1,803 Altman Family Records from the Holocaust Era

Below are 1,803 Altman Holocaust-era records typed (and as needed translated) by the Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group. Over the past 20 years we have found, typed, and translated more than 1.9 million records, to help support the search for Jewish family history, create and build a family tree, and preserve the history of Jews in Poland.

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We focus on the towns of Częstochowa, Działoszyn, Gidle, Gowarczów, Janów, Kamieńsk, Kielce, Kłobuck, Kłomnice, Koniecpol, Końskie, Kromołów, Krzepice, Lelów, Mstów, Nowa Brzeźnica, Opoczno, Pajęczno, Pilica, Piotrków Trybunalski, Pławno, Praszka, Przedbórz, Przyrów, Radomsko, Radoszyce, Rozprza, Secemin, Sulmierzyce, Szczekociny, Wieluń, Wodzisław, Wolbrom, Żarki, and smaller towns nearby. View map.

American Joint Distribution Committee Archives; see details (and search for other surnames) at https://search.archives.jdc.org/search.asp [H]

-Sort-TownPersonSurname(s) from previous column
10125CzestochowaChaim Altman, Josel AltmanALTMAN
10126CzestochowaRosa AltmanALTMAN
10127CzestochowaFela Altmann, Szajndla AltmannALTMANN
10240CzestochowaLajb and Rosalia AltmanALTMAN
10241CzestochowaLeib and Elia [Emilia?] AltmanALTMAN
10242CzestochowaLejb and Rosalia Altman, Dr. A. CymermanALTMAN, CYMERMAN
10244CzestochowaLeon and Lili AltmanALTMAN
10328KrzepiceLejb and Rozalia AltmanALTMAN

Bergen Belsen: Polish Women at Bergen Belsen, List 1079 c; Relatives Information, 14 194[6?] [H]

-Sort-Page numberLfd.Person [Vorname / Name]Surname from previous columnDate of birth [Geburstadt]Place of last residence [Letzter Wohnort]Notes (not by typist)
10007[1]67Ruta AltmannALTMANN21 Jan 1932Petrikow / PiotrkówPiotrków added because it seems more likely

Children With Lost Identity: a list of 2500 files of Holocaust orphans from Poland between years 1936-1945 (2455 persons; info at https://tinyurl.com/q2prw84) [H]

-Sort-The complete listSublistPersonSurnameDate of BirthCityCountryArchive NoNotes
10037Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- AJadzia AltmanALTMAN1 Jan 19411393 
10038Originally at https://tinyurl.com/yyzjzfrn; now at Web Archive: https://tinyurl.com/y6zaht9xChildren With Lost Identity- APinkus AltmanALTMAN1 Jan 19371607 

Częstochowa Book of Permanent Residents 1870-1930, Często Arch (about 16,250 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-book-of-permanent-residents-1870-1930.php [H]

-Sort-VolumePage of book [r#]House numberGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameParentsMother's maiden nameBirth date, placeProfession, other informationSurname from previous or following columnNotes (last event & life changes: death, displace, move to other house etc.)Surname from previous or following columnComments (not by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
1000171857/58Dawid WolfALTMANBerek & Estera Entla BaruchBARUCH14 Feb 1876, PrzedborzMerchantALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
1000271857/58MindlaGLIKSMANALTMANMoszek Michal & Estera BesserBESSER24 Nov 1883, LodzALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
1000371857/58BernardALTMANDawid Wolf & Minka GliksmanGLIKSMAN3 Dec 1907, LodzALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
10004308688Herszlik WolfALTMANJankiel & Nacha ZomperZOMPER25 Nov 1872, Przyrow----ALTMAN, NAJMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
10006308688JankielALTMANWolf Hersz & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN4 May 1899, CzestochowaALTMAN, NAJMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
10007308688TaubaALTMANHerszlik Wolf & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN24 Jun 1908, CzestochowaALTMAN, NAJMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
10008308688NachaALTMANHerszlik Wolf & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN14 Jan 1904, CzestochowaMarried Mordka Najman from RedzinyNAJMANALTMAN, NAJMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
100421278162SamuelALTMANDawid & Gitla FrajermauerFRAJERMAUER8 Jun 1879, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAUER, TAJCHNER
100431278162LibaTAJCHNERALTMANJakub & Hendla FajnerFAJNER1 Jan 1895, ZarnowiecALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAUER, TAJCHNER
100441278162EugeniaALTMANSamuel & Liba TajchnerTAJCHNER2 Jan 1925, SosnowiecALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAUER, TAJCHNER
100572983183DawidALTMANJankiel & Haja WinterWINTER-- --- 1852, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, LAJCHER, OBERMAN, WINTER
100582983183SzandlaLAJCHERALTMANSzmul & Fajgla ObermanOBERMAN8 Feb 1852, CzestochowaALTMAN, LAJCHER, OBERMAN, WINTER
100592985183LejzorALTMANDawid & Szajndla LajcherLAJCHER-- --- 1878, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
100602985183AnnaDAWIDOWICZALTMANSzyja Dawid & Dorota SzancerSZANCER28 Jun 1880, CzestochowaALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
100612985183BernardALTMANLejzor & Hana DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ4 Oct 1904, CzestochowaALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
100622985183PaulinaALTMANLejzor & Hana DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ11 Jul 1907, CzestochowaALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
10063470216Abram MichalALTMANSzlama & Chana WajnbardWAJNBARD31 Oct 1878, RadomskoMerchantALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
10064470216Chawa GitlaALTMANALTMANIcyk Dawid & Brandla WadowskaWADOWSKA13 Oct 1883, PrzyrowALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
10065470216LejbusALTMANAbram Michal & Chawa Gitla AltmanALTMAN25 Sep 1906, CzestochowaALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
10066470216MarjemALTMANAbram Michal & Chawa Gitla AltmanALTMAN7 Jul 1910, CzestochowaALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
10084622273Szmul SzlomoALTMANMosiek & Hana Laja AstAST31 Dec 1878, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
10085622273SuraJAKUBOWICZALTMANDawid & Itla BendetBENDET14 Sep 1889, CzestochowaALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
10086622273IdesALTMANSzmul Szlomo & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ31 Mar 1905, PrzyrowALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
10087622273DawidALTMANSzmul Szlomo & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ11 Sep 1908, CzestochowaALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
10088622273ChajaALTMANSzmul Szlomo & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ30 Apr 1906, CzestochowaALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
101071332286IzraelALTMANIzrael & Cywia RozentalROZENTAL-- --- 1850Jeweler; died 16 Aug 1918ALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101081332286MalkaMITELMANALTMANMajer & Frajdla ElsterELSTER13 Feb 1866, MstowDied 26 Oct 1923ALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101091332286SamuelALTMANIzrael & Dwojra SztencelSZTENCEL9 Oct 1882, CzestochowaALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101101332286Chaim ChaskielALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN6 Mar 1895, CzestochowaALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101111332286Aron JosefALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN5 Feb 1898, CzestochowaALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101121332286Chaja SuraALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN14 Mar 1901, CzestochowaALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
101131332286CalelALTMANIzrael & Malka ElsterELSTER10 May 1903, CzestochowaALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENTAL, SZTENCEL
10153578363LajaFERBERGALTMANSzymon Rejla --------13 Jul 1847, CzestochowaALTMAN, FERBERG
10154578363BerekALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG13 Nov 1873, RadomskoALTMAN, ODERBERG
10155578363EsfiraALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG20 Sep 1876, RadomskoALTMAN, ODERBERG
10156582363DawidALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG2 Jul 1884, RadomskoGardenerALTMAN, CECHTYGER, CYCHTYGER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
10157582363Szajndla FrajdlaCECHTYGERALTMANSzulim & Basja GutmanGUTMAN21 Jan 1881, JanowALTMAN, CECHTYGER, CYCHTYGER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
10158582363Izrael MoszekALTMANDawid & szajndla CychtygerCYCHTYGER-- --- 1908, Zloty PotokALTMAN, CECHTYGER, CYCHTYGER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
10159586363LajbALTMANFrajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG10 Mar 1891, CzestochowaALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
10160586363TaubaUFNERALTMANMendel & Estera BlochBLOCH-- --- 1884, ZarkiALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
10161586363FajwelALTMANLewek & Tauba UfnerUFNER31 May 1916, CzestochowaALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
10162600363Beniamin NatanALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG25 Feb 1871, RadomskoCarrierALTMAN, ODERBERG
10163600363Tauba EsteraODERBERGALTMANChaim Jozef & Rywka OderbergODERBERG13 Apr 1880, CzestochowaALTMAN, ODERBERG
10164600363FajwusALTMANBeniamin & Tauba OderbergODERBERG21 Dec 1906, CzestochowaALTMAN, ODERBERG
10165600363Chaim JozefALTMANBeniamin & Tauba OderbergODERBERG1 Apr 1901, CzestochowaALTMAN, ODERBERG
10197117460JakubALTMANJoachim Juda & Malka AltmanALTMAN-- --- 1830, NiwkaTraderALTMAN, GROSBERG, WALTFIWERAJZ
10198117460ZeldaGROSBERGALTMANEjzyk & Chana WaltfiwerajzWALTFIWERAJZ1 Mar 1841, PilicaALTMAN, GROSBERG, WALTFIWERAJZ
10199117460NusenALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG6 Nov 1864, Gliny-KobyleALTMAN, GROSBERG, WALTFIWERAJZ
10200117460SalkaALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG5 Aug 1878, PoczesnaALTMAN, GROSBERG, WALTFIWERAJZ
10201168460Jde ChaimALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1869, SiewiezTraderALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SPIEWAK
10202168460IttaPLOCKAALTMANSzyja & Rywka SpiewakSPIEWAK15 Dec 1876, ZgierzALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SPIEWAK
10203168460SalomonALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA5 Jan 1899, LodzALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SPIEWAK
10204168460SaulALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA1 Jul 1900, LodzALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SPIEWAK
10205168460DawidALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA28 Sep 1904, LodzALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SPIEWAK
10206119460SalomonALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, KonopiskaTraderALTMAN, GROSBERG, NEKRIG, SZTEJN
10207119460RozaSZTEJNALTMANJakub Salomon & Maria NekrigNEKRIG31 Dec 1882, In FranceALTMAN, GROSBERG, NEKRIG, SZTEJN
10208182460ZeligALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, KonopiceTraderALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
10209182460MarjemWEKSLERALTMANSalomon & Bina Ruchla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ23 Feb 1882, LodzALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
10210182460MongejmALTMANZelik & Mariem WekslerWEKSLER10 Dec 1903, LodzALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
10411294281IzraelBLUMManes & Etta RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN16 Feb 1880, CzestochowaWorkerALTMAN, BLUM, RYBSZTAJN, USZERZON
10412294281HindaALTMANBLUMBerek & Chaja UszerzonUSZERZON-- --- 1878, ----ALTMAN, BLUM, RYBSZTAJN, USZERZON
10476355898LajzerBERKOWICZMoszek Szaja & Chaja Ruchla TencerTENCER-- --- 1890, RadomskoTraderALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
10480355898AleksanderBERKOWICZLajzer & Udla AltmanALTMAN5 Oct 1928, CzestochowaALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
1124468052Henoch Icek----TYGIER VEL HELMANSzaja Wolf & Mindla Cyrla GrosbergGROSBERG6 Mar 1880, AleksandrowMerchantALTMAN, GROSBERG, HELMAN, LAJCHER
1124568052FajglaALTMANTYGIER VEL HELMANDawid & Szajndla LajcherLAJCHER5 Apr 1882, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, GROSBERG, HELMAN, LAJCHER
1124668052Anna----TYGIER VEL HELMANHenoch Icek & Fajgla AltmanALTMAN7 Aug 1888, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, HELMAN, LAJCHER
1124768052Helena----TYGIER VEL HELMANHenoch Icek & Fajgla AltmanALTMAN25 Jul 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, HELMAN, LAJCHER
1124868152Wilhelm----TYGIERHenoch Icek & Fajgla AltmanALTMAN4 Sep 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, CHOTYNSKA, TYGIER
1124968152TubaCHOTYNSKATYGIERAbram Majer & Ejdla --------28 Mar 1905, PogaraWith husband WilhelmALTMAN, CHOTYNSKA, TYGIER
11888671857/58Dawid Wolf----ALTMANBerek & Estera Entla BaruchBARUCH14 Feb 1876, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
11889671857/58MinkaGLIKSMANALTMANMoszek Michal & Estera BesserBESSER24 Nov 1883, LodzWith husbandALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
11890671857/58Bernard----ALTMANDawid Wolf & Minka GliksmanGLIKSMAN3 Dec 1907, LodzWith parentsALTMAN, BARUCH, BESSER, GLIKSMAN
11941681259Michal----ALTMANMordka & Bluma AjlenbergAJLENBERG15 Feb 1867, CzestochowaTraderAJLENBERG, ALTMAN, HERC, WERDA
11942681259HelenaHERCALTMANGierucham & Zysla WerdaWERDA24 Dec 1873, CzestochowaWith husbandAJLENBERG, ALTMAN, HERC, WERDA
11943681259Arnold----ALTMANMichal & Helena HercHERC31 Jul 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsAJLENBERG, ALTMAN, HERC, WERDA
125499294284Izrael----BLUMManas & Etta RybsztajnRYBSZTAJN16 Feb 1880, CzestochowaWorkerALTMAN, BLUM, RYBSZTAJN, USZERZON
125509294284HindaALTMANBLUMBerek & Chaja UszerzonUSZERZON-- --- 1878, ----With husbandALTMAN, BLUM, RYBSZTAJN, USZERZON
1273910308688Herszlik Wolf----ALTMANJankiel & Nacha ZomperZOMPER25 Nov 1872, Przyrow----ALTMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
1274010308688ChawaRAJCENSZTAJNALTMANHendel & Sura SzczekaczSZCZEKACZ17 Jul 1869, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
1274110308688Jankiel----ALTMANHerszlik Wolf & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN4 May 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
1274210308688Tauba----ALTMANHerszlik Wolf & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN24 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
1274310308688Nacha----ALTMANHerszlik Wolf & Chawa RajcensztajnRAJCENSZTAJN14 Jan 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, RAJCENSZTAJN, SZCZEKACZ, ZOMPER
1285210321089Fajgla----DAJCZMANHerszlik & Frajdla BesserBESSER21 Aug 1861, KlobuckMaidALTMAN, BESSER, DAJCZNAN
1285310321089Sura----DAJCZMANHerszlik & Chana AltmanBESSER17 Nov 1888, KlobuckHerszlik was carpenter 47 years old, Chana was 34 years oldALTMAN, BESSER, DAJCZNAN
1285410321089Rywa----DAJCZMANHerszlik & Chana AltmanALTMAN17 Nov 1888, KlobuckMaidALTMAN, BESSER, DAJCZNAN
1285510321089Maria----DAJCZMANIcek Herszlik & Chana AltmanALTMAN-- --- 1890, CzestochowaMaidALTMAN, BESSER, DAJCZNAN
1320610355898Lajzer----BERKOWICZMoszek Szaja & Chaja TencerTENCER-- --- 1890, RadomskoTraderALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
1320710355898FajglaDZIALOWSKABERKOWICZMosiek & Laja ElsterELSTER1 Feb 1897, KlobuckDivorced from LajzerALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
1320810355898UdlaALTMANBERKOWICZMoszek Wolf & Chawa RotsztejnROTSZTEJN13 Mar 1893, RadomskoWith husbandALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
1320910355898Wolf----BERKOWICZLajzer & Udla AltmanALTMAN23 Jul 1925, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
1321010355898Aleksander----BERKOWICZLajzer & Udla AltmanALTMAN8 Oct 1928, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, DZIALOWSKA, ELSTER, ROTSZTEJN, TENCER
14445121065118ChilPFEFERJosek & Fajgla StawskaSTAWSKA26 May 1867, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14446121065118NiselALTMANPFEFERFiszel & Tauba Bajla OderbergODERBERG15 Dec 1870, RadomskoWith husbandALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14447121065118PerlaPFEFERChil & Sura Nisla AltmanALTMAN6 Oct 1896, PrzyrowWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14448121065118Alta NachaPFEFERChil & Sura Nisla AltmanALTMAN10 Apr 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14449121065118Abram MoszekPFEFERChil & Sura Nisla AltmanALTMAN24 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14450121065118FiszelPFEFERChil & Sura Nisla AltmanALTMAN4 Mar 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14451121065118CelaPFEFERChil & Sura Nisla AltmanALTMAN24 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER, STAWSKA
14509121113119DawidOFMANSzymon & Malka AltmanALTMAN23 Apr 1867, RadomskoHouse ownerALTMAN, MROWKA, OFMAN
14510121113119SuraMROWKAOFMANHerszlik & Zelma MrowkaMROWKA25 Mar 1872, MstowWith husbandALTMAN, MROWKA, OFMAN
14511121113119IcykOFMANDawid & Sura MrowkaMROWKA15 Apr 1903, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, MROWKA, OFMAN
14512121113119DobraOFMANDawid & Sura MrowkaMROWKA31 Aug 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, MROWKA, OFMAN
14680121301123ChaimCZARNYFiszel & Mindla SzermanSZERMAN1 Sep 1895, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, BORENSZTAJN, CZARNY, SZERMAN
14681121301123SuraALTMANCZARNYGabriel & Ryfka BorensztajnBORENSZTAJN27 Apr 1895, WarszawaWith husbandALTMAN, BORENSZTAJN, CZARNY, SZERMAN
1551514252155Abram----KAMLewek & Cywa EksztejnEKSZTEJN20 Dec 1864, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1551614252155ChanaALTMANKAMMajlich & Rozalia RozankrancROZANKRANC25 Jul 1862, KrzeczowWith husbandALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1551714252155Rajzla----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN1 Jul 1891, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1551814252155Icyk Nacha----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN17 May 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1551914252155Maria----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN22 May 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1552014252155Rywka----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN21 Apr 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1552114252155Estera----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN25 Jun 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1552214252155Jozef Lejb----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN29 Jun 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1552314252155Berel----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN1 Oct 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, EKSZTEJN, KAM, ROZANKRANC
1552414253155Wolf Hersz----KAMAbram & Chana AltmanALTMAN21 Apr 1898, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, DREZNER, GOLDMAN, KAM
1552514253155ZyslaGOLDMANKAMBoruch & Hendla DreznerDREZNER-- --- 1898, ZarkiWith husbandALTMAN, DREZNER, GOLDMAN, KAM
1552614253155Szlama Mejloch----KAMWolf Hersz & Zysla GoldmanGOLDMAN3 Apr 1920, ZawiercieWith parentsALTMAN, DREZNER, GOLDMAN, KAM
1552714253155Izrael Mendel----KAMWolf Hersz & Zysla GoldmanGOLDMAN24 Jun 1926, ZawiercieWith parentsALTMAN, DREZNER, GOLDMAN, KAM
15617151189161NataliaSZAJNWEKSLERGRODZINSKAWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN17 Dec 1892, CzestochowaClerkALTMAN, GRODZINSKA, SZAJNWEKSLER
15618151189161KazimierzGRODZINSKAMojzesz & Natalia SzajnwekslerSZAJNWEKSLER26 Aug 1911, CzestochowaWith motherALTMAN, GRODZINSKA, SZAJNWEKSLER
15619151189161RyszardGRODZINSKAMojzesz & Natalia SzajnwekslerSZAJNWEKSLER-- --- 1916, CzestochowaWith motherALTMAN, GRODZINSKA, SZAJNWEKSLER
15622151224162BlimaALTMANZELTENLewek & Estera ---------- --- 1846, CzestochowaWidow; own means; primo voto LilenburgLILENBURGALTMAN, LILENBURG, ZELTEN
15652151278162SamuelALTMANDawid & Gitla FrajermanFRAJERMAN8 Jun 1879, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAN, TAJCHNER
15653151278162LibaTAJCHNERALTMANJakub & Hendla FajnerFAJNER1 Jan 1895, ZarnowiecWith husbandALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAN, TAJCHNER
15654151278162EugeniaALTMANSamuel & Liba TajchnerTAJCHNER2 Jan 1925, SosnowiecWith husbandALTMAN, FAJNER, FRAJERMAN, TAJCHNER
16742182983183DawidALTMANJankiel & Chaj WinterWINTER-- --- 1852, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, LAJCHER, OBERMAN, WINTER
16743182983183SzandlaLAJCHERALTMANSzmul & Fajgla ObermanOBERMAN8 Feb 1852, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, LAJCHER, OBERMAN, WINTER
16744182985183LejzorALTMANDawid & Szajndla LajcherLAJCHER-- --- 1878, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
16745182985183AnnaDAWIDOWICZALTMANSzyja Dawid & Dorota SzancerSZANCER28 Jun 1880, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
16746182985183BernardALTMANLejzor & Hana DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ4 Oct 1904, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
16747182985183PaulinaALTMANLejzor & Hana DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ11 Jul 1907, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, LAJCHER, SZANCER
1755119470216Abram MichalALTMANSzlama & Chana WajnbardWAJNBARD31 Oct 1878, RadomskoMerchantALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
1755219470216Chawa GitlaALTMANALTMANIcek Dawid & Brandla WadowskaWADOWSKA13 Oct 1883, PrzyrowWith husbandALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
1755319470216LejbusALTMANAbram Michal & Chawa Gitla AltmanALTMAN25 Sep 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
1755419470216MariemALTMANAbram Michal & Chawa Gitla AltmanALTMAN7 Jul 1910, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, WADOWSKA, WAJNBARD
1770119656219Abram HerszBOCHENEKEfroim & Szyfra SzumacherSZUMACHER6 Nov 1881, CzestochowaMerchantALTMAN, BOCHENEK, SZAJNWEKSLER, SZUMACHER
1770219656219ZdzislawaSZAJNWEKSLERBOCHENEKWolf & Emilia AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, BOCHENEK, SZAJNWEKSLER, SZUMACHER
1770319656219JerzyBOCHENEKAbram Hersz & Zdzislawa SzajnwekslerSZAJNWEKSLER28 Jun 1907, WloclawekWith parentsALTMAN, BOCHENEK, SZAJNWEKSLER, SZUMACHER
17987201036227Jakub MosiekTREMBACKIChaim & Ruchla BerkowiczBERKOWICZ13 Jan 1852, DzialoszynBakerDied on 25 Apr 1923 [illegible] 101ALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17988201036227MariaLEWKOWICZTREMBACKIJoachim & Hanna ---------- --- 1853, WielunWith husband; primo voto AltmanALTMANALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17989201036227PinkusTREMBACKIJakub Mosiek & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ10 Jun 1878, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17990201036227SuraTREMBACKIJakub Mosiek & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ27 Sep 1881, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17991201036227PessaTREMBACKILachman & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ19 Apr 1873, WielunWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17992201036227SzajndlaTREMBACKIJakub Moszek & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ22 Mar 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsMarried Bencion Wejdenbaum; Semiatycze, Błoński CountyWEJDENBAUMALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17993201036227GitlaTREMBACKIJakub Moszek & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ14 Sep 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
17994201036227BlimaTREMBACKIJakub Moszek & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ24 Oct 1897, CzestochowaWith parentsMarried Moszek Glin and crossed out on the strength of Magistracy letter, resident in Wloszczowa [letter] from Jan 1928, L. JJSJGRINALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, FAJERMAN, FRAJMAN, TREMBACKA
18686211840245AbramFOGELHersz & Ajdla MoszkowiczMOSZKOWICZ11 Jan 1867, KozminekMerchantALTMAN, BORNSZTEJN, FOGEL, MOSZKOWICZ
18687211840245LibaALTMANFOGELAron & Maria BornsztejnBORNSZTEJN17 Jul 1868, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, BORNSZTEJN, FOGEL, MOSZKOWICZ
1948822622273Szmul SzlamaALTMANMosiek & Hana Laja AstAST31 Dec 1878, PrzyrowMerchantALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
1948922622273SuraJAKUBOWICZALTMANDawid & Itta BendetBENDET14 Sep 1884, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
1949022622273IdesALTMANSzmul Szlama & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ31 Mar 1905, PrzyrowWith parentsALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
1949122622273DawidALTMANSzmul Szlama & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ11 Sep 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
1949222622273ChajaALTMANSzmul Szlama & Sura JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZ30 Apr 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, BENDET, JAKUBOWICZ
19845231138283MojzeszMOKRAUERSalomon & Malka KonKON13 Nov 1869, CzestochowaBookkeeperFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19846231138283ChanaALTMANMOKRAUERJoachim & Laja LibermanLIBERMAN13 Jul 1875, WarszawaWith husbandFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19847231138283EsteraMOKRAUERMojzesz & Chana AltmanALTMAN27 Nov 1899, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19848231138283RachelaMOKRAUERMojzesz & Chana AltmanALTMAN4 Apr 1905, CzestochowaWith parentsFRAJERMAUER, GRYLAK
19849231139283SalomonMOKRAUERMojzesz & Chana AltmanALTMAN21 Aug 1896, CzestochowaDoctorALTMAN, MOKRAUER, WAJNBERG, WOLF
19850231139283GoldaWOLFMOKRAUERJozef & Klara WajnbergWAJNBERG19 Dec 1894, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, MOKRAUER, WAJNBERG, WOLF
20010231282285Icyk (Gneslaw)LEWKOWICZ VEL GNESELSzlama & Chaja Estera AltmanALTMAN10 Feb 1908, CzestochowaWith fatherALTMAN, GNESEL, GRADSZTEJN, LEWKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ VEL GNESEL, MAJEROWICZ
20013231283285JankielLEWKOWICZSzlama & Szajndla MajerowiczMAJEROWICZ1 Nov 1917, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GNESEL, GRADSZTEJN, LEWKOWICZ, LEWKOWICZ VEL GNESEL, MAJEROWICZ
20014231284285EliaszLEWKOWICZSzlama & Chaja Estera AltmanALTMAN27 Nov 1902, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, LEWKOWICZ, SZMULEWICZ
20015231284285FajglaSZMULEWICZLEWKOWICZAron & Rejla AltmanALTMAN8 Aug 1904, DzialoszynWith husbandALTMAN, LEWKOWICZ, SZMULEWICZ
20049231332286IzraelALTMANIzrael & Cywa RozenmanROZENMAN-- --- 1850, CzestochowaJewelerALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENMAN, SZTENCEL
20050231332286MalkaMITELMANALTMANMajer & Frajdla ElsterELSTER13 Feb 1866, MstowWith husbandALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENMAN, SZTENCEL
20051231332286SamuelALTMANIzrael & Dwojra SztencelSZTENCEL9 Oct 1882, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENMAN, SZTENCEL
20052231332286Chaim ChaskielALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN6 Mar 1895, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENMAN, SZTENCEL
20053231332286Chaja SuraALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN14 Mar 1901, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ELSTER, MITELMAN, ROZENMAN, SZTENCEL
20054231333286Aron JozefALTMANIzrael & Malka MitelmanMITELMAN5 Feb 1898, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, JOSKOWICZ, MITELMAN, ROTSZYLD
20055231333286ZyslaROTSZYLDALTMANWolf & Chana JoskowiczJOSKOWICZ27 Dec 1893, PotokzlotyWith husbandALTMAN, JOSKOWICZ, MITELMAN, ROTSZYLD
20056231333286IzraelALTMANAron Jozef & Zysla RotszyldROTSZYLD9 May 1927, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, JOSKOWICZ, MITELMAN, ROTSZYLD
20057231334286CalelALTMANIzrael & Malka ElsterELSTER10 May 1903, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, ELSTER, HANDWERGER, HANDWERGIER, LANCMAN
20058231334286HindaHANDWERGERALTMANMoszek & Kajla LancmanLANCMAN-- --- 1899, MstowWith husbandALTMAN, ELSTER, HANDWERGER, HANDWERGIER, LANCMAN
20059231334286IzraelALTMANCalel & Hinda HandwergierHANDWERGIER10 Jun 1926, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ELSTER, HANDWERGER, HANDWERGIER, LANCMAN
2085625176304DawidBOCHENEKEfroim & Szyfra SzumacherSZUMACHER2 Aug 1880, CzestochowaMerchantALTMAN, BOCHENEK, GROSBERG, SZUMACHER
2085725176304FryderykaALTMANBOCHENEKJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG20 Aug 1880, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, BOCHENEK, GROSBERG, SZUMACHER
2085825176304IgnacyBOCHENEKDawid & Fryderyka AltmanALTMAN21 Jun 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BOCHENEK, GROSBERG, SZUMACHER
2085925176304Maria AlicjaBOCHENEKDawid & Fryderyka AltmanALTMAN12 Jul 1913, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BOCHENEK, GROSBERG, SZUMACHER
2155226866318JozefFURBERGSzymon Szmaja & Gitla LibrowiczLIBROWICZ13 Nov 1879, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
2155326866318RachelaALTMANFURBERGLejbus & Hana FridmanFRIDMAN21 Aug 1892, PrzyrowWith husbandALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
2155426866318LejbusFURBERGJozef & Rachela AltmanALTMAN22 Jul 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
2155526866318MordkaFURBERGSzymon Szmaja & Gitla LibrowiczLIBROWICZ26 Mar 1919, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
2155626866318BajlaFURBERGSzymon Szmaja & Gitla LibrowiczLIBROWICZ18 Jun 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
2155726866318Abram SzmajaFURBERGSzymon Szmaja & Gitla LibrowiczLIBROWICZ4 Sep 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, FRIDMAN, FURBERG, LIBROWICZ
22021261312329Izrael JozefHOROWICZSzymon & Bluma GliksmanGLIKSMAN14 Jun 1872, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, GLIKSMAN, HOROWICZ, LEWKOWICZ
22022261312329PessaALTMANHOROWICZNachman & Maria LewkowiczLEWKOWICZ19 Apr 1873, WielunWith husbandALTMAN, GLIKSMAN, HOROWICZ, LEWKOWICZ
22023261312329NachmanHOROWICZIzrael Jozef & Pessa AltmanALTMAN16 Aug 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GLIKSMAN, HOROWICZ, LEWKOWICZ
22100271382332Izrael SymchaHENOCHOWICZNusen & Judessa OderbergODERBERG-- --- 1881, CzestochowaWorkerALTMAN, AST, HENOCHOWICZ, ODERBERG
22101271382332Chaja JentlaALTMANHENOCHOWICZMoszek & Chaja Laja AstAST16 May 1875, PrzyrowWith husbandALTMAN, AST, HENOCHOWICZ, ODERBERG
22102271382332NusenHENOCHOWICZIzrael Symcha & Chaja Jentla AltmanALTMAN21 Jan 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, HENOCHOWICZ, ODERBERG
22103271382332SuraHENOCHOWICZIzrael Symcha & Chaja Jentla AltmanALTMAN21 Jan 1909, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, HENOCHOWICZ, ODERBERG
2314828578363LajaFERBERGALTMANSzymon & Grejla --------13 Jul 1847, CzestochowaWidowALTMAN, FERBERG, ODERBERG
2314928578363BerekALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG13 Nov 1873, RadomskoWith motherALTMAN, FERBERG, ODERBERG
2315028578363EsfiraALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG20 Sep 1876, RadomskoWith motherALTMAN, FERBERG, ODERBERG
2315128582363DawidALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG2 Jul 1884, RadomskoGardenerALTMAN, CECHTYGIER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
2315228582363Szajndla FrajdlaCECHTYGIERALTMANSzulim & Basia GutmanGUTMAN21 Jan 1881, JanowWith husbandALTMAN, CECHTYGIER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
2315328582363Izrael MosiekALTMANDawid & Szajndla Frajdla CechtygierCECHTYGIER-- --- 1908, PotokWith parentsALTMAN, CECHTYGIER, GUTMAN, ODERBERG
2315428586363LajbALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG10 Mar 1891, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
2315528586363TaubaUFNERALTMANMendel & Estera BlochBLOCH-- --- 1884, ZarkiWith husbandALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
2315628586363FajwelALTMANLewek & Tauba UfnerUFNER31 May 1916, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, BLOCH, ODERBERG, UFNER
2316628600363Beniamin NatanALTMANFajwus & Laja OderbergODERBERG25 Feb 1871, RadomskoRope makerALTMAN, ODERBERG
2316728600363Tauba EsteraODERBERGALTMANChaim Jozef & Rywka OderbergODERBERG13 Apr 1880, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, ODERBERG
2316828600363FajwusALTMANBeniamin Natan & Tauba Estera OderbergODERBERG21 Dec 1906, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, ODERBERG
2316928601363Chaim JozefALTMANBeniamin Natan & Tauba Estera OderbergODERBERG1 Apr 1901, Czestochowa----ALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER
2317028601363CelaPFEFERALTMANChil & Nysla AltmanALTMAN24 Jun 1905, CzestochowaWith husbandALTMAN, ODERBERG, PFEFER
2323228670364LewekKACSzmul & Pessa SzpaltynSZPALTYN14 Dec 1886, CzestochowaCarpenterALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2323328670364RuchlaALTMANKACMosiek & Hana Laja AstAST----With husbandALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2323428670364CerlaKACLewek & Ruchla AltmanALTMAN19 Oct 1918, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2323528670364ChajaKACLewek & Ruchla AltmanALTMAN15 Sep 1914, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2323628670364MatlaKACLewek & Ruchla AltmanALTMAN25 Dec 1920, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2323728670364Szmul MoszekKACLewek & Ruchla AltmanALTMAN26 Jan 1924, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, AST, KAC, SZPALTYN
2427531482411LejbusLANDAUSzoel Mendel & Ita Rachela GoldbandGOLDBAND13 Aug 1861, OpocznoMerchantALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427631482411Hana NiselALTMANLANDAUFajwusz & Laja OderbergODERBERG18 Jan 1869, RadomskoWith husbandALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427731482411Abram IcekLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN6 Apr 1893, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427831482411RejlaLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN13 Aug 1896, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2427931482411Chana GrynaLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2428031482411ChaimLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN13 Jun 1912, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GOLDBAND, LANDAU, ODERBERG
2428131486411Saul MendelLANDAULejbus & Hana Nisel AltmanALTMAN25 Dec 1890, CzestochowaTraderALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428231486411CyrlaFRIDELANDAUAbram Luzer & Estera Hendla SzwarcbordSZWARCBORD26 Feb 1883, LeczycaDivorced from Saul 22 Dec 1917ALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428331486411Laja BajlaKRAKLANDAUHersz & Tyla BykowskaBYKOWSKA29 Jul 1892, TurekWith husband Saul; second wifeALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2428431486411HenrykLANDAUSaule Mendel & Laja Bajla KrakKRAK9 Mar 1927, KrakowWith parentsALTMAN, BYKOWSKA, FRIDE, KRAK, LANDAU, SZWARCBORD
2442731638413KopelZYSMANChaim Josek & Cylka AltmanALTMAN12 Dec 1879, CzestochowaBachelorALTMAN, ZYSMAN
2442831638413SzlamaZYSMANChaim Josek & Cylka AltmanALTMAN-- --- 1884, CzestochowaBachelorALTMAN, ZYSMAN
2442931638413PerlaZYSMANChaim Josek & Cylka AltmanALTMAN27 Jan 1886, CzestochowaMaidALTMAN, ZYSMAN
2443231644413SzmulGRADONLewek & Cylka AltmanALTMAN15 Jan 1869, CzestochowaTraderALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443331644413SuraOPPENHEJMGRADONEliasz & Maria HercigerHERCIGER17 May 1873, BedzinWith husbandALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443431644413TemeraGRADONSzmul & Sura OppenhejmOPPENHEJM1 Aug 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443531644413IzraelGRADONSzmul & Sura OppenhejmOPPENHEJM9 May 1898, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443631644413MojzeszGRADONSzmul & Sura OppenhejmOPPENHEJM11 Jun 1900, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443731644413BerekGRADONSzmul & Sura OppenhejmOPPENHEJM27 Oct 1902, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2443831644413AbramGRADONSzmul & Sura OppenhejmOPPENHEJM24 Jun 1908, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GRADON, HERCIGER, OPPENHEJM
2532135172460SalomonALTMANJakub & Golda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, CzestochowaMerchantALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN? / NIEKRYCZ??, SZTEJN
2532235172460RozaSZTEJNALTMANJakub Salomon & Maria Niektin? / Niekrycz??NIEKTIN? / NIEKRYCZ??11 Dec 1882, FranceWith husbandALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN? / NIEKRYCZ??, SZTEJN
2532335172460AlicjaALTMANSalomon & Roza SztejnSZTEJN28 Dec 1907, WloclawekWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN? / NIEKRYCZ??, SZTEJN
2532435172460StefaniaALTMANSalomon & Roza SztejnSZTEJN27 Jan 1910, LodzWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN? / NIEKRYCZ??, SZTEJN
2532535173460JerzyALTMANSalomon & Roza SztejnSZTEJN21 Apr 1905, Lodz----ALTMAN, HANFTWUREL?, KALECKA, SZTEJN
2532635173460GustawaHANFTWUREL?ALTMANFiszel & Anna KaleckaKALECKA----With husbandALTMAN, HANFTWUREL?, KALECKA, SZTEJN
2532735182460ZelikALTMANJakub & Golda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, CzestochowaMerchantALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2532835182460MariaWEKSLERALTMANSalomon & Bina Ruchla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ23 Feb 1882, LodzWith husbandALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2532935182460Mongejne??ALTMANZelik & Maria WekslerWEKSLER10 Dec 1903, LodzWith parentsALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2533035182460JaninaALTMANZelik & Maria WekslerWEKSLER25 Mar 1917, LodzWith parentsALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2533135204461MajerBIRENBAUMIcek Mosiek & Golda WajnbergWAJNBERG30 Dec 1873, Pinczow----ALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2533235204461EsteraALTMANBIRENBAUMJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG11 Jan 1871, KonopiskaWith husbandALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2533335204461StefaBIRENBAUMMajer & Estera AltmanALTMAN27 Dec 1907, LodzWith parentsALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2533435205461IzraelBIRNBAUMMajer & Estera AltmanALTMAN20 Mar 1905, Lodz----ALTMAN, BIRNBAUM, PLAWNER, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533535205461RuchlaPLAWNERBIRNBAUMWolf & Laja SzajnweklserSZAJNWEKSLER25 Jul 1905, BedzinWith husbandALTMAN, BIRNBAUM, PLAWNER, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533635208461WolfSZAJNWEKSLERIzrael & Hendla LandLAND12 Apr 1860, BedzinMerchantALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533735208461MalkaALTMANSZAJNWEKSLERJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1863, PlawnoWith husbandALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533835208461NataliaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN17 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2533935208461EugeniaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN15 Feb 1894, CzestochowaWith parentsALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, SZAJNWEKSLER
2534035210461DawidSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Emilia AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWidowerALTMAN, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER
2534135210461Henryk AlfredSZAJNWEKSLERDawid & Chaja RejderREJDER6 Feb 1911, CzestochowaWith fatherALTMAN, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER
25490387117460JakubALTMANJoachim & Judesa AltmanALTMAN---- 1830, NiwkaTrader; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, WACHTSZWERAJN
25491387117460ZeldaGROSBERGALTMANEjzyk & Chana WachtszwerajnWACHTSZWERAJN1 Mar 1841, PilicaWith husband; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, WACHTSZWERAJN
25492387117460NusenALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG6 Nov 1864, GlinyWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, WACHTSZWERAJN
25493387117460SalkaALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG5 Aug 1878, PoczesnaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, WACHTSZWERAJN
2549438118460Ide ChaimALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1869, SiewierzTrader; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SIWEK
2549538118460IttaPLOCKAALTMANSzyja & Rywka SiwekSIWEK15 Dec 1876, ZgierzWith husband; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SIWEK
2549638118460SalomonALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA5 Jan 1899, LodzWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SIWEK
2549738118460SaulALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA1 Jul 1900, LodzWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SIWEK
2549838118460DawidALTMANIde Chaim & Itta PlockaPLOCKA28 Sep 1904, LodzWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, PLOCKA, SIWEK
2549938120460SalomonALTMANJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, KonopiskaTrader; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN, SZTEJN
2550038120460RozaSZTEJNALTMANJakub Salomon & Maria NiektinNIEKTIN11 Dec 1882, FranceWith husband; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, NIEKTIN, SZTEJN
2550138120460ZelikALTMANJakub & Golda GrosbergGROSBERG31 Mar 1873, CzestochowaTrader; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2550238120460MariaWEKSLERALTMANSalomon & Bina Ruchla DawidowiczDAWIDOWICZ23 Feb 1882, Lodzvol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2550338120460Mongejne??ALTMANZelik & Maria WekslerWEKSLER10 Dec 1903, Lodzvol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2550438120460JaninaALTMANZelik & Maria WekslerWEKSLER25 Mar 1917, Lodzvol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, DAWIDOWICZ, GROSBERG, WEKSLER
2550538135461MajerBIRENBAUMIcek Mosiek & Golda WajnbergWAJNBERG30 Dec 1873, Pinczow----; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2550638135461EsteraALTMANBIRENBAUMJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG11 Jan 1871, Konopiskavol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2550738135461IzraelBIRENBAUMMajer & Estera AltmanALTMAN20 Mar 1900, Lodzvol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, BIRENBAUM, GROSBERG, WAJNBERG
2550838136461WolfSZAJNWEKSLERIzrael & Hendla LandLAND12 Apr 1860, Bedzin----; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2550938136461MalkaALTMANSZAJNWEKSLERJakub & Zelda GrosbergGROSBERG21 Jan 1863, PlawnoWith husband; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551038136461SabinaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN8 Dec 1886, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551138136461ZdzislawaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN23 Dec 1889, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551238136461HananiaSZAJNWEKSLERWolf & Malka AltmanALTMAN17 Dec 1892, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551338136461ChajaREJDERSZAJNWEKSLERAbram Icek & Ewa WajntraubWAJNTRAUB23 Dec 1885, PiotrkowWith husband Dawid; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB
2551438136461Henryk AlfredSZAJNWEKSLERDawid & Chaja RejderREJDER6 Feb 1911, CzestochowaWith parents; vol. 38 is only part of old book of residents; house numbers are same but different people are registeredALTMAN, GROSBERG, LAND, REJDER, SZAJNWEKSLER, WAJNTRAUB

