS1 Jul 1909 KonopiskaZahntechniker [Dental technician]Garibaldistr. 15-[Column not included on this page]Konopiska 27 Apr 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10792www.crarg.org/i…-11-PaUSzf.jpgA701/422.Bajla FuksFUKS15 Jun 1908 LandstettNaherin [Seamstress]Targowastr. 71[Column not included on this page]Pajeczno 16 Mar 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal Affairs; Jewish Council in Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: Czestochowa, 7 Sep 1942, President of the Jewish Council 
10821www.crarg.org/i…-11-PaUSzf.jpgA701/4231.Estera FiksFIKS6 Mar 1924 WarschauWaschenaherin [Seamstress for underwear]Joselewiczstr. 1-[Column not included on this page]Klobuck 15 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal Affairs; Jewish Council in Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: Czestochowa, 7 Sep 1942, President of the Jewish CouncilClearly Fiks

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who after WWII lived in Częstochowa; Yad Vashem; images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-in-czestochowa.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Names of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
102211127.pdf102.Fuks SzejwaFUKSKamyk 1905HasagCzestochowaworker [robot.]Czestochowa Garibaldiego 18    
102451125.pdf126.Fuks BalaFUKSHerszlik and BCzestochowa 1909HasagCzestochowa Warszawska    
102461125.pdf127.Fuks MarekFUKSHerszlik and BalaCzestochowa 1946Czestochowa Warszawska    
102471125.pdf128.Fuks HerszlikFUKSCzestochowa 1907HasagCzestochowa Warszawska    

Czestochowa / Lodz: Lists of Jewish survivors from Czestochowa and Lodz and other places who lived in Lodz, Poland after WWII [A] (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/im/cze-sur-lod-A.pdf [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous columnMarital statusDate of birthPlace of birthNames of parentsSurname from previous columnWhere was staying during warProfessionPlace of workLocation in 1939CommentsOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100921165.pdf89.Fuks JozefFUKSmarried [zon.]1910Czestochowa [Cz-wa]Izrael MarjamPolskaconfectioner [cukiernikat home [u siebie]Jaracza 7    
100931165.pdf90.Fuks EsteraFUKSmarried [męż.].1913Czestochowa [Cz-wa]Symcha JachetPolskawith spouse [przy mezu]Piramowiczowa 5    
100941165.pdf91.Fuks MirjamFUKSdaughter [córka]1946LodzJozef Esterawith parents [przy rodzicach]Piramowiczowa 5    

Częstochowa / Łódź: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Łódź after WWII, Poland [B] (source: Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/im/cze-sur-lod-B.pdf [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Names of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
101101135.pdf86.Jozef FuksFUKSIzrael and MariemCzestochowa 1910Poland [Polska]confectioner [cukiernik]JImage is cut off 
101111135.pdf87.Estera FuksFUKSSymcha and JachetCzestochowa 1913Poland [Polska]JImage is cut off 
101121135.pdf88.Miriam FuksFUKSJozef and EsteraLodz 1946JImage is cut off 

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
11194Hasag-A2/0096.tifHasag-B2/0093.tif1193.ChaimFUKS192710 Apr 1927MstowCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)2712 
11195Hasag-A2/0097.tifHasag-B2/0094.tif1194.EdaFUKS19152 Aug 1915CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)789 
11196Hasag-A2/0098.tifHasag-B2/0095.tif1195.FelaFUKS191426 Jul 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)489 
11197Hasag-A2/0099.tifHasag-B2/0096.tif1196.FraniaFUKS191920 Jun 1919MstowMstowMstowrobotnicaworker (female)2880 
11198Hasag-A2/0100.tifHasag-B2/0097.tif1197.FrydaFUKS19201 Jan 19203473 
11199Hasag-A2/0101.tifHasag-B2/0098.tif1198.ItaFUKS191824 Jul 1918LodzLodzLodzkrawcowadressmaker/seamstress (female)3490 
11200Hasag-A2/0102.tifHasag-B2/0099.tif1199.JakubFUKS19115 Jul 1911PlockPlockCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)138 
11201Hasag-A2/0103.tifHasag-B2/0100.tif1200.JozefFUKS191622 Sep 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)940 
11202Hasag-A2/0104.tifHasag-B2/0101.tif1201.Leon-LejbusFUKS19211 Apr 1921CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowapalaczstoker2051 
11203Hasag-A2/0105.tifHasag-B2/0102.tif1202.LolaFUKS19232 Jan 1923SzydlowiecSzydlowiecSkarzysko-Kamrobotnikworker (male)4514 
11204Hasag-A2/0106.tifHasag-B2/0103.tif1203.MilaFUKS19258 Apr 1925CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)670 
11205Hasag-A2/0107.tifHasag-B2/0104.tif1204.MoniekFUKS19328 Feb 1932KozieniceKozieniceSkarzysko-Kamnieletnijuvenile, minor (male)3850 
11206Hasag-A2/0108.tifHasag-B2/0105.tif1205.RozaFUKS191617 Mar 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)862 
11207Hasag-A2/0109.tifHasag-B2/0106.tif1206.SzejwaFUKS190810 Oct 1908CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2717 
11208Hasag-A2/0110.tifHasag-B2/0107.tif1207.SzulimFUKS192416 Jul 1924CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith1757 
11209Hasag-A2/0111.tifHasag-B2/0108.tif1208.TolaFUKS19238 Dec 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)469 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM film 5 (images 0001-0840); see original images for more information; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberSyg.Date "Daty skrajne"PersonSurname from previous column [r#]ParentsMother's maiden nameNumber(s) on title pageGroupDate of birthSpouse given nameSpouse surnameSpouse birth dateSpouse's parentsMaiden name of spouse's motherMarriage date of person and spousePlace, date on document with tabular family infoChild(ren) of person and spouseAddress of person and spouseTypist: comments and other infoTypist: additional other infoSurname or maiden name from previous column
10079Rada5/0792.tif-Rada5/0803.tif213/1021 Aug 1942Lejbus UfnerUFNERAnszel? & BlimaFUKSAkta Osobiste Nr. ew. 214; 8; 8P; 25----5 Feb 1901Bajla-HendlaFUKS7 Dec 1911Jozef & GitlaMROWKACzestochowa, 21 Mar 1937; marriage akt 82Czestochowa, 14 Aug 1942Jozef, born 19 Aug 1939 in Czestochowa, akt 315 for year 1939Katedralna 7, Czestochowa   

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10292Rada1/0139.tif27LucjanFUKSSklad osobowy; 31 grudnia 1940r; III. IV. OZWOD ZYWNOSCIOWY I POBOR OPLATY “UTILITATI ET SALUTI”Several lists on one page 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
14864Rada2/0615.tifFrousieFUKSKrotka? 42Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
15577Rada2/0730.tif4046 - 4GabrielFUKSJoselewicz 15Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15587Rada2/0731.tif4051Gab.FUKSJoselew. 15Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15706Rada2/0754.tif4107JosefFUKSWarszawska 37Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15707Rada2/0754.tif4107EsterFUKSMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15766Rada2/0765.tif4135JozefFUKSWarszawska 37Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15945Rada2/0795.tif4213MOSJZEFUKSMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16421Rada2/0854.tif4389 - 2LucjanFUKSJoselewicza 4   
16889Rada2/0927.tif4609 - 5SuraFUKSJoselewicz 9Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16934Rada2/0932.tif4624 - 3SuraFUKSKawia 30Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16948Rada2/0934.tif4631 - 3SuraFUKSKawia 30Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17042Rada2/0951.tif4692 - 4SuraFUKSW-ska 13Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)Dob? 5.III.1908
17061Rada2/0954.tif4699 - 2SuraFUKSWarszawska 13Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)Dob? 5.III.1908
17084Rada2/0957.tif4709SuraFUKSMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
152810615.tif.pdfFraniaFUKSResides on Ktotka St. 42; was escorted home by two policemen after cleaning the offices of the Elders' Council  
161820730.tif.pdfGabrielFUKSResides on Joselewicz St. 15  
162020731.tif.pdfGabrielFUKSResides On Joselewicz St. 15; his apartement was sealed following an order of the deputy supervisor of the Ghetto police/1st district  
163370754.tif.pdfJozefFUKSResides on Warszawska St. 37; reported to the 1st precinct a loss of a manufacturing certificate valid for 1942 and issued for Ester FuksFUKS 
164350765.tif.pdfJozefFUKSResides on Warszwska St. 37; was escorted to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police to report the loss of his trade certificate (No.H107)  
166580795.tif.pdfFUKSfollowing an order of the Sicherheitspolizei was escorted there along with 7 other Jews  
172740854.tif.pdfLucjanFUKSResides on Joselewicz St. 4; following the request of the Jewish Council and an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of...Long entry, split into two cells
172750854.tif.pdfLucjanFUKS...the Ghetto police, was escorted during curfew from his work at the Jewish Council's office located on Aleja 11, to his place of residence;Long entry, split into two cells
179100927.tif.pdfSuraFUKSResides on Joselewicz St. 9; following an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of the Ghetto police, on the...SEIDELLong entry, split into two cells
179110927.tif.pdfSuraFUKS...night of 11-12 Aug 1942, was to be escorted to the 1st precinct and turned over to the disposition of meister Seidel; the doorman at his house claimed that he did not live there;SEIDELLong entry, split into two cells
179670932.tif.pdfSuraFUKSResides on Kawia St. 30; following an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of the Ghetto police, on the night of 12-13 Aug 1942 was escorted to the precinct;  
179820934.tif.pdfSuraFUKSResides on Kawia St. 30; following an order of the supervisor of the 1st precinct of the Ghetto police, was to be escorted to the 1st precinct; the policeman who came for him reported that he did not lived under the given address;  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
101830166.tifZalmaFUKSA list of people evicted from their apartments due to not showing up for work (in Polish), birth date 1924  
149730570.tifLajbuszFUKSResides on Stary Rynek 17; born on 21 Oct 1921; was escorted to the Sicherheitspolizei on Kilinski St. 10 room # 6. [Aronowicz signature item 838] [Szymon Kohn signature item 839]ARONOWICZ; KOHN 
151170597.tifJankelFUKSBorn in Czestochowa on 20 Aug 1920 to Dawid and Mechel; resides on Dreszer St. 9; upon an order given orally on 8 Sept 1941, was escorted to the Bezirks Wache.  
151700606.tifCywjaFUKSResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74; public kitchen employee  
151890610.tifCywjaFUKSResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74; Resides on Garncarska St. 22; following order by the chief of the Ghetto police 2nd district, was to be escorted home between 10-11 pm from work at public kitchen No. 5.  
152830628.tifCywjaFUKSResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74; following an order issued by the chief of district 1 of the Ghetto police, was to be escorted home from work in public kitchen No. 5.  
157660716.tifCywjaFUKSResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74; public kitchen #5, on Katedralna St. 8, employee.  
157670716.tifTaubaFUKSResides on Nadrzeczna St. 74; public kitchen #5, on Katedralna St. 8, employee.  
157880719.tifMordkaFUKSFollowing an order of the Elders' Council was escorted to there.  
157980720.tifGabrielFUKSResides on Joselewicz St. 15; following an order of the Bezirks Wache, was to be escorted there with his beard shaved off, to have his identity card confiscated.  
162600806.tifSzajndlaFUKSBorn in 1910; resides on Garncarska St. 62/64; on 22 Nov 1941 was escorted to the Bezirks wache.  
162740807.tifSzajndlaFUKSBorn in 1910; resides on Garncarska st. 62/64; on 22 Nov 1941, following an order received by phone, was escorted to the Bezirks wache.  
167670907.tifTaubaFUKSA public kitchen # 5 worker; resides on Nadrzeczna St. 74;  