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Children's home staff together with their families (15 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]AgeParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupationAddress
10001Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00090.JPG- DSC00092.JPG1LeonALTMAN35Michal, Gutaclerk, office worker, civil servant (male)clerk/secretary (male)Warszawska 21

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of ill persons (142 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthParents' given namesProfessionAddress
10003Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00104.JPG3SzmulALTMAN1878Moszek, Chanashopkeeper, salesmanAl.Kosciuszki 7
10005Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00104.JPG5DawidALTMAN1908Samuel, Sarajournalist, reporterKosziuszki 7

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Register of Regional Jewish Committee employees (together with families) (48 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]BirthParents' given namesProfessionCurrent occupationAddress
10003Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00077.JPG3MariaALTMAN15 Jan 1903nurse (female)sanitarian/hygienist (female) at the Children's HomeWolnosci 3/6
10004Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5Surv 11-D55n5/DSC00077.JPG4FajwiszALTMAN21 Dec 1906rope makerWolnosci 3/6

Częstochowa: Committee in Warszawa-Praga, District 5, Committee in Częstochowa, Registry of children up to the age of 14 (106 persons) [H]

-Sort-SourceImage numberNumberGiven nameSurname [r#]AgeParents' given namesProfession and present occupationAddress
10001Amer Jewish Arch, Central Committee of Polish Jews, persons for whom individual assistance is requested, about 1945; MSS COL 361, file D55/5surv 11-D55N5/DSC00112.JPG1SalaALTMAN12Jozef, Nachaschool girl, pupil/student below the university level (female)Wolnosci 13

Częstochowa: Częstochower Cajtung [Częstochowa Gazette], weekly Yiddish newspaper, published from 1922 to 1939; names index [H]

-Sort-See further information on this project hereSurnameGiven nameCzęstochower Cajtung: yearCzęstochower Cajtung: issue numberCzęstochower Cajtung: issue dateCzęstochower Cajtung: page numberCommentsLink to this material on the web
10010https://www.cze…hower-cajtung/AltmanMr & Mrs M.19393Friday, 20 January 19391https://www.cze…ish-scaled.jpg

Częstochowa: Czestochower Yidn (Jews of Częstochowa 1947), transliteration of index; all names, including historical figures, non-Jews, etc.; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/Czestochowa1.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e (2907 listings) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname [r#]PageComments
12300MordechaiALTMAN117, 118, 257, 293 