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10180136179.Warschauer 30FuksFUKS16HӓndelHӒNDEL“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10017Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 22Administration of abandoned & fled properties District of Blachownia (formerly Dźbów), Częstochowa county9, 18, 133, 136, 137, 19311 single storey house, 8-rooms Konopiska1 barn, 1 annex, 1 stable, 1 cowshed, 3 outbuildingsJózef Fuks / Fuchs, JewFUKS / FUCHSDuring the occupation there was a post-office and shop run by Sośniak; currently unoccupiedWhat the rent was in 1939 and the following years for the period of the occupiers administration Tow. "Grundstüch Geselschaft" cannot be established. Rent arrears cannot be established. No register of invoices.Owned by him until 1941; accounting (20 Dec 1949 document); transferred from District administration 22 May 1946First document dates from March 1945; plot size 20m. x 50m.; property appears to have been leased between 1 Mar and 31 Dec 1946 by the co-operative "Młot" as shop, warehouse, and offices for 250 złoty per month  
10018Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 22Administration of abandoned & fled properties District of Blachownia (formerly Dźbów), Częstochowa county9, 18, 19321 one storey house, 4-rooms Konopiska1 outbuilding, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 cowshed, 9 ha. 76 ar. of landJózef Fuks, JewFUKSLeon JakuszewskiWhat the rent was in 1939 and the following years for the period of the occupiers administration Tow. "Grundstüch Geselschaft" cannot be established. Rent arrears cannot be established. No register of invoices. Accounting (20 Dec 1949 document)Accounting (20 Dec 1949 document)First document dates from March 1945; 1ar. = 100sq.m.  
10022Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 22Administration of abandoned & fled properties District of Blachownia (formerly Dźbów), Częstochowa county13, 1931 single room house village of Wygoda0.06 ha. plotJózef Fuks, JewFUKSPiotr Kromołowski tenantWhat the rent was in 1939 and the following years for the period of the occupiers administration Tow. "Grundstüch Geselschaft" cannot be established. Rent arrears cannot be established. No register of invoices.First document dates from March 1945; "ryglówka" which means bolt lock  
10138Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District41, 43, 44, 45, 5317Brick house ul. Rynek, PrzyrówPlot 600 sq.m.Lejbuś Helfgot / HelwgotHELFGOT / HELWGOTTransferred to Przyrów District 6 Aug 1946Property schedule from Mar 1946; documentation concerning transfer of this property,decision of Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 14 Aug 1946, to owner's maternal granddaughter Chaja Rywka Fuks in Syg.178 pp.27-30 available on requestFUKS 
10235Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 30Administration of abandoned & fled properties Wancerzów District4, 12543Two storey (?) 5-room brick houseIzrael FuksFUKSThe districtSince 1942 administered by the District & Commisar in Radomsko; rent in Sep 1939 was 50 złoty currently 50 złoty; possibly property owned by Srul Izrael Fucks (sic)which was entirely reprivatizedI p entered in property description rather than part. (abbreviation for single storey) probably indicating an upstairs floorFUCKS 
10650Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 50Wancerzów District compilations and correspondence1138Mstów houseSrul Izrael FucksFUCKSEntirely reprivatizedDocument dated 11 Oct 1948  
10664Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence10, 154Konopiska brick/stone multi-storey houseHalf brick/ stone, 1/2 wooden shed on 9.24 sq.meters plotJózef FuksFUKSSurface area of the property which houses the shop "Społem" missingDocument dated 11 Oct 1948  
10665Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence10, 155Konopiska house and farm buildings & 9.76ha of landJózef FuksFUKSWho is using the land after Fuks and who is the owner; leaseholder is Ludwik Kijas from KonopiskaDocument dated 11 Oct 1948  
10669Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence11, 1424Wygoda 1 room house 0.06ha of landJózef FuksFUKSTransfer protocol and accounting missingDocument dated 11 Oct 1948  
10683Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence19Wygoda house & plotFuksyFUKSY      
10684Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence19Konopiska house & plotGustaw FuksFUKS      
10685Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence19Konopiska house & plotMordka FuksFUKS      
10757Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county20, 2130Konopiska, Dźbów district single storey brick building 11-roomsJosek FuksFUKSTransferred to Skarb Państwa (State Treasury) 8 Mar 1946; transferred to District Administration 22 May 1946; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
10758Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county22, 2331Konopiska, Dźbów district buildingGustaw FuksFUKSAgricultural property; "p"Illegible comments in pencil; "p" possibly means abandoned  
10759Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county22, 2332Konopiska, Dźbów district buildingMordka FuksFUKSAgricultural property; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
10762Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county24, 2636Wygoda, Dźbów district houseFuksFUKSAgricultural property   
11093Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county288, 289472Rynek, Przyrów brick houseLejbuś HelgotHELGOTDistrict Administration 6 Aug 1946; "p"; given to Chaja-Rywka Fuks on basis of decision of Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 6 Sep 1946 Nr.C.448/46p possibly means abandonedFUKS 
11143Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county325, 326536Kościelna, Mstów, Wancerzów District houseSrul-Izrael FuchsFUCHSp; 100% 16 Oct 1945; protocol No.3607/45, decision No.C.941/45 to Chana & Frajdla Fuksp possibly means abandonedFUKS 
11196Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 172Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Dźbów District 1945-50106-111Blachownia No.125Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 7 Sep 1945 returned property to Estera Fuks née AltmanNo details of property and who had been its ownerFUKS NÉE ALTMAN 
11200Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 172Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Dźbów District 1945-50192-196Wygoda, Dźbów District 5.14ha of land with buildingsRequest by Herszlik Fuks and Matla Liba Koczajner for return of property; granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 9 Jul 1945FUKS, KOCZAJNER 
11201Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 172Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Dźbów District 1945-50197-200village of Jakowiznie, Częstochowa county houseRequest by Szymon Unglik for return of house; granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 29 Oct 1945UNGLIK 

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10514283313 MarDwojra FuksFUKS1909-przy mężuwith husbandŁódźWarszawska 3618 Mar 1940  
11277896121413 AugSzlama FuksFUKS3 Mar 18822bez zawoduno professionŁódźWarszawska 819 Aug 1940  
1148910318141321 SepFajga FuksFUKS18 Sep 18944przy dzieciachwith childrenŁódźMirowska 9/1123 Sep 1940  

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1006942.1293194231 Aug 1942Bajla FuksFUKS15 Jun 1908Rachela 1935szwaczkaseamstressPajęcznoTargowa 714 Sep 1942   
10098431.132219423 Sep 1942Ester FiksFIKS6 Mar 1924--bieliżniarkasewer of underwear (female)KłobuckJoselew. 114 Sep 1942   
10272107.1100194210 Aug 1942Gitla FuksFUKS1887----KonopiskGaribald. 2617 Aug 1942   
10350141.950 / 42194225 Jul 1942Dawid FuksFUKS1 Jul 1909-technik denst.dental technicianKonopiskaGaribaldiego 153 Aug 1942   
106872258.724 / 4219427 Jul 1942Abram FuksFUKS10 Apr 1893Gitla 1894, Fajgla 28 Mar 1921, Rywka 10 Oct 1924, Symcha 10 Apr 1936krawiectailorKamykWarszaw 35[bottom of next page: 13 Jul 1942]   
108662714.527a / 42194224 Jun 1942Haskil FuksFUKS18 Feb 1908-tech. dent.dental technicianKonopiskiSt. Rynek 1429 Jun 1942   
114396028.[not listed]1942[not listed]Bajla FuksFUKS[not listed][not listed]1[not listed]KlobuckKrótka 830 Apr 1942   
115506428.245 / 42194220 Apr 1942Bajla FuksFUKS15 Jun 1908Rachela 1934bezwithoutKłobuckKrótka 8    

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes

Częstochowa: State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa 1945-1950 (questionnaires) [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage header (Polish)Page header (translated)Date of arrivalPage numberSerial numberFamily group number?PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Father's name [after s. (son of) and c. (daughter of)]Surname from previous columnMaleFemaleEvacuation card number or ID card.Date of birthOccupationNationalityWhere coming fromArrival dateDeparture dateWhere goingSignature of the reporting clerkCommentsNotes by typist / translatorNotes (not by typist / translator)
101478_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 19462368616657Fiszel FuksFUKSLipman & [not listed]Male280301904TailorJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Lodz    
101488_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946236862[not listed]Basia FuksFUKSZelik & [not listed]Female280301922Living with husbandJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Lodz    

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments

Częstochowa: two lists of Jews from the 1940s, RG-15.304, syg 12, pages 12 and 17 [H]

-Sort-Letter before this listPage numberSerial numberPersonSurname from previous columnAddress to right of person's nameNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1003725 Oct 1940: This is a list of transporters [presumably people with vans or horse-drawn carts] who work for the community. The Council of Elders respectfully requests they be supplied with appropriate quantities of bran [Kleie], oats [Hafer] and petroleum.1337.Mordka FuksFUKSKatedralna 3/5 

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
11386https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eAbraham FoxFOX
11387https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eAkiva and Leah FoxFOX
11388https://www.jew…1/czea005.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eJenny (née Krakowski) FoxKRAKOWSKI, FOX
11763https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eEster FuksFUKS

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
11080FAKSAbraham242332 - 2
11081FAKSJzani242332 - 2
11086FUKS60332 - 2
11087FUKSChaim-Lejb129332 - 2
11088FUKSM.73, 76332 - 2
11089FUKSEstre158332 - 2

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
10725HindaFUKSGitel FedermanFEDERMANMatesRafael FedermanFEDERMAN284.jpg
10726MaesFUKSRafael FedermanFEDERMAN284.jpg
10758SaraFUKSMendel FuksFUKS285.jpg
10759JakobFUKSMendelMendel FuksFUKS285.jpg
10760ZeldaFUKSMendelMendel FuksFUKS285.jpg
10761EsterFUKSSaraMendel FuksFUKS285.jpg
10762SalomonMOSZKOWICZMendel FuksFUKSWith his wife285.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
1052732AronFUKS1 May 1923Litzmannstadt16 Nov 1944  
1052832HenrykFUKS12 Feb 1924Lodz6 Feb 1945  
1052933HorszFUKS23 Jan 1923LodschOzorkow17 Mar 1945  
1053033HerszFUKS17 Aug 1902Litzmannstadt13 Mar 1945  
1053133JosefFUKS30 May 1917Lodz23 Apr 1945  
1053233JudaFUKS23 May 1904Litzmannstadt31 Dec 1944  
1053333MojzeszFUKS15 Jan 1909Litzmannstadt24 Mar 1945  
1053433Schmul MordkaFUKS1893Szydlowiec30 May 1941  

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
12375Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"911841998MAlterFUKSPolognePologneFuks (Alter), né le 19 mars 1895 à Szydlowiec (Pologne), décédé le 24 juillet 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne).
12377Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"51132002FFajgaWAJZNER, NÉE FUKSPolognePologneWajzner, née Fuks (Fajga, Perla) le 1er janvier 1898 à Warka (Pologne), décédée le 19 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 14 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine).
12378Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FGitlaLENGA, NÉE FUKSPolognePologneLenga, née Fuks (Gitla) le 6 octobre 1911 à Szczercow (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
12380Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2869122001FLibaFUKS, NÉE GITELMANPolognePologneFuks, née Gitelman (Liba) le 5 avril 1899 à Slawatycze (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 6 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret) ;
12381Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"25128101999FLibaFUKS, NÉE WAKSPolognePologneFuks, née Waks (Liba) le 22 mars 1902 à Radoszgce (Pologne), décédée le 5 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 août 1942 à Drancy (Seine).
12382Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1442362001MWolfFUKSPolognePologneFuks (Wolf), né le 11 juin 1902 à Brzezing (Pologne), décédé le 11 mars 1943 à Lublin-Maïdanek (Pologne) et non le 6 mars 1943 à Drancy (Seine).
12822Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"2869122001FLibaFUKS, NÉE GITELMANPolognePologneFuks, née Gitelman (Liba) le 5 avril 1899 à Slawatycze (Pologne), décédée le 12 août 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 6 août 1942 à Pithiviers (Loiret) ;
22139Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"1891781994FGitlaLENGA, NÉE FUKSPolognePologneLenga, née Fuks (Gitla) le 6 octobre 1911 à Szczercow (Pologne), décédée le 5 août 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 juillet 1944 à Drancy (Seine)
40507Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"51132002FFajgaWAJZNER, NÉE FUKSPolognePologneWajzner, née Fuks (Fajga, Perla) le 1er janvier 1898 à Warka (Pologne), décédée le 19 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 14 septembre 1942 à Drancy (Seine).
40516Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"25128101999FLibaFUKS, NÉE WAKSPolognePologneFuks, née Waks (Liba) le 22 mars 1902 à Radoszgce (Pologne), décédée le 5 septembre 1942 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 31 août 1942 à Drancy (Seine).

Gowarczów: Jewish-owned property (owners and tenants), 1940s, syg 365, pp 2-7

-Sort-ImagesPage numberNumberOwnerSurname from previous columnStreet and House No.Type of buildingAnnual income (złoty)TenantSurname from previous columnNumber of roomsMonthly rental (złoty)Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)Surname from previous column
1000521_336_0_-_365_5_56161739, 21_336_0_-_365_6_561617372-35Icek LandsztajnLANDSZTAJNZamkowa No.1Wooden120Alter Wodnik, Abram Josek FuksWODNIK, FUKS420Heirs living here 
1004421_336_0_-_365_7_56161738, 21_336_0_-_365_8_561617404-543Abram LipszycLIPSZYCRynek No.41Wooden60Mendel Fuks, Abram LipszycFUKS, LIPSZYC215One room occupied by owner 

Innsbruck, Austria: Jewish Survivors in Innsbruck, 1 Aug 1945; in red at top: Relatives Information Service, 15 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthFromNotes (not by typist)
100703Miriam Rosen-FuksROSEN-FUKS2 Jun 1923Poland 

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
1067214Jews in HagenauMordko Hersz FuksFUKS13 Nov 1911Piotrkow 
1067314Jews in HagenauNusen Wolf FuksFUKS13 Sep 1918Piotrkow 
1067414Jews in HagenauLajb Islama FuksFUKS2 Sep 1922Lodz 

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): 1935 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnamePermanent resident of...OccupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10340https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_727_56035236.jpg8 May 19353438 Oct 1931Kielceulica Warszawska No. 47Ruchla KuperbergKUPERBERGFemaleJankiel Kuperberg, 68KUPERBERGRywka Fuks, 42FUKSChęcinyCabmanHerszel Zylbersztajn, 38, Domaszowska No. 27, cabmanZYLBERSZTAJNMendel Kuperberg, 32, Niska No. 28, cabmanKUPERBERGFather is illiterate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants her all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10436https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_920_56035427.jpg15 May 193543815 May 1928Kielceulica Stolarska No. 8Jicchak FuksFUKSMaleJankiel Fuks, 34FUKSAjdla Strawczyńska, 28STRAWCZYŃSKAChęcinyWaggonerIcek Zylbersztajn, 39, St. W. Przedm. No. 28, wagonerZYLBERSZTAJNAbram Fuchs, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUCHSFather is illiterate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10437https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_921_56035429.jpg15 May 193543915 Jul 1933Kielceulica Stolarska No. 8Symcha FuksFUKSMaleJankiel Fuks, 34FUKSAjdla Strawczyńska, 28STRAWCZYŃSKAChęcinyWaggonerIcek Zylbersztajn, 39, St. W. Przedm. No. 28, wagonerZYLBERSZTAJNAbram Fuchs, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUCHSFather is illiterate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage  
10439https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_927_56035434.jpg15 May 193544115 Oct 1934Kielceulica Stolarska No. 8Jankiel-Icchak FuksFUKSMaleAbram Fuks, 32FUKSFajgla Strawczyńska, 22STRAWCZYŃSKAChęcinyWaggonerIcek Zylbersztajn, 39, St. W. Przedm. No. 28, wagonerZYLBERSZTAJNJankiel Kapelmajster, 27, Stolarska No. 13, shoemakerKAPELMAJSTERFather is literate; parents are not married; father acknowledges child and grants him all the rights of a child born in marriage; father is registered in Chęciny book of residents No. 152/745Father's birth registration included 
10499https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1031_56035538.jpg25 Jun 193550015 Jan 1927Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 69Icchak EjzykowiczEJZYKOWICZMaleIzrael Ejzykowicz, 35EJZYKOWICZPesla Wajnryb, 33WAJNRYBPotok districtShoemakerLyman Zylbering, 60, Piotrk. No. 71, merchantZYLBERINGLejbus Fuks, 37, Piotrk. No. 71, traderFUKSParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child; father is registered in Potok district, Stopnica county book of residents; Izrael Hil Ejzykowicz born 24 Aug 1899 in SmykówDaleszyce authorities respond to request for copy of birth certificate stating that it had not been found; request from Kielce states that he is the son of Icek & Alta Sura KorenblumKORENBLUM, EJZYKOWICZ
10536https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1108_56035614.jpg14 May 193553615 Apr 1928Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 106Sura-Liwcia ZelcerZELCERFemaleSzulim Zelcer, 41ZELCERNacha née Ajchenbaum, 33AJCHENBAUMChęcinyPorterIcek-Majer Bomsztajn, 50, Chęcinska No. 10, wagonerBOMSZTAJNAbram Fuks, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUKSParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10537https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1109_56035616.jpg14 May 193553728 Sep 1930Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 106Nuta ZelcerZELCERMaleSzulim Zelcer, 41ZELCERNacha née Ajchenbaum, 33AJCHENBAUMChęcinyPorterIcek-Majer Bomsztajn, 50, Chęcinska No. 10, wagonerBOMSZTAJNAbram Fuks, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUKSParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10538https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1110_56035617.jpg14 May 193553815 Sep 1932Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 106Liba ZelcerZELCERFemaleSzulim Zelcer, 41ZELCERNacha née Ajchenbaum, 33AJCHENBAUMChęcinyPorterIcek-Majer Bomsztajn, 50, Chęcinska No. 10, wagonerBOMSZTAJNAbram Fuks, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUKSParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10539https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1111_56035618.jpg14 May 193553916 Dec 1934Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 106Lejzer ZelcerZELCERMaleSzulim Zelcer, 41ZELCERNacha née Ajchenbaum, 33AJCHENBAUMChęcinyPorterIcek-Majer Bomsztajn, 50, Chęcinska No. 10, wagonerBOMSZTAJNAbram Fuks, 32, Stolarska No. 8, wagonerFUKSParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10708https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1513_56036020.jpg28 May 193570927 Oct 1932Kielceulica Piotrkowska No. 71Szmul-Wólf FuksFUKSMaleAwrum-Lajb Fuks, 31FUKSChaja née Henigman, 26HENIGMANKońskieMerchantEmanuel Henigman, about 65, Piotrkowska No. 33, merchantHENIGMANMordka Blumenfeld, 37, Silniczna No. 11, merchantBLUMENFELDParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child; father registered in Końskie book of residents house No. 25, p. 552Father's birth registration included 
10859https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_76_56036403.jpg12 Jun 193586028 May 1935Kielceulica Leśna No. 10Majer ZylberbergZYLBERBERGMaleIcek Zylberberg, 38ZYLBERBERGSzyfra-Krejsla née Fuks, 29FUKSWarszawa district VTailorJosek Lerer, 56, Leśna No. 10, house ownerLERERMoszek Strawczyk, 32, Leśna No. 10, butcherSTRAWCZYKFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
10984https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_412_56036739.jpg17 Jun 19359855 Apr 1933Kielceulica Silniczna No. 14Chana BiednaBIEDNAFemaleLejbus Biedny, 38BIEDNYMarja née Szerman, 36SZERMANChęcinyShoemakerChana Fuks, 23, Star. Warsz. Przedm. No. 8, with parentsFUKSSymcha Szerman, Nowo-Zagnańska - Okrei No. 8, tailorSZERMANFather is illiterate; extract from Chęciny book of residents Vol. I, House No. 21, p. 501  
11184https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_977_56037304.jpg7 Aug 1935118425 Sep 1929Kielceulica Poniatowskiego No. 22Moszek SosnowskiSOSNOWSKIMaleIcek Sosnowski, 44SOSNOWSKIChana Rand, 44RANDNiewachlów districtButcherBoruch Sosnowski, 35, Piotrkowska No. 30, butcherSOSNOWSKIBinem Goldberg, 71, Sienkiewicza No. 58, butcherGOLDBERGParents are not married; father is literate & acknowledges child; parents & date of birth of father are not the same on birth certificate and not included extract from Niewachlów district book of residents 68/385-II where Icek Sosnowski is registered born 8 Apr 1898 son of Izrael Mejlich & Fajgla Marjem née FuksFather's birth certificate includedSOSNOWSKI, FUKS
11284https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1283_56037610.jpg24 Oct 1935128412 May 1934Kielceulica Składowa No. 11Chana PoznańskaPOZNAŃSKAFemaleSzaja-Józef Poznański, 38POZNAŃSKISura-Rywka née Fuks, 38FUKSKońskieAdministratorChaim Zielony, 37, M. Focha No. 34, clerk in district administrationZIELONYAbram-Lejb Fuks, 31, Piotrkowska No. 71, traderFUKSFather is literateMarriage certificate included 
11329https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1359_56037686.jpg9 Dec 1935132919 Feb 1935Kielceulica Nowy-Świat No. 60Chawa MendelkernMENDELKERNFemaleIcek Mendelkern, 28MENDELKERNEstera-Ruchla née Fuks, 30FUKSBodzentynMaker of shoe uppersJakob Szafir, about 46, Nowy-Świat No. 60, timber sorter/classifierSZAFIRAlter Besendorf, about 29, Składowa No. 15, maker of shoe uppersBESENDORFFather is literate; marriage akt No. 62/1932  