Częstochowa: daily record sheets of the Jewish police in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942, Senior Council in Częstochowa (Rada Starszych w Częstochowie), USHMM; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsMicrofilm rollPageImageSurname(s) for this entryA person in this entrySurname from the previous columnBirth dateAddressOther family listedSummary of material
10089Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10742www.crarg.org/i…745-Bjsk34.pdfALTMAN, SZYMALA, GONZWA[no given name] AltmanALTMANResidence: Warszawska 45 StRequest to retrieve the keys for some un-named industrial premises from Szymala because the premises have been allocated to Altman
10090Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10742www.crarg.org/i…745-Bjsk34.pdfALTMAN, SZYMALA, GONZWA[no given name] SzymalaSZYMALASzymala was the previous occupant of the un-named industrial premises
10091Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10742www.crarg.org/i…745-Bjsk34.pdfALTMAN, SZYMALA, GONZWAL. GonzwaGONZWASignature on the request is Gonzwa
10381Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10854www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfALTMAN, BRAWERMoszek AltmanALTMANSummons could not be delivered to Altman
10382Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10854www.crarg.org/i…854-B91CUU.pdfALTMAN, BRAWERSzulim BrawerBRAWERSummons could not be delivered to Brawer
10402Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10862www.crarg.org/i…864-SXiXRW.pdf[no given name] AltmanALTMANTally of payments made for shoes.
10525Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10907www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfBORZYKOWSKI, KRAK, ALTMAN, BIRNHOLC[no given name] BorzykowskiBORZYKOWSKIReport in an investigation, ordered by Borzykowski, into the suitability of using a space in an building as a lavatory
10526Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10907www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfBORZYKOWSKI, KRAK, ALTMAN, BIRNHOLC[no given name] KrakKRAKKrak is the Housing Office official who passed on the order for the investigation to the the Jewish Service Order.
10527Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10907www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfBORZYKOWSKI, KRAK, ALTMAN, BIRNHOLC[no given name] AltmanALTMANThe space under consideration is next to Altman’s grocery shop
10528Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10907www.crarg.org/i…911-mkyfBj.pdfBORZYKOWSKI, KRAK, ALTMAN, BIRNHOLC[no given name] BirnholcBIRNHOLCThe room adjoining the space is occupied by Officer Birnholc’s family
10625Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10944www.crarg.org/i…944-DwzZNV.pdfALTMAN, SWIDERSKI, DEBSKI, MAJZNEROWICZTobiasz AltmanALTMANPrzemysłowa 8Altman has been allocated one room in the premises
10626Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10944www.crarg.org/i…944-DwzZNV.pdfALTMAN, SWIDERSKI, DEBSKI, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] SwiderskiSWIDERSKIPrzemysłowa 8Swiderski manages the premises
10627Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10944www.crarg.org/i…944-DwzZNV.pdfALTMAN, SWIDERSKI, DEBSKI, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] DebskiDEBSKIPrzemysłowa 8Debski was the previous occupant of the room
10628Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10944www.crarg.org/i…944-DwzZNV.pdfALTMAN, SWIDERSKI, DEBSKI, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZEntry signed by Majznerowicz
10630Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMANJosek KrzepickiKRZEPICKIIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StKrezepicki has been allotted half the premises
10631Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] NowakNOWAKIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StNowak was the previous occupant of the half premises
10632Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] LibermanLIBERMANIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StLiberman occupies the other half of the premises
10633Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 10945www.crarg.org/i…949-xFIqfH.pdfKRZEPICKI, NOWAK, LIBERMAN, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANIndustrial premises: Warszawska 8 StAltman is to take over the other half of the premises
10898Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 11045www.crarg.org/i…045-SyRrde.pdfSara AltmanALTMANWarszawska 43Altman runs an eating place in the Jewish District
10932Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 11045www.crarg.org/i…045-SyRrde.pdfSara AltmanALTMANWarszawska 43Altman runs an eating place in the Jewish District
11059Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20264 and 0265www.crarg.org/i…269-CdoAo9.pdfMICHALOWICZ, NISBERG, LASZCZ, ALTMANBerek MichalowiczMICHALOWICZReport of items stolen from Michalowicz
11060Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20264 and 0265www.crarg.org/i…269-CdoAo9.pdfMICHALOWICZ, NISBERG, LASZCZ, ALTMANSzmul NisbergNISBERGItems stolen from Nisberg
11061Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20264 and 0265www.crarg.org/i…269-CdoAo9.pdfMICHALOWICZ, NISBERG, LASZCZ, ALTMANSzulim LaszczLASZCZItems stolen from Laszcz
11062Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20264 and 0265www.crarg.org/i…269-CdoAo9.pdfMICHALOWICZ, NISBERG, LASZCZ, ALTMANJakob AltmanALTMANItems stolen from Altman
11117Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20280www.crarg.org/i…281-haOmjs.pdfSZWARCBAUM, ALTMAN, RUBINHanke SzwarcbaumSZWARCBAUMKozia 22/7Report of items stolen from Szwarcbaum
11118Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20280www.crarg.org/i…281-haOmjs.pdfSZWARCBAUM, ALTMAN, RUBINMajer AltmanALTMANN-a [Nadrzeczna?] 44/32Report of item stolen from Altman
11119Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20280www.crarg.org/i…281-haOmjs.pdfSZWARCBAUM, ALTMAN, RUBIN[no given name] RubinRUBINRubin is suspected of stealing
11231Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20588www.crarg.org/i…588-XiS8WO.pdfUEBERSCHER, ALTMAN, WROBLEWSKI, ICKOWICZ[no given name] UeberscherUEBERSCHERUeberscher requested an officer to be sent to him
11232Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20588www.crarg.org/i…588-XiS8WO.pdfUEBERSCHER, ALTMAN, WROBLEWSKI, ICKOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent
11233Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20588www.crarg.org/i…588-XiS8WO.pdfUEBERSCHER, ALTMAN, WROBLEWSKI, ICKOWICZ[no given name] WroblewskiWROBLEWSKIWrobleswski
11234Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20588www.crarg.org/i…588-XiS8WO.pdfUEBERSCHER, ALTMAN, WROBLEWSKI, ICKOWICZ[no given name] IckowiczICKOWICZIckowicz was set to deliver a bicycle
11334Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] FinkFINKFink’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11335Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] LewkowiczLEWKOWICZLewkowicz’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11336Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] MichalowiczMICHALOWICZMichalowicz’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11337Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] StawskiSTAWSKIStawski’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11338Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] CukiermanCUKIERMANCukierman’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11339Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] FrajermauerFRAJERMAUERFrajermauer’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11340Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] GliksmanGLIKSMANGliksman’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11341Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] KromolowskiKROMOLOWSKIKromolowski’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11342Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] BerlinerBERLINERBerliner’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11343Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11344Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11345Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20598www.crarg.org/i…598-WPMvqR.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] SzladowskiSZLADOWSKISzladowski’s name appears on the next page (a page of resistant workers (“workers evading work”) who have been ordered to be captured.
11347Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIDaniel FinkFINKJoselewicza 12Unclear why Fink is mentioned
11348Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIRubin LewkowiczLEWKOWICZPrzemysłowa 2Lewkowicz was taken to work at Union Textile
11349Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] MichalowiczMICHALOWICZAleja 8Michalowicz was taken to work at Union Textile
11350Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIJanasz StawskiSTAWSKIAleja 12Unclear why Stawski is mentioned
11351Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIMordka CukiermanCUKIERMANPrzemysłowa 2Unclear why Cukierman is mentioned
11352Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIHirsz FrajermauerFRAJERMAUERAleja 6Frajermauer was taken to work at Union Textile
11353Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIJakub GliksmanGLIKSMANPrzemysłowa 2Unclear why Gliksman is mentioned
11354Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIFajwel KromolowskiKROMOLOWSKISt. [Stary] Rynek 13Kromolowski was taken to work at Union Textile
11355Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKIArie BerlinerBERLINERTargowa 12Berliner was taken to work at Union Textile
11356Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska took the workers to the factory
11357Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the workers to the factory
11358Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFINK, LEWKOWICZ, MICHALOWICZ, STAWSKI, CUKIERMAN, FRAJERMAUER, GLIKSMAN, KROMOLOWSKI, BERLINER, MISKA, ALTMAN, SZLADOWSKI[no given name] SzladowskiSZLADOWSKISzladowski was called
11361Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FrajermanFRAJERMANFrajerman is not actually named in this image
11362Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] OderbergODERBERGOderberg is not actually named in this image
11363Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] HotmanHOTMANHotman is not actually named in this image
11364Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman is not actually named in this image
11365Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska is not actually named in this image
11366Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FrydrychFRYDRYCHFrydrych is not actually named in this image
11367Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20599www.crarg.org/i…599-juVWSD.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FriedrichFRIEDRICHFriedrich is not actually named in this image
11369Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICHHersz FrajermanFRAJERMANSenatorska 5Frajerman was suspected of stealing items from a car, arrested and interrogated
11370Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] OderbergODERBERGG-ska [Garncarska] 62/64Oderberg was suspected of stealing items from a car, arrested and interrogated
11371Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICHSzaja HotmanHOTMANAleja 2Hotman was suspected of stealing items from a car, arrested and interrogated
11372Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was one of the arresting officers
11373Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska was one of the arresting officers
11374Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FrydrychFRYDRYCHFrydrych was one of the arresting officers
11375Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20600www.crarg.org/i…600-1MbOBv.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FriedrichFRIEDRICHFriedrich is not mentioned in this image  
11377Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FrajermanFRAJERMANFrajerman is not mentioned in this image
11378Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] OderbergODERBERGOderberg is not mentioned in this image
11379Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] HotmanHOTMANHotman is not mentioned in this image
11380Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was present (during the search?)
11381Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska is not mentioned in this image
11382Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FrydrychFRYDRYCHFrydrych is not mentioned in this image
11383Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfFRAJERMAN, ODERBERG, HOTMAN, ALTMAN, MISKA, FRYDRYCH, FRIEDRICH[no given name] FriedrichFRIEDRICHFriedrich was present (during the search?)
11384Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfGOTTAJNER, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZChaim GottajnerGOTTAJNERNarutowicza 7Gottajner is to be brought to District 1
11385Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfGOTTAJNER, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought him
11386Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20601www.crarg.org/i…601-mqj2yw.pdfGOTTAJNER, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz released him
11641Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERT[no given name] MajznerowicMAJZNEROWICMajzernowicz ordered some people to be brought
11642Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERTAbram AronowiczARONOWICZWarszawska 37Aronowicz is to be brought
11643Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERT[no given name] KacengoldKACENGOLDGaribaldiego 17Kacengold was brought
11644Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERTLajb LibickiLIBICKIDreszera 5Libicki could not be brought because the address is r=wrong
11645Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERT[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to bring the people
11646Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20623www.crarg.org/i…623-MFav2L.pdfMAJZNEROWIC, ARONOWICZ, KACENGOLD, LIBICKI, ALTMAN, ELFERT[no given name] ElfertELFERTElfert was sent to bring the people
11728Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20631www.crarg.org/i…631-lezleX.pdfLIBEL, CZARNY, ALTMAN[no given name] LibelLIBELLibel has released some people and given them bread
11729Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20631www.crarg.org/i…631-lezleX.pdfLIBEL, CZARNY, ALTMANSzmul CzarnyCZARNYNadrzeczna 20Czarny was released
11730Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20631www.crarg.org/i…631-lezleX.pdfLIBEL, CZARNY, ALTMANRuchla AltmanALTMANNadrzeczna 16Altman was released
11761Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKIBerek ZysholcZYSHOLCJoselewicza 8Zysholc is to be brought to the Detention Center
11763Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKIDawid KoltanKOLTANPrzemysłowa 13/15Koltan is to be brought to the Detention Center
11764Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKIMordka WajsfelnerWAJSFELNERKatedralna 9Wajsfelner is to be brought to the Detention Center
11765Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to bring them
11766Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] MiskaMISKAMiska was sent to bring them
11767Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CalaCALACala was sent to bring them
11768Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20634www.crarg.org/i…634-dmZo7H.pdfZYSHOLC, KIERKOWSKI, KOLTAN, WAJSFELNER, ALTMAN, MISKA, CALA, CUKROWSKI[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to bring someone
11828Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20641www.crarg.org/i…641-aIV2G4.pdfALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought the 3 detained Jews to the district
12117Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20668www.crarg.org/i…668-kmZSjx.pdf[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to seal the apartments of persons 1, 2, 3,4,5 and 14
12141Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GranekGRANEKGranek was told to bring a woman to the security police
12142Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergowaGOLDBERGOWANarutowicza 11Goldbergowa was taken to the security police
12143Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGNarutowicza 11Goldberg was taken to the security police
12144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the woman to the security police
12145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20670www.crarg.org/i…670-RrldCA.pdfGRANEK, GOLDBERGOWA, GOLDBERG, ALTMAN, RAFALOWICZ[no given name] RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz brought her back to the district
12279Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20683www.crarg.org/i…683-oBiMXI.pdfALTMAN, RAKUS[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman found a wallet
12280Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20683www.crarg.org/i…683-oBiMXI.pdfALTMAN, RAKUSElzbieta RakusRAKUSChlopickiego 294The wallet belonged to Rakus
12489Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20697www.crarg.org/i…697-vW9mZW.pdfGOTTAJNER, FRANEK, ALTMANRuchla GottajnerGOTTAJNERPrzesmyk 4Gottajner was brought to the director of District 1
12490Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20697www.crarg.org/i…697-vW9mZW.pdfGOTTAJNER, FRANEK, ALTMANDawid FranekFRANEKGarncarska 20Franek was brought to the director of District 1
12491Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20697www.crarg.org/i…697-vW9mZW.pdfGOTTAJNER, FRANEK, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought the two people to the director of District 1
12590Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20704www.crarg.org/i…704-Afktpu.pdfRAJCHER, ALTMAN, FRUMER, MICHELSONLucjan RajcherRAJCHERWilsona 14The Work Department ordered Rajcher to be taken to Raclawicka
12591Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20704www.crarg.org/i…704-Afktpu.pdfRAJCHER, ALTMAN, FRUMER, MICHELSON[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to bring the man but did not find him at home
12592Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20704www.crarg.org/i…704-Afktpu.pdfRAJCHER, ALTMAN, FRUMER, MICHELSON[no given name] FrumerFRUMERFrumer took the man to the special court
12593Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20704www.crarg.org/i…704-Afktpu.pdfRAJCHER, ALTMAN, FRUMER, MICHELSON[no given name] MichelsonMICHELSONMichelson brought him back
13092Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20750www.crarg.org/i…750-NUbyfF.pdfALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to the kitchen.
13094Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20751www.crarg.org/i…751-XIaCwi.pdfALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman escorted the people taking dinner to some workers
13377Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20775www.crarg.org/i…775-gIcFho.pdfFRYSZMAN, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMANHerszlik FryszmanFRYSZMANKawia 24Fryszman was shot dead
13378Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20775www.crarg.org/i…775-gIcFho.pdfFRYSZMAN, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN[no given name] RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz was sent to tell the family that the body could be buried
13379Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20775www.crarg.org/i…775-gIcFho.pdfFRYSZMAN, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to tell the family that the body could be buried
14030Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20828www.crarg.org/i…828-BmWZ2O.pdfALTMAN, JAWORSKA[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought a man to II Police Station
14031Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20828www.crarg.org/i…828-BmWZ2O.pdfALTMAN, JAWORSKA[no given name] JaworskaJAWORSKAJaworska was brought to II Police Station
14259Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] ErlichERLICHErlich collected some workers for “Hagen” company
14260Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANHersz BesserBESSERSt Rynek 19Besser was taken to work at “Hagen”
14261Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANChain WassermanWASSERMANPrzemysłowa 2Wasserman was brought for work at “Hagen”
14262Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANPinkus FrenkielFRENKIELSpadek 11Frenkiel could not be brought as he is in hospital
14263Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANSzoel GrojnowskiGROJNOWSKIWarszawska 35Grojnowski could not be brought because he was sick
14264Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANKalma LeszczynaLESZCZYNADreszera 9Leszczyna was taken to work at “Hagen”
14265Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANAron GronekGRONEKWarszawska 37Gronek was taken to work at “Hagen”
14266Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMANGodel BerkensztadtBERKENSZTADTGarncarska 32Berkensztadt was taken to work at “Hagen”
14267Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] TrembackiTREMBACKITrembacki was sent to find some of the men
14268Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] CukrowskiCUKROWSKICukrowski was sent to find some of the men
14269Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] SzubnikSZUBNIKSzubnik brought a man to be taken to “Hagen”
14270Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman brought a man to be taken to “Hagen”
14271Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfERLICH, BESSER, WASSERMAN, FRENKIEL, GROJNOWSKI, LESZCZYNA, GRONEK, BERKENSZTADT, TREMBACKI, CUKROWSKI, SZUBNIK, ALTMAN, ZAJMAN[no given name] ZajmanZAJMANZajman reported that one of the men was sick
14273Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERN[no given name] FrenzelFRENZELFrenzel ordered some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0842)
14274Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERN[no given name] SzperlingSZPERLINGSzperling escorted some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0842)
14275Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman escorted some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0842)
14276Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERNLeopold KindKINDPrzemysłowa 2Kind was escorted to the railway station (see also image 0842)
14277Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERNNachman KonopnickiKONOPNICKIGaribaldiego 15Konopnicki was escorted to the railway station (see also image 0842)
14278Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20841www.crarg.org/i…841-QcNDoG.pdfFRENZEL, SZPERLING, ALTMAN, KIND, KONOPNICKI, RAJBERN[no given name] RajbernRAJBERNDreszera 9Rajbern’s role is not clear from the image (see also image 0842)
14280Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERN[no given name] FrenzelFRENZELFrenzel ordered some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0841)
14281Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERN[no given name] SzperlingSZPERLINGSzperling escorted some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0841)
14282Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman escorted some workers to be taken to the railway station (see also image 0841)
14283Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERNLeopold KindKINDPrzemysłowa 2Kind was escorted to the railway station (see also image 0841)
14284Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERNNachman KonopnickiKONOPNICKIGaribaldiego 15Konopnicki was escorted to the railway station (see also image 0841)
14285Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfFRENZEL, KIND, KONOPNICKI, ALTMAN, SZPERLING, RAJBERN[no given name] RajbernRAJBERNDreszera 9Rajbern’s role is not clear from the image (see also image 0841)
14287Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfKOHLENBRENER, LIBESKIND, WINDEMUTH, ALTMAN[no given name] KohlenbrenerKOHLENBRENERKohlenbrener was taken to the Inspector at the Trusteeship
14288Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfKOHLENBRENER, LIBESKIND, WINDEMUTH, ALTMAN[no given name] LibeskindLIBESKINDLibeskind was taken to the Inspector at the Trusteeship
14289Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfKOHLENBRENER, LIBESKIND, WINDEMUTH, ALTMAN[no given name] WindemuthWINDEMUTHThe men were taken to see Windemuth
14290Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20842www.crarg.org/i…842-uH7ihw.pdfKOHLENBRENER, LIBESKIND, WINDEMUTH, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the men to the Inspector at the Trusteeship
14612Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20861www.crarg.org/i…861-iPxyue.pdfLOMNIRCER, ALTMAN, KOTJozef LomnircerLOMNIRCERKatedralna 10Lomnircer was ordered to be taken to fix a problem at the German hairdressing salon
14613Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20861www.crarg.org/i…861-iPxyue.pdfLOMNIRCER, ALTMAN, KOT[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to escort the man
14614Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20861www.crarg.org/i…861-iPxyue.pdfLOMNIRCER, ALTMAN, KOT[no given name] KotKOTKot had already been to fix the problem
14781Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20879www.crarg.org/i…879-1sokdK.pdfALTMAN, WOLDANSKI[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman arrested a man who had attacked him
14782Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20879www.crarg.org/i…879-1sokdK.pdfALTMAN, WOLDANSKIJozef WoldanskiWOLDANSKIMala 22.Woldanski was arrested for attacking an officer
15010Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20900www.crarg.org/i…900-6WZik2.pdfALTMAN, CALA[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman accompanied some Housing Office officials
15011Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20900www.crarg.org/i…900-6WZik2.pdfALTMAN, CALA[no given name] CalaCALACala accompanied some Housing Office officials
15092Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20907www.crarg.org/i…907-15p3f3.pdfHAUPTMANN, KRYMAN, ALTMANB HauptmannHAUPTMANNJoselewicza 7Hauptman was brought to the District
15093Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20907www.crarg.org/i…907-15p3f3.pdfHAUPTMANN, KRYMAN, ALTMANA KrymanKRYMANJoselewicza 7Kryman was brought to the District
15094Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20907www.crarg.org/i…907-15p3f3.pdfHAUPTMANN, KRYMAN, ALTMANAltman brought two people to the District
15274Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJN[no given name] CalaCALACala relayed an order from a German Lieutenant
15275Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJN[no given name] RohnROHNLieutenant Rohn ordered that some people be brought to the Watch District
15276Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJNLiba GrundmanGRUNDMANOstring 12Grundman was taken to the Watch District
15277Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJNSzlama ZolcmanZOLCMANOstring 12Zolcman was taken to the Watch District
15278Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJNSzlama ZalcmanZALCMANOstring 12Zalcman was taken to the Watch District
15279Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the people to the Watch District
15280Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20923www.crarg.org/i…923-LluW5o.pdfCALA, ROHN, GRUNDMAN, ZOLCMAN, ZALCMAN, ALTMAN, ORENSZTAJN[no given name] OrensztajnORENSZTAJNOrensztain took the people to the Watch District
15615Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20950https://www.cra…950-dbHc3f.pdfRUBINSTEIN, ACHMATOWICZ, ALTMANFajgla RubinsteinRUBINSTEINFajgla Rubinstein has to be brought to Dr. Achmatowicz
15708Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20957www.crarg.org/i…957-8pftdd.pdfALTMAN, GUTGOLD[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 9Altman was taken to the Internal Revenue Service (see also image 0958)
15709Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20957www.crarg.org/i…957-8pftdd.pdfALTMAN, GUTGOLD[no given name] GutgoldGUTGOLDGutgold took the person to the Internal Revenue Service (see also image 0958)
15711Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20958www.crarg.org/i…958-IAMPxJ.pdfALTMAN, GUTGOLD[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 9Altman was taken to the Internal Revenue Service (see also image 0957)
15712Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20958www.crarg.org/i…958-IAMPxJ.pdfALTMAN, GUTGOLD[no given name] GutgoldGUTGOLDGutgold took the person to the Internal Revenue Service (see also image 0957)
15848Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfALTMAN, KEMPINSKIBeniamin AltmanALTMANAleja 9Altman was taken to the Internal Revenue Service
15849Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 20968www.crarg.org/i…968-XKIMKr.pdfALTMAN, KEMPINSKI[no given name] KempinskiKEMPINSKIKempinski took the man to the Internal Revenue Service
16271Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40446www.crarg.org/i…446-1IsXs3.pdfMAKOWSKA, ALTMANTola MakowskaMAKOWSKAWarszawska 21Makowska reported a break-in
16272Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40446www.crarg.org/i…446-1IsXs3.pdfMAKOWSKA, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANWarszawska 81Altman was accused of the break-in
16614Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40477www.crarg.org/i…477-yxcnjV.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANJakob EpsztajnEPSZTAJNEpsztajn was verbally accosted and then assaulted by 3 men speaking German (see also image 0478 and 0479)
16615Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40477www.crarg.org/i…477-yxcnjV.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANSzyja AltmanALTMANAltman was verbally accosted by 3 men in German (see also image 0478 and 0479)
16617Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40478www.crarg.org/i…478-T014AZ.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANJakob EpsztajnEPSZTAJNEpsztajn was verbally accosted and then assaulted by 3 men speaking German (see also image 0477 and 0479)
16618Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40478www.crarg.org/i…478-T014AZ.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANSzyja AltmanALTMANAltman was verbally accosted by 3 men in German (see also image 0477 and 0479)
16620Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANJakob EpsztajnEPSZTAJNEpsztajn was verbally accosted and then assaulted by 3 men speaking German (see also image 0477 and 0478)
16621Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40479www.crarg.org/i…479-C16EpM.pdfEPSZTAJN, ALTMANSzyja AltmanALTMANAltman was verbally accosted by 3 men in German (see also image 0477 and 0478)
16866Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40498www.crarg.org/i…498-cJB5wO.pdfKOJCZYK, ALTMANMania KojczykKOJCZYKDolna 3Kojczyk reported the loss of some documents (see also image 0499)
16867Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40498www.crarg.org/i…498-cJB5wO.pdfKOJCZYK, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANThe person who lost the documents was the chairperson of the Altman company (see also image 0499)
16869Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40499www.crarg.org/i…499-HtThDJ.pdfKOJCZYK, ALTMANMania KojczykKOJCZYKDolna 3Kojczyk reported the loss of some documents (see also image 0499)
16870Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40499www.crarg.org/i…499-HtThDJ.pdfKOJCZYK, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANThe person who lost the documents was the chairperson of the Altman company (see also image 0499)
17005Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40510www.crarg.org/i…510-E58wFG.pdfALTMAN, GOLDBERGAlter AltmanALTMANNadrzeczna 74Altman was brought to District 1 for his details to be checked
17006Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40510www.crarg.org/i…510-E58wFG.pdfALTMAN, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldman brought the man to District 1
17759Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman took the witness to his apartment
17760Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40570www.crarg.org/i…570-lLanb2.pdfALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] BiberBIBERBiber took the witness to his apartment
17871Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] LindermanLINDERMANLinderman ordered the release of some people from a camp [see also image 0582]
17872Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to inform the people [see also image 0582]
17873Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIChaim GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17874Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIJakób BrandysBRANDYSBrandys was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17875Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIDaniel AltmanALTMANAltman was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17876Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIAlter KoplowiczKOPLOWICZKoplowicz was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17877Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40581www.crarg.org/i…581-05a51f.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIMojżesz ZborowskiZBOROWSKIZborowski was to be released from the camp [see also image 0582]
17879Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] LindermanLINDERMANLinderman ordered the release of some people from a camp [see also image 0581]
17880Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKI[no given name] ZylberbergZYLBERBERGZylberberg was sent to inform the people [see also image 0581]
17881Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIChaim GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17882Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIJakób BrandysBRANDYSBrandys was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17883Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIDaniel AltmanALTMANAltman was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17884Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIAlter KoplowiczKOPLOWICZKoplowicz was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
17885Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40582www.crarg.org/i…582-I7pbJ6.pdfLINDERMAN, ZYLBERBERG, GOLDBERG, BRANDYS, ALTMAN, KOPLOWICZ, ZBOROWSKIMojżesz ZborowskiZBOROWSKIZborowski was to be released from the camp [see also image 0581]
18015Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40594www.crarg.org/i…594-Fc14zd.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUKSzyja AltmanALTMANA man gave Altman some money and a man’s ID card [see also image 0595]
18016Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40594www.crarg.org/i…594-Fc14zd.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUKChil MantelMANTEL5 Oct 1891Nadrzeczna 52The ID card belonged to Mantel [see also image 0595]
18017Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40594www.crarg.org/i…594-Fc14zd.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUK[no given name] WnukWNUKThe money was passed to Wnuk [see also image 0595]
18019Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40595www.crarg.org/i…595-F2AQq3.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUKSzyja AltmanALTMANA man gave Altman some money and a man’s ID card [see also image 0594]
18020Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40595www.crarg.org/i…595-F2AQq3.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUKChil MantelMANTEL5 Oct 1891Nadrzeczna 52The ID card belonged to Mantel [see also image 0594]
18021Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40595www.crarg.org/i…595-F2AQq3.pdfALTMAN, MANTEL, WNUK[no given name] WnukWNUKThe money was passed to Wnuk [see also image 0594]
18037Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40596www.crarg.org/i…596-PYhKKk.pdfMANTEL, ALTMANChil MantelMANTEL25 Sep 1890Nadrzeczna 52Father: Berek, Mother: HendlaThe money taken from Mantel was sent to the County Office
18038Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40596www.crarg.org/i…596-PYhKKk.pdfMANTEL, ALTMANSzyja AltmanALTMANAltman took the money to the Country Office
18150Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home from work
18151Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home from work
18152Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home from work
18153Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERGRegina ZyngerZYNGERGarncarska 22Zynger was escorted home from work
18154Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40606www.crarg.org/i…606-W8Is5k.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, GOLDBERG[no given name] GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the people home from work
18194Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was to be escorted home from work
18195Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was to be escorted home from work
18196Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was to be escorted home from work
18197Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYCRegina ZyngierZYNGIERGarncarska 22Zyngier was to be escorted home from work
18198Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] FrenkelFRENKELFrenkel was sent to escort the people home from work
18199Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40610www.crarg.org/i…610-hFiHGx.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGIER, FRENKEL, LIPSZYC[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCLipszyc was sent to escort the people home from work
18408Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
18409Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDS AltmanALTMANAleja 6Altman was escorted home
18410Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
18411Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDBluma SchmidtSCHMIDTNadrzeczna 74Schmidt was escorted home
18412Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLANDSzlama GoldbergGOLDBERGGoldberg escorted the workers home
18413Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40628www.crarg.org/i…628-7bJzzn.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, SCHMIDT, GOLDBERG, KURLAND[no given name] KurlandKURLANDKurland escorted the workers home
19297Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZChil MiskaMISKAMiska was at his post during the check
19298Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZChaim IckowiczICKOWICZIckowicz was at his post during the check
19299Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZJozef MonhajtMONHAJTMonhajt was at his post during the check
19300Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZBenjan RafalowiczRAFALOWICZRafalowicz was at his post during the check
19301Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZSzyja AltmanALTMANSzyja Altman was at his post during the check
19302Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40712www.crarg.org/i…712-fNfoWO.pdfMISKA, ICKOWICZ, MONHAJT, RAFALOWICZ, ALTMAN, MAJZNEROWICZ[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz signed the report
19338Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz sent two officers to escort some kitchen workers home
19339Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERCywja FuksowaFUKSOWANadrzeczna 74Fuksowa was escorted home
19340Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERCywja FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
19341Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERTauba FuksowaFUKSOWANadrzeczna 74Fuksowa was escorted home
19342Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERTauba FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Fuks was escorted home
19343Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERHenia ForbergFORBERGRynek Warszawski 3/5Forberg was escorted home
19344Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERFela JesionekJESIONEKGarncarska 42Jesionek was escorted home
19345Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBERMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
19346Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to escort some kitchen workers home
19347Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40716www.crarg.org/i…716-kv8OuC.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, FUKSOWA, FUKS, FORBERG, JESIONEK, ALTMAN, BIBER[no given name] BiberBIBERBiber was sent to escort some kitchen workers home
19512Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40731www.crarg.org/i…731-zE5Vds.pdfALTMAN, ICKOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was set to take some workers to the factory
19513Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40731www.crarg.org/i…731-zE5Vds.pdfALTMAN, ICKOWICZ[no given name] IckowiczICKOWICZIckowicz was set to take some workers to the factory
19514Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40731www.crarg.org/i…731-zE5Vds.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIER[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 9Altman reported the on-going theft of flour [see also image 0732]
19515Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40731www.crarg.org/i…731-zE5Vds.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIERMordka BornsztajnBORNSZTAJNWife: ManiaBornsztajn was suspected of stealing the flour [see also image 0732]
19516Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40731www.crarg.org/i…731-zE5Vds.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIER[no given name] BankierBANKIERBankier brought the husband and wife to Police Station 2 [see also image 0732]
19518Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40732www.crarg.org/i…732-rMvuAI.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIER[no given name] AltmanALTMANAleja 9Altman reported the on-going theft of flour [see also image 0731]
19519Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40732www.crarg.org/i…732-rMvuAI.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIERMordka BornsztajnBORNSZTAJNWife: ManiaBornztajn was suspected of stealing the flour [see also image 0731]
19520Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40732www.crarg.org/i…732-rMvuAI.pdfALTMAN, BORNSZTAJN, BANKIER[no given name] BankierBANKIERBankier brought the husband and wife to Police Station 2 [see also image 0731]
19597Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40740www.crarg.org/i…740-stBpDH.pdfFUCHS, SZMIDT, ALTMAN, KAUFMAN, SZAPSIEWICZCywja FuchsFUCHSNadrzeczna 74Fuchs was escorted home
19598Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40740www.crarg.org/i…740-stBpDH.pdfFUCHS, SZMIDT, ALTMAN, KAUFMAN, SZAPSIEWICZBlima SzmidtSZMIDTNadrzeczna 74Szmidt was escorted home
19599Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40740www.crarg.org/i…740-stBpDH.pdfFUCHS, SZMIDT, ALTMAN, KAUFMAN, SZAPSIEWICZMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
19600Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40740www.crarg.org/i…740-stBpDH.pdfFUCHS, SZMIDT, ALTMAN, KAUFMAN, SZAPSIEWICZ[no given name] KaufmanKAUFMANKaufman escorted the people home
19601Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40740www.crarg.org/i…740-stBpDH.pdfFUCHS, SZMIDT, ALTMAN, KAUFMAN, SZAPSIEWICZ[no given name] SzapsiewiczSZAPSIEWICZSzapsiewicz escorted the people home
19647Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40746www.crarg.org/i…746-FAJc8p.pdfALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANAltman was sent to escort some cabbage carts
19743Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKI[no given name] MajznerowiczMAJZNEROWICZMajznerowicz ordered that some kitchen workers be escorted home
19744Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKILaja SzpicSZPICSenatorska no 31Szpic was escorted home
19745Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKIChil SzpicSZPICSenatorska no 31Szpic was escorted home
19746Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKIJosek SzpicSZPICSenatorska no 31Szpic was escorted home
19747Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKIMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Altman was escorted home
19748Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40755www.crarg.org/i…755-BXIaVx.pdfMAJZNEROWICZ, SZPIC, ALTMAN, KEMPINSKI[no given name] KempinskiKEMPINSKIKempinski escorted the kitchen workers home
19826Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfESTRAJCH, SZWYMER, ALTMANGuta EstrajchESTRAJCHTargowa 10Guta Estrajch reported with a request to take her to Criminal Police with food for Szwymer Mordka, detained in Police Station no II
19827Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfESTRAJCH, SZWYMER, ALTMANMordka SzwymerSZWYMERMordka Szwymer is detained in Police Station no II
19828Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfESTRAJCH, SZWYMER, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman was sent to bring Guta Estrajch to Police Station no II
19832Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfCZARNA, WROCLAWSKA, ALTMANRajzla CzarnaCZARNAKrótka 6Rajzla Czarna was brought to the Watch District to clean
19833Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfCZARNA, WROCLAWSKA, ALTMANRajza WroclawskaWROCLAWSKAGaribaldiego 21Rajza Wrocławska was brought to the Watch District to clean
19834Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40762www.crarg.org/i…762-QwSWL0.pdfCZARNA, WROCLAWSKA, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman, id no 108, brought Rajzla Czarna and Rajza Wrocławska to the watch district
19942Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40774www.crarg.org/i…774-0aWMpZ.pdfTAUBA, ALTMAN, MICHELSONGold TaubaTAUBAGaribaldiego 26Gold Tauba reported that the last night unknown perpetrators had broken a padlock and broken into a shed at Wilsona St. and had stolen several items
19943Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40774www.crarg.org/i…774-0aWMpZ.pdfTAUBA, ALTMAN, MICHELSON[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman, id no 108, brought Gold Tauba to Criminal Police of Police Station no II
19944Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40774www.crarg.org/i…774-0aWMpZ.pdfTAUBA, ALTMAN, MICHELSON[no given name] MichelsonMICHELSONOfficer Michelson brought someone to Police Station no II
20162Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJTMichał BorowieckiBOROWIECKIMichał Borowiecki, who was detained last night, was brought to Wilsona 22/24 St.
20163Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJTSzmul SztajerSZTAJERSzmul Sztajer, who was detained last night, was brought to Wilsona 22/24 St.
20164Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJTAnszel KrymolowskiKRYMOLOWSKIAnszel Krymołowski, who was detained last night, was brought to Wilsona 22/24 St.
20165Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJTŁaja OrbachORBACHŁaja Orbach, who was detained last night, was brought to Wilsona 22/24 St.
20166Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJT[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman, id no 108, brought Michał Borowiecki, Szmul Sztajer, Anszel Krymołowski, and Łaja Orbach to Wilsona 20/22
20167Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40797www.crarg.org/i…797-HFkyH9.pdfBOROWIECKI, SZTAJER, KRYMOLOWSKI, ORBACH, ALTMAN, MONHAJT[no given name] MonhajtMONHAJTOfficer Monhajt, id no 83, brought Michał Borowiecki, Szmul Sztajer, Anszel Krymołowski, and Łaja Orbach to Wilsona 20/22, where he was set up as a sentry
20186Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40800www.crarg.org/i…800-bSoB1G.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKMoszek GonzwaGONZWAGroup leader Moszek Gonzwa brought a leather briefcase given to him by an unknown woman to the district. There was 1000zł and ID #48036 on name Łaja[?] Sztam born on 16 Aug 1909 and a pass allowing going outside the Jewish district.
20187Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40800www.crarg.org/i…800-bSoB1G.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKŁaja[?] SztamSZTAM16 Aug 1909R. [Rynek] Wieluński 3Sztam Łaja[?]’s ID #48036 was found in a leather briefcase
20188Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40800www.crarg.org/i…800-bSoB1G.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKJ. Rajcher TschenstochauTSCHENSTOCHAUJ. Rajcher Tschenstochau provided certificates saying that Sztam Łaja is hired at “Bogatolit”[?] company as a bookkeeper
20189Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40800www.crarg.org/i…800-bSoB1G.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAK[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman was sent to Mrs. Łaja Sztam to tell her to report to the district
20190Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40800www.crarg.org/i…800-bSoB1G.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAK[no given name] MaliniakMALINIAKChancellor Maliniak is keeping the documents pertaining to Mrs. Łaja Sztam
20192Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40801www.crarg.org/i…801-wtSJAs.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKMoszek GonzwaGONZWAGroup leader Moszek Gonzwa brought a leather briefcase given to him by an unknown woman to the district. There was 1000zł and ID #48036 on name Łaja[?] Sztam born on 16 Aug 1909 and a pass allowing going outside the Jewish district.
20193Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40801www.crarg.org/i…801-wtSJAs.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKŁaja[?] SztamSZTAM16 Aug 1909R. [Rynek] Wieluński 3Sztam Łaja[?]’s ID #48036 was found in a leather briefcase
20194Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40801www.crarg.org/i…801-wtSJAs.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAKJ. Rajcher TschenstochauTSCHENSTOCHAUJ. Rajcher Tschenstochau provided certificates saying that Sztam Łaja is hired at “Bogatolit”[?] company as a bookkeeper
20195Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40801www.crarg.org/i…801-wtSJAs.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAK[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman was sent to Mrs. Łaja Sztam to tell her to report to the district
20196Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40801www.crarg.org/i…801-wtSJAs.pdfGONZWA, SZTAM, RAJCHER/TSCHENSTOCHAU, ALTMAN, MALINIAK[no given name] MaliniakMALINIAKChancellor Maliniak is keeping the documents pertaining to Mrs. Łaja Sztam
20464Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPIC[no given name] DorfmanDORFMANOfficer Dorfman brought Majer Altman, Dawid Habersztat, Szaja Szpic, Chil Szpic, and Moszek Szpic to kitchen no 6
20465Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Majer Altman was brought to kitchen no 6
20466Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICDawid HabersztatHABERSZTATAleja 1Dawid Habersztat was brought to kitchen no 6
20467Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICSzaja SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Szaja Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20468Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICChil SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Chil Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20469Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40831www.crarg.org/i…831-seOOaA.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICMoszek SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Moszek Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20471Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40832www.crarg.org/i…832-8fCy28.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Majer Altman was brought to kitchen no 6
20472Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40832www.crarg.org/i…832-8fCy28.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICDawid HabersztatHABERSZTATAleja 1Dawid Habersztat was brought to kitchen no 6
20473Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40832www.crarg.org/i…832-8fCy28.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICSzaja SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Szaja Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20474Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40832www.crarg.org/i…832-8fCy28.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICChil SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Chil Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20475Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40832www.crarg.org/i…832-8fCy28.pdfDORFMAN, ALTMAN, HABERSZTAT, SZPICMoszek SzpicSZPICSenatorska 31Moszek Szpic was brought to kitchen no 6
20484Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40833www.crarg.org/i…833-FNhLXW.pdfMARCZAK, ZELKOWICZ, ALTMANMordka MarczakMARCZAKWarszawskaMordka Marczak the painter is to be brought to Police Station I to work
20485Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40833www.crarg.org/i…833-FNhLXW.pdfMARCZAK, ZELKOWICZ, ALTMANBerek ZelkowiczZELKOWICZR. [Rynek] Warszawski 7Berek Zelkowicz the painter is to be brought to Police Station I to work
20486Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40833www.crarg.org/i…833-FNhLXW.pdfMARCZAK, ZELKOWICZ, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman, id no 107, was sent to bring Mordka Marczak and Berek Zelkowicz to Police Station no I
20525Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40837www.crarg.org/i…837-CISVLK.pdfALTMAN, SZPIKULICER[no given name] SzpikulicerSZPIKULICEROfficer Szpikulicer, id no 94, brought Tobiasz Altman to the Watch District
20816Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40868www.crarg.org/i…868-llWyzL.pdfHOCHERMAN, ALTMANMajer-Krótka HochermanHOCHERMANMajer-Krótka Hocherman to be brought to the quarantine, Garibaldiego 18
21142Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZMajer AltmanALTMANAleja 7Majer Altman to be brought home from kitchen #5
21143Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZSala AltmanALTMANAleja 6 3Sala Altman to be brought home from kitchen #5
21144Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZTauba FuksFUKSNadrzeczna 74Tauba Fuks to be brought home from kitchen #5
21145Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZRywka ZyngerZYNGERGarncarska 22 and 5Rywka Zynger to be brought home from kitchen #5
21146Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZJochiel ForbergFORBERGRynek Warszawski 3/5Jochiel Forberg to be brought home from kitchen #5
21147Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] LipszycLIPSZYCOfficer Lipszyc, id no 82, brought Majer Altman, Sala Altman, Tauba Fuks, Rywka Zynger, and Jochiel Forberg home from kitchen #5
21148Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40907www.crarg.org/i…907-d29tln.pdfALTMAN, FUKS, ZYNGER, FORBERG, LIPSZYC, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] AbramowiczABRAMOWICZOfficer Abramowicz, id no 57, brought Majer Altman, Sala Altman, Tauba Fuks, Rywka Zynger, and Jochiel Forberg home from kitchen #5
21165Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40911www.crarg.org/i…911-GrNF3j.pdfALTMAN, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman, id no 108, reported that “Today at 13:00, when we were accidently at Warszawska St., 2 civil Germans came to us, as it turned out later they were Aviation Brigade Investigation officers, and asked us to assist them. We headed at Warszawska 23, where - after having broken a padlock - they entered a certain apartment and took textiles and bicycle parts to the prison at Zawodzie [district of Częstochowa]”
21166Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40911www.crarg.org/i…911-GrNF3j.pdfALTMAN, ABRAMOWICZ[no given name] AbramowiczABRAMOWICZOfficer Abramowicz, id no 57, reported that “Today at 13:00, when we were accidently at Warszawska St., 2 civil Germans came to us, as it turned out later they were Aviation Brigade Investigation officers, and asked us to assist them. We headed at Warszawska 23, where - after having broken a padlock - they entered a certain apartment and took textiles and bicycle parts to the prison at Zawodzie [district of Częstochowa]”
21298Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40927www.crarg.org/i…927-F1vatP.pdfFAJERMAN, ALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, RAJZMANIcek FajermanFAJERMANBerka Joselewicza 1Icek Fajerman reported that Fida Altman and Berkowicz came to repair his shoes, and when they were gone, his pocket watch was missing
21299Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40927www.crarg.org/i…927-F1vatP.pdfFAJERMAN, ALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, RAJZMANFida[?] AltmanALTMANFida[?] Altman repaired Icek Fajerman’s shoes, then Icek’s pocket watch went missing
21300Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40927www.crarg.org/i…927-F1vatP.pdfFAJERMAN, ALTMAN, BERKOWICZ, RAJZMAN[no given name] BerkowiczBERKOWICZBerkowicz repaired Icek Fajerman’s shoes, then Icek’s pocket watch went missing
21474Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40950www.crarg.org/i…950-DtTYsE.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMAN[no given name] SchmidtSCHMIDTIt was requested that Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki be brought to Police Station no II at Senior Officer Schmidt’s disposal
21475Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40950www.crarg.org/i…950-DtTYsE.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMANChaskiel ZoltobrodzkiZOLTOBRODZKIIt was requested that Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki be brought to Police Station no II
21476Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40950www.crarg.org/i…950-DtTYsE.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMANOfficer Altman was sent with the aim of bringingChaskiel Żółtobrodzki
21478Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40951www.crarg.org/i…951-iqjKoX.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMAN[no given name] SchmidtSCHMIDT[Senior Officer Schmidt]
21479Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40951www.crarg.org/i…951-iqjKoX.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMANChaskiel ZoltobrodzkiZOLTOBRODZKIB. Joselewicza 15Chaskiel Żółtobrodzki was not found home
21480Summary of each entry; see pdf file for each image number for a compete translation of the pageMicrofilm roll 40951www.crarg.org/i…951-iqjKoX.pdfSCHMIDT, ZOLTOBRODZKI, ALTMAN[no given name] AltmanALTMAN[Officer Altman]