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): marriage certificates (no witnesses)

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationSurname from previous columnDate of marriageAktTownGroomSurnameGroom's fatherGroom's father's surnameGroom's motherGroom's mother's maiden nameBrideSurnameBride's father's given name, ageBride's father's surnameBride's mother's given name, ageBride's mother's maiden nameOther informationSurname from previous or next columnNotes by typist, translator, or proofer
10130https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_81_56036408.jpgMajer ZylberbergZYLBERBERG31 Dec 19286WarszawaIcek Zylberberg, 32ZYLBERBERGIzraelSura née IckowiczICKOWICZSzyfra-Krejsla Fuks, 23FUKSFiszelŁaja née ??Marriage registered in 1929; mother's maiden name illegible
10245https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2927_1287_56037614.jpgChana PoznańskaPOZNAŃSKA3 Sep 191637KońskieSzaja-Józef Poznański, 19POZNAŃSKIGerszon-MichelGołda née BacińskaBACIŃSKASura-Rywka Fuks, 19FUKSSzmul-WolfFajgla-Rykla née MargulesMARGULESGroom living in Kielce; bride living in Końskie  

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): pre-1835 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileDocument filed along with this birth registrationChild's surnameRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnameFather, permanent resident of...Father's occupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10026https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_931_56035438.jpgJankiel-Icchak FuksFUKS19038817 Jul 1903ChęcinyAbram FuksFUKSMaleGodelGitla née WasserWASSERChęcinyTailor       
10052https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1517_56036024.jpgSzmul-Wólf FuksFUKS19047511 Jul 1904KońskieAwrum-Lajb FuksFUKSMaleSzmul WolfEstera née RozenbursztROZENBURSZTKońskieMerchant       

Kielce district: "Surviving Jews in the Kielce District"; World Jewish Congress, no date (2179 persons) [H]

-Sort-TownSequence number in city listPersonSurname from previous columnPresent address [city after war]Year of birthPage of bookComments
10373Jedlnia9 of 22Abram FuksFUKS5 
10908Ostrowiec48 of 215Moszek FuksFUKS192011 
10909Ostrowiec49 of 215Majer FuksFUKS191611 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
11169District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_23_56023438.jpg20843Awrum Lajb FuksFUKSPiotrkowska7111 Jul 19041932    
11170District 2, ward 3, syg 2377, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628984021_122_0_-_2377_23_56023438.jpg20844Chaja FuksFUKSPiotrkowska7119091932    
11687District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7239Jankiel FuksFUKSStolarska819011922    
11688District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7240Malka FuksFUKSStolarska85 Jan 19071935    
11689District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7241Abram FuksFUKSStolarska84 Jul 19031934    
11690District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7242Ajdla FuksFUKSStolarska816 May 19071922    
11691District 3, ward 3, syg 2379, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982621_122_0_-_2379_10_56023502.jpg7243Fajgla FuksFUKSStolarska818 Apr 19131934    
12728District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291272Gadel FuksFUKSOkrzei16[day and month not listed] 18761922Spelling is clearly "Gadel"
12729District 3, ward 4, syg 2380, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982721_122_0_-_2380_33_56023566.jpg291273Gitla FuksFUKSOkrzei16[day and month not listed] 18761922    
13988District 5, ward 2, syg 2384, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983121_122_0_-_2384_5_56023698.jpg1a42Chaja FuksFUKSCeglana1618871937    
13989District 5, ward 2, syg 2384, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983121_122_0_-_2384_5_56023698.jpg1a45Frajda GnatGNATCeglana1618751935    
15734District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_15_56023801.jpg11464Rubin FrydensonFRYDENSONPiotrkowska3918921928    
15735District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_15_56023801.jpg11466Chaja Rywka FuksFUKSPiotrkowska3917 Oct 18951922    
15736District 6, ward 2, syg 2386, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983321_122_0_-_2386_15_56023801.jpg11467Chaskiel FuksFUKSPiotrkowska3714 Feb 19111922    
16805District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_12_56023838.jpg8344Laja FuksFUKSPrzechodnia118781937    
16806District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_12_56023838.jpg8345Hirsz GornickiGORNICKIPrzechodnia121 Oct 18961934    
16807District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_12_56023838.jpg8346Chaja GornickaGORNICKAPrzechodnia118981934    
17222District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19825Beniamin FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.2418 Apr 18861922    
17223District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19826Chawa Ruchla FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.2418891918    
17224District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19827Chaim Malka FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.2418 Nov 19131936    
17225District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19828Mariem FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.3717 Jun 18851922    
17226District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19829Chaja Zysla FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.3726 Mar 19091922    
17227District 6, ward 3, syg 2387, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628982121_122_0_-_2387_23_56023849.jpg19830Lejwa Icek FuksFUKSSt. Warsz. Przeim.3717 Jul 19131922    
18481District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_23_56023889.jpg20848Jankiel FuksFUKSPierackiego5[day and month not listed] 18611922    
18482District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_23_56023889.jpg20849Mojsze FuksFUKSPierackiego5[day and month not listed] 19061922    
18483District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_23_56023889.jpg20850Herszel FuksFUKSPierackiego5[day and month not listed] 19001922    
18484District 6, ward 4, syg 2388, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983521_122_0_-_2388_23_56023889.jpg20851Chana FuksFUKSPierackiego5[day and month not listed] 18751922    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
10335https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_46_56025782.jpg1910143/4223 Apr / 6 May 1910KielceKielceSimcha FuksFUKSmaleCheciny2 weeksGodelia / Godel FuksFUKSGitla nee WaserWASER[not applicable][not listed][not listed]Godel added because it appears in other records     
10402https://www.szu…ostka/1629144021_122_0_-_2906_116_56025853.jpg1910346/1083 / 16 Sep 1910KielceKielceCapela? / Calel? SmolarekSMOLAREK? / SMOLYAR? / SOLARZ?maleKielce27Mordka SmolarekSMOLAREK? / SMOLYAR? / SOLARZ?Blima Pesla nee FuksFUKSLaja [maiden name not listed][not listed][not listed]       
10540https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_100_56025999.jpg1913957 / 21 Aug 1913KielceKielceGinda Frajda FuksFUKSfemaleCheciny2 yearsGodel FuksFUKSGitla nee WaserWASER[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
10774https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_20_56026242.jpg19151724 Jan / 6 Feb 1915KielceKielceLejbus Grojnem BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNmaleCheciny5 yearsChaim Majer BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNMalka nee FuksFUKS[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
11540https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_795_56027017.jpg191810811 Jun 1918Kielceulica Nowo-Warszawska No. 4Manasze LanglebenLANGLEBENMaleKielce67WulfFrandlaFrajdaAsthmaRakowskiTraderAccording to Kielce marriage records married in 1870 and wife's maiden name is FuksFUKS    
11631https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_887_56027109.jpg191819921 Sep 1918Kielceulica Szeroka No. 38Izrael-Majlech SosnowskiSOSNOWSKIMaleVillage of Białogon, Niewachlów district56Wulf-LejbEsteraFajgla-Maryem née FuksFUKSPneumoniaJedlicki       
11682https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_964_56027186.jpg191825030 Oct 1918Kielceulica St. War. Przed. No. 24Henoch BorensztajnBORENSZTAJNMaleChęciny6 daysChaim-MajerMałka née FuksFUKSUnderdevelopedKomendaParents are tradersBurial authorization & death certificate     
11692https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_983_56027204.jpg191826011 Nov 1918Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 36Moszek-Josek FuksFUKSMaleKielce5Abram SucherChaia Rywka née RozenblatROZENBLATPneumonia / endocarditisP. JankowskiFather is a traderBurial authorization & death certificate; cause of death different on the two documents     
11939https://www.szu…ostka/1628653221_122_0_-_2910_392_56027720.jpg19191851 Jul 1919BiałogonBiałogonFrajda BursztynBURSZTYNFemaleSettlement & district of Sobków1 year 9 monthsKalmaŁaja née FuksFUKSPneumoniaHein       
12439https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_151_56028817.jpg19217428 Apr 1921Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 36Sura-Zysla FrydensonFRYDENSONFemaleChmielnik16MajerGołda née FuksFUKSPneumoniaKomendaWith parentsJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
12509https://www.szu…ostka/1628654121_122_0_-_2911_271_56028936.jpg19211441 Oct 1921Kielceulica Nowowarszawska No. 4Dyna PomerancblumPOMERANCBLUMFemaleKielce49Manase LanglebenLANGLEBENFrajda née FuksFUKSLejbus PomerancblumPOMERANCBLUMHeart defectKomendaNo death certificateJankiel Trembacki 60Szmul Trembacki 21 
13058https://www.szu…ostka/1629144421_122_0_-_2914_340_56030057.jpg192416330 Oct 1924Kielceulica Pocieszka No. 1Chana-Idesa KuperbergKUPERBERGFemaleKielce6 monthsJankielRywka née FuksFUKSKomendaSzmul Trembacki 24Bajnech Sokoławski 28 
13821https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_47_56031661.jpg1929226 Feb 1929Kielceulica St. Warszawska No. 36Szlama-Jecheskel LandauLANDAUMale1 1/2ChaimAlta née FuksFUKSPneumonia after measlesJanowskiSzmul-Zelik Trembacki 29Janas Dziadek 37 
13847https://www.szu…ostka/1629143521_122_0_-_2919_105_56031719.jpg19294812 Apr 1929Kielceulica Duża No. 6Icek KaczałaKACZAŁAMaleSzydłowiec13Efroim-ZysnyIta née FuksFUKSDegeneration of heart muscleJanowskiSzmul Trembacki 29Janas Dziadek 37 
14108https://www.szu…ostka/1629144921_122_0_-_2920_390_56032320.jpg193016622 Oct 1930Kielceulica Składowa No. 12Mirjem PoznańskaPOZNAŃSKAFemaleKońskie4Szaja-JosefSura-Rywka née FuksFUKSPolioKomendaSzmul Trembacki 30Chil Goldberg 41 
15058https://www.szu…ostka/1629145421_122_0_-_2925_455_56034426.jpg193518829 Oct 1935Kielceulica St. Warszaw. Przedmiescie No. 20Moszek-Henoch LewkowiczLEWKOWICZMaleKielce48EljaszMindla-Blima née CukierCUKIERPesla née FuksFUKSUraemiaJanowskiBorn 17 Mar 1888 in Kielce akt No. 136/1893; marriage akt No. 20/1918Szmul Trembacki 36Chil Goldberg 54 

Końskie: list of real estate in the city of Końskie 1936, syg 290; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15091029 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage numberCityStreetReal estate numberDesignated (assigned) numberProperty ownersSurname from previous columnPerson responsible for the performance of registration obligationsSurname from previous columnNumber of houses inhabitedNumber of separate apartmentsRemarks [see image for Polish abbreviated remarks regarding brick (mur), wooden (dr), etc.]Other informationNotes by typist / translatorSurname from previous columnNotes (not written by typist / translator)
1028921_519_0_-_290_22_56187099.jpg36KońskieBerka Joselewicza99Josek-Israel FuksFUKS         
1030521_519_0_-_290_23_56187100.jpg37KońskieBerka Joselewicza1515Icek FuksFUKS         

Kraków: Registration Forms for Jewish Inhabitants of Kraków, Poland; only listings for CRARG towns [H]

-Sort-DetailsPersonSurname from previous columnBirth dateBirth place
10269United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database; for complete data search here: https://www.ush…SourceId=45188Abraham Szaja FuksFUKS17 Mar 1923Brzeziny, Kreis Litzmannstadt
10296United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database; for complete data search here: https://www.ush…SourceId=45188Chaja Marjem FuksFUKS8 Aug 1920Brzeziny, Kreis Litzmannstadt

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
100321873KLUGHerszJankiel & Liba ErlichERLICH1911KrzepiceERLICH, FUKS, GRYLAK, KLUG
100331873KLUGPerlaFUKSFiszel & Nacha GrylakGRYLAK1909MstowERLICH, FUKS, GRYLAK, KLUG
100341873KLUGSzmulHersz & Perla1936KrzepiceERLICH, FUKS, GRYLAK, KLUG
100351873KLUGIcekHersz & Perla1937KrzepiceERLICH, FUKS, GRYLAK, KLUG
1018919167UNGLIKAbramKopel & Laja SkorupaSKORUPA1880KlobucktraderFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019019167UNGLIKMariemFUKSJakub & SzyfraFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019119167UNGLIKAjdlaAbram & Mariem1915KrzepiceFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019219167UNGLIKEsteraAbram & Mariem1906KlobuckFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019319167UNGLIKNuchemAbram & Mariem1919KrzepiceFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019419167UNGLIKMendelAbram & Mariem1923KrzepiceFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019519167UNGLIKLajzerAbram & Mariem1927KrzepiceFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019619167UNGLIKJakubAbram & mariem1917KrzepiceFUKS, SKORUPA, UNGLIK
1019819167ABRAMOWICZLajaAlter & Sura SztajnicSZTAJNIC1916KrzepiceABRAMOWICZ, SZTAJNIC
10466Syg. 20, Krakowska Street791FUKSGabrielMendel & Frajdla AronowiczARONOWICZ1905DzialoszyntraderARONOWICZ, BERKOWICZ, FUKS, LIBICKA
10467Syg. 20, Krakowska Street791FUKSMirlaLIBICKAAbram & Rudla BerkowiczBERKOWICZ1905ARONOWICZ, BERKOWICZ, FUKS, LIBICKA
10468Syg. 20, Krakowska Street791FUKSManiaGabriel & Mirla1923KrzepiceARONOWICZ, BERKOWICZ, FUKS, LIBICKA
10469Syg. 20, Krakowska Street791FUKSMichal?Gabriel & Mirla1928KrzepiceARONOWICZ, BERKOWICZ, FUKS, LIBICKA
11119Syg. 23, Solna Street1363FUKSFiszelSzmul & Frajda FikselFIKSEL1886MstowtraderFIKSEL, FUKS, GRYLAK, SZYMKOWICZ
11120Syg. 23, Solna Street1363FUKSNachaGRYLAKWolf & Chaja SzymkowiczSZYMKOWICZ1884KrzepiceFIKSEL, FUKS, GRYLAK, SZYMKOWICZ
11121Syg. 23, Solna Street1363FUKSPerlaFiszel & Nacha----KrzepiceFIKSEL, FUKS, GRYLAK, SZYMKOWICZ
11122Syg. 23, Solna Street1363FUKSAbramFiszel & Nacha--------FIKSEL, FUKS, GRYLAK, SZYMKOWICZ
11123Syg. 23, Solna Street1363BRUMHerszelMarkus & Rajzla GrylakGRYLAK1915WielunBRUM, GRYLAK

Krzepice: "Martyrs Scroll of Landsmans of Krzepice, Poland and its Surroundings who Perished in the Holocaust," in Hebrew characters; provided (22 April 2003) by Harry Rozyn, who lived in Krzepice up to 1969 (252 persons listed) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnColumnNotes
10180Abram FuksFUKSF 
10181Fiszel FuksFUKSF 

List of Jewish Refugees Nr. 11, 11 Nov 1945; only entries for Poland; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service, 4 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberAr.PersonSurname from previous columnAgeCountryTownNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100963127Bracha FuksFUKS22PolandLodz  
100973128Chana FuksFUKS23PolandLodz  

Łódź: In the Łódź Ghetto Oct 1939 - 16 Aug 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Łódź Ghetto, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (99 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10035324FUKS RejlaFUKS RejlaFUKS9 Feb 1890 r. w Piatku9 Feb 1890 in PiatekLodzNov 1941Cygler Chaim, Lodz Wolczanska 43CYGLERA. S. Gr. w Leczycy Zg. 54/46  

Łódź: Jewish survivors registered in Łódź, July 1945, received by the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada [date unreadable] [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthAddress before 1939Notes (not by typist)
1370629Ita FuksFUKS1918Warsaw 
1370729Jakub FuksFUKS1911Warsaw 
1370930Jakub FuksFUKS1921Warsaw 
1371030Josef FuksFUKS1916Warsaw 
1371130Henryk FuksFUKS   
1371230Kiwa FuksFUKS1907Tarnopol 
1371330Jakub FuksFUKS1896Tarnopol 
1371430Hanna FuksFUKS1898Tarnopol 
1371530Chamian FuksFUKS1916Tarnopol 
1371630Salomon FuksFUKS1919Tarnopol 
1371730Ziphra FuksFUKS1892 (?)TarnopolYear of birth listed as "1892 (?)"
1371830Tauba FuksFUKS1892Tarnopol 
1371930Regina FuksFUKS   
1372030Ruchla FuksFUKS1919Tarnopol 
1372130Teonia FuksFUKS1930Tarnopol 
1372230Mieczyslaw FuksFUKS1916Tarnopol 
1372330Natan FuksFUKS1915Tarnopol 
1372430Bala FuksFUKS1913Tarnopol 
1372530Nuta FuksFUKS1915Tarnopol 
1372630Leon FuksFUKS1909Tarnopol 
1372730Szmul FuksFUKS1910 (?)TarnopolYear of birth listed as "1910 (?)"
1372830Abram FuksFUKS1910Tarnopol 
1372930Zgymunt FuksFUKS1925Tarnopol 
1373030Estera FuksFUKS1915Tarnopol 
1373130Yudel Zamosc FuksFUKS1921Tarnopol 
1373230Krystyna FuksFUKS1920Tarnopol 
1373330Sulamit FuksFUKS1909Dzoewnic 
1373430Regina FuksFUKS1919Warsaw (?)Address before 1939 listed as "Warsaw (?)"
1373530Majer FuksFUKS1912Warsaw 
1390631Abram FuksFUKS1904Turko 
1390731Beniek FuksFUKS1928Turko 
1390831Bronislawa FuksFUKS1929Turko 
1390931Dawid FuksFUKS1918Kalisz 
1391031Dora FuksFUKS1926Wlodawa 
1391131Estera FuksFUKS1921Plonsk 
1391231Estera FuksFUKS1917Plonsk 
1391331Frania FuksFUKS1926Plonsk 
1391431Jakub FuksFUKS1913Plonsk 
1391531Lola FuksFUKS1922Lodz 
1391631Majer FuksFUKS1914Lodz 
1391731Majer FuksFUKS1924Lodz 
1391831Mania FuksFUKS1930Lodz 
1391931Pola FuksFUKS1919Lodz 
1392031Sala FuksFUKS1914Lodz 
1392131Sara FuksFUKS1918Lodz 
1392231Tosia FuksFUKS1930Lodz 

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
106755Abram Berek FuksFUKS1881DawidElkaCzwartek 4 
106765Lejb FuksFUKS1926HerszFajgaCzwartek 4 
106775Abram FuksFUKS1921Czestochowa    
106785Szlama FuksFUKS1915BedzinSzymonChajaPl. Targ 4 

Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 (selected towns; complete material: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/introduction/) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)Maiden nameSurnameBorn onResident ofEmigration // Expulsion // ImprisonmentDeportationDate of deathPlace of death“Destiny”
10148BerekFUKS8 Sep 1877 in Zarki / Chrzanow / GalizienHannoverEXPULSION: 28 Oct 1938 to Bentschen (Zbaszyn)IMPRISONMENT: until summer 1939, Bentschen (Zbaszyn), internment camp    

Palestine: Immigrants, 1945; origin of list: Jewish War Appeal; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-SubheaderPage numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnAgeRelationship [if listed]Name of fatherName of motherCitizenshipPlace of birthPlace of birth: inferred country (or city and country)Notes
10087List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"4248.Ester FiksFIKS20AvrahamHindaPolandWarshaWarszawa, Poland 
10092List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"4261.Zipora FuksFUKS7BenyaminShyfraPolandShedla  
10350List of Jewish immigrants Who Arrived in Palestine Through Haifa Harbour on 26 Oct 1945 on Board SS "Transilvania"15993.Ben Zion FiksFIKS[blank]D/R [daughter] of Ester Fiks[blank][blank]PolandWarsa No. 248Warszawa, Poland added because it seems more likely 

Piotrków: List of Jews found in Piotrkowskich (near Łódź) on 20 Mar 1945; The Jewish Agency for Palestine, Jerusalem, P.O.B. 92, Relatives Information Service, 4 Jan 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnNotes (not by typist)
100621Icek FuksFUKS 
100631Bajla FuksFUKS 
100641Nechuma FuksFUKS 
100651Esperanca FuksFUKS 

Piotrków: Recruitment list of high school graduates, 1938 and 1939 [H]