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk [3]: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who lived in the region of Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII, 20 Sep 1946 (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-region-of-dolny-slask-sep1946.php [H]

-Sort-Image name1. Numbering2. PersonSurname from previous column [r#]3. Names of parents4. Year of birth5. Present address6. ProfessionOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100061167.pdf2.Altman BanoALTMANDawid and Golda1920Dzierzoniowelektromont. [electrician]   
100071167.pdf3.Altman DoraALTMANMoszek and Liba1910Dzierzoniowkrawcowa [seamstress]   
100081167.pdf4.Altman SzlamaALTMAN1928Dzierzoniow    
100091167.pdf5.Altman HelaALTMANWolf and Lea1920Dzierzoniow    

Częstochowa / Dolny Śląsk: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Dolny Śląsk, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-dolny-slask.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous columnNames of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
101081142.pdf103.Chaim AltmanALTMANDawid and GoldaCzestochowa 1917Czestochowamerchant [kupiec]Dzierzoniow Pl. Wolnosci52   
101091142.pdf104.Dadek AltmanALTMANChaim and HalaDzierzoniow 1946CzestochowaDzierzoniow Pl. Wolnosci52   
101101142.pdf105.Calel AltmanALTMANIzrael and MalkaCzestochowa 1903Czestochowabaker [piekarz]Dzierzoniow Limanowskiego26   
101111142.pdf106.Dora AltmanALTMANMoszek and LibaCzestochowa 1905CzestochowaDzierzoniow Limanowskiego26   
101121142.pdf107.Beniamin AltmanALTMANDawid and GoldaCzestochowa 1920Czestochowaelectrician [elektromon.]Dzierzoniow Zymierskiego26   
102381149.pdf231Szymon AltmanALTMANAdela and RozaCzestochowa 192[?]Czestochowa      

Częstochowa Forced Labor, WWII; original documents at Jewish Historical Institute Warsaw; we thank the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation Genealogy Project for their cooperation (4843 persons) [H]

-Sort-Jewish Historical Institute sygn.Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]PersonSurname from previous columnOccupation (Beruf)Occupation (Beruf) (translated)Place of residence (Wohnort)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilPage No. in redComments
100252008H 96057Mendel AltmanALTMANHerrenschneiderMen's tailorSenatorska 1422 Apr 1940149? 
108942419H 96468Lewek AltmanALTMANKonditorConfectioner (pastry cook)Al. Woln. 3/522 Apr 194038  
109492406H 96455Dawid AltmanALTMANSchneiderTailorNadrzeczna 1022 Apr 194039  
109612349H 96398Jochem AltmanALTMANBaeckerBakerGaribaldistr. 1622 Apr 194040  
114401870H 83919Mendel AltmanALTMANBaekcer [Backer]BakerAl. Wolnosci 1322 Apr 194054  
118461482H 83521Chaim AltmanALTMANSeilergeselle [Seifergeselle?]Soap maker?, rope maker?, journeymanNadrzeczna 5422 Apr 19406633 
120641282H 83321Calel AltmanALTMANBaeckerges. ArbeitslosBaker journeyman (for "Backergeselle"), unemployedNadrzeczna 1622 Apr 19407226 
125023570D 12580Zygmunt AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilAl. Wolnosci 1322 Apr 194087109 
125193517D 12527Izrael AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilNadrzeczna 1622 Apr 194088108 
125783406D 12416Szlama AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilNadrzeczna 1022 Apr 194090105 
125793407D 12417Binem AltmanALTMANBuchhalterBookkeeperOrl. Dreszera 422 Apr 194090105 
128163197D 12207Dawid AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilNarutowicza 19/2322 Apr 19409798 
133532094D 11104Szoel AltmanALTMANAngestellter arbeitslosEmployee, unemployedWarszawska 123/12522 Apr 194011364 
133912005D 11015Pinkus AltmanALTMANHandlerDealer, trader, storekeeperWarszawska 5722 Apr 194011562 
134461996D 11006Majer AltmanALTMANAngestellter arbeitslosEmployee, unemployedPilsudskiego 1122 Apr 194011661 
135211850D 10860Dawid AltmanALTMANAngestellter arbeitslosEmployee, unemployedN.M. Panny 5522 Apr 194011957 
13645213/7191F 5626Chil AltmanALTMANInstal. fur ElektrizitatElectrician (installer for electricity)Al. Wolnosci 1522 Apr 19401247 
13799213/71772D 10782Moszek AltmanALTMANBerufslosWithout professionSowinskiego 3622 Apr 19409  
13882213/73406D 12416Szlama AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilNadrzeczna 1045 
13883213/73407D 12417Binem AltmanALTMANBuchhalterBookkeeperOrl. Dreszera 445 
140633406D 12416Szlama AltmanALTMANSchulerPupilNadrzeczna 1090  
140643407D 12417Binem AltmanALTMANBuchalterBookkeeperOrl. Dreszera 490  
14099213/5D 6Szmul AltmanALTMANNadrzeczna 421  
14104213/5D 11Basia AltmanALTMANGarncarska 231  
14752213/221772D 10782Moszek AltmanALTMANBerufslosWithout professionSowinskiego 3622 Apr 1940122  

Częstochowa: German Prison in Częstochowa 1939-1944 (Niemiecki Zakład Karny w Częstochowie), EXPANDED WORK [H]

-Sort-Reference [number]Register numberDate of arrival in prisonNameSurname copied from previous column [r#]Date of birthPlace of birthPrevious address (Częstochowa unless otherwise stated)FatherMotherSurname copied from previous columnOccupationSuspected or accused ofDate of sentenceSentenceOther informationNotes by translator / typistSurname copied from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1021811182 Jul 1941Dawid AltmanALTMAN11 Sep 1908CzęstochowaI Aleja No. 12SamuelSara née JakubowiczJAKUBOWICZJournalistPoliticalReleased 4 Jul 1941; bachelor   
10275123720 Aug 1941Romek JeleńJELEŃ5 Oct 1918LelówPrzyrówLajb-AronGołda EsteraDyerTheftReleased 17 Oct 1941; arrested with Szulim Federman accused of stealing 5 items of clothing material on 16 Aug 1941 in Przyrów from Josek AltmanAcquitted; tried in Polish courtFEDERMAN, ALTMAN 
10409183328 Apr 1942Chaja DziałowskaDZIAŁOWSKA15 Feb 1909CzęstochowaStary Rynek No. 24MoszekRywka née AltmanALTMANWorkerPoliticalTransported 29 Jul 1942; single   
10436202315 Jun 1942Josek KipersztajnKIPERSZTAJN30 Jun 1892RównoI Aleja No. 12AjzykHawa née BergałBERGAŁSalesman?Illegal tradeTransported 2 Jul 1942; husband of Ides née AltmanALTMAN 
10712363111 Aug 1942Moszek GrynbergGRYNBERG1885MstówNadrzeczna No. 3ErszlikGasiaWorkerNo armband7 Aug 1942100 złoty fine or 20 days prisonReleased 31 Aug 1942; husband of Hinda née AltmanALTMANSpelling is clearly "Erszlik" and "Gasia"

Częstochowa Ghetto Rejestracja (list of Jews sent to the Częstochowa Ghetto from other towns), 22 Jan 1940 to 7 Jan 1941; Często Arch, syg 9061, pages 2-128 (1351 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsPagePersonSurname from previous columnCame fromComments (not by researcher)
10469Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.32Pinkus AltmanALTMANAleksandrow 
10670Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.52Anna AltmanALTMANLodz 
10672Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.52Rywka AltmanALTMANRadomsko 
10796Also see later, more complete, typing of this document, as well as additional pages from this material.70Liba AltmanALTMANLodz 

Częstochowa: Harry Klein, "Czenstochov: Our Legacy," 1993 (947 surnames) [H]

-Sort-Surname or maiden name (of any person, Jewish or not Jewish)Page numberNotes (photo noted by indexer of pages i-176)

Częstochowa Holocaust-era document CEWHP (reference title created for Częstochowa Council of Elders) [H]

-Sort-Details 1Deatils 2Deatils 3Given nameSurnameAddressSequential numberHandwritten page number
10031Brygudu? Janiterum?, "Sanitary Brigade?," "List of restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs (beer-houses), tea houses and hostels in the Jewish Quarter") Jewish......Czestochowa, 15 June 1942, According to the notice of Seniors' Council of the Department of Trade and Industry on the 10th of the current month June (document no. H.2881/42), I attach......[am sending you?] the [a?] list of restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs (beer-houses), tea houses and hostels in the Jewish Quarter, which follow:...SaraALTMAN30Warszawska 43152

Częstochowa Holocaust-era, various pages (395 persons) [H]

-Sort-DetailsGiven nameSurname [r#]Date of birthAgeFatherMotherOccupationOccupation (translated)Current jobCurrent job (translated)AddressRegional page headerRegional page header (translated)L.p. (seq # on left)Comments
10003("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5MariaALTMAN15 Jan 1903Pielegn.NurseHigienistka w domu dzieckaWoman "sanitary" in home/house of childrenWolnosci 3/6Wykaz pracownikow Okregowego Komitetu Zydowskiego (Wraz z rodzinami)Register of workers of "Jewish Committee District" (with family)3 
10004("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5FajwiszALTMAN21 Dec 1906PowroznikRope makerWolnosci 3/6Wykaz pracownikow Okregowego Komitetu Zydowskiego (Wraz z rodzinami)Register of workers of "Jewish Committee District" (with family)4 
10049("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5LeonALTMAN35MichalGutaUrzednikOfficial, civil-servantUrzedn.-SekretarzOfficial (secretary)Warszawska 21Personel Domu Dziecka wraz z rodz inamiResidents of a house for orphans1 
10182("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5SzmulALTMAN1878MoszekChanaKupiecTradesman, merchantAl. Kosciuszki 7Wykaz chorychRegistry of sick people3 
10184("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5DawidALTMAN1908SamuelSaraDziennik.JournalistKosciuszki 7Wykaz chorychRegistry of sick people5 
10322("Komitet w Czestochowie...," "Committee in Czestochowa": Central Committee of Polish Jews, Warszawa-Praga, Szeroka 5, Records/Files and Statistics Department), USHMM, 1997.A.0235.Reel 5SalaALTMAN12JozefNachaUczennicaPupil/student (girl)Wolnosci 13Wykaz dzieci do lat 14Registry of children up to age 14 years1 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa EXPANDED [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsPagePersonSurname(s) from previous column [r#]Persons listed in complete articleSurname(s) from previous columnSurname(s) from previous column, without diacritical marksNotes (not written by researcher)
10005For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf166Binem AltmanALTMANParents Mordka Józef [Josek] & Rywa z Szmidtów; wife Estera Małka Posłaniec (her parents Kopel & Fajga z Steinhartów); daughter Róża Altman; siblings Szlama, MajerSZMIDTÓW / SZMIDT, STEINHARTÓW / STEINHART, ALTMANSZMIDTOW / SZMIDT, STEINHARTOW / STEINHART, ALTMAN 
10006For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdf166Szyja AltmanALTMANParents Majer & Estera; siblings Juda Moszek, Liba HerszlikowiczHERSZLIKOWICZHERSZLIKOWICZ 

Częstochowa: Jewish Police in Częstochowa [H]

-Sort-Complete detailsSurname from previous column [r#]
10007For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfALTMAN
10008For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfALTMAN
10009For complete details, see pdf file at Czestochowa museum web site (pages 166-186): www.muzeumczest…_2011_2012.pdfALTMAN

Częstochowa List of Available Hand Tools ("Liste des Vorhandenes Handwerkzeugs"), WWII; Jewish Historical Institute (627 persons) [H]

-Sort-Laufende No. [consecutive number]Kartei-No. [file number]Given name of owner [of the hand tool]Surname of owner [of the hand tool]Vorhandenes HandwerkzeugsVorhandenes Handwerkzeugs (translated)Date at top of pagePage No. in pencilJewish Historical Institute sygn.Comments
1009763F 5626ChilALTMANWerkzeug eines InstallateursTools of a plumber22 Apr 19403213/6 
10199711H 96057MendelALTMAN1 Naehmaschine und Werkzeug eines Schneiders1 sewing machine and tools of a tailor22 Apr 19409213/6 
10401939H 96455DawidALTMAN1 Naehmaschine u. sonstige Handwerkzeuge1 sewing machine and other hand tools22 Apr 194017213/6 
104731010H 96579SzlamaALTMANEinrichtung einer Werkstatt eines PappendeckelmachersEquipment of a workshop for making pasteboards covers22 Apr 194020213/6 

Częstochowa: lists of abandoned properties in Częstochowa, syg 29; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/15071873 (part of: District Liquidation Office in Kielce - tinyurl.com/3awprebr) [H]

-Sort-DetailsDetails in PolishImage file nameOrder numberStreetHouse numberProperty typePersonSurname from previous columnGroupRe-privatizedDelivered to the City Council.RemarksNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
10026LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_4_56153424.jpg26.Aleja N.M.Panny35house [Polish: dom]Izaak Altman and others [Polish: i inni]ALTMANP[blank][blank]   
10261LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_9_56153427.jpg256.Kordeckiego50/60place [Polish: plac]Altman and CymberALTMAN, CYMBERP[blank]2 Apr 1946   
10375LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_11_56153430.jpg368.Nadrzeczna54place [Polish: plac]Benjamin and Tauba AltmanALTMANP[blank]2 Apr 1946   
10434LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_12_56153431.jpg426.Orlicz Dreszera4house [Polish: dom]Mordka Altman and others [Polish: i inni]ALTMANP102/11226 Mar 1946   
10513LIST of real estates located in the city of Częstochowa, kept in the records of the District Liquidation Office in Częstochowa.WYKAZ nieruchomości połoźonych na terenie m. Częstochowy, znajdujących się w ewidencji Rejonowego Urzędu Likwidacyjnego w Częstochowie.21_336_0_-_29_14_56153432.jpg503.Rocha39house [Polish: dom]Jacheta Altman and others [Polish: i in]ALTMANP100%[blank]   

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish arrivals to Częstochowa drawn up by the Judenrat; Często Arch, syg 5 (890 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageNumber(s) at top of page (if any)NumberPersonSurname from previous columnWhen and where bornProfessionAddressNumber of family membersWhere moved fromWhere and when moved inRemarksOther text on the pageNotes (not by researcher)
10534www.crarg.org/i…-8a-eMmNFt.jpg211.Frymetta AltmanALTMAN10 Mar 1886 KrzepitzOhne Beruf [Unemployed? no previous profession? unskilled?]Warschauerstr. 36-[Column not included on this page]Krzepitz 3 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: none 
10829www.crarg.org/i…-11-PaUSzf.jpgA701/4239.Chana AltmanALTMAN29 Nov 1896 WilnoOhne Beruf [Unemployed? no previous profession? unskilled?]Joselewiczstr. 11[Column not included on this page]Klobuck 15 Jul 1942[Column not included on this page]Top: Jewish Council of Czestochowa, Dept. of Internal Affairs; Jewish Council in Czestochowa; List of Jews from other towns registered with the Jewish Council [Judenrat] for residence application; bottom: Czestochowa, 7 Sep 1942, President of the Jewish Council 

Częstochowa: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa, who after WWII lived in Częstochowa; Yad Vashem; images: www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-in-czestochowa.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberingPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Names of parentsDate and place of birthPlace of residence during the occupationLocation in 1939ProfessionPresent addressPlace of workOther information on the pageNotes by typistNotes (not written by typist)
100101131.pdf7.Altman IzakALTMANMordka and FrajdlaCzestochowa 1885U.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.]Czestochowaindustry [przemysl]Czestochowa Jasnogérska 15[Blank]   
100111131.pdf8.Altman JudaALTMANIzak and MindlaCzestochowa 1914U.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.]Czestochowa[Blank]Czestochowa Jasnogérska 15[Blank]   
100121131.pdf9.Altman MindlaALTMAN-----Czestochowa 1886U.S.S.R. [Z.S.R.R.]Czestochowa[Blank]Czestochowa Jasnogérska 15[Blank]   
100131131.pdf10.Altman MalkaALTMANHenoch and DobraCzestochowa 1903HasagCzestochowanurse [pieleg.]Czestochowa Garibaldiego 19Society of Health for Jewish Population in Poland [T.O.Z. [Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia dla Ludnosci Zydowskiej w Polsce]]   
100141131.pdf11.Altman FajwuszALTMANBemiamin and TaubaCzestochowa 1906HasagCzestochowamerchant [kupiec]Czestochowa Garibaldiego 19[Blank]   
100151131.pdf12.Altman BeniaminALTMANFajwusz and ManiaCzestochowa 1940d / Aryan [d/aryjska]Czestochowa-----Czestochowa Garibaldiego 19[Blank]   
100161131.pdf13.Altman DawidALTMANSzmul and RózaCzestochowa 1908HasagCzestochowajournalist [dziennikarz]Czestochowa Kosciuszki 7[Blank]   
100171131.pdf14.Altman SzmlALTMAN-----Czestochowa 1878HasagCzestochowa[Blank]Czestochowa Kosciuszki 7[Blank]   
100201131.pdf17.Artman SzajaALTMAN-----Czestochowa 1897Obéz Konc.Czestochowaclerk [urzednik]Czestochowa Warszawska 41[Blank]   
100221131.pdf19.Altman RozaliaALTMANAbram ZukienParyz 1915HasagCzestochowaclerk [urzednik]Czestochowa Warszawska 21[Blank]   
100231131.pdf20.Altman HelenaALTMAN-----Czestochowa 1918HasagCzestochowamilliner [modystka]Czestochowa Aleja 29[Blank]   
100241131.pdf21.Altman JakubALTMANSzmul and RózaCzestochowa 1912HasagCzestochowaclerk [urzednik]Czestochowa Aleja 29[Blank]   

Częstochowa NLO1 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord....", "Jewish policemen, sorted by name"; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (328 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Date of birthAddressD. Nr.Page # (in original)
100053Binem AltmanALTMAN14 Sep 1917Dreszera 43455
100097Szyja AltmanALTMAN2 Jun 1916Warszawska 2110855

Częstochowa NLO3 (reference title created for assorted pages beginning with "Namestliche Liste der Ord...."; Częstochowa Council of Elders, about 1940; USHMM RG15.061M (151 persons) [H]

-Sort-Sequential number in left marginPersonSurname from previoius column [r#]AddressPage # (in original)Handwritten #'sDetails
100033Binem AltmanALTMANDreszera 460Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa
100044Szyja AltmanALTMANWarszawska 2160Nominal registry of people who work in Jewish service of order in Czestochowa or List of Jewish functionaries in Czestochowa

Częstochowa: prisoners at Hasag Pelcery slave labor camp in Częstochowa, USHMM (4738 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image fileImage file (second set: improved images)Lp.Given name (Nazwisko i imie)Surname (Nazwisko i imie) [r#]Year of birth (Data ur)Birth, from complete documentPlace of birth (Miejsce urodzenia)Residence in 1939 (Miejsce zam. w 1939 r)From where sent (Skad przybyl do obozu) [may be one of 6 Hasag slave-labor camps]Profession (Zawod)Profession (Zawod), translationCard number (Nr. kartotek obozowej)Notes
10069Hasag-A1/0073.tifHasag-B1/0068.tif69.CalelALTMAN190610 May 1906CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowa1507 
10070Hasag-A1/0074.tifHasag-B1/0069.tif70.ChaimALTMAN191717 Jul 1917CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowakrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)1852 
10071Hasag-A1/0075.tifHasag-B1/0070.tif71.DawidALTMAN19082 Aug 1908CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)2931 
10072Hasag-A1/0076.tifHasag-B1/0071.tif72.DawidALTMAN192524.19.1925PrzyrowPrzyrowPrzyrowelektrykelectrician1682Microfilmed page shows the date as 24.19.1925
10073Hasag-A1/0077.tifHasag-B1/0072.tif73.DoraALTMAN191022 Jul 1910CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)3075 
10074Hasag-A1/0078.tifHasag-B1/0073.tif74.FajwelALTMAN191021 Dec 1910CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowa93 
10075Hasag-A1/0079.tifHasag-B1/0074.tif75.FelaALTMAN191627 Feb 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2901 
10076Hasag-A1/0080.tifHasag-B1/0075.tif76.HelaALTMAN19201 Jun 1920CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)639 
10077Hasag-A1/0081.tifHasag-B1/0076.tif77.IzraelALTMAN192618 Jun 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowamurarzbricklayer, mason (male)1590 
10078Hasag-A1/0082.tifHasag-B1/0077.tif78.LeibALTMAN191025 Sep 1910CzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith2009 
10079Hasag-A1/0083.tifHasag-B1/0078.tif79.MachaALTMAN191525 Apr 1915CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)602 
10080Hasag-A1/0084.tifHasag-B1/0079.tif80.MajerALTMAN19143 Feb 1914CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith1853 
10081Hasag-A1/0085.tifHasag-B1/0080.tif81.ManiaALTMAN190515 Jan 1905CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowapielegniarkanurse (female)22 
10082Hasag-A1/0086.tifHasag-B1/0081.tif82.MorycALTMAN192621 Jul 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnikworker (male)142 
10083Hasag-A1/0087.tifHasag-B1/0082.tif83.MoszekALTMAN192325 Mar 1923CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaelektrykelectrician1683 
10084Hasag-A1/0088.tifHasag-B1/0083.tif84.MoszekALTMAN191020 Oct 1910CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaslusarzlocksmith2334 
10085Hasag-A1/0089.tifHasag-B1/0084.tif85.NachaALTMAN190715 May 1907BrzezowBrzezowCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2166 
10086Hasag-A1/0090.tifHasag-B1/0085.tif86.RozaALTMAN19229 Sep 1922CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)854 
10087Hasag-A1/0091.tifHasag-B1/0086.tif87.RozaALTMAN190914 May 1909CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2107 
10088Hasag-A1/0092.tifHasag-B1/0087.tif88.SabaALTMAN19221 Jun 1922CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)511 
10089Hasag-A1/0093.tifHasag-B1/0088.tif89.SalaALTMAN192610 Dec 1926LodzLodzSkarzysko-Kamrobotnicaworker (female)3932 
10090Hasag-A1/0094.tifHasag-B1/0089.tif90.SalaALTMAN193020 Feb 1930BrzezowBrzezowCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2630 
10091Hasag-A1/0095.tifHasag-B1/0090.tif91.SalaALTMAN192510 May 1925CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarobotnicaworker (female)2613 
10092Hasag-A1/0096.tifHasag-B1/0091.tif92.SoniaALTMAN19207 Oct 1920LodzLodzLodzrobotnicaworker (female)3878 
10093Hasag-A1/0097.tifHasag-B1/0092.tif93.SymchaALTMAN191515 Mar 1915BialobrzegiBialobrzegiSkarzysko-Kamkrawiectailor/dressmaker (male)4798 
10094Hasag-A1/0098.tifHasag-B1/0093.tif94.SzlamaALTMAN192624 Feb 1926CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowamurarzbricklayer, mason (male)1591 
10095Hasag-A1/0099.tifHasag-B1/0094.tif95.SzmulALTMAN188410 Dec 1884CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowarolnikfarmer (male)2732 
10096Hasag-A1/0100.tifHasag-B1/0095.tif96.SzmulALTMAN190816 Jan 1908CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowametalowiecmetalworker (male)1156 
10097Hasag-A1/0101.tifHasag-B1/0096.tif97.SzyjaALTMAN19162 Jun 1916CzestochowaCzestochowaCzestochowaelektrykelectrician1684 

Częstochowa: questionnaires of Jews from Częstochowa, 25 Sep 1940, National Archives in Kraków, syg 55; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14603000 [H]