-Sort-DetailsPageNumber in listDistrictPersonSurname from previous columnBirth date and placeFather's name / still alive? / professionMother's name / still alive? / professionSurname from previous columnParents place of residenceConscript's place of residenceNative language / nationality / faithNon-military professionEducationMarital statusAdministrative or judicial penaltiesAnnotationDraft board decision: dateDraft board decision: height in cm / chest circumference in cmDraft board decision: weight in kg / visual acuity, refractive state of the eyesDraft board decision: Medical certificate (doctors' applications)Draft board decision: decision of the draft commissionPencil note on the documentNote by typist/translator
100021938, file unit: 48/1/0/14/2606; https://www.szu…ostka/100011463, 42Piotrków TrybunalskiLejbusz KohnKOHN8 Dec 1919, PiotrkówPerec / living / bandażystaMałka Fuks / living / [profession: blank]FUKSul. Toruńska 1SameJewish / Jewish / MojżeszoweNo professionW roku 1938 matura Gimnazjum Towarzystwa Szkół Żydowskich, Piotrków, dyplom hum. (egzamin przed komisją państwową)SingleNone13 May 1938171 / 8354 / r = 1.0Category "C", § 1.4 / Large accumulation of paravalous glands with average general conditionCapable of mass launch with weapons  

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
1114135Ben-Zion FuksFUKSLodz / Łódź, Poland1922AbrahamEsterŁódź added because it seems more likely
1114235Bracha FuksFUKSLodz / Łódź, Poland1923NachumGinaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1114335Bronia FuksFUKSKrakow/ Kraków, Poland1927MeierMalkaKraków added because it seems more likely
1114435Bruch FuksFUKSLodz / Łódź, Poland1924NachumGinaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1114535Chana FuksFUKSLodz / Łódź, Poland1922NachumGinaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1114635Henia FuksFUKSWarszawa, Poland1920MosheRachel 
1114735Jechiel FuksFUKSLodz / Łódź, Poland1920IcchakChanaŁódź added because it seems more likely
1114835Josef FuksFUKSWarszawa, Poland1923ZwiFrieda 

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
1075528Lejb FuksFUKSWarszawa, Poland1921CwiFrejda  
1075628Pola FuksFUKSZdunska-Wola, Poland1929BejniszSzejndl  
1075728Sonia FuksFUKSLodz, Poland1926JakobChana  

Poland: List of persons receiving individual gift packages, 1941, American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage number of complete set (unnumbered)Page number at top, centered (if any)Page header (including running header)[List number?]NameSurname from previous or following column[Address]Column without header [regarding delivery]Notes (not by typist)
10432German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[11]3List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[126?]Hersz FuksFUKSLitzmannstadt  
10433German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[11]3List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[127?]Fawel FuksFUKSLitzmannstadt  
10434German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[11]3List No. 2, Receipts, 6 / 24 / 1943[128?]Tauba FuksFUKSLitzmannstadt  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
10693DSC00053.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 138277Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV5 Nov 1942714Lipa FuksFUKSKisielin w. Wolynskie    
11195DSC00067.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 142702Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV8 Nov 19421203Doba FuksFUKSDzima Wil.ul. Kosciuszkowska 7e?   

Poland: "Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland" (Exposition Press, 1963; 2584 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)SurnameBirthDeathPage number
10698LeonFUCHS / FUKS1865Holocaust348
10704Fred ZenonFUKS1899Holocaust348
10705Hanna RywkaFUKS-KAC1897Holocaust348

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10084M1946011001801114 Lutego19461Obwieszczenia sadowe / Postepowanie Spadkowe / Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com24) Mendlu vel Markusie i Cyrli z Fuksow malzonkach Rozen wlascicielach: pierwezym 4989/16896 ezesci, drugiej 5016/16896 ezesci niepodz. nieruchomosci w Czestochowkie Nr 219 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS, ROZEN  
10467M1946039007401394 Maia19463Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / Ogloszenie IISad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com24) Mendlu vel Markusie i Cyrili z Fuksow malzonkach Rozen wialcicielach: pierwszym 4989/16896 czesci, drugiej 5016/16896 czesci, niepodz. Nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 219 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS, ROZEN  
10779M19460640121016418 Lipca19465Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzrki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze otwarle zostaly postepowania spadikowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com17) Danielu i Malce-Esterze z Zandsztainow malz. Fuks, wlascicielach nieruchormosci w Czestochowie, oznaczonej Nr 1154 rep. hip..Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comZANDSZTAIN, FUKS  
10957M1946082015201822 Wrzesnia19465Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) Zyskindzie i Fradli vel Frajdli z Fuksow malz. Krakauer, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie - Zacisze, uregulowanej w dziale II do Nr VI ad 25 w ksiedze wieczystej Nr 38,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS, KRAKAUER  
11289M194610902030110921 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w CzestochwieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepwania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com11) Mordce vel Marku Fuksie, wiasc. Mlyna Kotara Nr hip. 66,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS  
11290M194610902030110921 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w CzestochwieSad Okregowy, Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepwania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com12) Gitli Fuks, wlasc, 1/2 niepodz. czesci nieruch, uregulowanej w ksiedze "Dobra Konopiska" Nr hip. 56,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS  
11304M194610902030110921 Pazdziernika19463Pierwiastkowa Regulacja Hipoteki Sad Grodszki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszca, ze na dzien 4 lutego 1947 roku wywolane zostaly do pierwiastkowej regulacji hipoteki nieruchomosci: w Zarkach:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com6) we wsi Konopiska, gminy Dzbow o powierzchni 9 ha 760 mtr. kw. wraz z zabudowaniami, nalezaca do Joska vel Jozefa Fuksa,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS  
11388M194611202070111225 Pazdziernika19462Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / na dzien 22 maja 1947 rokuSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obsieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych jak nizej, celem zgloszenia prw do tych spadcow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com73. Luzerze i Cyprze z Helfgotow malz. Fuks, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznacz. Nr 449/II hip.;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comHELFGOT, FUKS  
11534M194613100000113125 Listopada19465Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com3) Icku i Frymecie z Lewkow malz. Fuks, wlasc. nieruchomosci w Runikach Nr 520Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLEWEK, FUKS,  
11874M194614500000114527 Grudnia19466Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1). Zyskindzie i Fradli vel Frajdli z Fuksow malz. Krakauer, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie - Zacisze, uregulowanej w dziale II do Nr VI ad 25 w ksiedze wieczystej Nr 38,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comFUKS, KRAKAUER  
12299M19470180000011812 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych, jak nizej, celem zgloszenia praw do tych spadkow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach: / na dzien 22 maja 1947 roku.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com73. Luzerze i Cyprze z Helfegotow malz. Fuks, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznacz. Nr 449/II hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comHELFEGOT, FUKS  
12583M1947045000001453 kwietnia 194719471Sad Okregowy w CzestochowieSad Okregowy Wydzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com3) lcku i Frymecie z Lewkow malz . Fuks, wlasc. nieruchomosci w Runikach Nr 520,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLEWEK, FUKS  

Poland: Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Jerusalem 1946-1947 [H]

-Sort-ImagePage number in cornerPage number at topPage header, part 1Page header, part 2Serial No.NameNumber after name (if any)Surname from previous columnsAddressStandardPriceSenderSurname from previous columnStamp at bottom (if any)Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10041552List No. 3/P.C. 37/PJosef Fuks, c/o Judin SztejnFUKS, SZTEJNRychbach / Dolny Slask / ul. Lomanowskiego 16CARE15.00Moshe Hermoni, Kwutzath Awuka, Post HaifaHERMONI[none]  
1178913944[none]List No. 56/.P.; Parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C., Jerusalem1669/P.Juda Podeszwa[none]PODESZWAWloclawek / ul. Krolewiecka 4 / Okrengowy Komitet / ZydowskiT 14.50Jakov Fuks, Schunat Shaarei-Zedek, Beth Shainfinkel, JerusalemFUKS21 Mar 1946  
1193414954[none]List No. 50/P.1606/P.Juda Podeszwa[none]PODESZWAWloclawek / Krolewiecka 4 / Okrengowy Komitet ZydowskiT86.40Jacob Fuks, Shchunat ShareZedek, House Sheinfinkel, JerusalemFUKS6 Mar 1946 To/1412  
1226517883[none]List No. 42/P.1218/P.Gustaw Kohn[none]KOHNWloclawek / Komitet / ZydowskiT 45.80Dr. L. Fuks, 26, Zefania St., Kerem Abraham Qtr., JerusalemFUKS13 Feb 1946/ To/1343  
1226617883[none]List No. 42/P.1219/P.Mimi Fuks[none]FUKSthe same [Wlocla]wek / Komitet / Zydowski]T 45.80the same [Dr. L. Fuks, 26, Zefania St., Kerem Abraham Qtr., Jerusalem]FUKS13 Feb 1946/ To/1343  
1238618589[none]List No. 36/P.; parcels to be sent to Poland from U.S.A. as per orders received through A.J.J.D.C. Jerusalem1117/P.Mimi Fuks[none]FUKSWloclawek / Krolewiecka 4 / Komitet ZydowskiT 57.65Dr. Kerem Fuks, Abraham qt, 26, Sefania St. JerusalemFUKS30 Jan 1946 / To/1308  
12999228131[none]List No. 17/P535/PSzlama Hochman[none]HOCHMANLodz / Piotrkowska / No. 6/20T 57.65Shlama Fuks, 70, Hajarkon, Str. Tel AvivFUKS[none]At bottom of page 132: "513/P-550-P: one parcel per week"

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
2522509-DSC00030.jpg80Chawa ItaFUKSRadom 
2534709-DSC00030.jpg80Tadeusz JanFUKS-LISOWSKILodz 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
10435PSRM Set 12, folder 12-H277n2, image DSC00028.JPGMalaGRINBAUMZamoscGrinbaum Tzipora, Tzygelstein & Fuks Ela; Tel Josef, Pal.GRINBAUM, TZYGELSTEIN, FUKS17 Apr 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 27 Apr 1945; page: 5
10832PSRM Set 20, folder 12-H277n2, image DSC00078.JPGBroniaFUKSSends regards to her uncle in Palestine16 Apr 1945Page 3
11021PSRM Set 25, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00105ChanaFUKSCentralny Komitet Zydowski, WarsawSends regards to her brother & sister, Broitman-Halachmi, Moshe-Israel, Jerusalem Frydman, B.-MontevideoBROITMAN-HALACHMI, FRYDMAN, HALACHMI15 May 1945Page 2
11022PSRM Set 25, folder 12-H277n2 image DSC00105HaniaFUKSSends regards to brother & sister, Broitman-Moshe-Israel, Jerusalem, Broitman, Brocha, MontevideoBROITMAN, BROITMAN17 May 1945Page 2
11436PSRM Set 35, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00015.JPGLeonRUBINLICHTWarsaw Jew. Comm.Greetings to Blumental & Fuks Maksimilian in New YorkBLUMENTAL, FUKS31 May 1945Page 5
12565PSRM Set 51, folder 13-H277n2Henrik-JosefFUKSWarsawIs looking for TUCH, Aplonja Pola and LANDAU, Ludwok age 12Warsaw-Pharmacy Hibner, U1. MarszalkowskaTUCH, LANDAU5 Jul 1945Page 2
12717PSRM Set 54, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00124.JPGFUKSParents and sisterWarsaw Pol. radioSend greetings to Fuks W.FUKS14 Jun 1945title at top of page: Radio messages broadcast by Jewish survivors in Poland through "Radjo Polskie" Lublin; date: 14 Jun 1945; page: 2

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10555Set 7DSC00100.jpgList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-Neuenberg5 Mar 1946FUKSSzlamaRadom    

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 14-23 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]The location of the house or landOwnerSurname(s) from the previous columnOwner's addressValue (złc)Notes by translator / typist
10217https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_20_56162167.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194918113ul. Mostowa 12Abram FuksFUKSUl. Częstochowska2500Entry is crossed out
10218https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_20_56162167.jpgList of: immovable Jewish property in the city of Przedbórz; 26 Oct 194918113ul. Mostowa 12Moszek AleksandrowiczALEKSANDROWICZaddress missing5000 

Przedbórz: management of the real estate of the Przedbórz commune, syg 372, 1946-1950, pages 25-40 [H]

-Sort-Folder of imagesImageRegional page headerPage numberOrder number [r#]Name or company of the owners from 1 Sep 1939 with nationalitySurname(s) from the previous columnProperty type, building, garden square, land.Number of rooms, garden square on the groundProperty location, Street No., Police No., mortgageNotes by translator / typist
10013https://www.szu…ostka/1507196521_336_0_-_372_16_56162161.jpgList: Abandoned and post-German buildings and land properties within the city of Przedbórz / 24 Oct 1949; and see detailed pages following this list2712.Abram FuksFUKSliveable, brick, multi-storey house4 roomsMostowa 12, Przedbórz 

Przedbórz: management over real estate, syg 373, 1947; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071966 [H]

-Sort-Image filePage numberTown (from header before entries)1 Register number (in sequence)2 Town and street3 House numberPersonSurname from previous column5 Number of floors6 Number of rooms7 Monthly rent [including extras]8 Insurance (amount)9 Nominal value of property fixed by tax authorities10 Average of most recent selling price or similar11 What is the mortgage owed (if known)?Notes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1004221_336_0_-_373_16_56162303.jpg14Przedborz262Mostowa12Abram FuksFUKS318.00      
1013321_336_0_-_373_20_56162307.jpg18Konskie296Joselewicza15Icek FuksFUKS         

Radom: List of Jewish survivors born and registered in Radom; received by the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 425 Lafayette Street, New York 3, New York; from Komitet Zydowski Radom, ul. Traugutta 45, Radom, Poland; Relatives Information Service; 18 Mar 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthStreet address in RadomNotes (not by typist)
100782Abram Berek FuksFUKS1 Sep 1881Traugutta 52, Radom 
100802Zelman FuksFUKS21 Jan 1926Rynek 3, Radom 
100812Jenta FuksFUKS1903Rynek 3, Radom 
100822Chawa Ita FuksFUKS7 Nov 1937Rynek 3, Radom 

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
11911Donor was living at the time the necrology.427-428IsraelPinkhas, Dr.SZAPIRAMalaFUKSSister of Pinkhas SzapiraSZAPIRAAnd husband and daughter
11923Donor was living at the time the necrology.427-428IsraelAbrahamSZERMANYakov-FishelFUKSRelative of Abraham SzermanSZERMAN 
11924Donor was living at the time the necrology.427-428IsraelAbrahamSZERMANBreindlFUKSWife of Yakov-Fishel FuksFUKSAnd children

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
1028210253199193044971Jakub Fiszel FuksFUKS24Opoczno       
1028410255199193044975Josek FuksFUKS11Opoczno       
107231062719919301202715Dawid FuksFUKS1---Radomsko       
108371072519919301333022Icek Szaja FuksFUKS13Opoczno       
109751085919919301403181Manel FuksFUKS42Wancerzow       
1305812610200193368427Fajgla Ruchla FuksFUKS1Piotrkow: Farna 8    
13231200193498115Sura FuksFUKS1Died 21 Dec 1933 in Radomsko    
140282001937225117Josek FuksFUKS1Died 8 Feb 1937 in Radomsko    
1482813538202194052160Jakub FuksFUKS25Stobiecko    

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) EXPANDED WORK 1934-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 185-192 (about 2000 persons); sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-identity-cards-1934-1940.php [H]

-Sort-Syg.Year [of ID Card]Serial numberGiven nameSurnameDate and place of birthNumber and date of issue of passportAddress of passport ownerCommentSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
114741911940194Dawid FuksFUKS1892 Radomsko30 Mar 1940 F194/40POW 35Illiterate   

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) INITIAL WORK 1936-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Trybunalski Arch, syg 185-192 (about 1200 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year [of ID Card]SurnameGiven nameDate of birthPlace of birthAddressPageNotes (not by researcher)
106131939/1940; Syg. 190FUKSDawid1892RadomskoPOW 35  

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1076710757List 2, Part 2 of 7Jakub FuksFUKS45SaddlerSierakowskiego 131894 
1076810758List 2, Part 2 of 7Motel FuksFUKS18WorkerSierakowskiego 131921 
1080310793List 2, Part 2 of 7Icek Szaja FuksFUKS43TailorLimanowskiego 71896 
1081910809List 2, Part 2 of 7Dawid FuksFUKS46WorkerLimanowskiego 71893 
1082510815List 2, Part 2 of 7Emanuel FuksFUKS42BakerLimanowskiego 201897 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10757List 2, Part 2 of 7FUKSJakub451894SaddlerSierakowskiego 13
10758List 2, Part 2 of 7FUKSMotel181921WorkerSierakowskiego 13
10793List 2, Part 2 of 7FUKSIcek431896TailorLimanowskiego 7
10809List 2, Part 2 of 7FUKSDawid461893WorkerLimanowskiego 7
10815List 2, Part 2 of 7FUKSEmanuel421897BakerLimanowskiego 20

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
11832Mala FuksFUKSand family1832Column 29
11833Yakov-Fishel FuksFUKS1833Column 29
11834Breindel FuksFUKSand their children1834Column 29

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
11043Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19457FUKSFranciszka1920Lodz 
11044Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19457FUKSJohanna1903Budapest 
11045Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19457FUKSMarja1911Lodz 
11083Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19457FUKSZEtus1919Sziget 
19326List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp111FUCKSZbigniew1918Krakow 
19789List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945115FUKSSara1919Lodz 
19796List of Jews of Polish nationality who arrived in Sweden Submitted by the World Jewish CongressList A, 30 May 1945115FUKSFrania1918  
20813List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland123FUKSMoszek    
20814List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland123FUKSRaiza    
27949List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169FUKS     
27950List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169FUKSBajla    
27951List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169FUKSNechuma    
27952List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsPIOTRKOW TRYBUNALSKI169FUKSEsperanca    
28693List of Jewish Survivors from East European TownsWILNO174FUKSMaryWilno 

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1022501-DSC00113.JPGReniaOLSZEWKORZEC-OLSZEW1 Dec 1913LodzLojb IsraelFUKSLodz  
1098002-DSC00003.JPG4SaraFUKS20 Jun 1919LodzJonaszSCHWARTZTel Aviv  
1098102-DSC00003.JPG4SaraFUKS20 Jun 1919LodzPerlaSCHWARTZTel Aviv  
1100002-DSC00004.JPGFraniaFUKZ10 Sep 1918PolenLeaLEWIJerusalem  
1100102-DSC00004.JPGFraniaFUKZ10 Sep 1918PolenFajgaKOZIAKOWSKABnei Brad, Palestine  
1140702-DSC00019.JPG12RoseSZYLIT31 Oct 1922DriatosynFUKSUSA  
1403302-DCS00112.JPG4Bronia nee TaffTAFFFUKS19 Mar 1914LodzChanaFISZLEWIERBasel  
1403402-DCS00112.JPG4Bronia nee TaffTAFFFUKS19 Mar 1914LodzHersz-MendelFISZLEWIERLondon  
1403502-DCS00112.JPG4Bronia nee TaffTAFFFUKS19 Mar 1914LodzCypraTAFFLodz, Wawelska 25  
1403602-DCS00112.JPG4Bronia nee TaffTAFFFUKS19 Mar 1914LodzIsraelTAFFLodz, Zawisky 19  
1403702-DCS00112.JPG4Bronia nee TaffTAFFFUKS19 Mar 1914LodzFrymetKRANZLodz, Wawelska 25  
1523202-DSC00153.JPG3Ita & ChewetaLEWILodzMoszehFUKSMontevideo  
1643003-DSC00144.JPG12148SuraFLAMM17 Dec 1924BrzerinyLodzSrulFUKSParis  
1651503-DSC00149.JPG169MachlaFRYMMERMANN10 Oct 1919LodzLodzJudkaFUKSBrukasz-Auschwitz  
1811004-DSC00082.JPG535EllaSILBIGERClerk12 Nov 1919DziedzitzKarlFUKSTuchow-Tarnow  
1811104-DSC00082.JPG535EllaSILBIGERClerk12 Nov 1919DziedzitzRosaFUKSTuchow-Tarnow  
1811204-DSC00082.JPG535EllaSILBIGERClerk12 Nov 1919DziedzitzLillyFUKSTuchow-Tarnow  
1878004-DSC00117.JPG52738JaninaPINKUS6 Oct 1924LodzLodzKarolFUKSLodz?  
1970805-DSC00014.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINworker01 Jan 1924LodzLodzChajaSZWARCENSZTAJN FUKSLodz-Bremem?? in original document
1970905-DSC00014.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINworker01 Jan 1924LodzLodzAbramFUKSLodz-Auschwitz?? in original document
1972905-DSC00015.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINworker01 Jan 1924LodzLodzChajaSZWARCENSZTAJN FUKSLodz-Bremem?Repeated,? in original document
1973005-DSC00015.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINworker01 Jan 1924LodzLodzAbramFUKSLodz-Auschwitz?Repeated,? in original document
1975305-DSC00015.JPG69986HelaCHLEWICKASZWIMER CHLEWICKAdressmaker10 Apr 1906BedzinPolaFUKS CHLEWICKIBedzin-Brussel  
2242606-DSC00005.JPG16229RutaFREILICH14 Jan 1923LodzLodzSzylraFREILICH-FUXLitzmannstadt, H.1 Maja 37  
2245506-DSC00007.JPG?236BeniekFUKSShoemaker12 Aug 1922LodzLodzEstera ManiaFUKSLodz?  
2245606-DSC00007.JPG?237GieniaFUKS??LodzHerman & AbramFUKSParis 20, (19) Rue de Pixiere  
2245706-DSC00007.JPG?237GieniaFUKS??LodzAlaBORENSTEINNew York  
2245806-DSC00007.JPG?237GieniaFUKS??LodzItaSZAFRANOlesnica, Busko-Zdroj, Polen  
2245906-DSC00007.JPG?238Mordcha HerszFUKSShoemaker13 Nov 1911LodzLodz     
2246006-DSC00007.JPG?239Nusen-WolfFUKSShoemaker13 Sep 1918LodzLodz     
2246106-DSC00007.JPG?240SaraFUKSNurse20 Jun 1919LodzLodzJonas & PerlaSCHWARZTel Aviv  
2246206-DSC00007.JPG?240SaraFUKSNurse20 Jun 1919LodzLodzMichael David & Josef HerszFUKSLodz?  
2246306-DSC00007.JPG?240SaraFUKSNurse20 Jun 1919LodzLodzSara EsteraPASTERNAKLodz?  
2246406-DSC00007.JPG?241Lajb-SzlamaFUKSWorker2 Sep 1922LodzLodzWolfZIEGLERNew York, Brooklyn  
2286006-DSC00028.JPG?337HellaKLIMENSCHEWSKAGRUNSPANN-KLIMENSCHEWSKAPianist8 Mar 1923DanzigRypinEsteraFOXBronx, New York, 2156, USA  
2452406-DSC00114.JPG52738JaninaPINKUS6 Oct 1924LodzLodzKarolFUKSLodz?  
2530806-DSC00154.JPG66936JudytaCYTRYNBAUMSTRYKOWSKA-CYTRYNBAUM1 Dec 1924TomaszowTusiaFUCKSTomaezow Mazowiecki, Antoniego 8  
2561807-DSC00011.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINWorker1 Jan 1924LodzLodzChajaSZWARCENSZTAJN FUKSLodz - Bremen?? in original document
2561907-DSC00011.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINWorker1 Jan 1924LodzLodzAbramFUKSLodz - Auschwitz?? in original document
2563307-DSC00012.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINWorker1 Jan 1924LodzLodzChajaSZWARCENSZTAJN FUKSLodz - Bremen?? in original document
2563407-DSC00012.JPG69983IzaakSZWARCENSTEINWorker1 Jan 1924LodzLodzAbramFUKSLodz - Auschwitz?? in original document
2565707-DSC00012.JPG69986HelaCHLEWICKASZWIMER CHLEWICKADressmaker10 Apr 1906BedzinPolaFUKS CHLEWICKIBedzin - BrusselPage number is missing