-Sort-Page headerImage filePage number (in upper corner)Order numberPersonSurname [r#]Date of birthAddress- a/ previousAddress - b/ currentType of pension to which entitledInstitution disbursing pensionAmount of remunerationDocuments supporting entitlement plus business numberOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10085List of persons entitled to receive pensions in the area of the old Reich [Verzeichnis der auf dem Gebiete des Altreiches zum Bezug von Renten berechtigen Personnen]29_2125_0_4_55_10_56782094.jpg1767Leon AltmanALTMAN7 Dec 1910Aleja 55Aleja 12Invalid pensionzl 63.87All documents lostReceived pension for 2 years, last payment August 1939  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM film 5 (images 0001-0840); see original images for more information; sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberSyg.Date "Daty skrajne"PersonSurname from previous column [r#]ParentsMother's maiden nameNumber(s) on title pageGroupDate of birthSpouse given nameSpouse surnameSpouse birth dateSpouse's parentsMaiden name of spouse's motherMarriage date of person and spousePlace, date on document with tabular family infoChild(ren) of person and spouseAddress of person and spouseTypist: comments and other infoTypist: additional other infoSurname or maiden name from previous column
10002Rada5/0004.tif-Rada5/0012.tif213/281 Feb 1942Binem AltmanALTMAN...-Jozef & Estera-RywaSZMIDT?Akta Osobiste: Nr. 34; K. 7; 25B14 Sep 1917Estera-MalkaPOSLANIEC12 Apr 1918Kopel & FajgaSTEIHART25 Aug 1940Czestochowa, 22 May 1942Roza ALTMAN, 1941, born Czestochowa, 19 Sep 1941, akt 200Orli?z-Drospera 4, CzestochowaOther Czestochowa records indicate that "...-Jozef" is "Mordka Jozef" and confirm that the maiden name of of "Estera-Rywa" is SZMITSZMIDT
10004Rada5/0022.tif-Rada5/0034.tif213/301 Feb 1942Szyja AltmanALTMANMajer? & Estera----Akta Osobiste: Nr. 108; 9; 25B2 Jun 1916Not marriedNot marriedNot marriedNot marriedNo place or date on this page; on curriculum vitae: Czestochowa, 10 Mar 194?NoneWarszawska 21, CzestochowaBirth cert missing (0031.tif); no page 2 of document with tabular family info; 0034.tif is black  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM microfilm 1 (images 0001.tif-1079.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10304Rada1/0140.tif39SzlamaALTMANSklad osobowy; 31 grudnia 1940r; IV. REJESTRACJAList of names 
10342Rada1/0265.tifSalamaALTMAN6 names appear in Polish textMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
10351Rada1/0281.tifSalamaALTMAN16 names appear in Polish textMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11117Rada1/0854.tifMOszekALTMANMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11136Rada1/0862.tif5ALTMANZl.10List of 22 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11239Rada1/0907.tifALTMANDocument in Polish dated 7 wrzesnia 1942  
11301Rada1/0944.tifTobiaszALTMANDocument in Polish dated 18 lipca 1941  
11470Rada1/1045.tif30SaraALTMANWarszawska 43List of 33 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11502Rada1/1066.tifSzyjaALTMANSee his signature alsoPunishment decreeMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2 (images 0001.tif-1002.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-File numberNumber in list (if any)Given nameSurname [r#]Other information about this personGeneral description of this list (if any)General description of information on this pageTypist comments
10118Rada2/0022.tif1ALTMAN2 Lists of 7 & 5 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; 1941 
10165Rada2/0026.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 26 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdianstplan; Plan Sluzby; 1941 
10245Rada2/0038.tif2ALTMAN2 Lists of 20 & 2 persons pls 1; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 
10298Rada2/0045.tif3ALTMAN1 List of 11 persons plus 1; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 
10343Rada2/0051.tifALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)Impossible to read
10387Rada2/0059.tif10ALTMAN2 Lists of 10 and 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10391Rada2/0061.tif2ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10430Rada2/0067.tif7ALTMAN2 Lists of 7 and 2 person; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10562Rada2/0091.tif6ALTMAN2 Lists of 6 and 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10677Rada2/0115.tif1ALTMAN2 Lists of 8 and 9 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10721Rada2/0121.tif3ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10751Rada2/0124.tif3ALTMAN3 Lists of 2 / 1 and 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10766Rada2/0125.tif19ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10807Rada2/0131.tif2ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
10984Rada2/0156.tif2ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11027Rada2/0162.tif1ALTMAN2 Lists of 6 and 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11058Rada2/0168.tif2ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11115Rada2/0174.tif8ALTMAN2 Lists of 8 and 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11146Rada2/0179.tif3ALTMANList of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German(text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11258Rada2/0197.tif1ALTMAN3 Lists of 6 / 2 & 4 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read
11298Rada2/0203.tif3ALT...? ALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 11.XII 1941 von 8:00 bis ... Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Gliklich aekc 
11419Rada2/0215.tif3ALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; 1941 
11498Rada2/0221.tif6ALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur samid... / watrek? den 15 / 16 XII 1941 von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
11525Rada2/0225.tif3ALTMANporz.Wachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; den 17 XII 1941 von 8:00 bis 20:00 Uhr; Wachtabernder: - Dyzurny: Gliklech sekc. 
11659Rada2/0264.tifJakobALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11663Rada2/0265.tifJakobALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)Copy of 0264
11710Rada2/0280.tifMajerALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11717Rada2/0282.tif3BinemALTMANg.b.14 / 9-1917; Wohnhaft Dreszara 4; Nr 34List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11721Rada2/0282.tif7SzyjeALTMANg.b.2 / 6-1916;Wohnhaft : Warszawska 21;Nr 108List of 125 persons ; preceded by text in GermanMaterial in German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11899Rada2/0289.tif3BinemALTMANDreszera 4List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
11900Rada2/0289.tif4SzyjaALTMANWarszawska 21List of 152 persons; preceded by text in PolishMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12140Rada2/0338.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 25 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12204Rada2/0344.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 10 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
12254Rada2/0350.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 24 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Wtorem, den 21.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12371Rada2/0362.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 22 persons plus 1 ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur figtem, den 24.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12433Rada2/0368.tif1ALTMAN2 Lists of 13 & 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sobota / midriela, den 25 / 26.X 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12492Rada2/0374.tif2ALTMAN2 Lists of 23 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur poniedxiatek, den 27.X 1941, von 8 bis 20 Uhr 
12616Rada2/0386.tif2ALTMAN2 Lists of 21 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur ...zwartek 30.X 1941, von 8:00 bis 20:00 Uhr 
12688Rada2/0392.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 11 persons plus 1; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur Sng Zem / Lalota 31.X 1941, von 20 bis 8 Uhr 
12739Rada2/0398.tif3ALTMAN2 Lists of 21 & 1 persons plus 1; preceded by text in Polish and GermanWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur niedziela 2.XI 1941, von 8:00 bis 20:00 Uhr 
12810Rada2/0404.tif4ALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur poniedziateu / watomek den 3.4 / XI 1941 von 20:00 bis 8:00 hur 
12854Rada2/0408.tifALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur wtorek / sroda den 4-5 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12859Rada2/0410.tif2ALTMANWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur wtorek / sroda den 4-5 / XI 1941 von 20 bis 8 hur 
12927Rada2/0416.tif7ALTMANprowadkWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur uzwartal / pigdeu den 6.7 / XI 1941 von 20:00 bis 8:00 hur 
12974Rada2/0422.tif2ALTMANporzWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur sobota den 8 / XI 1941 von 8:00 bis 20:00 hur 
13091Rada2/0434.tif4ALTMANporzWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur wtorek den 11.XI 1941 von 8:00 bis 20:00 hur 
13157Rada2/0440.tif6ALTMANporzWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur soroda / Czwartel den 12-13 / XI 1941 von 20:00 bis 8:00 hur 
13211Rada2/0446.tif4ALTAMNporzWachtdienstplan; Plan sluzby; fur piatek den 14-XI 1941 von 8:00 bis 20:00 hur 
13342Rada2/0458.tif4ALTMAN2 Lists of 19 and 3 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13410Rada2/0464.tif1ALTMAN2 Lists of 9 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13469Rada2/0470.tif3ALTAMN / ALTMAN1 List of 18 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13516Rada2/0473.tif3ALTMAN2 Lists of 19 & 53 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13533Rada2/0474.tif19ALTMAN2 Lists of 19 & 53 persons and 1 name; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13618Rada2/0479.tif1ALTMAN1 List of 6 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13658Rada2/0485.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 17 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13821Rada2/0499.tif4ALTMAN2 Lists of 20 & 3 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13929Rada2/0511.tif2ALTMAN2 Lists of 19 & 3 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
13992Rada2/0517.tif1ALTMAN3 Lists of 6 / 2 & 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14041Rada2/0523.tif2ALTMAN1 List of 18 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14119Rada2/0529.tif2ALTMAN2 Lists of 9 & 2 persons ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14161Rada2/0535.tif3ALTMAN2 Lists of 18 & 4 persons and 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14285Rada2/0547.tif3ALTMAN1 List of 22 persons & 1 name ; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14356Rada2/0554.tif1ALTMAN3 Lists of 6 / 4 & 2 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14413Rada2/0560.tif3ALTMAN1 List of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14558Rada2/0572.tif3ALTMAN1 List of 18 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14652Rada2/0578.tif6ALTMAN3 Lists of 6 / 2 & 3 persons; preceded by text in Polish and GermanMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
14777Rada2/0599.tifALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)ITEM 3709
14783Rada2/0600.tifALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14787Rada2/0601.tifALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14922Rada2/0625.tifALTMANA / ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14948Rada2/0625.tifALTMANA / ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14973Rada2/0631.tif782ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
14991Rada2/0634.tifALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.)There are other names but impossible to read - hand writting
15181Rada2/0670.tif3872ALTMANMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15255Rada2/0683.tif3908ALTMANMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15365Rada2/0697.tif3944ALTMANMaterial in Polish and German (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15420Rada2/0704.tif3967ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15689Rada2/0750.tif4098ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
15690Rada2/0751.tifALTMANNo names to type on this page 
15831Rada2/0775.tif4164ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16194Rada2/0828.tif4300ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16228Rada2/0830.tif4309ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16324Rada2/0841.tif4343ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16333Rada2/0842.tif4345ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16335Rada2/0842.tif4347ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16706Rada2/0900.tif4525ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16755Rada2/0907.tif4547ALTMANPrzemystowa 2Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
16855Rada2/0923.tif4597ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17030Rada2/0950.tif4687ALTMANMaterial in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17091Rada2/0958.tifALTMANAleja 9Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 
17172Rada2/0968.tif4745BeniaminALTMANAleja 9Material in Polish (text, chart, graph, etc.) 

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Częstochowie, USHMM, microfilm 2, with expanded translations (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
100840022.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
101320026.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
102090038.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
102600045.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
103630059.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
103680061.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
104180067.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
107790121.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
108130124.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
108300125.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
108780131.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
110920156.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
111430162.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
111820168.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
112490174.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
112890179.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
114300197.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
115890215.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
116560221.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
116790225.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
118100264.tif.pdfJakobALTMANEntry No. 34; a victim of theft  
118590280.tif.pdfMajerALTMANA force laborer at Hassag No. 2004; reported theft  
118670282.tif.pdfSimonALTMANGhetto policeman (ID # 34); born on 14 Sep 1917; resides on Dreszer 4From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
118710282.tif.pdfSzyjeALTMANGhetto policeman (ID # 108); born on 2 June 1916; resides on Warszawska St. 21From a typed list in German of 63 Ghetto policemen.
119920284.tif.pdfBinemALTMANGhetto policeman (ID # 34); born on 14 Sep 1917; resides on Dreszer St. 4From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
119960284.tif.pdfSzyjaALTMANGhetto policeman (ID # 108); born on 2 June 1916; resides on Warszawska St, 21From a typed list in German of Ghetto policemen.
121950289.tif.pdfBinemALTMANResides on Dreszer St. 4A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
121960289.tif.pdfSzyjaALTMANResides on Warszawska St. 21A typed list in Polish of Ghetto policemen
124340338.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
124970344.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
125520350.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
126730362.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
127380368.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; assigned to aid FiszpanFISZPAN 
127950374.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
129150386.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; dispatched to the Bezirks-Wache  
129880392.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
130420398.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
131190404.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
131630408.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
131680410.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; assigned to reinforce guard post # 3;  
132390416.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
132890422.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; assigned to the supervisor’s office  
134130434.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
134800440.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
135370446.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
136770458.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; escorted [someone] to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish police;  
137450464.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
138040470.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
138510473.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement;  
139370479.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
139780485.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
141500499.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; assigned to guard post on Wilson St.  
142650511.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
143330517.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
143860523.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
144700529.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; temporary reinforcement  
145150535.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
146470547.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
147140554.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
147750560.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
149290572.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; assigned to a special operation;  
150280578.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
150910588.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108); was dispatched to the Bezirks-Wache  
151740599.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
151800600.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108);  
151850601.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
153400622.tif.pdfALTMANResides on Piłsudski [Pilsudski] St. 17  
153610623.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
154150631.tif.pdfRuchlaALTMANResides on Nadrzeczna St. 16; was escorted to the Szutzopolizei and delivered to the disposition of Oberwach. Lible  
154400634.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
154710641.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; was dispatched to the 1st commissariat of the Polish police to escort 3 Jews detained there back to the Ghetto  
156620668.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
156820670.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
157670683.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman; reported finding a wallet containing an ID card of Elźbieta Rabus? residing on Chlopiecki St. 234, as well as rations stamps; the card was transferred to the 2nd commissariat of the Polish policeRABUS? 
159070697.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
159790704.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
163130750.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
163150751.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman  
165180775.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108);  
169500828.tif.pdfAltmanGhetto policeman (No. 108);  
169960830.tif.pdfAltmanResides on 1St Aleja 9; was escorted to the 1st commissariat of the Polish police and back to the Ghetto;  
171260841.tif.pdfAltmanGhetto policeman;  
171300841.tif.pdfAltmanGhetto policeman; following an order of inspector Frenzel, on 28 Jul 1942 at 5:30am escorted two laborers to the Ostbahn [east rail station] to be taken to work at Hassag:  
171350842.tif.pdfAltmanGhetto policeman;  
173630861.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108);  
174970879.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108); reported that during an operation to round up laborers who refused to work, he stumbled upon a Pole, Jozef Woldawski who while in a drunken state tried to break into the gate of the building on Wilson St. 34;  
176820900.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
177420907.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
178650923.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman;  
181060950.tif.pdfALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108);  

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 3 (images 0001.tif-0951.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameSequence numberGiven nameSurname [r#]Additional informationAny surname(s) that appear in the column to the leftTypist comments
100060005.tif1.ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
100850011.tif1.ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
101710015.tif2.ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
101980017.tif10.ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
102750023.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
103680029.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
105210037.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
105800040.tif13ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
106210042.tif53ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
106590045.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
107040046.tif25ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
107920053.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
108820060.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
109910066.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
110690072.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
111710078.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
112740084.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
113500090.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
114260095.tif5ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
114500096.tif9ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
114920099.tif6ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
115350102.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
116180108.tif10ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
117240117.tif15ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
117550118.tif12ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
118370124.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
119340129.tif20ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
119580132.tif6ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
120250138.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
121070143.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
121250144.tif15ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
122050148.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
122820154.tif12ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
123610160.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
124550166.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
125350172.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
125980176.tif6ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
126140177.tif11ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
127380183.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
128130187.tif8ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
128330190.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
129340197.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
130270201.tif9ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
130970206.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
132180212.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
133340218.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
135860248.tif4ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
136350251.tif10ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
137300257.tif3SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
138340263.tif17SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
139310269.tifSzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
139710272.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
140220275.tifSzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
141020281.tifSzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
141850287.tif16SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
142700292.tif6SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
143530299.tif16SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
144230305.tif2SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
145100311.tif2SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
145840317.tif7ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
146470323.tif2SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
147290330.tif3SzyjaALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942  
147940335.tif10ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
149260347.tif8ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
150480358.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec91941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
151170365.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
151740371.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
152530378.tif9ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
152960384.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
153900391.tif16ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
154380396.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
155160402.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
155780408.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
156480414.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
157130420.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
157970427.tif4ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
159120434.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
159920438.tif57ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
160320442.tif9ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
160980447.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
161020448.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
161780453.tif4ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
162840461.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
164130475.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
164880481.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
165510485.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
165620487.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
166410493.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
167010500.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
167710506.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
168590512.tif16ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
169200518.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
170110525.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
170820531.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
170990532.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
171800538.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
172590544.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
173670552.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
174620558.tif17ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
175280564.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
176160570.tif15ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
176800576.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
177600582.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
178390588.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
179470595.tif18ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
179940597.tif16ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
180260600.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
181040606.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
181740611.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
182660617.tif13ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
183470624.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
184600631.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
185310637.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
185540638.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
186180643.tif12ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
186850649.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
188020655.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
188630659.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
189300662.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
190760673.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
191420679.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
192100685.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
193680705.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
194340716.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
195450728.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
196380740.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
196840746.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
197360752.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
198230759.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
198920765.tif11ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
199460771.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
200590783.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
201160789.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
201710795.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
202600802.tif18ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
203040807.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
203660813.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
204220819.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
205440831m.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
206380838.tif3ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
207690850.tif12ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
208230856.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
209590868.tifALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
210710878.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
211160883.tif1ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
211770888.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
212530898.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
212860902.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name
213270906.tif2ALTMANCzestochowa Police, duty rosters, approx. 20 Dec 1941 to 19 Jun 1942No given name

Częstochowa: Rada Starszych w Czestochowie, USHMM, microfilm 4 (images 0001.tif-1015.tif); sample images: www.crarg.org/czestochowa-holocaust-police.php [H]

-Sort-Digital file nameGiven nameSurname [r#]DetailsSurname(s) in column to the left (if not in the surname column)Typist comments
142870446.tifTolaMAKOWSKAResides on Warszawska St. 21; reported that Altman who lives at the same address, removed the padlock of the door to the attic where she is hanging laundryALTMAN 
144150478.tifALTMANRelating an incident of an assault in which his colleague on duty, Epsztajn, was attacked by unknown men who caused him serious injuries.EPSZTAJN 
145150498.tifMariaWOJCZYKResides on Dolna St. 3 reported the loss of various documentsALTMAN 
145810510.tifAlterALTMAN[Szymon Kohn signature item 577]KOHN 
150360582.tifDanielALTMANOn 1 Sep 1941 was released from a labor camp following an order issued by Linderman.LINDERMAN 
151000594.tifSzyjaALTMAN[A. Sladowski; Bodzechowski signatures 933] [M. Gonzwa signature 936]SLADOWSKI; BODZECHOWSKI; GONZWA 
151030595.tifSzyjaALTMANReported that while on duty at 6:15 am he was approached by a German speaking man who handed him an identification card and 1365 zl. He turned the money over to Ghetto policeman Wnuk.WNUK 
151140596.tifSzyjaALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108) carried the money to the county office.  
151680606.tifMajerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; public kitchen employee  
151690606.tifJ.ALTMANResides on Aleja 6; public kitchen employee  
151870610.tifMaja / MayerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; following order by the chief of the Ghetto police 2nd district, was to be escorted home between 10-11 pm from work at public kitchen No. 5.  
151880610.tifALTMANResides on Aleja 6; following order by the chief of the Ghetto police 2nd district, was to be escorted home between 10-11 pm from work at public kitchen No. 5.  
152810628.tifMajerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; following an order issued by the chief of district 1 of the Ghetto police, was to be escorted home from work in public kitchen No. 5.  
152820628.tifJ.ALTMANResides on Aleja 6; following an order issued by the chief of district 1 of the Ghetto police, was to be escorted home from work in public kitchen No. 5.  
157450712.tifSzyjaALTMANGhetto policeman  
157640716.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108); following an order of supervisor Majznerowicz, was dispatched between 10-11 pm to escort 5 kitchen employees to their homes.MAJZNEROWICZ 
157700716.tifMajerALTMANResides on 1st Aleja 7; public kitchen #5, on Katedralna St. 8, employee.  
158660731.tifALTMANGhetto policeman; following an order of the Elders' Council (# 1453), 21 people were escorted to work at the Union Textile on Narutowicz St.  
158680731.tifALTMANA baker; resides on 1st Aleja 9, reported that for some time he has been a victim of systematic theft of flourContinues on next page
159210740.tifMajerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; following an order of the police supervisor, was escorted home after finishing work at the public kitchen No. 5.  
159530746.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108, group B); following an order of the Elders' Council's department of husbandry, was dispatched on 5 Nov 1941 at 6 am to escort a few wagons loaded with cabbage.  
160060755.tifMajerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; following an order of the supervisor Majznerowicz, was escorted home by a Ghetto policeman after concluding her work at the public kitchen (No. 5) at 9 pm.MAJZNEROWICZ 
160470762.tifRajzlaCZARNAResides on Krotka St. 6; reported to the Ghetto police and said that on 11 Nov 1941 at 5 pm she would need to report to the Bezirks Wache to clean there. Was escorted there by Ghetto policeman Altman (No. 108).ALTMAN 
160480762.tifRojzaWROCLAWSKAResides on Garibaldi St. 21; reported to the Ghetto police and said that on 11 Nov 1941 at 5 pm she would need to report to the Bezirks Wache to clean there (No. 108).ALTMAN 
161090774.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108); reported a theft of a 3kg scale, an oven, 15 bottles of red wine, 4 kg. candies. And 100 cookies in value of 300 zl. [Michelson item 1556]MICHELSON 
162270797.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
163750832.tifMajerALTMANResides on Aleja 7; employed in public kitchen No. 6.  
163830833.tifSzyjaRAJZMANResides on Daszynski Sq. 14; was escorted from his home to Wiolnosz Blvd. 11, and back. [Altman item 1734]ALTMAN 
164030837.tifTobiaszALTMANBorn on 11 May 1904 in Czestochowa; resides on 1st Aleja 11; following an order of the Bezirks Wache, was escorted there to pick up his identity card and take care of some formalities.  
165510868.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  
165800874.tifALTMANGhetto policeman  
167650907.tifMajerALTMANA public kitchen # 5 worker; resides on Aleja 7;  
167660907.tifSalaALTMANA public kitchen # 5 worker; resides on Aleja 6;  
167820911.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 118)  
169330950.tifALTMANGhetto policeman (No. 108)  

Częstochowa: regarding ownership of houses 30 Apr 1941, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-PageOrder numberStreetName of the ownerSurname(s) copied from previous column [r#]Number of rentersAdministratorsSurname(s) copied from previous columnLetter before list of names / property: textLetter before list of names / property: detailsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1009513396.Marienallee 35Altman u. [and] DziałowzynskiALTMAN, DZIAŁOWZYNSKI39ZauderZAUDER“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.phpStreet and number underlined in red 
10130134130.u. Orl. Dreszera 4Horowicz Erb. [heirs] u. [and] AltmanHOROWICZ, ALTMAN31BielawskiBIELAWSKI“administrators of the houses from which Jews were evicted to immediately carry out the relevant deregistration”www.crarg.org/c…0-Apr-1941.php  

Częstochowa: Regional Liquidation Office in Częstochowa 1949-1950, USHMM RG-15.327, syg 401 [H]

-Sort-Document start page, part 1Document start page, part 2Page(s)Number (first page)Description of the property, and locationGardens, garages, outbuildings etc.To whom did it belongSurname from previous column [r#]Currently administered byNotesOther informationNotes by transcriber / translatorSurname from previous columnsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10010Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 22Administration of abandoned & fled properties District of Blachownia (formerly Dźbów), Częstochowa county3, 26, 19441 house, 6-rooms Ostrowy22 ar. of landMendel Altman, JewALTMANAdministration currently undertaken by milicja obywatelskaWhat the rent was in 1939 and the following years for the period of the occupiers administration Tow. "Grundstüch Geselschaft" cannot be established. Rent arrears cannot be established. No register of invoices.Transferred from District administration 22 May 1946; accounting (20 Dec 1949 document)First document dates from March 1945; 1ar. = 100sq.m.  
10087Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 6, 41, 43, 441Single-story 9 brick room house ul. Piłsudskiego, PrzyrówOutbuildings 3x2.5, 3x3.5 9ar. LandJewish Margula AstASTAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 1200 złotyProperty schedules from Mar 1945 & Mar 1946; 1ar.= 100 sq.m.; documentation concerning request of Szmul-Szlama Altman for transfer of property (ul. Piłsudskiego No.5) to him granted by Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny in Kielce Delegatura in Częstochowa 30 Jun 1947 in Syg.178 pp.165-171 available on request; maiden name of owner is PfeferALTMAN, PFEFER 
10088Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 62Single-story 15-room house ul. Częstochowska, PrzyrówOutbuilding 3x5Jewish Sura-Hena AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictPart of the house unusableSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 480 złotyProperty schedule from Mar 1945  
10089Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 6, 82, 833Single-story 7-room house ul. Cmentarna, PrzyrówOutbuilding 2x3Jewish Michel AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictHouse being used as police stationSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; house being used as police station; court decision of 15 Nov 1945 transferred ownership to his son Dawid Altman; in 1947 Jan Kowalski claimed to have purchased the property but failed to produce purchase documentationProperty schedule from Mar 1945; documentation concerning request of transfer of the property to Dawid Altman to transfer of the property to him granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 8 Nov 1945 (transfer of property 15 Nov 1945) in Syg.178 pp.209-213 available on request; Dawid son of Michał & Itta née LibermanALTMAN, LIBERMAN 
10090Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 64Single-story 8-room house ul. Częstochowska, PrzyrówJewish Gnendla AltmanALTMANAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 1200 złotyProperty schedules from Mar 1945; possibly the building on ul. Rynek No.23 in other schedules and documents  
10091Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District5, 6, 41, 43, 44, 455Single-story 9-room house ul. Rynek, Przyrów2 annexes 15x6 19ar.Jewish Altman & ZomperALTMAN, ZOMPERAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; in 1939 annual rent was 2100 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District Aug 1946Property schedules from Mar 1945 & Mar 1946; 1ar.= 100 sq.m.  
10115Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District9, 10, 44, 6929Single-story 5-room brick house ul. Zarębska, PrzyrówOutbuilding plot 100 sq.m.Jewish Manela PfeferPFEFERAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; 1939 annual rent of 300? złoty; transferred to Przyrów District 6 Aug 1946Property schedules from Mar 1945 & Mar 1946; precise rental amount part-obscured; surname Pfefeld in two documents; only 4-rooms in transfer document; documentation concerning request of Szmul-Szlama Altman for transfer of property (ul. Zarębska No.170) to him granted by Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny in Kielce Delegatura in Częstochowa 30 Jun 1947 in Syg.178 pp.174-184 available on request; street number varies between documents - could be No.3 or No.10; previous owners were Manela Pferer & his wife Chawa née ZielińskaPFEFELD; PFEFER, ALTMAN, ZIELIŃSKA 
10126Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District11, 12, 41, 43, 44, 4740Single-story 4-room brick house ul. Piłsudskiego, PrzyrówPlot 300 sq.m.Jewish Natan ZaksZAKSAdministration of Przyrów DistrictSince 1941 administered by C. Kriesel in Radomsko; transferred to Przyrów District Aug 1946Property schedules from Mar 1945 & Mar 1946; rental amount in 1939 obscured; entirely reprivatized entered in pencil; documentation concerning transfer of the property (ul. Piłsudskiego No.19) to Szaja-Binem Artman granted by Okręgowy Urząd Likwidacyjny in Kielce Delegatura in Częstochowa 5 May 1948 in Syg.178 pp.253-266 available on request; Szaja-Binem made request as having right of inheritance from Natan aka Nusen Zaks son of Jakób & Ałta-Rywka née Koltun died in Radomsko 20 Dec 1942, his wife Fajgla-Lai née Eksztajn daughter of Majer & Szyfra née Bilet died Częstochowa 22 Dec 1942, and her brother Icek-Szlama Eksztajn died Częstochowa 22 Dec 1942; property was purchased by these three from Jettka Orenbach née Gliksman, wife of Herszlik Orenbach 15 Mar 1937 in CzęstochowaALTMAN, ZAKS, EKSZTAJN, KOLTUN, BILET, ORENBACH, GLIKSMAN 
10135Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District41, 43, 44, 45, 5611Single-story 4-room brick house ul. Rynek, Przyrów9ar. plot 150 sq.m.Sura Hena AltmanALTMANTransferred to Przyrów District 6 Aug 1946Property schedule from Mar 1946; 1ar. = 100 sq.m.; surface area on transfer document inconsistent with other schedules  
10136Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 27Administration of abandoned & fled properties Przyrów District41, 43, 44, 45, 55, 75, 76-8012Single-story 5-room brick house ul. Rynek No.23, Przyrów19ar. plot 120 sq.m.Genendla / Gendla AltmanALTMANTransferred to Przyrów District 6 Aug 1946Property schedule from Mar 1946; 1ar. = 100 sq.m.; surface area on transfer document inconsistent with other schedules; correspondence dated 9 Dec 1946 implies the house has 9-rooms and is in a very poor state; correspondence concerning the co-operative "Zjednoczenie" wishing to purchase the property stating that her whereabouts are unknown; possibly the house in previous schedules described as being on ul. Częstochowska  
10462Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 39Register of properties [Abandoned and post-Germans] Przyrów district, Częstochowa county [property descriptions] (1947) 194913-15ul. Szkolna No.1, Przyrów 2 single storey stone houses 210 cu.meters surface area 150 sq.metersSura-Hana Altman Jew, PoleALTMANValue in 1939 1,750 złoty current indicated value 350,000 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District administration 1 Aug 1946Document dated 14 Mar 1949  
10479Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 39Register of properties [Abandoned and post-Germans] Przyrów district, Częstochowa county [property descriptions] (1947) 194964-66ul. Rynek No.23, Przyrów 4 single storey stone-wood houses 160 cu.meters surface area 1,900 sq.metersGnendla Altman Jew PolishALTMANValue in 1939 4,150 złoty current indicated value 830,000 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District administration 1 Aug 1946Document dated 14 Mar 1949  
10483Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 39Register of properties [Abandoned and post-Germans] Przyrów district, Częstochowa county [property descriptions] (1947) 194976-78ul. Rynek No.17, Przyrów single storey stone house 300 cu.meters surface area 250 sq.metersHejnoch Altman Jew, PoleALTMANValue in 1939 2,150 złoty current indicated value 430,000 złoty; transferred to Przyrów District administration 1 Aug 1946Document dated 14 Mar 1949  
10666Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 51Dźbów District compilations and correspondence10, 16, 1811OstrowyMendel AltmanALTMANTransfer protocol missing in the District administration (reprivatized); transferred by O.U.L. to ownerDocument dated 11 Oct 1948  
10745Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county8, 911Ostrowy, Dźbów district building 6-roomsMendel AltmanALTMANTransferred to Skarb Państwa (State Treasury); "p"p possibly means abandoned  
10910Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county140, 141229ul. Krakowska No.6, Krzepice houseHerszlik AltmanALTMAN100% 19 Sep 1945No explanation for other information but possibly reprivatized  
11088Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county284, 285467Rynek, Przyrów brick houseSara AltmanALTMANDistrict Administration 6 Aug 1946; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
11089Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county284, 285468Rynek, Przyrów brick houseGendla AltmanALTMANDistrict Administration 6 Aug 1946; "p"p possibly means abandoned  
11099Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county292, 293478Piłsudskiego, Przyrów District brick houseAstmanASTMANDistrict Administration 6 Aug 1946; "p"; 100%; decision R.U.L. 30 Jun 1947 No.IV rep.1052/2477/47 protocol 30 Aug 1947 No.2476/47 to Szmul-Szlama Altmanp possibly means abandonedALTMAN 
11102Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 100Property records Częstochowa county294, 295481Zarembska, Przyrów brick houseMendel PfeldPFELDp; 100%; decision R.U.L. 30 Jun 1947 No.IV rep.1053/2476/47 protocol 30 Aug 1947 No.2476/47 to Szmul-Szlama Altmanp possibly means abandonedALTMAN 
11196Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 172Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Dźbów District 1945-50106-111Blachownia No.125Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 7 Sep 1945 returned property to Estera Fuks née AltmanNo details of property and who had been its ownerFUKS NÉE ALTMAN 
11215Rejonowy Urząd Likwidacyjny w Częstochowie 1949-50 syg 178Requests and protocols for return of ownership of properties in Przyrów District 1945-50229-235ul. Krakowska, Przyrów hip No.499/III formerly No.21 Przyrów part-built plotBoruch Zeligman, Sura-Rywka Zeligman née Markowicz vel MarkiewiczZELIGMAN, MARKOWICZ, MARKIEWICZRequest for 1/2 share of property by Ałta-Jacheta Markowicz sister of Sura-Rywka granted by Sąd Grodzki in Częstochowa 3 Sep 1946; owners died during WWII; Ałta-Jacheta daughter of Litman Markowicz & Gitla-Pessa née Landau born 27 Apr 1908 Częstochowa; Boruch Zeligman son of Josek & Blejwa née Altman born 5 Mar 1898 married Sura-Rywka daughter of Litman & Gitla-Pessa née Landau born 15 Jan 1900 on 9 Jul 1930 CzęstochowaMARKOWICZ, LANDAU, ZELIGMAN, ALTMAN 