Sweden: "List of Survivors: Stockholm, 1946," Mosaiska forsamlingens i Stockholm (807 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNationalityIdentity card numberSequential number (on left)Arrival dateGiven name(s)SurnameDate of birthLast domicilePlace of birthComments
101484Hungarian5581After 26 Jun [1946]RozsiFUKS-KOHN5 Feb 1912SzigetcsepList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)
102647PolishAfter 26 Jun [1946]CelinaFUKS15 May 1923SosnowitzList No. 10 of Jews who arrived in Sweden after 26 Jun [1946] (Group 2)

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
1475479BeniekFUKSLodz12 Aug 1922Poland 
1475579BroniaFUKSTAFFLodz19 Mar 1914Poland 
1475679CelinaFUKSSosnowiec15 May 1925Poland 
1475779FraniaFUKSPolska10 Sep 1918Poland 
1475979Mordcha HerszFUKSLodz13 Nov 1911Poland 
1476079Nusen WolfFUKSLodz13 Sep 1918Poland 
1476179ReginaFUKSSosnowiec21 Sep 1925Poland 
1476279SaraFUKSLodz20 Jun 1919Poland 
1476379Lajb SzlamaFUKSLodz02 Sep 1922Poland 

Treblinka: persons listed at Memory of Treblinka Foundation from any CRARG town [H]

-Sort-More informationPersonSurname from previous columnTownTreblinka victim?
11197For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Aron FuksFUKSOpocznoYes
11198For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Chaim FuksFUKSOpocznoYes
11199For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Dwora FuksFUKSOpocznoYes
11200For complete data search here: https://memoryo…tims/database/Nechama FuksFUKSOpocznoYes

USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImagePage numberGiven name(s)Surname(s)AgeOccupationFather's nameFamily groupLast residence in PolandLast address in the USSROther information
1063515/DSC00042.JPG2HelaFUKS52Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1063615/DSC00042.JPG2GenjaFUKS46Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1063715/DSC00042.JPG2AleksanderFUKS38Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1063815/DSC00042.JPG2ElisaFUKS33Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1063915/DSC00042.JPG2JanushFUKS24Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1064015/DSC00042.JPG2MarjaFUKS2Hela, Genja, Aleksander, Elisa, Janush, & MarjaLodzPavlodar I-owo Maja 74a 
1242916/DSC00042.JPG2EugeniaFUKS54GlebokieSevero-Kazakhstanskaya oblast, Tchkalovskij Rayonstantzia Taigadonietzkoye, Potchtotdelenie Donetzkoye 
1267816/DSC00072.JPG4JewgeniaFUKS54BlebokieSevero-Kazakhstanskaya oblast Tchkalovskij Rayon ?? 
1267916/DSC00072.JPG4SimaFUKSTadzikistan, Leninabad, ulitza Lakhut, Tupik 9 dom 9 USSR 
1295716/DSC00042.JPG2EugeniaFUKS54GlebokieSevero-Kazakhstanskaya oblast, Tchkalovskij Rayonstantzia Taigadonietzkoye, Potchtotdelenie Donetzkoye 
1317316/DSC00072.JPG4JewgeniaFUKS54BlebokieSevero-Kazakhstanskaya oblast Tchkalovskij Rayon ?? 
1317416/DSC00072.JPG4SimaFUKSTadzikistan, Leninabad, ulitza Lakhut, Tupik 9 dom 9 USSR 

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
11290201250Mstysiaj FuksFUKSPlonsk1920Plonsk   
11291201251Samuel FuksFUKSPlonsk1917Plonsk   
11296201256Benjamin FuksFUKSPlonsk1922Plonsk   
11359211318Abram FuksFUKSKolo1911Kolo woj. Poznan   
11360211319Aleksander FuksFUKSPlock1918Warszawa   
11361211320Rachel FuksFUKSWloclawek1916Wloclawek   
11362211321Jozef FuksFUKSWarszawa1912Warszawa   
11366211325Abram-Aba FuksFUKS[blank]1916[blank]   
11418221376Safa FuksFUKSRowne1919Rowne   
11421221379Szloma FuksFUKSTrochim-Brod1914Lokacz   
11464221422Anatol FuksFUKSKutno1887Warszawa   
11491231448Abram-Menachem FuksFUKSKaluszyn1914KaluszynStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
11550241506Lejbishz FuksFUKSWarszawa1901Warszawa   
11584241540Kuszel FuksFUKS[blank]1914BialystokX  
11585241541Abram FuksFUKS[blank]1916Ostrow Mazow.X  
11586241542Abram FuksFUKS[blank]1925Lakocz   
11587241543Szmyla-Hirsz FuksFUKS[blank]1921Otwock   
173091207121Szmuel FuksFUKSBialystok1905BialystokX  
180391327838Szejna Mindla FuksFUKSKolo1909Kolo   
185631418353Hirsz FuksFUKSBiałystok1907BiałystokX  
189471478731Benjamin FuksFUKSPlock1915Plock   

Warsaw: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5; Register of old and disabled persons receiving pension at Social Welfare by the Jewish Committee (410 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceL.p. numberImage numberSurnameGiven NameOther surnameAgeAddress
10029Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/529Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00048.jpgFUKSSalomea75Letnia 12/6

Warsaw: "Listing of the Surviving Warsaw Jews in the US Zone in Germany," Centrale fun di Warszewer Landsmanszaftn in der US Zone in Dajczland, 1948 (5859 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameBirth dateResidence in Warsaw until 1 Sep 1939Father's given nameMother's given nameMother's maiden nameCurrent addressComments
101894RywkaFRYDMANBARTMESSER5 Mar 1904Dzielna 44IcchokBrajndlaFUKSWasseralfingen 
1139825EsteraFUKS21 Mar 1918Leszno 20MordkaLubaGUTRAJMANWasseralfingen 
1139925GuciaFUKS15 Nov 1912TumiaChajaBINSBLICHWasseralfingen 
1140025SaraFUKS22 Oct 1940Dluga 57Wasseralfingen 
1140225PolaFUKS5 Oct 1910EfroimRajzlaPERCBERGFohrenwald 
1213137RafalHIRSZ20 Oct 1918Twarda 14IcekRuchlaFUKSLandsberg/L. 
1223039FelaFUKSJABLONSKA1911Wronia 38AbramNechaBEMNeu-Ulm 
1265046PejsachKORNDREKSLER20 Mar 1926Mila 62JosefEstera MalkaFUKSLandsberg/L. 
1485381Chaja HelaFUKSTANDARSKA5 Aug 1918OtwockLajbuszPerlaSZTATSMANWindsheim 
1485481PerlaTANDARSKA3 Nov 1946AbramHelaFUKSWindsheim 

Warsaw: "Surviving Jews in Warsaw as of June 5th, 1945," World Jewish Archives (2523 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameYear of birthAddress in 1939Present address in WarsawComments
105604JozefFUKS1923Warsaw, Stawki 22Kepna 4 
105614NatanFUKA / FUKS1910Warsaw, Marjanska 3Targowa 7 

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
11531Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282353FUKSMachel1849  
11532Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282353Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSRuchla1853  
11533Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282353Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSChaja-Sura1877  
11534Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282353Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSMosiek1882  
11535Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282354Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSDawid1876  
11536Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282354Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSJoesa1863  
11537Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282356Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSMendel1885  
11538Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282356Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSRywka1888  
11539Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282356Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSMachel1920  
11613Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282381FUKSJankiel1829  
11614Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282381Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSFajgla1824  
11615Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282381Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSFajwel1863  
11617Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSChawa1859  
11618Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSBasia1880  
11619Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSEstera1884  
11620Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSSzlomo1890  
11621Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSSura1893  
11622Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSHersz1896  
11623Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2282383Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSChaja1897  
13673Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2294008FUKSMosiek1865  
13674Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2294008Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSFajgla1856  
13675Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2294008Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSChaja Sura1887  
13676Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2294008Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSLaja1894  
13677Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)2294008Listed with family of person shown on line aboveFUKSIcek1894  

Żarki: lists of persons obliged to pay levy 1940-1941, syg 304 [H]

-Sort-Header before this listPage numberOrder numberSurname [r#]Given name(s)Name of father or year [of birth], if includedResidenceOccupationQuota / established income for the tax year 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10023[pages 4-32:] List of persons obliged to pay dues / tax in the guaranteed year [Wykaz osób obowiazanych do płacenia daniny w roku rękojmi]423FuksFiszel1884?4610  

Żarki: Persons who perished in the Holocaust; source: Yad Vashem (329 persons), images: www.crarg.org/zarki-perished-in-the-holocaust.php [H]

-Sort-Image file nameConsecutive number in documentPersonSurname from previous column [#]Date of birth (or age)Polish textPolish text, translatedTypist notes
10079704.pdf78Abram FuksFUKSborn 9 Jan 1895zginal w obozie przejsiowym w Lelowie 4 Oct 1942he perished in a temporary camp in Lelow on 4 Oct 1942 

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, III. Miscellaneous. List of Persons Actually in Zbąszyń according to [listed by] their Places of Birth in Poland; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberTownDistrictVoivodshipNumber [on page]PersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationName and birth year of wifeNames and birth years of childrenLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńRemarksNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10452List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[30]LodzLodzLodz37.Chaim-Josef FuksFUKS1908Lodz[blank][blank][blank]KottvusJeziorne 5