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, document pages 148-237, with no header information, syg 13797 [H]

-Sort-Note regarding spellings of namesPageOrder numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]RelationshipRelationship, translatedAge?Unknown meaningNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10553Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1706609Schitza AltmannALTMANNledigsingle46Plock  
10697Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1766754Jakob AltmannALTMANNEhemannHusband64Plock  
10698Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly1766755Zipra AltmannALTMANNEhefrauWife63Plock  
11592Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly2156609Schitza AltmannALTMANNLedigsingle46Plock  
11736Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly2216754Jakob AltmannALTMANNEhemannHusband64Plock  
11737Names have been typed as they appear on the page, even though hundreds names are spelled very oddly2216755Zipra AltmannALTMANNEhefrauWife63Plock  

Częstochowa: registration of Jews coming from other cities to Częstochowa 1940-1941, syg 13797, pages 2-128 (1,558 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageNumber on pageRegistration number (if included)DateGiven name(s)Surname [r#]Date of birthNumber in familyProfessionProfession, translated into EnglishFormer residenceCurrent residenceNotes by translator / typistDate at end of this listText on a non-list pageNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10344195922 FebRywka AltmanALTMAN21 Apr 18863bez zawoduno professionŁódźAleja 2026 Feb 1940  
10674342929 MarPinkus AltmanALTMAN20 Jul 19071handlarztraderAleksandrówWarszawska 571 Apr 1940  
10887522117 MayAnna AltmanALTMAN18801bez zawoduno professionŁódźAleja 3120 May 1940  
10889522318 MayRywka-Laja AltmanALTMANlat [age] 523bez zawoduno professionRadomskoSenatorska 620 May 1940  
11026701519 JulLiba AltmanALTMANlat [age] 25-nawijaczkawinder (female)ŁódźMirowska23 Jul 1940  

Częstochowa: Registration of Jews from other cities to Częstochowa, 1941 and 1942 [Rejestracja Żydów przebywających z innych miast do Częstochowy za r. 1941 i 1942], syg 13801 [H]

-Sort-Page number (upper corner)Order numberRegistration numberYearDatePersonSurname [r#]Date of birthNames of family members [on 1942 pages]Surname from previous columnNumber of family members [on 1941 pages]Profession (in Polish or German)Profession (translated)Place where came fromWhere living nowDate at the bottom of the pageOther information on the pageNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10106439.133019423 Sep 1942Chana AltmanALTMAN29 Nov 1896Jerzy 1926--KłobuckJoselew. 114 Sep 1942   
103601411.960 / 42194227 Jul 1942Frymeta AltmanALTMAN10 Mar 1880-----KrzepiceWarszawska 363 Aug 1942   

Częstochowa: Resurrection and Destruction in Ghetto Częstochowa (Viderstand un Umkum in Czenstochower Ghetto, L. Brener), publ. before 1952, in Poland [H]

-Sort-Translation herePageGiven NameSurname [r#]TitleNotesSurname from previous columnDetails on pages 174-176Notes
10873https://www.jew…a4/cze005.html153Manya (nee Kalin)ALTMAN     

Częstochowa: State Repatriation Office, County Branch in Częstochowa 1945-1950 (questionnaires) [H]

-Sort-Image file namePage header (Polish)Page header (translated)Date of arrivalPage numberSerial numberFamily group number?PersonSurname from previous column [r#]Father's name [after s. (son of) and c. (daughter of)]Surname from previous columnMaleFemaleEvacuation card number or ID card.Date of birthOccupationNationalityWhere coming fromArrival dateDeparture dateWhere goingSignature of the reporting clerkCommentsNotes by typist / translatorNotes (not by typist / translator)
101218_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 19462168376649Abram AltmanALTMANJakub & [not listed]Male281241910AccountantJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Lodz    
101228_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946216838[not listed]Laja AltmanALTMANSzmul & [not listed]Female281241912Living with husbandJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Lodz    
101238_5_0_0_24.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194617 Feb 1946216839[not listed]Altman AltmanALTMANAbram & [not listed]Male281241944Living with parentsJewishCzernichow17 Feb 194617 Feb 1946Lodz    
106178_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 194610112067739Juda AltmanALTMANIzaak & [not listed]Male005201914WorkerJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
106188_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 19461011207[not listed]Mieczyslaw AltmanALTMANJuda & [not listed]Male005201944Living with fatherJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
106198_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 19461011208[not listed]Gerszlik AltmanALTMANIzaak & [not listed]Male005161921Without professionJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
106208_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 19461011209[not listed]Liba-Gitla AltmanALTMANMojzesz & [not listed]Female005191915Teacher in kindergartenJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
106218_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 19461011210[not listed]Izaak AltmanALTMANMordehaj & [not listed]Male005181884LocksmithJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
106228_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194612 Jun 19461011211[not listed]Mindla AltmanALTMANJozef & [not listed]Female005171885HousewifeJewishSaratowska12 Jun 194612 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 8    
107268_5_0_0_30.pdfKsiazka meldunkowa repatriantow 1946Registration book of the repatriates 194626 Jun 194642116928109Balbina AltmanALTMANUszer & [not listed]Female218071914SeamstressJewishRussia26 Jun 194626 Jun 1946Czestochowa NMP Avenue 53    

Częstochowa: Surviving Jews in Częstochowa, about 1945, World Jewish Congress (2503 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberSequence number on far leftGiven nameSurname [r#]Year of birthPresent address [document published 1950]Comments
10057253Chaim JosefALTMAN1917Czestochowa 

Częstochowa: "The Daily Record Sheet of the Jewish Police (District I) in the Częstochowa Ghetto 1941-1942," William Glicksman, Yad Vashem Studies on the European Jewish Catastrophe and Resistance, VI; see jpg images [H]

-Sort-Page numberDate [r#]Given name(s)SurnameAgeAddressOther identifying personal informationAll surnames in this entry
1000533522 May 1941TalaMOSHKOWITZ21 Warsaw St.MOSHKOWITZ, ALTMAN
1000633522 May 1941[none]ALTMAN21 Warsaw St.MOSHKOWITZ, ALTMAN

Częstochowa: ul. Garibaldiego 28 — report to "Citizen Mayor of the City" from the Municipal Department of Administration, executing orders dated 21 Aug 1945, No. 0-4826/I/45, I submit the following report from the inspection of the property at ul. Garibaldiego 28, Municipal Board and Municipal National Council in Częstochowa 1945-1950, RG-15.302, syg 45 [H]

-Sort-Heading before this listPage numberLokal numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons [osoby]Lived for how longLived for how long, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10082List of registered persons: Dom [House (at)] Garibaldego 2862Lokal nr. 32.Chaim AltmanALTMAN[blank][blank][blank] 

Częstochowa [Witnesses of Nazi Atrocities], assorted letters and short lists; American Jewish Archives, Box 203, File 6, Correspondence 1960-1978 [H]

-Sort-Sequence numberGiven NameSurname [r#]Other SurnameNumbersPresent AddressOther InfoCommentsImage file
1008826.JadwigaLUBELSKA VERW. KUPERSTEINKUPERSTEIN, ALTMANN177 Avenue Rd, Toronto, Prov. Ontario/CanadaOn Monday 4th Apr 1966 at 10.00 hours.Page 4 of a list, no title.DSC00028.JPG
10146HelenaALTMAN177 Avenue Rd, Toronto, Onr, CanadaCzentochowa WitnessesDSC00044.JPG

Częstochowa / Wrocław Region: Lists of Jewish survivors from Częstochowa who lived in Wrocław Region, Poland after WWII (Yad Vashem), images at www.crarg.org/jewish-survivors-from-czestochowa-in-wroclaw-region.php [H]

-Sort-Image nameNumberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Marital statusYear of birthPlace of birthNames of parentsSurname from previous columnPlace staying during war?Occupation and place of workPresent addressStreet?Other information on the pageNotes by typist
101081157.pdf107Altman Chaim JosekALTMANmarried [żon[at]]1917Czestochowa [Częstoch]Dawid and Golda nee OderbergODERBERGconcentration Camp [obóz konc]merchant [kupiec]DzierzoniówRynek 5  
101091157.pdf108Altman DadekALTMAN[BLANK]1946DzierzoniówChaim and Hela nee KreicbergKREICBERG[BLANK][BLANK]Dzierzoniów   
101101157.pdf109Altman CalelALTMANmarried [żonat]1903Czestochowa [Częstoch]Izrael and Małka KitelmanKITELKANconcentration Camp [obóz konc]baker spółdzielni [piekarz spółdzielni]DzierzoniówLimanowsk  
101111157.pdf110Altman DoraALTMANmarried [mężat][BLANK]Czestochowa [Częstoch]Mosze and Liba BratBRATobóz Hasakseamstress [krawczyni]DzierzoniówLimanowsk  
101121157.pdf111Altman BeniaminALTMANmarried [żonat]1920Czestochowa [Częstoch]Dawid and Golda nee OderbergODERBERGobóz Hasakelectrician [elektromonter]DzierzoniówZymierski  

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1947 Biographical Articles, index pages 323-325 (Częstochowa Jews who emigrated to the U.S.); index appears in the 1958 yizkor book; 620 persons [H]

-Sort-TranslationImagesNameSurname from previous column [r#]
10052https://www.jew…1/czea001.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eHenry AltmanALTMAN
10053https://www.jew…1/czea001.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eKopel and Feigel AltmanALTMAN
11724https://www.jew…1/czea006.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLeon AltmanALTMAN
11816https://www.jew…1/czea007.htmlhttps://digital…2-00505686d14eLeibish and Brandl AltmanALTMAN

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958, index pages 327-334; "Czenstochov: A New Supplement to the Book 'Czenstochover Yidn'"; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1519 persons) [H]

-Sort-Surname [r#]Given nameOther surnamePage numberIndex page number - column number
10054ALTMAN60327 - 3
10055ALTMANBezalel87327 - 3
10056ALTMANMordechai162327 - 3

Częstochowa Yizkor Book 1958 Necrology, pages 270-289; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa/Czestochowa.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/a47d0b80-6926-0133-d71d-00505686a51c (1208 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameMaiden nameSurname [r#]ParentsSurname from previous columnHusbandAgeBirth place and dateDeath place and yearSurviving relativesSurname from previous columnNotesPage
11028BecalelALTMANCzestochowa, 1903290.jpg

Częstochowa Yizkor Book (Tshenstokhover Yidn, 1947), index to full translations of biographies; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Czestochowa1/czea006.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/07a045a0-66cd-0133-cd02-00505686d14e [H]

-Sort-LetterPageSurname [r#]Additional SurnameGiven NameAdditional Given Name

Dachau: "Memorial Dates Yorzait of the Martyred Jews of Dachau," Vol II, Lists of Polish Jewish who perished in Dachau, Germany (Jewish Labor Committee, 1947; 2380 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameBirthCity of birthCity of residenceDeath dateComments 1Comments 2
100423ChaimALTMAN25 Apr 1909Lodz15 Dec 1944  
100433HerszALTMANN4 Dec 1902PrzytykLodz30 Dec 1944  
100443IcakALTMANN15 Jul 1909Lodz6 Jan 1945  
100453IzakALTMANN14 Jul 1912Sosnowic19 Jan 1945  
100463LeibALTMANN28 Dec 1911KalischPabianice23 Apr 1945  
100473MeierALTMANN3 Dec 1906KonstantinaTomaszow28 Mar 1945  
100483MojszeALTMAN17 May 1911Lodz19 Dec 1944  
100493MojzeszALTMAN26 Oct 1925Lodz5 Jan 1945  
100503MojzeszALTMAN15 Jan 1907Lodz23 Nov 1944  
100513SchajaALTMANN18 Nov 1802BogdanowLodz12 Feb 1945  
100524SzajaALTMAN3 Jul 1913Lodz23 Feb 1945  
100534SchlamaALTMAN11 Dec 1908Lodz23 Apr 1945  

Działoszyce: List of Jewish survivors in Działoszyce, tabulated at the end of June 1945 and transmitted to the Jewish immigrant aid society of Canada by its correspondent in the U.S.S.R....Raymond A. Davies; Relatives Information Service in 4? Feb 1946 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYearNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10001[1]Moszek-Mordka AltmanALTMAN1919  
10002[1]Zysie AltmanALTMAN1921  

France: Deportations during Holocaust, only "Pologne" from the web; used to be here: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/petit-chemin/Histoire/Accueil.htm [H]

-Sort-DetailsNº JODayMonthYearSexGiven nameSurnameCountry of birthState/region of birthCountry of deathComplete information
10128Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"91111995FNachaKLEIN, NÉE ALTMANNPolognePologneKlein, née Altmann (Nacha, Frida) le 25 décembre 1905 à Tarnobrzeg (Pologne), décédée le 1er décembre 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 1er décembre 1944 en Allemagne
19461Nº = number; JO = the publication "Le journal officiel"91111995FNachaKLEIN, NÉE ALTMANNPolognePologneKlein, née Altmann (Nacha, Frida) le 25 décembre 1905 à Tarnobrzeg (Pologne), décédée le 1er décembre 1944 à Auschwitz (Pologne) et non le 1er décembre 1944 en Allemagne

Frankfurt, Germany: List of Jews from various camps who now live at Homberg Hof in Frankfurt, 27 Aug 27, 1945; Relatives Information Service, 16 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotes (not by typist)
10003[1]Lea AltmanALTMAN5 Apr 1922Rawa Ruska 
10004[1]Araham AltmannALTMANN3 Sep 1926Przocslaw 

Gusen, Germany: List of Jews liberated from Gusen, submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York; Relatives Information Service; 7 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberSubheadingNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthNationalityNotes (not by typist)
10001[1]Jews Liberated from Gusen HospitalChaim AltmanALTMAN10 Nov 1904Polish 

Innsbruck, Austria: Jewish Survivors in Innsbruck, 1 Aug 1945; in red at top: Relatives Information Service, 15 Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthFromNotes (not by typist)
10002[1]Abram AltmanALTMAN15 May 1921Poland 

Iran [Persia]: "Polish Refugees in Tehran, 1943," American Jewish Archives, D56, 8 (1675 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImageListPage numberGiven name(s)SurnameDate [of birth]Place [of birth]Other informationTypist notes
1001203-DSC00032.JPGLista No. 13KuneALTMAN24 Sep 1910Lodz  

Jerusalem: Booklet listing survivors published by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in Jerusalem, P.O.B. 640, Jerusalem; only Poland listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberRegional headerSub-regional header, if anyPersonSurname(s) from previous columnListed in parentheses after primary entrySurname(s) from previous column[Blank column header; date of birth?]AgeFromNotes (not by typist)
104586Regards from abroad (in brackets: the name of the relative from abroad)Schmuel AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMAN[blank][blank][blank] 
104596Regards from abroad (in brackets: the name of the relative from abroad)Ajzyk AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMAN[blank][blank][blank] 
104606Regards from abroad (in brackets: the name of the relative from abroad)Avram AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMAN[blank][blank][blank] 
104866Header in HebrewSchmuel AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMANAge and From not listed 
104876Header in HebrewAjzyk AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMANAge and From not listed 
104886Header in HebrewAvram AltmanALTMAN(Altman Kopel).ALTMANAge and From not listed 

Jewish Colonial Trust; now at web archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20100606103341/http://www.jct.co.il:80/shareholders.asp; original source: www.jct.co.il/index.html (347 persons) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnCity
10002Jacob AltmanALTMANCzestokov
10003Moses L AltmannALTMANNCzestokov

Kielce BMD 1935 birth registrations (most are late registrations): 1935 births

-Sort-Folder of imagesImage fileRegistration dateAktDate of birthPlace of birthAddressChildChild's surnameGenderFather, ageFather's surnameMother, ageMother's surnamePermanent resident of...OccupationWitness 1Witness 1 surname / patronymicWitness 2Witness 2 surname / patronymicOther information on the pageNotes by typist, translator, or prooferSurname(s) from previous columns
10588https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1221_56035730.jpg20 May 193558825 Jan 1929Kielceulica Duża No. 22Chawa FrydmanFRYDMANFemaleKsyl Frydman, 34FRYDMANIdesa Altman, 30ALTMANKielceTraderKiwa Kantor, 30, Plac M. Piłs. No. 9, traderKANTORLejzor Frydman, 66, Duża No. 19, fish merchantFRYDMANParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  
10589https://tinyurl.com/3epkp2j721_122_0_-_2926_1223_56035729.jpg20 May 193558915 Dec 1934Kielceulica Duża No. 22Syma FrydmanFRYDMANFemaleKsyl Frydman, 34FRYDMANIdesa Altman, 30ALTMANKielceTraderKiwa Kantor, 30, Plac M. Piłs. No. 9, traderKANTORLejzor Frydman, 66, Duża No. 19, fish merchantFRYDMANParents are not married; father is literate and acknowledges the child  

Kielce district: "Surviving Jews in the Kielce District"; World Jewish Congress, no date (2179 persons) [H]

-Sort-TownSequence number in city listPersonSurname from previous columnPresent address [city after war]Year of birthPage of bookComments
10001Bodzentyn1 of 40Symcha AltmanALTMAN2 
10207Dzialoszyce1 of 156Moszek Mordka AltmanALTMAN19194 
10208Dzialoszyce2 of 156Zysie AltmanALTMAN19214 

Kielce: list of city council voters entitled to vote in the election of city councilors and their deputies 1939, syg 2373-2393 [H]

-Sort-District, syg, image folderImagePage numberOrder numberPersonSurname from previous columnStreet nameHouse number [r#]Date of birth [day and month often not listed]Living in the city since when?Confirmation that the vote was cast... [column usually blank]Remarks...Notes (written by typist)Notes (not written by typist)
13826District 5, ward 1, syg 2383, images at https://www.szu…ostka/1628983021_122_0_-_2383_15_56023672.jpg12460Idesa AltmanALTMANNiska2111 Jan 19051927    

Kielce synagogue: authorization for burial in the Jewish cemetery in Kielce, 1905-1935 (Załączniki do akt zgonu Okręgu Bożniczego Kielce); two images per record from Oct 1918 [H]

-Sort-Folder of images for this yearImage (perhaps also see image before and after)YearAkt numberDate of deathTown of deathDeceased's place of deathDeceased's nameSurname from previous columnDeceased's genderDeceased's place of permanent residenceDeceased's ageFather of deceasedSurname from previous columnMother of deceasedSurname from previous columnSpouse of deceasedSurname from previous columnCause of deathDoctorOther informationComments by translator, typist, or prooferSurname from previous two columnsWitness 1 name, ageWitness 1 surnameWitness 2 name, ageWitness 2 surname
10503https://www.szu…ostka/1629144121_122_0_-_2907_63_56025961.jpg19135928 May / 10 Jun 1913KielceKielceCypa AltmanALTMANfemaleGozdow5 monthsIcek AltmanALTMANSura nee ZalcbergZALCBERG[not applicable][not listed][not listed]       
11642https://www.szu…ostka/1628654521_122_0_-_2909_898_56027120.jpg191821025 Sep 1918Kielceulica N. Zagnańska No. 7Chaia AltmanALTMANFemaleVillage of Gózd, Kuczki district, Radom county9IcekSura née ZalcbergZALCBERGPneumoniaP. Jankowski       

Krzepice Book of Permanent Residents, 1888-1930, 5 vol; Często Arch, syg 7-12 (3828 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/krzepice-permanent-residents-1888-1930.php [H]

-Sort-Sygn.VolumePage [r#]Given nameSurnameYear of birthCommentsNotes (not written by researcher)

Krzepice Book of Residents (Księga Ludności) 1932-1944; 9 volumes; no index; Często Arch, syg 18-26; no Jews in syg 24-26 (1294 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.Page [r#]House numberSurnameGiven nameMaiden nameParents' namesSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthNotesComments (not written by researcher)All surnames for persons in this family
1004818127ALTMANHerszlikJojne & Ruchla KryzlerKRYZLER1860ZloczewALTMAN, AMSTERDAM, KRYZLER
1005018137GALSTERAbramChil & Blima AltmanALTMAN1899LipnieALTMAN, GALSTER, KOPLEWICZ
1005218137GALSTERHindaAbram & Laja1924ALTMAN, GALSTER, KOPLEWICZ
1005318137GALSTERDanielAbram & Laja1926ALTMAN, GALSTER, KOPLEWICZ
1005418137GALSTERSzmulAbram & Laja1928ALTMAN, GALSTER, KOPLEWICZ

Krzepice: "Martyrs Scroll of Landsmans of Krzepice, Poland and its Surroundings who Perished in the Holocaust," in Hebrew characters; provided (22 April 2003) by Harry Rozyn, who lived in Krzepice up to 1969 (252 persons listed) [H]

-Sort-PersonSurname from previous columnColumnNotes
10012Izrael AltmanALTMANA 
10013Abram Mordchai AltmanALTMANA 

Łódź: Jewish survivors registered in Łódź, July 1945, received by the Jewish Immigrant Aid Society of Canada [date unreadable] [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnYear of birthAddress before 1939Notes (not by typist)
101852Lucyna AltmanALTMAN1931Otwock 
101862Chana AltmanALTMAN1924Zunska Wola 
101872Chaim AltmanALTMAN1924Zunska Wola 
101882Brana AltmanALTMAN1913Zunska Wola 
101892Sala AltmanALTMAN1918Lodz 
101902Felicja Altman-Rewenkopf-KalinowskaALTMAN-REWENKOPF-KALINOWSKA1919Lodz 
101912Estera AltmanALTMAN1900Otwock 
101922Helena AltmanALTMAN1919Warsaw 
101932Szena AltmanALTMAN1910Warsaw 
101942Moszek AltmanALTMAN1908Warsaw 
101952Wolf AltmanALTMAN1903Warsaw 
101962Sonia AltmanALTMAN1922Warsaw 
101972Felicja AltmanALTMAN1920Warsaw 
101982Sara AltmanALTMAN1929Warsaw 
101992Roza AltmanALTMAN1904Warsaw 
102002Samek AltmanALTMAN1920Warsaw 
102012Josef AltmanALTMAN1910Warsaw 
102022Borys AltmanALTMAN1914Janow 
102032Lipman AltmanALTMAN1911Warsaw 
102042Mosiek AltmanALTMAN1910Warsaw 
102052Salek AltmanALTMAN1930Lodz 
102062Gerszon AltmanALTMAN1927Lodz 
102252Abram-Lejesr / Abram-Lejser AltmanALTMAN1900OtwockGiven name listed as "Abram-Lejesr"; Abram-Lejser added because it seems more likely
104264Idel AltmanALTMAN1913Tomaszow 
104274Ita AltmanALTMAN1923Tomaszow 

Lublin-Majdanek; Institute of Jewish Affairs, Archives; Amer Jewish Arch, MSS COL 361, D56/4 (911 persons) [H]

-Sort-Image numberGiven name(s)SurnameNumber (if any)Birth date (year)Other informationSurname from previous column

Lublin: "Surviving Jews in Lublin"; World Jewish Congress, 1945 (2393 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirth yearAddress in 1939Father's given nameMother's given namePresent address in LublinComments
100781Jakub AltmanALTMAN1918LejbaBajlaKowalska 4/2 
100791Samuel AltmanALTMAN1926OtwockAbramEsteraLubomelska 8 

Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Tyranny in Germany 1933-1945 (selected towns; complete material: https://www.bundesarchiv.de/gedenkbuch/introduction/) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)Maiden nameSurnameBorn onResident ofEmigration // Expulsion // ImprisonmentDeportationDate of deathPlace of death“Destiny”
10034JankielALTMANN30 Mar 1899 in Czestochowa (dt. Tschenstochau) / Piotrkow / RusslandBerlin (Mitte)Deportation: from Berlin [to] 29 Jan 1943, Auschwitz, extermination camp   

Neunburg [vorm Wald], Germany: List of survivors in Neunburg, Wald Bayern, Germany, liberated from various concentration camps; Relatives Information Service, Jan 1946; only Poland entries [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnDate of birthPlace of birthLiberated fromNotes (not by typist)
10004[1]Chaim Abr. AltmanALTMAN30 Sep 1926Przeslaw, PolandFlossenbuerg 

Palestine: Displaced persons arriving in Palestine, 29 May 1945, only entries for persons born in Poland [H]

-Sort-Page numberSubheadingNumberNameSurname from previous columnDate birthPlace of birthPassportNotes (not by typist)
10005[1]First List: Switzerland-Palestine; Geneva, 29 May 194513.Fanny AltmannALTMANN25 May 1928Przemysl / PrzemyślIdent. S,Przemyśl added because it seems more likely

Piotrków Trybunalski: In the Piotrków Trybunalski Ghetto Oct 15 Sep 1940 - Aug 1943; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Piotrków Trybunalski, ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (140 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
10015[1]6.Altman Abram HerszAltman Abram HerszALTMAN30 Dec 1895 r. w Bogdanowicach s. Icka i Hany z Wegliszewskich30 Dec 1895 in Bogdanowice, son of Icek and Hana nee WegliszewskaWEGLISZEWSKAPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Jan 1943Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz. w Piotrkow Ns. 229/48  
10016[1]7.Altman SrulAltman SrulALTMAN6 Jun 1902 r. w Bogdanowicach s. Icka i Hany z Wegliszewskich6 Jun 1902 in Bogdanowice, son of Icek and Hana nee WegliszewskaWEGLISZEWSKAPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Jan 1943Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz. w Piotrkow Zg. 229/48  
10051539Goldberg DawidGoldberg DawidGOLDBERG1 Sep 1922 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow1 Sep 1922 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 138/48  
10052540Goldberg SzajaGoldberg SzajaGOLDBERG12 Jun 1918 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow12 Jun 1918 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 139/48  
10053541Goldfrajd PerlaGoldfrajd PerlaGOLDFAJD10 May 1920 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow10 May 1920 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 137/48  
10054542Goldfrajda SzymszaGoldfrajda SzymszaGOLDFAJD10 May 1928 r. w Gorzkowicach, s. Berka i Rajzli z Altmanow10 May 1928 in Gorzkowice, son of Berek and Rajzla nee AltmanALTMANPiotrkow Tryb. [Piotrkow Trybunalski]Dec 1942Markiewicz Maks, Piotrkow ul. Stalina 8MARKIEWICZArchiwum b. Sadu Grodz.. Piotrkow Zg. 136/48  

Pławno census, 12 Oct 1939, including Pławno, Kolonia Wesola, Wies Stanislawice, Kolonia Mekwa, Kolonia Strzala, Kolonia Pławno-Lasek; all Jewish entries (see statistics); Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 119 (448 persons) [H]

-Sort-Document notes 1Document notes 2Chronological numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AgeYear of birth (calculated)Address (street)RemarksComments
10002Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)339Josek AltmanALTMAN471892Gidelska6 / 5 lives in Lodz 
10003Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)340Hawa AltmanALTMAN351904Gidelska  
10004Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)341Dawid AltmanALTMAN151924Gidelska  
10005Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)342Majer AltmanALTMAN101929Gidelska  
10006Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)343Jankiel AltmanALTMAN81931Gidelska  
10007Number of family members in pencil; remarks (e.g., 6 pers. 180 [zl.]) in red, only for Jewish families; "left..." in pencil; e.g., "6./5" in grey or red, first number of family members crossed through, and new number addedStatistics available in a separate document (residents, percent Jewish, towns, streets)344Hil AltmanALTMAN51934Gidelska  

Pławno: People living temporarily in Pławno and leaving for permanent residency elsewhere, 1935-1940, all Jewish entries; Piotrków Tryb Archive, Akta Miasta Pławno, zesp 691, syg 118 (98 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year-chronological numberGiven name(s)SurnameCame from (place)Came on (date)Left for (place)Left for (date)Document notes
100921939-60Dawid BerekALTMANLodz13 May 1939Entries per year: 1936-142; 1937-139; 1938: 137; 1939-127, no movement 4 Sep 1939 to 17 Nov 1939; 1940-87, no Jews

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 1, Jan 1946; only "Poland" listings [H]

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)
100703Macha AltmanALTMANCzenstochow [country not listed] / Częstochowa, Poland1920ChaimCiporaCzęstochowa, Poland added because it seems more likely
100713Mirjam AltmanALTMANCzenstochow [country not listed] / Częstochowa, Poland1918LiebCiporaCzęstochowa, Poland added because it seems more likely
100723Moshe AltmanALTMANCzenstochow [country not listed] / Częstochowa, Poland1910ChaimCiporaCzęstochowa, Poland added because it seems more likely
100733Rachel AltmanALTMANLukow / Łuków, Poland1916IsacharZeitelŁuków added because it seems more likely

Poland: Jewish Refugees in Italy, List Nr. 2, Feb 1946; only "Poland" listings

-Sort-Page numberNameSurname from previous columnPlace of birthDate of birthFather's nameMother's nameNotes (not by typist)Surname from previous column
100352Dawid AltmanALTMANLodz, Poland1929AbramGenia  
100362D? AltmanALTMANLodz, Poland1918AbramGenia  
100372Moses AltmanALTMANLodz, Poland1926ChaimRywka  
100382Cwi AltmanALTMANDrzezany, Poland1932ChaimRejzl  

Poland: List no. 5, 2 Jul 1945 - Polish Jews refugees; printed in red at top of page 1: Relatives Information Service; 2 Jan 1946? [H]

-Sort-PagePersonSurname from previous columnAgePlace of orginComes fromNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
100311Gerszon AltmannALTMANN18Boleslawiec, Poland   

Poland: List of persons receiving individual gift packages, 1941, American Joint Distribution Committee [H]

-Sort-DetailsPage number of complete set (unnumbered)Page number at top, centered (if any)Page header (including running header)[List number?]NameSurname from previous or following column[Address]Column without header [regarding delivery]Notes (not by typist)
10772German title: 2. Liste der Personen zwecks Zusendung von individuellen Liebesgabenpaketen; preceded by letter in English from AJDC in Lisbon, Portugal to AJDC in New York, dated 2 Jul 1941[19][none]List No. 3, Receipts, 7 Jul 194310Esther AltmanALTMANLitzmannstadt  

Poland: List of Polish Survivors, Undated (begins with Page 12: Poles) [H]

-Sort-Page numberPersonSurname from previous columnBirthdayLast domocileIdentity card no.Notes by typistNotes (not by typist)
1001112Fela AltmannALTMANN22 Jun 1916Pabkjanice2591  

Poland: Lists of Polish Jews in Ghetto[s] to Receive Aid 1942 (V-mail; regarding V-mail, see: https://postalmuseum.si.edu/exhibition/victory-mail) [H]

-Sort-Image fileDestination of CommunicationPostmarkSender addressDatePerson in Poland: Line numberPerson in Poland: Given namePerson in Poland: SurnamePerson in Poland: Town [k/=kolo=near; dla=for]Person in Poland: AddressOther informationSurname from previous 2 columnsTypist notes
11270DSC00069.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 142700Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV8 Nov 19421270Pesia AltmanALTMANTarnopolul. Blonia 6?   
11620DSC00077.JPGDr. I. Schwarzbart; 45 Queensway Queenscourt; London W. 2; 143716Palestine; Postage paidRepresentation Polish Jewry; 15 Lilienblum, TEL-AVIV9 Nov 19421610Malka Malia AltmanALTMANGlogow k/ [kolo = near] Rzeszow?    

Poland: "Martyrdom of Jewish Physicians in Poland" (Exposition Press, 1963; 2584 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given name(s)SurnameBirthDeathPage number

Poland: Monitor Polski (court records after WWII regarding inheritance, etc.); translations will be added later, for now try https://translate.google.com; source: http://monitorpolski.gov.pl {H}

-Sort-File nameNr.DateYearPageHeaderIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered listIntroductory sentence/paragraph (if any), before a numbered list: translationEntry regarding person, couple, or familyEntry regarding person, couple, or family: translationSurname from previous two columnsNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10158M19460240039012411 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie / Ogioszenie IIOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com5) Izraelu Altmanie, wspolwlascicielu nieruchomosci w Piotrkowie Nr hip. 232;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
10160M19460240039012411 Marca19463Sad Grodzki w Piotrkowie / Ogioszenie IIOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com7) Telcy Altman, wspolwlascicielu nieruchomosci w Piotrkowie Nr hip. 232;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
10301M19460280046012824 Marca19464Obwieszczenia sadowe / Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com27) Heszliku-Henochu i Rywce z Wertheimow malzonkach Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, uregulowanej w ksiedze hipoteczn. Nr 485/III rep. hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comWERTHEIM, ALTMAN  
10514M19460440085014419 Maja19464Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com13) Szlamie i Rajzli z Atlmanow, malz. German, wlasciciela nieruchomnosci w Czestochowie oznacz. Nr 215/II rep. hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN, GERMAN  
10614M19460560099015627 Czerwca19462Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com27) Heszliku-Henouchu i Rywce z Mertheimow malzonkach Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, uregulowaneiw ksiedze hipoteczn. Nr 485/3 rep. hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comMERTHEIM, ALTMAN,  
10904M19460780144017820 Sierpnia19467Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com13: Szlamie i Rajsli z Altmanow, malz. German, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie, oznacz. Nr 215/II rep. hip.;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN, GERMAN  
10912M19460790146017924 Sierpnia19462Sad Grodzki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze po nizej wymienionych zmarlych otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe, a mianowicie:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com3) Altmanie Senderze, jako wspolwlascicielu nieruchomosci w Piotrkowie Nr hip. 32;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
10913M19460790146017924 Sierpnia19462Sad Grodzki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze po nizej wymienionych zmarlych otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe, a mianowicie:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4) Altman Mindli, jako wspolwlascicielu nieruchomosci w Piotrkowie Nr hip. 32;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
11178M19460970180019228 Wrzesnia19465Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki w Czestochowie Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com8) Esterze-Rywce z Szmidtow Altman, wlascicielce 48/112 czesci nieruchmosci w Czestochowie oznaczornej Nr 351 hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comSZMIDT ALTMAN  
11349M194611202070111225 Pazdziernika19462Sad Grodzki w Czestochowie / na dzien 13 maja 1947 rokuSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obsieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych jak nizej, celem zgloszenia prw do tych spadcow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com33. Michelu vel Michale i Icie z Libermanow malz. Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, oznaczonej Nr 516/III hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, ALTMAN  
11440M194611702170111731 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na czien 2 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com7) Dawidzie Altmanie, wspolwlascicielu przestrzeni gruntu szerokoscj 8 lokci, a dlugosci 37 lokei w dobrach Gorzkowice czesc I, powiatu piotrkowskiego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
11441M194611702170111731 Pazdziernika19462Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na czien 2 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com8) Senderze Altmanie, wspolwlascicielu: 1) dzialki Nr 7 o powierzchni 62 saznii kw., 2) dzialki oznaczonej na planie lit. b, o powierzchni 109 metrow kw. i 3) metrow kw. w dobrach Gorzkowice czesc I, powiatu piotrkowskiego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
11499M194612402270112413 Listopada19463Sad Grodzki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie, obwieszcza, ze po niezej wymienionych zmarlych otwarte zostaly postepowania spadkowe:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com12) Altman Arie, wspolwlascicielu osady we wsi Gorzkowice, oznaczonej Nr hip. 321;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
11779M194614000000114013 Grudnia19464Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie ob-wieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe pozmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com13) Benjaminie - Natanie i Taubie - Esetrze z Oderbergow malzonkach Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 539/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comODERBERG, ALTMAN  
11800M194614000000114013 Grudnia19464Sad Grodzki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze do pierwiastkowej regulacji hipoteki wywolane zostaly nastepujace nieruchomosci;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com1) Plac, polzony we wsi Gorzkowice, tejze gminy, powiatu piotrkowskiego, zawierajacy przestrezeni okolo 2000 lokci kw., stanowiacy wlasnosc Icka Altmana;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
11826M194614100000114114 Grudnia19462Sad Grodzki W PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4. Mariem Altmann, jako wspolwlascicielce nieruchomosci we swi Gorzkowice Nr. hip. 322;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMANN  
11934M194700200000124 Stycznia19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze na dzien 22 kwietnia 1947 roku wywolanie zostaly do pierwiastkowej regulacji hipoteki nieruchomosci:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com3) w Zarkach przy ul. Kozieglowskiej pod Nr 10, graniczaca z nieruchomosciami: Wajsmana, Plawnera i Grabe, nalezacado spadkobiercow Herszlika i Ruchli z Altmanow malzonkow Borzykowskich:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comWAJSMAN, PLAWNER, GRABE, ALTMAN, BORZYKOWSKI  
12114M1947014000001143 lutego19473Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na dzien 2 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com7) Dawidzie Altmanie, wspolwlascicielu przestrzeni gruntu szerokosci 8 okci, a dlugosci 37 lokci w dobrach Gorzkowice czesc I, powiatu piotrkowskiego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
12115M1947014000001143 lutego19473Sad Okregowy w PiotrkowieWydzial Hipoteczny Sadu Okregowego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze na dzien 2 maja 1947 roku wyznaczony zostal termin zamkniecia postepowania spadkowego po:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com8) Senderze Altmanie, wspolwlascicielu: 1) dzialki Nr 7 o powierzchni 62 sazni kw., 2) dzialki oznaczonej na planie lit. b, o powierzchni 109 meterow kw. i 3) dzialki oznaczonej na planie lit. c o powierzchni 196 metrow kw. W dobrach Gorzkowice czesc I, powiatu piotrkowskiego;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
12213M1947016000001167 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com78) Moszku vel Mozesie i Rozi vel Rozalii z Horowiczow malz. Gotajner, wlascicielach 12/84, Pesie z Altmanow Horowicz, wlasc. 3/84 czesci, Surze Horowicz, wlasc. 12/84, Szlamie Horswiczu, wlasc. 12/84 i Gitli Karmiol, wlasc. 4/84 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 289/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comHOROWICZ, GOTAJNER, ALTMAN HOROWICZ, HOROWICZ  
12214M1947016000001167 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com79) Pesie z Altmanow Horowicz, wlascicielce 4/112 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 351 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN HOROWICZ  
12259M19470180000011812 Lutego19475Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie, obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych, jak nizej, celem zgloszenia praw do tych spadkow i zamkniecia postepowan w mysl art. 128 prawa hipotecznego w terminach: / na dzien 13 maja 1947 roku.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com33. Michelu vel Michale i lcie z Libermanow malz. Altman, wlascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, oznaczonej Nr 516/lII hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comLIBERMAN, ALTMAN  
12412M19470260000012625 Lutego19476Sad Grodziki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie., obwieszcza, ze po nizej wymienionych zmarlych otwarte zostasly postepowania spadkowe:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com12) Altman Arie, wspolwlascicielu osady we wsi Gorzkowice, oznaczonej Nr hip. 321;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN  
12451M19470280000012824 Mar19474Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodziki, Oddziai Hipoteczny, w Czestochowie obwieszcza ze otwarte zostaly postepowania po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com27) Heszliku-Henochu i Rywce z Wertheimow malzonkach Altman, wascicielach nieruchomosci w Przyrowie, uregulowanej w ksiedze hipoteczn. Nr 485/III rep. hip.,Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comWERTHEIM, ALTMAN  
12616M1947046000001465 Kwietnia19472Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki Oddzial Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwieszcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com13) Beniaminie-Natanie i Taubie-Esterze z Oderbegow malzonkach Altman, wlasicicielach nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 539/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comODERBEG, ALTMAN  
12822M1947061000001619 Maja19479Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com78) Moszku vel Mozesie i Rozi vel Rozalii z Horowiczow, malz. Gotajner, wlascicielach 12/84, Pesie z Altmanow Horowicz, wlasc. 3/84 czesci, Surze Horowicz, wlasc. 12/ 84, Szlamie Horowiczu, wlasc. 12/84 i Gitli Karmiol, wlasc. 4/84 czesci, nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 289/II hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comHOROWICZ, GOTAJNER, ALTMAN HOROWICZ  
12823M1947061000001619 Maja19479Sad Grodzki w CzestochowieSad Grodzki, Oddzilal Hipoteczny w Czestochowie obwlezcza, ze zostaly otwarte postepowania spadkow po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com79) Pesie z Altmanow Horowicz, wlascicielce 4/112 czesci nieruchomosci w Czestochowie Nr 351 hip.Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMAN HOROWICZ  
12831M1947061000001619 Maja19479Sad Grodzki w PiotrkowieOddzial Hipoteczny Sadu Grodzkiego w Piotrkowie obwieszcza, ze tocza sie postepowania spadkowe po zmarlych:Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.com4. Mariem Altmann, jako wspolwlascicielce nieruchomosci we wsi Gorzkowice Nr hip. 322;Translations will be added later; for now try https://translate.google.comALTMANN  

Poland: Partisans Site (http://partisans.org.il/Site/site.advsearch.en.aspx) [H]

-Sort-Born inArea of combatSurnameFirst nameCountry of CcombatWar organizationUnit
10003Czestochowa----ALTMANDawidPolandZydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Z 
10174----Czestochowa GhettoALTMANDawidPolandZydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Z 

Poland: Register of Jewish Survivors II (Jewish Agency, 1945) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageGiven name(s)Surname(s) from previous or next columnsPlaceTyping notes
1095108-DSC00111.jpg5Abram LejzorALTMANLodz 
1096308-DSC00112.jpg6CesiaALTMAN HERSZKOWICZWroclawek 
1096508-DSC00112.jpg6Chaim JosefALTMANCzestoch. 
1098408-DSC00112.jpg6ALTMAN-REWENKOPFLodzNo given name?
1101708-DSC00112.jpg6Moszek MordkaALTMANDzialoszyce 
5199710-DSC00031.jpg220GeniaROZA ALTMANLodz 
6327210-DSC00094.jpg280Hanka z d. AltmanWASSERSZTAJN-ALTMANLublin 

Poland Survivor Radio Messages, American Jewish Archives, H277, n2 (2741 persons) [H]

-Sort-Set, folder, and imageSurvivor given nameSurname from previous columnName of fatherOther family membersPresent addressSurname from any previous columnSurvivor former residenceMessage in fullAddress for mailSurname from previous two columnsDate(s) of broadcastOther information--including title, date, and page
11120PSRM Set 27, folder 12-H277n2, image DSC00119.JPGFranciszkaPINCZEWSKA-ALTMANWith her Husband Jacob and daughterWarszawa, Cent. Kom-itet ZydowskiWants to establish contact with family: Pintchewski – Los Angeles Kaufman, Leo – Switzerland Wolkowicz, Halina-BruxellesWarszawa, Cent. Kom-itet ZydowskiPINTCHEWSKI, KAUFMAN, WOLKOWICZ17 May 1945Page 7
12684PSRM Set 53, folder 13-H277n2, image DSC00121.jpgMosheALTEROWICZWarsawSend greetings to Altman, Jacub, New YorkALTMAN16 Jun 1945MESSAGES BRAODCAST BY WARSAW RADIO – submitted by the World Jewish Congress. N.Y., 18 Sep 1945 Page 1

Poland Survivors at (DP) Camps, American Jewish Archives, D56, 1 (778 persons) [H]

-Sort-Setjpg fileTitle at top of page (if any)Date at top of page (if any)SurnameGiven name(s)Date of birthAgeBirth placeFrom where?Father's nameRelatives hereSurnames from previous or following columnOther information
10120Set 3DSC00080.JPGList of Jewish Men from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946ALTMANZygmunt1 Jan 1921Sosnowiec    
10121Set 3DSC00080.JPGList of Jewish Men from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946ALTMANMoszek10 Feb 1919Sosnowiec    
10122Set 3DSC00080.JPGList of Jewish Men from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946ALTMANDawid3 Apr 1923Sosnowiec    
10282Set 4DSC00089.JPGList of Jewish Women from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946ALTMANRegina7 Aug 1920Sosnowiec    
10283Set 4DSC00089.JPGList of Jewish Women from Poland now in Cham, Germany; Submitted by the World Jewish Congress, New York City5 Mar 1946ALTMANBronia5 Apr 1919Sosnowiec    
10487Set 7DSC00100.jpgList of Polish Jews in Stenenberg-Neuenberg5 Mar 1946ALTMANChaimRadom    

Poland telephone directory 1939; images begin: https://genealogyindexer.org/view/1939Ptel/009 [H]

-Sort-TownImage filePage numberHeader before this section, if anyPhone numberPerson(s)Surname from previous columnOccupation, business, etc. (in Polish)AddressOther informationNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10007Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]12 60Adolf AltmanALTMANzakł. elektrotechn.al. Wolności 15 m. 4   
10008Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]16 51J. AltmanALTMANfabr. okuć melb., śrub do drzewa i metali oraz części rowerowych.Warszawska 67   
10009Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]20 52I. AltmanALTMANzakłady przem.Mała 7   
10010Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]14 82Izaak AltmanALTMANprzemysłowiecal. Kościuszki 7   
10011Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]15 16Sara AltmanALTMANkawiarniaal. Wolności 3/5   
10012Częstochowa (images begin: https://genealo…w/1939Ptel/389)389.jpg339[none]14 01Sura AltmanALTMANhurtowa sprzedaż spożywczo kolonialnaOgrodowa 4   

Przedbórz 1939: list of payers of contributions to the Jewish community in Przedbórz of the Końskie district of the Kielce voivodeship for 1939, syg 3375, pages 26-37; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981490 [H]

-Sort-Image filePageOrder numberGiven name(s)SurnameAddressOccupation, in PolishOccupation, translatedContribution (Zł.)CommentsNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1000121_100_0_6.3_3375_31_61122964.jpg281.Hilel AltmanALTMANMały-Rynekkamasznikmaker of shoe uppers8.  
1000421_100_0_6.3_3375_31_61122964.jpg284Lejbuś AltamanALTAMAN / ALTMANTrytwahandlarztrader10ALTMAN added because it appears in other Krzepice records

Przyrów 1939: list of contribution payers to the Jewish community in Przyrów, powiat Częstochowa, province Kielecki for 1939, syg 3371, pages 291-293; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981486 [H]

-Sort-Image file namePageOrder numberGiven name(s)Surname from previous column [r#]AddressAmount of contributionOccupationOccupation, translatedNotes (not written by translator / typist)
1000121_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg2911Josek AltmanALTMANPrzyrów10--kupiecmerchant 
1000221_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg2912Henoch AltmanALTMANPrzyrów8--przemysł.industrialist 
1000321_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg2913Sura-Hena AltmanALTMANPrzyrów5--handlarkatrader (female) 
1000421_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg2914Michael AltmanALTMANPrzyrów15--kupiecmerchant 
1000521_100_0_6.3_3371_299_61122374.jpg2915Josek & Dawid AltmanALTMANPrzyrów10--krawcytailors 

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów [1932-1949] EXPANDED WORK; Często Arch, syg 529 (397 persons), sample images: www.crarg.org/przyrow-emigration-1932-1949.php [H]

-Sort-Prev sort numberPageNumeralGiven nameSurnameNext place of residence: powiatNext place of residence: communityNext place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence type BDeleted from resident list: DateDeleted from resident list: Volume / PageRemarks about deleting... [blank for all listings]Other informationNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
100621000813Idel MajerALTMANSosnowiec[Not listed]12 Dec 1933[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]    
100931007329545Elka RywkaALTMANCzestochowaWarszawska 23[Not listed]20 Feb 193522 Feb 19351 Mar 19352 Mar 19358/25    
1012038743Idel MajerALTMANCzestochowaSenatorska 10[Not listed]10 Oct 193523 Oct 19355 Nov 193523 Oct 19358/39    
101211007238749BajlaALTMANDabrowa GorniczaKollataja 24[Not listed]29 Oct 19354 Nov 1935[Not listed]4 Nov 19358/54    
101641010446936Ide MajerALTMANWarszawaPawia 49[Not listed]Temporary residence        
1018310146511048Idel MajerALTMANWarszawa[Not listed][Not listed]Temporary residence        
1022510169621297Idel MajerALTMAN[Not listed][Not listed]Temporary residence[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]    
1027310170701518MajerALTMANWarszawa[Not listed]28 Jul 1938Temporary residence        
10296711534Szmul MajerALTMAN[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]14 Nov 193842240Died 8 Oct 1934  
103081017172IcekALTMANPiotrkowLeonarda8 Sep 1938Temporary residence        
1031110172731554DawidALTMANPabianice[Not listed]3 Oct 1938Temporary residence        
103581025383130Idel MajerALTMANSosnowiec[Not listed]1 Jun 1939Temporary residenceTemporary resident  
103641028385184Idel MajerALTMANFalenica[Not listed]11 Jul 1939Temporary residence        
10373102849026LejzorALTMANCzestochowa[Not listed]1 Apr 1940Temporary residence        

Przyrów: Index of Citizens who Emigrated from Przyrów (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 529 (311 persons) [H]

-Sort-YearGiven nameSurnameMoved toNew addressPageNotes (not by researcher)
100081933IdelALTMANSosnowiec13Beginning of 1933
100721935BajlaALTAMAN / ALTMAN?Dabrowa GorniczaKollataja 2438ALTMAN added because it seems more likely
100731935ElkaALTMANCzestochowaWarszawska 2328 
101041936Ide MajerALTMANWarszawaPawia 4946Beginning of 1936
101461937Idel MajerALTMANWarszwa51Beginning of 1937
101691938Idel MajerALTMAN61Beginning of 1938
102531939Idel MajerALTMANSosnowiec83Beginning of 1939
102831940Idel MajerALTMANFalenica85Beginning of 1940

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 EXPANDED; Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (1020 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/przyrow-newcomers-1932-1950.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.; YearsPageNumeralGiven nameSurname from previous columnPrevious place of residence: powiatPrevious place of residence: communityPrevious place of residence: city, street, house numberDate received application standard No 2Date received application standard CDate of issuing of evidence of changing the place of residence standard ADate received proof of residence standard BDelated from residence register: DateDelated from residence register: Volume/pageRemarks about... [blank for nearly all listings]CommentSurname from previous 2 columnsNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1000510019syg. 527 (1939-1950)689Idel Majer AltmanALTMANFalenica30 May 1939[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
1000610020syg. 527 (1939-1950)692Dawid AltmanALTMANPabianice31 May 1939[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
10014syg. 527 (1939-1950)8153Idel Majer AltmanALTMANFalenica6 Jul 1939[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
1002210031syg. 527 (1939-1950)10189Idel Majer AltmanALTMANRawa Mazowiecka30 Aug 1939[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]Temporary resident      
1017310139syg. 526 (1932-1939)1212736Szmul Majer AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/25     
1021610179syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242791Herszlik Henoch AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1021710180syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242792Rywka AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1021810181syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242793Ide Majer AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1021910182syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242794Szejwa AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1022010183syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242795Szprynca AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1022110184syg. 526 (1932-1939)1242796Mariem AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/39     
1024210205syg. 526 (1932-1939)1252820Michel AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/45     
1024310206syg. 526 (1932-1939)1252821Itla AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/45     
1024410207syg. 526 (1932-1939)1252822Dawid Josek AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/45     
1024510208syg. 526 (1932-1939)1252823Sura Brandla AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/45     
1027110232syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272862Josek AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/53     
1027210233syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272863Nacha AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/53     
1027310234syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272864Icek Berek AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/53     
1027410235syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272865Dawid AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/53     
1027510236syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272866Bajla AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/53     
1027610237syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272867Rajzla Gnendla AltmanALTMANWloszczowaIrzadzeIrzadze[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/54     
1027710238syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272868Josek Judka AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/54     
1027810239syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272869Dawid Lejb AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/54     
1027910240syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272870Estera AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/54     
1028010241syg. 526 (1932-1939)1272871Rywka AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/54     
1047810433syg. 526 (1932-1939)1633693Sura Chana AltmanALTMANZawiercieKromolow[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]9/153     
1083210778syg. 526 (1932-1939)2235066Michel AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/3     
1083310779syg. 526 (1932-1939)2235067Itta AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/3     
1083410780syg. 526 (1932-1939)2235068Dawid Josek AltmanALTMANsince birth[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]13/3     
1085510796syg. 526 (1932-1939)2395440Liba AltmanALTMANCzestochowaPotok ZlotyPabianice10 Feb 1933Temporary resident         
1085610797syg. 526 (1932-1939)2395441Icek AltmanALTMANCzestochowaTemporary resident         
1090310830syg. 526 (1932-1939)2716159Elka Rywka AltmanALTMANCzestochowa, Warszawska[Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed][Not listed]8/25     
10920syg. 526 (1932-1939)2756257Bajla AltmanALTMANCzestochowa, Panny Marii 3027 Jun 19352 Jul 19352 Jul 19358/54     
1094510855syg. 526 (1932-1939)2836430Idel Majer AltmanALTMANCzestochowaSenatorska 10[Not listed][Not listed]14 Nov 193515 Jan 193615 Jan 19368/39     
1098210872syg. 526 (1932-1939)2957118Fajwel AltmanALTMANCzestochowa27 Jul 1937Temporary resident         

Przyrów Newcomers 1932-1950 (Księga Kontroli Ruchu Ludności); Często Arch, syg 526 (1932-1939) and syg 527 (1939-1950) (903 persons) [H]

-Sort-Syg.; YearsPageFamily comments (not written by researcher)Given nameSurnameDate of arrivalFrom whereOther informationComments (not by researcher)
10019Syg. 527; 1939-19506Idel MajerALTMAN30 May 1939Falenica  
10020Syg. 527; 1939-19506DawidALTMAN31 May 1939Pabianice  
10031Syg. 527; 1939-195010IdelALTMAN30 Aug 1939Rawa Mazowiecka  
10139Syg. 526; 1932-1939121Szmul MajerALTMANfrom birth   
10179Syg. 526; 1932-1939124Herszlik HenochALTMANfrom birth   
10180Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRywkaALTMANfrom birth   
10181Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIde MajerALTMANfrom birth   
10182Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveSzejweALTMANfrom birth   
10183Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveSzpryncaALTMANfrom birth   
10184Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveMariemALTMANfrom birth   
10205Syg. 526; 1932-1939125MichelALTMANfrom birth   
10206Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveItlaALTMANfrom birth   
10207Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawid JosekALTMANfrom birth   
10208Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveSura BrandlaALTMANfrom birth   
10232Syg. 526; 1932-1939127JosekALTMANfrom birth   
10233Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveNachaALTMANfrom birth   
10234Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIcek BerekALTMANfrom birth   
10235Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawidALTMANfrom birth   
10236Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveBajlaALTMANfrom birth   
10237Syg. 526; 1932-1939127RajzlaALTMANWloszczowa  
10238Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveJosek JudkaALTMANfrom birth   
10239Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawid LejbALTMANfrom birth   
10240Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveEsteraALTMANfrom birth   
10241Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveRywkaALTMANfrom birth   
10433Syg. 526; 1932-1939163Sura ChanaALTMANKromolow  
10778Syg. 526; 1932-1939223MichelALTMANfrom birth   
10779Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIttaALTMANfrom birth   
10780Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveDawid JosekALTMANfrom birth   
10796Syg. 526; 1932-1939239LibaALTMAN10 Feb 1933Potok Zloty  
10797Syg. 526; 1932-1939Listed with family of person shown on line aboveIcek MajerALTMANPotok Zloty  
10830Syg. 526; 1932-1939271Elka RywkaALTMAN1 Mar 1934Czestochowa  
10855Syg. 526; 1932-1939283Idel MajerALTMAN3 Dec 1935Czestochowa, Senatorska 10  
10872Syg. 526; 1932-1939295FajwelALTMAN27 Jul 1937Czestochowa  

Radomsker Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora Memorialize the Memory of Our Victims, transliterated/translated by Merav Schejtman and Gloria Berkenstat Freund (over 2500 victims; over 300 donors) [H]

-Sort-NotesPagePlace of donorDonor given nameDonor surnameVictim given nameVictim surnameRelation of victim to donorSurname from previous columnNote
12084Donor was living at the time the necrology.428United States & Canadano name givenGELBARD-ZISERHershelALTMANRelative of Gelbard-ZiserGELBARD-ZISER 
12085Donor was living at the time the necrology.428United States & Canadano name givenGELBARD-ZISERHendlALTMANWife of Hershel AltmanALTMANWith family

Radomsko Book of Migration Control, 1930-1943 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 199-202 (about 7000 persons), sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-migration.php [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberSyg.YearPageNumber [just a sequential number]Given nameSurname from previous column [r#]Number of persons: maleNumber of persons: femalePrevious place of residence - PowiatPrevious place of residence - CommunePrevious place of residence - Place, street, number of houseAddress in RadomskoWent toOther informationSurname(s) from previous columnResearcher notesComments (not by researcher)
107691065919919301292933Rajzla AltmanALTMAN---1Gorzkowice       
108681075619919301343056Herszlik AltmanALTMAN45Radomsko       
108831077119919301353075Sura AltmanALTMAN---1Radomsko       
110741095419919301463315Estera AltmanALTMAN1---Radomsko       
113451120019919301764015Szlama AltmanALTMAN32CzestochowaGarncarska 9      
115371134819919302104787Icek AltmanALTMAN11Radomsko       
116171142519919302144877Jozef Hirsz AltmanALTMAN33Radomsko       
122291195319919303026896Herszlik AltmanALTMAN1---RadomskoPrzedborska 31Apparently a 1930 census: each person page 302-338 marked "pro memoria" ("for memory")Beginning of "Pro memoria" listings?
13040200193366380Icek AltmanALTMAN1Died 10 Apr 1933    
13553129092001935148271Sura AltmanALTMAN1Skierniewice    
136022001935155421Chaja AltmanALTMAN1PiotrkowShe don't leave   
141722001937246618Estera AltmanALTMAN1Died 4 Oct 1937 in Radomsko    
143982001938281583Cherszlik AltmanALTMAN1Died 10 Jul 1938    
14495133912021939243Rywka AltmanALTMAN1Bedzin    
145271340420219398182Fajgla AltmanALTMAN1Czestochowa: 3 Maja 25    
1469613468202193932717Mojzesz AltmanALTMAN1Piotrkow    
1470813476202193933753Moszek AltmanALTMAN13Gorzkowice    
155892021942179142Izrael AltmanALTMAN1Died 3 Nov 1941    
161551372520119397145Fajgla AltmanALTMAN1GorzkowicePlac 3 Maja 3     
1623913780201193925566Perla AltmanALTMAN1Radomsko since birth since birthLimanowksiego 32     
1624013781201193925567Jehudyt AltmanALTMAN1Radomsko since birth since birthLimanowksiego 32     
166441396120119401351544Abram AltmanALTMAN1Radomsko since birthLimanowskiego 31     

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) EXPANDED WORK 1934-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Tryb Arch, syg 185-192 (about 2000 persons); sample image: www.crarg.org/radomsko-identity-cards-1934-1940.php [H]

-Sort-Syg.Year [of ID Card]Serial numberGiven nameSurnameDate and place of birthNumber and date of issue of passportAddress of passport ownerCommentSurname from previous columnNotes by researcherNotes (not written by researcher)
1023218619354Frymeta AltmanALTMAN15 Mar 1911 Przedborz8 Jul 1935Przedborska 31Signature of owner   
1071818819371Mojzesz AltmanALTMAN25 Jan 1916 Radomsko11 Mar 1937 223898Limanowskiego 8Signature of ownerBegin syg 188 
1102218919381Rywka AltmanALTMAN14 Jun 1907 Radomsko10 Jan 1939 514097Plac 3 Maja 15Signature of ownerBegin syg 189 
1102418919386Szajna AltmanALTMAN13 Oct 1918 Radomsko9 May 1939 514265Limanowskiego 8Signature of owner   
113341901938250Perla Odeberg AltmanODEBERG ALTMAN18 May 1888 Kobiele Wielkie30 Jan 1940 O250.40Pilsudskiego 10Signature of owner   

Radomsko identity cards (list of; with signatures) INITIAL WORK 1936-1940 (1938 is missing); Piotrkow Trybunalski Arch, syg 185-192 (about 1200 persons) [H]

-Sort-Year [of ID Card]SurnameGiven nameDate of birthPlace of birthAddressPageNotes (not by researcher)
101921937ALTMANMojzesz25 Jan 1916RadomskoLimanowskiego 8Beginning of 1937
104011939ALTAMANRyfka14 Jun 1907Radomsko3 Maja 15Beginning of 1939 (1938 is "lost")
104031939ALTAMANSzaja13 Oct 1918RadomskoLimanowskiego 8  
108841939/1940; Syg. 191ODEBERG-ALTMANPerla18 May 1888KobielePilsudskiego 10  

Radomsko: In the Radomsko Ghetto 10 Nov 1939 - 31 Dec 1944; Name Registry of Murdered and Deceased Jews in the Radomsko Ghetto; ITS Bad Arolsen Digital Archives, Sub-collection (453 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberPersonPerson, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsDate and place of birth, names of parentsDate and place of birth, names of parents, with Polish translatedSurname(s) from previous two columnsPlace of deathDate of death (Polish: r = roku = year)Names and addresses of witnessesSurname(s) from previous columnSources of informationOther text on pageNotes (not written by researcher)
1026724248PFEFER Gitla z d. AltmanPFEFER Gitla nee AltmanPFEFER, ALTMANw 1849 r. w Przyrowie, c. Jankla i Lai z d. Winterin 1849 in Przyrow, daughter of Jankel and Laja nee WinterWINTERRadomsko20 Nov 1942Grinbaum Chil, Czestochowa, Aleja NMP Nr 29GRINBAUMArch. b Sadu Grodz w Radomsku Co. 315/47  

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939 EXPANDED; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 [H]

-Sort-Previous sort numberWhich listGiven nameSurnameAgeProfessionAddressOther informationResearcher notesYear of birth (calculated)Comments (not by researcher)
1000210002List 1, Part 1 of 2Izrael Nusen AltmaALTMA / ALTMAN29TailorLimanowskiego 8Note: End of List 1 states "condition on 10 Oct 1939"1910ALTMAN added because it appears in other Radomsko records
1044810442List 2, Part 1 of 7Szlama AltmanALTMAN26JewelerPlac 3 Maja 21913 
1044910443List 2, Part 1 of 7Srul AltmanALTMAN38CarpenterLimanowskiego 291901 
1045210446List 2, Part 1 of 7Josek AltmanALTMAN56WorkerReymonta 81883 
1045310447List 2, Part 1 of 7Moszek AltmanALTMAN23MerchantLimanowskiego 81916 
1045410448List 2, Part 1 of 7Szaja AltmanALTMAN21ShoemakerLimanowskiego 81918 

Radomsko, List of Jewish Residents, 1939; Piotrków Tryb. Arch., syg 2174 (2168 persons) [H]

-Sort-Which listSurnameGiven nameAgeYear of birth (calculated)ProfessionAddress
10442List 2, Part 1 of 7ALTMANSzlomo261913Jeweler3 Maja 2
10443List 2, Part 1 of 7ALTMANSrul381901CarpenterLimanowskiego 29
10446List 2, Part 1 of 7ALTMANJosek561883WorkerReymonta 8
10447List 2, Part 1 of 7ALTMANMoszek231916TraderLimanowskiego 8
10448List 2, Part 1 of 7ALTMANSzaja211918ShoemakerLimanowskiego 8

Radomsko Martyrs List (2501 persons), images: www.crarg.org/radomsko-martyrs-list.php [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurname from previous columnNotesSequential #Column
10073Hershel AltmanALTMAN73Column 2
10074Hendel AltmanALTMAN74Column 2
10075And Family AltmanALTMAN75Column 2
10076Breindel AltmanALTMAN76Column 2
10077And Children AltmanALTMAN77Column 2
10089Shlomoh AltmanALTMAN89Column 2
10090Feiga AltmanALTMAN90Column 2
10091Moses AltmanALTMAN91Column 2
10092Pinkhas AltmanALTMAN92Column 2
10093Abraham AltmanALTMAN93Column 2
10094Cesia AltmanALTMAN94Column 2
10095Benimin AltmanALTMAN95Column 2
10096Ita AltmanALTMAN96Column 2

Radomsko Yizkor Book index, page 585-600: https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/Radomsko/rad585.html; images at https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/81d29030-6159-0133-c4a6-00505686a51c [H]

-Sort-Index page numberLetterGiven namesSurname(s) [r#]Page(s) in Yizkor book
10095585ALEFALTMAN245, 512
10096585ALEFEfroimALTMAN21, 45
10098585ALEFReb Yisroelke the RabbiALTMAN137
10099585ALEFLeibALTMAN21, 45

Register of Jewish Survivors I: Lists of Jews Rescued in Different European Countries (Jerusalem, 1945; 19032 records typed) [H]

-Sort-SubdocumentSublistPageSurnameGiven nameSurname from previous columnBirth year or ageBirth place or last residenceTyping notes
10037Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19451ALTMANAnka1922Lodz 
10097Jewish Women Liberated in the Bergen-Belsen Camp; submitted by the American Jewish Congress, May 19451*ALTMANJadziaBedzin 
145362. Polish Jews liberated from the Bergen-Belsen camp (List A: 29-30; List B: 30-31; List C: 30-31)List A29ALTMANLeizer1902--- 
17142List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampA96ALTMANNRuta1932Piotrkow 
17902List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampD101ALTMANChil1924Jedlinsk 
17903List of Polish Jews Liberated From Bergen-Belsen CampD101ALTMANDawid1923Dzialoszyce 
18089List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp102ALTMANHersz1907Krosniewice, Kalisze 
18090List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp102ALTMANJoel1915Radom 
18091List of Polish Jews Liberated from the Dachau Camp102ALTMANSalomon1926Chrzanow 
18966List of Polish Jewish Survivors at the Buchenwald Camp109ALTMANGustaw1916Sosnowiec 
20685List of Jews Bucarest Surviving in Poland122ALTMANNAbrahamRzeszow 

Rozprza, Identity Cards, 1940-1943 ("Rozprza ewidencja 1940"); last Jewish record is from 7 August 1942; Piotrków Tryb. Archives, Akta Gminy Rozprza, zespol 32, syg 166 (250 persons) [H]

-Sort-Given nameSurnameDate of birthPlace of birthNumberYearNotesNotes (not by researcher)
10246Margula AltmanALTMAN1893Przerab981942  

Sweden: Holocaust Survivors 1945-1946; American Jewish Archives, D56/5 (16,816 rows) [H]

-Sort-Digital file idPageSeq numberSurvivor given name(s)Survivor maiden name / other surname (previous or next column)Survivor surnameOccupationBirthdayBirth cityLast domicileSurvivor sends greetings to -- given name(s)Survivor sends greetings to -- surname(s)Greetings to--PlaceOther informationTyping notes
1121802-DSC00012.JPG8RoziaLUSZEZANOWSKA11 Jul 1910GorzkowiceSzajaALTMANNHaifa Palestine  
1213902-DSC00048.JPGManiaKRAJCBERGSchoolgirl15 Sep 1926CzestechowaHelaALTMANNScestechowa, Polen  
1230402-DSC0005310MalaSILBERSTEINDarner15 Feb 1909LodzSalaALTMANLodz Ghetto  
1508202-DSC00147.JPGEstera LolaALTMANpupil23 Mar 1926RadomMaksSITKOWSKI5 Avenue, New York  
1508302-DSC00147.JPGEstera LolaALTMANpupil23 Mar 1926RadomLeonSITKOWSKIParis  
1568003-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianiceEsteraGRUNBAUMHospital Ber?  
1568103-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianiceBeneGRUNBAUM   
1568203-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianiceBerekGRUNBAUM   
1568303-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianiceHenikGRUNBAUM   
1568403-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianiceDavidGRUNBAUM   
1568503-DSC00109.JPG113FelaGRUNBAUMALTMANN-GRUNBAUM22 Jun 1916PabianicePabianicehankaGRUNBAUMTschenstochau  
1675804-DSC00007.JPG18219EsteraGRUNBAUM24 Oct 1924PabianiceEstaALTMANm. "Ronnskar" – SchwedenGiven or surname?
1773604-DSC0006035438ZlataPRECZATKA8 Nov 1921LodzLoniaALTMANKoluschki  
1869004-DSC00113.JPG50713Mojzesz WolfOPATOWSKIButcher17 Jul 1904LodzLodzSalaALTMANLodz - Auschwitz  
2157705-DSC00113.JPG4EsteraALTMANZYGMUNTOWICZ2 Feb 1922BelchatovZygmuntowiczJacob (husband)Lodz? 
2157805-DSC00113.JPG4EsteraALTMANZYGMUNTOWICZ2 Feb 1922BelchatovZygmuntowiczAbramTel Aviv 
2157905-DSC00113.JPG4EsteraALTMANZYGMUNTOWICZ2 Feb 1922BelchatovAltmanZukenPalestine, Tel Aviv 
2158005-DSC00113.JPG4EsteraALTMANZYGMUNTOWICZ2 Feb 1922BelchatovAltmanBrandlaLodz? 
2231005-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowchildren: IdekPiotrkow?  
2231105-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowchildren: ZrulPiotrkow?  
2231205-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowhusband: BerALTMANPiotrkow?  
2231305-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowZucken.ALTMANTel Aviv  
2231405-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowLibaLICHTENSTAJNTel Aviv  
2231505-DSC00153.JPG14?195FrajdlaALTMANNFELD-ALTMANN1 Dec 1890BelchatowPiotrkowJosef LajbFELDPiotrkow?  
2400706-DSC00086.JPG43609RoziaALTMANLUSZCZANOWSKA-ALTMAN10 Jul 1910GorskowicachLodzHenrikLodz?Husband 
2400806-DSC00086.JPG43609RoziaALTMANLUSZCZANOWSKA-ALTMAN10 Jul 1910GorskowicachLodzSzajo & UszerALTMANHaifa  
2400906-DSC00086.JPG43609RoziaALTMANLUSZCZANOWSKA-ALTMAN10 Jul 1910GorskowicachLodzHermannLUSZCZANOWSKIBelgien  
2443406-DSC00110. JPG50713Mojzesz WolfOPATOWSKIbutcher17 Jul 1904LodzLodzSalaALTMANLodz-Auschwitz  

Sweden: Survivors 1 (9505 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven name(s)Surname 1Surname 2Surname 3Maiden name 1Maiden name 2Father's given nameMother's given nameSpouse's given namePlace of birthDate of birthPlace of residencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityComments
101344RuzenaALTMANOjkov30 Sep 1905Czechoslovakia 
101354SaroltaALTMANOVAVelke Kapusany20 Mar 1926Czechoslovakia 
1130922BertaSVARCALTMANNBerdejov04 May 1909Czechoslovakia 
1358760IlonaULTMANNRakoskeresztur04 Feb 1924Hungary 
1389566Estera LolaALTMANRadom03 Mar 1926Poland 
1389666EsteraALTMANZYGMUNTOWICZBelchatow02 Feb 1922Poland 
1389766FrajdlaALTMANFELDBelchatow01 Dec 1890Poland 
1389866FelaALTMANGRUENBAUMPabianice22 Jun 1916Poland 
1389966ReginaALTMANSOLOWICZSosnowiec15 May 1923Poland 
1390066RutaALTMANPiotrkov21 Jan 1932Poland 
1458077FradlaFELDALTMANNBelchatow02 Dec 1890Poland 
16028100RoziaLUSZCZANOWSKAALTMANGorkowice10 Jul 1910Poland 
17053117ReginaSOLOWICZOLTMANSosnowiec15 May 1923Poland 
17880130EsterALTMANDej22 Jan 1922Roumania 
17881130ReginaALTMANDej15 Sep 1925Roumania 

Sweden: Survivors 2 (1375 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameGiven name 2Given name 3SurnameSurname 2SexPlace of birthDate of birthResidencePlace of deathDate of deathNationalityNotes
101977JudaALTMANMBelchatow5 May 1913Poland 
101987GitlaALTMANNFTurek14 Oct 1917Poland 

Szczekociny 1939: letter of Szmul Rozenbaum to the Office for Political and Social Matters in Kielce regarding his appointment as a rabbi in Szczekociny. The petition signed by the citizens of Szczekociny on the same. Letter to the same Office regarding contributions by Szyja Cukierman in Szczekociny, 1939, syg 3387, document pages 18-21; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-PageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
100842083Herszlik AltmanALTMAN 

Szczekociny 1939: List of contribution for support of Jewish Community in Szczekociny in 1939, syg 3387, document pages 108-131 [Lista składek na utrzymanie Gminy Wyznaniowej Żydowskiej w Szczekocinach.]; images: https://www.szukajwarchiwach.gov.pl/en/jednostka/-/jednostka/14981502 [H]

-Sort-Header immediately before this listPageSerial numberPersonSurname from previous column [r#]Place of residence [Miejsce zamieszkania]Occupation [Zawód]Occupation, translated into EnglishAmount [Kwota]: ZłNotes [Uwaga]Notes (not written by translator / typist)
10332List: exempt from contributions [Wykaz: uwolnionych od składek]1224Herszlik AltmanALTMAN[Szczekociny]     

Szczekociny: List of Jewish victims in Szczekociny, Poland, 1940; Yad Vashem; (188 persons); images: www.crarg.org/jewish-victims-in-szczekociny-1940.php [H]

-Sort-DetailsImageNumbering [L.p.]PersonSurname from previous columnTown [Miejscowosc]Number of persons [Ilosc osob]Number of Kg [Ilosc Kg]Comments [Uwagi]; top of each column: Potatoes [Kartofle]Note regarding unitsNotes (not written by typist)
10128Appears to be list of residents, rather than victims; but one list could be the same as the other1052.pdf / 1053.pdf124Altman HerszelALTMANSzczekociny461/4 mtrUnit is meters (metra); likely equals 100 kilograms of potatoes 

Szczekociny Yizkor book: Israel Shwaicer, Pinkas Shts'kots', 1959; translation at https://www.jewishgen.org/Yizkor/Szczekociny/Szczekociny.html; no images at https://libguides.nypl.org/yizkorbooks [H]

-Sort-DetailsNumber of pageLetter of Hebrew alphabet or serial numberPersonSurname(s) from previous columnPerson, with names converted to Polish spellingSurname(s) from previous columnFamily informationMore informationNotes
10539Those who managed to come and live in Israel2754Altman ShoshanaALTMANAltman SzoszanaALTMAN64 Aliya St., Tel Aviv 

USSR: "List of Polish Jewish Refugees Now in USSR, 1945," American Jewish Archives, H277/7 (2582 persons) [H]

-Sort-ImagePage numberGiven name(s)Surname(s)AgeOccupationFather's nameFamily groupLast residence in PolandLast address in the USSROther information
1000414/DSC00136.JPG1Mordechaj-HillelALTMANSzyjeLodzBuchara Tolstowo 57 

Vilna [Vilnius, Lithuania]: Polish Jewish refugees receiving Joint Distribution Committee aid, in Vilna, Lithuania, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Page numberNumberNameSurname from previous columnBirth placeBirth yearComes from[X = handwritten mark added after "Comes from" town]Stamp at bottom of page (if any)Notes (not by typist)
10041[1]41Szaja AltmanALTMANWilno1917RadomXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 
10042[1]42Gutel AltmanALTMANGłuchaczόw1918RadomXStamp at bottom of page: 1 Mar 1940 

Warsaw: "Listing of the Surviving Warsaw Jews in the US Zone in Germany," Centrale fun di Warszewer Landsmanszaftn in der US Zone in Dajczland, 1948 (5859 persons) [H]

-Sort-PageGiven nameMaiden nameSurnameBirth dateResidence in Warsaw until 1 Sep 1939Father's given nameMother's given nameMother's maiden nameCurrent addressComments
100832AbramALTMAN1905Browarna 14Deggendorf 
100862HerszALTMAN30 Aug 1915SzulimHendlaZYLBERMINCZiegenheim 
100872ChanaEHRLICHMANALTMAN3 Jan 1922Ziegenheim 
100882IzaakALTMAN17 Sep 1944Ziegenheim 
100892IzraelALTMAN15 May 1915Leszno 57MorkaRozaKERNERFeldafing 
100902RozaHUTMACHERALTMAN3 Jun 1922AbramSzejwaFIEJSZERFeldafing 
100912KsilALTMAN7 Jun 1910Smocza 39Hofgeismar 
100922ChajaALTMAN7 Aug 1938Hofgeismar 
100932DobaALTMAN7 Jul 1910Hofgeismar 
100942SimonALTMAN1920Stawki 77MendelRuchlaJUNKIEWICZLichtenau 
1128623MinaFRAJSZTERN9 May 1945ChilChanaALTMANWasseralfingen 
1130823FeliksFREUDSTERN22 Jun 1910MendelMindlaALTMANWasseralfingen 
1195834RomanGUTKIND15 May 1899Sienna 72LeiserSuraALTMANWasseralfingen 

Warsaw: "Surviving Jews in Warsaw as of June 5th, 1945," World Jewish Archives (2523 persons) [H]

-Sort-Page numberGiven nameSurnameYear of birthAddress in 1939Present address in WarsawComments
100451AbramALTMAN1922Warsaw, Ciepla 26Jagiellonska 27-7 
100461BorysALTMAN1914JanowJagiellonska 32 

Wieluń Yizkor book: Sefer zikaron li-ḳehilat Veyelun, 1971, pages 407-487 [H]

-Sort-Page [r#]Information on pageSurname (or maiden name) copied from previous columnNotes by transliterator / translatorNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10198418Wieluń community   
10199418To our loved ones who perished in the Holocaust:   
10201418Lejzer BerkowitzBERKOWITZ  
10202418Olga BerkowitzBERKOWITZ  
10203418Celina Altman (née Berkowitz)ALTMAN (NÉE BERKOWITZ)  
10204418Leon (Lolek) BerkowitzBERKOWITZ  
10205418Bertha, Frida and Max SchultzSCHULTZ  
10206418The Szaja Berkowitz familyBERKOWITZ  
10207418The Bar Berkowitz familyBERKOWITZ  
10208418The Szmuel and Belwina Stejer familySTEJER  
10209418The Dr. Miczeslaw and Bronia Weltman familyWELTMAN  
10210418The Arnold and Toszka Szerecky familySZERECKY  

Żarki: court cases, files for 1942 [but other years included as well], syg 364, pp 271-332 [H]

-Sort-Details regarding region of pagesPage numberOrder numberDateFirst and last name of the person guardingSurname from previous columnFor whom is guardingSurname from previous columnHow long?CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10319Pages 223-334 [mis-numbered as 234]: Control of those arrested, jailed; Community Authority in Żarki, 6 Dec 1938 to [in pencil) 1 Jan 1940, From No. 1/38 to No. [blank]325 [mis-numbered as 225][blank]2 / 3 Jul 1940Herszlik AltmanALTMANFor himself     

Żarki List/Book of Permanent Residents (Spis Ludności Żarki), 1900-1924, syg 227, syg 228, syg 229 (4108 persons); sample images: www.crarg.org/zarki-permanent-residents-1900-1924.php [H]

-Sort-NotesBook sygnPage of bookFamily comments (not written by researcher)Surname [r#]Corrected surname (not by researcher; based on Zarki BMD)Given nameYear of birthComments (by researcher)Other comments (not by researcher)
13814Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)1215ALTMANBerek93Beginning of typing part 6b
13815Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)1220/21Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANDwojra93  
13816Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANAbram   
13817Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANBajla   
13818Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANJdel   
13819Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANPesla   
13820Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANSara   
13821Letters A-E have no years of birth; Czestochowa Arch, vol I (syg 227), II (missing), III (missing), IV (syg 228) V (syg 229)Listed with family of person shown on line aboveALTMANEstera   

Żarki: lists of persons obliged to pay levy 1940-1941, syg 304 [H]

-Sort-Header before this listPage numberOrder numberSurname [r#]Given name(s)Name of father or year [of birth], if includedResidenceOccupationQuota / established income for the tax year 1939CommentsNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10374[pages 114-119:] Income tax payers in Zarki district required to pay a contribution for tax year 1939 and income liable[?] for income tax in tax year 194011783/83AltmanHerszlikŻarki Rynek 27200024 zł.; [illegible]  
10711[pages 120-139 and 140-156:] Schedule, various places [perhaps of residence] [no further details in header]143[none]AltmanAbramHerszlikMyszkowska 16728 [illegible] 1345  
10712[pages 120-139 and 140-156:] Schedule, various places [perhaps of residence] [no further details in header]143[none]AltmanBajla żona [wife]JoelMyszkowska 16729 żona [wife]  
11251[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940170[none]AltmanBojba?HerszlikKościelna 115719 [illegible] 696  
11252[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940170[none]AltmanGitla (żona) [wife]WolfKościelna 115720 żona [wife]  
11253[pages 157-199:] Persons over 18 years of age required to pay a levy in 1940170[none]AltmanChaja-EsteraBojba?Kościelna 115721 [illegible] 697  

Żarki: Persons who perished in the Holocaust; source: Yad Vashem (329 persons), images: www.crarg.org/zarki-perished-in-the-holocaust.php [H]

-Sort-Image file nameConsecutive number in documentPersonSurname from previous column [#]Date of birth (or age)Polish textPolish text, translatedTypist notes
10001703.pdf1Manuela AltmanALTMANborn 12 May 1902zamordowana w getcie w Czestochowie 31 Dec 1943she was butchered in the Czestochowa Ghetto on 31 Dec 1943 
10002703.pdf2Ruchla AltmanALTMANborn 2 Sep 1904zamordowana w Blachowni 9 Oct 1942she was butchered in Blachownia on 9 Oct 1942 

Żarki: various municipal files, syg 356: pages 129-136, list of building property owners, 1940 [H]

-Sort-Information on pages 129, 130 (before list of property owners)Order numberPersonSurname from previous columnWhere livingWhere property is situatedInformation in right columnNotes by translator / typistNotes (not written by translator / typist)
10108Request for 158 building property owners (who pay taxes/charges on buildings) to complete and submit forms103Berek Lejbus Lewi, Guta Gertner & Herszlik AltmanLEWI, GERTNER, ALTMANKoziegłowska 9    

Zawiercie BMD 1943 deaths [H]

-Sort-AktGiven name(s)SurnameBirthDeathNotes (not written by researcher)
1000191?Zysla SaraALTMAN22 Feb 187211 Apr 1943See jpg image of this index page

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, III. Miscellaneous. List of Persons Actually in Zbąszyń according to [listed by] their Places of Birth in Poland; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberTownDistrictVoivodshipNumber [on page]PersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationName and birth year of wifeNames and birth years of childrenLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńRemarksNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10551List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[36]RzeszowRzeszowLwow1.Loachim AltmanALTMAN1919Rzeszowmechanic[blank][blank]Leipzig11. Reytana 5   

Zbąszyń, Poland: refugees 1938-1939, List of Refugees who have relatives in America; numbered 187-598; unnumbered pages [H]

-Sort-Additional informaitonPage numberNumberPersonSurname from previous columnBorn onBorn atOccupationLast address in GermanyPresent address in ZbąszyńAddress of relativeSurname from previous columnDegree of relationNotes by typistNotes (not by typist)
10364List of Polish Jews expelled by the Nazi government into this Polish border town, receiving assistance from the JDC in 1938-1939[17]533Manes FriedmanFRIEDMAN8 Jul 1888StrzyzowrabbiNurnberg17 Stycznia 17I. Altman, 715 1/4 W. 14 Str., Los AngelesALTMANuncle